🔗 00:14
All_Mankind: so my stepbrother died, like i've been expecting for the last twenty years
🔗 00:16
All_Mankind: amazing how long it can take to kill yourself with drugs
🔗 00:18
Okipokute: cameron's handhelds? wat?
🔗 00:19
Okipokute: or is it "actually bloodborne lol"
🔗 00:19
All_Mankind: i guess he's taking over for Heather
🔗 00:20
Okipokute: adam's stream on sat/sun sure looks impressive on the schedule
🔗 00:20
qrpth: !next Europe/Snorsh
🔗 00:20
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 09:59 PM SnST (11:39 from now)
🔗 00:21
Okipokute: i wonder if he'll actually last 24 hr
🔗 00:24
All_Mankind: he's done more than that before
🔗 00:55
napsterthegrey: !next
🔗 00:55
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (11:04 from now)
🔗 02:41
LadyRhian: !next
🔗 02:41
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (9:18 from now)
🔗 03:01
QWERTYguy2020: \next
🔗 03:01
adi_pie: !nextfan
🔗 03:01
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: Ranneko's Daily Challenge Challenge (twitch.tv/ranneko​) at Tue 04:30 AM PDT (1:28 from now), Senstaku's Bloodbath Bonanza w/ ShadowChorus (twitch.tv/senstaku​) at Tue 05:00 AM PDT (1:58 from now)
🔗 03:01
QWERTYguy2020: !next1
🔗 03:01
QWERTYguy2020: !next
🔗 03:01
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (8:58 from now)
🔗 03:31
QWERTYguy2020: !nextfan
🔗 03:31
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: Ranneko's Daily Challenge Challenge (twitch.tv/ranneko​) at Tue 04:30 AM PDT (58m from now), Senstaku's Bloodbath Bonanza w/ ShadowChorus (twitch.tv/senstaku​) at Tue 05:00 AM PDT (1:28 from now)
🔗 03:42
qrpth: !rerollcount
🔗 03:42
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 03:42
qrpth: !totalreroll
🔗 03:42
LRRbot: 0 total rerolls
🔗 03:43
qrpth: !show override swiftlycam
🔗 03:43
LRRbot: Currently live: A Swiftly Tilting Cameron (overridden)
🔗 03:43
qrpth: !game override Bloodborne
🔗 03:43
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Bloodborne
🔗 03:43
qrpth: !reroll
🔗 03:43
LRRbot: 1 reroll for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 03:44
qrpth: !game override off
🔗 03:44
LRRbot: Override disabled. Not currently playing any game
🔗 03:44
qrpth: !show override off
🔗 03:44
LRRbot: Current show not set.
🔗 03:50
qrpth: !explain stats
🔗 03:50
LRRbot: Death = the streamer dies in game. PardonFuck = Something bizarre that happens in the game. Scream = The streamer screams. Diamond = The streamer finds something extremely rare. Tilt = The streamer gets very upset/angry at the game (especially to the point of nearly giving up on the game). Flunge = The streamer attacks recklessly without forethought. Reroll = The streamer purges old mistakes and starts anew.
🔗 03:55
qrpth: !show override swiftlycam
🔗 03:55
LRRbot: Currently live: A Swiftly Tilting Cameron (overridden)
🔗 03:55
qrpth: !game override Bloodborne
🔗 03:55
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Bloodborne
🔗 03:55
qrpth: !reroll
🔗 03:55
LRRbot: 2 rerolls for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 03:55
qrpth: !show override off
🔗 03:55
LRRbot: Current show not set.
🔗 03:55
qrpth: !game override off
🔗 03:55
LRRbot: Override disabled. Not currently playing any game
🔗 04:06
QWERTYguy2020: what kind of madness is this?
🔗 04:07
qrpth: Don't even worry about it.
🔗 04:07
qrpth: It's fine, everything is fine.
🔗 04:07
QWERTYguy2020: i dont even know where that comes from
🔗 04:08
QWERTYguy2020: please tell me
🔗 04:08
🔗 04:11
QWERTYguy2020: good one :D
🔗 04:12
qrpth: !next Europe/Snorsh
🔗 04:12
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 09:59 PM SnST (7:47 from now)
🔗 04:13
LambMower: Wait
🔗 04:13
LambMower: What?
🔗 04:13
LambMower: OH Right
🔗 04:13
LambMower: Heather is at a con
🔗 04:15
Ranneko: I guess Cam will be playing more bloodborn
🔗 04:15
LambMower: Probably
🔗 04:15
QWERTYguy2020: welp
🔗 04:15
QWERTYguy2020: they cant speak dutch
🔗 04:16
Ranneko: Ah well, at least my parents have headed off now so I can go back to my regular streaming for this week
🔗 04:16
QWERTYguy2020: google translate has better ponounciation XD
🔗 04:16
LambMower: Ranneko, woo!
🔗 04:16
🔗 04:16
LambMower: This should be a fun week for my channel, new gear hype and all that
🔗 04:17
Ranneko: Yeah that will be sweet
🔗 04:18
LambMower: Hah, UPS just called me
🔗 04:18
LambMower: Package on route
🔗 04:18
LambMower: They'll be here within the hour
🔗 04:19
QWERTYguy2020: my package wil never arive :(
🔗 04:19
Nightvalien28: can't wait to see your face in HD lamb
🔗 04:20
QWERTYguy2020: what is survivor tv?
🔗 04:22
MrPhlip: !advice
🔗 04:22
LRRbot: Don't call Santa "gentle guy".
🔗 04:22
MrPhlip: !quote
🔗 04:22
LRRbot: Quote #241: "Why do you want to get into some guy? I did not know it was that kind of game." —James [2015-05-05]
🔗 04:22
Ranneko: qwertyguy2020: lambmower's streaming channel, plus multiplayer shenanigans
🔗 04:22
qrpth: !explain stats
🔗 04:22
LRRbot: Death = the streamer dies in game. PardonFuck = Something bizarre that happens in the game. Scream = The streamer screams. Diamond = The streamer finds something extremely rare. Tilt = The streamer gets very upset/angry at the game (especially to the point of nearly giving up on the game). Flunge = The streamer attacks recklessly without forethought. Reroll = The streamer purges old mistakes and starts anew.
🔗 04:23
MrPhlip: !addquote (Phlip) [now] Totally just trying to test everything
🔗 04:23
LRRbot: New quote #271: "Totally just trying to test everything" —Phlip [2015-05-12]
🔗 04:23
MrPhlip: !quote 271
🔗 04:23
LRRbot: Quote #271: "Totally just trying to test everything" —Phlip [2015-05-12]
🔗 04:23
MrPhlip: !modquote 271 (Phlip) [yesterday] still testing
🔗 04:23
LRRbot: Modified quote #271: "still testing" —Phlip [2015-05-11]
🔗 04:23
MrPhlip: !delquote 271
🔗 04:23
LRRbot: Marked quote #271 as deleted.
🔗 04:23
MrPhlip: good times
🔗 04:23
Ranneko: !nextfan
🔗 04:23
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: Ranneko's Daily Challenge Challenge (twitch.tv/ranneko​) at Tue 04:30 AM PDT (6m from now), Senstaku's Bloodbath Bonanza w/ ShadowChorus (twitch.tv/senstaku​) at Tue 05:00 AM PDT (36m from now)
🔗 04:24
QWERTYguy2020: HYPE!!!
🔗 04:24
QWERTYguy2020: 6 m inutes
🔗 04:24
QWERTYguy2020: countdown
🔗 04:26
qrpth: !quote
🔗 04:26
LRRbot: Quote #4: "I bathe my hands in milk every morning." —Graham [2015-01-16]
🔗 04:26
qrpth: !quote alex
🔗 04:26
LRRbot: Quote #192: "Wow, I just started speaking in tongues there, didn't I?" —Alex [2015-05-01]
🔗 04:26
QWERTYguy2020: !quote shell
🔗 04:26
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
🔗 04:32
qrpth: !show override swiftlycam
🔗 04:32
LRRbot: Currently live: A Swiftly Tilting Cameron (overridden)
🔗 04:32
qrpth: !game override off
🔗 04:32
LRRbot: Override disabled. Not currently playing any game
🔗 04:33
qrpth: !game override Bloodborne
🔗 04:33
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Bloodborne
🔗 04:33
qrpth: !reroll
🔗 04:33
LRRbot: 3 rerolls for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 04:33
qrpth: !game override off
🔗 04:33
LRRbot: Override disabled. Not currently playing any game
🔗 04:33
qrpth: !show override off
🔗 04:33
LRRbot: Current show not set.
🔗 04:33
QWERTYguy2020 is worrying what the f*** is happening
🔗 04:34
QWERTYguy2020 never learned proper english
🔗 04:34
QWERTYguy2020 probably
🔗 04:34
qrpth: As of today LRRbot is counting rerolls.
🔗 04:35
qrpth: And I can't count to three.
🔗 04:36
QWERTYguy2020: !reroll
🔗 04:36
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 04:47
AdmiralMemo: Welp, I'm 33 years old today.
🔗 04:48
QWERTYguy2020: half of it was wasted on the interwebs :P
🔗 04:50
AdmiralMemo: Bit more than half spent, and "wasted"? ... Eh...
🔗 04:52
Hrafnsvaengr: !next
🔗 04:52
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (7:07 from now)
🔗 04:53
QWERTYguy2020: there is this song....
🔗 04:53
QWERTYguy2020: its called: in a hundred years where all dead anyway
🔗 04:54
QWERTYguy2020: so your internet comment will be worth less than than the bronse statue you COULD have made
🔗 04:54
🔗 04:54
QWERTYguy2020: not that one
🔗 04:54
AdmiralMemo: But are the relationships I've made on it worth less? That's the real question.
🔗 04:55
QWERTYguy2020 shrugs
🔗 04:55
🔗 04:55
QWERTYguy2020: go learn dutch
🔗 04:55
AdmiralMemo: No. If I'm learning a new language, it'll be French, or brushing up on my Spanish, which has atrophied.
🔗 04:56
QWERTYguy2020: everybody is happy with the french
🔗 04:59
qrpth: !totalreroll
🔗 04:59
LRRbot: 3 total rerolls
🔗 04:59
LambMower: shouldn't that be paves?
🔗 04:59
QWERTYguy2020: !reroll
🔗 04:59
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 04:59
QWERTYguy2020: wheres my show?
🔗 04:59
LambMower: pave is the word we generally use
🔗 04:59
QWERTYguy2020: I want entertainment
🔗 05:00
LambMower: !nextfan
🔗 05:00
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: Ranneko's Daily Challenge Challenge (twitch.tv/ranneko​) at Tue 04:30 AM PDT (30m ago), Senstaku's Bloodbath Bonanza w/ ShadowChorus (twitch.tv/senstaku​) at Tue 05:00 AM PDT (7s ago)
🔗 05:00
LambMower: Go there
🔗 05:00
AdmiralMemo: Dang... How many paves happened on XCom to be added?
🔗 05:00
LambMower: The paves alone in the 12h XCOM stream
🔗 05:01
qrpth: !totalpave
🔗 05:01
LRRbot: 3 total paves
🔗 05:02
QWERTYguy2020: !pave
🔗 05:02
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 05:02
qrpth: Does anyone have a emote in mind like the others have?
🔗 05:02
LambMower: Exploding cow?
🔗 05:03
qrpth: It's 'lrrCOW', right?
🔗 05:03
LambMower: lrrCOW
🔗 05:03
LambMower: Yes
🔗 05:04
qrpth: !game override This Is A Game
🔗 05:04
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: This Is A Game
🔗 05:04
qrpth: !pave
🔗 05:04
LRRbot: lrrCOW 1 pave for This Is A Game on Unknown
🔗 05:04
qrpth: !game override off
🔗 05:04
LRRbot: Override disabled. Not currently playing any game
🔗 05:15
qrpth: !show override switftlycam
🔗 05:15
LRRbot: Recognised shows: beej, bookpasswords, checkpoint, crossing, desertbus, gamehaus, gplp, heather, iddqderp, ihorner, kathleen, lrrmtg, nope, stark, swiftlycam, things, videojames, watchplay
🔗 05:16
qrpth: !show override swiftlycam
🔗 05:16
LRRbot: Currently live: A Swiftly Tilting Cameron (overridden)
🔗 05:16
qrpth: !game override XCOM: Enemy Within
🔗 05:16
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: XCOM: Enemy Within
🔗 05:16
qrpth: !pave add 73
🔗 05:16
LRRbot: 73 paves for XCOM: Enemy Within on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 05:17
qrpth: !game override off
🔗 05:17
LRRbot: Override disabled. Not currently playing any game
🔗 05:17
qrpth: !show override off
🔗 05:17
LRRbot: Current show not set.
🔗 05:17
qrpth: 73 as in 95 - 21 + 1
🔗 05:18
qrpth: 73 = 95 - 21 - 1
🔗 05:18
qrpth: I can math sometimes.
🔗 05:18
AdmiralMemo: TIL: Adam played Air Control at one point
🔗 05:18
qrpth: Accidentally, I've heard.
🔗 05:19
AdmiralMemo: qrpth, Feature request, if you're interested...
🔗 05:20
AdmiralMemo: I know there's a way to filter by show on the Stats page... Maybe a way to sort by show? So we still can see all the stats for everything, but sorted by show?
🔗 05:21
AdmiralMemo: Also, has Cam paved during his Civ 5 runs?
🔗 05:21
qrpth: Probably.
🔗 05:22
AdmiralMemo: Just thinking of other games that might've been paved
🔗 05:24
AdmiralMemo: qrpth, Just noticed some stats on "Gaming Talk Shows" under GPLP... 2 deaths and 1 pardonfuck...
🔗 05:24
AdmiralMemo: And a scream
🔗 05:24
AdmiralMemo: And 7 !game goods
🔗 05:25
qrpth: I have no idea what to do with it as I don't watch GPLP.
🔗 05:25
AdmiralMemo: Ah. It's probably old from when they were on Monday...
🔗 05:25
AdmiralMemo: And someone didn't change the game, but did change the show
🔗 05:26
AdmiralMemo: qrpth, I was pretty sure that someone could do a DB search of when the stats were input.
🔗 05:26
AdmiralMemo: qrpth, Maybe that was Phlip?
🔗 05:27
Meltalar: wait, wait memo is here... i thought, i`m the only crazy guy...
🔗 05:27
qrpth: The show changes when the overlay changes.
🔗 05:27
AdmiralMemo: qrpth, NOW it does, but it didn't used to, right?
🔗 05:27
MrPhlip: not a db search... I just search my chat logs
🔗 05:28
AdmiralMemo: MrPhlip, Ah.
🔗 05:28
MrPhlip: like, if I search through chat logs for "1 death for Gaming Talk Shows on GPLP" chances are I'll figure out what happened
🔗 05:28
AdmiralMemo: MrPhlip, Oh. cool. Could you do that and find out which game it should be merged into?
🔗 05:29
MrPhlip: 15 July 2014
🔗 05:29
MrPhlip: Survey says... Oni?
🔗 05:29
MrPhlip: except it was Things on my Stream that day
🔗 05:30
MrPhlip: (also, it'd be 14 July in the states, that's my local time)
🔗 05:30
qrpth: I googled "Gaming Talk Shows on GPLP" and it came up with a stream titled "GPLP || Someshoot Uberdrone".
🔗 05:30
MrPhlip: (also, I guess it'd be July 14 in the states)
🔗 05:30
MrPhlip: oh
🔗 05:30
MrPhlip: wait
🔗 05:30
MrPhlip: that one got caught quickly
🔗 05:30
MrPhlip: set back to 0
🔗 05:30
MrPhlip: by Memo
🔗 05:30
MrPhlip: lemme keep searching
🔗 05:31
AdmiralMemo: Sunset Overdrive, but it wasn't that recent if it was on July 14
🔗 05:32
MrPhlip: 12 March
🔗 05:32
MrPhlip: and yes, it's Sunset Overdrive
🔗 05:33
MrPhlip: Looks like it was never actually added in to the real stats once the game was fixed
🔗 05:33
AdmiralMemo: So just merge those stats in?
🔗 05:33
MrPhlip: !show override GPLP
🔗 05:33
LRRbot: Currently live: GPLP (overridden)
🔗 05:34
MrPhlip: !game override Sunset Overdrive
🔗 05:34
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Sunset Overdrive
🔗 05:34
MrPhlip: !death add 2
🔗 05:34
LRRbot: 79 deaths for Sunset Overdrive on GPLP
🔗 05:34
MrPhlip: !game override Gaming Talk Shows
🔗 05:34
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Gaming Talk Shows
🔗 05:34
MrPhlip: !death remove 2
🔗 05:34
LRRbot: 0 deaths for Gaming Talk Shows on GPLP
🔗 05:34
MrPhlip: !game override off
🔗 05:34
LRRbot: Override disabled. Not currently playing any game
🔗 05:34
MrPhlip: !show override off
🔗 05:34
LRRbot: Current show not set.
🔗 05:34
AdmiralMemo: !show override GPLP
🔗 05:34
LRRbot: Currently live: GPLP (overridden)
🔗 05:35
AdmiralMemo: !game override Sunset Overdrive
🔗 05:35
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Sunset Overdrive
🔗 05:35
AdmiralMemo: !pardonfuck add
🔗 05:35
LRRbot: 23 pardons-fuck for Sunset Overdrive on GPLP
🔗 05:35
AdmiralMemo: !scream add
🔗 05:35
LRRbot: 1 scream for Sunset Overdrive on GPLP
🔗 05:35
AdmiralMemo: !show override Gaming Talk shows
🔗 05:35
LRRbot: Recognised shows: beej, bookpasswords, checkpoint, crossing, desertbus, gamehaus, gplp, heather, iddqderp, ihorner, kathleen, lrrmtg, nope, stark, swiftlycam, things, videojames, watchplay
🔗 05:35
AdmiralMemo: !game override Gaming Talk shows
🔗 05:35
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Gaming Talk shows
🔗 05:35
MrPhlip: Memo, Just wanted to say I appreciate you keeping on top of all these spurious game entries... I try to look through them myself from time to time, but I often forget and usually miss a couple...
🔗 05:36
AdmiralMemo: !game override Gaming Talk Shows
🔗 05:36
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Gaming Talk Shows
🔗 05:36
AdmiralMemo: !scream remove
🔗 05:36
LRRbot: 0 screams for Gaming Talk Shows on GPLP
🔗 05:36
AdmiralMemo: !pardonfuck remove
🔗 05:36
LRRbot: 0 pardons-fuck for Gaming Talk Shows on GPLP
🔗 05:36
AdmiralMemo: !show override off
🔗 05:36
LRRbot: Current show not set.
🔗 05:36
AdmiralMemo: !game override off.
🔗 05:36
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: off.
🔗 05:36
AdmiralMemo: !game override off
🔗 05:36
LRRbot: Override disabled. Not currently playing any game
🔗 05:37
AdmiralMemo: MrPhlip: No problem. I just have a natural attention to detail.
🔗 05:37
AdmiralMemo: Also, I go on the LRRbot site enough that it's one of the "Frequent 8 sites" that appears on the new tab page of my Google Chrome
🔗 05:37
MrPhlip: I'm actually considering adding another mod page to the lrrbot website that'll let us mark game entries as "real"... so we should be able to more quickly look at all the new ones and flag ones that shouldn't be there
🔗 05:38
AdmiralMemo: That might be helpful. :-)
🔗 05:38
AdmiralMemo: But what defines "Real"?
🔗 05:39
MrPhlip: just that a mod has looked at it and said "yes, this is a real game entry that should exist, and not a mistake"
🔗 05:39
AdmiralMemo: I mean, "Windows 8.1" "Windows Notepad" and "Technical Difficulties" aren't actually games, but we purposely made them. :-)
🔗 05:39
MrPhlip: basically the idea is you'd go to the page, see a list of all the games that are new, and flag them as either "real" or "should be deleted"
🔗 05:39
AdmiralMemo: Oh OK. :-)
🔗 05:39
MrPhlip: "real" might not be the right word
🔗 05:39
MrPhlip: "verified" maybe
🔗 05:39
AdmiralMemo: Verified is good
🔗 05:40
MrPhlip: basically the idea being you'd only need to look at the new entries, not scroll through the whole list looking for problems
🔗 05:40
AdmiralMemo: OK, there are 1001 screams on "Star Control II"... I think Hosk or someone was having fun and forgot to reset that.
🔗 05:41
MrPhlip: I'm still edgy about adding the ability to actually *delete* the games via the website, at least unless I figure out a way to make a good undelete option... but it would also give a way to flag things that need to be deleted so that qrpth or I could go in and remove it, without having to post on the forums or github issues list or whatever
🔗 05:42
AdmiralMemo: Yeah, flagging is good. Deleting is not.
🔗 05:42
AdmiralMemo: MrPhlip, Can you check that Screams stat out?
🔗 05:42
MrPhlip: I'm looking into it
🔗 05:43
MrPhlip: Hosk did do a "!scream add 1000", but anubis also said "you beat me to it" so I presume it was a joke that made sense in context... I'm loading up the stream to check
🔗 05:43
AdmiralMemo: It was probably "1000 screams" in-game or something
🔗 05:44
MrPhlip: yeah
🔗 05:46
MrPhlip: "You arrived just in time for the festival of a thousand screams"
🔗 05:46
AdmiralMemo: Ah...
🔗 05:47
🔗 05:50
MrPhlip: I'm not opposed to removing those 1000 screams, but I'm told I'm humourless and remove everything from lrrbot that causes joy to children, so... Kappa
🔗 05:53
AdmiralMemo: MrPhlip: I feel the joke is over.
🔗 05:54
AdmiralMemo: MrPhlip, Also, you're not humorless. You just have a different sense of humor than most. :-)
🔗 05:54
MrPhlip: anyways, I probably should've been in bed, like, an hour ago, so I'll catch you later
🔗 05:54
AdmiralMemo: Night
🔗 06:11
qrpth: !quote
🔗 06:11
LRRbot: Quote #34: "Our cats still staunchly refuse to get jobs." —Graham [2015-02-27]
🔗 06:11
AdmiralMemo: Oh cool
🔗 06:12
qrpth: !explain stats
🔗 06:12
LRRbot: Death = the streamer dies in game. PardonFuck = Something bizarre that happens in the game. Scream = The streamer screams. Diamond = The streamer finds something extremely rare. Tilt = The streamer gets very upset/angry at the game (especially to the point of nearly giving up on the game). Flunge = The streamer attacks recklessly without forethought. Pave = The streamer purges old mistakes and starts anew.
🔗 06:12
AdmiralMemo: !findquote beep
🔗 06:13
AdmiralMemo: Oh that's not implemented yet, I guess
🔗 06:13
qrpth: LRRbot has an older snapshot of Pump19 quote code.
🔗 06:13
AdmiralMemo: Ah
🔗 06:14
AdmiralMemo: Same DB request or copy of the DB?
🔗 06:14
AdmiralMemo: !quote 269
🔗 06:14
LRRbot: Quote #269: "I cannot violence at the moment." —Graham [2015-05-11]
🔗 06:14
qrpth: It should be the same database.
🔗 06:14
AdmiralMemo: Well if it's a copy, it's recent. :-)
🔗 06:15
AdmiralMemo: Cool
🔗 06:15
AdmiralMemo: !quote 264
🔗 06:15
LRRbot: Quote #264: "Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!" —Construction Equipment
🔗 06:15
AdmiralMemo: !quote 263
🔗 06:15
LRRbot: Quote #263: "I want to blue-shell people in real life. Grrrrr..." —Kathleen [2015-05-11]
🔗 06:15
AdmiralMemo: OK, so the timer is shorter in LRRbot
🔗 06:16
AdmiralMemo checks page
🔗 06:16
AdmiralMemo: OK, so there's actually no timer on !quote apparently
🔗 06:16
qrpth: There should be.
🔗 06:17
AdmiralMemo: Well, there's none on !quote ID or !quote [ATTRIB] at least
🔗 06:17
AdmiralMemo: I don't actually see a plain !quote in the command page
🔗 06:17
qrpth: The decorators are in the wrong order.
🔗 06:19
qrpth: Fixed.
🔗 06:20
AdmiralMemo: Do Mods override the timers?
🔗 06:20
AdmiralMemo: !quote 263
🔗 06:20
LRRbot: Quote #263: "I want to blue-shell people in real life. Grrrrr..." —Kathleen [2015-05-11]
🔗 06:20
AdmiralMemo: !quote 264
🔗 06:20
AdmiralMemo: Apparently not. :-)
🔗 06:20
AdmiralMemo: Cool.
🔗 06:20
AdmiralMemo: !quote
🔗 06:20
LRRbot: Quote #113: "If he wanted to, he could just, like, concentrate for five minutes and have a better beard than me." —Graham, about Paul [2015-04-08]
🔗 06:20
qrpth: The timeout is 15 seconds.
🔗 06:21
AdmiralMemo: Right. I was just wondering if we had power or not over the peons. :-P
🔗 06:21
qrpth: Then some deaths would be counted twice.
🔗 06:21
AdmiralMemo: Oh fair. :-)
🔗 06:22
AdmiralMemo: I still want to see LRR set up a Last.FM account so that !music could be automatically pulled.
🔗 06:23
AdmiralMemo: When they do have music, they're 99% using Rdio, which can scrobble directly
🔗 06:24
AdmiralMemo: And when James plays non-Rdio music, it's through a player, which usually has plugins available.
🔗 06:25
AdmiralMemo: Alright, I'm out. I'm going to take a shower and then work on Minecraft again.
🔗 07:00
SoSo_Tsundere: !nextfan
🔗 07:00
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: Senstaku's Bloodbath Bonanza w/ ShadowChorus (twitch.tv/senstaku​) at Tue 05:00 AM PDT (2:00 ago), MasterCheese Stream (www.twitch.tv/mastercheese​) at Tue 08:30 AM PDT (1:29 from now)
🔗 07:13
RebelliousUno: Sil3nc3
🔗 07:13
RebelliousUno: !next
🔗 07:13
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (4:46 from now)
🔗 07:13
RebelliousUno: !nextfan
🔗 07:13
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: Senstaku's Bloodbath Bonanza w/ ShadowChorus (twitch.tv/senstaku​) at Tue 05:00 AM PDT (2:13 ago), MasterCheese Stream (www.twitch.tv/mastercheese​) at Tue 08:30 AM PDT (1:16 from now)
🔗 07:14
RebelliousUno: !live
🔗 07:14
LRRbot: A list of currently live fanstreams can be found here http://legbot.ufokraana.ee/live
🔗 07:19
qrpth: !russell
🔗 07:19
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 07:19
qrpth: Huh.
🔗 07:21
TXC2: !next
🔗 07:21
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (4:38 from now)
🔗 07:41
Hippitybobbity: !next
🔗 07:41
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (4:18 from now)
🔗 08:11
AdmiralMemo: dialMforMara, Hey you there?
🔗 08:33
JohnLockeCole4: !nextfan
🔗 08:33
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: MasterCheese Stream (www.twitch.tv/mastercheese​) at Tue 08:30 AM PDT (3m ago)
🔗 08:33
JohnLockeCole4: !next
🔗 08:33
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (3:26 from now)
🔗 08:33
JohnLockeCole4: !live
🔗 08:33
LRRbot: A list of currently live fanstreams can be found here http://legbot.ufokraana.ee/live
🔗 08:45
MrJWhit: !next
🔗 08:45
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (3:14 from now)
🔗 08:54
adi_pie: !nextfan
🔗 08:54
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: MasterCheese Stream (www.twitch.tv/mastercheese​) at Tue 08:30 AM PDT (24m ago)
🔗 09:15
Zyme86: !nextfan
🔗 09:15
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: MasterCheese Stream (www.twitch.tv/mastercheese​) at Tue 08:30 AM PDT (45m ago)
🔗 09:26
TwistedPear: !codefall
🔗 09:26
LRRbot: If you want to post game codes into chat, we welcome them. We would, however, suggest that you replace key points in the code with #s to avoid codebot snipers (and let us know what they should be). Another option would be to enter them into the Pump19 bot: http://pump19.eu/codefall Good luck and prepare for CodeFall!
🔗 09:26
TwistedPear: ok, so that hasn't changed yet
🔗 09:28
AdmiralMemo: Anyone know how to search for mana symbols in the text box of cards via Gatherer?
🔗 09:29
AdmiralMemo: Like, I'm looking for things that add Red mana, but "Add R" doesn't come up with anything.
🔗 09:29
MTG_Jake: memo i think its {W} {U} {B} {R} {G}
🔗 09:29
AdmiralMemo: Ah
🔗 09:30
Frylock72: Holy hell, that actually works!
🔗 09:30
Frylock72: I never knew there was a way to search specific mana symbols.
🔗 09:31
MTG_Jake: w/b hybrid, as an example, is {W/B}, and i want to say phyrexian is {P/C} where C is the color
🔗 09:31
AdmiralMemo: I'm assuming that {T} would be the tap symbol then?
🔗 09:32
qrpth: !quote
🔗 09:32
LRRbot: Quote #215: "You look nice and also you don't look like you're gonna try to have sex with me. So… that's great." —Paul [2015-04-13]
🔗 09:32
MTG_Jake: yep. cant remember what untap is though
🔗 09:32
SoSo_Tsundere: !next
🔗 09:32
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (27m from now)
🔗 09:33
MTG_Jake: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Help.aspx#advancedsearch this might e of assistance, memo
🔗 09:35
TwistedPear: \quote
🔗 09:35
TwistedPear: k, it's gone
🔗 09:36
TwistedPear: \help
🔗 09:36
Pump19: Pump19 is run by Twisted Pear. Check http://pump19.eu/commands for a list of supported commands.
🔗 09:36
TwistedPear: now I need something to make that look less empty
🔗 09:36
MTG_Jake: weird, that page used to be more useful
🔗 09:37
AdmiralMemo: !card Hammerheim
🔗 09:37
LRRbot: Did you mean: Hammerheim Deadeye; Hammerheim
🔗 09:37
AdmiralMemo: MTG_Jake, Well the commands are slowly getting assimilated into LRRbot
🔗 09:37
AdmiralMemo: \lrrmc
🔗 09:37
Pump19: Join the LRR Minecraft Server on lrrmc.rebellious.uno! Check http://lrrmap.rebellious.uno/ for the dynamic map. Current Status: Online - 3/50 players
🔗 09:38
MTG_Jake: i meant the one i linked, memo
🔗 09:38
AdmiralMemo: MTG_Jake, Ah
🔗 09:42
TwistedPear: \mumble
🔗 09:42
Pump19: Join the LRR Mumble Server on lrr.dahou.se! Current Status: Online - 1/100 users, 12ms
🔗 09:43
TwistedPear: ha, seems I pushed that as well
🔗 09:43
AdmiralMemo: \mumble
🔗 09:43
Pump19: Join the LRR Mumble Server on lrr.dahou.se! Current Status: Unknown
🔗 09:43
AdmiralMemo: Hah
🔗 09:44
AdmiralMemo: I join the server and confuse it! Success!
🔗 09:44
TwistedPear: \mumble
🔗 09:44
Pump19: Join the LRR Mumble Server on lrr.dahou.se! Current Status: Unknown
🔗 09:44
TwistedPear: interesting
🔗 09:45
AdmiralMemo: Alright, I left... Let's see if it comes back.
🔗 09:45
TwistedPear: \mumble
🔗 09:45
Pump19: Join the LRR Mumble Server on lrr.dahou.se! Current Status: Unknown
🔗 09:45
AdmiralMemo: Nope
🔗 09:45
AdmiralMemo: LOL
🔗 09:45
TwistedPear: it seems I never tested it twice in a row
🔗 09:46
AdmiralMemo: Hah
🔗 09:46
TwistedPear: hm, now it won't work on my test setup either
🔗 09:47
TwistedPear: \mumble
🔗 09:47
Pump19: Join the LRR Mumble Server on lrr.dahou.se! Current Status: Unknown
🔗 09:47
TwistedPear: weird
🔗 09:50
Metric_Furlong: !neptune
🔗 09:50
LRRbot: Snooty Patootie
🔗 09:51
Metric_Furlong: I see Cameron has yet to overcome the bloodborne habit
🔗 09:51
Metric_Furlong: if the live page is anything to go by
🔗 09:51
Metric_Furlong: !advice
🔗 09:51
LRRbot: Make it on fire.
🔗 09:52
Metric_Furlong: !badadvice
🔗 09:52
LRRbot: Hit all the police cars.
🔗 09:52
Metricos: :O
🔗 09:52
adi_pie: :O
🔗 09:53
Navarran: hey everyone
🔗 09:53
Metric_Furlong: hello Navarran
🔗 09:53
AdmiralMemo: Well, I've been naked after the shower for like an hour, sitting on the computer. I should get dressed so my mom can take me out to Birthday lunch. Birthday SUIT is probably not acceptable in most places. :-D
🔗 09:53
adi_pie: Hey, Navarran.
🔗 09:53
adi_pie: It probably isn't, Memo. :P
🔗 09:54
MTG_Jake: happy cake day, memo
🔗 09:54
adi_pie: Happy Birthday, byt the way.
🔗 09:54
adi_pie: Have fun.
🔗 09:54
AdmiralMemo: 33 years... Technically, not until 6:52 PM EDT.
🔗 09:54
BaronVonRatsworth: Enjoy either a cake or having an elder god devour your sanity
🔗 09:55
AdmiralMemo: I've had this on my mind the whole day: https://youtu.be/tR-qQcNT_fY
🔗 09:55
Metricos: Hey you leave elder gods out of this. Some of us are sensitive.
🔗 09:55
Metricos: (definitely did not just get wrecked by aforementioned old gods in bloodborne)
🔗 09:55
Metric_Furlong: @AdmiralMemo, well, that depends on the sort of place
🔗 09:56
AdmiralMemo: Metric_Furlong, I'm not prepared to be fined for indecent exposure. :-D
🔗 09:57
Hrafnsvaengr: It's Memo's burstday?
🔗 09:57
Hrafnsvaengr: Happy Burstday, Memo!
🔗 09:57
Anaerin: It is indeed Memo's bustday!
🔗 09:57
AdmiralMemo: 33 years on the planet, yeah
🔗 09:57
Anaerin: Skype told me so.
🔗 09:57
Hrafnsvaengr: Are you sufficiently well burst?
🔗 09:58
AdmiralMemo: Hrafnsvaengr, If you count several pairs of jeans with holes in them, then maybe yes?
🔗 09:58
Hrafnsvaengr: It's your burstday, so I'll give it to you
🔗 09:58
Metric_Furlong: signal
🔗 09:58
Hrafnsvaengr: Oh hey. We're online.
🔗 09:58
qrpth: !game
🔗 09:58
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 09:58
AdmiralMemo: Alright... clothing time
🔗 09:58
AdmiralMemo: !show
🔗 09:58
LRRbot: Currently live: A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 09:58
qrpth: !game refresh
🔗 09:58
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 09:59
Metric_Furlong: so, bets on whether Cameron is starting yet another new run-through?
🔗 09:59
AdmiralMemo: qrpth, Doesn't it not grab the game until the other screen?
🔗 09:59
Dix: 24 hour stream time. Kappa
🔗 09:59
Anaerin: metric_furlong: Well, the schedule says...
🔗 09:59
BaronVonRatsworth: Wait, if the mods aren't wearing pants do the rest of us have too?
🔗 09:59
Anaerin: !next
🔗 09:59
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Cameron's Handhelds at Tue 10:00 AM PDT (35s from now)
🔗 09:59
qrpth: !game refresh
🔗 09:59
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 09:59
AdmiralMemo: !game refresh
🔗 09:59
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 09:59
Hrafnsvaengr: Hey there, Cam!
🔗 09:59
Nightvalien28: no reroll?
🔗 09:59
ComradeBeric: Good morning, Cam.
🔗 09:59
qrpth: !pavecount
🔗 09:59
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 09:59
Dix: Hey Cam! Did you see the Serum Visions FNM Promo card?
🔗 09:59
Navarran: Good morning Cameron! Well, evening here but still. Hi!
🔗 09:59
qrpth: !game override Bloodborne
🔗 09:59
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Bloodborne
🔗 09:59
qrpth: !pavecount
🔗 09:59
Nightvalien28: very good morning to you doctor cameron, how are you today?
🔗 09:59
AdmiralMemo: !pavecount
🔗 09:59
LRRbot: 3 paves for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 10:00
Hrafnsvaengr: D'aww...we started before I could listen to the end of my song. Oh well.
🔗 10:00
Anaerin: metric_furlong: Cameron's Handhelds...?
🔗 10:00
AdmiralMemo: Hey Cam. We have a pave counter now. :-D
🔗 10:00
Zyme86: heh I had the magic podcast on and was wondering why cam was talking over Serge but his lips were not moving
🔗 10:00
3DDotNikkiWolf: That's a nice looking handheld game there, Cam.
🔗 10:00
metricos subscribed for 12 months in a row!
🔗 10:00
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, metricos! (Today's storm count: 1)
🔗 10:00
ComradeBeric: lrrSPOT
🔗 10:00
Metricos: Muuuch better
🔗 10:00
Zyme86: lrrSPOT
🔗 10:00
AdmiralMemo: lrrSPOT HYPE
🔗 10:00
BusTed: Hello Cameron, hello chat.
🔗 10:01
Metric_Furlong: Anaerin, Heather's absent, so he's pinching the slot
🔗 10:01
qrpth: !totalpave
🔗 10:01
LRRbot: 76 total paves
🔗 10:01
Anaerin: metric_furlong: Ah, that explains it.
🔗 10:01
Sektor88: Hi Cam!
🔗 10:01
AdmiralMemo: qrpth: Looks like Cam didn't update either the title OR the Twitch game
🔗 10:01
BusTed: What do Chalice Dungeons net you?
🔗 10:01
CamelknackRamblehort: I like a pave counter idea, it embraces the basic style of how Cam plays games
🔗 10:02
BaronVonRatsworth: Cam volunteered as tribute.
🔗 10:02
holidayMD: Cam, Have you seen the new FNM promos?
🔗 10:02
Havok4: You could theoretically hold a ps4 and tv in your hands while playing bloodborne.
🔗 10:02
Hrafnsvaengr: I got my thingy in the mail yesterday! Mainly because Canada Post screwed up my mail forwarding
🔗 10:02
Mangledpixel: sweet pince-nez
🔗 10:02
qrpth: !game refresh
🔗 10:02
LRRbot: Currently playing: Bloodborne (rating 95%) (overridden)
🔗 10:03
qrpth: !game override off
🔗 10:03
LRRbot: Override disabled. Currently playing: Bloodborne
🔗 10:03
LRRTwitter: @loadingreadyrun> Cameron's Handhelds || a PS4 controller is hand held: http://t.co/2OcqwuEQEx
🔗 10:03
Dix: Not gonna lie, I'm still pissed that even with the FNM Promo, regular ol Serum Visions will still be a $10 common. Promos won't do jack for the supply or demand.
🔗 10:03
AdmiralMemo: Alright... My birthday lunch is awaiting me... Later everyone.
🔗 10:03
Metricos: Bag man. My nemesis.
🔗 10:03
Dix: have fun memo!
🔗 10:03
JediTransmit: Good evening Cam, and chat.
🔗 10:04
lsugamer13: serum visions is getting a promo
🔗 10:04
Metric_Furlong: By Memo, have a good one
🔗 10:04
SirTrae: I agree, Dix
🔗 10:04
Metric_Furlong: *bye
🔗 10:04
Mangledpixel: what's the legality of promo cards?
🔗 10:04
3DDotNikkiWolf: Kinda funny: You can actually play PS4 with an Android device...and a Vita.
🔗 10:04
Metric_Furlong: hello JediTransmit
🔗 10:04
dropkickstart: I'm starting to think the last commodoreHustle was just a documentary.
🔗 10:04
3DDotNikkiWolf: There's your handheld void to fill :P
🔗 10:04
Dix: mangledpixel, perfectly legal in any format that card is legal in
🔗 10:04
AdmiralMemo: Mangledpixel, They're legal in whatever they're legal in.k
🔗 10:04
Mangledpixel: cool, so not a different border or anything?
🔗 10:04
lsugamer13: yupp legal
🔗 10:04
SirTrae: The new art is a little... odd
🔗 10:04
lsugamer13: art is odd
🔗 10:05
AdmiralMemo: A Promo card is essentially the same as a reprint.
🔗 10:05
Sektor88: What's the new Serum Vision art look like/ I've not seen it.
🔗 10:05
Metric_Furlong: 3DDotNikkiWolf, oh please, no one actually owns a Vita (except me)
🔗 10:05
Dix: Basically if its Standard legal, it can be used in standard (ie Bile Blight, Jace's Injenuity, Dissolve, Stoke the Flames, etc)
🔗 10:05
Hrafnsvaengr: Peppermint tea and pringles. Breakfast of champions.
🔗 10:05
napsterthegrey: someone on facebook said it looks like a bukakke
🔗 10:05
Mindmage: I'm not complaining about the art it means I can win a bunch of Serum Visions and then sell them for cash moneys
🔗 10:05
3DDotNikkiWolf: @Metric_furlong I have one, too. I think we may be the only ones that do.
🔗 10:05
Metric_Furlong: Hrafnsvaengr, ew, Pringles
🔗 10:05
Dix: The new Serum Visions art for those who haven't seen it: https://twitter.com/FrostHammerOrg/status/598142784302915584
🔗 10:05
Metricos: The theme song of Bloodborne. "Why are we so bad at this game~"
🔗 10:05
SirTrae: My local FMN place doesn't get promos from wizards
🔗 10:06
🔗 10:06
Hrafnsvaengr: Metric_Furlong: At least they're the low-fat, low-sodium, low-flavour variety?
🔗 10:06
BaronVonRatsworth: That sure is some art Dix.
🔗 10:06
JediTransmit: What is the white stuff in the Serum art?
🔗 10:06
Metric_Furlong: Hrafnsvaengr, they're the worst crisp
🔗 10:06
AdmiralMemo: Like, if you wanted to use a Gatecrash Act of Treason in your Standard deck, you can. Same way, you can use this Serum Visions wherever it's legal.
🔗 10:06
Papperslappen: Which boss is next in line?
🔗 10:06
Sektor88: Yeah, I'm a fan of the 5th dawn version now, definitely
🔗 10:06
Metricos: I should probably go find Alfred...
🔗 10:06
Metricos: Seeing as I was literally just in this area.
🔗 10:07
Dix: I would assume its supposed to be liquid metal or something but yeah... now I can't unsee it as... you know.
🔗 10:07
Mangledpixel: looks like blobs of mercury
🔗 10:07
Hrafnsvaengr: Metric: True, but the best reconstituted fried potato product
🔗 10:07
9 viewers resubscribed while you were away!
🔗 10:07
jephlewis: I want all the Serum Vision, please.
🔗 10:07
BusTed: At least we've got a plan.
🔗 10:07
Metric_Furlong: Pringles are to crisps what whacking a saucepan lid with a wooden spoon is to music
🔗 10:07
KatnissBot: Im so glad i held on to my foil Serum Visions.
🔗 10:08
Dix: thats a $26 card katnissbot
🔗 10:08
KatnissBot: Yep.
🔗 10:08
Hrafnsvaengr: Hey now, don't insult the proud Latin American tradition of cacerolazo!
🔗 10:08
qrpth: !quote cam
🔗 10:08
LRRbot: Quote #105: "B*tch, I'm fabulous!" —Cameron [2015-04-02]
🔗 10:08
kais58: I'm fairly certain my local store is squandering their FNM promos
🔗 10:08
KatnissBot: I'm still terrible at mtg, but it's SWEET.
🔗 10:09
Metric_Furlong: Hrafnsvaengr, you're right, I'm sorry
🔗 10:09
kais58: they "give them all out in the first and second FNM of the month"
🔗 10:09
PhoenixMelior: Oh hey, I thought this started at one. Hi guys!
🔗 10:09
BusTed: Mm, Igavania.
🔗 10:09
Metric_Furlong: what is bloodstained?
🔗 10:09
Metricos: Bloodstained is almost at triple it's goal already. It's crazy
🔗 10:09
dropkickstart: oh yea! that game looks SWEET.
🔗 10:09
🔗 10:10
Myrdin90: What is bloodstained?
🔗 10:10
Metricos: it's castlevania but not but it is
🔗 10:10
Laserbeaks_Fury: Imagine these balls of snakes, but made entirely out of weagles
🔗 10:10
1amafish: hai chert
🔗 10:10
MilkInBag: A dual shock is handheld Kappa
🔗 10:10
KatnissBot: original castlevania dev making a new castlevania game. HYPE
🔗 10:10
GreyFox0012: its new castlevania
🔗 10:10
BusTed: Unfortunately it will be some time before we have it in our grubby hands.
🔗 10:10
Hrafnsvaengr: Ugh. I need to file a financial disclosure form soon.
🔗 10:10
Laserbeaks_Fury: Bloodstained is "not" Castelvainia
🔗 10:10
Metric_Furlong: So, Castlevania. Got it
🔗 10:11
1amafish: is this dark souls? Kappa
🔗 10:11
Metric_Furlong: ah, one of those game
🔗 10:11
Metric_Furlong: s
🔗 10:11
Metricos: Woah wait I can come here in my game too. Dafuq
🔗 10:11
BusTed: Put Castlevania in your eye.
🔗 10:11
Hrafnsvaengr: Why can't he make Castlevania games anymore?
🔗 10:11
ComradeBeric: Well, I wasn't hyped for it before, but when you put it that way...
🔗 10:11
GreyFox0012: end story... konami sucks
🔗 10:12
Havok4: No Bloodstained is not-castlevania . The hyphen is important.
🔗 10:12
Metricos: Oh, you've started the game plenty Cameron Kappa
🔗 10:12
Metric_Furlong hums the Emerdale theme
🔗 10:13
Hrafnsvaengr: OH HEY! I actually DO know what game Castlevania is! Alex played it that one time
🔗 10:13
Metricos: So does Gehrman just like...not show up after the first few times you see him?
🔗 10:13
beowuuf counters with Archers theme tune
🔗 10:13
KatofAsgard: Hello!
🔗 10:13
Laserbeaks_Fury: i feel ya man. If you've done all the pre-Amelia stuff (Gaol, Hemwick) then you could probably start clearing out Cainhurst
🔗 10:13
Metricos: Cause I saw him being sad in the field near the messengers, but then he was gone after i accidentally chopped him
🔗 10:13
CantWearHats Eastenders theme outta nowhere
🔗 10:13
Laserbeaks_Fury: YOu don't even have to fight "Iosefka"
🔗 10:13
Myrdin90: Bloodstained is a new Metroidvania style game, made by the guy who kinda created the genre right?
🔗 10:13
Papperslappen: Have you seen that youtube video where some people from double fine plays Symphony of the Night with Koji Igarashi?
🔗 10:13
Metricos Faulty Towers theme song
🔗 10:14
Metric_Furlong transitions into the Dinnerladies theme
🔗 10:14
Hrafnsvaengr Walkürenritt from the far right field
🔗 10:14
Metricos: fawlty* pardon
🔗 10:14
beowuuf uses the Coronation Street tune to counter
🔗 10:14
Mangledpixel throws in the wild card of the Neighbours theme
🔗 10:14
Unknowngamer88: someBODY
🔗 10:14
beowuuf conceeds
🔗 10:15
Mangledpixel: gg
🔗 10:15
beowuuf: gg
🔗 10:15
Hrafnsvaengr: When in doubt, mash R1?
🔗 10:15
Metric_Furlong: Unknowngamer88, somebody what?
🔗 10:15
TurboLover004: leto2 leto1 Hey guys
🔗 10:15
PhoenixMelior: hey chat, I'm a little out of the loop - has Cam beaten this game before?
🔗 10:15
qrpth: Don't get fancy, mash R1.
🔗 10:15
PhoenixMelior: lrrSCOOP
🔗 10:15
qrpth: PhoenixMelior: no
🔗 10:16
CantWearHats: these guys make the ewoks look like *** Shaft
🔗 10:16
JediTransmit: Ewoks can't melt AT-STs.
🔗 10:16
Laserbeaks_Fury: You know, the first time I came to the forbidden woods, I ran by here at least 6 times, and managed to never hit that button or know it was there. It was only when I died and dropped 60k echoes that I managed to hit that trap
🔗 10:16
beowuuf wishes there was a spaced theme tune
🔗 10:16
PhoenixMelior: lol, well at least Cam is entertaining.
🔗 10:16
Havok4: Cam is love cam is life.
🔗 10:16
TurboLover004: I hear Cam is bad at games maybe
🔗 10:16
Metricos: lolwat
🔗 10:16
Metricos: dog y
🔗 10:16
PhoenixMelior: dog pls. pls.
🔗 10:16
Metricos: y u do dis
🔗 10:16
CantWearHats: good job doge
🔗 10:17
qrpth: !highlight Doge not bright
🔗 10:17
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 10:17
Laserbeaks_Fury: Dog saw you as was just "Nope!"
🔗 10:17
Mangledpixel: zoeyRIP doge
🔗 10:17
Metric_Furlong: Optimism?
🔗 10:17
Mooriarty: poor doge
🔗 10:17
Metricos: LOL
🔗 10:17
beowuuf: I've lost two doges and a cat in Minecraft to suicidal AI. It's like 'ooh, fire, let's play with the pretty lights' *death*
🔗 10:17
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's great, deals damage, flies strighter and longer than pebbles
🔗 10:17
Unknowngamer88: wow
🔗 10:17
Myrdin90: You have never tried kindness, have you?
🔗 10:17
1amafish: throwing knives do no work that way. in fact, they don't actually work. like at all
🔗 10:17
PhoenixMelior: we have found a new way to ineffectually farm XD
🔗 10:17
JediTransmit: Napalm sticks to little doggies.
🔗 10:17
1amafish: you might as well thrown rocks
🔗 10:17
adi_pie: Now, now, Cam, I ran into this forest with 30K souls, got up to ~70K and died on my way back to the lantern by rolling off a cliff.
🔗 10:17
Mooriarty: dammit doges
🔗 10:17
Ranneko: Good evening everyone
🔗 10:17
adi_pie: I feel I have you beat at being at Bloodborne.
🔗 10:18
Laserbeaks_Fury: Who's more stupid, the dogs who run into the fire or the ownders who never react
🔗 10:18
beowuuf: hey ranneko
🔗 10:18
adi_pie: bad at Bloodborne*
🔗 10:18
Myrdin90: Quick chat: Name some hilarious things Cam has never tried in this game!
🔗 10:18
adi_pie: Hi, Ranneko.
🔗 10:18
BusTed: I haven't seen it, Papperslappen. Do you have a link?
🔗 10:18
Hrafnsvaengr: Hehehe.... a pair of crows are courting in the mayday tree outside my window
🔗 10:18
Myrdin90: Optimism
🔗 10:18
Laserbeaks_Fury: I think theres a pizza in that path with some crows
🔗 10:18
Metric_Furlong: Laserbeaks_Fury, if your dog was that stupid, you wouldn't react either
🔗 10:18
Ranneko: Is there a convenient way of working out how many hours of Bloodborne cam has streamed now?
🔗 10:18
Myrdin90: Kindness & consideration
🔗 10:18
Papperslappen: Busted https://youtu.be/bqheYYeA4k4
🔗 10:18
beowuuf: The chest jump glich (now fixed)?
🔗 10:19
BusTed: Thanks.
🔗 10:19
beowuuf: check the lrrbot archive?
🔗 10:19
Metricos: okay so aside from doing a crapton of damage, do viscerals do anything extra for you?
🔗 10:19
Mangledpixel: lrrbot archive: lrrbot.mrphlip.com/archive
🔗 10:19
1amafish: this game seems easier than dark souls
🔗 10:19
PhoenixMelior: do Viscerals gets bonus souls or are they just there to look badass?
🔗 10:19
Mooriarty: we found the owner!
🔗 10:19
Metricos: phoenixmelior is in my brain send help
🔗 10:19
KatofAsgard: I sat my A level geography exam today!
🔗 10:19
Unknowngamer88: at least we know this is a fairly good place to farm items
🔗 10:19
adi_pie: PhoenixMelior, there's a rune that gives you more souls for visceral attacks, but normally they give no bonuses.
🔗 10:19
PhoenixMelior: @Metric_furlong EVERYTHING IS FINE lrrFINE
🔗 10:19
beowuuf: good luck with the result
🔗 10:19
Mindmage: Working on tech support tickets while I watch you place, being envious of not having a PS4 :)
🔗 10:19
Myrdin90: We have great weather here in chTteorld
🔗 10:19
Juinya: Life's all good in chat world!
🔗 10:19
Laserbeaks_Fury: Visceral attacks don't inherently gain extra blood echos, but there are runes for that
🔗 10:19
Metric_Furlong: Metricos, what else would you need them to do?
🔗 10:19
BusTed: Slice of skull & arm pizza.
🔗 10:19
qrpth: !russell
🔗 10:19
LRRbot: 🐦 22 crows for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 10:19
Mindmage: *watch you play
🔗 10:19
Myrdin90: *chatworld
🔗 10:20
PhoenixMelior: dammit I tried that twice, I meant Metricos
🔗 10:20
Ciaphas_: Way better with a Hitchhiker reference right away
🔗 10:20
Mangledpixel: KatofAsgard, how'd it go?
🔗 10:20
KatnissBot: im doin ok, i got a sweet new IKEA chair this weekend.
🔗 10:20
TurboLover004: Chikage? DansGame
🔗 10:20
adi_pie: KatofAsgard, hope it went well.
🔗 10:20
The_Quiet_Alestain: Quite well indeed
🔗 10:20
Metric_Furlong: PhoenixMelior, the course the Other Metric
🔗 10:20
1amafish: that is not how it works, no
🔗 10:20
Laserbeaks_Fury: I just finished the Platinum trophy for Bloodborne today
🔗 10:20
Dix: I totally dont' wann study for my Psych final tomorrow
🔗 10:20
JohnLockeCole4: I appear to be encountering a nonzero number of Dropped Frames
🔗 10:20
KatofAsgard: I have no idea what imperial is!
🔗 10:20
Metric_Furlong: I remember my A-Levels... many years ago
🔗 10:20
Myrdin90: If i pass my exam i can finally be a Jonin!!!!
🔗 10:20
adi_pie: Dix, get to studying.
🔗 10:20
Metric_Furlong feels old
🔗 10:20
Ranneko: What is or what do
🔗 10:21
KatofAsgard: It went pretty well, but I had some environmental problems
🔗 10:21
KatofAsgard: I'm autistic and like craaazy sensitive to sound
🔗 10:21
1amafish: imperial (college London) is a university which is among the best
🔗 10:21
KatofAsgard: it was not quiet enough
🔗 10:21
Humblejackson: Random question: does anybody play 2e AD&D anymore? I haven't found a single session vid...
🔗 10:21
Mindmage: @Loadingreadyrun You should call your character Charon because of all those souls you're carrying.
🔗 10:21
JohneyS: In Canada we have Eh level exams. Remember to tip your waitresses.
🔗 10:21
1amafish: nice one Mindmage
🔗 10:21
BusTed: Haha.
🔗 10:21
KatofAsgard: And then one of the invigilators thought it was a good idea to touch my shoulder and I just had a total meltdown
🔗 10:21
Mangledpixel: KatofAsgard, rough. Did they have any provision for reducing sound for you?
🔗 10:22
qrpth: Mindmage: Don't redtext without a good reason.
🔗 10:22
JohnLockeCole4: 2nd edition isn't very popular, no - but stranger things have happened
🔗 10:22
Hrafnsvaengr: My boyfriend is taking me out to Dennys today :3
🔗 10:22
KatofAsgard: Oh, thanks 1amafish!
🔗 10:22
Myrdin90: Mindmage, nice xD
🔗 10:22
The_Quiet_Alestain: Humblejackson: I would be suprised. I know of one round in Germany. And they don´t stream. Not that it would help. ;)
🔗 10:22
Metricos: D:
🔗 10:22
Metric_Furlong: !death
🔗 10:22
LRRbot: lrrAWW 525 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 10:22
Juinya: You dieded!
🔗 10:22
1amafish: awkward
🔗 10:22
adi_pie: Now you don't have to hold all those souls.
🔗 10:22
TurboLover004: sadtrombone.wav
🔗 10:22
Metric_Furlong: !totaldeath
🔗 10:22
LRRbot: 12227 total deaths
🔗 10:22
Laserbeaks_Fury: it's fine, lrrFINE
🔗 10:22
adi_pie: That nice villager has them.
🔗 10:22
PhoenixMelior: can we recover those?
🔗 10:22
1amafish: that is a lot of deaths
🔗 10:22
Mangledpixel: welp dot jif
🔗 10:22
KatofAsgard: I'm in a separate hall to the other students, but the other students with special ed needs are in there too, and they all use computers
🔗 10:22
adi_pie: PhoenixMelior, yep.
🔗 10:22
Mangledpixel: :P
🔗 10:23
JediTransmit: Call in the B52's
🔗 10:23
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, there's actually not a lot of enemies you have to fight
🔗 10:23
AbsolutelyNothing_: you only die stupid deaths when you have something valuable
🔗 10:23
KatofAsgard: I can concentrate over the typing sound, so it kinda makes things worse :/
🔗 10:23
Havok4: Only 118 deaths to 12345 deaths.
🔗 10:23
Papperslappen: I finally gave in and bought my first p&p rpg book in like 15 years. Now I just have to find a group to play with.
🔗 10:23
PhoenixMelior: oh hey, who was it I was talking to about Kamelot yesterday? Was that you @Metric_furlong ?
🔗 10:23
Hrafnsvaengr: Rubber Ducky, you're the one! You make bathtime lots of fun!
🔗 10:23
Metric_Furlong: PhoenixMelior, that was me, yes
🔗 10:23
SirTrae: Chat, what should I evolve my Eevee into?
🔗 10:24
adi_pie: Hrafnsvaengr, what's that from? Sesame Street? It sounds so familiar.
🔗 10:24
KatnissBot: Joltion
🔗 10:24
Hrafnsvaengr: SirTrae: A ham sandwich
🔗 10:24
Hrafnsvaengr: Sesame Street, yup
🔗 10:24
PhoenixMelior: @Metric_furlong Update - Tommy Karevik, actually a really good fit for them. New stuff has some real good power to it, I was very happy with how Kamelot sounded last night.
🔗 10:24
Metric_Furlong: cool
🔗 10:24
PhoenixMelior: And also they played March of Mephisto so I couldn't lose!
🔗 10:24
Mangledpixel: http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1138884/thumbs/o-RUBBER-DUCK-DEFLATES-570.jpg is the deflated duck, sans image macro text
🔗 10:24
TurboLover004: !uptime
🔗 10:24
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 26:42
🔗 10:24
Humblejackson: It's just that a friend of mine is trying to get a group together, but it's 2e Advanced of all things, and I can't find any online help for a noob like myself.
🔗 10:25
Metric_Furlong: SirTrae, one of the newer ones that nobody likes opr can be bothered remembering the name of?
🔗 10:25
Mindmage: I'm waiting for a T-shirt that says one the front don't get fancy and the other side mash R1
🔗 10:25
SomebodyNowhere: Cam Serum Visions!
🔗 10:25
Mindmage: *on the front
🔗 10:25
Blackknight1239: I like how the new Serum Visions is someone getting mercury thrown at their face
🔗 10:25
PhoenixMelior: oh, so enemies pick them up in this game, unlike in Dark Souls where they're just on the ground
🔗 10:26
adi_pie: So, Cam, once June comes around you'll get a mobile streaming rig and just chain FNMs, right? :P
🔗 10:26
Mindmage: @Blackknight1239 ironic since thats how a lot of people react to people playing blue.
🔗 10:26
Mangledpixel: PhoenixMelior, yep, and it's not always the enemy that killed you
🔗 10:26
TurboLover004: Is it me or is game audio backwards
🔗 10:26
PhoenixMelior: that's... annoying
🔗 10:26
qrpth: !russell
🔗 10:26
LRRbot: 🐦 23 crows for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 10:26
Humblejackson: Oh, almost forgot: Are you guys excited for FNAF4?
🔗 10:26
Blackknight1239: @Mindmage I can't blame them, Blue is the best colour
🔗 10:26
Metricos: I'd like to speak to whomever is in charge of the shoddy craftsmanship of this hellscape
🔗 10:26
Mindmage: @Blackknight1239 I concur
🔗 10:27
Ranneko: That is some good clipping there
🔗 10:27
PhoenixMelior: lrrGOAT
🔗 10:27
The_Quiet_Alestain: Humblejackson: Well, 2nd Edition AD&D is hard to find after 30 Years. I remember it fairly well. Do you know any D&D stuff?
🔗 10:27
Frylock72: He says, after the fact.
🔗 10:27
Havok4: Bold hunters mark home and level a bit?
🔗 10:27
Hrafnsvaengr: 'Now that you're all dead, you're all forgiven."
🔗 10:27
beowuuf: humblejackson: it's no help to you, but I can literally touch a 2e players handbook if I put my arm left. There's not too much difference from normal D&D, just more tables and less choice :)
🔗 10:27
Myrdin90: Almost 40k blood echoes now dude
🔗 10:27
SirSlipps: There's a good quote for ya
🔗 10:27
Bv310: Yay lunchtime CamBorne!
🔗 10:27
adi_pie: Cursed with sexiness.
🔗 10:27
Laserbeaks_Fury: "What should we put at the bottom of this trap? Spikes? Acid?" "Birds" "Wut? Just 'Birds?' " "Well, Giant Birds"
🔗 10:27
Mangledpixel: I don't think he means anything any more. He is dead.
🔗 10:27
TurboLover004: Yeah I keep hearing directional game audio in the wrong ear, is that a thing?
🔗 10:28
Metric_Furlong: Curséd Sexy Beast is my Tom Jones cover band
🔗 10:28
Humblejackson: I hate the idea of less choice
🔗 10:28
PhoenixMelior: I'm finding these Cam Bloodborne streams oddly zen.
🔗 10:28
Whatanvarno: I just got here, and the first thing I heard was completely context free "Sexy Beast"
🔗 10:28
PhoenixMelior: I don't know why. Maybe I'm just filled with hate.
🔗 10:28
adi_pie: \findquote idiot
🔗 10:28
napsterthegrey: Dr. Cam, I really like you playing Bloodborne because it's a really nice game and you have a special way of playing it which I like. But I am really interested in knowing if you will ever play Civ 5 again because I learned playing by watching you.
🔗 10:28
adi_pie: \help
🔗 10:28
Pump19: Pump19 is run by Twisted Pear. Check http://pump19.eu/commands for a list of supported commands.
🔗 10:28
The_Quiet_Alestain: Yeah, AD&D 2. Also known as Elves&Longswords.
🔗 10:28
Hrafnsvaengr: Wait, it's legal in this world to randomly killing someone?
🔗 10:28
qrpth: adi_pie: Pump19's quotes are now in LRRbot.
🔗 10:28
Humblejackson: If I wanted a game focused on grinding I'd play an mms or something...
🔗 10:28
qrpth: !quote
🔗 10:28
LRRbot: Quote #131: "I'm making diamonds in my butt right now." —Adam [2015-04-12]
🔗 10:29
Metric_Furlong: Hrafnsvaengr, well,there isn't really and law left so
🔗 10:29
adi_pie: qrpth, oh, nice.
🔗 10:29
Metric_Furlong: *any
🔗 10:29
Frylock72: No no, Cam, originally it was a crow trap, they just boarded it up to keep the birds from getting out somehow.
🔗 10:29
Metric_Furlong: my typing is awful today
🔗 10:29
adi_pie: !quote 190
🔗 10:29
LRRbot: Quote #190: "Hah! Idiot…" —Alex
🔗 10:29
AbsolutelyNothing_: the laws of probbaility state that you have too many echoes and must die, probably to something stupid
🔗 10:29
PhoenixMelior: !quote Paul
🔗 10:29
The_Quiet_Alestain: Humblejackson: It can be as good as any other RPG. It all depends on the group you are in.
🔗 10:29
PhoenixMelior: dammit
🔗 10:29
Laserbeaks_Fury: DOn't go Cameron, it's a real trap
🔗 10:29
qrpth: adi_pie: LRRbot is slowly absorbing Pump19's powes. Codefall is next.
🔗 10:29
Metric_Furlong: \quote Paul
🔗 10:29
Metricos: 40k souls floating. this will go well
🔗 10:29
Humblejackson: *MMO
🔗 10:29
beowuuf: humblejackson: I mean compared to how D&D expanded, the original game seems to have less choice. Skills are optional and just a 'you do it/not' based on your ability roll, no feats, etc
🔗 10:29
napsterthegrey: Also Mr Mods I put 4 keys for the closed beta of Heroes of the storm on codefall. Just fyi
🔗 10:30
CantWearHats: !codefall
🔗 10:30
LRRbot: If you want to post game codes into chat, we welcome them. We would, however, suggest that you replace key points in the code with #s to avoid codebot snipers (and let us know what they should be). Another option would be to enter them into the Pump19 bot: http://pump19.eu/codefall Good luck and prepare for CodeFall!
🔗 10:30
Bv310: So, thoughts on new Assassin's Creed set in London?
🔗 10:30
adi_pie: There is a theory about why everyone says you smell strange.
🔗 10:30
Mangledpixel: tactical retreat
🔗 10:30
SirTrae: The incense wards off beast
🔗 10:30
Humblejackson: @the_quiet_alestain Well I've been listening to the Dungeons & Randomness podcast, but they're playing 4e
🔗 10:30
adi_pie: It's all speculation, though.
🔗 10:30
Humblejackson: Lag
🔗 10:30
nonane09: !uptime
🔗 10:30
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 32:20
🔗 10:30
Myrdin90: #realtrap
🔗 10:30
The_Quiet_Alestain: beowuuf: Yeah, DnD really improved in all areas since 2nd ed.
🔗 10:30
beowuuf: here's a link to the player's handbook if you haven't found one: http://www.orbisrpg.co.uk/Planescape/players_handbook.pdf
🔗 10:30
CantWearHats: wharr wilff
🔗 10:30
PhoenixMelior: some kind of... sidewalk slam
🔗 10:30
Havok4: Some kind of therewolf.
🔗 10:30
JohnLockeCole4: headcanon is that we actually are a werewolf and that what we see on game is just how you see yourself, everyone looks strange and bestial to you, but really the beast was inside you all along
🔗 10:30
AbsolutelyNothing_: only the best useless walls for bloodborne
🔗 10:31
JediTransmit: Just need some old spice
🔗 10:31
adi_pie: qrpth, so LRRbot is slowly consuming Pump19. I feel a horror movie could work here. :P
🔗 10:31
PhoenixMelior: like leather and incense and blood... yum
🔗 10:31
Whatanvarno: You smell like a Hunter
🔗 10:31
Laserbeaks_Fury: Beware the Old Spice
🔗 10:31
beowuuf: I never actually played Advanced D&D, I was basic D&D back in the day - from red box to like light blue third box, then cyclopaedia, then break until 3rd edition
🔗 10:31
Metricos: Fear the Old Sp- GOD DAMNIT laserbeaks
🔗 10:31
Lunareclipse123: Maybe that's all it is - they're just saying you smell like blood and dead-man clothes
🔗 10:31
Mangledpixel: I would imagine that the world of this game is replete with 'interesting' smells
🔗 10:31
adi_pie: Laserbeaks_Fury, wins chat tonight. :P
🔗 10:31
ImmoralEthicist: @johnlockecole4 that works for one of the endings. doesn't quite work do well for the other two.
🔗 10:31
beowuuf: (bought the 2E book to see how they handled skills and stuff back in the day)
🔗 10:32
Dix: I totally love Cam's salty-esque commentary on the game
🔗 10:32
Mangledpixel: a nasal smorgasbord, if you will
🔗 10:32
JohnLockeCole4: Immoralethicist it's just a headcanon, I've really only seen cam play the game
🔗 10:32
Myrdin90: Imbibe?
🔗 10:32
Hrafnsvaengr: Okay, chat. I'm off now. Boyfriend is taking me out for breakfast :D
🔗 10:32
PhoenixMelior: huh, you're a lot more covered in filth then when you started
🔗 10:32
Metricos: Shitty tours of Yarnham with Cameron
🔗 10:32
PhoenixMelior: later hraf
🔗 10:32
beowuuf: bye hranf
🔗 10:32
adi_pie: I never noticed the brooch we have around our neck. It's really cool.
🔗 10:32
SirTrae: This guy seems legit
🔗 10:32
Myrdin90: Bye, hrafnsvaengr
🔗 10:32
Metricos: Yharnam? Yahrnam? Yarnham?
🔗 10:32
adi_pie: Bye, Hrafnsvaengr.
🔗 10:32
The_Quiet_Alestain: Hm, there is this, if you want Information about the books, Humblejackson: http://thacoshammer.info/
🔗 10:32
Laserbeaks_Fury: key item
🔗 10:32
Unknowngamer88: seems on the level
🔗 10:32
Samdaharu: Have fun, Hrafn ^_^
🔗 10:32
Metricos: Y...arn ham
🔗 10:33
Whatanvarno: Key item
🔗 10:33
Hrafnsvaengr: Thanks for the stream, Dr Cam!
🔗 10:33
PhoenixMelior: 0.o
🔗 10:33
SirTrae: I bet he would be more than willing to help you out of Tricky Patches
🔗 10:33
PhoenixMelior: that's a pardon *** for me.
🔗 10:33
ImmoralEthicist: Fun fact: that's Lautrec's voice actor
🔗 10:33
qrpth: !highlight Smash The Puppies
🔗 10:33
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 10:33
CamelknackRamblehort: smash the puppriachy?
🔗 10:33
Edroach: re: tonsil stone: You know how to get to the witches from amelia? Go the other way
🔗 10:33
Samdaharu: This would make a great PETA broadcast.
🔗 10:33
adi_pie: Tonsil stone, because From loves wordplay.
🔗 10:33
PhoenixMelior: !totalpardonfuck
🔗 10:33
LRRbot: 2370 total pardons-fuck
🔗 10:33
qrpth: !russell
🔗 10:34
LRRbot: 🐦 24 crows for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 10:34
PresidentLulu: !totaldiamond
🔗 10:34
LRRbot: 699 total diamonds
🔗 10:34
PhoenixMelior: oh that wasn't what I wanted
🔗 10:34
cddento: So Cameron I feel that you and Graham are conspiring toghether to take over the stream any comments. Also that stone leads to a secret area if you would like. We can tell you where to go
🔗 10:34
Laserbeaks_Fury: If you hadn't killed all the caged hounds, when he dropped the gate, they would have be released
🔗 10:34
PhoenixMelior: !help
🔗 10:34
🔗 10:34
daryldutch: So cameron what will you do for 100 subs?
🔗 10:34
Unknowngamer88: what was that armour set you just got?
🔗 10:34
JohnLockeCole4: to be fair samdaharu - Referencing the Episode of Bullshit! about PETA, it's quite there is some evidence that they do kill puppies in their cages
🔗 10:34
PhoenixMelior: !pardonfuckcount
🔗 10:34
LRRbot: 2 pardons-fuck for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 10:34
PresidentLulu: @Cddento the two opposing factions are cam and graham versus alex and adam
🔗 10:34
PhoenixMelior: oh is that all
🔗 10:34
cddento: Ah
🔗 10:34
cddento: I see
🔗 10:35
plummeting_sloth: heavily rotted wood... the most impregnable defense
🔗 10:35
PresidentLulu: What would you doooooo~ for a hundred subs
🔗 10:35
Bv310: Eat 100 subs!
🔗 10:35
CantWearHats: "volunteering"
🔗 10:35
Samdaharu: D:
🔗 10:35
Lunareclipse123: wait, 525 deaths?
🔗 10:35
adi_pie: For 100 subs, Cam would volunteer Adam for a 24h stream. :P
🔗 10:35
Metricos: +1 CWH
🔗 10:35
PhoenixMelior: Adam was volun-TOLD, let's be clear
🔗 10:35
Mangledpixel: well, he didn't exactly volunteer
🔗 10:35
SirTrae: Are we talking sub sandwichs?
🔗 10:35
Laserbeaks_Fury: Play DS2
🔗 10:35
daryldutch: yea he totally volunteered :D
🔗 10:35
Solomon_Kain: He was volunteered
🔗 10:35
Myrdin90: HAH "volunteered"
🔗 10:35
Meltalar: Cameron would drink a wine and cheers to the chat for 100 subbs. that is what cam would do
🔗 10:35
Sai_Maa: DS2 does not exist
🔗 10:35
ImmoralEthicist: Beast roar is super good if you can use it
🔗 10:35
aussz: If we get you 100 subs, you best east them all
🔗 10:35
CamelknackRamblehort: yeas, Adam volunteered. that is a true thing that totally did happen
🔗 10:35
Thaign: one can i like to argue that the PS4 in the best handheld
🔗 10:35
Metric_Furlong: oh the Tonsil Stone
🔗 10:35
beowuuf: if james has taught us nothing else it's that you don't have to personally do anything to get subs :)
🔗 10:35
Laserbeaks_Fury: Third times the charm
🔗 10:35
wildpeaks: Designated volunteer
🔗 10:35
JediTransmit: Hobo Nazgul?
🔗 10:35
Metric_Furlong: that thing is important
🔗 10:35
Unknowngamer88: how did you not hear that guy walking up?
🔗 10:36
PsychoI3oy: oh, good thing I checked twitter because twitch still hasn't emailed
🔗 10:36
aussz: *eat
🔗 10:36
Sunrise_Laro: dunno if it was mentioned in the meantime, had some Login issues, but some NPCs describe your scent as "smelling like the moon" or "moon-scented"
🔗 10:36
PsychoI3oy: what have I missed?
🔗 10:36
TacitusVigil: So if Cameron gets 100 subs, Adam will volunteer for *another* 24 stream? That's so generous of him. Kappa
🔗 10:36
plummeting_sloth: nothing interrupts my stone studying like a murder
🔗 10:36
adi_pie: Cam, if you want to try getting to 100 subs, can you wait a week? I don't want to go talk to my bank twice in a week to explain why I havee so many payments to twitch. :P
🔗 10:36
CantWearHats: wait, what the hell does the moon smell like?
🔗 10:36
Metricos: too bad it's the moon from Termina that you smell like
🔗 10:36
PresidentLulu: If cam gets 100 subs he will solo a let's nope
🔗 10:36
plummeting_sloth: cheese, duh?
🔗 10:36
Myrdin90: KAPPA
🔗 10:36
Metricos: 3 DAYS REMAIN
🔗 10:36
Myrdin90: Kappa
🔗 10:36
TurboLover004: Tentacles, CantWearHats Kappa
🔗 10:36
TacitusVigil: CantWearHats: Freedom.
🔗 10:36
Laserbeaks_Fury: hmm, almost, but the next sections pretty hairy
🔗 10:37
ImmoralEthicist: you're not too far
🔗 10:37
adi_pie: CantWearHats, it's complicated.
🔗 10:37
Sunrise_Laro: the moon-scented makes a bit more sense later on
🔗 10:37
cddento: whats the command for stream running time?
🔗 10:37
daryldutch: i do want that entire 100 sub raid on replay though, it was so much fun seeing him slowly conceding to the fact
🔗 10:37
RebelliousUno: !uptime
🔗 10:37
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 39:05
🔗 10:37
JohnLockeCole4: as it turns out from now on, whenever stormcount hits 100 Adam "Volunteers" for a 24h stream
🔗 10:37
beowuuf: fight me irl
🔗 10:37
cddento: Thank you
🔗 10:37
Samdaharu: Flawless AI.
🔗 10:37
adi_pie: Yeah, what Sunrise_Laro said, it's a bit hard to explain at this point in the game.
🔗 10:37
Sai_Maa: This is bloodborn so I suppose moon would smell like some sort of blood Kappa
🔗 10:37
Samdaharu: Blood moon?
🔗 10:37
ImmoralEthicist: Right now, you're on top of the area you noped away feom
🔗 10:37
Samdaharu: So carboard and salt?
🔗 10:38
Samdaharu: *cardboard
🔗 10:38
PhoenixMelior: does Bloodborne play any non-basic lands?
🔗 10:38
Sunrise_Laro: in regards to the incense... it either smells like just like you or it smells stronger because it masks your scent
🔗 10:38
Sai_Maa: Hidden msg, always play your blood moons
🔗 10:38
Laserbeaks_Fury: If you has gone into the oil, these grenadiers would be tossing molotovs on you. And you'd be taking 100% more damage form the oil debuff
🔗 10:38
Metricos: 50k souls D:
🔗 10:38
Jondare: Wait, is this the same build as last week? Man, it's like i don't even know you anymore cam
🔗 10:38
plummeting_sloth: Yarhnem could field s decent baseball team if they put their insane minds to it
🔗 10:38
adi_pie: Dear Dr. Cam, when this area turns into Resident Evil 4, you'll be close to the shortcut.
🔗 10:38
Laserbeaks_Fury: just a few Dans around
🔗 10:38
PresidentLulu: Well cam sound is a wave
🔗 10:38
Myrdin90: 50K SOULS CAM
🔗 10:39
Orthogonaltee: Wherefore art though sound?
🔗 10:39
Orthogonaltee: thou*
🔗 10:39
PhoenixMelior: should we go spend those souls?
🔗 10:39
The_Quiet_Alestain: So much Soul!
🔗 10:39
daryldutch: !advice
🔗 10:39
LRRbot: Stay focused.
🔗 10:39
Laserbeaks_Fury: you're close to a shorcut door
🔗 10:39
Metricos: !badadvice
🔗 10:39
LRRbot: Let him live he'll give you a katana.
🔗 10:39
Orthogonaltee: Stay frosty.
🔗 10:39
Laserbeaks_Fury: Safe-er
🔗 10:39
ImmoralEthicist: You're very close to the path to Iosefka.
🔗 10:39
PresidentLulu: \quote Cam
🔗 10:39
TwistedPear: !quote Cam
🔗 10:39
LRRbot: Quote #139: "Afterwards is always the best time to deal with consequences." —Cameron [2015-04-14]
🔗 10:39
adi_pie: Just don't go near those things in the oil.
🔗 10:39
AbsolutelyNothing_: "safe" is abit of an assumption in this game
🔗 10:40
PresidentLulu: oh they changed the quote thing?
🔗 10:40
Orthogonaltee: If I were a half of a man, I'd be pretty angry too
🔗 10:40
Blackknight1239: Left
🔗 10:40
qrpth: PresidentLulu: LRRbot is absorbing Pump19 powers.
🔗 10:40
adi_pie: Going opposite from the thing s in the oil.
🔗 10:40
The_Quiet_Alestain: Looks pretty fine in there. Nothing to worry about.
🔗 10:40
cddento: Being half a man does sound pretty bad
🔗 10:40
Myrdin90: Que a "Im bad at videogames." Quote from Cam in 1-5 min
🔗 10:40
plummeting_sloth: the term "safe" in this world has always been on something of a sliding scale
🔗 10:40
adi_pie: Yep, shortcut is about another encounter away.
🔗 10:40
Papperslappen: Suddenly they are no longer the halves of men they used to be...
🔗 10:40
Metricos: lel
🔗 10:40
wildpeaks: What's the other half lrrSPOOP
🔗 10:40
Bv310: @Qrpth Neat! That makes everything easier. Is that new today?
🔗 10:41
PresidentLulu: @Wildpeaks an entire horse
🔗 10:41
qrpth: Bv310: Yes.
🔗 10:41
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'm still going to call these guys Lt. Dans
🔗 10:41
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: heyyyy it's Cam o'clock!
🔗 10:41
Orthogonaltee: Come back here and let me torso at you for a while
🔗 10:41
Katboii: Huh Twitch hadn't notified me about this stream, glad I randomly checked
🔗 10:41
adi_pie: Hey, GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou
🔗 10:41
Humblejackson: Sorry, signal went out. Everyone please repeat the last five minutes of chat.
🔗 10:41
Hippitybobbity: Evening chat
🔗 10:41
cddento: Oh this part
🔗 10:41
ImmoralEthicist: Cam, beware of cannon.
🔗 10:42
adi_pie: Beware of the cannon.
🔗 10:42
Laserbeaks_Fury: This isn't "the" door but "A"
🔗 10:42
qrpth: Humbejackson: Chat logs: http://qrpth.eu/prism/
🔗 10:42
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: beware of canon
🔗 10:42
Orthogonaltee: beware of canon as well
🔗 10:42
plummeting_sloth: sir, you singed my clearly beautiful coat
🔗 10:42
Samdaharu: Good evening, Hippitybobbity ^_^
🔗 10:42
GreyFox0012: cam please go level like now
🔗 10:42
Orthogonaltee: beware of head canon
🔗 10:42
adi_pie: As much as I don't like spoiling, you have too many souls for me to keep quiet.
🔗 10:42
wildpeaks: Don't worry about cannon Kappa
🔗 10:42
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: wow that's a lot of blood echoes
🔗 10:42
Myrdin90: What IS a chucklefuck?
🔗 10:42
PresidentLulu: beware of warwelf
🔗 10:42
cddento: No Cameron it is an actual Cannon
🔗 10:43
CamelknackRamblehort: You don't have to worry about the cannon if you just dodge everything forever
🔗 10:43
qrpth: warelf?
🔗 10:43
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: cam di you just provoke the sniper on high ground with an unobstructed view
🔗 10:43
plummeting_sloth: but do beware of canon... non-canonical enemies will really mess you up
🔗 10:43
adi_pie: Yes, after these dudes, there is an actual cannon.
🔗 10:43
Sektor88: The cannon is canon Kappa
🔗 10:43
Orthogonaltee: chuckle*** is a *** where you can only just laugh at it
🔗 10:43
beowuuf: headcannon is a literal thing around here
🔗 10:43
plummeting_sloth: headcanon handcannon
🔗 10:44
qrpth: beowuuf: Did you mean skul-gun Kappa
🔗 10:44
Orthogonaltee: the cannon is aimed at your head
🔗 10:44
PresidentLulu: @ Cam, you probably dont have the right permits
🔗 10:44
CamelknackRamblehort: Immersion ruined!
🔗 10:44
JediTransmit: Cranial artillery?
🔗 10:44
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: do you think Gunther makes head-cannon jokes
🔗 10:44
PhoenixMelior: Yeah that's a mortar blast
🔗 10:44
ravensshade: oooh cam's on evening cam
🔗 10:44
Laserbeaks_Fury: I concede the distintion
🔗 10:44
CamelknackRamblehort: I think Civil War era cannons used explosive shells
🔗 10:44
adi_pie: Yes, if you want to be precise, it is more of a mortar. :P
🔗 10:44
beowuuf: qrpth: skul-gun is now my headcanon for headcannon :)
🔗 10:44
CamelknackRamblehort: and they were still classified as cannons
🔗 10:44
senshi5609: lol too funny I knew he couldn't not play BB
🔗 10:45
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: my back! that's where I keep my kidneys!
🔗 10:45
Orthogonaltee: It was called grapeshot, but they were generally called mortars
🔗 10:45
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: no, you could load a cannon with grapeshot
🔗 10:45
MTG_Jake: mortar is defined as high firing angle, not explosiveness of rounds
🔗 10:45
cddento: Fair point Cam though I feel that it does no quite lob at a high enough angle to be a morter
🔗 10:45
CamelknackRamblehort: No, grapeshot is a very different thing from exploding shells
🔗 10:45
Metricos: 60k souls floating is terrifying
🔗 10:45
GreyFox0012: no its a mortar because it lobs the shells instead of fireing them straight foreward
🔗 10:45
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: certainly looks cannon-y
🔗 10:45
ImmoralEthicist: Path back to lamp is here
🔗 10:46
Laserbeaks_Fury: yup, you cant aim it though, which is a shame
🔗 10:46
ravensshade: i thought mortar just meant a high arc of fire?
🔗 10:46
Myrdin90: That leg has got to be SO infested after sticking yourself with 5000 needles all night
🔗 10:46
Mangledpixel: cannonesque
🔗 10:46
beowuuf: !game mortarfire
🔗 10:46
plummeting_sloth: breechloading... well aren't these some fancy lads
🔗 10:46
Myrdin90: *infected
🔗 10:46
cddento: Wouldn't that be a "Howistzer" is the technical term
🔗 10:46
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Cam, I just got here, so: when did we switch to RE4?
🔗 10:46
adi_pie: Go into the building past the cannon to open the shortcut up to the lamp.
🔗 10:46
PhoenixMelior: famous last words
🔗 10:46
plummeting_sloth: nope... muzzle is too long for a Howistzer
🔗 10:46
beowuuf: hey fucklechuck, how're you doin'?
🔗 10:46
adi_pie: GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou, you have no clue how right you are about to be. :P
🔗 10:46
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: uh oh.
🔗 10:46
CamelknackRamblehort: A mortar fires in a high arc, that is a pretty shallow arc
🔗 10:47
cddento: Has cameron met the deranged beggar before?
🔗 10:47
Laserbeaks_Fury: You can try, I've never had success
🔗 10:47
CamelknackRamblehort: Not that I am complaining or trying to win some argument, not trying to be that guy
🔗 10:47
The_Quiet_Alestain: Mortars cannot fire direct. Thats what differentiates them from cannons. A Cannon maby can fire bombardments like a mortar.
🔗 10:47
Laserbeaks_Fury: You have to use armor and runes to get full benefit
🔗 10:47
ImmoralEthicist: I never used them in my run. You do more damage, but also take more.
🔗 10:47
Rootpotato: !uptime
🔗 10:47
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 49:21
🔗 10:47
adi_pie: cddento, doubtful, he said he's never made it this far.
🔗 10:47
CamelknackRamblehort: I just like cannons and dicussing them
🔗 10:47
CantWearHats: lrrSPOOP
🔗 10:47
Whatanvarno: Beast blood pellets increase damage taken and damage dealt, they can be really good for murdering bosses quick, but are risky
🔗 10:47
cddento: should we tell Cameron about the Beggar?
🔗 10:47
Rootpotato: oh good, I didn't miss much XD
🔗 10:47
Orthogonaltee: Why are we drippings with goo?
🔗 10:48
plummeting_sloth: he knows about the beggar
🔗 10:48
Metricos: don't spoil it, cddento
🔗 10:48
Myrdin90: What a nice place Kappa
🔗 10:48
adi_pie: cddento, he does know he kills people in the chapel.
🔗 10:48
Mangledpixel: [legitimacy intensifies]
🔗 10:48
Orthogonaltee: lrrFINE
🔗 10:48
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Orthogonaltee probably because we keep shoving our arms into guys and ripping out their viscera
🔗 10:48
cddento: Does he know the rest about the Beggar?
🔗 10:48
ImmoralEthicist: Take the stairs down first
🔗 10:48
adi_pie: cddento, let's not spoil that.
🔗 10:48
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: wow that certainly is a good noise
🔗 10:48
JediTransmit: *gulp*
🔗 10:48
Myrdin90: I bet some really nice people live here Kappa
🔗 10:48
CantWearHats: oh hello friend
🔗 10:48
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: nothing scary could possibly be making that noise
🔗 10:49
cddento: Lets insist he go to the Lamp first though
🔗 10:49
Metricos: lanterns pls
🔗 10:49
CantWearHats: sneks
🔗 10:49
ImmoralEthicist: shortcut is just over the bridge
🔗 10:49
adi_pie: Cam, the shortcut to the lantern is through the door opposite the one you just came out of.
🔗 10:49
wildpeaks: We live here now
🔗 10:49
plummeting_sloth: ah, woodsman. He seems trustworthy ah no now here is dead
🔗 10:49
Zibanitu: !live
🔗 10:49
LRRbot: A list of currently live fanstreams can be found here http://legbot.ufokraana.ee/live
🔗 10:49
cddento: Over the bridge and there should be a switch back just pass the bridge going up which leads to an elevator which goes to the Lantern
🔗 10:49
Sai_Maa: Damn I've had a ton of fun following ENB's base level hardcore runs :)
🔗 10:50
Orthogonaltee: Kill demons, take their stuff
🔗 10:50
Sai_Maa: or should I say attempts
🔗 10:50
adi_pie: It's by the guy you just killed.
🔗 10:50
ImmoralEthicist: @adi_pie that's the other one
🔗 10:50
cddento: Over the bridge and there should be a switch back just pass the bridge going up which leads to an elevator which goes to the Lantern
🔗 10:50
adi_pie: The delay doesn't help with pathing.
🔗 10:51
cddento: NO
🔗 10:51
Laserbeaks_Fury: DOn't overload with info
🔗 10:51
cddento: oh dear
🔗 10:51
Samdaharu: Hey, look, it's Blighttown!
🔗 10:51
adi_pie: yeah, I'll let other people explain, I'm obviously terrible at it.
🔗 10:51
adi_pie: Sorry.
🔗 10:51
Orthogonaltee: Over river, through woods
🔗 10:51
CamelknackRamblehort: To legit to quit
🔗 10:51
Unknowngamer88: oh dear
🔗 10:51
ImmoralEthicist: Be careful here. there's a very difficult fight ahead you could stumble into.
🔗 10:52
adi_pie: Finally a mill Alex can be proud of. :P
🔗 10:52
Sai_Maa: No swamp makes me feel anything since 5-2
🔗 10:52
adi_pie: Sai_Maa, not enough plague babies?
🔗 10:52
Havok4: Do not tell this man to go the the chapel.
🔗 10:52
Deathcultritual: did he pick up the canon?
🔗 10:52
ImmoralEthicist: Dont attack that guy!
🔗 10:52
TurboLover004: Kill it
🔗 10:52
Sai_Maa: Yeah :)
🔗 10:52
Samdaharu: Good lord, Valley of defilement was miserable.
🔗 10:52
Rootpotato: talk to him cam!
🔗 10:52
Solomon_Kain: if attack - aggro
🔗 10:52
wildpeaks: Friend Kappa
🔗 10:52
GreyFox0012: just use a bold hunters mark
🔗 10:52
qrpth: Give him the stick. Don't give him the stick.
🔗 10:52
JohnLockeCole4: can't we just bone home?
🔗 10:53
JohnLockeCole4: at this point
🔗 10:53
Sunrise_Laro: try to target him first to see if he is hostile
🔗 10:53
CantWearHats: cor blimey guv
🔗 10:53
adi_pie: JLC, yeah but we're so close to a shortcut.
🔗 10:53
Metricos: at this point it's better to get to the next lantern i think
🔗 10:53
Deathcultritual: Attack him, for banter. I have faith in your skill.
🔗 10:53
ImmoralEthicist: Give him to Iosefka...
🔗 10:53
cddento: Oh is her just going to attack him? umm
🔗 10:53
Unknowngamer88: huh
🔗 10:53
adi_pie: I kind of feel bad if we send him to Iosefka.
🔗 10:53
plummeting_sloth: oh yea... the safest
🔗 10:53
TurboLover004: ayy lmao
🔗 10:53
CantWearHats: keh heh heh heh
🔗 10:53
adi_pie: Then again, he is a killer.
🔗 10:53
Metricos: I almost felt bad for "iosefka"
🔗 10:53
Mindmage: Is the chapel a legitimate safe place?
🔗 10:53
Metricos: *almost*
🔗 10:53
cddento: NOT chapel
🔗 10:54
plummeting_sloth: your insides will be safe in a test tube... briefly
🔗 10:54
ImmoralEthicist: Definitely the right call. He'd kill everyone else.
🔗 10:54
Myrdin90: Such a nice chap
🔗 10:54
adi_pie: Mindmage, yes.
🔗 10:54
Oedipa_Rekt: You gave him the carrot when you should have given him the stick
🔗 10:54
Sunrise_Laro: oh she will...
🔗 10:54
Laserbeaks_Fury: Just a note, this guy has an eye bandaged.
🔗 10:54
cddento: Mindmage yep
🔗 10:54
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: is this one of those "two wrongs make a right" cases
🔗 10:54
CaffeinatedLemur: morning chat, hello Cam.
🔗 10:54
🔗 10:54
Unknowngamer88: what's so scary abouyt that guy? is he a lot tougher than he looks?
🔗 10:54
Metricos: oy lemur
🔗 10:54
Mindmage: Good to know thanks folks
🔗 10:54
JohnLockeCole4: Hullo Caff
🔗 10:54
Solomon_Kain: he is a LOT tougher than he looks
🔗 10:54
cddento: Unkowngamer yes yes yes and yes
🔗 10:54
Metricos: he's hiding a dirty secret, unknowngamer88
🔗 10:54
ImmoralEthicist: @unknowngamer88 He's a huge beast.
🔗 10:54
Deathcultritual: Grab the canon! (y)
🔗 10:54
TurboLover004: Cannon Kreygasm
🔗 10:54
Unknowngamer88: fair enough
🔗 10:55
Laserbeaks_Fury: 30 STR
🔗 10:55
Myrdin90: Is he actually a beast guy?
🔗 10:55
Laserbeaks_Fury: it's a literal cannon
🔗 10:55
CaffeinatedLemur: how goes the wolf cleansing?
🔗 10:55
CrucisOha: Welp.
🔗 10:55
adi_pie: Myrdin90, yes.
🔗 10:55
plummeting_sloth: cannons surprisingly heavy
🔗 10:55
wildpeaks: K non
🔗 10:55
Solomon_Kain: look at the damage
🔗 10:55
ImmoralEthicist: You're super close to the shortcut. wouldn't advise boning.
🔗 10:55
Nightvalien28: CaffeinatedLemur, sup mate, how re ya?
🔗 10:55
Deathcultritual: even though its high strength and uses 10 bullets its serious cheese
🔗 10:55
Laserbeaks_Fury: Just strap it on and call yourself Megaton
🔗 10:55
cddento: Well it is a cannon
🔗 10:55
Laserbeaks_Fury: *megatron
🔗 10:55
CantWearHats: it is a literal canon so 30 str sounds about right
🔗 10:55
Sai_Maa: Need Space Marine
🔗 10:55
amythist: doesn't it also take something like 10 bullets to fire?
🔗 10:55
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: megatron it up
🔗 10:55
CaffeinatedLemur: nightvalien28: feeling better after 12 hours of sleep, lol
🔗 10:55
Unknowngamer88: megaton works too, TBH
🔗 10:55
Nightvalien28: nice
🔗 10:55
Metricos: yes it does amythist
🔗 10:55
northos: I love that Cam keeps coming up with excuses to play Bloodborne at random times :)
🔗 10:55
Katboii: Bloodmarine?
🔗 10:55
Sunrise_Laro: Myrdin90 he can really be a beast if you anger him
🔗 10:55
JediTransmit: Well you have a pseudo chainsword.
🔗 10:56
INAFN: blight town?
🔗 10:56
Whatanvarno: I was really sad when I found that on my second character, after missing it on my first, strength based build :(
🔗 10:56
Myrdin90: I see
🔗 10:56
adi_pie: The shortcut is very close, but boning home might not be a bad idea with how much dosh we have.
🔗 10:56
SirTrae: 12 bullets now
🔗 10:56
CrucisOha: Bloodman
🔗 10:56
Laserbeaks_Fury: Nah you hold it like massive Tonfa
🔗 10:56
Deathcultritual: Beware of snakes :s
🔗 10:56
cddento: Over the bridge and there should be a switch back just pass the bridge going up which leads to an elevator which goes to the Lantern
🔗 10:56
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: snakeman
🔗 10:56
CantWearHats: snek
🔗 10:56
TurboLover004: SNEK
🔗 10:56
JohnLockeCole4: that is a snake
🔗 10:56
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: snekmn
🔗 10:56
INAFN: That is new friend
🔗 10:56
Mangledpixel: lrrSPOOP
🔗 10:56
Myrdin90: Na na na na na na na na Bloodman?
🔗 10:56
Unknowngamer88: ruh roh raggy
🔗 10:56
adi_pie: Told y'all, Resident Evil 4.
🔗 10:56
Christophar: It's a snerson
🔗 10:56
ImmoralEthicist: Parry/riposte. you know the dill
🔗 10:56
CamelknackRamblehort: It is a bunch of snakes in a trenchcoat pretending to be a man
🔗 10:56
Myrdin90: FRIEND?!
🔗 10:56
ImmoralEthicist: *drill
🔗 10:56
plummeting_sloth: well, it burns. that's what's important
🔗 10:56
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: that is some straight-up RE4, yeah
🔗 10:56
MrJWhit: It's Madusa?
🔗 10:56
Katboii: Medusa really let herself go
🔗 10:56
JediTransmit: You killed it with fire, good job.
🔗 10:56
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I didn't know they had Las Plagas in Yharnam
🔗 10:56
ImmoralEthicist: Shoetcut to the right
🔗 10:56
Myrdin90: Mandusa?
🔗 10:56
Papperslappen: Snakesmen
🔗 10:56
Sai_Maa: Time to call BSAA?
🔗 10:57
amythist: well if nothing else it's Flamable at least
🔗 10:57
adi_pie: GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou, told you you were on the ball with the RE4 quip. :P
🔗 10:57
QuantumTwitch: Crux Terminatus
🔗 10:57
Myrdin90: Snacksmun?
🔗 10:57
Laserbeaks_Fury: He's definitely been sorted into Slytherin
🔗 10:57
Myrdin90: Sneksmnn?
🔗 10:57
Deathcultritual: you have come to the right place
🔗 10:57
adi_pie: Shortcut get.
🔗 10:57
Havok4: Well the disease turns some people into werewolves and others into snakemen. And by snakemen we mean writhing piles of snakes.
🔗 10:57
ImmoralEthicist: Woo! Shortcut gained!
🔗 10:57
cddento: Shortcut
🔗 10:57
JohnLockeCole4: MrJWhit I saw those on adam's stream - those things are people with a snake parasite and eventually the snakes inside them burst out through their heads and looks like that .... it's .. ugly... - think las plagas from RE4
🔗 10:57
qrpth: !russell
🔗 10:57
LRRbot: 🐦 25 crows for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 10:57
Orthogonaltee: Short cuts
🔗 10:57
Mangledpixel: Aunty Dot
🔗 10:57
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: don't you hate it when the game starts giving you antidotes "for no reason"
🔗 10:58
adi_pie: Havok4, well it's less the disease in the case of the snake men.
🔗 10:58
Havok4: Lets go spend those souls.
🔗 10:58
Unknowngamer88: 65K souls, cam
🔗 10:58
Metricos: omg 65k souls i'm going to have a stroke
🔗 10:58
Myrdin90: No, Cam! BONFIRE
🔗 10:58
MrJWhit: JohnLockCole4 I think its actually the movie Sssssss.
🔗 10:58
Myrdin90: Do it!
🔗 10:58
ImmoralEthicist: The next part is pretty rough
🔗 10:58
wildpeaks: The greed :D
🔗 10:58
adi_pie: GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou, yeah, no reason. :P
🔗 10:58
Laserbeaks_Fury: You know you never have to worry about losing echoes when you play hardcore
🔗 10:58
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: camhurts castle
🔗 10:59
Mindmage: Levelling and grinding out the area will make you have a better chance of kicking logarius's butt.
🔗 10:59
plummeting_sloth: what I desire is to vomit all this blood at you so you can make me stronger
🔗 10:59
Myrdin90: Ah, the greed has been sated
🔗 10:59
ImmoralEthicist: You can also do the Lecture Building/Nightmare Frontier now.
🔗 10:59
qrpth: "What is it, good hunter?" "I wish to git gud."
🔗 10:59
adi_pie: Cam would love the Lecture Building. :P
🔗 10:59
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: go to the lecture building so we can make TA jokes
🔗 11:00
TurboLover004: Soul of the mind, key to life's ether
🔗 11:00
Sunrise_Laro: "good hunter" has taken almost the proportions of "would you kindly" imho
🔗 11:00
Papperslappen: Why is good hunter?
🔗 11:00
PsychoI3oy: Oh, Cam, if you want to hear more of the voice actress for the Doll, her only other credit is a similar character in Demon Souls
🔗 11:00
Blackknight1239: A nice top hat rounds out any Yharnam gentlemen
🔗 11:00
adi_pie: TurboLover004, soul of the lost, withdrawn from its vessel.
🔗 11:00
CaffeinatedLemur: sunrise_laro: its "Would'ya kindly" you forgot the accent
🔗 11:01
ImmoralEthicist: @adi_pie I don't know what was so scary about Lecture Building. Speaking as someone who teaches in a university, it just seemed like a perfectly ordinary class of perfectly ordinary students to me.
🔗 11:01
PsychoI3oy: as much Dark Souls as I've seen, I've never seen anyone play Demon Souls
🔗 11:01
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I love that you can put hats on the floor skeletons. it is my favorite things.
🔗 11:01
Samdaharu: Aaah, I had a feeling Doll shared the Maiden in Black's VA
🔗 11:01
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Immoralethicist you teach in a university, and you don't find a class of undergrads to be scary??
🔗 11:01
adi_pie: ImmoralEthicist, I don't disagree. 100% accurate.
🔗 11:01
Myrdin90: You can take 1 more hit, INDESTRUCTIBLE
🔗 11:01
Myrdin90: Ah, Bloodborne
🔗 11:02
JohnLockeCole4: All things Being Relative: Indestructable - it fits
🔗 11:02
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: cam, sound is the transfer of pressure waves through a fluid medium at a speed proportional to dP/drho
🔗 11:02
Unknowngamer88: hmm
🔗 11:02
JellyFilledDoughnut: Hello all! How are you today?
🔗 11:02
plummeting_sloth: wow... every single one of those snakes fell down on the job
🔗 11:02
CaffeinatedLemur: thank you gcu_ofcourseistillloveyou
🔗 11:02
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I am a helper
🔗 11:02
DarXoid: who said the snakes had eyes?
🔗 11:02
Okipokute: "just kidding it's bloodborne"
🔗 11:02
Laserbeaks_Fury: Dragging an axe on stone really effs the blade. I know an axe is more about the force behind the blade and not it's sharpness, but it's can't be helpful to drag it
🔗 11:02
adi_pie: GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou, answering just like a Mind would.
🔗 11:02
Sunrise_Laro: check if the snakeheads actually have eyes, we are talking about bloodborne here
🔗 11:03
SirTrae: Snakes don't have very good vision, if I recall correctly.
🔗 11:03
CantWearHats: sneks
🔗 11:03
Myrdin90: Oh, sexy
🔗 11:03
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: wow, Tangela got dark.
🔗 11:03
TurboLover004: Tumblesneks
🔗 11:03
Sektor88: ruhroh
🔗 11:03
ImmoralEthicist: Yup, terrifying area
🔗 11:03
MrJWhit: It IS the movie Sssssss.
🔗 11:03
JohnLockeCole4: it's just a pile of snakes, nothing to worry about
🔗 11:03
CamelknackRamblehort: Snake ball, time for Kathleens ball kicking service
🔗 11:03
CaffeinatedLemur: it is a ratking... but of snakes
🔗 11:03
adi_pie: Yo, dawg. I hear you like snakes, so I put some snakes in your snakes.
🔗 11:03
Laserbeaks_Fury: Imagine this enemy, but instead of snakes: Weagles
🔗 11:03
Oedipa_Rekt: snake balls are the best kind of balls (and snakes)
🔗 11:03
plummeting_sloth: I'm going to assume proper weapons care is beyond the interests of most demons
🔗 11:03
Caleb_QDC: Oh God, King Rats.
🔗 11:03
Advisorcloud: Snakes. Why does it always have to be snakes?
🔗 11:03
Myrdin90: Is that the new Mega Evolution for Arbok?
🔗 11:03
Sektor88: ballsballsballs of snakes
🔗 11:03
JellyFilledDoughnut: Could be worse, could be rat kings Kappa
🔗 11:03
Whatanvarno: Snake Katamari, it would be awesome if they'd combine if they got close to each other
🔗 11:03
adi_pie: Great balls of snake!
🔗 11:03
Mangledpixel: Goodness gracious great balls of snakes
🔗 11:03
JediTransmit: Snaking?
🔗 11:03
eostby: So, I presume the good word about August's FNM promo has reached Cam already?
🔗 11:03
INAFN: Gonna get straight Cthulhu'd
🔗 11:04
Sunrise_Laro: the transformed jump attack should have more reach
🔗 11:04
Mindmage: I like the RPG style of combat that Cam is doing. The whole jump and attack and then jump back into line.
🔗 11:04
TheGr8Typhoon: They're like cheeseballs except without tasty crackers to accompany them and awful pain and venom instead.
🔗 11:04
BusTed: A miserable little pile of snakes.
🔗 11:04
Myrdin90: Man, Pokemon sure got a lot darker than when i played it
🔗 11:04
ImSincerelySorry: Cam, Commercial?
🔗 11:04
Laserbeaks_Fury: No, the really scarry thing is, snakes actually do this IRL when mating
🔗 11:04
Unknowngamer88: I recall the boss at the end of this area to be a real pain
🔗 11:04
adi_pie: !break
🔗 11:04
MrJWhit: "we're going to go on break"... "after a few more monsters"
🔗 11:04
Havok4: And these sneks used to be people. Keep that in mind.
🔗 11:04
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I am really annoyed that the good FNM promo cards are available right when I'm going to be in New Mexico, 50 miles from the nearest game shop :P
🔗 11:04
Metonymic_Human: Snakes seems like poor materials to build Dyson sphere's out of.
🔗 11:04
Sunrise_Laro: Havok4 so a clusterfuck of snakes?
🔗 11:04
adi_pie: Unknowngamer88, I'm in agreement with that sentiment.
🔗 11:04
Katboii: So what you're saying is that Cam is really just interrupting a snake gangbang?
🔗 11:04
Caleb_QDC: @Laserbeaks_fury Yes, but it's more of a shifting mat, they don't get stuck
🔗 11:05
Rootpotato: I loved playing wackamole with the Kirkhamer in here XD LOL
🔗 11:05
MrJWhit: Bagmen are actually snakes.
🔗 11:05
plummeting_sloth: bagmen were morel hunting
🔗 11:05
Myrdin90: Oh, god. They were people once. >~<
🔗 11:05
CantWearHats: bagmns want to be friend with snekmns
🔗 11:05
Unknowngamer88: haven't played it myself, but few streamers I watch had a real time with it
🔗 11:05
JohnLockeCole4: I heard heavy footsteps.. snake balls don't have feet
🔗 11:05
Samdaharu: "What is sound? A miserable pile of sine waves"'
🔗 11:05
Whatanvarno: I believe you are hearing executioners on the cliff above you
🔗 11:05
adi_pie: Rootpotato, the Kirkhammer definitely has that going for it.
🔗 11:05
CompletelyUnsure: @Gcu_ofcourseistillloveyou where in new mexico?
🔗 11:05
ZeroArcana: well, at least the snakes are low as balls
🔗 11:05
TheGr8Typhoon: Snake Zord?
🔗 11:05
CaffeinatedLemur: snake balls are snake Voltrons?
🔗 11:06
Papperslappen: Like octodad but with snakes
🔗 11:06
sticks_abuser: voltron reference?
🔗 11:06
DiamondTiki: Snake Voltron
🔗 11:06
plummeting_sloth: Voltron would have been far scarier as a massive snake
🔗 11:06
DiamondTiki: Hai everyone
🔗 11:06
CantWearHats: lrrEFF
🔗 11:06
JellyFilledDoughnut: lrrEFF lrrEFF
🔗 11:06
MrJWhit: Why is the sea red?
🔗 11:06
Samdaharu: Hey DiamondTiki ^_^
🔗 11:06
Havok4: "And I threw it on the ground!"
🔗 11:06
adi_pie: Hi, DiamondTiki.
🔗 11:06
Steeekz: <message deleted>http://www.smitepromotions.com/7yB1xA
🔗 11:06
PresidentLulu: Cameron "whoops i dropped another molotov" Lauder
🔗 11:06
Sai_Maa: Cam, how long do you plan to stream?
🔗 11:06
JellyFilledDoughnut: Yes Excuse me Snake Ball. Can you Staph it. Thanks!
🔗 11:06
CaffeinatedLemur: who started that bonfire?
🔗 11:06
Laserbeaks_Fury: If you think these balls are bad....
🔗 11:06
plummeting_sloth: quick, throw monocle for massive fancy damage!
🔗 11:07
CaffeinatedLemur: sir.... why do snakes need fire?
🔗 11:07
JohnLockeCole4: Havok4 I've heard people say that so much that it has become funny without context - but what IS that FROM?
🔗 11:07
Laserbeaks_Fury: it's not a monocle, it's a monocular
🔗 11:07
DiamondTiki: As usual, Cam's streams remind me that I should devote some time to stop sucking at Bloodborne and get past the like five inches of progress I made
🔗 11:07
qrpth: Sai_Maa: Until the end of time or until Alex kicks him out.
🔗 11:07
Myrdin90: Imagine Octodad made out of hundreds of snakes, that all used to be people...
🔗 11:07
Havok4: I got it from alex without context Johnlockecole4. I am no help to you.
🔗 11:07
CaffeinatedLemur: johnlockecole4: it is from Lonely Island song
🔗 11:07
🔗 11:07
PresidentLulu: @Johnlockecole4 it's from an snl sketch featuring andy samberg, where he plays a beat poet who hates everything
🔗 11:07
Caleb_QDC: Mods? I think Steeekz may have needed some attention
🔗 11:07
plummeting_sloth: the Lost Forrest... formerly known as the Forrest of Snake Balls
🔗 11:07
DiamondTiki: Havok4, lonely island song
🔗 11:08
CantWearHats: Caleb_qdc good spot, thanks
🔗 11:08
JohnLockeCole4: Caff and Jwhit to the rescue
🔗 11:08
Sunrise_Laro: wait till you meet their parents
🔗 11:08
DiamondTiki: "I'm an adult" I think it was called
🔗 11:08
Caleb_QDC: NP, hats
🔗 11:08
TheGr8Typhoon: Snake balls can be easily misconstrued to mean something else
🔗 11:08
16Bitmason: !uptime
🔗 11:08
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:10:13
🔗 11:08
CaffeinatedLemur checks osha code on SnakeKings
🔗 11:08
Myrdin90: At least they have really short reach
🔗 11:08
Papperslappen: "That looks sanitary" *Injects blood of fallen enemies into thigh*
🔗 11:09
JellyFilledDoughnut: Imagine a Bloodborne mod that makes all snake balls Octodad. That would be awful
🔗 11:09
Metonymic_Human: SnakeKings are a team-lift operation. Do not attempt to lift SnakeKings by yourself.
🔗 11:09
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: yeah looks like I get to drive to Santa Fe every Friday this summer if I want mah promo cards. I hope the people in Santa Fe aren't dicks.
🔗 11:09
Metricos: A thousand gallons of nope.
🔗 11:09
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: *** this thing in particular
🔗 11:09
Metricos: nope: a love story
🔗 11:09
Metricos: How Stella Got Her Nope Back
🔗 11:09
Unknowngamer88: reminds me of the end of The Thing
🔗 11:09
JellyFilledDoughnut: On the bright side, at least they are somewhat easy to farm?
🔗 11:09
DarXoid: I would recommend not *** those things.. They are full of snakes. Snakes bite
🔗 11:09
Unknowngamer88: the good one, of course
🔗 11:10
nonane09: So I guess now we know what happens if one of the snake balls jumps you?
🔗 11:10
SirTrae: I'm in a similar position, GCU
🔗 11:10
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: lrrSPOOP hey guys I just want to warn you there may be some snakeballs coming up so don't get scared okay bye
🔗 11:10
JellyFilledDoughnut: Clean needles! Duh!
🔗 11:10
CantWearHats: N O P E
🔗 11:10
JellyFilledDoughnut: Uhhh what
🔗 11:10
Havok4: They come in large sizes by the way.
🔗 11:10
JellyFilledDoughnut: gandsNopeNopeNope
🔗 11:10
plummeting_sloth: I wipe down every one of these blood syringes with my coat before injecting. I'm super clean!
🔗 11:10
qrpth: nope.avi
🔗 11:10
Myrdin90: The "parents"?
🔗 11:10
Mangledpixel: N to the O P E
🔗 11:10
Metricos: lol james
🔗 11:10
adi_pie: Remember when Cam started the sentence "I think it's time for a break..." and then saw the Snakle Katamaris? :P
🔗 11:10
Sunrise_Laro: AHAHA
🔗 11:10
Metonymic_Human: hahahaha
🔗 11:10
CaffeinatedLemur: well what do you know, 29 CFR 1910.523(a)(2)(iii) In a zone habited by snakekings, there shall be one fire pit every 150 yards
🔗 11:10
JellyFilledDoughnut: LOLOL
🔗 11:10
PresidentLulu: Cameron = Alive confirmed
🔗 11:10
RebelliousUno: Bonus James
🔗 11:10
Laserbeaks_Fury: kinda reminds me of http://pldh.net/media/dreamworld/114.png
🔗 11:10
adi_pie: Hi, James.
🔗 11:10
Blackknight1239: vomit vomit vomit
🔗 11:10
Metricos: james carrying on graham's tradition of terrifying cam mid-Bloodborne
🔗 11:10
PresidentLulu: !quote James
🔗 11:11
LRRbot: Quote #218: "That man has a problem… but we support that problem and let him do this." —James, about Cameron [2015-05-02]
🔗 11:11
🔗 11:11
JohnLockeCole4: we're all going to die... and become one with the snake kings
🔗 11:11
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Laserbeaks_fury yeah that's all I can think of when I see those
🔗 11:11
qrpth: Death is imminent.
🔗 11:11
Caleb_QDC: Oh God, hyper-realistic Tangela!
🔗 11:11
PresidentLulu: LRRBOT
🔗 11:11
Metricos: what in the holy *** is that up ahead
🔗 11:11
DiamondTiki: that is incredibly on point
🔗 11:11
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I'm not sure I like next-gen Pokemon Snap
🔗 11:11
CaffeinatedLemur: ummm, Noep?
🔗 11:11
JellyFilledDoughnut: Now that is a snake ball
🔗 11:11
Metricos: nope dot com
🔗 11:11
qrpth: Gooby, pls.
🔗 11:11
Metricos: nope the movie
🔗 11:11
Katboii: Snake boulder
🔗 11:11
Metricos: nope the animated series
🔗 11:11
TheGr8Typhoon: great snake balls of fire
🔗 11:11
JohnLockeCole4: look, it's the King snake king... Snake Emperor maybe??
🔗 11:11
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: sir you appear to have an advanced case of snakeball
🔗 11:11
🔗 11:11
DiamondTiki: Let me guess, this area's called Snakeburg: Snake of snaky snakes
🔗 11:11
Havok4: So basically this is like cancer only instead of tumors you get snakes.
🔗 11:11
CaffeinatedLemur: oh and it spits poison
🔗 11:12
JohnLockeCole4: Snake Jeffe
🔗 11:12
PresidentLulu: Centipede demon had babbies
🔗 11:12
Sunrise_Laro: this is like a visualisation of a metric ton of snakes
🔗 11:12
Slyguy46: howdy cam and chat
🔗 11:12
CantWearHats: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 11:12
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: oh god it's like...dragging itself around....
🔗 11:12
Zibanitu: Toilets? As in Toilets with a skellington and a birthday cake, Toiletes?
🔗 11:12
Metricos: obligatory "beow beow beowwww"
🔗 11:12
Metricos: lrrHORN
🔗 11:13
RebelliousUno: bye James
🔗 11:13
🔗 11:13
adi_pie: Bye, James.
🔗 11:13
PresidentLulu: how do we get lrrbot to summon alex
🔗 11:13
GreyFox0012: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 11:13
JohnLockeCole4: "Why did it have to be snakes"
🔗 11:13
RebelliousUno: adi_pie how's deck take number 2 coming along/
🔗 11:13
CaffeinatedLemur: Spitting Cobra is a thing
🔗 11:13
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: actually I think there are some snakes that can spit
🔗 11:13
qrpth: !summon alex
🔗 11:13
Slyguy46: yeah, this area suuuuuuuucks
🔗 11:13
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's good to see that after Raiders, the cast of the Well of Souls are able to find work
🔗 11:13
CantWearHats: spitting cobras are a thing
🔗 11:13
Sunrise_Laro: the pit of nope
🔗 11:13
Slyguy46: I'm dealing with Rom right now
🔗 11:13
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Slyguy46 would you say that it...ssssssssssucks?
🔗 11:13
CantWearHats: indianajones.wav
🔗 11:13
PresidentLulu: has cam seen Rom yet?
🔗 11:14
JediTransmit: Where is the flamethrower?
🔗 11:14
JohnLockeCole4: qrpth summoning alex is a good play - but summoning beej herewould be what's really impressive
🔗 11:14
Oedipa_Rekt: That was the road less travelled
🔗 11:14
Rootpotato: ya, I'm on rom too
🔗 11:14
Mindmage: Kill it with fire? Kill it all with fire?
🔗 11:14
Slyguy46: rom is just evil
🔗 11:14
Metric_Furlong: !advice
🔗 11:14
LRRbot: Your hat's on backwards!
🔗 11:14
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: yeah can we just flamethrower everything in here
🔗 11:14
Katboii: Just burn down the forest
🔗 11:14
Slyguy46: especially as a strength build
🔗 11:14
qrpth: Have you heard of the good word of our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST.
🔗 11:14
Samdaharu: Nuke the site from orbit.
🔗 11:14
JediTransmit: pop smoke, drop nape?
🔗 11:14
Catcard: I smiled pretty wide at the title. Bravo, Cam.
🔗 11:14
PresidentLulu: !advice
🔗 11:14
LRRbot: Physically enter the onion.
🔗 11:14
adi_pie: Uno, better than take number one, MtGO is getting on my nerves a bit with how it refuses to sync stuff up.
🔗 11:14
Metric_Furlong: I had to step away for a bit; I take it Cameron's met the snakes?
🔗 11:15
RebelliousUno: adi_pie do you use dropbox
🔗 11:15
Metricos: Downloading the 3DS Attack on Titan game to play on the subway this afternoon :O
🔗 11:15
TheGr8Typhoon: Buy as many molotovs as you can and burn this place down pls
🔗 11:15
GreyFox0012: you have to hit with more than one knife at once
🔗 11:15
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: hey Cam, shoot it with the cannon!
🔗 11:15
Slyguy46: so Cam, how happy are you about Serum Vision FNM promo
🔗 11:15
RebelliousUno: or something similar
🔗 11:15
Metonymic_Human: Indeed Metric: We have met the enemy, and they are snakes.
🔗 11:15
Catcard: Poison works the same way on enemies as it does on you.
🔗 11:15
RebelliousUno: perhaps symlink your deck lists into dropbox
🔗 11:15
adi_pie: Uno, nope Onedrive, I just export it whenever I make some big changes.
🔗 11:15
TheGr8Typhoon: !advice
🔗 11:15
LRRbot: Blood is supposed to be on the inside.
🔗 11:15
RebelliousUno: same thing with onedrive then
🔗 11:15
Caleb_QDC: @Metricos Come back & give us the run down!
🔗 11:15
D3fr0st5: What's up peeps?
🔗 11:15
Rootpotato: on point lrr bot
🔗 11:15
adi_pie: I shouldn't have to do that with a program that needs to online anywa though, Uno. :P
🔗 11:15
Laserbeaks_Fury: I believe the "goal" is trying to get to Byrgenwerth. You had to fight Amelia to get the password, which open the door to this
🔗 11:15
Metricos: oh don't you worry. i will caleb_qdc
🔗 11:15
🔗 11:16
Mangledpixel: D3fr0st5, snakes
🔗 11:16
qrpth: !pavecount
🔗 11:16
LRRbot: 3 paves for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 11:16
Metric_Furlong: I big ball of angry snakes
🔗 11:16
Metricos: that is false. blood is supposed to be everywhere in bloodborne
🔗 11:16
Metric_Furlong: *a
🔗 11:16
JohnLockeCole4: It ran into the Fire!
🔗 11:16
RebelliousUno: You shouldn't /have/ to but WotC is not an IT company
🔗 11:16
Katboii: That's what the blood vials are for, returning all the lost blood to its home
🔗 11:16
CantWearHats: ha!
🔗 11:16
RebelliousUno: they don't think like real people
🔗 11:16
JohnLockeCole4: ahahahaha
🔗 11:16
🔗 11:16
CantWearHats: sneks not too smart
🔗 11:16
Metricos: lolwhat
🔗 11:16
Metricos: snaks pls
🔗 11:16
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: crouching snakeball angry cam
🔗 11:16
JohnLockeCole4: we killed it with fire
🔗 11:16
CaffeinatedLemur: and that is why OSHA demands fire pits every 150 yards in a snakeking zone
🔗 11:16
plummeting_sloth: goodness gracious snakeballs on fire
🔗 11:16
JellyFilledDoughnut: It could be worse Cam. It could be 4 snake balls
🔗 11:16
JediTransmit: Gonna set the night on fire!
🔗 11:16
Catcard: Dear LRRchat friends! Who do I talk to about getting on the fanstreamer list? Not schedule, just the list of who's live?
🔗 11:16
Oedipa_Rekt: Im pretty sure this is about as low on the organizational chart that you can go
🔗 11:16
D3fr0st5: hey qrpth great job on !quote BTW
🔗 11:17
CaffeinatedLemur: catcard: which list?
🔗 11:17
JediTransmit: Was that a horse?
🔗 11:17
Papperslappen: Giant peanuts?
🔗 11:17
INAFN: snake friend
🔗 11:17
JohnLockeCole4: Oh yeah, I should play the doors c'mon baby light my fire in another tab, because it's been too long since I've heard the long version
🔗 11:17
RobotHitchhiker: !uptime
🔗 11:17
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:19:26
🔗 11:17
Catcard: There's a site that you can go to to see which of the fanstreamers are live.
🔗 11:17
Catcard: I forgot where.
🔗 11:17
Laserbeaks_Fury: I think they might ignore the scented blood
🔗 11:17
plummeting_sloth: the rare and majestic pitch horse
🔗 11:17
CaffeinatedLemur: oh that is rebelliousuno's test page
🔗 11:17
Nightvalien28: Catcard, leg bot has a function to see it
🔗 11:17
adi_pie: You should also take a break, Cam, but we all know that won't happen. :P
🔗 11:18
Mindmage: S'called dubstep Cam. Its called Dubstep
🔗 11:18
Laserbeaks_Fury: You mean like Curly? Woob-woob-woob
🔗 11:18
Metricos: i blame the schools
🔗 11:18
Slyguy46: a broken home
🔗 11:18
PresidentLulu: uh
🔗 11:18
D3fr0st5: I blame Australia
🔗 11:18
plummeting_sloth: well... you're killing them
🔗 11:18
Mangledpixel: that's snakist
🔗 11:18
🔗 11:18
adi_pie: I blame Iosefka, for good measure.
🔗 11:18
Metricos: hey look. mushroom friends
🔗 11:18
CantWearHats: moon frands
🔗 11:18
Mindmage: Celestials is the name you're thinking of Cam
🔗 11:18
DiamondTiki: it could be that someone keeps murdering every snake they see :p
🔗 11:18
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: oh no is that a brainsucker
🔗 11:18
PresidentLulu: alien!
🔗 11:18
Blackknight1239: Snake gangs
🔗 11:18
RobotHitchhiker: !fanstream
🔗 11:18
LRRbot: The LRR Fan Streamer list can be found here: http://bit.ly/LRRFanStream and the calendar is here: http://bit.ly/LRRFanStreamSched
🔗 11:18
Solomon_Kain: I blame St patrick.
🔗 11:18
Metricos: \o/
🔗 11:18
adi_pie: Kin is correct.
🔗 11:18
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: oh no it's...wat
🔗 11:18
Metricos: I want a plushie Messenger and Celestial
🔗 11:18
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: what the *** is that
🔗 11:18
JellyFilledDoughnut: All the poor Snake Children and no Snake Fathers
🔗 11:18
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: it
🔗 11:18
WyleeCoyote556: check your mammalian privilege
🔗 11:19
Mangledpixel: aww, they want a hug
🔗 11:19
Metonymic_Human: Rubber johnny?
🔗 11:19
Metricos: they're cuties :O
🔗 11:19
PresidentLulu: Synchronized enemy slaying
🔗 11:19
adi_pie: GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou, the game calls them Kin, they're bassically aliens.
🔗 11:19
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: it's like a cross between an alien baby and a fungal spore oh god and it's WIBBLY
🔗 11:19
Metricos: but look how cute
🔗 11:19
Blackknight1239: I love how cute those things are
🔗 11:19
plummeting_sloth: mar attacks?
🔗 11:19
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: sectoids!!
🔗 11:19
Metricos: look how precious and adorable these little darling babies are
🔗 11:19
adi_pie: ^
🔗 11:19
Blackknight1239: They just want a huge
🔗 11:19
Slyguy46: ACK ACK ACK
🔗 11:19
JediTransmit: I can think of multiple unflattering terms for these guys.
🔗 11:19
Oedipa_Rekt: They want their mommy
🔗 11:19
Oedipa_Rekt: so sad
🔗 11:19
The_Quiet_Alestain: Ack Ack?
🔗 11:19
PresidentLulu: Well arcane spells let you splice
🔗 11:19
D3fr0st5: Hey Cameron so they're reprinting serum vision when's the 24 hours stream Kappa
🔗 11:20
Slyguy46: ACK ACK
🔗 11:20
Laserbeaks_Fury: I don't think you can get 2 triangles on a single weapon
🔗 11:20
CaffeinatedLemur: ummmmmmmmm
🔗 11:20
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: wat
🔗 11:20
Unknowngamer88: those things kinda seem like a joke, TBH
🔗 11:20
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: why is wat
🔗 11:20
JohnLockeCole4: ummm that is a flagellite
🔗 11:20
Slyguy46: evil
🔗 11:20
Mangledpixel: sea anenmone?
🔗 11:20
CaffeinatedLemur: lasers?
🔗 11:20
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: holy ***
🔗 11:20
Slyguy46: they are evil
🔗 11:20
Rootpotato: @d3fr0st5 you jokin right? about the reprint.
🔗 11:20
lightningbolt234: really not a fan of the new serum visions art
🔗 11:20
JohnLockeCole4: a magic flagellite
🔗 11:20
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: it's a laser anemone!
🔗 11:20
CaffeinatedLemur: when did they get lasers?
🔗 11:20
HellCopter: Wait, isn't he coming at this backwards? Where did he come from
🔗 11:20
PresidentLulu: Thats magic alright
🔗 11:20
TrustWorthyPittDweller: more like fauxsefka
🔗 11:20
Metonymic_Human: It's got artillery. So that's fun.
🔗 11:20
Slyguy46: nope, serum visions is fnm for august
🔗 11:20
adi_pie: CaffeinatedLemur, welcome tothe few things that do magic attacks in the game.
🔗 11:20
The_Quiet_Alestain: Evil is a harsh word.
🔗 11:20
Metricos: it's like miyazaki had a super bad trip
🔗 11:20
D3fr0st5: Rootpotato, august fnm promo not joking
🔗 11:20
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: they're just sitting there making space noises to themselves!
🔗 11:21
Metricos: spirited away and hellraiser had a weird baby
🔗 11:21
Papperslappen: Blue scrotummens
🔗 11:21
CaffeinatedLemur: adi_pie: so particle cannons are "magic"?
🔗 11:21
Rootpotato: ah, a promo, that makes more secnr
🔗 11:21
Myrdin90: What the *** is that thing?!?!
🔗 11:21
BusTed: This is what happens when you crack the glass on a plasma ball.
🔗 11:21
adi_pie: CaffeinatedLemur, in this game, yes. :P
🔗 11:21
DiamondTiki: I have NOT seen enough hentai, apparently
🔗 11:21
Rootpotato: sense*
🔗 11:21
Seagulyus: @Caffeinatedlemur any sufficently powerful technology is indistinguishable from magic
🔗 11:21
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Busted wow it really does look like the inside of a plasma ball
🔗 11:21
JohnLockeCole4: Cafff - to someone in victorian england, yes Masers are Magic
🔗 11:21
HellCopter: The sky and the cosmos are one?
🔗 11:22
Zomada: drafting today in 3ish hours, should i force red/black
🔗 11:22
plummeting_sloth: are you fighting the Protoss now?
🔗 11:22
Mangledpixel: so now we are basically playing the antagonists from a tower defence game
🔗 11:22
Metricos: +1 HellCopter
🔗 11:22
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I love that it is literally just sitting there making space noises
🔗 11:22
Caleb_QDC: WAT
🔗 11:22
Slyguy46: lrrHORN
🔗 11:22
Unknowngamer88: not bad
🔗 11:22
qrpth: !adult
🔗 11:22
LRRbot: I need an adult!
🔗 11:23
Laserbeaks_Fury: FUn Fact: While afflicted by the AI memory leak bug, those guys do nothing, all their spell are locked out.
🔗 11:23
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: crush some skulls!
🔗 11:23
Unknowngamer88: these things kinda remind me of the martians from Metal Slug
🔗 11:23
Metricos: this looks promising
🔗 11:23
adi_pie: Laserbeaks_Fury, oh, probably because of that boss having a similar moveset?
🔗 11:23
HellCopter: Did they fix the memory leak? I tried to use it to cheap Good King Wenceslas and he still wrecked me.
🔗 11:23
NakedCrab: We're close to another shortcut I think
🔗 11:23
TheFrankreich92: Ah that kind of handheld. I had a feeling!
🔗 11:23
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: is this the lake from RE4
🔗 11:23
JellyFilledDoughnut: That is the safest place I have ever seen. No doubt about it!
🔗 11:24
CaffeinatedLemur: Fireflies are friends?
🔗 11:24
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: are we still in RE4 town
🔗 11:24
Rootpotato: Look for shortcut cam
🔗 11:24
Metricos: from software pls make a souls game for ppl like me. lantern every five feet
🔗 11:24
adi_pie: The memory leak has been fixed.
🔗 11:24
JediTransmit: Angelina jolie rises out of the pool?
🔗 11:24
plummeting_sloth: look, fireflies... nothing ever bad happens when fireflys are around
🔗 11:24
Metricos: thaaaat sounds like a piggy
🔗 11:24
Laserbeaks_Fury: Maybe? I've been making sure my BB was shutting down to avoif it
🔗 11:24
Nightvalien28: something sounds heavy
🔗 11:24
Slyguy46: sueeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
🔗 11:24
Tehbeard: that does not sound friendly
🔗 11:24
JellyFilledDoughnut: They sound mad
🔗 11:24
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, Cameron, you sound channels are definitely reversed
🔗 11:24
HellCopter: Oink oink motherf-
🔗 11:24
Metricos: plummeting_sloth you didn't play The Last of Us, did you? Kappa
🔗 11:24
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: a very lost pig
🔗 11:24
TheGr8Typhoon: Sue-wee
🔗 11:24
Myrdin90: Why not?
🔗 11:24
ImmoralEthicist: There are three pigs...
🔗 11:24
adi_pie: The pig just means you're going the right way. :P
🔗 11:25
Metricos: chat has never made a good decision.
🔗 11:25
plummeting_sloth: the pig is just there to seal in the flavor
🔗 11:25
Metricos: it is known
🔗 11:25
ImmoralEthicist: Final shortcut is nearby
🔗 11:25
D3fr0st5: !quote 252
🔗 11:25
LRRbot: Quote #252: "It's just like high school, everyone is partying and I'm out here killing dogs with a saw." —Cameron [2015-04-30]
🔗 11:25
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I'm in grad school. I too sometimes wonder what good decisions feel like.
🔗 11:25
BonSequitur: He must have escaped from the gib farm
🔗 11:25
Oedipa_Rekt: wrap him in a bacon blanket and cook till delicious
🔗 11:25
ReilaOda: !next
🔗 11:25
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (3:34 from now)
🔗 11:25
BonSequitur: You know, where they make all the bloody meat chunks everyone is filled with
🔗 11:25
HellCopter: Cam, this is a sneaking mission
🔗 11:25
Nightvalien28: ReilaOda, hey, how are you doing?
🔗 11:25
Metricos: oh hi snakehead
🔗 11:25
adi_pie: Hi, ReilaOda.
🔗 11:26
Nightvalien28: snakesmen
🔗 11:26
CaffeinatedLemur: he can summon?
🔗 11:26
Unknowngamer88: UM
🔗 11:26
Metricos: obligatory "Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAKE!"
🔗 11:26
CaffeinatedLemur: hi reilaoda
🔗 11:26
Nightvalien28: uh oh
🔗 11:26
Metonymic_Human: Eew. He germinated.
🔗 11:26
plummeting_sloth: ah... that's where those have been coming from
🔗 11:26
ImmoralEthicist: @GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou, I'm currently trying to grind out a full dissertation chapter in 6 working days. Turns out bad decisions only escalate as grad school continues.
🔗 11:26
PresidentLulu: Snaek peeple
🔗 11:26
ReilaOda: O.o Hi everybody, just checking the schedual for the girlfriend
🔗 11:26
Oedipa_Rekt: Ive heard throwing pebbles can be quite thrilling in this game :P
🔗 11:26
Sunrise_Laro: after dropping down to the kin, you skipped most of the remaining snake area
🔗 11:26
PresidentLulu: !advice
🔗 11:26
LRRbot: Press lrrEFF to pay respects.
🔗 11:26
ReilaOda: Doing well but still seriously worried about bills
🔗 11:26
DiamondTiki: Are THOSE the snake fathers?! I changed my mind more snake orphans!
🔗 11:26
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I don't know about that Cam...what if they're a Klein bottle
🔗 11:26
ForOhForError: I have a chem exam today that I don't have to care about because the lowest one gets dropped (final not eligible) and I have As on the other exams.
🔗 11:26
JellyFilledDoughnut: If you pulled out its insides? Wouldnt it just make more snakes?
🔗 11:26
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Immoralethicist woooooo that'll be me in a few months
🔗 11:26
Metric_Furlong: hello ReilaOda
🔗 11:26
Metricos: choked on coffee at "outerds"
🔗 11:26
plummeting_sloth: viserals... good for you inards
🔗 11:27
ReilaOda: I feel bad now that everyone is saying HI I have to leave now xD
🔗 11:27
ImmoralEthicist: The pig path was my favourite farming route for a while.
🔗 11:27
Laserbeaks_Fury: there's multiple pigs, Cameron. And your sounds is probably reversed, I know it is on this end
🔗 11:27
Metonymic_Human: Didn't you hear? Bloodborne now modded to drop pigs from the sky like the whales from GTA.
🔗 11:27
Nightvalien28: ReilaOda, stay forever lrrCREEPY
🔗 11:27
Metric_Furlong: ReilaOda, we could pretend to ignore you, if that helps :p
🔗 11:27
Caleb_QDC: C'MON!
🔗 11:27
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: looks like the snake-crop is comin' in good this year!
🔗 11:27
D3fr0st5: For rizzle your dizzle
🔗 11:28
ForOhForError: In the sentence "I'm so *** turned ____", "around" is not the word I'd normally expect to see.
🔗 11:28
Metricos: what do you do to jump / stab?
🔗 11:28
Metricos: i don't know if ive done that yet
🔗 11:28
HellCopter: Forward + R2
🔗 11:28
BonSequitur: Turned around for what?
🔗 11:28
Metricos: oh. O_o
🔗 11:28
Zibanitu: Can't get up, can't get down, can't get level....
🔗 11:28
Deathcultritual: why not use the longer weapon transformation?
🔗 11:28
Metricos: #badatgames
🔗 11:29
Caleb_QDC: ReilaOda One of us...
🔗 11:29
Nightvalien28: the hell *** is that
🔗 11:29
ForOhForError: Thoughts on the Serum Visions FNM promo?
🔗 11:29
Metricos: i don't like using it extended either, deathcultritual. feels more cumbersome.
🔗 11:29
HellCopter: Fun fact: The saw cleaver does less damage when transformed. It just has longer range.
🔗 11:29
Nightvalien28: too much snake
🔗 11:29
Metonymic_Human: Oh he looks mad
🔗 11:29
Metric_Furlong: are we going to need a command for the serum visions thing? everyone seems to be asking about it
🔗 11:29
Metric_Furlong: and has been since the stream began
🔗 11:29
qrpth: Too many snakes...
🔗 11:29
Metricos: not-so-solid snake
🔗 11:29
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah most of the weapons that remain 1-h when transformed don't get "stronger"
🔗 11:30
Avacis: If you can get behind them they are easier to kill
🔗 11:30
CantWearHats: Metric_furlong it should die down eventually, it's not worth a bot command imo
🔗 11:30
Shineman10: What is that thing!?
🔗 11:30
lsuaksauke: caaaaaaammmm
🔗 11:30
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: well yeah I mean how do you stagger a giant writhing ball of snakes
🔗 11:30
JellyFilledDoughnut: Yes please, can we get a link to the Serum Visions reprint thing?
🔗 11:30
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: okay brb
🔗 11:30
Mangledpixel: !neptune
🔗 11:30
LRRbot: Boing!
🔗 11:30
Metonymic_Human: *plays the Snake Eater theme song*
🔗 11:30
lsuaksauke: you gotta get 100 subs
🔗 11:30
D3fr0st5: Metric_Furlong, unlikely it's not worth it unless Cam gets really annoyed
🔗 11:30
JohnLockeCole4: Shineman10 - do you know what a Rat King is? well that is a snake king
🔗 11:30
Voidhawk42: Has Cam given his opinion of the promo reprint?
🔗 11:30
🔗 11:30
Metric_Furlong: CantWearHats, I ask because it's reaching a similar density as the 'what ME class is Cam playing?' questions, which got not one but two commands
🔗 11:30
BonSequitur: The relevant bit of news for people who haven't seen it.
🔗 11:30
CantWearHats: snake, this is a snekking mission
🔗 11:31
lsuaksauke: you mean the path to exile?
🔗 11:31
Unknowngamer88: Cam said on twitter that he's grinding FNMs in August for the promo
🔗 11:31
CantWearHats: Metric_furlong and I wouldn't have bothered with that either
🔗 11:31
Metricos: that's a terrifying question to ask, cam
🔗 11:31
JellyFilledDoughnut: That is an amazing art for Serum Vision.
🔗 11:31
Nightvalien28: ddr
🔗 11:31
Shineman10: I understand now John
🔗 11:31
CapnRobert: 24 hour bloodborne
🔗 11:31
Laserbeaks_Fury: Playing DS2?
🔗 11:31
lsuaksauke: omg
🔗 11:31
Metricos: new smoothie challenge. Bloodborne edition.
🔗 11:31
lsuaksauke: CAM YOU OWE
🔗 11:31
JellyFilledDoughnut: 24 Hour bloodborne stream for me
🔗 11:31
lsuaksauke: US 24 HOUR STREAM
🔗 11:31
Bowman427: LRRcon 2
🔗 11:31
ForOhForError: I don't like the new art personally
🔗 11:31
Deathcultritual: unlocking the next shortcut and doing the boss.
🔗 11:31
lsuaksauke: serum visions reprint
🔗 11:31
JellyFilledDoughnut: I love watching Cam play this game
🔗 11:31
Papperslappen: Wear a fedora on stream
🔗 11:31
Rootpotato: I vote 100 subs: cam plays modern on mtgo
🔗 11:31
lsuaksauke: as promo for august
🔗 11:31
Metric_Furlong: are the ME commands still up, anyway
🔗 11:31
Metric_Furlong: !help
🔗 11:31
🔗 11:31
Lokiliar: hi Cam, hi chat
🔗 11:31
BusTed: 100 subs for Adam to do a 24-hour stream.
🔗 11:31
Nightvalien28: Papperslappen, that is evil
🔗 11:32
lsuaksauke: you promised last stream
🔗 11:32
Jadeworrior: hello friends
🔗 11:32
Mindmage just subscribed!
🔗 11:32
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Mindmage! (Today's storm count: 2)
🔗 11:32
HellCopter: I have no idea how Cameron got to the weird blue guys so fast. Why/how is he doing the area backwards
🔗 11:32
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Cam doesn't need encouragement to play 24-hour Bloodborne.
🔗 11:32
qrpth: Metric_Furlong: If needed they can be added back.
🔗 11:32
lsuaksauke: if serum visions was reprinted you would stream 24 hours
🔗 11:32
PresidentLulu: If you get 100 subs you should try alex's speed run
🔗 11:32
TheGr8Typhoon: Well we'll need to call subway
🔗 11:32
Metricos: 2/100
🔗 11:32
lsuaksauke: that was the deal
🔗 11:32
GruntAI: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 11:32
Seagulyus: thing is Cam would LOVE that we would get tons of bloodborne
🔗 11:32
Metric_Furlong: they seem to have been removed
🔗 11:32
plummeting_sloth: and that's when someone mailed Cameron 100 subway sandwiches
🔗 11:32
Mindmage: Hope that counts >>
🔗 11:32
Metric_Furlong: !meclass
🔗 11:32
Metric_Furlong: !cameffect
🔗 11:32
lsuaksauke: yep
🔗 11:32
CamelknackRamblehort: so wait until the time starts
🔗 11:32
Metric_Furlong: yep, they're gone
🔗 11:32
Metricos: good. i don't count toward this insanity
🔗 11:32
CamelknackRamblehort: You joked it
🔗 11:32
lsuaksauke: last stream
🔗 11:32
PresidentLulu: !quote Cam
🔗 11:32
LRRbot: Quote #29: "I kind of like the idea of a shipping container full of bootleg Botox catching fire in the port of Vancouver." —Cameron [2015-03-05]
🔗 11:32
CamelknackRamblehort: I don't think it was a realy thing
🔗 11:33
CamelknackRamblehort: real thing
🔗 11:33
D3fr0st5: You did...
🔗 11:33
Eldrin13: we need video evidence, whose got the replay timestamp
🔗 11:33
lsuaksauke: serum visions got reprinted in august
🔗 11:33
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: well, presumably it would be in the Twitch replay
🔗 11:33
adi_pie: Welp, guess the bank will have to block my credit card again. :P
🔗 11:33
JellyFilledDoughnut: Bold Hunters Mark?
🔗 11:33
lsuaksauke: for the rpomo
🔗 11:33
adi_pie: So what do 100 subs get us, chat?
🔗 11:33
RobotHitchhiker: can cam do a 24 hr stream... without rerolling?
🔗 11:33
Jadeworrior: 100 sub challenge hype
🔗 11:33
Seagulyus: wait wait wait @Lsuaksauke do promos count?
🔗 11:33
lsuaksauke: yep
🔗 11:33
JellyFilledDoughnut: So does that mean Serum Vision and Path is going to be in Origins?
🔗 11:33
Wondermoo: bone home?
🔗 11:33
lsuaksauke: we agreed for anything
🔗 11:33
Metric_Furlong: adi_pie, noticeably poorer?
🔗 11:33
SirSlipps: I would argue promos barely count.
🔗 11:33
Lokiliar: my lgs will get really crowded in august xd
🔗 11:33
lsuaksauke: even duel decks
🔗 11:33
D3fr0st5: 100 subs finish BB without rerolling Kappa
🔗 11:33
adi_pie: Metric_Furlong, to be fair that might be worth it.
🔗 11:33
JellyFilledDoughnut: ^^^^^
🔗 11:34
Nightvalien28: ^^^^^^
🔗 11:34
lsuaksauke: I can go to the video he agreed to
🔗 11:34
Metricos: +1 D3fr0st5
🔗 11:34
lsuaksauke: if you want
🔗 11:34
JellyFilledDoughnut: I like @D3fr0st5 idea :P
🔗 11:34
Unknowngamer88: d3fr0st5 that's a good one
🔗 11:34
SirTrae: JellyFilledDoughnut, probably not.
🔗 11:34
Mindmage: Trail of bread crumbs = Trail of dismembered limbs.
🔗 11:34
JohnLockeCole4: To be fair Isuaksauke - we agree to EVERYTHING it's what we do
🔗 11:34
ForOhForError: A fleet of 100 military submarines is currently sailing to your location. Do not anger their general.
🔗 11:34
CantWearHats: D3fr0st5 you're a genius
🔗 11:34
1amafish: still playing Dark Souls I see
🔗 11:34
SoSo_Tsundere: I believe it was also said that if Serum Visions was reprinted, LRR would do their own Rocky Horror Picture Show Kappa
🔗 11:34
Mangledpixel: lrrHAM
🔗 11:34
Laserbeaks_Fury: The way forward is past the pigs
🔗 11:34
lsuaksauke: hold imma cut the part in the video he agreed upon just incase
🔗 11:34
Eldrin13: oh man i hated this area
🔗 11:34
Nightvalien28: moar pig
🔗 11:34
Wondermoo: lrrHAM
🔗 11:34
lsuaksauke: give me a few mins to look at the 6 hour stream
🔗 11:34
HellCopter: Welcome to the pig zone
🔗 11:34
Hippitybobbity: What a dsgusting thing
🔗 11:34
Metricos: pork butts anyone
🔗 11:34
CapnRobert: the downside for 24 hour streams seem pretty minimal with alot of upside
🔗 11:34
Metricos: huehue
🔗 11:35
DanSPG: ahoy!
🔗 11:35
Shineman10: In the butt
🔗 11:35
HellCopter: Pork shoulder
🔗 11:35
Oedipa_Rekt: butt visceral
🔗 11:35
Oedipa_Rekt: the best kind
🔗 11:35
Eldrin13: and cam just goes arm deep
🔗 11:35
Shineman10: IN THE BUTT
🔗 11:35
DiamondTiki: just don't shake hands with anyone
🔗 11:35
JellyFilledDoughnut: Come on and Slam, and welcome to the... nvm
🔗 11:35
PINtempest: to be fair, i think it was the other end doing the rummaging
🔗 11:35
Metonymic_Human: JellyFilledDoughnut: Ham?
🔗 11:35
Samdaharu: Does your fist now inflict toxic?
🔗 11:35
Metric_Furlong: JellyFilledDoughnut, relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBIf0OgZffU
🔗 11:35
JellyFilledDoughnut: Come on and Slam, and welcome to the lrrHAM
🔗 11:35
JohnLockeCole4: the camera is perfect, or else you couldn't speedrun it Kappa
🔗 11:35
Sunrise_Laro: if you are heading towards the pigs your are heading in the general direction of the boss, but away from the next shortcut
🔗 11:35
Laserbeaks_Fury: If you go back to the Firefly pool, there's a path opposite the Celestial valley that leads to another shortcut
🔗 11:36
ForOhForError: The highest expense for hunters must be dry cleaning. Ugh.
🔗 11:36
JellyFilledDoughnut: ^
🔗 11:36
Havok4: Hey you got a tool to help with paarl.
🔗 11:36
HellCopter: @ForOhForError, Nah, dry cleaning is free! All you have to do it die
🔗 11:36
DanSPG: How far did he get tonight so far?
🔗 11:36
HellCopter: So maybe it's cheapest for hunters
🔗 11:36
Nightvalien28: but their song is so pretty
🔗 11:37
qrpth: ForOhForError: Just insert your clothes into a pig and then pull them out again.
🔗 11:37
Metonymic_Human: I just had this image of a whole dry cleaner populated by the attendants. Just scrubbing away, wearing little hats......
🔗 11:37
Metricos: oh no spacejam jokes
🔗 11:37
JellyFilledDoughnut: Gross
🔗 11:37
Sunrise_Laro: ForOhForError i would concur, we have a deal for free cleaning on every reawakening
🔗 11:37
SirSlipps: lrrHAM!
🔗 11:37
Metricos: send help
🔗 11:37
Zibanitu: Welcome to the lrrHAM!!!
🔗 11:37
Bowman427: Porker eh? swine.
🔗 11:37
BonSequitur: See what people don't realise about pot-bellied pigs is that they grow to enormous size. Adopt pets responsibly.
🔗 11:37
Laserbeaks_Fury: 50/50
🔗 11:37
plummeting_sloth: and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you get scrapple
🔗 11:37
Angnor33: lrrHAM
🔗 11:37
Metric_Furlong: Metricos, maybe you should hide-out in Kansas until it's over? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBIf0OgZffU
🔗 11:37
lsuaksauke: brb time to look through cams 6 hour stream for the evidence
🔗 11:37
HellCopter: If you care about such things, the shortcut was back before the Valley of Pork
🔗 11:37
linecardioidparabola: uh oh
🔗 11:37
Metricos: how dare u, other Metric
🔗 11:38
Sunrise_Laro: he should have 2 modes, one with bold damage and one with only physical
🔗 11:38
Laserbeaks_Fury: This shortcut works too, but you kinda have to know where is it
🔗 11:38
Metonymic_Human: This is how you get sewer pigs, Lana!
🔗 11:38
JellyFilledDoughnut: Do you want Sewer Pigs? Cause this is how you get Sewer pigs
🔗 11:38
Metric_Furlong: Metricos, even ignoring the joke, that one is a legitimately good mash-up
🔗 11:38
Sunrise_Laro: sewer pigs - actually less horrible than the ones later on
🔗 11:38
Metricos: fair enough, other Metric
🔗 11:38
JohnLockeCole4: we don't need any bullets for the boss, it's all good
🔗 11:38
PresidentLulu: No see these guys are like the face of boe, when they get too old their heads drop off and then grow slowly
🔗 11:39
Mindmage: Don't you mean Megamorphed? Give you a +1/+1 counter.
🔗 11:39
JellyFilledDoughnut: All 3 Metamorphs turn you into Snake Kings, dont do it Kappa
🔗 11:39
HellCopter: No time to read when there's killing to do!
🔗 11:39
plummeting_sloth: phonics rune
🔗 11:39
Havok4: What requires tombstones that big?
🔗 11:39
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeahhh
🔗 11:39
ForOhForError: The floor ghosts do all the reading you need, son.
🔗 11:39
Sunrise_Laro: is the gravestone equivalent to the persons size that is burried here?
🔗 11:39
qrpth: "Ia Ia Cthulu Ftagn"
🔗 11:39
Whatanvarno: "need" is a strong word, but you certainly *want* to parry them
🔗 11:39
Metonymic_Human: Craziest thing, the table just says "Hastur" over and over...
🔗 11:39
ImmoralEthicist: One is easily parryable, one is just kinda a chump against melee attacks, and one is just an ***
🔗 11:40
Hippitybobbity: hey btw do we know why some normal enemies are so effin huge in this game?
🔗 11:40
Hippitybobbity: like as a lore thing
🔗 11:40
linecardioidparabola: you're just tiny maybe
🔗 11:40
Seagulyus: Hippitybobbity beast plague
🔗 11:40
JellyFilledDoughnut: Video games have taught me that if it sounds horrible, it means they probably have awesome stuff!
🔗 11:40
Slyguy46: blood did it
🔗 11:40
Metonymic_Human: Hippitybobbity: Filled with blood?
🔗 11:40
ImmoralEthicist: Did you find the shortcut, Cam?
🔗 11:40
adi_pie: Hippitybobbity, probably because of the plague that turned humans into beasts.
🔗 11:40
Sunrise_Laro: wanna look for the shortcut first?
🔗 11:40
linecardioidparabola: no
🔗 11:40
Havok4: I think it is one half innsmouth one half color out of space.
🔗 11:40
linecardioidparabola: dont
🔗 11:40
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is Shadows Room
🔗 11:40
Hippitybobbity: aight ill take it
🔗 11:40
Whatanvarno: To get back, just follow the right edge of the map on the way in till you get to the first huge snake, then jump into the area you just opened
🔗 11:41
Metricos: Should *probably* get to a lantern
🔗 11:41
HellCopter: Shadows of Yarn-ham
🔗 11:41
ImmoralEthicist: turn around, go up, then right
🔗 11:41
Flamewave7: 3v. 1 boss
🔗 11:41
Metricos: oh hell
🔗 11:41
JohnLockeCole4: out one let, in the other
🔗 11:41
Nightvalien28: lol
🔗 11:41
Catcard: LOL
🔗 11:41
JosephDeath: Bold hunter's mark?
🔗 11:41
Metric_Furlong: Boss'd
🔗 11:41
D3fr0st5: Alright well I gotta go later Cam and chat
🔗 11:41
Metonymic_Human: Ruh roh raggy!
🔗 11:41
CapnRobert: focus the fire guy
🔗 11:41
PresidentLulu: Is this the four chumps?
🔗 11:41
adi_pie: Bye, D3fr0st5.
🔗 11:41
Oedipa_Rekt: 42K echoes
🔗 11:41
TurboLover004: JosephDeath, Homeward Bones
🔗 11:41
Nightvalien28: kill the one in the dress
🔗 11:41
ImmoralEthicist: I actually killed the fire throwing guy last
🔗 11:41
Myrdin90: Oh, great. the shadows.
🔗 11:41
Metricos: three chumps, Lulu
🔗 11:41
Metricos: i think.
🔗 11:41
JellyFilledDoughnut: You can do it Cam!!
🔗 11:41
PresidentLulu: Also that;s a sweet katana
🔗 11:41
Catcard: Kill the one that's doing damage to you!
🔗 11:41
Metric_Furlong: it's the Not-Nazghul
🔗 11:41
Catcard: Kappa
🔗 11:41
CantWearHats: based i-frames
🔗 11:42
ImmoralEthicist: I killed the candle *** first. Hardest to deal with in the later parts
🔗 11:42
Metonymic_Human: Those i-frames, yo!
🔗 11:42
🔗 11:42
Metricos: omg the i-frames are so strong
🔗 11:42
HellCopter: Damn good parries
🔗 11:42
🔗 11:42
1amafish: you got this cam, i believe in you
🔗 11:42
JohnLockeCole4: woath, it's a pyromancer, a Kanana user, and one who's a bit of both- in other wordse i's my Dark Souls 1 characters
🔗 11:42
CantWearHats: oh *** he has a sweet katana
🔗 11:42
CapnRobert: they get stronger as the fight goes on best to kill the ranged guy first
🔗 11:42
CapnRobert: shooting fire
🔗 11:42
linecardioidparabola: fire is probably he most harmless
🔗 11:42
Metricos: \lrrAWESOME/ joo can do et!
🔗 11:42
Catcard: He's gonna get surprised by the powerup , unfortunately.
🔗 11:42
JosephDeath: I honestly killed the in probably the worst order, I killed the ranged guy last.
🔗 11:42
Lokiliar: you should totally kill him and take his katana
🔗 11:42
BaronVonRatsworth: Wait, what are pyromancers with sweet katanas doing here, shouldn't they be in darksouls?
🔗 11:42
HellCopter: @JosephDeath, Nah that's what I did
🔗 11:42
Deathcultritual: the candle guy is the worst get him to as low health as possible before he gets his fire whip
🔗 11:42
ForOhForError: this seems to be working
🔗 11:42
HellCopter: Because I can't parry him
🔗 11:42
ImmoralEthicist: Nice Cam, very nice.
🔗 11:42
Metricos: what the *** fire swords now?
🔗 11:42
Whatanvarno: @Josephdeath Ranged guy last is actually much better than melee guy last
🔗 11:42
DanSPG: 1 down, 2 pissed!
🔗 11:42
Slyguy46: I killed one my first attempt then died, second time I cooperated and we blew through them
🔗 11:42
PresidentLulu: Oh god theyre also O and S
🔗 11:43
CantWearHats: ok his katana is now on fire this fine everything ins fine
🔗 11:43
HellCopter: Zoom-Punch!
🔗 11:43
JohnLockeCole4: DoctaOne
🔗 11:43
ImmoralEthicist: It has like 1 hp
🔗 11:43
DanSPG: oh, 1 not so down
🔗 11:43
Catcard: JosephDeath, I did too. It's easiest to have fun with the two melee people behind the huge tombstone, blocking the fire shots.
🔗 11:43
Metricos: lrrFINE probably...
🔗 11:43
Edroach: Warning: Guy 2's flamethrower will nuke you. also best to kill the stationary guy 1st
🔗 11:43
Metric_Furlong: !advice
🔗 11:43
LRRbot: Press the B Button to save the Space Children.
🔗 11:43
HellCopter: You ought to be using the tombstones as cover
🔗 11:43
ForOhForError: aw geez
🔗 11:43
JohnLockeCole4: CAM finish off the injured one
🔗 11:43
Mindmage: That was a really really good try.
🔗 11:43
Metric_Furlong: !death
🔗 11:43
LRRbot: lrrAWW 526 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 11:43
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 11:43
LRRbot: cantwearhats: A similar command has been registered recently
🔗 11:43
Slyguy46: !death
🔗 11:43
LRRbot: slyguy46: A similar command has been registered recently
🔗 11:43
CapnRobert: that fight is within your capabilities
🔗 11:43
Dix: Maybe they all have to die at the same time?
🔗 11:43
1amafish: no, you haven't got this
🔗 11:43
Papperslappen: Wait, are these chunguses just a bunch of snakes in robes?
🔗 11:43
Laserbeaks_Fury: You didn't quite finish the first one, other than that was fine
🔗 11:43
Dix: or within a window?
🔗 11:43
ImmoralEthicist: The first one wasn't quite dead
🔗 11:43
Catcard: Cam: Just run and follow the road. You'll get back to the boss area.
🔗 11:43
Deathcultritual: great first attempt.
🔗 11:44
PresidentLulu: !advice
🔗 11:44
LRRbot: Blame the yarn.
🔗 11:44
Edroach: the biggest challenge of the forest is figuring out where the hell you are going
🔗 11:44
LegionofLashes: bloodborne has a handheld version?
🔗 11:44
Zibanitu: !advice
🔗 11:44
KatnissBot: !badadvice
🔗 11:44
LRRbot: Strike the carapace for minimal damage.
🔗 11:44
Laserbeaks_Fury: When you come down the elevator, stay to the right, you'll get to the shortcut
🔗 11:44
Jadeworrior: !badadvice
🔗 11:44
BonSequitur: Go left
🔗 11:44
Slyguy46: understandably
🔗 11:44
BonSequitur: Chat lag makes advice irrelevant anyway
🔗 11:44
Zibanitu: We love you, Cammander! Well, some of us, anyways.
🔗 11:44
MousseFilledCat: How dare you not have the processing power to read chat and fight a complicated boss at the same time!
🔗 11:44
BonSequitur: Twitch Plays Bloodborne
🔗 11:44
MousseFilledCat: Way to let us down Cam.
🔗 11:44
Slyguy46: start9
🔗 11:44
SohNata: I like how the last three times I've gone to the LRR stream to check the next stream time, I have found Cameron streaming instead.
🔗 11:44
HellCopter: It's for the next try...not that we'd ever imply that you can't one-shot a boss...
🔗 11:44
Whatanvarno: I always followed the right hand rule
🔗 11:44
lsuaksauke: FOUND IT
🔗 11:45
CapnRobert: well if you get there again the optimal order to kill them is the ranged fire guy first and the katana guy you kept countering last because they all get stronger as the fight goes on
🔗 11:45
Metricos: Internet, my mother has learned to emoji send help.
🔗 11:45
lsuaksauke: 5:52:30 cams starts talking about it
🔗 11:45
ImmoralEthicist: Cam, what you were doing was more or less right. You just hadn't quite killed the first one. The one with the candle is the most dangerous, so watch out for him, but you seemed to have that sorted
🔗 11:45
lsuaksauke: on his last stream
🔗 11:45
lsuaksauke: writing it down
🔗 11:45
Papperslappen: heheheh, moist
🔗 11:45
Slyguy46: when you get to the first piggie, go right, through the crawlers, then left
🔗 11:45
Catcard: This entire area is an emulation of Florida.
🔗 11:45
ForOhForError: Metricos: We can't help except by saying: we're in this together
🔗 11:45
ImmoralEthicist: @CapnRobert, I actually preferred ranged guy last. He's no threat on his own
🔗 11:45
JosephDeath: I ended up killing sword guy, then candle guy, then ranged guy, all while using the giant tombstone for cover.
🔗 11:45
lsuaksauke: sounds good if serum visions gets repirnted i'll get you guys a 24 hour stream
🔗 11:46
DanSPG: @Catcard including the homicidal mosters?
🔗 11:46
BaronVonRatsworth: @Metricos There is no help for you, abandon all hope
🔗 11:46
lsuaksauke: locked and sealed
🔗 11:46
Catcard: DanSPG, yes.
🔗 11:46
Catcard: Absolutely.
🔗 11:46
1amafish: uncomfortably moist is my porno-indoe cover band
🔗 11:46
PINtempest: ow
🔗 11:46
ptriller: Follow the yellow muck road ?
🔗 11:46
ForOhForError: being on the front side of the pig seems nonoptimal
🔗 11:47
BonSequitur: Okay that just looked too much like sticking one's hand up that pig's bum
🔗 11:47
🔗 11:47
Slyguy46: and we're back
🔗 11:47
Catcard: Just past the piggy, down the path with the bricks worked into the path, is the boss area. There are shortcuts, but this is the easiest path.
🔗 11:47
Oedipa_Rekt: yes - there is another shortcut
🔗 11:47
Metricos: She's coming up with more *** up emoji combinations than even I can
🔗 11:47
DanSPG: yup cameron there is, to the right of the firefly lake
🔗 11:47
CapnRobert: the katana guy is never a threat if your good at countering because his attacks are heavily telegraphed so I found saving him for last was the easiest for me immoralethicist
🔗 11:47
BaronVonRatsworth: @Metricos I feel your pain. My dad texts like a 13 year old girl.
🔗 11:47
qrpth: Metricos: The last one...
🔗 11:48
ImmoralEthicist: @CapnRobert, True. It's really just that candle *** who's a problem
🔗 11:48
Metricos: qrpth i know.
🔗 11:48
linecardioidparabola: katana guy's range gets annoying
🔗 11:48
Rootpotato: if you find the pond with the first pig, the shortcut is near there
🔗 11:48
Slyguy46: !death
🔗 11:48
LRRbot: lrrAWW 527 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 11:48
KatofAsgard: Oh yeah, Cam, if you don't mind me asking, is there a reason you're vegetarian?
🔗 11:48
Metonymic_Human: Projectile tracking is frustrating
🔗 11:48
ForOhForError: Pretty sure the triple fireball guy is dracula
🔗 11:48
BonSequitur: I like how it's 2015 and we are still fighting the camera in 3d games
🔗 11:48
ImmoralEthicist: As for shortcut, Cam: turn left instead of right when getting to pigs. Shortcut is that way
🔗 11:48
Seagulyus: Katofasgard he mentioned it once as a choice he made
🔗 11:48
Gravisigoth: The real final boss is the camera Kappa
🔗 11:48
amythist: Cam, see if you can use the pillar to break line of sight on some of them so you have fewer attcks to deal with at once
🔗 11:49
HellCopter: Firefly lake, opposite the Blue Man Group
🔗 11:49
echinoid: didnt firefly lake get canceled?
🔗 11:49
TXC2: Hello Everybody!
🔗 11:49
Metricos: o7
🔗 11:49
CapnRobert: I like to kill him second I found the hardest part for myself was dodging the range guys sporadic fire attacks since the other 2 are kind of distracting but it is possible to drag them away and then get to the range guy and land some hits
🔗 11:49
TXC2: !uptime
🔗 11:49
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:51:31
🔗 11:49
linecardioidparabola: this fight isn't as unfair as O&S at the very last
🔗 11:49
Metricos: 30k
🔗 11:49
nonane09: 42k
🔗 11:49
Oedipa_Rekt: 42K
🔗 11:49
MeinHerrBrush: 40k-ish
🔗 11:49
ImmoralEthicist: 42k
🔗 11:49
Dix: 42k
🔗 11:49
Mindmage: It was 42K
🔗 11:50
Metricos: oh. 42k. great.
🔗 11:50
Metricos: that's...fine.
🔗 11:50
TXC2: jesus christ cam 1:51 already ?
🔗 11:50
ImmoralEthicist: Which is a drag, but not too bad.
🔗 11:50
JellyFilledDoughnut: The problem with the camera in this game is the camera is an object instead of a camera. Most games the camera should go through the object like a wall instead of against it. If it goes through it, it will turn the object invisible. Instead of fighting against it.
🔗 11:50
Jadeworrior: slightly more then a warhammer amount
🔗 11:50
BusTed: I do not like it, Sam Yarn-ham.
🔗 11:50
Gravisigoth: Most bosses are easy once you figure them out.
🔗 11:50
Catcard: When the camera blinds you, use the Force. (in other words, dodge like *** crazy away from the wall.)
🔗 11:50
ImmoralEthicist: My worst flush was 190k. It hurt so very much
🔗 11:50
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: hi Cam! What'd I miss?
🔗 11:50
KatofAsgard: I feel really weird about the pigs because for some reason they really remind me of one of my cats...
🔗 11:51
Gravisigoth: 300k for me
🔗 11:51
Deathcultritual: 4 kings i found harder, artorias is harder still even with 20 flasks
🔗 11:51
JohnLockeCole4: Catcard you've turned off your targetting computer, is everything all right?
🔗 11:51
GreyFox0012: i kinda wanna kill ornstein last though for that spear
🔗 11:51
ImmoralEthicist: Behind you, Cam
🔗 11:51
Metonymic_Human: I winced in sympathy Immoralethicist.
🔗 11:51
nonane09: @Jellyfilleddoughnut But if they did that, then players would be able to see through walls, and that breaks the game.
🔗 11:51
Gravisigoth: That's why I'm taking a break from BB
🔗 11:51
Catcard: JohnLockeCole4, no I need to git gud
🔗 11:51
NakedCrab: There is. Other side of the pond
🔗 11:51
Oedipa_Rekt: from the firefly pond, up the hill past the snake head guy, there is a building with the shortcut
🔗 11:51
Deathcultritual: true, up close and havel the wall style personal.
🔗 11:52
Rootpotato: there are 3 ways to go at the lake. Blue guys, pig, shortcut.
🔗 11:52
Myrdin90: I was gone for a few minutes, but i don't see any horns in chat so i guess we didnt kill the 3 shadows?
🔗 11:52
TurboLover004: That's what I like about Bloodborne, the bosses aren't afraid to be hard
🔗 11:52
JellyFilledDoughnut: @Nonane09 When a game requires you to use your camera to the fullest, it is fine to see through the wall. Id rather see through a wall vs not being able to see anything
🔗 11:52
TurboLover004: "You don't learn bad habits"
🔗 11:52
ImmoralEthicist: @Myrdin90, He had a real good first attempt, but didn't quite make it
🔗 11:52
Myrdin90: Aw, thats sad :(
🔗 11:52
holidayMD: Yes
🔗 11:52
JellyFilledDoughnut: @Nonane09 You can also set different object types to have different collision. So areas that have secrets dont have to let the camera go behind them
🔗 11:53
DanSPG: we wouldn't lie to you Cam :P
🔗 11:53
TXC2: so whats this build ?
🔗 11:53
JellyFilledDoughnut: I believe this build is called Smash R1? :P
🔗 11:53
TXC2: seems OP Kappa
🔗 11:53
DiamondTiki: Yup, you did Cam.
🔗 11:53
JellyFilledDoughnut: Yep it is pretty good :P
🔗 11:53
DiamondTiki: I am exactly like that too
🔗 11:54
nonane09: @Jellyfilleddoughnut But the thing is, to From Software, everything your character model can't see is a secret. That keeps the tension high on the player side.
🔗 11:54
ImSincerelySorry: Did Cam ever go for a commercial break?
🔗 11:54
Laserbeaks_Fury: no
🔗 11:54
qrpth: ImSincerelySorry: NO.
🔗 11:54
Laserbeaks_Fury: I was about to say he should before another boss attepmpt
🔗 11:54
TXC2: time for some lrrHAM
🔗 11:54
Catcard: I just ran all the way to the boss because I couldn't be arsed to figure out the layout of the map and the relation of the shortcuts.
🔗 11:54
Metonymic_Human: I know that feeling, Cam. And I hate that awful feeling of not living up to that first attempt.
🔗 11:54
CapnRobert: these guys dont get back up at all but once you get one low they gain some attacks and when there is one left he will summon giant snake heads to attack you from specific reed spots on the ground you want to get as far away from as you can
🔗 11:54
TXC2: ohh smoked lrrHAM
🔗 11:54
qrpth: Cheese ham.
🔗 11:54
Dix: Uh oh
🔗 11:54
JellyFilledDoughnut: @Nonane09 I doubt that the wall in a boss arena is a secret tbh.
🔗 11:55
CapnRobert: red spots*
🔗 11:55
Dix: Cam is talking in the third person again. PJSalt
🔗 11:55
1amafish: wait, this isn't dark souls? Kappa
🔗 11:55
Axel: !uptime
🔗 11:55
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:57:04
🔗 11:55
Deathcultritual: You got this
🔗 11:55
Nightvalien28: sounds great
🔗 11:55
Laserbeaks_Fury: sounds lrrAWESOME
🔗 11:55
Mangledpixel: sounds fantastic
🔗 11:55
TacitusVigil: Third-Person Cam; First-World Problems.
🔗 11:55
lsuaksauke: So i need a site to upload cam voice or video admiting to teh 24 hours serum visions thing
🔗 11:55
Pancakepanda3d: \quote Cam
🔗 11:55
nonane09: @Jellyfilleddoughnut But other enemy locations behind other walls might be.
🔗 11:55
KatofAsgard: Hey chat, I'm going to paint out the border on a magic card this evening, but I can't choose which one! Anyone got a suggestion?
🔗 11:55
lsuaksauke: or i'll convert it into mp3
🔗 11:55
JellyFilledDoughnut: @Nonane09 that is why you set different collision types to different objects'
🔗 11:56
malfunct: I didn't realize how strange ads on twitch had gotten
🔗 11:56
qrpth: Pancakepanda3d: LRRbot is absorbing Pump19's powers.
🔗 11:56
qrpth: !quote cam
🔗 11:56
LRRbot: Quote #126: "How many men die doing back flips into baby carriages? I mean, not metaphorically but literally." —Cameron [2015-04-16]
🔗 11:56
Pancakepanda3d: Thought so
🔗 11:56
Pancakepanda3d: There can only be one
🔗 11:56
1amafish: seriously, does twitch know that they tend to play the same advert over and over again, and that seeing the same advert more than once is incredibly annoying?
🔗 11:57
JellyFilledDoughnut: Awesome 3 playstation heroes commercials is sweet!
🔗 11:57
JellyFilledDoughnut: Make that 4
🔗 11:57
senshi5609: omg Cam took a break
🔗 11:57
ImmoralEthicist: Man, that pringles ad is not playing nice with my browser
🔗 11:57
TXC2: so chat which is more likely to work: phone my ISP to send me an intalation disk that works on windows 7, or install windows XP, then use the disk i have, THEN install windows 7, hopping that works ?
🔗 11:57
qrpth: !break
🔗 11:57
LRRbot: Cameron, you've been playing for quite a while now, perhaps you might like to take a quick break?
🔗 11:57
qrpth: That still works.
🔗 11:57
JellyFilledDoughnut: 5 of the same commericals in a row -_-
🔗 11:57
Metricos: mom: "what i think the horse bikini guy is cute!"
🔗 11:58
Axel: txc2: what kind of connection are you trying to establish if you need to install anything?
🔗 11:58
adi_pie: TXC2, first one would make sense, so it's out of the question.
🔗 11:58
Metricos: mom is very progressive when it comes to horsemen wearing bikinis
🔗 11:58
ImmoralEthicist: @Metricos, uhh... what?
🔗 11:58
JellyFilledDoughnut: Wait no 6 Playstation Heroes commerical? What!!
🔗 11:58
Metricos: see above. mother has learned to emoji and it has resulted in terrifying combinations, immoralethicist
🔗 11:58
Anubis169: yo!
🔗 11:58
TXC2: Axel after install 7 on a new pc, i need to use the disk my ISP gave me to get internet, thing is it doesn't work on 7
🔗 11:59
nonane09: @Jellyfilleddoughnut but then, from the player's perspective, the camera would behave more erratically, not less. If 2 identical bits of wall behaved differently to the camera in Dark Souls, that would be a nightmare for me as a bad Dark Souls player. I'd hate to think what Cam would do here.
🔗 11:59
qrpth: !pavecount
🔗 11:59
LRRbot: 3 paves for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 11:59
D3fr0st5 wants to rename LRRBot to semi-perfect LRRBot...
🔗 11:59
Aracuda: hello chat, what have i missed so far?
🔗 11:59
qrpth: That number may not be accurate.
🔗 11:59
TXC2: hello Aracuda alot because cam been on for 2 hours
🔗 11:59
Metricos: dafuq
🔗 11:59
Seagulyus: Cam I found a map and a warning...
🔗 11:59
Slyguy46: could I recommend cooperation for this fight?
🔗 11:59
Metricos: that's a weird combo
🔗 11:59
JellyFilledDoughnut: @Nonane09 It would cause the player to not have to worry that they are going to die because of the camera.
🔗 11:59
TacitusVigil: They work hard. They play hard.
🔗 11:59
Dix: What an odd bunch of construction workers
🔗 12:00
Seagulyus: if you want the map of this area I can link it - and be careful when walking through the fog gatte
🔗 12:00
JellyFilledDoughnut: Also dem numbers doe Cam
🔗 12:00
Briars_the_fox: Metricos, more or less weird than your mom's emojis? Kappa
🔗 12:00
ImmoralEthicist: @Dix, Well, it is the west coast...
🔗 12:00
Solomon_Kain: I would not trust the structural integrity of that building. Kappa
🔗 12:00
Unknowngamer88: storm counts gone funny again
🔗 12:00
Seagulyus: the fog gate can reduce fps to 1
🔗 12:00
Catcard: JellyFilledDoughnut, you're assuming that everyone's experience is the same. I don't die because of the camera.
🔗 12:00
Metricos: less. by far.
🔗 12:00
Pancakepanda3d: I swear, every time I see commercials I have to reload the stream
🔗 12:00
Axel: txc2: yeah but what kind of connection do you have if it is a adsl connection you might need configure som thing but that should be in the router/modem
🔗 12:00
qrpth: loadingreadyrun: Counters.
🔗 12:00
TXC2: loading ready run counters are funny
🔗 12:00
Nightvalien28: Catcard, father gascoine is easy Kappa
🔗 12:00
Catcard: So easy.
🔗 12:00
Sai_Maa: !advice
🔗 12:00
LRRbot: Blink to clear blood from your eyes.
🔗 12:00
Slyguy46: back up a little bit
🔗 12:01
PsychoI3oy: Odd, construction crews I remember being near were either 80s hair metal or some sort of Mexican music
🔗 12:01
ImmoralEthicist: Hit bell and wait
🔗 12:01
JellyFilledDoughnut: @Catcard True, I can only go on my own experience and what cam goes through. Which I know in DS I had camera troubles a lot and Cam is having a lot of issues too
🔗 12:01
Anubis169: hi Cam :D
🔗 12:01
Anubis169 bounces
🔗 12:01
HellCopter: Oh, the counters going wacky isn't intentional?
🔗 12:01
Laserbeaks_Fury: Nah, that was the beast mode bar
🔗 12:01
Diphrent: Die
🔗 12:01
MeinHerrBrush: buttpunch pigs?
🔗 12:01
Mindmage: XCom would be neat if you wanted
🔗 12:01
SohNata: Just do what you want, really
🔗 12:01
Diphrent: Over and over
🔗 12:01
echinoid: stream
🔗 12:01
Nightvalien28: ddr
🔗 12:01
TXC2: Axel: it is just a router, but i doubt it will work, 'cause my isp is shite
🔗 12:01
Castlewise: wait, 24 hour what now?
🔗 12:01
Diphrent: and eventually beat a boss
🔗 12:01
CrucisOha: Play Storm
🔗 12:01
Slyguy46: sleep
🔗 12:01
The_Only_Dark_Tiger: Survive?
🔗 12:01
Havok4: A mix of bloodborn and Civ5 might be in order.
🔗 12:01
ECHOBrozer: CIVilization V the entire time
🔗 12:01
TurboLover004: Dark Souls II?
🔗 12:01
Walkingharder: What ever you want to do?
🔗 12:01
CamelknackRamblehort: I personally think it would be fun to see you pick up a brand new strategy game and see how far you could get
🔗 12:01
JellyFilledDoughnut: Play Bloodborne Cam DUH!
🔗 12:01
PsychoI3oy: beat xcom?
🔗 12:01
Briars_the_fox: Cam, more than JUST bloodborne. Xcom or Civ
🔗 12:01
JediTransmit: What ever you want
🔗 12:01
CapnRobert: bloodborne magic
🔗 12:01
TXC2: beat bloodborne?
🔗 12:01
Castlewise: civ v would be a fun throwback
🔗 12:01
Lunareclipse123: Long War?
🔗 12:01
ImmoralEthicist: Obviously Bloodborne
🔗 12:01
malfunct: I think they just want to watch you slowly lose your mind.
🔗 12:01
The_Quiet_Alestain: Different Stuff? Even some TIme without a game?
🔗 12:01
Blackknight1239: Constant Bloodborne rerolls
🔗 12:02
GreyFox0012: i would say civ V
🔗 12:02
echinoid: BBQ a whole cow
🔗 12:02
CrucisOha: Civ V sounds fun too
🔗 12:02
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Sunless Sea!
🔗 12:02
TurboLover004: Attempt to PvP in a Souls game of your choosing
🔗 12:02
ImmoralEthicist: Cam's done a 12 hour stream before, hasn't he?
🔗 12:02
DiamondTiki: Oooh, 12 hour Civ 5
🔗 12:02
HellCopter: Play Dark Souls but call it Bloodborne the whole time. Call souls "echoes."
🔗 12:02
SohNata: Seriously though, Invisible Inc. feels like it may have some appeal to you.
🔗 12:02
DiamondTiki: That sounds fun
🔗 12:02
Metric_Furlong: X-Blood V?
🔗 12:02
Axel: txc2: if you give me some more infromation about it I might be able to help you fix it
🔗 12:02
TXC2: darkest dungeon ?
🔗 12:02
Rootpotato: I vote again for modern brews... just *** decks that we wreck face with XD
🔗 12:02
Sunrise_Laro: got any favorite game, that you didn't play already on stream?
🔗 12:02
Lunareclipse123: Xenonauts?
🔗 12:02
Anubis169: Xenosaga?
🔗 12:02
Anubis169: hmm...
🔗 12:02
Sai_Maa: Demon's Souls Marathon would be awesome :)
🔗 12:02
JellyFilledDoughnut: When Squad is on point, then we kill bosses
🔗 12:02
Jonkoks: рш
🔗 12:02
Jonkoks: hi
🔗 12:02
Jonkoks: lol
🔗 12:02
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Cam just PPTQ after PPTQ
🔗 12:02
CrucisOha: Church
🔗 12:03
ImmoralEthicist: Best fire resist is Bone Ash or Charred Hunter
🔗 12:03
Laserbeaks_Fury: Did you get the CHarred HUnter set?
🔗 12:03
Anubis169: hmmz0rs...
🔗 12:03
Metric_Furlong: vomit vomit vomit
🔗 12:03
TXC2: Axel thanks, but i guess i'l be able to get it to work :)
🔗 12:03
Axel: ok
🔗 12:03
Anubis169: Cam: What's the name of that game you've been wanting to try, something Eclipse?
🔗 12:03
CamelknackRamblehort: That hat looks cool
🔗 12:03
Catcard: JellyFilledDoughnut, some people just don't need the camera. When the camera gets stuck for me, I already know what I needed to be doing when it got stuck, so I take audio cues until I can dodge away from the wall. When the camera gets stuck, move yourself so it gets un-stuck; don't struggle in a corner.
🔗 12:03
ImmoralEthicist: Charred hunter (I think) is found in old yharnam.
🔗 12:03
Jonkoks: NG++???
🔗 12:03
Pancakepanda3d: We could do geoguesser for a bit as a breather
🔗 12:03
Anubis169: ahh
🔗 12:04
CapnRobert: you find the charred hunters set in the secret building in old yahrnam
🔗 12:04
🔗 12:04
Anubis169: Jonkoks: plain NG
🔗 12:04
CamelknackRamblehort: IS cam doing a 24 hour stream? Is this a thing or are we speaking hypothetically?
🔗 12:04
Anubis169: when is your 24h stream? o.O
🔗 12:04
Nazzle10: colour me surprised that Cam is playing Bloodborne
🔗 12:04
Blackknight1239: Run Eclispe Phase where you play all roles
🔗 12:04
Angnor33: Eclipse Phase always sounded interesting, never played it.
🔗 12:04
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Cam, do one of those tabletop-via-Skype things and run Eclipse Phase :D
🔗 12:04
JellyFilledDoughnut: He is planning his 24 Hr stream @Camelknackramblehort
🔗 12:04
TacitusVigil: Don't make Cam do a 24 hour stream. He has enough suffering in his life; he plays Bloodborne.
🔗 12:04
CamelknackRamblehort: cool, starting the hype engines
🔗 12:04
Dix: I personally find an FNM Promo to be in a grey area in the realm of 'reprint'
🔗 12:04
Walkingharder: What visions is getting reprinted?
🔗 12:04
Castlewise: wait, serum visions got a reprint? I'm learning all sorts of stuff today
🔗 12:04
Zibanitu: Desert Bus, Bro. Cannya Step?!?
🔗 12:05
DanSPG: wait that happened? haha power to the runners
🔗 12:05
Havok4: Maybe change your settigns to worldwide to get a hit faster?
🔗 12:05
senshi5609: lol does that count if that's the FNM Promo?
🔗 12:05
Laserbeaks_Fury: The matchmaking seems to be getting thinner
🔗 12:05
Catcard: Would a level 181 character not get into Cam's game? Kappa
🔗 12:05
ImmoralEthicist: SOmetimes it took me a good 30 minutes to find someone.
🔗 12:05
Dix: Serum Visions is gonna be the August FNM promo
🔗 12:05
Nightvalien28: dix don't ruin this for us
🔗 12:05
lsuaksauke: fnm promo counts as a reprint
🔗 12:05
mercano82: Cam, were you around for the 24 hour driver shifts, or just the 12s?
🔗 12:05
Sixthmonarch: Cam Play Witcher Wild hunt
🔗 12:05
Dix: I said grey area nightvalien28 :p
🔗 12:05
ImmoralEthicist: And I'm with Dix: Kinda questionable as to whether or not that's a "reprint"
🔗 12:05
Metonymic_Human: "Bro, do you even DesertBus?!"
🔗 12:05
Rantling: @Gcu_ofcourseistillloveyou I would be so in on that game. Eclipse Phase is awesome.
🔗 12:05
Anubis169: Cam: Play Desert Bus :D
🔗 12:05
linecardioidparabola: lvl?
🔗 12:05
Havok4: Okay. Just checking.
🔗 12:05
Alcamonic: Practice Desert Bus for 24hs?
🔗 12:05
Pancakepanda3d: Speaking of, is Adam doing a 24-hour stream this weekend because that's what the schedule suggests
🔗 12:05
lsuaksauke: fnm is easy to get
🔗 12:05
Dix: Judge foil definitely doesn't count as a reprint in my book.
🔗 12:05
Catcard: Pancakepanda3d, yes.
🔗 12:05
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I've never played Eclipse Phase, but I'd definitely join in on a game if Cam were DM'ing.
🔗 12:05
ImmoralEthicist: Oh yeah, judge foil definitely not a reprint
🔗 12:06
DiamondTiki: Anubis169, one week a year is about as much DB as a human brain can survive, I think
🔗 12:06
mercano82: 24 hours of Desert Bus! Three points or bust!
🔗 12:06
Dix: 4 usually at my LGS
🔗 12:06
lsuaksauke: also now the extra events like commander fnm and draft fnm
🔗 12:06
Dix: top 4 get the promo
🔗 12:06
Edroach: cam you are my favorite way to not work
🔗 12:06
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I think it's 2 for placing and 2 door prizes
🔗 12:06
KatofAsgard: It's 8 at mine!
🔗 12:06
KatofAsgard: I think it is anyway?
🔗 12:06
Lokiliar: there are usually 4 promos per event
🔗 12:06
JellyFilledDoughnut: It will bring more people in at FNM. Which is good
🔗 12:06
Nightvalien28: frand
🔗 12:06
lsuaksauke: some areas its just if you play
🔗 12:06
SohNata: Ours does Top 4, 1 random and whoever comes last, I think.
🔗 12:06
KatofAsgard: I definitely got one at 7th last week
🔗 12:06
Sixthmonarch: Anyone considering Playing Witcher I herd good things
🔗 12:06
Briars_the_fox: Dix: top 2 and then 2 as door prizes at my LGS
🔗 12:06
Dix: Depends on your store size but I still don't think its the best way to get more Serum Visions into the market/economy.
🔗 12:06
Laserbeaks_Fury: uh oh
🔗 12:06
Aracuda: wait, is that bad?
🔗 12:07
Castlewise: I'm not convinced that counts as a reprint, but who am I to argue with a 24 hour stream
🔗 12:07
Catcard: LOL
🔗 12:07
Pancakepanda3d: During the school year the place I played at gave everyone a promo, mostly because there were so few people that attended
🔗 12:07
Sai_Maa: We usually have 2-3 pods so winners + ~2 randomised
🔗 12:07
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: it turns out my LGS gives them out as door prizes, which is nice, because otherwise I would never get one.
🔗 12:07
Nightvalien28: oh ***
🔗 12:07
TXC2: "ring ma beeeellll, ring ma bell"
🔗 12:07
lsuaksauke: its not the best way but its a definite reprint
🔗 12:07
Anubis169: Aracuda: Invader
🔗 12:07
Nightvalien28: what just happened the hell is a bell woman
🔗 12:07
ImmoralEthicist: That comes up no matter what. Doesn't mean someone'e been summoned yet
🔗 12:07
CamelknackRamblehort: I hear crusader kings II is a great strategy game, it seems the be in line with Cams interests, and it is being humble bundled right now so it is cheap. Might be worth a look for the 24 hour stream
🔗 12:07
Anubis169: Nightvalien28: a Bell woman summons invaders to you
🔗 12:07
Metonymic_Human: For some reason, I have a lot of faith in Leo. I don't know what it is. I like the cut of his jib.
🔗 12:07
Castlewise: I've never been able to do coop in the DS games because if I die as the host I feel like I"ve wasted everyones time
🔗 12:07
🔗 12:08
CapnRobert: heal
🔗 12:08
Metricos: these guys need to chill out
🔗 12:08
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: oh wow this IS Las Plagas
🔗 12:08
Sixthmonarch: do fmn promos count in standard and for how long
🔗 12:08
Metricos: #SaveUsLeo
🔗 12:08
lsuaksauke: they count for w/e format they are legal in
🔗 12:08
Sai_Maa: I suppose bosses get HP-buff when you fight them in "co-op" like in demon's/dark souls
🔗 12:08
Aracuda: well Twtich decided to log me out when i was typing, so i have no idea if my message was sent
🔗 12:08
Anubis169: uhhhhhh
🔗 12:08
Anubis169: NOPE
🔗 12:08
Edroach: tentacle grape
🔗 12:09
Lokiliar: Sixthmonarch fnm promos are lgal in standard as long as nonopromo version of the card is legal
🔗 12:09
TheDeadGuy0: Tentacle snake
🔗 12:09
CastleOtranto: Wow. You can actually hear him mash the heal button.
🔗 12:09
Metricos: oh dear jesus
🔗 12:09
lsuaksauke: so the serrum visions promo will count for modern legacy and vintage
🔗 12:09
lsuaksauke: and commander
🔗 12:09
JellyFilledDoughnut: My GF cat says hi btw :P
🔗 12:09
Sixthmonarch: ah so so no on that card then
🔗 12:09
Metricos: omg leo with 1hp
🔗 12:09
Anubis169: yes!
🔗 12:09
Nightvalien28: yay leo
🔗 12:09
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: lrrGOAT
🔗 12:09
Nightvalien28: 1 is not zero
🔗 12:09
1amafish: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
🔗 12:09
Slyguy46: lrrHORN
🔗 12:09
nonane09: Praise the Sun!
🔗 12:09
🔗 12:09
Havok4: With a little help from my friends!
🔗 12:09
BusTed: lrrGOAT
🔗 12:09
HellCopter: Goin' ham on the shadows thereof
🔗 12:09
🔗 12:09
Lokiliar: goat there
🔗 12:09
Samdaharu: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 12:09
🔗 12:09
Pancakepanda3d: Also counts for stuff like duel decks and commander sets
🔗 12:09
Anubis169: lrrHORN
🔗 12:09
Curufean: You don't look like Heather. I am dissapoint.
🔗 12:09
Havok4: Now fire off that silencing blank!
🔗 12:09
BusTed: Hooray LeoTheFatGuy.
🔗 12:09
Catcard: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 12:09
senshi5609: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 12:09
CamelknackRamblehort: lrrHorn
🔗 12:09
Sixthmonarch: Cam are you or Alex trying to play Witcher Wild hunt
🔗 12:09
gorilla87 subscribed for 5 months in a row!
🔗 12:09
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, gorilla87! (Today's storm count: 3)
🔗 12:09
Havok4: Before you get wrecked by a invading jerk.
🔗 12:09
🔗 12:09
CamelknackRamblehort: hmm, I am doing this wrong
🔗 12:09
JellyFilledDoughnut: lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 12:09
Zibanitu: lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrHORN
🔗 12:10
nonane09: LEVEL
🔗 12:10
Slyguy46: oh hey, cam, you're about to be in the same area as me
🔗 12:10
🔗 12:10
Metonymic_Human: Good guy Leo sticks it out till the end
🔗 12:10
CamelknackRamblehort: lrrHORN
🔗 12:10
CamelknackRamblehort: there we go
🔗 12:10
lsuaksauke: may = the month lrr will be doing multiple 24 hour stream
🔗 12:10
Anubis169: 30k echoes, nice :D
🔗 12:10
lsuaksauke: guys we gotta get james next
🔗 12:10
🔗 12:10
Clypheous: Cameron, do you just need a PS4 yourself so that you can play at home?
🔗 12:10
lsuaksauke: james is next on the list
🔗 12:10
GoRiLLa87: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 12:10
Anubis169: if everybody starts doing 24h streams, i'm gonna have to send something stronger than port to celebrate :P
🔗 12:10
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: how many hours a day do members of LRR now spend in front of a camera versus not
🔗 12:10
qrpth: "<@James_LRR> @UnarmedOracle Promo only kinda counts. Give them 8 hours. 12 if you're feeling generous." Bad James.
🔗 12:10
CamelknackRamblehort: If we can get 7 of them to do a 24 hour stream we could turn it into a week long stream
🔗 12:10
TXC2: what about alex doing a 24 hour watch + play ? Kappa
🔗 12:11
senshi5609: mini desert bus lets do it
🔗 12:11
PsychoI3oy: Txc2 that sounds actually bad
🔗 12:11
JellyFilledDoughnut: He was trying to type to buy he isnt a great typer so I had to do it for him (him being the cat :P)
🔗 12:11
Castlewise: A little too much, if you ask me, doll
🔗 12:11
Catcard: TXC2, I'm sure that would kill them.
🔗 12:11
TXC2: CamelknackRamblehort we call that desert bus Kappa
🔗 12:11
DiamondTiki: um
🔗 12:11
Wondermoo: Are we doing a 100 sub challenge still?
🔗 12:11
Metricos: Doll, I do not have time for existential crises right now.
🔗 12:11
Clypheous: I think that 24 hours of anything will basically end with the crew becoming even more unbalanced and possibly trying to eat the controller.
🔗 12:11
PsychoI3oy: Txc2 sometimes 3 hours is too many
🔗 12:11
lsuaksauke: someone warn james hes next
🔗 12:11
Castlewise: um, thats creepy
🔗 12:11
Pancakepanda3d: So who exactly is this women?
🔗 12:11
DiamondTiki: WeirdER
🔗 12:11
CamelknackRamblehort: Desert bus in may!
🔗 12:11
JellyFilledDoughnut: but* apparently I am not a good typer either :P
🔗 12:11
amythist: Txc2 yeah that would be hoorrible, since after about 4 hours he would probably just be getting bured out or actually feeling sick due to some of the games
🔗 12:11
TheDeadGuy0: Doll, you're not a love doll, no loving allowed
🔗 12:11
nonane09: !next
🔗 12:11
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (2:48 from now)
🔗 12:11
Metricos: She's a doll, Pancakepanda3d
🔗 12:11
HellCopter: The doll wears bloomers. Don't ask me how I know this.
🔗 12:11
Sixthmonarch: im sicked for witcher wild hunt
🔗 12:11
Our_O_Boros: For james, we should ask Adam for some ideas!
🔗 12:11
lsuaksauke: yes definity
🔗 12:12
Nightvalien28: james and uno 24h minecraft
🔗 12:12
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'm sorry, but they prefer Porcelain American
🔗 12:12
RebelliousUno: Wait wot
🔗 12:12
LegionofLashes: hey wherd wheelchair guy go?
🔗 12:12
BaronVonRatsworth: Yellow card @Laserbeaks_fury
🔗 12:12
Nightvalien28: lol
🔗 12:12
TXC2: PsychoI3oy Catcard amythist oh i agree, i think alex could last maybe 5-6 hours, after which he would just burst into flames
🔗 12:12
senshi5609: sorry uno guess you got dragged into this
🔗 12:12
CamelknackRamblehort: Uno, you just got voluntold!
🔗 12:12
Nightvalien28: 24h hostile map
🔗 12:13
Angnor33: Died twice to that boss. Not sure how much total.
🔗 12:13
RebelliousUno: I'm not watching the stream...but what have I been volunteered for lol
🔗 12:13
ImmoralEthicist: I think you only bit it those two times against the boss.
🔗 12:13
Nightvalien28: don't even worry about it uno
🔗 12:13
senshi5609: 24h MineCraft with James
🔗 12:13
Laserbeaks_Fury: he died once in the town, but got his echos back
🔗 12:13
TXC2: actuly james doing a SH minecraft map for 24 hours could be good
🔗 12:13
BaronVonRatsworth: Everything is fine Uno
🔗 12:13
CamelknackRamblehort: We are joking about 24 hour streams, and we voluntold you into joining into the theoretical James 24 hour stream
🔗 12:14
Clypheous: Have James play a Hardcore Minecraft game for 24 hours...If he survives the 24H, while accomplishing certain goals, we give him a prize!
🔗 12:14
Rocketman210: the prize is minecraft
🔗 12:14
senshi5609: a cookie
🔗 12:14
PhoenixMelior: is the prize another 24 hour stream?
🔗 12:14
Clypheous: My thought on his prize? New window coverings for his apartment, courtesy of the fan base. We can get Mr. Turner to install them I believe.
🔗 12:14
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'd say go do Cainhurst, but the Nightmare Frontier is an option
🔗 12:14
ImmoralEthicist: I never found a really good place to farm bullets. Often just wound p buying them
🔗 12:14
nonane09: Hi Kathleen!
🔗 12:14
CamelknackRamblehort: You know what, a 24 hour minecraft stream with like 8 lrr fans would be awesome. We could install a new mod pack and have some goal that everyone could work towards
🔗 12:14
Sektor88: I hear a Kathleen!
🔗 12:14
echinoid: 24 jour minecraft actually sounds quite good
🔗 12:15
DiamondTiki: Well, that guy doesn't anymore
🔗 12:15
daneislazy: do skeletons have insides?
🔗 12:15
PhoenixMelior: @Camelknackramblehort I would watch that. Hell, I'd probably dust of Minecraft to join
🔗 12:15
Rocketman210: organs?
🔗 12:15
Anubis169: if there's a 24h stream and I'm available
🔗 12:15
Anubis169: I'll watch it all and help out :D
🔗 12:15
holidayMD: I like the Healing workshop for bullet farms
🔗 12:15
Briars_the_fox: echinoid, as someone that speak french that typo scared me
🔗 12:15
HellCopter: The ones you have to worry about are the ones who lack outsides.
🔗 12:15
TXC2: "everyone has insides" what about...sponges?
🔗 12:15
senshi5609: why he did it for Adam only seems fair
🔗 12:15
echinoid: lol
🔗 12:15
GhassanPL: Oh wow, not that I'm complaining or anything but this channel has been All Cam All Day lately :D
🔗 12:15
Rantling: Great Huge open world, 10 years after an Apocalypse that kill all those that fled Earth, a shadowy group of like minded Ego's work together to keep new terrors from destroying the last of Humanities Children. Explore transhumanism, post (or false) scarcity societies, Battle Multi-Planetary Corps, Rootless Anarchists, Psychotic Puristy, and Alien Terrors from unfathomable worlds. Or maybe go bodyshoping and get really popular on the Net. You are the Last Hope, You are the Last Defense, Your Are FIREWALL.
🔗 12:15
echinoid: *hour
🔗 12:15
CamelknackRamblehort: Not making real plans, I just think it is fun to think about
🔗 12:15
PhoenixMelior: James could do it - he used to do the Desert bus 24 hour shifts
🔗 12:16
qrpth: Oh, god, a 24h stream. It will take me about two weeks to watch.
🔗 12:16
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Ghassanpl Cam is a man on a mission
🔗 12:16
RobotHitchhiker: is kathleen copiloting cam's handhelds as well?
🔗 12:16
GhassanPL: Clearly :P
🔗 12:16
Rocketman210: i hear meeples in the background!
🔗 12:16
Anubis169: Rantling: sounds like the world's already EFFED and one person wouldn't do much :P
🔗 12:16
Clypheous: I still can't get the stream to load...
🔗 12:16
JellyFilledDoughnut: Next stream name? Cams Hams? || Cam goes pig farming
🔗 12:16
Metonymic_Human: Charging through the woods towards rifle-wielding foes: It's straight Gettysburg up in here
🔗 12:16
Laserbeaks_Fury: They heard the pots blow up
🔗 12:17
Anubis169: Clypheous: ctrl-f5 your window until you get shifted to a good server
🔗 12:17
TXC2: you're watching kathleen and paul talk in the other room while cam plays bloodborne
🔗 12:17
Dumori: I feel we should have had the Hether's Handhold grapics with Cameron's in red added in MS paint
🔗 12:17
Dumori: reall classy like
🔗 12:17
Rocketman210: so cam is here farming the arden
🔗 12:17
Clypheous: Well, I'm on a Mac, so no Ctrl or F5... :0
🔗 12:17
qrpth: Dumori: That means doing work.
🔗 12:17
Anubis169: ohh
🔗 12:17
Clypheous: But I'm trying to refresh the page every 30 seconds
🔗 12:17
Anubis169: do you have ctrl?
🔗 12:17
Dumori: qrpth, an ammount
🔗 12:17
qrpth: Cmd?
🔗 12:17
lsuaksauke: damn shooters we need thos ebullets
🔗 12:17
Rantling: http://eclipsephase.com/ Crunch rulesy, excelent SciFi Horror setting, and story worth reading.
🔗 12:17
Clypheous: It runs ads, but then no content
🔗 12:17
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: mac is cmd+R
🔗 12:17
Anubis169: hmm
🔗 12:18
Anubis169: Clypheous: what does this say for you? twitchstatus.com
🔗 12:18
daneislazy: Do NPC's ever get viscerals on the player?
🔗 12:18
senshi5609: did any good games come out today?
🔗 12:18
Rantling: @Anubis169 Well Earth is the place people don't go.
🔗 12:18
Laserbeaks_Fury: The hunters can
🔗 12:18
Anubis169: daneislazy: enemy hunters do
🔗 12:18
Clypheous: Hey! It's Cameron!
🔗 12:18
GhassanPL: Cameron Saves The World; IDDQCAM; House of Cam; iCameron; CamPoint; LRRCAMTG; CCLP; Let's Cam; Video Gams with Video Cams; Cams on my Stream; Watch+Cam; Camming the Streams; Cam's Camhaus; Cam's Backlog; Switfly Tilting Someone Other Than Cameron
🔗 12:18
NivMizzet_Dracogenius: You can be a SunWhale in that setting!
🔗 12:18
Rocketman210: PDFs are free that is correct
🔗 12:18
Clypheous: I think he's playing "Black Forest Bear Attack at Midnight during a Power Outage" again.
🔗 12:18
Hippitybobbity: oh hot diggity
🔗 12:18
Hippitybobbity: gotta get ma GAME on
🔗 12:18
Dumori: the PDFs are free the torretns are 100% legal too
🔗 12:18
CamelknackRamblehort: Eclipse phase is cool. Never got around to actually playing it, but a very unique setting that I really like
🔗 12:18
Dumori: like offical torrents
🔗 12:19
Dumori: well "offical"
🔗 12:19
lsuaksauke: i haven't even gotten to try D&D yet D:
🔗 12:19
Rantling: @Anubis169 But elsewhere in the solarsystem Humanity still finds a way
🔗 12:19
Angnor33: If you're interested in Eclipse Phase: https://robboyle.wordpress.com/eclipse-phase-pdfs/
🔗 12:19
🔗 12:19
Anubis169: they use torrents for their distro too?
🔗 12:19
Anubis169: sweet :D
🔗 12:19
SoSo_Tsundere: what, there are people who don't want to have their minds downloaded into a robotic octopus body in a hard sci-fi horror game? What strange people
🔗 12:19
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Cam, if you ran an Eclipse Phase campaign via Skype for your stream, I'd totally play for 24 hours straight :D
🔗 12:19
TXC2: GhassanPL: you forgot cam of passwords Kappa
🔗 12:19
Angnor33: And also here: http://eclipsephase.com/
🔗 12:19
Dumori: the guy who does layout is awesome too
🔗 12:19
GhassanPL: Oh, right Cam of Passwords, thanks TXC2 :P
🔗 12:19
Anubis169: Rantling: not saying it's not a good story, but there are lots of situations where there's a win and an assumption that everything's ok afterwards :P
🔗 12:19
Clypheous: Why is Cameron all the people on stream today?
🔗 12:19
Rantling: Is Skype play a posibility Cam?
🔗 12:19
EldraziOutlaw: !uptime
🔗 12:19
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:21:43
🔗 12:19
Anubis169: Clypheous: Hodor and B33J are at a con :)
🔗 12:20
EldraziOutlaw: oooh, did we continue on from last time?
🔗 12:20
GhassanPL: Camborne
🔗 12:20
Anubis169: yup no rorolls :)
🔗 12:20
Rocketman210: well, alligators and crocodiles will go extinct eventually but they have been around for million of years
🔗 12:20
EldraziOutlaw: nice
🔗 12:20
TXC2: ottacon isn't it?
🔗 12:20
CamelknackRamblehort: Skype play is really hard if you are not already good friends with the group
🔗 12:20
JellyFilledDoughnut: Camborne Hype!
🔗 12:20
Clypheous: So Cameron is filling in? Do any of the crew ever have to, I dunno, go shopping or clean their apartments or anything?
🔗 12:20
Lord_Hosk: Hello Cameron, did you see that you got a highlight?
🔗 12:20
CamelknackRamblehort: If only because you end up constantly talking over each other
🔗 12:21
1amafish: cam you monster
🔗 12:21
Rantling: @Anubis169 Yeah this is not a everythings going to be fine kind of setting, sometimes the only way to Survive is to become an earlier version of Yourself.
🔗 12:21
Anubis169 spies a voxlunch
🔗 12:21
SoSo_Tsundere: did anyone get any of the Eclipse Phase splat books? I only have the core, are the splats worth it?
🔗 12:21
TXC2: "BURN FREE, as free as the wind blows, as free as the grass grows, BURN FREE"
🔗 12:21
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: it does if you come down to GCU's Same-Day Yharnam Drycleaners! Hunting night special - 2 gore-stained coats for the price of one!
🔗 12:21
GhassanPL: Cam Cam Cam, Cam Cameron Cam, Cam? Cam Cameron Cam Cameron, Cam cam Cam
🔗 12:21
Camail: if you use roll20 and a low lag VOIP online table top is pretty good
🔗 12:21
Lord_Hosk: I have often wondered what would be in a vox lunch. maybe some chicken salad?
🔗 12:22
Lutemuch: This is the furthest I've seen Cam in bloodborne!
🔗 12:22
RougeGenial: Did Cam take over the stream? Is he the new Alex?
🔗 12:22
Clypheous: Cameron is the new Alex...
🔗 12:22
Dumori: RougeGenial, something like that
🔗 12:22
Camail: cam is the new everyone
🔗 12:22
GhassanPL: Cam is the new Cam
🔗 12:22
SoSo_Tsundere: Doctor Cameron: did you know about the new 3rd Edition Exalted book due out this year?
🔗 12:22
qrpth: Cameron = a better Alex
🔗 12:22
CamelknackRamblehort: @Camail I have done skype play before and I really like it, I just think it is hard for a completely new group
🔗 12:22
GhassanPL: LoadingReadyCam
🔗 12:22
TXC2: cam cam cam cam
🔗 12:22
Angnor33: Cam has always been Alex.
🔗 12:22
Clypheous: Cameron is all the style this year, you have Cameron's stream until Fall, then you have to switch over to Alex for autumn colors.
🔗 12:22
Castlewise: So I've thought about it for a few days now, and I think cam may be stuck with his show name. Its just too god.
🔗 12:22
Castlewise: *good
🔗 12:22
RougeGenial: Ok, sounds good.
🔗 12:23
Rantling: Oh and one of the RPPR guys writes for them from time to time. Roleplaying Public Radio, http://slangdesign.com/rppr/
🔗 12:23
Mindmage: Its a riff off of Swiftly Tilting Planet is I recall correctly
🔗 12:23
GhassanPL: It's good then that you're so swift at tilting then!
🔗 12:23
CamelknackRamblehort: The show name is great, but it can give people the wrong idea, that tilting is the purpose
🔗 12:23
JediTransmit: Ugh, lampreys.
🔗 12:23
Rocketman210: lampreys, the worst things
🔗 12:23
Laserbeaks_Fury: Second worst enemies in the game
🔗 12:24
GhassanPL: When Cam tilts, he tilts swiftly, and moves on
🔗 12:24
Mindmage: *If I recall correctly
🔗 12:24
BonSequitur: I think nobody got the reference to a Swiftly Tilting Planet
🔗 12:24
Verdego: has the race to 99 subs begun?
🔗 12:24
TXC2: wait does this place lead back to losefka's >
🔗 12:24
BonSequitur: What about De-Cameron as a show name
🔗 12:24
TXC2: *?
🔗 12:24
EldraziOutlaw: TXC2, yes
🔗 12:24
Mindmage: My fiance got it but she owns a copy of the novel and the rest of that author's books.
🔗 12:24
Angnor33: @BonSequitur, No, I think we got the reference.
🔗 12:24
Rantling: @Camelknackramblehort Yeah, of course not the point more the Aspiration.
🔗 12:24
GhassanPL: Is Wrinkle in Time good then?
🔗 12:24
TXC2: EldraziOutlaw: thanks
🔗 12:24
Laserbeaks_Fury: I thought the reference was a swiftly tilting camera as film direction
🔗 12:24
qrpth: Sempai has noticed you. Run.
🔗 12:25
Pancakepanda3d: Oh its this place, Graham cheted his way hear once
🔗 12:25
senshi5609: man that storm count is low why don't we go off?
🔗 12:25
Angnor33: @GhassanPL, Yes, very good.
🔗 12:25
Wondermoo: wrinkle in time is amazing
🔗 12:25
HellCopter: What a thrill~
🔗 12:25
Wondermoo: the whole series is
🔗 12:25
Laserbeaks_Fury: well, okie dokie
🔗 12:25
TXC2: "snake eater"
🔗 12:25
GruntAI: !adult
🔗 12:25
LRRbot: I need an adult!
🔗 12:25
Nanomateria: Hello
🔗 12:25
ForOhForError: haven't read those in forever, are they worth revisiting?
🔗 12:25
TXC2: i'm an adult lrrCREEPY
🔗 12:25
Rocketman210: they call me... "snack eater"
🔗 12:25
EldraziOutlaw: Cam, have we killed Shadow yet?
🔗 12:25
GruntAI: lrrSPOOP
🔗 12:26
Camail: I need a [young] adult [novel]!
🔗 12:26
Sunrise_Laro: TXC2 ladder should be equally as long as the song
🔗 12:26
GhassanPL: A Twitch streamer needs to pipe chat into text-to-speech someday. I wonder what chaos would ensue.
🔗 12:26
senshi5609: just killed them
🔗 12:26
DoneWithFinals just subscribed!
🔗 12:26
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, DoneWithFinals! (Today's storm count: 4)
🔗 12:26
TheDeadGuy0: Doesn't crepuscular mean twilight? Not moon?
🔗 12:26
Rantling: !Adult
🔗 12:26
LRRbot: I need an adult!
🔗 12:26
🔗 12:26
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I reread Madeleine L'Engle as an adult and I was amazed at how muc complexity I'd missed as a kid
🔗 12:26
Nanomateria: So has these officially become: "Cam playes bloodbtorne channel"?
🔗 12:26
🔗 12:26
senshi5609: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 12:26
Nanomateria: *borne
🔗 12:26
Lord_Hosk: WOOO HOO congrats on being done with finals!
🔗 12:26
ForOhForError: Yeah, rub it in DoneWithFinals D:
🔗 12:26
TXC2: Sunrise_Laro oh i know
🔗 12:26
DanSPG: gz DoneWithFinal! I assume your done with finals?
🔗 12:26
laserbeaks_fury subscribed for 20 months in a row!
🔗 12:26
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, laserbeaks_fury! (Today's storm count: 5)
🔗 12:26
DoneWithFinals: helloooooooooooooo chat
🔗 12:26
🔗 12:26
napsterthegrey: !next
🔗 12:26
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (2:33 from now)
🔗 12:26
🔗 12:26
🔗 12:26
Dumori: Congtatz
🔗 12:26
Nanomateria: I like the name of the stream
🔗 12:26
GreyFox0012: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 12:26
GhassanPL: How did she give that to you?
🔗 12:26
Rantling: @Donewithfinals WooH and welcome two us.
🔗 12:26
Metonymic_Human: Laserbeak! 20 Months! You incorruptible titan.
🔗 12:26
GhassanPL: Through the door?
🔗 12:26
TXC2: hello DoneWithFinals welcome
🔗 12:27
BusTed: The mail slot, obviously.
🔗 12:27
Verdego just subscribed!
🔗 12:27
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Verdego! (Today's storm count: 6)
🔗 12:27
GhassanPL: Oh, right
🔗 12:27
senshi5609: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 12:27
🔗 12:27
Whatanvarno: The glass is knocked out in a few places
🔗 12:27
Seagulyus: Ghassanpl the giant hole in the window?
🔗 12:27
Camail: too many subs! too many subs.
🔗 12:27
KaenOjin: Years from now, you will wake up in a panic that you are late for a final.
🔗 12:27
Aracuda: im not sure how important this is but... is that YOUR viscera covering your coat and hat, Cam?
🔗 12:27
🔗 12:27
HellCopter: There was a crazy GameFAQs argument where one guy was CONVINCED that there was only one Iosefka who went crazy, despite there being two different models and VA credits
🔗 12:27
senshi5609: o dear I feel my comment did this....
🔗 12:27
DoneWithFinals: lrrSPOT
🔗 12:27
Whatanvarno: Cam: I suggest either the saw spear or the torch against upcoming mindflayer
🔗 12:27
Elenodul: lrrSPOT lrrHORN lrrSPOT
🔗 12:27
DoneWithFinals: !novelty
🔗 12:27
🔗 12:27
Nanomateria: Wou a lot of sub's...
🔗 12:27
TXC2: man sub hype is real
🔗 12:27
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: leave our delicious brains alone!
🔗 12:27
Nanomateria: I would like to sub too, but I am too poor
🔗 12:28
qrpth: !card Grapeshot
🔗 12:28
LRRbot: Did you mean: Grapeshot; Grapeshot Catapult
🔗 12:28
Metonymic_Human: Aww
🔗 12:28
Cocostreams: this guy reminds me of steve carell lol its awesome
🔗 12:28
TXC2: hate makes you bilnd cam
🔗 12:28
CapnRobert: cam these guys you hate get wrecked by the chikage blood damage
🔗 12:28
qrpth: LRRbot pls.
🔗 12:28
ImmoralEthicist: I kinda like the mindflayers. High insight decreases frenzy resist, so they were a good way to get rid of excess insight in the NG+ run
🔗 12:28
DoneWithFinals: I feel like being done with finals was reason enough to celebrate
🔗 12:28
HellCopter: In D&D and in Bloodborne, Mindflayers suck
🔗 12:28
TurnedUsernameThirty: *opens the stream* Cam:"Oh God this Asshole" gee thanks cam, way to make me feel welcome
🔗 12:28
Slyguy46: come on and slam
🔗 12:28
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Cam don't even risk the viscerals on these assholes :P
🔗 12:28
Slyguy46: and welcome to japan
🔗 12:28
PhoenixMelior: is it a sidewalk slam?
🔗 12:28
🔗 12:28
Sunrise_Laro: notice their blood color
🔗 12:28
TXC2: "come on and SLAM, and welcome to the CAM"
🔗 12:28
Sai_Maa: Dat blood color
🔗 12:28
Metonymic_Human: Holy crap, !Summon Alex worked!
🔗 12:28
Laserbeaks_Fury: meh, Cameron has spare brains
🔗 12:28
PhoenixMelior: Stop the game has been called by... Alex?
🔗 12:29
adi_pie: You can't make us, Alex. Also, hi.
🔗 12:29
Elenodul: !advice
🔗 12:29
LRRbot: Do you have an anti-matter bomb?
🔗 12:29
EldraziOutlaw: ImmoralEthicist, I hope Cam gets 40 insight before dealing with Rom, it's fun
🔗 12:29
Pancakepanda3d: Goodbye Crow friends
🔗 12:29
1amafish: those are some big crows (or everything else is quite small)
🔗 12:29
TurnedUsernameThirty: I love you too cam
🔗 12:29
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: It's birds like these that remind you they're descended from dinosaurs.
🔗 12:29
ImmoralEthicist: @EldraziOutlaw, That's a dang funny way of spelling, "pants-shitting terrifying"
🔗 12:29
daneislazy: As much as I like the ragdolls and blood in these games how awesome would it be if things gibbed apart when they took too much damage, including the player
🔗 12:29
EldraziOutlaw: ImmoralEthicist, well I didn't find out about it till NG+ anyway so
🔗 12:30
Havok4: Okay I have come to the conclusion I cannot play crypt of the necrodancer my crippling lack of rhythm has done me in.
🔗 12:30
Slyguy46: BibleThump
🔗 12:30
Angnor33: That was Iosefka?
🔗 12:30
DoneWithFinals: !novelty
🔗 12:30
🔗 12:30
JellyFilledDoughnut: She was a creepy thing!
🔗 12:30
TXC2: so was that jellyfish thing loasfka ?
🔗 12:30
Slyguy46: that was the real iosefka
🔗 12:30
Metonymic_Human: Havok4 don't you mean your CRYPTling lack of rhythm? Eh? Eh!?
🔗 12:30
Slyguy46: the fake iosefka is up ahead
🔗 12:30
TXC2: (shudder)
🔗 12:30
ImmoralEthicist: @Havok4, I have a friend who actually is arhythmic. Can't Count a beat at all
🔗 12:30
Whatanvarno: You can still get the three things you need without getting one from her later
🔗 12:30
adi_pie: TXC2, yep, the original one. :(
🔗 12:31
Nanomateria: so uhh has he started the game agen?
🔗 12:31
DoneWithFinals: ok, that worked well
🔗 12:31
Laserbeaks_Fury: well, "Iosefka" drops a usefull rune
🔗 12:31
Lutemuch: exit game and reload
🔗 12:31
HellCopter: Denied
🔗 12:31
Lutemuch: ya
🔗 12:31
EldraziOutlaw: Nanomateria, nope
🔗 12:31
TurnedUsernameThirty: I really need to update my novelty sub list
🔗 12:31
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Cam what is your issue with sectoids
🔗 12:31
Sunrise_Laro: now he is actually less terrifying
🔗 12:31
TXC2: adi_pie: thats crazy
🔗 12:31
Camail: yea that guy bugs out some times...
🔗 12:31
adi_pie: That is the beggar on the other hand.
🔗 12:31
DoneWithFinals: real eh
🔗 12:31
Nanomateria: ouh I just remember the whole Iosefka thing
🔗 12:31
adi_pie: Look at him, cowering, makes you sad.
🔗 12:31
Nanomateria: last time I was here
🔗 12:31
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: he never asked for thiiiiis
🔗 12:31
DoneWithFinals: !deathcount
🔗 12:31
LRRbot: 527 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 12:31
DoneWithFinals: !totaldeath
🔗 12:31
LRRbot: 12229 total deaths
🔗 12:31
fragment777: the original gives iosefkas blood
🔗 12:32
Sunrise_Laro: seemed like a strange choice to have a real one and an imposter one instead of having the real one just go insane
🔗 12:32
Nanomateria: ahem I dont think Cam died
🔗 12:32
Slyguy46: poor iosefka
🔗 12:32
ForOhForError: Well, I just have one exam and one day of class left before finals.
🔗 12:32
DoneWithFinals: He didn't
🔗 12:32
Nanomateria: or then I am way behind stream
🔗 12:32
Whatanvarno: Fauxsefka
🔗 12:32
qrpth: !death remove
🔗 12:32
LRRbot: 526 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 12:32
Havok4: Yeah wait untill she goes into labor and murder her then.
🔗 12:32
Lutemuch: we're a ways past unsanitary here cam
🔗 12:32
adi_pie: That is a fair point.
🔗 12:32
Nanomateria: Who is keeping the death count currently?
🔗 12:32
TXC2: qrpth no need to remove that death
🔗 12:32
DoneWithFinals: @Forohforerror enjoy
🔗 12:32
Laserbeaks_Fury: On second thought, let's not visit Iosefka. She's a silly place
🔗 12:32
TheDeadGuy0: *body on table, blood strewn everywhere, tools all over the floor* "That looks unsanitary"
🔗 12:33
DoneWithFinals: 527 was accurate
🔗 12:33
Sunrise_Laro: Havok4 terrifying sentence when it's being red out of context
🔗 12:33
qrpth: !death add
🔗 12:33
LRRbot: 527 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 12:33
DoneWithFinals: cool
🔗 12:33
TXC2: there we go
🔗 12:33
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: floorskeletons probably closed the door
🔗 12:33
Havok4: There are a lot of phrases related to games that don't sound good out of context.
🔗 12:33
Edroach: hey cameron, if you want to go to university head the opposite direction of the witches from Ameila. it's what the tonsil stone is for
🔗 12:33
Whatanvarno: Fakefka closes the door whenever you leave the area (or reload) until you aggro her
🔗 12:34
PhoenixMelior: brb gotta mute the stream to try and get this kickass song outta my head
🔗 12:34
TurnedUsernameThirty: there I updated the spreadsheet
🔗 12:34
TXC2: has cam seen the hunter's dream in the real world?
🔗 12:34
MPeacecraft: Good morning, Cam and chat! how goes it?
🔗 12:34
RealGamerCow: Not a resub?
🔗 12:34
RealGamerCow: i mean reroll?
🔗 12:34
TXC2: hello MPeacecraft welcome
🔗 12:34
1amafish: is there an end-game to this whole thing, or do you just wander around and kill stuff?
🔗 12:34
qrpth: !pavecount
🔗 12:34
LRRbot: 3 paves for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 12:34
adi_pie: Yeah, let's leave the fake Iosefka so we don't have to eff up Arianna's life any more than it will be.
🔗 12:34
DoneWithFinals: mmm spreadsheets
🔗 12:34
ImmoralEthicist: It's unfortunate that there's no way to off Arianna's baby without her dying. Also, at that point, I'm not sure she's not better off with you putting her down
🔗 12:34
TXC2: doll, why you so tall?
🔗 12:34
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah
🔗 12:35
ImmoralEthicist: No, 25 is where diminishing returns start. Soft cap is actually 50
🔗 12:35
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: "do the gods love their creations" well....evidence suggests no.
🔗 12:35
EldraziOutlaw: ImmoralEthicist, you can get all three endings without ever meeting her though
🔗 12:35
amythist: Txc2 she is standing on higher ground than Cam is
🔗 12:35
DoneWithFinals: Which Gods? And which creations?
🔗 12:35
Sai_Maa: I'd say she's of an average height for a doll Kappa
🔗 12:35
RealGamerCow: There's gonna be some awesome Bloodborne cosplay
🔗 12:35
The_Voices: I thought aabout cosplaying as the doll
🔗 12:35
Sunrise_Laro: GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou she actually said it right there
🔗 12:35
Rootpotato: don't worry cam in gonna, :)
🔗 12:35
ImmoralEthicist: @EldraziOutlaw, Yeah, but pretty sure she's just supposed to die if you never meet her, so she's no better off
🔗 12:35
DiamondTiki: And I'm back. I like how using Flash basically has an 8GB RAM minimum requirement now
🔗 12:35
TXC2: amythist i still think shes very tall
🔗 12:35
Laserbeaks_Fury: I'm waiting for the Amelia cosplay
🔗 12:35
Benteacher: Hey Cameron. i'm having fun with ur stream.
🔗 12:35
GruntAI: Rosen Maiden's cosplay hype.. ResidentSleeper
🔗 12:36
Lightspeeddash: LOL that title XD so good DatSheffy
🔗 12:36
ForOhForError: Swamp Pig cosplay Kappa
🔗 12:36
Whatanvarno: @Immoralethicist Why would she be better off dead? She had a traumatic experience, sure, but there is no reason to think she wouldn't get better
🔗 12:36
EldraziOutlaw: ImmoralEthicist, oh she does, she ends up at the clinic, or her shoes do
🔗 12:36
TheDeadGuy0: Gehrman and doll cosplay, doll can wheel gehrman around in a wheelchair
🔗 12:36
TXC2: DiamondTiki huh maybe thats what been wrong with my computer?
🔗 12:36
Metonymic_Human: Doll Cosplay is real: (Also that sounded creepy) http://tina-kinz.tumblr.com/post/116922291643/the-doll-cosplay-bloodborne-welcome-home-good
🔗 12:36
RealGamerCow: I'd love to cosplay as a bagman, personally.
🔗 12:36
Lightspeeddash: speaking of this style artwork
🔗 12:36
Katboii: Cosplay as snakeball
🔗 12:36
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Hey Cam, is it possible to get up to 40 insight now? People keep saying crazy stuff happens and I'm wondering what it looks like.
🔗 12:36
Greygore: Evenin' chat, evenin' Cam o/
🔗 12:36
DoneWithFinals: wait, Flash as in...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS4_Z84-rRE ?
🔗 12:36
ImmoralEthicist: @Whatanvarno, Oh, I'm not even so much thinking about that, as that the world is good and *** by then
🔗 12:37
TurnedUsernameThirty: did this make Cam happy? http://mythicspoiler.com/fnm/cards/serumvisionspromo.jpg
🔗 12:37
Angnor33: Can you buy Insight?
🔗 12:37
TXC2: hello Greygore welcome
🔗 12:37
PsychoI3oy: my parents sent me a 4x large trench coat/ duster for christmas, I'd just need some leather pants and a suit vest to turn it into a hunter cosplay
🔗 12:37
1amafish: i love that to heal yourself you just jam some morphine into your leg and everything is better
🔗 12:37
Havok4: Honestly all the clothing sets in this game would make great cosplay.
🔗 12:37
INAFN: Damnit Cam. I don't have money for a PS4 on this check, Witcher is about to drop, and now i really wanna go get Bloodborne and a PS4
🔗 12:37
DoneWithFinals: Yeah, the serum visions art is sweet
🔗 12:37
Angnor33: Saw what?
🔗 12:37
Metonymic_Human: 1amafish: It's better than that, it's just straight blood!
🔗 12:37
Lightspeeddash: who's heard of Koji Igarashi's Castlevania's spiritual successor? Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night?
🔗 12:37
DiamondTiki: TXC2, you basically need a Core i or equivalent AMD these days and 8 GB RAM. Fresh from restart, I opened the stream - 2.7 GB RAM usage. My laptop is barely managing it, by 8GB RAM desktop doesn't have these issues
🔗 12:37
TheMetalupis: hello Cam, hello chat
🔗 12:37
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: nope nothing at all
🔗 12:38
Hippitybobbity: The only one wh saw that is straught cirosed
🔗 12:38
Nanomateria: but I did see...
🔗 12:38
Sunrise_Laro: saw what you parried him, didnt you?
🔗 12:38
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: normal Cam, normal chat
🔗 12:38
Camail: saw what?
🔗 12:38
Hippitybobbity: Corpsed
🔗 12:38
TXC2: chat sees everything cam you know this
🔗 12:38
Dumori saw every thing
🔗 12:38
Nanomateria: ou aaaa I quess nothing
🔗 12:38
1amafish: Metonymic_Human i mean, that's as medically accurate i support
🔗 12:38
DoneWithFinals: Cameron "Good at this game" Lauder
🔗 12:38
qrpth: !quote cam
🔗 12:38
LRRbot: Quote #103: "If a strange woman ever tells you to shut your eyes, be wary." —Cameron [2015-04-02]
🔗 12:38
Hippitybobbity: HHello @Themetalupis
🔗 12:38
Lightspeeddash: LOL do it XD
🔗 12:38
DanSPG: lol
🔗 12:38
DoneWithFinals: lol
🔗 12:38
Castlewise: I seem to remember you already did that, and didn't like the cane
🔗 12:38
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: er....carriage?
🔗 12:38
INAFN: Cam or Mods. How would I go about gifting a game over to the LRR team?
🔗 12:38
DoneWithFinals: sure is a coach
🔗 12:38
Camail: nooooo
🔗 12:38
senshi5609: no cam finish it with this dudett
🔗 12:39
Nanomateria: but wait these carriage...
🔗 12:39
Metonymic_Human: I always think of Young Frankenstein when I see this coach
🔗 12:39
Voxlunch: That... That path leads off a cliff
🔗 12:39
Mangledpixel: that carriage has seen better days
🔗 12:39
DiamondTiki: sure is fog in that coach
🔗 12:39
Sai_Maa: The game art design Kreygasm
🔗 12:39
1amafish: that seems unwise
🔗 12:39
Nanomateria: I am having some majot deja vu
🔗 12:39
BusTed: Pff, they have you traveling coach.
🔗 12:39
IndigoVitare: that does not seem wise
🔗 12:39
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Are we just getting in a strange carriage? That seems unwise.
🔗 12:39
adi_pie: Don't even worry about it, Voxlunch.
🔗 12:39
Hippitybobbity: Hey wild Vox appeared
🔗 12:39
Soulkingu: I would love it if the carriage just went off a cliff, game over.
🔗 12:39
DoneWithFinals: This can only end badly
🔗 12:39
Whatanvarno: @Immoralethicist I suppose, I'm generally not comfortable making that call for someone else though.
🔗 12:39
GreyFox0012: hi alex
🔗 12:39
DoneWithFinals: Behold a wild Alex
🔗 12:39
qrpth: But there's candy inside.
🔗 12:39
Wondermoo: lrrFINE
🔗 12:39
RealGamerCow: If this was a real AAA title, this would start the racing section of the game. Kappa
🔗 12:39
HellCopter: Wasn't the bridge out up ahead
🔗 12:39
Voxlunch: Bumpin you off, maybe
🔗 12:39
DanSPG: so does lore support/explain how this carriage actually manages to get to cainhurst with the broken bridge and the frozen to death horses?
🔗 12:39
Anubis169: oooooo
🔗 12:39
Metonymic_Human: Oh man, I'd love it if that coach was just a trap. Like, you get in and a bunch of villagers just light it on fire.
🔗 12:39
ImmoralEthicist: @Whatanvarno, The benefits to being a utilitarian and a but of a Humean: totally cool making those claims
🔗 12:39
Lightspeeddash: also Bloodstained's kickstarter has been blown off its feet
🔗 12:39
Anubis169: Candyhurst Castle :D
🔗 12:40
DoneWithFinals: Cameron "This ride is bumpin'" Lauder
🔗 12:40
chiropteraboy: "Hey can I plug my Iphone in here?"
🔗 12:40
Lightspeeddash: Welcome To Hogwarts KAppa
🔗 12:40
Metonymic_Human: "Huh. I didn't believe he'd fall for that."
🔗 12:40
PsychoI3oy: i think the victrola needle might skip a bit
🔗 12:40
nonane09: Look! Hogwarts!
🔗 12:40
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: You got accepted to Hogwarts?!
🔗 12:40
Lightspeeddash: *Kappa
🔗 12:40
MPeacecraft: "Can I get the aux cord?"
🔗 12:40
af0z: This cutscene always remind of the intro cutscene to Luigi's Mansion for some reason
🔗 12:40
Anubis169: Magic!
🔗 12:40
CapnRobert: magic
🔗 12:40
TXC2: oh hi voxlunch ,chat was talking about you doing a 24 hour watch + play Kappa
🔗 12:40
CapnRobert: of some kind
🔗 12:40
DoneWithFinals: How does...magic?
🔗 12:40
RealGamerCow: lrrSPOOP
🔗 12:40
🔗 12:40
TheMetalupis: a wizard did it
🔗 12:40
Hippitybobbity: Dead men open no gates, that's the saying right
🔗 12:40
Voxlunch: a who and the what now
🔗 12:40
TheGr8Typhoon: A.. A-A wizard did it?
🔗 12:40
1amafish: the answer is narrative flow
🔗 12:40
Sai_Maa: 1-1
🔗 12:40
DoneWithFinals: Wizards
🔗 12:40
CapnRobert: the answer is this game has a ton of magic in it
🔗 12:40
Soulkingu: He just woke up after falling asleep for three days in the snow
🔗 12:40
Papperslappen: drugs
🔗 12:40
CapnRobert: all over
🔗 12:40
INAFN: @Voxlunch Alex! Plx inform on how to send you guys a game on steam
🔗 12:41
Lightspeeddash: Welcome to Not-Sen's Funhouse
🔗 12:41
EldraziOutlaw: hai Voxlunch
🔗 12:41
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: crunchy snow sounds yessss
🔗 12:41
Dumori: the anserwe is it tis all but a dream
🔗 12:41
qrpth: You say days, I say decades.
🔗 12:41
LegionofLashes: 24 hours of spoops?
🔗 12:41
DiamondTiki: O.O why am I out of RAM? I have 6 tabs open
🔗 12:41
Lutemuch: I just spent a decent amount of time trying to clean the tip of the microphone that's cut just at the edge of the frame off my monitor
🔗 12:41
Voxlunch: Back the bus up - who voluntold me to do a 24h stream
🔗 12:41
DoneWithFinals: seeeems....batman
🔗 12:41
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: da mooooooon
🔗 12:41
DoneWithFinals: Who didn't Alex
🔗 12:41
senshi5609: @voxlunch it's suppose to be May Desert Bus with good games
🔗 12:41
TXC2: Voxlunch dont worry it was a joke in chat
🔗 12:41
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Voxlunch the windowbirds did it
🔗 12:41
TheKillerKills: hi
🔗 12:41
Soulkingu: !next
🔗 12:41
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (2:18 from now)
🔗 12:41
ImmoralEthicist: Wait, Alex is doing a 24h stream now too? WHen did that happen?
🔗 12:41
Voxlunch: dun scare me like that
🔗 12:41
chiropteraboy: The birbs
🔗 12:41
DoneWithFinals: 24h Stream Confirmed
🔗 12:41
chiropteraboy: the birbs know
🔗 12:42
TXC2: hello TheKillerKills welcome
🔗 12:42
Katboii: Doll is too cute
🔗 12:42
chiropteraboy: 24 h birb stream
🔗 12:42
WinnebagoWrecker: It's easier to trigger the prayer if you go through the house
🔗 12:42
Lysander_Gustav: Hello everybody!
🔗 12:42
Angnor33: 24 hour streams for everyone!
🔗 12:42
Rootpotato: the prayer is random, I've been at 40 for a few days, still haven't heard it.
🔗 12:42
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I feel like the birbs would be happy to do a 24h stream
🔗 12:42
PhoenixMelior: Paarl? Or someone else
🔗 12:42
TXC2: hello Lysander_Gustav welcome
🔗 12:42
DoneWithFinals: The lich dude?
🔗 12:42
senshi5609: it's more or less a joke Alex
🔗 12:42
EldraziOutlaw: Cam, I can tell you, if you get 40 insight and then go to the Cathedral Ward, you will notice something interesting
🔗 12:42
Whatanvarno: @Immoralethicist Mmm, I could see deciding that *you* are better off with someone else dead, but it seems like without their input you can't accurately judge whether *they* are better off dead
🔗 12:42
Hippitybobbity: Jesus dont make that kind of promise
🔗 12:42
Voxlunch: 24 hour stream: hahahahahahah no
🔗 12:42
Lysander_Gustav: !next
🔗 12:42
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (2:17 from now)
🔗 12:42
Anubis169: Voxlunch: so when's your 24h DerpSouls stream where you do voted weapons?
🔗 12:42
Dix: voxlunch, judgement call: FNM Promo. Is that a 'reprint' or no?
🔗 12:42
Lutemuch: I may or may not have had 2 people help me fight this boss...at lvl70+
🔗 12:42
DoneWithFinals: do Judge promos count as a reprint?
🔗 12:42
lsuaksauke: i have the video and voice over if you don't believe it alex
🔗 12:42
Hippitybobbity: Honestly I can't think of anything worse than a 24 hour stream
🔗 12:42
Lysander_Gustav: !nextfan
🔗 12:42
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: Roleplay Stream - Durugai streams his RP session! Start between 20:00 and 21:00 CEST! (twitch.tv/durugai​) at Tue 11:00 AM PDT (1:42 ago), Survivor_TV | LambMower Solo (www.twitch.tv/survivor_tv​) at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (42m ago)
🔗 12:42
Metric_Furlong: EldraziOutlaw, he's already got the Tonsil Stone
🔗 12:42
Zeke229: hello chat
🔗 12:42
Hippitybobbity: THat's like Desertbussing solo
🔗 12:43
GruntAI: if Cam get 100 subs, there will be 48 hours stream. lrrAWESOME
🔗 12:43
lsuaksauke: fnm promos count
🔗 12:43
Laserbeaks_Fury: Did you know none of the ghosts in the first room here will spawn till you pick up something from a corpse
🔗 12:43
Zeke229: home from work
🔗 12:43
senshi5609: and it's the FNM Promo for August CONFIRMED by WotC
🔗 12:43
Lysander_Gustav: Let'
🔗 12:43
Hippitybobbity: 'Ey Zekey
🔗 12:43
Balthasar_Wiseman: Even if you did say you would do a 24 hour stream in that case you probably never said when you would do that stream
🔗 12:43
TheMetalupis: she is disarmingly beautiful
🔗 12:43
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: That's a lot of assumptions to make in a game like this, Cam.
🔗 12:43
DoneWithFinals: do they
🔗 12:43
1amafish: she would be cold, given all this snow around the palce
🔗 12:43
Metric_Furlong: GruntAI, no
🔗 12:43
Angnor33: @Hippitybobbity, Polio?
🔗 12:43
Anubis169: Hippitybobbity: Adam did a 36h stream once
🔗 12:43
TXC2: hello Zeke229 welcome
🔗 12:43
Lightspeeddash: armist! Kappa
🔗 12:43
Lysander_Gustav: Let's not be too hasty Cameron
🔗 12:43
PhoenixMelior: @Hippitybobbity back in the day those shifts were 24 hours
🔗 12:43
Sunrise_Laro: probably have to exhume her
🔗 12:43
GruntAI: lrrAWW
🔗 12:43
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: snaaaaaaake
🔗 12:43
HellCopter: Cam, going for the high-priority targets
🔗 12:43
Hippitybobbity: @Anubis169 Adam is a very special boy
🔗 12:43
EldraziOutlaw: Paul has said he will do a random time stream, for those of us not in US timezones
🔗 12:43
Zeke229: it should be illegal to work outside in 90f
🔗 12:43
Samph1re: blood on snow. Always a good aesthetic
🔗 12:43
Sai_Maa: Love ENB lore-stuff for souls games (and this one), would highly recomend to check if interested. Could not restrain myself from spoilers before getting my hands on PS4 :P
🔗 12:43
Papperslappen: By the logic of this game, I would say that she is 9ft tall and has no arm and a giant mouth instead of legs
🔗 12:43
Voxlunch: a 24 hour stream would be about 8 hours of quality and then me hating the chat more with every successive hour until I was sobbing with anger
🔗 12:43
LegionofLashes: bloodspatter is going nuts here
🔗 12:43
Lysander_Gustav: Armless people make good models too.
🔗 12:43
Morgoth_bauglyr: eww worms
🔗 12:43
Katboii: So the game throws snakeballs at you before lone snakes?
🔗 12:43
Morgoth_bauglyr: or some kind
🔗 12:43
TXC2: zeke229 was it you who watched star trak during cam last stream ?
🔗 12:43
IndigoVitare: isn't this the level that destroyed Adam's deathcount?
🔗 12:43
ImmoralEthicist: Alex, that much hate for the chat?
🔗 12:44
Lightspeeddash: they're like Oddball in Goldeneye 64 a pain to hit
🔗 12:44
Voxlunch: After 24 hours? You bet
🔗 12:44
lightningbolt234: oh hai alex!!
🔗 12:44
Hippitybobbity: @Phoenixmelior Yeah, but at lest they had people around them being interesting, to be amusing for 24 hours on your own is the little, medium, and extra large death
🔗 12:44
Metonymic_Human: "Wind up and then miss" sounds like my biography
🔗 12:44
Metric_Furlong: Lightspeeddash, Oddjob
🔗 12:44
Anubis169: Lightspeeddash: OddJob
🔗 12:44
LRRTwitter: @LRRWindowBirds> Tweet! (voxlunch: 24 hour stream starts today right? whatcha playin?)
🔗 12:44
PhoenixMelior: @Hippitybobbity that's what the chat is for
🔗 12:44
Zeke229: no txc2 i think i was watching daredevil
🔗 12:44
Angnor33: Alex, you just need to switch to a puzzle gameafter the first 8 hours. that should calm you down, right?
🔗 12:44
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: You probably haven't come down here because of all the snakes!
🔗 12:44
Lightspeeddash: he's an Oddball :3
🔗 12:44
TXC2: Voxlunch really 8 hours? i thought you's only last 5-6
🔗 12:44
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah we don't come here often. It has worms
🔗 12:44
qrpth: Alex chat racist confirmed.
🔗 12:44
LegionofLashes: so you're saying youd do an 8 hour stream then Kappa
🔗 12:44
RealGamerCow: I am not okay with those things
🔗 12:44
DoneWithFinals: Alex, you could do 24hrs, you would just have play unmodded Stalker
🔗 12:44
Anubis169: !death
🔗 12:44
LRRbot: lrrAWW 528 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 12:44
DoneWithFinals: Kappa
🔗 12:44
1amafish: we? chat isn't being a scrub
🔗 12:44
Lysander_Gustav: I wonder where the stagger window is for these worm-things
🔗 12:44
Hippitybobbity: To be honest I usually get sick of myself after 8 hours too
🔗 12:44
Anubis169: meow...
🔗 12:44
RealGamerCow: I think Cam's getting Geographied out
🔗 12:44
TXC2: Zeke229 hmm must have been someone else
🔗 12:44
Voxlunch: This is snek
🔗 12:44
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: whoa WAT
🔗 12:44
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: what the eff was that
🔗 12:44
Voxlunch: ssss ssssss sssss
🔗 12:44
PsychoI3oy: lrrSPOOP
🔗 12:44
PhoenixMelior: oh... hello Quelaag's sister
🔗 12:44
Lightspeeddash: SSSsss
🔗 12:45
Mindmage: Something something you have worms
🔗 12:45
PsychoI3oy: wtf was that
🔗 12:45
qrpth: "Dear sister..."
🔗 12:45
Laserbeaks_Fury: those worms are aweful
🔗 12:45
fragment777: use the long range version
🔗 12:45
EldraziOutlaw: Voxlunch, am I the only one who is reminded of those flies in blighttown, with those worms?
🔗 12:45
fragment777: the short doesnt hit most of the ground
🔗 12:45
Dix: gabyViper gabyViper gabyViper gabyViper gabyViper
🔗 12:45
Whatanvarno: Longer sword might reach the ground better
🔗 12:45
Morgoth_bauglyr: some kinda scuttle thing
🔗 12:45
chiropteraboy: these enemies are the worst
🔗 12:45
Dumori: Quelaana's here?
🔗 12:45
DoneWithFinals: get right out Dix
🔗 12:45
Sai_Maa: love the spear
🔗 12:45
Voxlunch: alright shower then off to the office
🔗 12:45
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: what the lrrEFF is that
🔗 12:45
qrpth: !time
🔗 12:45
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 12:45 PM
🔗 12:45
Lysander_Gustav: There are a few hitbox issues in this game
🔗 12:45
senshi5609: @voxlunch Judgecall: FNM Promo is that a reprint or no?
🔗 12:45
Laserbeaks_Fury: Those are straight up the same worms from DS if you kill any of the eggsack men around Quelaag
🔗 12:45
chiropteraboy: laters Alex
🔗 12:45
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: When did we start playing RE6?
🔗 12:46
lightningbolt234: what you playing tonight aleX?
🔗 12:46
Katboii: Can't tell if their weird turning radius is making them more or less creepy
🔗 12:46
TXC2: so long voxlunch
🔗 12:46
Anubis169: !death
🔗 12:46
LRRbot: lrrAWW 529 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 12:46
Dumori: Laserbeaks_Fury, 100% a reprint
🔗 12:46
Anubis169: argh
🔗 12:46
Metonymic_Human: ugh. why they gotta hit so hard!?
🔗 12:46
Anubis169: those effing things!
🔗 12:46
DoneWithFinals: Holy damn that thing hits light runaway freight train
🔗 12:46
Lightspeeddash: that looks like a reverse frog
🔗 12:46
Laserbeaks_Fury: And they're just a *** annoying in DS too
🔗 12:46
lsuaksauke: yes its a reprint since their will be massive prints of it for the month of august
🔗 12:46
Anubis169: Lightspeeddash: it's a flea
🔗 12:46
BonSequitur: It looks like the giant headcrab mom in Half-Life
🔗 12:46
DoneWithFinals: *like a
🔗 12:46
af0z: !tilt
🔗 12:46
LRRbot: lrrEFF 11 tilts for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 12:46
chiropteraboy: They're my worst enemy in this games
🔗 12:46
Dumori: lrrAWW
🔗 12:46
lsuaksauke: not liek a judge promo which is for a very few amount of people
🔗 12:46
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: alright brb, I need to lunch. Or breakfast. Something! I need to put food in.
🔗 12:46
DoneWithFinals: hrrrm
🔗 12:46
chiropteraboy: they are so fast and have so much range
🔗 12:46
Anubis169: af0z: we don't do that anymore
🔗 12:46
DoneWithFinals: dunno about that tilt
🔗 12:46
Metric_Furlong: !advice
🔗 12:46
LRRbot: Just dome 'em.
🔗 12:46
Samph1re: so chat: yesterday, I installed Windows 3.1 using DOSBox, and then, I installed MYST 1.1 onto said Windows 3.1 using DOSBox. I now have access to MYST 1.1 (1993), which is super exciting, because you can only buy MYST Masterpiece Edition (2000) digitally :D
🔗 12:46
Laserbeaks_Fury: The only thing I hate worse than those worms are these fleas
🔗 12:46
Anubis169: !tilt remove
🔗 12:46
LRRbot: 10 tilts for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 12:46
CapnRobert: they do
🔗 12:47
Lightspeeddash: no they're Lanky Kong
🔗 12:47
Whatanvarno: Welp, you have 0 souls, you could just yolo and grab that item those worms guard
🔗 12:47
aesir_blade: So is the LRR stream set on its inexorable spiral toward Cam streaming Bloodborne in perpetuum?
🔗 12:47
Metonymic_Human: Wow. Get rekt
🔗 12:47
Whatanvarno: Never mind
🔗 12:47
af0z: I didn't think it was active anymore
🔗 12:47
BonSequitur: Well that sounded wet
🔗 12:47
Morgoth_bauglyr: and then they asplode
🔗 12:47
chiropteraboy: he has no soul, he has no grace, this giant flea must go die please
🔗 12:47
Anubis169: Fleamen can get effed
🔗 12:47
RealGamerCow: How many blood echoes were lost?
🔗 12:47
DoneWithFinals: like 21k?
🔗 12:47
1amafish: why not shoot them?
🔗 12:48
CapnRobert: 2500 souls
🔗 12:48
Laserbeaks_Fury: sometimes, they drop a Gem for your gun
🔗 12:48
PhoenixMelior: lot of souls though
🔗 12:48
DoneWithFinals: alright, switching back
🔗 12:48
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: They were just holding you back, Cam. You must shed your material possessions in order to truly line your mind with eyes.
🔗 12:48
Laserbeaks_Fury: so yeah, stone nothin
🔗 12:48
Metonymic_Human: awwww, dat back kick
🔗 12:48
chiropteraboy: wild bronco
🔗 12:48
Anubis169: ohhh
🔗 12:48
Anubis169: are you stuck?
🔗 12:48
Anubis169: poor thing... let's disembowel you to say sorry
🔗 12:49
Laserbeaks_Fury: I haven't seen a kickback that nasty since the Insecticons
🔗 12:49
Metonymic_Human: Pooh got caught in the honeyjar
🔗 12:49
Zeke229: if you dont look up at a clear night sky and have your jaw instantly drop, there is something wrong with you
🔗 12:49
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Laserbeaks_fury ohhhhhhhh that's an obscure one.
🔗 12:49
HellCopter: I never even bother killing these guys.
🔗 12:49
Anubis169: YES
🔗 12:49
DiamondTiki: that's some impressive lock on, game
🔗 12:49
chiropteraboy: splurt
🔗 12:49
Sai_Maa: tbh I would totally miss 1 handed pistol shots at that range too
🔗 12:49
Metonymic_Human: @Laserbeaks_fury was that.....was that a Transformers the Animated movie reference?!
🔗 12:49
Dandinstorm12: Hey chat
🔗 12:49
Dandinstorm12: whats up
🔗 12:49
TXC2: hello Dandinstorm12 welcome
🔗 12:49
Dandinstorm12: I have returned
🔗 12:49
Anubis169: 0wned!
🔗 12:50
1amafish: who needs levels when you have pure skill?
🔗 12:50
Tyleraguila62: hi
🔗 12:50
CapnRobert: the riskiest plays
🔗 12:50
Anubis169: hi Tyleraguila62
🔗 12:50
Laserbeaks_Fury: What would make you think I would know anything about Transformers?
🔗 12:50
fragment777: if you press R1 and spam with L1 it does more dmg
🔗 12:50
Dandinstorm12: pure skill has been called
🔗 12:50
TXC2: hello Tyleraguila62: welcome
🔗 12:50
qrpth: ("skill" = "Mash R1")
🔗 12:50
Dandinstorm12: um
🔗 12:50
Tyleraguila62: i just came from school
🔗 12:50
Anubis169: and we wait it out
🔗 12:50
chiropteraboy: this one is bloated
🔗 12:50
fragment777: also poison on mobs doesnt stack
🔗 12:50
Metonymic_Human: Oh nothing in particular. Just a fantastic deep cut. I approve!
🔗 12:50
TXC2: "skill" = lrrSACK
🔗 12:50
INAFN: Anyone? Is it possible to gift games over to LRR?
🔗 12:50
Dandinstorm12: get poisoned?
🔗 12:50
Hippitybobbity: You got POISONED, Cacklad!
🔗 12:50
Whatanvarno: Wow, I totally missed those three, that one is huge
🔗 12:50
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah shes also so bloated she cant attack you
🔗 12:50
Anubis169: INAFN: email info (at) loading ready run dot com
🔗 12:51
qrpth: 50 years later...
🔗 12:51
adi_pie: INAFN, and gift games on steam to info at loadingreadyrun.com
🔗 12:51
PsychoI3oy: Inafn I think the email I've seen for that is 'info @'
🔗 12:51
CapnRobert: he is easily killed
🔗 12:51
INAFN: @Anubis169, @Adi_pie, @Psychoi3oy thanks
🔗 12:51
Dandinstorm12: wow
🔗 12:51
Morgoth_bauglyr: ewww
🔗 12:51
TXC2: to poop ?
🔗 12:51
Zeke229: there is a guy who drives around town with whiteboards attached to his truck, i swear, everytime i see him there is a new racist disertation on it
🔗 12:51
RealGamerCow: why is this one bigger? Why is this one bigger? AHHH!
🔗 12:51
Papperslappen: beware of but hole
🔗 12:51
Anubis169: EWW
🔗 12:51
chiropteraboy: SPLURT
🔗 12:51
Hippitybobbity: jesus, I will never eat again
🔗 12:51
TurnedUsernameThirty: so I didn't see the back of it for a logo or anything but today I saw someone wearing an oxygen shirt. Like it O and the subscript 2 and that was all that was on the front
🔗 12:51
1amafish: ew
🔗 12:51
Metonymic_Human: I really wouldn't want to be....eeew yep. That's filled with fluid
🔗 12:51
Zeke229: lana?
🔗 12:51
Lord_Hosk: that was disturbing
🔗 12:51
DanSPG: wow nice dodge of the blood there
🔗 12:52
DanSPG: dont wanna get dirty
🔗 12:52
Lysander_Gustav: ew
🔗 12:52
qrpth: !adult
🔗 12:52
LRRbot: I need an adult!
🔗 12:52
Dandinstorm12: sploosh.....lonna?
🔗 12:52
RealGamerCow: I *** hate ticks and fleas.
🔗 12:52
PhoenixMelior: Do you want ants? Because THAT'S HOW YOU GET ANTS
🔗 12:52
TXC2: Zeke229 archer ref
🔗 12:52
Hippitybobbity: I need a adult and a mop
🔗 12:52
Metonymic_Human: oh he's hopping mad!
🔗 12:52
TXC2: *refernce
🔗 12:52
Lord_Hosk: Cameron, please dont visceral these guys... I really dont want to see that.
🔗 12:52
Laserbeaks_Fury: You can't
🔗 12:52
TXC2: Metonymic_Human: get out Kappa
🔗 12:52
Laserbeaks_Fury: They never stagger
🔗 12:52
Zeke229: http://strawpoll.me/4344522 would you buy LRL show branded stickers?
🔗 12:52
Dandinstorm12: that happened eh
🔗 12:52
Lord_Hosk: Good
🔗 12:52
Pancakepanda3d: Gross
🔗 12:52
Soulkingu: So as somebody who does not have a PS4, why is it that people tend to stick to saw over razor?
🔗 12:53
DanSPG: Cam, you've got a bit of blood on your everything
🔗 12:53
RealGamerCow: TurnedUsernameThirty, that was probably a football team with O2 as a sponsor.
🔗 12:53
PsychoI3oy: Danspg "You've got red on you"
🔗 12:53
chiropteraboy: The vileblood respect art bruh
🔗 12:53
Laserbeaks_Fury: The Saw trick mode is a little better moveset than the spear
🔗 12:53
Dandinstorm12: Is this castle entirely statues and vermin?
🔗 12:53
🔗 12:53
EldraziOutlaw: you know, I got through this entire game without using any numbing mist
🔗 12:53
Edroach: beware the worms of cainhurst
🔗 12:53
Wendipo: hello everyone, time to calm my nerves with bloodbourrrrrne
🔗 12:53
Lord_ZYRK: Hosk, but this is the nature of the game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thbR5zvg-n8
🔗 12:54
chiropteraboy: Nah this place sucks (blood) for blood echoes Cam
🔗 12:54
TXC2: hello Wendipo welcome
🔗 12:54
chiropteraboy: there's better spots
🔗 12:54
Wendipo: :D thank you
🔗 12:54
adi_pie: EldraziOutlaw, it isn't all that useful outside PvP
🔗 12:54
EldraziOutlaw: for farming, I would go to the Lecture hall lvl 1
🔗 12:54
TXC2: no problem wendipo
🔗 12:54
Laserbeaks_Fury: My personal preference is the 3 executioners outside the witches abode
🔗 12:54
Dandinstorm12: see runaway freight train
🔗 12:54
chiropteraboy: the blood was still warm
🔗 12:55
TXC2: has cam become meem beej ?
🔗 12:55
Laserbeaks_Fury: But yeah, Lecture hall is a good place too
🔗 12:55
DanSPG: when is the first time you can get to lecture hall?
🔗 12:55
TXC2: *meme
🔗 12:55
DanSPG: I only found the place near the end of my playthrough
🔗 12:55
chiropteraboy: Dan> quite early actually, jsut when you get to Forbiden woods
🔗 12:55
Dandinstorm12: with a saw?
🔗 12:55
Lysander_Gustav: Is there any pattern to how engorged some of these are in compared to others?
🔗 12:55
1amafish: do you not have any meaningful defense other than dodging?
🔗 12:55
Whatanvarno: I like how the hungrier ones are faster
🔗 12:56
Laserbeaks_Fury: After you beat Amelia, and go into Forbidden WOods, the first red lamp you talk to gives you the Tonsil Stone, which is used to get into the Lecture Hall
🔗 12:56
Zeke229: is it wrong that i read an article that says "Blogger hacked to death" and i think, you cant kill someone over the internet
🔗 12:56
Dandinstorm12: you can stop swings with your face
🔗 12:56
DanSPG: ah cool thx for info
🔗 12:56
AbsolutelyNothing_: death is a dish best served to other people
🔗 12:56
Whatanvarno: Cam: L1 for less whiffs
🔗 12:56
LegionofLashes: !advice
🔗 12:56
LRRbot: Get down to the point.
🔗 12:56
Dandinstorm12: Flawless game flawless camera
🔗 12:56
Laserbeaks_Fury: Does the charged R2 on the sawblade hit the ground or sweep?
🔗 12:56
Anubis169: jumpstrats good
🔗 12:57
TXC2: too meny "worms", too meny "worms"
🔗 12:57
ImSincerelySorry: I do like that you two have the same fighting style
🔗 12:57
Dandinstorm12: how do they have so much duribility
🔗 12:57
Castlewise: whatever is on that body had better be good
🔗 12:57
TXC2: well "deeper" *** i'd say
🔗 12:57
CapnRobert: you could buy 20 vials and have souls left over far from worthless
🔗 12:57
Hippitybobbity: These worms fill me with intense disgust
🔗 12:58
Laserbeaks_Fury: These guys are when I love having the whip leveled
🔗 12:58
TheFrankreich92: Evening chat
🔗 12:58
TheFrankreich92: and Cam
🔗 12:58
BusTed: Heya.
🔗 12:58
Mindmage: Worms armageddon?
🔗 12:58
Samdaharu: I take it the jump attack still has the same command as Dark souls?
🔗 12:58
Dandinstorm12: hey @Thefrankreich92
🔗 12:58
TXC2: hello TheFrankreich92 welcome
🔗 12:58
Hippitybobbity: Sturdy fuckin worms
🔗 12:58
Metonymic_Human: Huh. There is some irony here: He is being defeated by his own strats.
🔗 12:58
TXC2: "i'll get you for that!"
🔗 12:58
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, Forward + R2
🔗 12:58
Lord_ZYRK: Killing worms by smothering them in PJSalt
🔗 12:59
Metonymic_Human: They leap attack, he leap attacks...It's a dark mirror we stare into chat.
🔗 12:59
Dandinstorm12: I'd buy that for a dollar
🔗 12:59
Lightspeeddash: at least we never have to go down there again
🔗 12:59
Samdaharu: wonderful.
🔗 12:59
TXC2: Lord_ZYRK: thats for slugs
🔗 12:59
Dandinstorm12: mmm 27k
🔗 12:59
Lord_ZYRK: TXC2, not this time Kappa
🔗 12:59
TheFrankreich92: Boy am I glad some awesome streams are running tonight! Makes up for a less than optimal evening. LRR, you da best.
🔗 12:59
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yup, never have to kill worms or fleas again
🔗 12:59
TXC2: Lord_ZYRK: fair enough
🔗 12:59
Laserbeaks_Fury: well, fleas at any rate
🔗 12:59
qrpth: For 27K you can get... a blood vial.
🔗 12:59
Hippitybobbity: That stone will Increase your attack
🔗 12:59
Laserbeaks_Fury: You might get worms in the nightmare of mensis
🔗 12:59
RealGamerCow: Did Ian beat Meat Gear President last week?
🔗 13:00
Dandinstorm12: \quote 36
🔗 13:00
TXC2: why is the doll over here now?
🔗 13:00
RealGamerCow: I saw he went into spaice
🔗 13:00
qrpth: !quote 36
🔗 13:00
LRRbot: Quote #36: "More VIT!" —Omega_Lairon
🔗 13:00
Lord_ZYRK: RealGamerCow, it is done
🔗 13:00
Laserbeaks_Fury: RICHARD!
🔗 13:00
Dumori: you never close your eyes
🔗 13:00
Hippitybobbity: what accent is doll? I doubt between spanish and eastern european
🔗 13:00
Zeke229: this music sounds a bit fallouty
🔗 13:00
RealGamerCow: thanks Lord_ZYRK
🔗 13:00
Lysander_Gustav: TXC2, after a certain amount of Insight, the Doll starts walking around
🔗 13:00
qrpth: Dandinstorm12: LRRbot is absorbing Pump19's powers.
🔗 13:00
Dandinstorm12: ohhhh
🔗 13:00
TXC2: Lysander_Gustav: i see, thanks
🔗 13:00
Dandinstorm12: !quote 6
🔗 13:01
LRRbot: Quote #6: "My ears dissolve plastic." —Paul [2015-01-28]
🔗 13:01
TXC2: is lrrbot borg now?
🔗 13:01
Zeke229: my mom just asked me to put gher phone in a bowl cuz she is going outside to shuck corn
🔗 13:01
Dandinstorm12: lrrbot is gaining size and power
🔗 13:01
Zeke229: um
🔗 13:01
Zeke229: !quote
🔗 13:01
LRRbot: Quote #35: "I think I may have just had a tiny stroke." —Cameron [2015-03-13]
🔗 13:01
DiamondTiki: What do you mean is lrrbot borg NOW?
🔗 13:01
Zeke229: \quote
🔗 13:01
Zeke229: i dont know either metonymic_human
🔗 13:02
Dandinstorm12: sick candle tech
🔗 13:02
Hippitybobbity: Erm
🔗 13:02
Hippitybobbity: This is unsettling
🔗 13:02
Laserbeaks_Fury: If you don't pick up any of the loot from corpses, the ghosts here never spawn
🔗 13:02
Deathcultritual: High bloating and the chikage is baller
🔗 13:02
DiamondTiki: it's a real party in here, huh
🔗 13:02
lsuaksauke: slughter her
🔗 13:02
Zeke229: blue whales live their entire lives singing to each other
🔗 13:02
IndigoVitare: don't startle the witch
🔗 13:02
lsuaksauke: slaughter*
🔗 13:02
Lysander_Gustav: I do like the steam breath. It's a nice touch
🔗 13:02
TXC2: as a man, i find the sound of a crying woman most unseltling
🔗 13:02
Hippitybobbity: @Txc2 It's the wrongest thing to hear
🔗 13:02
Metonymic_Human: Man, Moaning Myrtle really got angry after Hogwarts.
🔗 13:02
Laserbeaks_Fury: This is gonna be bad for you them
🔗 13:02
lsuaksauke: gj cam gj
🔗 13:03
Dandinstorm12: yeah I hear you @Txc2
🔗 13:03
Nebbeny: That is alot of damage.... last time i watched you were only doing 300-400 on visceral
🔗 13:03
Lord_ZYRK: Was that thing scrubbing that statue? I don't think even Adam could scrub that fast.
🔗 13:03
EldraziOutlaw: as a human, I find the sound of crying humans to be unsettling
🔗 13:03
Laserbeaks_Fury: There's nothing but crying for most of this place
🔗 13:03
Lysander_Gustav: As a human, I find the sound of another human unsettling
🔗 13:03
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yup
🔗 13:03
TXC2: Hippitybobbity: Dandinstorm12 i know right?
🔗 13:03
Laserbeaks_Fury: Thats my favorite BB weapon
🔗 13:03
EldraziOutlaw: as a human, I am unsettling
🔗 13:03
Dandinstorm12: Reiter what?
🔗 13:03
TheFrankreich92: As a sound, I find humans unsettling.
🔗 13:03
Lysander_Gustav: You'll shoot your eye out
🔗 13:03
Hippitybobbity: @Eldrazioutlaw You're right of course. But somehow the women crying sounds more dire than a mans.
🔗 13:03
Laserbeaks_Fury: reiterpallasch
🔗 13:03
DiamondTiki: As an unsettling, I find humans sound
🔗 13:04
Lysander_Gustav: As a particle, I find waves unsettling
🔗 13:04
Hippitybobbity: @Eldrazioutlaw Maybe it's like a unconscious sexist thing
🔗 13:04
PhoenixMelior: their cries bother me >.<
🔗 13:04
lsuaksauke: >.> for some reason it doesn't sound liek crying anymore it sounds like a sexual act
🔗 13:04
TXC2: i have created a meme?
🔗 13:04
LegionofLashes: instructions unclear, shoved qtip into ears, am now death
🔗 13:04
Wendipo: i really like the design of them even if they are horrid
🔗 13:04
Dandinstorm12: um
🔗 13:04
Laserbeaks_Fury: It will out damage Evelyn unless you use bone ash
🔗 13:04
EldraziOutlaw: lsuaksauke, if THIS is what sex sounds like for you, I am worried
🔗 13:05
lsuaksauke: not for me personally XD
🔗 13:05
CrucisOha: Can get good
🔗 13:05
Metonymic_Human: awkward
🔗 13:05
Dandinstorm12: send a message Cameron
🔗 13:05
TXC2: if i have created a meme, thats weird
🔗 13:05
Havok4: Specficially this one has your innards now.
🔗 13:05
Nanomateria: Jup, even you have innards
🔗 13:05
Dumori: wiff
🔗 13:05
Nanomateria: hehe
🔗 13:05
lsuaksauke: but that doesn't sound like crying anymore
🔗 13:05
RealGamerCow: Ok, I'm pissed at my helpdesk folks now. Why would you name/share a printer as "New Printer"? a) horrible description, b) completely useless when the next printer gets installed. We have 50-someodd printers btw.
🔗 13:05
PresidentLulu: "even ghosts have innards" *swings straight through*
🔗 13:05
Angnor33: Health.
🔗 13:05
1amafish: come on cam, you can hit them, they're barely even corporeal
🔗 13:05
FITorion: sounds like yipping puppies
🔗 13:05
RealGamerCow: IT Dad voice is gonna have to be used.
🔗 13:05
Hippitybobbity: @Presidentlulu Ghosts have no Innards, they barely have outards
🔗 13:06
Lysander_Gustav: Are there illusory walls in this game?
🔗 13:06
Dandinstorm12: they have ectoplasam
🔗 13:06
Samph1re: outards is my new favourite word
🔗 13:06
esperchld: RealGamerCow, because your IT crew hates its users
🔗 13:06
Hippitybobbity: Thank you Samph
🔗 13:06
PresidentLulu: @Lysander_gustav no i think those are ladies
🔗 13:06
Laserbeaks_Fury: These ghosts have pretty low poise if you wanna just wail on them
🔗 13:06
PresidentLulu: maybe Illusory Wails
🔗 13:06
CrucisOha: There is. But not main game
🔗 13:06
Lutemuch: there are only illusory walls in the Chalice dungeons
🔗 13:06
Laserbeaks_Fury: Not in the main game. Some illusionary walls in the chalice dungeons
🔗 13:06
WinnebagoWrecker: Only the chalice dungeons have them I believe
🔗 13:06
Solomon_Kain: Illusory Walls are Chalice Dungeon only.
🔗 13:06
Lightspeeddash: oh man there's 4 of them
🔗 13:06
Metonymic_Human: They're a little grown to be Illusory Waits though
🔗 13:07
1amafish: do you have any area of effect spells?
🔗 13:07
Rootpotato: the only illusory walls are in the chalice dungeons
🔗 13:07
Lightspeeddash: has he done any of the Chalice Dungeons yet?
🔗 13:07
Metonymic_Human: Err, waifs. Dangit! /shamecorrection
🔗 13:07
lsuaksauke: i think the better question is how is it all the female ghost are look alike their money must have pumped out 1 too many kids that look like twins at the same time
🔗 13:07
lsuaksauke: mother*
🔗 13:07
Dandinstorm12: This is where you need turn undead Cameron
🔗 13:07
lsuaksauke: mother not money*
🔗 13:07
Katboii: Maybe they're all just dressed to look alike?
🔗 13:07
Lightspeeddash: the ghosts of all the nurse joys?
🔗 13:08
lsuaksauke: maybe
🔗 13:08
DwarfMage328: !uptime
🔗 13:08
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 3:10:06
🔗 13:08
Hippitybobbity: Isnt that a Naruto thing
🔗 13:08
TXC2: Lightspeeddash now theres some cross over fan fic Kappa
🔗 13:08
esperchld: lsuaksauke, human exparimentation?
🔗 13:08
Hippitybobbity: IDK I've only watched Naruto abridged
🔗 13:08
Laserbeaks_Fury: Geist, Geist, Baby
🔗 13:08
Havok4: Lets just say the gene pool of this noble family has been very stable for a long time.
🔗 13:08
lsuaksauke: possibly esperchld
🔗 13:08
Hippitybobbity: I distinctly remember the word Shikage being used a lot
🔗 13:08
Lightspeeddash: Hippitybobbity nah its a Cowboy Beebop thing KAppa
🔗 13:08
Lightspeeddash: *Kappa
🔗 13:08
CrucisOha: Which people
🔗 13:09
Katboii: Why are we killing crying people?
🔗 13:09
Laserbeaks_Fury: What do you mean "These People?"
🔗 13:09
Dandinstorm12: What do you mean "These people"
🔗 13:09
Hippitybobbity: @Lightspeeddash Two kappas make a lambda right?
🔗 13:09
DanSPG: fist goes in, sort of misty stuff comes out
🔗 13:09
Dumori: dusty inards
🔗 13:09
Metonymic_Human: Cam confirmed Ghost Racist
🔗 13:09
DanSPG: not quite as catchy
🔗 13:09
Dandinstorm12: @Katboii because they'll murder us
🔗 13:09
Lightspeeddash: only if it ends in a mu
🔗 13:09
TXC2: "even ghost have inards" is that a quote yet?
🔗 13:09
Lightspeeddash: Kappa
🔗 13:09
Katboii: Oh, fair 'nuff
🔗 13:09
CaffeinatedLemur: this place... concerns me
🔗 13:09
Lysander_Gustav: I do like how the ghosts splurt ectoplasm instead of copious blood when you critical-hit them.
🔗 13:10
1amafish: are you using a massive, old fashioned barbers' razor?
🔗 13:10
Dandinstorm12: !addquote "Even Ghosts have innards" Cameron 5-12-2015
🔗 13:10
LRRbot: dandinstorm12: That is a mod-only command
🔗 13:10
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's not important if the ghost has innards, but rather that the ghost thinks it has innards for you to remove.
🔗 13:10
Dandinstorm12: lrrAWW
🔗 13:10
Lysander_Gustav: Yes he is, 1amafish
🔗 13:10
qrpth: That's a piece of a saw.
🔗 13:10
1amafish: glad i cleared that one up. why?
🔗 13:10
Dumori: The saw cleaver irks me in a practical weapon sense
🔗 13:10
TXC2: love it
🔗 13:10
lsuaksauke: LOL
🔗 13:10
Metonymic_Human: The mask and hat really sells that.
🔗 13:10
qrpth: Dandinstorm12: Also, wrong syntax.
🔗 13:10
1amafish: aren't there any decent swords to use?
🔗 13:10
Katboii: Cam is prettiest princess
🔗 13:10
DiamondTiki: perfect!
🔗 13:10
Dandinstorm12: Cameron "I am a pretty princess" Lauder
🔗 13:10
Greygore: Cameron "I'm a pretty princess" Lauder
🔗 13:10
Lysander_Gustav: Sweet silks, Cameron!
🔗 13:10
lsuaksauke: but the dress looks adorable D:
🔗 13:11
Dandinstorm12: @Qrpth what is the correct syntax?
🔗 13:11
CaffeinatedLemur: OSHA does not recognize Top Hats as acceptable PPE
🔗 13:11
Lysander_Gustav: Is the suit of armor nearby this area?
🔗 13:11
Hippitybobbity: I don't know Cams bodytype, but a dress would look great on him
🔗 13:11
Lightspeeddash: OSHAwott? Kappa
🔗 13:11
Hippitybobbity: Just gotta find a good model
🔗 13:11
DiamondTiki: I have a threaded cane with OSHA's name on it
🔗 13:11
Hippitybobbity: of dress
🔗 13:11
qrpth: !addquote (Cameron) [now] Even ghosts have innards.
🔗 13:11
LRRbot: New quote #272: "Even ghosts have innards." —Cameron [2015-05-12]
🔗 13:11
Lysander_Gustav: A dress looks great on everyone, if it's cut properly.
🔗 13:11
1amafish: do those statues come to life?
🔗 13:11
Dandinstorm12: Cameron "I'll give you a taste of me saw" Lauder
🔗 13:11
Pancakepanda3d: These ladies are clearly in distress and I don't think we're helping their situation
🔗 13:12
Hippitybobbity: @Lysander_gustav That's the trick isnt it
🔗 13:12
Metonymic_Human: ESPECIALLY gargoyles.
🔗 13:12
Dumori: Pancakepanda3d, we come along end their dresstress permimently
🔗 13:12
DanSPG: have you beaten cainhusrt on your other playthroughs cam?
🔗 13:12
Laserbeaks_Fury: We have Top Hats working on it right now. Top....Hats...
🔗 13:12
Dumori: distressed is sloved
🔗 13:12
Metonymic_Human: Fall, Fall!
🔗 13:12
Dandinstorm12: cya!
🔗 13:12
Wendipo: the biggest *** you ever
🔗 13:12
Caldurin: what have we learned?
🔗 13:12
Greygore: Can winged enemies still die of falling like they did in Dark Souls?
🔗 13:12
CamelknackRamblehort: Dresses are great on everyone, I agree, but most dresses are designed to fit a certain type of body.
🔗 13:12
Havok4: Can we get the "I am the prettiest lrrEFFing princess and don't you forget about it. " added to the quotes?
🔗 13:12
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yes
🔗 13:12
Greygore: Cause I always found that hilarious
🔗 13:13
Dandinstorm12: you did slap him off the tower
🔗 13:13
Dandinstorm12: !hug
🔗 13:13
LRRbot *huggles*
🔗 13:13
1amafish: hug time
🔗 13:13
RealGamerCow: hugs!
🔗 13:13
Lightspeeddash: Its A REDEAD
🔗 13:13
TXC2: badhug badhug
🔗 13:13
qrpth: !adult
🔗 13:13
LRRbot: I need an adult!
🔗 13:13
Hippitybobbity: birb is staggered
🔗 13:13
CamelknackRamblehort: And Cam would be able to pull of a dress really well I bet
🔗 13:13
Lysander_Gustav: I hate how these guys just blend in with everything
🔗 13:13
CamelknackRamblehort: Where as someone like me would not be able to do so well
🔗 13:13
Caldurin: Are there skeletons in this game? do they have innards as well?
🔗 13:13
Samph1re: I like how all the monsters in this game were clearly *once* human
🔗 13:13
PattyCakes28: !advice
🔗 13:13
LRRbot: Get down to the point.
🔗 13:13
Havok4: !hug
🔗 13:13
LRRbot *huggles*
🔗 13:13
Hippitybobbity: @Camelknackramblehort It's strange how we all agree on that
🔗 13:13
Hippitybobbity: must be true then
🔗 13:13
Dandinstorm12: erm
🔗 13:14
Hippitybobbity: About Cam, I mean
🔗 13:14
Lord_ZYRK: Gotta slash 'em all
🔗 13:14
qrpth: !addquote (Cameron) I am the prettiest lrrEFF ing princess and don't you forget about it.
🔗 13:14
LRRbot: New quote #273: "I am the prettiest lrrEFF ing princess and don't you forget about it." —Cameron
🔗 13:14
Metonymic_Human: whoah. that got real.
🔗 13:14
Lightspeeddash: at least its not Knight's 1-15 Kappa
🔗 13:14
Wendipo: i'm not sure how much i like that game
🔗 13:14
PhoenixMelior: good way to get tetanus
🔗 13:14
Dandinstorm12: is that a rapier?
🔗 13:14
Katboii: Gotta give From Software credit to reuse an enemy concept without reusing the design
🔗 13:14
KatnissBot: !badadvice
🔗 13:14
LRRbot: It's just ahead.
🔗 13:14
1amafish: sounds like a run game
🔗 13:14
Nebbeny: I love Cams trash talking
🔗 13:14
1amafish: *fun
🔗 13:14
Laserbeaks_Fury: It is a rapier. The Reiterpallasch uses a similar moveset
🔗 13:14
TXC2: a fun run game Kappa
🔗 13:15
Metonymic_Human: sweet trades, yo
🔗 13:15
Metonymic_Human: Oh, nicely done.
🔗 13:15
BusTed: Nice moves.
🔗 13:15
1amafish: what are you bullets made of? paper?
🔗 13:15
esperchld: wouldn't t be great if the statues started moving when you didn't look at them
🔗 13:15
TXC2: 1amafish no mercury
🔗 13:16
1amafish: esperchild look up 'great' in the dictionary for me
🔗 13:16
Wendipo: nightmares ahoy
🔗 13:16
DiamondTiki: no no it wouldn;t be great
🔗 13:16
Dandinstorm12: Cameron casually stepping over the broken corpses of his foes
🔗 13:16
DiamondTiki: Why would you say that?!
🔗 13:16
Lysander_Gustav: I love the sound effects in this game
🔗 13:16
Metonymic_Human: We're getting a bit of "home-game" Cam. Delightful!
🔗 13:16
1amafish: TXC2 well that explains why they're such garbage. what's wrong with good ol' fashioned lead?
🔗 13:16
Dandinstorm12: By great you do mean "Terrifying" right?
🔗 13:16
Lysander_Gustav: Those gates sound so good
🔗 13:16
Hippitybobbity: Maybe we're sempai
🔗 13:16
CaffeinatedLemur: that is a fuckton of ghosts
🔗 13:16
TXC2: 1amafish it doesn't work on these monsters, says the game
🔗 13:16
OneirosGolem: We've been noticed.
🔗 13:17
Dandinstorm12: Sempai is the opposite of Sgt. Schultz
🔗 13:17
Rootpotato: cam, YOU are sempai
🔗 13:17
Lightspeeddash: is someone on LRR gonna play Yandere Simulator whenever it gets released?
🔗 13:17
Metonymic_Human: We got a real spectral bride problem here
🔗 13:17
Laserbeaks_Fury: the most unsettling moment in a game for me is still the Sander Choen area of Bioshock
🔗 13:17
1amafish: TXC2 silver? anything other than what we're currently using?
🔗 13:17
Dandinstorm12: Pretty maids all in a row
🔗 13:17
IndigoVitare: I thought you were the pretty princess
🔗 13:17
Metonymic_Human: Lets. Talk. About. Value.
🔗 13:17
Lightspeeddash: its the 5 Queens boss fight such a nice call back to Dark Souls Kappa
🔗 13:17
Lysander_Gustav: I think the lore is, the bullets are good, but the monsters have adapted to not be bothered by them.
🔗 13:17
TXC2: lets talk about "value"
🔗 13:17
Sektor88: Good work, Cam. :D
🔗 13:17
Greygore: 1amafish, might as well go with depleted uranium while we're at it
🔗 13:17
BusTed: Nice.
🔗 13:17
Laserbeaks_Fury: 9 Maid a Meltin'
🔗 13:17
1amafish: sure, why not?
🔗 13:17
TXC2: 1amafish: nope, just mercury
🔗 13:17
CaffeinatedLemur: do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior "Value"?
🔗 13:17
DanSPG: Cam the Ripper
🔗 13:18
Metonymic_Human: What does that mark do?
🔗 13:18
Lightspeeddash: ?scream?
🔗 13:18
Lokiliar: are you a
🔗 13:18
Dandinstorm12: um
🔗 13:18
Laserbeaks_Fury: Makes the ghosts more aggresive
🔗 13:18
Laserbeaks_Fury: and they can scream
🔗 13:18
Lokiliar: *are u a jund player? cause you just domed them
🔗 13:18
Metonymic_Human: Oh that's just the best. ;[
🔗 13:18
Dandinstorm12: Cameron "Exploding spectral bride problem" Lauder
🔗 13:18
TXC2: an expolding spectral bride problem AKA a code 145
🔗 13:18
Lysander_Gustav: I didn't know monsters can visceral attack you as well.
🔗 13:18
Nanomateria: ahem you got lot of level upp stuff should you go and level upp?
🔗 13:18
EldraziOutlaw: Lysander_Gustav, oh yeah
🔗 13:19
ptriller: General Incompetence and Sergeant Fuckup
🔗 13:19
1amafish: wow, you hate the furniture in this room, hey/
🔗 13:19
esperchld: Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Korne?
🔗 13:19
Laserbeaks_Fury: Best feeling in BB is when you kill all the ghosts and there's finally silence in the library
🔗 13:19
Dandinstorm12: Jund doesn't really dome, they mostly kill your *** until Goyf is huge and than the bring the beats
🔗 13:19
Anubis169: meow...
🔗 13:19
Lightspeeddash: but nano if there's something here why leave and rekill everything again?
🔗 13:19
Dandinstorm12: meow indeed anubis
🔗 13:19
Lokiliar: @Dandinstorm12 yeah you are right, i should've said burn
🔗 13:19
Mr_Horrible: Damn, 40k banked up? Did he go to another area or has he been in Cainhurst this whole time?
🔗 13:19
Lysander_Gustav: I keep feeling that one of these bookshelves will pivot when you attack a certain book on a shelf, or pull a candlestick.
🔗 13:19
Wendipo: clearly they care not for fashion
🔗 13:19
Anubis169: Right through a top hat is very hard to do :/
🔗 13:19
Dandinstorm12: @Lokiliar yeah
🔗 13:20
Lightspeeddash: what is rune on back of neck?
🔗 13:20
Metonymic_Human: "Put. The candle. Back!"
🔗 13:20
Aarek: jk flatten
🔗 13:20
Dandinstorm12: LOL JK FLATTEN
🔗 13:20
Lord_ZYRK: Right Through a Top Hat is my Tiger Lillies coverband
🔗 13:20
Anubis169: Evelyn <3
🔗 13:20
Dandinstorm12: um
🔗 13:20
Dumori: Attack of the "Swiftly Tilting Camera" reutrns
🔗 13:20
Dandinstorm12: evelyn?
🔗 13:20
RealGamerCow: 3/4 of your resources, but you have 42k echoes now!
🔗 13:20
esperchld: The top hat will protect us
🔗 13:21
EldraziOutlaw: Cam, go level up your char, and your new gun?
🔗 13:21
Lightspeeddash: PraiseIt
🔗 13:21
Anubis169: oh hey we have 42k blood echoes :D
🔗 13:21
Dandinstorm12: steel reinforced tophat?
🔗 13:21
Mr_Horrible: Wait, now I'm confused. Which character is this? New, or what?
🔗 13:21
Laserbeaks_Fury: classic
🔗 13:21
Lysander_Gustav: Is this place analogous to Blight-town?
🔗 13:21
Laserbeaks_Fury: I knew that was coming too
🔗 13:21
Metonymic_Human: Hahahaha. I'm going to use that.
🔗 13:21
JosephDeath: How is it that I'm on the last boss in my game and yet, I've never seen this place...
🔗 13:21
Dandinstorm12: LOL
🔗 13:21
Lightspeeddash: explore more Kappa
🔗 13:22
Mr_Horrible: optional area, JosephDeath
🔗 13:22
tingspam: I feel that Cameron hates about every enemy in bloodborne
🔗 13:22
Dandinstorm12: this fuppin' guy couldn't lunge to save his life
🔗 13:22
EldraziOutlaw: JosephDeath, it's an optional area
🔗 13:22
Romangoro: Am I the only one that's a bit twitchy about all those papers on the floor?
🔗 13:22
Metonymic_Human: Sometimes the best way to overcome something in a videogame is just to hate it. To hate it so much.
🔗 13:22
PhoenixMelior: what are the eyes beneath Cam's Blood Echoes?
🔗 13:22
Dandinstorm12: 0-2
🔗 13:22
OneirosGolem: Lock-on pls
🔗 13:22
TXC2: PhoenixMelior thats insight
🔗 13:22
esperchld: I want to check the books and papers to see if they have anything written on the textures
🔗 13:22
vrulg: I think they're seriuos
🔗 13:23
Laserbeaks_Fury: His insight
🔗 13:23
PhoenixMelior: is that like humanity?
🔗 13:23
Lightspeeddash: thats insight the more you have the more you see even though you might wish you cannot see
🔗 13:23
Appleguard: He's pretty insightful
🔗 13:23
EldraziOutlaw: JosephDeath, to go here you have to go through forbidden woods to the back of the clinic at the start, get the "Cainhurst Summons", then go the the area with the big dudes patrolling in Channel Lane
🔗 13:23
Metonymic_Human: Insight can also act as currency
🔗 13:23
Lutemuch: Just a note Cam, the transformed version of the saw cleaver should have a better AoE hit range and backstab hit box
🔗 13:23
CrucisOha: Everything is fine
🔗 13:23
🔗 13:23
Lokiliar: that's a 2for1
🔗 13:23
Dandinstorm12: these poor fools can't even keep their back legs straight
🔗 13:23
Lysander_Gustav: These guys remind me a little of the Flea-men from Castlevania
🔗 13:24
1amafish: what keeps shooting you?
🔗 13:24
Appleguard: Better flea men than medusa heads
🔗 13:24
Mr_Horrible: in that they're hunchbacked and annoying as all-get-out
🔗 13:24
Laserbeaks_Fury: on the step ladder across the room
🔗 13:24
Dandinstorm12: invisible snipers?
🔗 13:24
BusTed: They're kinda like Tonberries with their Murder attack.
🔗 13:24
Dumori: Dandinstorm12, visable justy hiden
🔗 13:24
Metonymic_Human: It does hurt me badly, but I'm not impressed!
🔗 13:24
ImSincerelySorry: Don't get fancy, just mash R1
🔗 13:25
Dandinstorm12: Cameron "doesn't impress me" Lauder
🔗 13:25
esperchld: A saw in the mouth makes me smile :)
🔗 13:25
1amafish: he now feels a little saw
🔗 13:25
MilkInBag: 1 week until witcher 3 Kreygasm Kreygasm
🔗 13:25
TXC2: ah "faffing about" great phrase
🔗 13:25
OneirosGolem: Gonna have to clean that window again.
🔗 13:25
Dandinstorm12: why is that gore puple
🔗 13:25
Mr_Horrible: Why so saw-rious?
🔗 13:25
Laserbeaks_Fury: Sloth...love...CHunk
🔗 13:25
Dandinstorm12: *purple
🔗 13:25
Dumori: MilkInBag, 1 week till I cry cause I brought it months ago biut I'm, 90% my PC can't run it
🔗 13:26
Dandinstorm12: almost 50k echoes
🔗 13:26
Anubis169: 11 vials, 7 bullets
🔗 13:26
TXC2: Dumori oh i done that meny times
🔗 13:26
Cyclopsboi: just got home, what's the reroll count?
🔗 13:26
esperchld: Do his blow darts ... blow?
🔗 13:26
Anubis169: i think they're totally effed
🔗 13:26
vrulg: the blow darts clearly suck
🔗 13:26
Mr_Horrible: That sounds like the tagline to a movie, Anubis
🔗 13:26
Dumori: TXC2, tbh I get paid in a few days so I'm hardly stressin
🔗 13:26
Anubis169: lol
🔗 13:26
Mr_Horrible: like, a delightfully cheesy summer blockbuster
🔗 13:27
TXC2: Dumori lucky you
🔗 13:27
Lutemuch: woah that's totally not the intended way to get that shortcut
🔗 13:27
TXC2 (so jelly)
🔗 13:27
CrucisOha: What are you trying to do?
🔗 13:27
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's not the strightforward way, but it does work
🔗 13:27
vrulg: I can stairs
🔗 13:27
Whatanvarno: Cam: you can get there by going out the window too
🔗 13:27
CrucisOha: Oh shortcut?
🔗 13:27
Dumori: TXC2, it's only a big day day cause I worked like 220 hours @ minwage
🔗 13:27
Lysander_Gustav: I hate it when that happens in jumping puzzles
🔗 13:27
Dandinstorm12: *is trying not to laugh at Cameron's pain
🔗 13:28
Nanomateria: Well Cameron, I think you died a lot more last time I was watching you here
🔗 13:28
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh, you go out the window on the second floor
🔗 13:28
Anubis169: oh hey Cam, my new UPS came! 2kW of juice for 3h max when my flakey power goes out :D
🔗 13:28
Mr_Horrible: Out the upper window, Cam. And around the ledges
🔗 13:28
EldraziOutlaw: I have never seen this section done like that
🔗 13:28
CrucisOha: That's cool. I'll try that one day.
🔗 13:28
Mr_Horrible: there's some goodies out there as well
🔗 13:28
TXC2: Dumori sounds like you earned it then
🔗 13:28
Dumori: Angnor33, NICE
🔗 13:28
Lutemuch: that's how the speedruns do this area ha
🔗 13:28
AbsolutelyNothing_: if it helps, cam, we sympathize with you
🔗 13:28
Laserbeaks_Fury: If I were speed running, that would shave some imte off, but then speedrunners wouldn't go to Cainhurst
🔗 13:28
Dollon: spend your souls Cam!
🔗 13:28
CrucisOha: Pizza
🔗 13:28
Dollon: spend themmmm
🔗 13:28
Laserbeaks_Fury: Pizza!
🔗 13:29
1amafish: i swear you store that saw up your butt
🔗 13:29
Lightspeeddash: agreed
🔗 13:29
Lutemuch: there's a whispering madness guy with blood stone chunks
🔗 13:29
Dandinstorm12: mmm pizza
🔗 13:29
Dumori: TXC2, i'm running the store as a "trainee" atm but have been for 3 mionths no pay riase earned is an understate ment
🔗 13:29
Laserbeaks_Fury: 2 chuncks
🔗 13:29
BusTed: Skull & arm pizza time!
🔗 13:29
TXC2: Anubis169: where do you live with such bad power?
🔗 13:29
EldraziOutlaw: Laserbeaks_Fury, well unless they were doing a 100% boss run
🔗 13:29
Angnor33: @Dumori, Huh?
🔗 13:29
Metonymic_Human: Those things make a very satisfying noise.
🔗 13:29
Jedijon110: need to find a ondfire cam
🔗 13:29
Anubis169: TXC2: middle of nowhere
🔗 13:29
Dandinstorm12: ND?
🔗 13:29
OneirosGolem: Lady, that crying is very distracting. Some of us are trying to /read/ in here.
🔗 13:29
Dandinstorm12: Montana? Kappa
🔗 13:29
Mr_Horrible: 50k *does* seem a lot to risk
🔗 13:29
Anubis169: english countryside
🔗 13:29
Lysander_Gustav: Truffle shuffle?
🔗 13:29
TXC2: Anubis169 oh that place
🔗 13:29
Anubis169: with our crappy copper infrastructire
🔗 13:29
Dandinstorm12: I know Anubis
🔗 13:29
Lightspeeddash: nothing here seems like its gonna give you too much trouble
🔗 13:30
1amafish: you have a LOT of souls though
🔗 13:30
Dumori: Angnor33, I should be getting paid more for what I'm doing job wise or at least shoudl be soon HR is beign a minor *** about it
🔗 13:30
Lysander_Gustav: Is the Knight's Armor good?
🔗 13:30
OneirosGolem: Well you could probably just skip to the ladder but okay
🔗 13:30
Appleguard: Lady you're being very emotional right now, please be logical Kappa
🔗 13:30
Lutemuch: totally just ran through this whole area
🔗 13:30
Angnor33: Cool.
🔗 13:30
EldraziOutlaw: so bets on Cam dying and then getting annoyed at all the lost blood echos
🔗 13:30
echinoid: but 50k!!
🔗 13:30
Dandinstorm12: almost 50k
🔗 13:30
malfunct: the crying is a bit disturbing
🔗 13:30
ImSincerelySorry: Cam, after you get the armor, you should probably take a commercial break
🔗 13:30
Lightspeeddash: its just 50k thats what only 1 level up? w/e man
🔗 13:31
TXC2: !uptime
🔗 13:31
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 3:32:54
🔗 13:31
Lutemuch: probably close to 3 levels
🔗 13:31
qrpth: w/e
🔗 13:31
Medowy: HI o/
🔗 13:31
Laserbeaks_Fury: to the switch
🔗 13:31
Lutemuch: yes
🔗 13:31
CrucisOha: Yesss
🔗 13:31
Anubis169: don't drop down from the ledge
🔗 13:31
Dandinstorm12: ok now 50kish
🔗 13:31
TXC2: hello Medowy welcome
🔗 13:31
Anubis169: it's death
🔗 13:31
Whatanvarno: That goes to that place you jumped to
🔗 13:31
Lutemuch: it's how you get to the switch normally
🔗 13:31
HellCopter: You gotta believe in yourself
🔗 13:31
EldraziOutlaw: Cam, yes it does
🔗 13:31
Lutemuch: also some dew
🔗 13:31
CapnRobert: thats how you move the bookcase normally
🔗 13:31
1amafish: why can i still here crying? very annoying
🔗 13:31
CrucisOha: This part is annoying
🔗 13:31
Mr_Horrible: yes, Cam. You walk up the arch
🔗 13:31
Driosenth: Yes, the window inside the shorcut room
🔗 13:31
Aarek: smash the state!
🔗 13:32
Lysander_Gustav: Is that a request?
🔗 13:32
Dumori: 1amafish, cause some of the mobs weep when idle (it's the ghosts)
🔗 13:32
TXC2: not just crying, but the SAME CRYING!
🔗 13:32
vrulg: Cam: Hater of Chairs
🔗 13:32
Dandinstorm12: the breathing is slightly more disturbing than the the crying
🔗 13:32
GreyFox0012: now just fight off this wave of kendo teachers
🔗 13:32
Papperslappen: Why are the ghost ladies so sad? Is it because you smashed their chairs?
🔗 13:32
Dandinstorm12: I think I'm becoming desensitized to crying
🔗 13:32
TXC2: GreyFox0012 sensal no kendo ?
🔗 13:33
PhoenixMelior: the crying sample is really getting to me
🔗 13:33
Driosenth: Remember, this room has the paralyzing headless shreikers
🔗 13:33
TXC2: *sensai
🔗 13:33
KamikazeAardvark: so is cam just at a level where 53K is no biggie?
🔗 13:33
OneirosGolem: Well that's freaky.
🔗 13:33
Dandinstorm12: those eh @Driosenth
🔗 13:33
vrulg: The crying could definitely be more varied.
🔗 13:33
Lysander_Gustav: Arglebargle
🔗 13:33
PhoenixMelior: ah, the sweet cries of their death is a nice change in sound design
🔗 13:33
Edroach: !next
🔗 13:33
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (1:26 from now)
🔗 13:33
drcthulu: august fnm promo is Serum Visions Cam =)
🔗 13:34
EldraziOutlaw: I love that nothing happens when you are paralyzed here, it is just like "could you not"
🔗 13:34
PsychoI3oy: oh man we're going bloodborne to dark souls? best tuesday ever
🔗 13:34
Lutemuch: I really don't like the promo serum visions art
🔗 13:34
ImmoralEthicist: So, I hopped in the shower, what did I miss?
🔗 13:34
Dandinstorm12: so who owns this castle?
🔗 13:34
Laserbeaks_Fury: Wow, removing your head completely off your larynx really improves your volume
🔗 13:34
DiamondTiki: Ma'am, ma'am, you're at a 7. I'm gonna need you to turn dowm to about a 3
🔗 13:34
Dumori: Dandinstorm12, some vile
🔗 13:34
EldraziOutlaw: Dandinstorm12, a person we will hopefully meet
🔗 13:34
Lysander_Gustav: Is she carrying around her own severed head? Cool!
🔗 13:34
PsychoI3oy: wait, did ian finish the president mech shooter or is it just FromSoftware Tuesday?
🔗 13:34
Dandinstorm12: and why did they populate it with dead women?
🔗 13:34
Anubis169: lrrSACK
🔗 13:34
Dumori: Dandinstorm12, they didn't
🔗 13:35
Dandinstorm12: like as an aesthetic that seems bad
🔗 13:35
Mr_Horrible: A tribute to Countess Bathroy (Bathory?)
🔗 13:35
ImmoralEthicist: @PsychoI3oy, Unfortunately, we finished that one
🔗 13:35
Dandinstorm12: lrrSACK
🔗 13:35
Lysander_Gustav: Yes, Ian finished MetalWolf
🔗 13:35
Laserbeaks_Fury: Where do they find these ghost women and why do they keep sending them to me?
🔗 13:35
Appleguard: Yes, dead children are a much more appealing aesthetic
🔗 13:35
TXC2: major luck is my connel abrams cover band
🔗 13:35
Lysander_Gustav: It might be the same ghost woman, re-manifesting itself.
🔗 13:36
TXC2: *cournal ?
🔗 13:36
Dandinstorm12: did whoever owns the place just straight murder some women? Because one is missing a head
🔗 13:36
ChroniclerC: So, are we not using Ludwig's anymore?
🔗 13:36
Anubis169: how do you visceral ghosts?
🔗 13:36
Metonymic_Human: Eff you, and your candlebra!
🔗 13:36
Mr_Horrible: There was an address mix-up in the shipping company's database, the tech can't make it in until Tuesday, it's just... a mess.
🔗 13:36
Appleguard: So, do these ghosts just stun you and then do absolutely nothing
🔗 13:36
EldraziOutlaw: Dandinstorm12, no
🔗 13:36
Anubis169: the don't have any... well... viscera
🔗 13:36
Dandinstorm12: and then after killing said women, didn't consecrate their remains?
🔗 13:36
ImmoralEthicist: @Dandinstorm12, Nope, someone else did the murdering.
🔗 13:36
Aarek: Anubis169 very carefully
🔗 13:36
Laserbeaks_Fury: Hmm, should we call those guys Tawnos?
🔗 13:36
Dandinstorm12: ohhh
🔗 13:37
Cyclopsboi: visceral on ghost is confusing
🔗 13:37
1amafish: cam, there is only one of you...
🔗 13:37
vrulg: more of an our cleaver player?
🔗 13:37
PsychoI3oy: just call it an ethereial attack instead
🔗 13:37
Mr_Horrible: Only if their candelabras cost waaaay too much money, Laserbeaks
🔗 13:37
ChroniclerC: So, which character is this one? We back to Skill?
🔗 13:37
Anubis169: knightly garb GET
🔗 13:37
Dandinstorm12: So the owner of the castle let a bunch of women get murdered on his/her/etc. watch?
🔗 13:37
Lybra: Hey, Cam, did you see they're reprinting Serum Visions as an FNM promo?
🔗 13:37
BusTed: The royal 'we', man.
🔗 13:37
The_Intelligentleman: HAI CHAT lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
🔗 13:37
EldraziOutlaw: ChroniclerC, this is a bloodtinge build
🔗 13:37
ImmoralEthicist: @Dandinstorm12, This was/is the home of the vilebloods. One tells you later on that she's the only one left and that [redacted] killed all the rest, so presumably these are the ghosts of the other vilebloods
🔗 13:37
Anubis169: there is
🔗 13:37
The_Intelligentleman: And Cam
🔗 13:37
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yup
🔗 13:37
Lokiliar: hi The_intelligentleman
🔗 13:37
TXC2: hello The_Intelligentleman welcome
🔗 13:38
Lysander_Gustav: Dandinstorm, I think the owner of the place was the head of a cult.
🔗 13:38
Anubis169: lol...
🔗 13:38
1amafish: the wut?
🔗 13:38
Anubis169: a red shadow just fell off the ladder past you
🔗 13:38
Appleguard: lrrSPOOP is invisible on the twitch app
🔗 13:38
ChroniclerC: dat red phantom
🔗 13:38
TXC2: the wig?
🔗 13:38
sonji7: WHEEE
🔗 13:38
PsychoI3oy: was that a phandom falling off the ladder?
🔗 13:38
Dandinstorm12: so, was the castle unconsecrated before or after the murdering?
🔗 13:38
PsychoI3oy: phantom, I swear I can type English
🔗 13:38
CrucisOha: Cam how are you so good at this game?
🔗 13:39
Mr_Horrible: Yeah, there's a *LOT* of implicit story tied to this area that you learn from NPC's and item descriptions
🔗 13:39
PsychoI3oy: Crucisoha he's.... been playing it a lot..... a lot
🔗 13:39
Lybra: Knight's... wig?
🔗 13:39
Dandinstorm12: "On the rooftops of...Cainhurst, oh what a sight"
🔗 13:39
TXC2: CrucisOha he plays it ALOT
🔗 13:39
Lutemuch: This is "Cainhurst" the home of the Vilebloods who used some forbidden blood relic thing and have a "tainted" bloodline because of it. The executioners came and murdered them all...well aside that they didn't based on the boss in this area is actually the leader of the executioners
🔗 13:39
OneirosGolem: Visceral feel so good
🔗 13:39
Lybra: That visceral for a sliver of health. now you're just shoing off
🔗 13:39
Anubis169: yay a chunk
🔗 13:40
CrucisOha: That's nice. Good to see that you enjoy this game a lot
🔗 13:40
ImmoralEthicist: @Lutemuch, Well, the leader doesn't seem capable of being killed, based on what Alfred says
🔗 13:40
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's still worth it, hes getting hp and more blood on viscerals
🔗 13:40
PhoenixMelior: just book it
🔗 13:40
Lutemuch: @Immoralethicist yep, she's immortal
🔗 13:40
PhoenixMelior: lrrFINE
🔗 13:40
ImSincerelySorry: Commercial break?
🔗 13:40
1amafish: nice ladder tech though
🔗 13:40
Sjlangenegger: I get the feeling that the audio is reversed (left playing through right channel and vice versa). Can anybody else confirm that it's not just my audio being all fucky?
🔗 13:40
Dandinstorm12: Bullasts?
🔗 13:40
Mr_Horrible: 60k and 3+ chunks seems a pretty good haul
🔗 13:40
PhoenixMelior: what enemies drop bullets?
🔗 13:40
Hrafnsvaengr: Hey, Cam & Chat
🔗 13:40
echinoid: hi
🔗 13:40
Dandinstorm12: hey @Hrafnsvaengr
🔗 13:40
TXC2: hello Hrafnsvaengr: welcome
🔗 13:40
Axiom4thewin: Why do you look like metal mario?
🔗 13:40
Laserbeaks_Fury: The riflemen drop bullets, castsers do too
🔗 13:40
Lokiliar: hi Hrafnsvaengr
🔗 13:40
The_Intelligentleman: @Hrafnsvaengr Hey d00d
🔗 13:40
Mr_Horrible: gunners and firebombers usually, Pheonixmelior
🔗 13:41
Lysander_Gustav: Hi Hrafnsvaengr!
🔗 13:41
Lutemuch: I'd say the lecture hall might be the best place to farm bullets but I don't think Cam has it unlocked
🔗 13:41
DTor214: @Axiom4thewin Completely covered in blood => shiny
🔗 13:41
Dandinstorm12: !break
🔗 13:41
Whatanvarno: You're also late enough in the game it might be faster to just buy bullets
🔗 13:41
Appleguard: Axiom because he is damp?
🔗 13:41
Hrafnsvaengr: Dear lord that was a lot of welcomings
🔗 13:41
Dandinstorm12: damn
🔗 13:41
Axiom4thewin: nice
🔗 13:41
Dandinstorm12: seeeeems legit
🔗 13:41
Mr_Horrible: The Welcoming, coming this summer to a theater near you
🔗 13:41
TXC2: Hrafnsvaengr: well chat is love
🔗 13:41
Mr_Horrible: man, my mind is just stuck on the movies today...
🔗 13:42
TXC2: oh mad max, can i be bothed to go see you?
🔗 13:42
TheFrankreich92: How is everyone this evening? I hope you're all well
🔗 13:42
TXC2: *bothered
🔗 13:42
TheFrankreich92: I am pscyhed as hell about Mad Max
🔗 13:42
Appleguard: Just saw an eyewitness news ad about obesity. Apparently, your kids can be fat without you realizing it!
🔗 13:42
Appleguard: That's a real thing and not a scare tactic
🔗 13:43
Sjlangenegger: Appleguard, are kids hiding their weight, or something?
🔗 13:43
Sjlangenegger: "My kid kept his fat in a box under his bed... I had no idea!"
🔗 13:43
Hrafnsvaengr: Their fat is being hid in the closet just like their gayness
🔗 13:43
Appleguard: When their parents enter the room they just suck it up
🔗 13:44
IndigoVitare: I would guess it's more that the parents don't know the medical definitions of "obese"
🔗 13:44
Aracuda: so far, 6 Specsaver ads. Not that i mind, because its got Stephen Fry's wonderful voice narrating it
🔗 13:44
Appleguard: Hey mom, just holding my breath for no reason like always
🔗 13:44
TXC2: to be fair, i got fat without relising it
🔗 13:44
TheFrankreich92: Stephen Fry is a treasure
🔗 13:44
1amafish: maybe they just stay under the covers or hide their fat under the desk...
🔗 13:44
KamikazeAardvark: *sigh* twitch pls get your shite together i'm rly tired or reloading because the ads eff the player
🔗 13:45
TXC2: stephen fry is one of the few men i'd go gay for
🔗 13:45
Appleguard: Isn't he celibate or something
🔗 13:45
IndigoVitare: I've had the Specsavers ads! Makes a nice change from the Block and Load one
🔗 13:45
vrulg: the ads almost always stutter for me. I don't really understand how the live streaming content is flawless, but ads lag like crazy.
🔗 13:45
TheFrankreich92: He's the man that our nation wishes was our cool uncle. Those of us that aren't that way inclined.
🔗 13:46
Katboii: I'm no getting any ads for some reason o-o
🔗 13:46
lsuaksauke: welcome back
🔗 13:46
OneirosGolem: Storm counter is summoning the devil
🔗 13:46
Laserbeaks_Fury: She's a real pistol, that one
🔗 13:46
qrpth: loadingreadyrun: Counters.
🔗 13:47
DTor214: So, are the scrolling storm and death counts a joke?
🔗 13:47
Laserbeaks_Fury: But don't get her mad, she has a hair trigger
🔗 13:47
Appleguard: You're not gun crazy until you give it a girl's name
🔗 13:47
Zeke229: 666666666666
🔗 13:47
TXC2: oh Gods damn the counters are at it again
🔗 13:47
Zeke229: hi!
🔗 13:47
OneirosGolem: Dtor214 They just bust on every commercial break, for some reason. :C
🔗 13:47
DTor214: Weird
🔗 13:47
OneirosGolem: Doing great, enjoying the stream.
🔗 13:47
Sektor88: hanging in, doing some level grinding of my own while listening to you, Cam. :3
🔗 13:47
Blackknight1239: Good! Brewing an awful Narset EDH
🔗 13:47
Metonymic_Human: Drooling over that Eclipse Phase flavor?
🔗 13:47
Zeke229: evelyn?
🔗 13:47
lsuaksauke: great got tales of phantasia x for psp
🔗 13:47
1amafish: Cam, did you give your gun a name?
🔗 13:47
PsychoI3oy: needs a grenade launcher
🔗 13:48
Driosenth: she's cool, but not Tacti-cool
🔗 13:48
Piperlyon: paint it black, make it more tacticool
🔗 13:48
Sai_Maa: Do women give their guns girl names?cJust curious
🔗 13:48
Cyclopsboi: incredibly frustrating day at work luckily bloodborne
🔗 13:48
Lybra: thing of it this way, Cam. Without a scope every shot is a no-scope
🔗 13:48
drcthulu: Cam I think you're confusing this game with CounterStrike if you want to add a scope and foregrip
🔗 13:48
QuantumTwitch: That beutiful gun it is poetry
🔗 13:48
Lokiliar: you should totally attach a grenade launcher under the barrel
🔗 13:48
streambros subscribed for 8 months in a row!
🔗 13:48
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, streambros! (Today's storm count: 7)
🔗 13:48
🔗 13:48
PsychoI3oy: molotov launcher?
🔗 13:48
Zeke229: what woud grenades be in this game
🔗 13:48
🔗 13:48
StreamBros: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN woo yay me
🔗 13:48
OneirosGolem: Ooh, you fancy.
🔗 13:48
PsychoI3oy: uberfancy
🔗 13:49
Lybra: Fashionborne
🔗 13:49
Nanomateria: Some sweet clothes
🔗 13:49
ChroniclerC: That hat is still sweet.
🔗 13:49
Zeke229: pustules of blood?
🔗 13:49
ImmoralEthicist: That's my favourite outfit in the game
🔗 13:49
TXC2: hello andrew
🔗 13:49
PhoenixMelior: *sigh* miss my doll, that's all that reminds me of. Stupid school, haven't seen my boyfriend in a while
🔗 13:49
The_Intelligentleman: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 13:49
StreamBros: I snuck in! Hi Cam <3
🔗 13:49
BusTed: lrrHORN lrrGOAT
🔗 13:49
StreamBros: it's lunchtime
🔗 13:49
StreamBros: hey txc2!
🔗 13:49
Zeke229: Pustules of Blood is my Gwar Cover band
🔗 13:49
DiamondTiki: Hai, Andrew!
🔗 13:49
Mangledpixel: Tacticool http://i.imgur.com/xwe8Z.jpg
🔗 13:49
Lokiliar: hi Andrew
🔗 13:49
Laserbeaks_Fury: someone needs to set up a remote trigger for the airhorns
🔗 13:49
StreamBros: @Mangledpixel, holy god what the hell
🔗 13:49
1amafish: nice get-up
🔗 13:49
Erictheorange: whats the restart counter up to?
🔗 13:49
Mangledpixel: hehe
🔗 13:50
chiropteraboy: Looking dandy
🔗 13:50
Zeke229: omg mangledpixel
🔗 13:50
StreamBros: @Laserbeaks_Fury, ...i can build that
🔗 13:50
ChroniclerC: Um. What is wrong with those dogs?
🔗 13:50
PhoenixMelior: @Zeke229 how much gore do they spray in a given show?
🔗 13:50
qrpth: !pavecount
🔗 13:50
LRRbot: 3 paves for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 13:50
StreamBros: Hi tiki & Loki
🔗 13:50
Appleguard: tactidog
🔗 13:50
Erictheorange: what their has been at LEAST 4
🔗 13:50
Lokiliar: Mangledpixel that's... that's beautiful
🔗 13:50
StreamBros: i havent seen this area yet
🔗 13:50
DTor214: @Erictheorange Agreed
🔗 13:50
Zotamedu: Hello chat
🔗 13:50
qrpth: That number might not be accurate.
🔗 13:50
Berekhalf: Heather changed a bit
🔗 13:50
Lokiliar: almost as good as obrez-chucks
🔗 13:50
Katboii: Wonder if all those dogs are named "Spike"
🔗 13:51
TXC2: hello Zotamedu welcome
🔗 13:51
Appleguard: please tell me featherweight was here for this convo
🔗 13:51
qrpth: If you have a correct number, please contact a mod of your choice.
🔗 13:51
Appleguard: because hooboy
🔗 13:51
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah, I think it's biggest issues when the focus getts to high or low
🔗 13:51
🔗 13:51
TXC2: cam = a strange heather mod
🔗 13:51
PhoenixMelior: Wherever Featherweight is... we have a job for him
🔗 13:51
Slyguy46: gonna do another rom attempt
🔗 13:51
lsuaksauke: wash off the gore with more blood
🔗 13:51
Berekhalf: Can some one relink me to tacticool hotdog?
🔗 13:52
The_Quiet_Alestain: http://i.imgur.com/xwe8Z.jpg
🔗 13:52
DiamondTiki: all that hotdog's missing is some sick camo skin
🔗 13:52
Appleguard: the clench
🔗 13:52
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah I was expecting you to get sniped
🔗 13:52
Angnor33: 1 is not 0
🔗 13:52
Berekhalf: You're the mvp blah blah imgur generic phases, @The_quiet_alestain
🔗 13:52
Zotamedu: That is one very tactical hotdog.
🔗 13:52
PsychoI3oy: watch out, that thing has a curved sword, it can reach around your shield
🔗 13:53
Omega_Lairon: Huh huh... "reach around" >_>
🔗 13:53
qrpth: Omega_Lairon, pls.
🔗 13:53
The_Quiet_Alestain: ;)
🔗 13:53
I_Am_Clockwork: Hi friends!
🔗 13:53
StreamBros: Hi Clockwork!
🔗 13:53
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: hi Cam! welcome to the coffeeshop
🔗 13:54
Rootpotato: Did cam get the armor? I missed a few minutes there
🔗 13:54
TXC2: hello I_Am_Clockwork welcome
🔗 13:54
1amafish: you can see the bullet in the air, what are they firing with, a nerf gun?
🔗 13:54
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: are we still in camhurts castle
🔗 13:54
Lybra: Strongarm, Strongarm, we're taking heavy casualties out here! We need an old-timey, gothic, kinda steam-punky, airstrike now!
🔗 13:54
OneirosGolem: They were probably crushing dews by the fire
🔗 13:54
Laserbeaks_Fury: I-Frames! Get yer ice cold I-Frames!
🔗 13:54
Appleguard: are sneak attacks a new addition to the "series" for lack of a better term?
🔗 13:54
StreamBros: Cam your character looks awesome
🔗 13:54
DTor214: @Appleguard Nah
🔗 13:54
Angnor33: @Appleguard, I don't think so.
🔗 13:54
ImmoralEthicist: @StreamBros, Yup. Knight set is best set.
🔗 13:55
DiamondTiki: You should see the dress, Andrew
🔗 13:55
Ionized_Gentleman: you need 30+ bloodtinge for it to outsclae the pistol, at lvl 1 comparison anyway
🔗 13:55
TXC2: ohf that laugh
🔗 13:55
Iraeda: No Appleguard they just became 2 step process
🔗 13:55
PhoenixMelior: !next
🔗 13:55
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (1:04 from now)
🔗 13:55
Zotamedu: I just watched Jodorowsky's Dune after Cam kept talking about it.
🔗 13:55
Zeke229: dear dr chat, dont you find it awesome that trees get most of their mass from the air?
🔗 13:55
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Wow you look super classy now Cam.
🔗 13:55
Zeke229: Did cam beat the king dude?
🔗 13:55
Lysander_Gustav: I wonder if that game on kickstarter Bloodstained will be any good. A bunch of people seem to think it will. It's already filled most of it's stretch goals and there's still a month left to go.
🔗 13:55
Appleguard: that is spiffy
🔗 13:55
Zeke229 squees
🔗 13:55
1amafish: the glasses really make the look
🔗 13:55
Sektor88: She's got a bit of a bayonetta vibe to her
🔗 13:55
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: That outfit reminds me strongly of Vampire Hunter D.
🔗 13:55
CamelknackRamblehort: I am writing a thing about rifles right now, and every time I write bayonet I type bayonetta. I blame chat
🔗 13:55
Zotamedu: Now I can't make up my mind if I want it to be made into an animation or if it's best kept as the most important movie never made.
🔗 13:55
Nanomateria: that is indeed pretty sweet
🔗 13:55
StreamBros: oh man and pince-nez!
🔗 13:55
Zeke229: bayoletta
🔗 13:55
Camail: i love the clothing in this game so much
🔗 13:56
Lysander_Gustav: That is an amazing outfit. it makes you look like a superhero of the time.
🔗 13:56
Mr_Horrible: Well, it's got the godfather of the genre spearheading it, Lysander_Gustav, so I personally have high hopes
🔗 13:56
PhoenixMelior: Logarius hype! lrrHORN
🔗 13:56
DanSPG: Noble dress on male char is quite liberal as well
🔗 13:56
Laserbeaks_Fury: Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars....
🔗 13:56
TXC2: CamelknackRamblehort chat apologises for nothing, sorry
🔗 13:56
PsychoI3oy: wait, those glasses are called what I'm guessing to be "pinch nose" in french?
🔗 13:56
CamelknackRamblehort: @Txc2 Sorry not sorry
🔗 13:56
Lysander_Gustav: I wonder if people are making cosplay of that outfit.
🔗 13:56
Lysander_Gustav: let me check
🔗 13:57
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Psychoi3oy yup, because they don't have the parts that hook over your ears. Instead they just sit on your nose.
🔗 13:57
Dix: Can confirm. Women do love a man in uniform.
🔗 13:57
INAFN: Mr. Cam. Please enjoy Witcher III just sent you guys a copy.
🔗 13:57
Lord_ZYRK: Mr_Horrible, Igarashi has only been attached to Castlevania since SotN
🔗 13:57
Havok4: Also like the Landsknecht.
🔗 13:57
Zotamedu: Do imperial troops live long enough to ever get a woman?
🔗 13:57
PsychoI3oy: Gcu_ofcourseistillloveyou like Morpheus' sunglasses in The Matrix
🔗 13:57
Johnkirkpatrick: dem gussets
🔗 13:57
TXC2: Zotamedu some must do right?
🔗 13:57
Mr_Horrible: Not the series, lord_zyrk, but the exploration platformer style
🔗 13:57
Dumori: Hey hey the Empire has sweet sweet Slashes and Puffs
🔗 13:58
CamelknackRamblehort: @Zotamedu He is talking Warhammer Fantasy, which is a less deadly than 40k
🔗 13:58
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Psychoi3oy yup
🔗 13:58
Zotamedu: Oh that makes more sense.
🔗 13:58
LegionofLashes: looking cool is half the battle cam
🔗 13:58
DTor214: Hey, I'm here for boss intro cinematic for the first time
🔗 13:58
TXC2: CamelknackRamblehort yes but acid snakes are less deadly then 40K
🔗 13:58
CamelknackRamblehort: Imperial soldiers could expect to make it through the war, where as the imperial guard are lucky to make it to the end of a battle.
🔗 13:58
Lord_ZYRK: Mr_Horrible, well he didn't even head that, and the genre is older than SotN. It was just one of the more popular entries.
🔗 13:58
JohnLockeCole4: oh wow we look badass
🔗 13:58
Lybra: Looking cool. What ever person strives for above all else
🔗 13:58
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: yeah I've never seen this part before! I'm excited.
🔗 13:58
Lord_Durin: Get him in 1?
🔗 13:58
Mr_Horrible: Ah, fair enough
🔗 13:58
Samph1re: ofc. Now, nobody joins for the uniforms because the entire universe evaporated as the forces of chaos tore it apart. Can't wait for that hard reboot with the next edition this summer
🔗 13:58
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: lookin cold there bro
🔗 13:59
Lybra: Arthus?
🔗 13:59
Zotamedu: deja vu...
🔗 13:59
KinoGami: !uptime
🔗 13:59
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 4:00:59
🔗 13:59
DanSPG: reroll?
🔗 13:59
TXC2: !next
🔗 13:59
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (1:00 from now)
🔗 13:59
Piperlyon: sounds like time for a reroll
🔗 13:59
1amafish: you doon't get the same in the army anymore. ah for the good old days when you could kill indians while dressed up to the nines. now you have to kill iraqis in Khaki
🔗 13:59
chiropteraboy: Logarius le martyre
🔗 13:59
1amafish: grumple grumple empire
🔗 13:59
PhoenixMelior: @Danspg Next week
🔗 13:59
JohnLockeCole4: umm hullo Gwyn, Lord of Icicles
🔗 13:59
chiropteraboy: good luck Cam
🔗 13:59
TXC2: jezum crow 4 hours o_O
🔗 13:59
PhoenixMelior: lrrSACK good luck!
🔗 13:59
Lord_ZYRK: I'm sure Igarashi will do great, but calling him the godfather of the genre is disingenuous.
🔗 13:59
Wendipo: good luck :D
🔗 13:59
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: is this Warcraft 3?
🔗 13:59
DTor214: Tsk, why did we wait for them to get out of that chair? This is Power Rangers all over again.
🔗 14:00
Lokiliar: I'd cosplay the f out of Cam's character in this outfit
🔗 14:00
IndigoVitare: this guy's pretty cool
🔗 14:00
Lybra: Energy attacks that look like skulls are never not silly
🔗 14:00
CamelknackRamblehort: Because we are the good guy, you can't just interrupt someone during their opening animation, that would be evil.
🔗 14:00
Zeke229: goddamnit
🔗 14:00
KinoGami: so what kind of build is cam this time?
🔗 14:00
Zeke229: i dont understand people who dont like science
🔗 14:00
Wendipo: arcane i think
🔗 14:00
Mr_Horrible: I would really love to see someone with the height to pull it off cosplay Logarius
🔗 14:00
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Lybra Logarius has had a lot of time to practice making energy-shapes
🔗 14:00
qrpth: Bloodtinge?
🔗 14:00
Metonymic_Human: Isn't this guy scribed on my 14-year old self's D&D binder?!
🔗 14:00
DTor214: I have seen nothing to suggest that we are the good guy in this game
🔗 14:01
Lutemuch: no fire or bolt paper?
🔗 14:01
TXC2: Zeke229: maybe they're crazy?
🔗 14:01
Katboii: I like the idea that parrying is a limited resource
🔗 14:01
DTor214: !death
🔗 14:01
LRRbot: lrrAWW 530 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 14:01
Samph1re: this boss wouldn't be out of place in *any* grimdark fantasy game. None of it screams "bloodborne" to me :/
🔗 14:01
TXC2: lrrAWW
🔗 14:01
farligaallee: Do you need some help? :)
🔗 14:01
malfunct: that guy looks unhappy
🔗 14:01
Mr_Horrible: It's less "good guy", and more "less bad than others"
🔗 14:01
ImmoralEthicist: I thought only his physical attacks could be parried?
🔗 14:01
Lutemuch: no, he has no weaknesses. But fire/bolt paper adds a static flat damage boost
🔗 14:02
Zeke229: oh no
🔗 14:02
Camail: XD
🔗 14:02
Wendipo: oh gosh
🔗 14:02
Nanomateria: ouch
🔗 14:02
Zeke229: has she pulled out the spoon yet?
🔗 14:02
PhoenixMelior: this is why I just listen to music on public transit
🔗 14:02
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Pthumeria is such a great name.
🔗 14:02
PsychoI3oy: tHe PiNgUIn oF DooM!
🔗 14:02
EldraziOutlaw: Loadingreadyrun, he is not weak to Bolt or Fire paper
🔗 14:02
Nanomateria: we will pray
🔗 14:02
chiropteraboy: not much I'm afraid
🔗 14:02
Mr_Horrible: IIRC, scythe swings are parry-able in phase 1, and sword swings are parry-able in phase 2 and 3
🔗 14:02
1amafish: basically nothing
🔗 14:02
PhoenixMelior: 285? Is that what I saw?
🔗 14:02
PsychoI3oy: Zeke229 i believe you mean spork
🔗 14:02
RealGamerCow: I'm assuming that she is going to troll the *** out of so random girl?
🔗 14:02
qrpth: Purple monkey dishwasher random?
🔗 14:03
RayFK: Julie can just turn her twitter feed towards the girl. Then she can see the true definition of random Cameron
🔗 14:03
Lokiliar: i feel like some quality fanfiction would be great counter for the lol random
🔗 14:03
vrulg: If you were him, wouldn't you just spam magic?
🔗 14:03
ImmoralEthicist: You get the helmet after you join the Executioner covenant
🔗 14:03
🔗 14:03
Nanomateria: I think he spawns a ghost thing to strike you near when you go close
🔗 14:03
farligaallee: Just go ham on him on his first phase don't try to parry him, just go for the hits, after he changes to phase 2 he will only use attacks with his weapons and that is when you start parrying, that's pretty much the boss fight in a nutshell.
🔗 14:03
TXC2: right Goodnight Everybody!
🔗 14:03
Nanomateria: But I think you can dodge it cause it goes certain direction?
🔗 14:03
Lutemuch: Yep, bolt/fire paper will just add flat damage boost but nothing super special due to a weakness
🔗 14:03
Mr_Horrible: yeah, it's available to buy with the Wheel Hunter Badge (which you get from siccing Alfred on Cainhurst)
🔗 14:04
GreyFox0012: lol remember back when those guys were difficult?
🔗 14:04
Zotamedu: My universal solution to all video game problems is more dakka.
🔗 14:04
Zeke229: i found someone saying that deflategate is about benghazi XD
🔗 14:04
Samph1re: well, demonstrably not one attempt
🔗 14:04
Zotamedu: When in doubt, dakka.
🔗 14:04
farligaallee: Btw when he starts going into second phase get to his back quickly and load an R2 and you will have a free visceral :)
🔗 14:04
DTor214: It looks like big exploding skull move just hits you wherever you are, at a pretty wide range
🔗 14:04
EldraziOutlaw: Loadingreadyrun, i'm pretty sure he is resistant to fire, arcane and bolt. As in they do less damage to him
🔗 14:04
qrpth: Don't ge fancy, mash R1.
🔗 14:04
Mr_Horrible: I feel like getting behind him important, to avoid his insta-burst retaliation. He seems to use that a stunlock breaker.
🔗 14:04
Nanomateria: I approve Zotamedu
🔗 14:04
Lutemuch: He has a "safe" spot right up against him from the lock-on multiple-skull magic attack but his other single big magic attack just goes straight down on you and explodes when you're in his face
🔗 14:04
KingBytor2112: Hello everyone
🔗 14:04
CamelknackRamblehort: if we use bolt paper, does that make our gun a bolter?
🔗 14:04
Sai_Maa: My problem with 40K is that it's all about Dakka Kappa
🔗 14:04
amythist: Cam, it is worth remembering that when he got him in 1 it was because of the memroy leak glitch so he didn't do half of his moves
🔗 14:05
Zotamedu: Dakka is the video game equivalent of a hammer, the universal problem solver.
🔗 14:05
PhoenixMelior: this is how my boyfriend feels about me and how good I am at Kingdom Hearts
🔗 14:05
Slyguy46: ROM DOWN
🔗 14:05
Lutemuch: @Slyguy46 grats!
🔗 14:06
BakedPotato0051: !quote cam
🔗 14:06
LRRbot: Quote #258: "This man's *ss is glowing." —Cameron [2015-04-30]
🔗 14:06
Mr_Horrible: grats slyguy46!
🔗 14:06
Whatanvarno: I think from that last troll the cleric beast's bonfire would be faster
🔗 14:06
CamelknackRamblehort: When all you got is Dakka, everything is a target
🔗 14:06
GDwarf: I killed the executioner, but I did not kill the deputy?
🔗 14:06
1amafish: PhoenixMelior: that's how I feel about literally everyone else who plays video games...
🔗 14:06
Whatanvarno: Yeah, but the gems he'd drop aren't any good at this point
🔗 14:06
lordbrat4: Huh. Wonder why the torches go out when they die. Didn't think torches would have a deadman switch.
🔗 14:06
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I mean, in theory everything's a target. Unless it has Shroud or Hexproof.
🔗 14:06
Whatanvarno: It would have been nice if you could combine a bunch of bad gems into a better one
🔗 14:06
Mr_Horrible: Maybe the cobble is just unreasonably damp
🔗 14:07
StreamBros: @lordbrat4, This only actually looks like its from a bygone era. It's actually a sophisticated android populated theme park from the future
🔗 14:07
Mr_Horrible: Oh Gilbert, you do so much for us, and we can do nothing for you in return...
🔗 14:07
lsuaksauke: bloodborn reminds me of innastrad
🔗 14:07
Sektor88: Ian beat Metal Wolf, actually
🔗 14:07
Zeke229: the day of FROM
🔗 14:07
Anubis169: Ian finished Metal Wolf Chaos
🔗 14:07
GruntAI: !time 24
🔗 14:07
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 14:07
🔗 14:07
DTor214: LoadingReadyFrom day
🔗 14:07
ImmoralEthicist: Cold in Victoria today? Or is Alex just overdressed?
🔗 14:07
Lord_ZYRK: Metal Wolf Chaos is donesies
🔗 14:07
DiamondTiki: Hai, Alex
🔗 14:07
Lokiliar: o hai alex
🔗 14:08
vrulg: from to from to from
🔗 14:08
StreamBros: FROM Day
🔗 14:08
DiamondTiki: Ian saved America alread
🔗 14:08
Lancer873: Ian finished Metal Wolf Chaos
🔗 14:08
Samph1re: lsuaksauke, they both draw from the same source material
🔗 14:08
DiamondTiki: Also the rest of the world, but that's incidental
🔗 14:08
Lysander_Gustav: Well, maybe he's going to play Armored Core?
🔗 14:08
lsuaksauke: i know they do
🔗 14:08
chiropteraboy: Ghilbert is a real chum
🔗 14:08
Laserbeaks_Fury: Look on the bright side, he won't die from his disease
🔗 14:08
Lord_ZYRK: But maybe Ian will play some Armored Core Kappa
🔗 14:08
1amafish: FromSoftwareLive
🔗 14:08
Laserbeaks_Fury: FROM Hell's Heart
🔗 14:08
daneislazy: For a martyr he's not very good at his job.
🔗 14:08
Mr_Horrible: Oh man, if only it was Wednesday I could may a lrrFRUMP Day joke
🔗 14:08
lsuaksauke: i just wanted to point it out
🔗 14:08
GhassanPL: Cam Souls
🔗 14:08
Mr_Horrible: The best portmanteau
🔗 14:08
CamelknackRamblehort: I would love an armored core stream, but I think it is more an Alex game.
🔗 14:08
Rootpotato: demon souls, I'm all behind that!!!
🔗 14:08
Anubis169: Metal Wolf Chaos' ending was beyond ridiculous, it was Bayonetta levels of awesome though
🔗 14:09
napsterthegrey: !next
🔗 14:09
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (50m from now)
🔗 14:09
MilkInBag: did you see the new art of serum visions cam? it's pretty....subjective WutFace
🔗 14:09
chiropteraboy: Go Cam Go!
🔗 14:09
ImSincerelySorry: Has Alex played/beaten Demon's Souls?
🔗 14:09
lsuaksauke: mikiln he has to do a 24 live stream because of it
🔗 14:09
Nanomateria: We trust you! Go Go Go!
🔗 14:09
lsuaksauke: 24hour*
🔗 14:09
Slyguy46: so happy to be done with rom
🔗 14:09
Lysander_Gustav: A Swiftly Dodge-rolling Cameron?
🔗 14:09
chiropteraboy: MilkInBag > I like the new art, i think it represent the serum part better
🔗 14:09
1amafish: change first
🔗 14:09
TurnedUsernameThirty: so yesterday my response to Graham saying I'd have my life all figured out was "sobbing laughter" today I ran into the dad of a friend from highschool, said friend is a year younger than me with a full time job, wife and looking at having a kid.
🔗 14:09
MilkInBag: is Serum slang for something I dont know? because its huh...weird
🔗 14:10
CamelknackRamblehort: I like it because it is basically "My brain is melting!"
🔗 14:10
GhassanPL: Das purdy
🔗 14:10
Mr_Horrible: I thought Serum was supposed to be blue, though.
🔗 14:10
Whatanvarno: Don't forget the armor change
🔗 14:10
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: hi Alex
🔗 14:10
Mr_Horrible: Serum is distilled blinkmoth essence, Milkinbag
🔗 14:10
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: hey Cam, you could always call your stream the Cameron Lauder Power Hour.
🔗 14:10
Mr_Horrible: which is basically brain-y juice
🔗 14:10
1amafish: just dome 'em
🔗 14:10
Bifroront: is that the fnm promo Cameron called on ttc?
🔗 14:11
Mr_Horrible: The Tower of Lauder Power Hour(s)
🔗 14:11
CaptainEnder7: !advice
🔗 14:11
LRRbot: Try standing closer to the sky.
🔗 14:11
Zeke229: oh hey, serum visions
🔗 14:11
StreamBros: can you knock him off the edge?
🔗 14:11
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Magical skull attacks...starting to see why the folks in Cainhurst Castle thought this guy was uber lame.
🔗 14:11
OneirosGolem: Well, 800 some damage isn't nothing.
🔗 14:11
Laserbeaks_Fury: oh this is p2
🔗 14:11
Anubis169: ok ok...
🔗 14:12
Laserbeaks_Fury: You made him skip his channel
🔗 14:12
PsychoI3oy: how come the enemy gets i frames while in the 'getting off the ground' animation but the player just gets repeatedly pancaked in the same situation?
🔗 14:12
Anubis169: doing good...
🔗 14:12
Khalahd: Yeah, Viscerals seem to be the ticket
🔗 14:12
Laserbeaks_Fury: Shoot the sword
🔗 14:12
BusTed: Nice interrupt.
🔗 14:12
lsuaksauke: wombo combo
🔗 14:12
daneislazy: dat aint falco
🔗 14:12
Lokiliar: happy feet
🔗 14:12
lsuaksauke: heal!
🔗 14:13
OneirosGolem: Be the Thalia, break the combo!
🔗 14:13
Samph1re: I belieeeve!
🔗 14:13
CaptainEnder7: !neptune
🔗 14:13
LRRbot: That weren't no thang for us bodacious lady girls!
🔗 14:13
Zeke229: chat, can you smell that?
🔗 14:13
lsuaksauke: almsot their
🔗 14:13
GruntAI: that smelly smell?
🔗 14:13
Metonymic_Human: The clench is real.
🔗 14:13
Khalahd: You really do need ALL the bullets
🔗 14:13
MilkInBag: dont curse it
🔗 14:13
BakedPotato0051: Finish him !
🔗 14:14
Lord_Durin: stay on target
🔗 14:14
DarkAbyssKeeper: Are we mashing R1?
🔗 14:14
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: you got this Cam!
🔗 14:14
Anubis169: !death
🔗 14:14
LRRbot: lrrAWW 531 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 14:14
Anubis169: noooooooo
🔗 14:14
Sektor88: So close ;_;
🔗 14:14
Zaghrog: No!
🔗 14:14
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: dawwwwwwww
🔗 14:14
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: it ok
🔗 14:14
Samph1re: nuuuuuu
🔗 14:14
chiropteraboy: ;-;
🔗 14:14
Nazzle10: thats brutal
🔗 14:14
1amafish: noooooooo
🔗 14:14
Anubis169: dammit logarius!
🔗 14:14
Caldurin: :-(
🔗 14:14
BusTed: Noooo
🔗 14:14
🔗 14:14
CamelknackRamblehort: So very close!
🔗 14:14
1amafish: so close cam
🔗 14:14
MilkInBag: chat, dont curse it!
🔗 14:14
DanSPG: oh god the feels
🔗 14:14
BakedPotato0051: Nooooooo
🔗 14:14
lsuaksauke: sooo close !
🔗 14:14
Nanomateria: Good try thou
🔗 14:14
aRubberBall: That was bullshit, I call shenanigans
🔗 14:14
Samph1re: that was so tense
🔗 14:14
daneislazy: not like this...
🔗 14:14
GruntAI: lrrEFF lrrEFF lrrEFF
🔗 14:14
Lokiliar: noooo
🔗 14:14
1amafish: GL, but I gotta bed. work in the morning
🔗 14:14
zergkind: Did anyone tell him he can break the sword to stop that effect?
🔗 14:14
CapnRobert: you got this
🔗 14:14
KamikazeAardvark: that smell? smell of BS
🔗 14:14
Anubis169: Cam: That was the best run so far though
🔗 14:14
JediTransmit: The clench was real.
🔗 14:14
Rootpotato: bad feels :(
🔗 14:14
Anubis169: it was excellent
🔗 14:15
Nanomateria: You'll get him next time!
🔗 14:15
GhassanPL: Most common From Software boss name: "No No No You Fucker"
🔗 14:15
Anubis169: you've got it
🔗 14:15
vrulg: Game offers you "Blade of Mercy"
🔗 14:15
Zaghrog: that was not BS
🔗 14:15
farligaallee: Loading, you had him so low yet you tried relying on a parry, you got behind him several times, all you needed to do was swing at him
🔗 14:15
CamelknackRamblehort: We got robbed though, one of those really should have been a crit
🔗 14:15
DTor214: Shoot. That was some amazing clutch from Logy
🔗 14:15
RealGamerCow: Soooo close.
🔗 14:15
Mr_Snafleburger: Of to a Final that is Open Book, Open Notes Open Internet. Should be fun
🔗 14:15
El_Pato_Psiquico: Yay farm Kappa
🔗 14:15
Deathcultritual: OMG
🔗 14:15
zergkind: wasn't being rude, took me awhile to notice it myself.
🔗 14:15
Whatanvarno: Cam: you can also shoot the sword with your gun
🔗 14:15
Dumori: 90sec delay is the pains
🔗 14:15
MilkInBag: the camera kind of trolled you at the end
🔗 14:15
qrpth: Martyr Logarius is hard, let's go shopping. Kappa
🔗 14:15
DiamondTiki: he did swing at him, when he wasn't busy winding up 1000 attacks
🔗 14:15
Omega_Lairon: Meanwhile, in the Lairon household, there is now a massive hle in the TV and the wall behind it, and a mangled mess of plastic where a PS4 used to be. It takes 5 federal police officers to eventually subdue me : (
🔗 14:15
Anubis169: zergkind: acknowledged, but he hit the sword more than once in that run
🔗 14:15
Nanomateria: well I am going to sleep
🔗 14:16
Anubis169: night Nanomateria :)
🔗 14:16
Nanomateria: Goodnight all
🔗 14:16
OneirosGolem: MilkInBag Yeah, that drop attack that broke the lock-on...
🔗 14:16
Omega_Lairon: (If I ahd been playing)
🔗 14:16
Zeke229: florida man turns himself in for killing his imaginry friend
🔗 14:16
Caldurin: Not sure I like the idea of having to farm consumables back after a boss attempt. Seems like an artificial method of slowing the player down, to me.
🔗 14:16
Zeke229: in the booking photo he looks real sad
🔗 14:16
🔗 14:16
DTor214: It looks like you're well prepared this time, though. That's much closer to victory than I've seen you get with your other characters.
🔗 14:16
AdmiralMemo: Operation: Birthday Gift Return = complete success
🔗 14:16
Anubis169 huggles
🔗 14:16
DarkAbyssKeeper: Breath, Cam. Breath.
🔗 14:16
Anubis169: ok chat, everybody sing happy birthday to AdmiralMemo
🔗 14:17
lsuaksauke: cam calm down and take a deep breath
🔗 14:17
isdxpro: Opinions on buying this game if one has not played dark souls or demon souls?
🔗 14:17
mistafuzzy subscribed for 3 months in a row!
🔗 14:17
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mistafuzzy! (Today's storm count: 8)
🔗 14:17
Anubis169: Happy birthday to you...
🔗 14:17
Anubis169: I don't want to get sued
🔗 14:17
Zotamedu: From should do something about their ragdolls.
🔗 14:17
Anubis169: So i'll stop right here...
🔗 14:17
AdmiralMemo: I chat in a zoo...
🔗 14:17
LordManiMani: happy birthday to you
🔗 14:17
Zaghrog: Happy birthday to you...
🔗 14:17
🔗 14:17
Samph1re: DarkAbyssKeeper, you're missing a magic e there, friend ;) - "breathe"
🔗 14:17
chiropteraboy: Happy birthday AdmiralMemo !
🔗 14:17
Sai_Maa: Ragdolls are the soul of the genre
🔗 14:17
lsuaksauke: happy birthday to you
🔗 14:17
ImSincerelySorry: Happy birthday dear Memo
🔗 14:17
Zeke229: they need to keep their ragdolls the way they are
🔗 14:17
h_dubs: If you have access to the lecture hall it's good for farming.
🔗 14:17
Omega_Lairon respectfully does not sing, for fear of shattering glass and rupturing ears
🔗 14:17
KinoGami: florida man, florida mann, does whatever a floridian can, is it good, no it's not, florida mannn
🔗 14:17
DarkAbyssKeeper: Zotamedu, absolutely not, ragdolls are necessary lightheartedness.
🔗 14:17
DTor214: What level is Cam's fancy-no-pants character now?
🔗 14:17
Zotamedu: They seem awfully clingy.
🔗 14:18
AdmiralMemo: I look like a monkey... and Cam's eaten by a grue
🔗 14:18
Anubis169: Loadingreadyrun: it's AdmiralMemo's birthday :D
🔗 14:18
AdmiralMemo: I am 33... What have I done with my life?
🔗 14:18
Rootpotato: happy birthday memo?!?
🔗 14:19
AdmiralMemo: :-P
🔗 14:19
Piperlyon: Herpy Derpdy AdmiralMemo
🔗 14:19
DTor214: Happy birthday, Memo!
🔗 14:19
ImmoralEthicist: Happy birthday, Memo!
🔗 14:19
Caldurin: happy birthday memo :-)
🔗 14:19
Briars_the_fox: Murray Birthmas Memo
🔗 14:19
Zotamedu: Famous last words...
🔗 14:19
Mangledpixel: Hippy Bathday AdmiralMemo
🔗 14:19
Lokiliar: Happy Birthday Memo :D
🔗 14:19
lsuaksauke: memo now play the voice track whne you vsed cam
🔗 14:19
lsuaksauke: in mtgo
🔗 14:19
SoSo_Tsundere: Happy B-day @Admiralmemo ! It was my birthday yesterday, sorry I couldn't teleport that cake to you!
🔗 14:19
MilkInBag: @Admiralmemo you are still alive, so you didnt waste it yet :)
🔗 14:19
Omega_Lairon: Nonsense Cam, you don't look a day over 18 >_>
🔗 14:19
AdmiralMemo: Alright, are we playing the "Make Memo's chat completely red" game? :-D
🔗 14:19
Briars_the_fox: Memo: yes
🔗 14:19
daneislazy: well you're a mod on lrr twitch, that's impressive to most here
🔗 14:19
ImmoralEthicist: @AdmiralMemo, Well, we are now...
🔗 14:19
AdmiralMemo: lsuaksauke, Oh yeah, hold up
🔗 14:19
lsuaksauke: XD
🔗 14:20
DarkAbyssKeeper: What build are you running, Memo? Did you roll a Waste of Skin for 33 levels?
🔗 14:20
BusTed: I think he just described Adam.
🔗 14:20
AdmiralMemo: DarkAbyssKeeper: Might as well be. :-D
🔗 14:20
GruntAI: \quote cameron
🔗 14:20
OneirosGolem: I kind of wish they had made Viscerals be some sort of key combo that didn't attack by default
🔗 14:21
Briars_the_fox: quick guys, everyone mention memo all the time. even if its not a relevant message to him. his chat must run red for his birthday!
🔗 14:21
WyleeCoyote556: Seriously though, happy birthday, Memo.
🔗 14:21
BusTed: So little health that we couldn't see it.
🔗 14:21
GruntAI: !quote Cameron
🔗 14:21
LRRbot: Quote #49: "I'm *tumescent*. That's how excited I am." —Cameron [2015-02-12]
🔗 14:21
amythist: Cam, less than the width of your head
🔗 14:21
Lokiliar: Gruntai use ! instead of \
🔗 14:21
ImmoralEthicist: Hey, some FHRITP pricks are getting banned from stadiums in Toronto. That's nice.
🔗 14:21
AdmiralMemo: GruntAI, It's no longer in Pump19. It's in LRRbot. Use !
🔗 14:21
Rootpotato: He was like 2 hits at most :/
🔗 14:21
DarkAbyssKeeper: You heard it folks, Memo's life is an ironman hardmode playthrough :P
🔗 14:21
Lutemuch: well Cam, if you were using paper he'd be way past dead...so using it next time should guarantee victory! Flawless logic
🔗 14:21
OneirosGolem: it'd be less intuitive, but you wouldn't accidentally throw yourself into an auto-chain.
🔗 14:21
Driosenth: we actually can't see how much health the bosses have when near zero, you block the view
🔗 14:21
Mr_Horrible: Okay, gotta go get groceries, but I'll be listening in. I believe you, Cam! Rah rah sisboombah!
🔗 14:21
GruntAI: yep, thanks! lrrAWESOME
🔗 14:21
OneirosGolem: He had so little that it was hidden behind your head. Probably sub 400?
🔗 14:21
lsuaksauke: cam you must click memo's link of you talking
🔗 14:21
Piperlyon: !badadvice
🔗 14:21
LRRbot: Take the Master Key.
🔗 14:21
AdmiralMemo: Loadingreadyrun: Yeah, I've said this before, but this will be my text tone: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8071753/IPlayGoodCards.mp3
🔗 14:21
Anubis169: !advice
🔗 14:21
LRRbot: Try to avoid being gruesomely killed.
🔗 14:21
Solomon_Kain: Serpentine Cam!
🔗 14:21
Anubis169: LRRbot on point
🔗 14:21
lsuaksauke: click it!
🔗 14:22
daneislazy: wait, did LRRbot consume and integrate Pump19? the poor thing
🔗 14:22
DarkAbyssKeeper: LRRBot or Pump?
🔗 14:22
OneirosGolem: Serpentine! Serpentine!
🔗 14:22
Samph1re: daneislazy, you will be assimilated
🔗 14:22
AdmiralMemo: daneislazy, It's a slow assimilation
🔗 14:22
DarkAbyssKeeper: Because I imagine Pump19 wouldn't have been a fun dining experience.
🔗 14:22
lsuaksauke: i love it its already my text ton
🔗 14:22
lsuaksauke: tone*
🔗 14:22
Carolina123655: Hi
🔗 14:23
Piperlyon: I actually have 'Watch & Pray' as a text tone
🔗 14:23
AdmiralMemo: Look, you beat me in that game, it's fair. :-)
🔗 14:23
lsuaksauke: once you say something on livestream
🔗 14:23
Sai_Maa: the second mode is pretty good for backstab fishing, the huge arc
🔗 14:23
lsuaksauke: it stays live forveer
🔗 14:23
lsuaksauke: forever*
🔗 14:23
lsuaksauke: until the internet is wiped
🔗 14:24
Carolina123655: Boring
🔗 14:24
AdmiralMemo: Look, I probably would've said it in your place... Just 1-sided wrath? Yeah, feels Batman. :-D
🔗 14:24
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: wait Admiralmemo it's your birthday today? Mine's tomorrow :D
🔗 14:24
AdmiralMemo: GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou, Yep. I turn 33 today.
🔗 14:24
JBRedPhoenix: ahh...
🔗 14:24
JBRedPhoenix: sup guys
🔗 14:24
Piperlyon: yes, get him in one*
🔗 14:24
AdmiralMemo: JBRedPhoenix, Other than my birthday and Cam's addiction, not much? :-D
🔗 14:24
Samph1re: "get him in one" doesn't quite apply here. "Get him in three", perhaps
🔗 14:24
Laserbeaks_Fury: Logarius Fight Tip: You can shoot the Sword
🔗 14:24
TheMetalupis: not much red, my house smells amazing from a cooking pork roast
🔗 14:25
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: hooray almost-birthday buddies
🔗 14:25
JBRedPhoenix: oh?
🔗 14:25
lsuaksauke: memo don't forget his promise too
🔗 14:25
AdmiralMemo: No. I don't.
🔗 14:25
JBRedPhoenix: Birthday for nemo?
🔗 14:25
MilkInBag: it's 5:25 EST
🔗 14:25
Briars_the_fox: Cam, i do. its my day off
🔗 14:25
PhoenixMelior is at work right now
🔗 14:25
Mindmage: I'm doing my job while I'm watching the stream
🔗 14:25
Lutemuch: no....
🔗 14:25
Angnor33: Yes, this is background noise at work.
🔗 14:25
Sektor88: I'm unemployed (noty by choice), thanks for rubbing it in. :P
🔗 14:25
MeinHerrBrush: nope. thats the problem
🔗 14:25
PsychoI3oy: I'm at my job
🔗 14:25
Piperlyon: I know I don't have a job
🔗 14:25
Whatanvarno: I'm actually at work right now
🔗 14:25
AdmiralMemo: lsuaksauke, Whose promise?
🔗 14:25
Rootpotato: today is my day off thank you :)
🔗 14:25
w0tness: In another country :D
🔗 14:25
Nazzle10: cam, berating the stream for watching him
🔗 14:25
Prsntypething: later in the day
🔗 14:25
IndigoVitare: it's 10:30pm here
🔗 14:25
Nazzle10: also UK time zone
🔗 14:25
ImmoralEthicist: Writing my dissertation, so technically I'm AT work
🔗 14:25
DanSPG: it's 23:25 here :P
🔗 14:25
KamikazeAardvark: i have a lawn to mow..... sure they won't mind it being put off another half hour
🔗 14:25
DTor214: I'm done with work for the day - it's almost 5:30 on the east coast
🔗 14:25
Zotamedu: No I don't. And it's 23:25 here.
🔗 14:25
Anubis169: lol i-frames <3
🔗 14:25
BusTed: My birthday was on Friday.
🔗 14:25
Lunareclipse123: Europe - it's nearly 10PM here
🔗 14:25
TyrantTaco: Nope, had my last Calculus final this morning
🔗 14:25
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I'm in a coffeehouse writing emails
🔗 14:25
Lancer873: Nope, I just have finals.
🔗 14:25
SoSo_Tsundere: Well, I can't speak for the others, but I am actually at work now! Also there are all the Brits...
🔗 14:25
KatofAsgard: It's 10:30 pm here!
🔗 14:25
lsuaksauke: when serum visions get reprinted he does a 24h live stream
🔗 14:25
OneirosGolem: Nnno. :C
🔗 14:25
ScarletKnight619: <message deleted>tits always make penises grow
🔗 14:25
thetardis42: <message deleted>we have jobs, and those jobs have unfiltered internet access :)
🔗 14:25
Wendipo: i wokr very early shifts
🔗 14:25
BusTed: Bunch of chat birthdays around this time of year apparently.
🔗 14:25
MrTulip: i'm in sweden, it's almost midnight here
🔗 14:25
Kortanios: It's 23:25 here... almost time to go to sleep
🔗 14:25
Samph1re: mods?
🔗 14:25
lsuaksauke: and serum visions is the august fnm promo
🔗 14:25
TheMetalupis: KamikazeAardvark, i did that earlier today
🔗 14:25
AdmiralMemo: Happy premature and belated birthday to everyone who has birthdays near here.
🔗 14:25
CaptainEnder7: Part of me wants to request "You can shoot the sword" be added to LRRBot's advice
🔗 14:26
Zotamedu: I've been spending the last year and a half trying to get a job.
🔗 14:26
JBRedPhoenix: I haz a job...
🔗 14:26
AdmiralMemo: Hunh what?
🔗 14:26
PhoenixMelior: oops, one of the mods missed
🔗 14:26
JBRedPhoenix: just it starts at like 6pm
🔗 14:26
Viczia: !uptime
🔗 14:26
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 4:28:04
🔗 14:26
DanSPG: yea I'm gonna let Alex tell me a bedtime story
🔗 14:26
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: hahaha I was wondering about that
🔗 14:26
Angnor33: Cam, you got a new jobrecently didn't you? Is today an off day?
🔗 14:26
Anubis169: un-timedout
🔗 14:26
Dix: MRW when people tell Cam to shoot the sword: FailFish
🔗 14:26
OneirosGolem: Use one blood vial, get thirteen bullets. Seems fair.
🔗 14:26
Anubis169: thetardis42, you can talk again :D
🔗 14:26
qrpth: "You can shoot the sword." is in the !advice now.
🔗 14:26
Lutemuch: !advice sword
🔗 14:26
JBRedPhoenix: Geez cam im I just catching the end of this stream?
🔗 14:26
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: pro tip: do not drink lead
🔗 14:27
JBRedPhoenix: over 4 hours?
🔗 14:27
Piperlyon: !advice
🔗 14:27
LRRbot: Hit them in the crack!
🔗 14:27
Whatanvarno: Cam: you would find that you need to grind less if you made a habit of never leaving the hunter's dream with blood echoes
🔗 14:27
Lordofjund: !advice
🔗 14:27
LRRbot: Use absolute aggression.
🔗 14:27
MeinHerrBrush: !badadvice
🔗 14:27
LRRbot: DO NOT push those buttons.
🔗 14:27
IndigoVitare: How do you drink lead? It's a solid at room temperature?
🔗 14:27
JBRedPhoenix: !badadvice
🔗 14:27
LRRbot: Let him live he'll give you a katana.
🔗 14:27
DarkAbyssKeeper: Can we then add 'Use the sword to block the bullets.' to bad advice? :P
🔗 14:27
Edroach: !food
🔗 14:27
wraithiss: My GF and I are PAX enforcers, and she spent all last prime as a twitch mod for the PAX channels. I think she enjoyed it much to much....
🔗 14:27
Thysane: Remember Cam: Executioner Set!
🔗 14:27
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Cam shoot the katana it drops a sweet guy.
🔗 14:27
ChroniclerC: Food=Health
🔗 14:27
qrpth: IndigoVitare: There are ways.
🔗 14:27
TurnedUsernameThirty: so chat you know those sites where you give 2 portraits and it gives you your hypothetical baby's face?
🔗 14:27
DoktorLoy: \quote
🔗 14:27
Morgoth_bauglyr: isnt there a llrbot thing about the food?
🔗 14:27
JBRedPhoenix: oh come on again...
🔗 14:27
MilkInBag: phishing sites, yeah
🔗 14:27
Rootpotato: gcu on point XD
🔗 14:28
Piperlyon: DoktorLoy: it's in LRRbot now, use !
🔗 14:28
DoktorLoy: oh, neat
🔗 14:28
Piperlyon: !quote
🔗 14:28
LRRbot: Quote #255: "I can't wait for the opportunity to inject myself with morphine I found on the ground." —Alex [2015-05-09]
🔗 14:28
daneislazy: oh, i can see a sliver of the mic above Cam's head
🔗 14:28
JBRedPhoenix: Don't make me stuck on chat only.
🔗 14:28
Assassins1981: <message deleted>poo
🔗 14:28
AdmiralMemo: OK, why are the LRR Window Birds following me on Twitter now? :-D
🔗 14:28
DiamondTiki: We established an entire Food =/!= Health-based math around that :p
🔗 14:28
DTor214: Your secret's safe with the internet!
🔗 14:28
Edroach: hey that's my current torso armor :(
🔗 14:28
KamikazeAardvark: that's how the internet works cam 80% pissing ppl off, 15% porn, 4% cat pictures, 1% useful information
🔗 14:28
Lordofjund: No we want to protection from red
🔗 14:28
Whatanvarno: I feel like that should be a quote :P
🔗 14:28
Anubis169: What merchant done to me?
🔗 14:28
wraithiss: Actually you met her Cameron, she had you sign one of the lands in her MTG deck.
🔗 14:28
SalmirAeon: how did you get 5000 blood echoes after pulling that level?
🔗 14:28
MilkInBag: the merchant is the game
🔗 14:28
Mogling: Do you HATE sweet katanas?
🔗 14:28
PhoenixMelior: i never understood why killing a merchant didn't give you access to all the goods he's selling.
🔗 14:28
Lutemuch: I think it's more than 15% porn
🔗 14:28
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Admiralmemo because CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP TWEEEEEET
🔗 14:28
Morgoth_bauglyr: why didnt you the key thief
🔗 14:28
chiropteraboy: if you kill the merchant you can't get that sweet rapier he's got for you you only get the weaboo sword
🔗 14:28
daneislazy: Kill the Master Key he drops a sweet fast roll
🔗 14:29
Zotamedu: It's half past eleven. That means it's time for a sandwich.
🔗 14:29
TurnedUsernameThirty: what if we use the site on K&G and Beej and Heather then use it on their results, then do the same with James and his wife and Jer and Tally to make the lrrbaby
🔗 14:29
Lutemuch: @Salmiraeon some guys decided to die on their own somewhere
🔗 14:29
Piperlyon: well sure, you can not kill the merchant, if you hate VALUE
🔗 14:29
🔗 14:29
JBRedPhoenix: crap... must refresh
🔗 14:29
AdmiralMemo: lsuaksauke, Nice 403 error
🔗 14:29
lsuaksauke: woops
🔗 14:29
lsuaksauke: >.>
🔗 14:29
lsuaksauke: shhh
🔗 14:29
OneirosGolem: I really do love that the symbol appears on the back of your head. It's like a "kick me" sign.
🔗 14:29
chiropteraboy: Go Cam!
🔗 14:29
KamikazeAardvark: Lutemuch porn and pissing ppl off 100% overlap if you've ever met an ultra conservative
🔗 14:29
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: whoa, that outfit? The Journey DLC got dark.
🔗 14:29
MilkInBag: numotGAME
🔗 14:29
Zeke229: http://i.imgur.com/mLXRXsG.gif someone msged me this pizza gif on imgur, omg chat i love it
🔗 14:29
Assassins1981: <message deleted>i said poo
🔗 14:29
Sai_Maa: Who uses Uchigatana when there is Iaito? :P
🔗 14:30
AdmiralMemo: KamikazeAardvark, Some people get off on pissing people off
🔗 14:30
Anubis169: hahahaha
🔗 14:30
El_Pato_Psiquico: wat
🔗 14:30
chiropteraboy: let's just sit here
🔗 14:30
Samph1re: wat
🔗 14:30
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: "yes this seems like a good place to sit down and take a breather"
🔗 14:30
lsuaksauke: memo how did you get the drop box to work D:
🔗 14:30
napsterthegrey: !next
🔗 14:30
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (29m from now)
🔗 14:30
AdmiralMemo: !pardonfuck
🔗 14:30
LRRbot: lrrEFF 3 pardons-fuck for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 14:30
Lutemuch: Motion Gestures awwwwwwww yeah
🔗 14:30
Neural_Engineer: Best of luck solo-ing this fight
🔗 14:30
Lord_ZYRK: Just showing Logarius you DGAF
🔗 14:30
Anubis169: !death
🔗 14:30
LRRbot: lrrAWW 532 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 14:30
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: "hang on my shoelace is untied"
🔗 14:30
daneislazy: Oh, man the sit down, such pro strats
🔗 14:30
El_Pato_Psiquico: wat a confortable pool of blod
🔗 14:30
MilkInBag: "time to rest" Kappa
🔗 14:30
Viczia: Is that the s Carey tech?
🔗 14:30
Anubis169: character felt like a timeout
🔗 14:30
Whatanvarno: That happens to me all the time, seems to be the controller messing up and thinking you pressed the facepannel
🔗 14:30
JBRedPhoenix: shoot and scoot cam
🔗 14:30
OneirosGolem: How did we even
🔗 14:30
AdmiralMemo: lsuaksauke, 1. it has to be in your "Public" folder
🔗 14:30
FocusTrees: Ziged when shoulda zagged.
🔗 14:30
chiropteraboy: The motion controls Cam
🔗 14:30
lsuaksauke: ohh ok
🔗 14:30
Viczia: Secret tech even
🔗 14:30
Sai_Maa: At least he didn't take that much resources this time Kappa
🔗 14:30
Angnor33: You were tired, needed a break.
🔗 14:30
Thysane: that was some messed up ***
🔗 14:30
ImmoralEthicist: and THAT is why I don't like using the motion controls for gestures
🔗 14:31
SoSo_Tsundere: well, I would have needed a rest after all that running
🔗 14:31
Lysander_Gustav: I didn't realize there was a separate sit-down command in this game?
🔗 14:31
Piperlyon: alright... that doesn't count. We'll still get it in one*
🔗 14:31
Laserbeaks_Fury: it's the stupid *** motion controls you CANT EVER TURN OFF
🔗 14:31
AdmiralMemo: lsuaksauke, 2. You go on the Dropbox site and right-click and go "Get public link"
🔗 14:31
CapnRobert: did you hold x and move the controller in a direction
🔗 14:31
Thelastdruid: If you hold X it activates the motion controls
🔗 14:31
Assassins1981: <message deleted>it is poo
🔗 14:31
Anubis169: Serge!
🔗 14:31
Anubis169: <3
🔗 14:31
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Cam union rules CLEARLY state that hunters get a sit-down break every 3 boss battles.
🔗 14:31
Sektor88: Hi Serge!
🔗 14:31
Inquisitorjl: Serge Surge!
🔗 14:31
Sai_Maa: Sit down and think it through
🔗 14:31
MilkInBag: Serge to the rescue
🔗 14:31
Solomon_Kain: Motion Control Gestures. You can't disable them.
🔗 14:31
JediTransmit: Serge FTW.
🔗 14:31
zergkind: check which one sit is set for, and change it to a different emote at least?
🔗 14:31
🔗 14:31
I_Am_Clockwork: Surge is good people
🔗 14:31
Rootpotato: ze serge
🔗 14:31
ImmoralEthicist: When you're pressing x, moving the controller can trigger gestures
🔗 14:31
TurnedUsernameThirty: so noone is talking me out of the lrrbaby then?
🔗 14:31
Piperlyon: #powerserge
🔗 14:31
BusTed: Serge arrives in a time of need.
🔗 14:31
JBRedPhoenix: The 8th!
🔗 14:31
Lysander_Gustav: Thank you Serge!
🔗 14:31
DiamondTiki: #powrsrg
🔗 14:31
Lutemuch: you can't turn it off Cam
🔗 14:31
AdmiralMemo: Assassins1981, That's nice. Please stop. :-)
🔗 14:31
DTor214: X to recover Echoes?
🔗 14:31
OneirosGolem: X to pick up the blood echoes, I guess.
🔗 14:31
Neural_Engineer: Holding x and moving the controller some times triggers the emotes...
🔗 14:32
Mr_Horrible: sounds like you accidentally did a motion-control gesture
🔗 14:32
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah, if you hold it down and move the controller around, you activate motion control emotes
🔗 14:32
Sai_Maa: interaction button pretty much
🔗 14:32
Inquisitorjl: yep, holding X and jiggling the controller in different ways makes you do emotes
🔗 14:32
DiamondTiki: so that's how you do gestures
🔗 14:32
🔗 14:32
TurnedUsernameThirty: um thanks Cam
🔗 14:32
Zeke229: im 1786 years old
🔗 14:32
Inquisitorjl: speed runners hate it
🔗 14:32
DiamondTiki: Very smert
🔗 14:32
Laserbeaks_Fury: hold down X, or spam it, as one is apt to do
🔗 14:32
Viczia: "On the roof of cainhurst castle, where cam sat down" to the music of Bonney m
🔗 14:32
lsuaksauke: i think it shoudl work now?
🔗 14:32
lsuaksauke: should*
🔗 14:32
JBRedPhoenix: Not like me?
🔗 14:32
Angnor33: Awww.
🔗 14:32
Anubis169: TurnedUsernameThirty: that wasn't directed at you
🔗 14:32
Mogling: 97 means they can vote now cam.
🔗 14:32
CapnRobert: the controller itself
🔗 14:32
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Anubis169 I know
🔗 14:32
Anubis169: it was at the guy who got timed out
🔗 14:32
CapnRobert: not liuke the thumbsticks
🔗 14:32
AdmiralMemo: lsuaksauke, It works... I don't know if I have a .m4a reader though
🔗 14:32
ImmoralEthicist: The controller, not the stick
🔗 14:32
lsuaksauke: oh
🔗 14:32
Thelastdruid: Just don't spam X real fast
🔗 14:33
lsuaksauke: hold on
🔗 14:33
TurboLover004: I'm 13 and what is this?
🔗 14:33
Neural_Engineer: Gesture depends on the mapping you have
🔗 14:33
Zeke229: no it doesnt modling
🔗 14:33
Zeke229: mogling
🔗 14:33
CamelknackRamblehort: That seems like a really poor way to bind gestures
🔗 14:33
Zeke229: you shut up
🔗 14:33
Mogling: 18 to vote no?
🔗 14:33
Anubis169: TurboLover004: this is Bloodborne, and you're below the age rating for this game
🔗 14:33
Whatanvarno: If you take off all your gestures you won't accidentally do them
🔗 14:33
DTor214: Listen, just leave the echoes on the ground. You can pick them up after you murder Log.
🔗 14:33
Zeke229 doesnt want to feel old
🔗 14:33
Zotamedu: There we go. I have a humus sandwich. How many deaths did I miss?
🔗 14:33
OneirosGolem: Mogling I think Zeke229 is just in denial
🔗 14:33
AdmiralMemo: lsuaksauke, I think it's opening in Quicktime 7
🔗 14:33
CamelknackRamblehort: Bloodborne team dropped the ball on that one
🔗 14:33
TurboLover004: Anubis, perhaps I should have put a Kappa in there
🔗 14:33
lsuaksauke: ahh
🔗 14:33
Anubis169: actually that's a valid point... mods question
🔗 14:33
lsuaksauke: next time i'll make it in an easier file srry D:
🔗 14:34
Myrdin90: Which boss is this? Cam is blocking the name.
🔗 14:34
AdmiralMemo: lsuaksauke, Let me see if it'll open in VLC.
🔗 14:34
JBRedPhoenix: shoot and scoot cam
🔗 14:34
El_Pato_Psiquico: logarius
🔗 14:34
qrpth: Martyr Logarius
🔗 14:34
TurboLover004: Martyr Logarius
🔗 14:34
Anubis169: what do we do if someone underage announces how old they are when the streamer's playing a game with a higher rating?
🔗 14:34
Appleguard: what an ***
🔗 14:34
CamelknackRamblehort: Permaban them
🔗 14:34
qrpth: Call their parents?
🔗 14:34
MrTulip: Just as an aside, I'm so not okay with the later parts of the forbidden forest.
🔗 14:35
Anubis169 is just curious
🔗 14:35
DTor214: Well, what country are they in?
🔗 14:35
Edroach: I spent more time on this boss than all other bosses combine (minus amelia and shadows)
🔗 14:35
Mogling: Anubis169, were you born in 169 BC?
🔗 14:35
El_Pato_Psiquico: i never remember to use the parry mechanic on this game i end up just junding the enemys out
🔗 14:35
RayFK: Anubis that is not s concern for you
🔗 14:35
Anubis169: !death
🔗 14:35
LRRbot: lrrAWW 533 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 14:35
AdmiralMemo: lsuaksauke, Ah. That's interesting.
🔗 14:35
lsuaksauke: yep
🔗 14:35
Unknowngamer88: is there an option to report their account? seems more useful than a straight ban
🔗 14:35
Omega_Lairon: Anubis169 - that's their problem, I'm not gonna do the parents job for 'em. Besides which, age =/= maturity, so I judge on actions
🔗 14:35
Anubis169: RayFK: eh, was just interested :)
🔗 14:35
Avacis: backing in a straight line against a straight line spell seems ineffective
🔗 14:35
OneirosGolem: alas.
🔗 14:35
Anubis169 huggles RayFK
🔗 14:35
Mindmage: What level are we currently? Logarius is recommended level 75
🔗 14:35
El_Pato_Psiquico: its weird to see someone play difrently
🔗 14:35
lsuaksauke: so im excited to see when cam decides to do it
🔗 14:35
AdmiralMemo: Anubis169, Hrm... Yeah, see how mature they are. If they're being a chungus, report them.
🔗 14:36
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Hey Cam, did you see the Nature article about the detection of significant amounts of positrons in a terrestrial thunderstorm?
🔗 14:36
JBRedPhoenix: That guy just spammed long range attacks
🔗 14:36
JBRedPhoenix: wtf
🔗 14:36
Anubis169: s'pose if they're cool about it then who cares :)
🔗 14:36
RayFK: Which is what applies to anyone regardless of age
🔗 14:36
JBRedPhoenix: whiskey tango foxtrot
🔗 14:36
IndigoVitare: there's never a brother
🔗 14:36
vrulg: lol, and then you're like "no"?
🔗 14:36
CamelknackRamblehort: gotta lock your stations people
🔗 14:36
Slyguy46: or, you know, "their brother"
🔗 14:36
Anubis169: GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: oooOOOooo
🔗 14:36
Anubis169: linky!
🔗 14:36
Mindmage: Hey Cam, what level are we? Logarius is recommended 75. May be why you're having issues.
🔗 14:36
lsuaksauke: my brother was on it XD
🔗 14:36
Lysander_Gustav: How strange. We're the top viewed channel for this game. How did that happen?
🔗 14:36
Supermane888: Is that a magical ankh tattoo?
🔗 14:36
lsuaksauke: omg i heard that 1 too many times
🔗 14:37
Omega_Lairon: Even if it was "their brother", that's their stupid problem for leaving their account open where spammers can get it. Uphold the ban, tell them to learn from it
🔗 14:37
Slyguy46: uhhh
🔗 14:37
AdmiralMemo: vrulg: Yeah, we had issues like that during Desert Bus.
🔗 14:37
RayFK: Especially as e rated games have plenty of M rated streamers, it's not twitchs job to regulate content age wise
🔗 14:37
Whatanvarno: I'd say giving that brother access to your account is a ban-able offence, even if it were true.
🔗 14:37
Zotamedu: How much is "a significant amount"?
🔗 14:37
farligaallee: i killed this boss at 47
🔗 14:37
Lysander_Gustav: Maybe it's the time of day?
🔗 14:37
Katboii: Your account is your own responsibility
🔗 14:37
Anubis169: because this channel is made of win and awesome
🔗 14:37
Angnor33: Because you are awesome, Cam.
🔗 14:37
CamelknackRamblehort: You are just that good Cam
🔗 14:37
ShiroiKirema: Good evening chat!
🔗 14:37
TurnedUsernameThirty: so pure curiosity is banning based off IP, Email or username? like if one account of mine were to be banned would another account work?
🔗 14:37
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: It's totally cool! They saw a significant 511 keV line which is a pretty bulletproof signature of e+p annihilation. Cannot yet necessarily confirm it was from the thunderstorm itself (could have something to do iwth the plane) so their followup study involves flying an A-10 into a thunderstorm :D
🔗 14:37
DiamondTiki: I dislike game design where whether you just eat *** depends largely on what the boss' semi-random attacj choosing function decides
🔗 14:37
Samph1re: you probably have to be over a certain age in order to be able to legally agree to the contract involved in making a Twitch account (or any online account for that matter).
🔗 14:37
Lysander_Gustav: Middle school just let out?
🔗 14:37
JBRedPhoenix: I cant handle
🔗 14:37
Rootpotato: cause we love you cam XD
🔗 14:37
x0den: "at best your mother is an ... failure" what did i walk in on?
🔗 14:37
qrpth: !viewers
🔗 14:37
LRRbot: 453 users viewing the stream. 420 users in the chat.
🔗 14:37
lsuaksauke: cam you stream for hours that its almost a 24 hour live stream XD
🔗 14:37
JBRedPhoenix: if that boss s[am
🔗 14:37
Papperslappen: Because all other channels has already beaten Logarius Kappa
🔗 14:37
DiamondTiki: I had this problem with MKX
🔗 14:37
Kurohasuu: this boss is easy as the witches of hemwick are
🔗 14:37
SalmirAeon: i just heard alex say "BEEEEES!"
🔗 14:38
JBRedPhoenix: *spams long range... Ill tilt
🔗 14:38
Slyguy46: yeaaaaaaah, I just found Gilbert
🔗 14:38
KamikazeAardvark: finally found out why cam sat down, turns out if you hold X and do a certain motion with the stick you will activate a gesture shortcut
🔗 14:38
Slyguy46: poor, poor Gilbert
🔗 14:38
Lysander_Gustav: Bees?
🔗 14:38
qrpth: BEEES
🔗 14:38
🔗 14:38
ImmoralEthicist: Cam, one thing I found useful: If you dodge to the left, you'll generally avoid the exploding skull BS
🔗 14:38
Anubis169: Kurohasuu: congratulations on being good, cam is not you
🔗 14:38
Mogling: Because speed runners reroll more than cam.
🔗 14:38
TurnedUsernameThirty: @X0den when I arrived Cam said "oh god this asshole" so I know how you feel
🔗 14:38
Supermane888: Oh, old man magician boss
🔗 14:38
MrTulip: Samph1re: depends on where you are.
🔗 14:38
Anubis169: he plays it his way
🔗 14:38
JBRedPhoenix: man this wifi sucks
🔗 14:38
TurnedUsernameThirty: !explain fun
🔗 14:38
PhoenixMelior: hey chat, random question. I have a concert to go to tonight, but I'm still exhausted from last night's late show. What drink do you have at a bar to wake you up?
🔗 14:38
Phrixscreoth: x0den talking about how if "your brother" gets your twitch account banned on a channel because they were posting inapporopriate stuff, and then asking to have the ban removed
🔗 14:38
qrpth: !explain fun
🔗 14:38
LRRbot: Please refrain from backseat gaming unless the streamer asks for help. The streamer wants to play the game the way they want. Feel free to discuss tactics in chat or with the mods.
🔗 14:38
JBRedPhoenix: Coffee Phoenix
🔗 14:38
CamelknackRamblehort: Coffee
🔗 14:38
Anubis169: PhoenixMelior: a strong coffee
🔗 14:38
Lord_ZYRK: PhoenixMelior, coffee Kappa
🔗 14:39
Laserbeaks_Fury: Do you think there were multiple options for Logarius to make his projectiles, and he chose skulls because they're metal?
🔗 14:39
PhoenixMelior: bars don't have coffee here, guys
🔗 14:39
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I'm wondering/hoping that the positron production is related to high-altitude sprite formation.
🔗 14:39
Anubis169: they do if you ask
🔗 14:39
Katboii: Wonder if you can make him back off the roof
🔗 14:39
JBRedPhoenix: or if theres a dollarama nearby, amp.
🔗 14:39
PhoenixMelior: @Anubis169 nope, I've tried
🔗 14:39
JBRedPhoenix: its like a buck
🔗 14:39
WinnebagoWrecker: Katboii You cannot
🔗 14:39
🔗 14:39
CamelknackRamblehort: What, are you in some third world country or something?
🔗 14:39
Katboii: Aww
🔗 14:39
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Laserbeaks_fury I think he's just been sitting in front of Cainhurst for centuries doing the magical equivalent of blowing smoke rings
🔗 14:39
lsuaksauke: well i gots to go Q.Q
🔗 14:39
ImmoralEthicist: @Katboii, Nope. You can fall off, he can't. Fairness!
🔗 14:39
ShiroiKirema: PheonixMelior, Coffee or energy drink, edging towards coffee
🔗 14:39
lsuaksauke: vya everyone
🔗 14:39
Anubis169: later lsuaksauke :D
🔗 14:39
CamelknackRamblehort: What kind of place doesn't have coffee in every building?
🔗 14:39
lsuaksauke: Good luck game i expect good news on teh 24 hour live stream
🔗 14:39
DTor214: @Phoenixmelior Crush a dew? Kappa
🔗 14:39
lsuaksauke: cam*
🔗 14:39
aRubberBall: They chose skulls because he's actually summoning and directing dead people. Executioner's Gloves has the same sprites
🔗 14:39
JBRedPhoenix: Oh come on stream. SHTAP SUCKING!
🔗 14:39
Lancer873: Welp. Steam servers went down *RIGHT* after I bought Invisible Inc.
🔗 14:39
Anubis169: PhoenixMelior: also, go into the bar restroom, fill a sink with ice cold water, and dunk your face in it
🔗 14:39
Anubis169: get it nice and frozen
🔗 14:40
Anubis169: !death
🔗 14:40
LRRbot: lrrAWW 534 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 14:40
PhoenixMelior: lol that might actually work, I have to do my makeup again anyway
🔗 14:40
DiamondTiki: This game's lock on is abysmal with tall and flying enemies
🔗 14:40
JBRedPhoenix: A169... as for the busser... I am damn sure im not cleaning that up.
🔗 14:40
OneirosGolem: I guess his secret tech is just throwing your camera lock onto the ground.
🔗 14:40
Samph1re: I think they designed this fight *explicitly* so that jump *** up your camera...
🔗 14:40
dmaiz96: logarius is so easy
🔗 14:40
Anubis169: JBRedPhoenix: busser?
🔗 14:40
Supermane888: Wow, Gandalf mean
🔗 14:40
napsterthegrey: !next
🔗 14:40
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (19m from now)
🔗 14:40
monsieur_squirrel: meeting vgoing on?
🔗 14:40
Vladimort_Poutine: !next
🔗 14:40
Cyclopsboi: is it possible to knock him off the roof?
🔗 14:40
JBRedPhoenix: busser, bus boy... that kind of role
🔗 14:40
Anubis169: ah
🔗 14:40
DTor214: @Cyclopsboi No
🔗 14:41
CamelknackRamblehort: yeah, camera bad
🔗 14:41
JBRedPhoenix: yep
🔗 14:41
JBRedPhoenix: And fk... refresh for me.
🔗 14:41
JBRedPhoenix: DANG IT!
🔗 14:41
CamelknackRamblehort: That has always been a problem with From Software games
🔗 14:41
PhoenixMelior: as for what kind of place doesn't have coffee... I don't know, most bars I go to have water, booze and mixins for common drinks. Because that's all they want you to have
🔗 14:41
Cyclopsboi: boo I was hoping that was going to be the winner
🔗 14:41
Thysane: he jumps up JUST out of range of the lock-on. that is messed up
🔗 14:41
Anubis169: JBRedPhoenix: try knocking down a quality level?
🔗 14:41
qrpth: If only the gamepad had more than two buttons...
🔗 14:41
CaffeinatedLemur: is there an orbital laser platform we can utilize?
🔗 14:41
Anubis169: also ctrl-f5, not just f5
🔗 14:41
JBRedPhoenix: its at low
🔗 14:41
aRubberBall: I really don't like how they attached the camera reset to the same imput as the lock-on. It's the only real control problem I have with this game
🔗 14:41
JBRedPhoenix: its the wifi here.
🔗 14:41
Anubis169: ah
🔗 14:41
Anubis169: sorry i can't cure that from here without root
🔗 14:42
CamelknackRamblehort: That is the problem with a controller, you just don't have enough buttons to work with
🔗 14:42
Anubis169: got root?
🔗 14:42
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: ew, is that item description literally "rub eldritch slime on your weapons to git gud"
🔗 14:42
KamikazeAardvark: PhoenixMelior i don't booze but don't some drinks contain like orange juice, orange juice wakes me up?
🔗 14:42
Piperlyon: PhoenixMelior: well, you can get a Coke, but I don't know how well that wakes you up
🔗 14:42
DiamondTiki: aRubberBall, really? How about the way you jump, and the jump forward attack?
🔗 14:42
Auriculum: Dont gimme dat weak *** KevinTurtle
🔗 14:42
JBRedPhoenix: There we go
🔗 14:42
DiamondTiki: MAybe I'm just bad, but those two seem really awkward to me
🔗 14:42
CamelknackRamblehort: And they decided to prioritize things like gestures above lock on
🔗 14:42
Anubis169: PhoenixMelior: ah! i know... behind the bar they will definitely have tonic water
🔗 14:42
PhoenixMelior: @Kamikazeaardvark you have a good point, I wonder if they'll have it at the bar I'm going to
🔗 14:42
Anubis169: ask for a glass of that
🔗 14:42
Cyclopsboi: I wouldn't have asked but I saw Alex knock what looked like a boss off a ledge in dark souls
🔗 14:42
JBRedPhoenix: Coke aint got enough caffine.
🔗 14:42
JBRedPhoenix: actually...
🔗 14:43
JBRedPhoenix: Phoenix, I work at a bar... which concert are you going to and where?
🔗 14:43
CaffeinatedLemur: thats what Jolt Cola is for jbredphoenix
🔗 14:43
Orthogonaltee: Just shoot straight vodka. Wakes me up every damn time
🔗 14:43
Laserbeaks_Fury: In DS you could. FROM learned better and put walls in to stop it
🔗 14:43
PhoenixMelior: oh also tonic water. I can mix this stuff with booze, that stuff doesn't exactly put me to sleep if I'm only having a couple
🔗 14:43
Zaghrog: Cyclopsboi yes, that was Dark Souls though
🔗 14:43
Supermane888: There were bosses in dark would who you can, and a few in bloodborne, I don't think you can for logarithm though
🔗 14:43
CamelknackRamblehort: Go buy some Excedrin migraine. It has about as much caffeine as a coffee
🔗 14:43
Anubis169: glad i could help :)
🔗 14:43
PhoenixMelior: @Jbredphoenix Ensiferum, Korpiklaani and TrollfesT at the Republik in Calgary
🔗 14:43
JBRedPhoenix: Oh jolt cola? that stuff its the bomb
🔗 14:43
ShiroiKirema: @PhoenixMelior, some bars have red-bull vodka, that might have enough caff
🔗 14:43
JBRedPhoenix: Oh ok..
🔗 14:43
JBRedPhoenix: Yeah... not the venue im working tonight
🔗 14:43
aRubberBall: @Diamondtiki That's more of how the game reacts to the button being pressed, not the input itself.. slaving both a camera reset and another command to the same input just doesn't work with me :(
🔗 14:43
Anubis169: if you're tired, i'd say don't do red bull vodka
🔗 14:43
Cyclopsboi: they are both from software thought they may have carried forward the mechanic
🔗 14:43
Inquisitorjl: play with the cute werewolf
🔗 14:43
Anubis169: in some people it really screws you up
🔗 14:43
PhoenixMelior: yeah there aren't a ton of Runners in Calgary sadly
🔗 14:44
ImmoralEthicist: @PhoenixMelior, Korpiklaani are so much fun live
🔗 14:44
JBRedPhoenix: Straight redbull/monster. NOTHING ELSE
🔗 14:44
PhoenixMelior: @Immoralethicist try seeing them on a boat :P it's the best
🔗 14:44
JBRedPhoenix: I is runner here... sorta.
🔗 14:44
JBRedPhoenix: sorta...
🔗 14:44
PhoenixMelior: I may do something like that
🔗 14:44
DTor214: Oh, I have an idea! Ask the bartender for a drink that will wake you up. Surely they will know what they have.
🔗 14:44
PhoenixMelior: @Jbredphoenix are you in Calgary?
🔗 14:44
Spoony707: hi cam
🔗 14:44
x0den: !help
🔗 14:44
🔗 14:44
Orastes: afternoon all
🔗 14:44
Supermane888: Before Alex commandeers the stream office
🔗 14:44
DiamondTiki: aRubberBall, I'd say how the game reacts to my inputs is control design, but that's fair. They're all silly to me
🔗 14:44
JBRedPhoenix: Yeah im at the central library atm
🔗 14:44
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: ah the delicate balancing act of finding the volume level where I can hear Cam but I'm not disturbing other people in the coffeehouse
🔗 14:44
Zaghrog: explotiting a boss of the ledge does not seem like an intentional game mechanic
🔗 14:44
PhoenixMelior: lol there is that. "Hey bartender, gimma something that'll wire me up" Jagerbombs later XD
🔗 14:44
JBRedPhoenix: 4th floor, nw side
🔗 14:44
DanSPG: well we'll only need 1 right :D
🔗 14:45
DiamondTiki: A shame really, almost everything in this game isreally awesome
🔗 14:45
x0den: honestly surprised that worked
🔗 14:45
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Zaghrog if it were anyone other than From Software, I would agree.
🔗 14:45
Lord_ZYRK: Soundboard should be bookmarked
🔗 14:45
Samph1re: GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou, no headphones? earbuds?
🔗 14:45
Spoony707: Cameron, if you acknowledge me my life will have been fulfilled!
🔗 14:45
🔗 14:45
DiamondTiki: But that god damn lock on and a few of those controls...
🔗 14:45
qrpth: !soundboard
🔗 14:45
LRRbot: The soundboard used can be found at http://montageparodies.net
🔗 14:45
Theonecalledstu: why is heather handhelds playing bloodborne
🔗 14:45
ChroniclerC: No such thing as cheese.
🔗 14:45
Sai_Maa: What does not seem intended?'
🔗 14:45
Spoony707: :D
🔗 14:45
Driosenth: Even Duke Skip?
🔗 14:45
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Samph1re don't have any functional ones. Earbuds and most headphones are very painful for me.
🔗 14:45
JBRedPhoenix: Man I need food...
🔗 14:45
YittiesandTitties: The cheese is a lie
🔗 14:45
DTor214: Do or do not, etc.
🔗 14:45
PhoenixMelior: it's CAMERON'S handhelds. You hold a controller n your hand
🔗 14:45
RigJuice: So, Now that your bucket list is done now what @Spoony707
🔗 14:45
Zaghrog: Do, or do not, there is no try
🔗 14:46
PMAvers: Oh, so the streaming PS4 works. I was expecting it to get killed from the whole PT debacle and Cam reverting to a feral form.
🔗 14:46
JBRedPhoenix: CPL sucks for not having food beyond the first floor
🔗 14:46
El_Pato_Psiquico: calling cheesing is for scrubs
🔗 14:46
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Normally I'm vehemently against cheese in games. From Software is an exception because I know it's deliberately part of the spirit of the game.
🔗 14:46
Solomon_Kain: From Softwares Line is basicaly: If you can get away with it in-game, go for it. Play how you want.
🔗 14:46
Orthogonaltee: I always treat any viable means in the regular game to do something as not a cheat
🔗 14:46
PhoenixMelior: @Jbredphoenix interesting. I don't library a lot, but that's because I'm out of school. The U of C library had food
🔗 14:46
JBRedPhoenix: apparently its a "safety issue"
🔗 14:46
Lysander_Gustav: There's no such thing as cheese in game
🔗 14:46
Orthogonaltee: if you go to a console or enter in a cheat, then that's a cheat
🔗 14:46
Sai_Maa: Hell, Miyazaki called you can skip Ceasless before ppl found it out lol
🔗 14:46
Camail: I believe in you this time, cam!
🔗 14:46
Metricos: Hi again friendos
🔗 14:46
PhoenixMelior: i'm also in downtown
🔗 14:46
Zaghrog: cheating is different
🔗 14:46
CamelknackRamblehort: I like that approach to exploits, that the code is the authoritative rule book on the game
🔗 14:46
Zotamedu: No. Try. Do... or do not. There is no try.
🔗 14:47
JBRedPhoenix: meet up? my shift doesn't start for another hour or so...
🔗 14:47
Spoony707: You got this cam!
🔗 14:47
CamelknackRamblehort: It is the only fair way
🔗 14:47
Lysander_Gustav: If it exists in the game, and the developers haven't patched it out, than it's a legit strategy. Anything else is a "No True Scotsman" fallacy.
🔗 14:47
DTor214: Log kept doing the hover-and-divebomb attack, and you kept missing the timing on parrying it. So yeah, getting shaky at the end.
🔗 14:47
TheMooseTetrino: Damnit Twitch didn't notify me.
🔗 14:47
Sai_Maa: The skip greater souls was not intended thought
🔗 14:47
TheMooseTetrino: AGAIN.
🔗 14:47
PhoenixMelior: @Jbredphoenix I'm at work for another hour :(
🔗 14:47
JBRedPhoenix: lAmE
🔗 14:47
Theonecalledstu: does this mean no alex today?
🔗 14:47
RigJuice: Don't get why you can't just burn a vial for bullets
🔗 14:47
PhoenixMelior: yeah, Engg lyfe so lame
🔗 14:47
qrpth: There will be an Alex.
🔗 14:47
Laserbeaks_Fury: Considering Ceaseless has a built in cheese kill, skipping him seems largely a speed run issue
🔗 14:48
amythist: nope Theonecalledstu he'll be in shortly
🔗 14:48
DiamondTiki: Oh yeah, and the retrieval screen dimming everything, that's also fun
🔗 14:48
Metricos: RIP in pepperonis
🔗 14:48
DiamondTiki: Welp
🔗 14:48
JBRedPhoenix: Fk yo long range attack
🔗 14:48
narcojerk: rekt
🔗 14:48
Theonecalledstu: cool beans both my fav streamers today
🔗 14:48
Orthogonaltee: welp
🔗 14:48
Supermane888: I see he's streamlining the dying process, he's much quicker now :P
🔗 14:48
JBRedPhoenix: great... officially HATE that guy
🔗 14:48
Cyclopsboi: that is unfun
🔗 14:48
Piperlyon: I am not at all ashamed to say that I cheesed out Capra Demon with dung piles and Lautrec with poisoned... arrows I believe
🔗 14:48
RigJuice: Oh, no, without jabbing yourself for it
🔗 14:48
Zaghrog: I think the intent was that you get bullets directly from the vial
🔗 14:49
Omega_Lairon: Uhh...
🔗 14:49
Omega_Lairon: !death add 1
🔗 14:49
LRRbot: 535 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 14:49
CamelknackRamblehort: There is not cheese in From Software games, this is word of god
🔗 14:49
Omega_Lairon: Unless I'm mistaken
🔗 14:49
DiamondTiki: how do you get bullets directly from a vial?
🔗 14:49
Piperlyon: wait, is Anubis not here?
🔗 14:49
JBRedPhoenix: Uh...
🔗 14:49
CamelknackRamblehort: I think dung pile was intentional
🔗 14:49
Laserbeaks_Fury: I can just see it now, a full on gatling gun with just a drum full of blood
🔗 14:49
JBRedPhoenix: idk if he went afk
🔗 14:49
Zotamedu: Anubis was here a couple of minutes ago.
🔗 14:49
GreyFox0012: i killed capra demon with firebombs
🔗 14:49
CamelknackRamblehort: And poison arrows was certainly intentional
🔗 14:49
Supermane888: I still have nightmares about the Capra Demon
🔗 14:50
JBRedPhoenix: hes probably afk
🔗 14:50
EvilGamr: think I beat capra legit but yes...too much stuff in that small space
🔗 14:50
OneirosGolem: DiamondTiki You can't. Chat is wishing that you could.
🔗 14:50
amythist: though I think the Sif cheese kill is one of the better ones
🔗 14:50
Lancer873: Sometimes you just have to fight Broken with Broken
🔗 14:50
Zaghrog: I found out about the ledge tech pret quickly so I did not die horribly many times to Capra Demon
🔗 14:50
Acidjack303: Hello from The wierd German ^^
🔗 14:50
amythist: go in, trigger her, die, come back and if you stand on a ledge just outside of the fog gate you can see her over the wall and just pump arrows into her
🔗 14:50
PsychoI3oy: Acidjack303 there are normal ones?
🔗 14:50
Piperlyon: I tried to be fancy with Lautrec by parrying him, but his entourage just kept wrecking me
🔗 14:50
Stalevar_: yup, and seal skip is 100% coded by from, legit falling through geometry strategy. works as intended
🔗 14:50
CamelknackRamblehort: I never have trouble with Capra, but O&S always school me
🔗 14:50
Thysane: I loved Alex's catharsis when he absolutely flattened the Capra Demon on his first Chinese Grave Sword run
🔗 14:51
DiamondTiki: Thanks, OneirosGolem. I really know very little about the game, onlyplayed a few hours
🔗 14:51
TurnedUsernameThirty: chat is there a recent video with Kathleen without glasses?
🔗 14:51
Metricos: Logarius please
🔗 14:51
Metricos: Please chill
🔗 14:51
Acidjack303: @psychoi3oy yeah good Point
🔗 14:51
Anubis169: !death
🔗 14:51
LRRbot: lrrAWW 536 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 14:51
Metricos: oh okay bye
🔗 14:51
Metricos: :C
🔗 14:51
OneirosGolem: DiamondTiki No problem! The game doesn't always make sense.
🔗 14:51
Anubis169: :(
🔗 14:51
Inquisitorjl: :<
🔗 14:51
Potedes: HAHAHA
🔗 14:51
Spoony707: love you cam
🔗 14:51
narcojerk: loool
🔗 14:51
JBRedPhoenix: And...
🔗 14:51
CamelknackRamblehort: @Stalevar_ They are aware of the skip, the could have patched it out and they have chosen not to. That makes it, by their own words, legit
🔗 14:51
echinoid: oops
🔗 14:51
Dumori: wow the music real qued well witht hat death
🔗 14:51
JBRedPhoenix: eff
🔗 14:51
narcojerk: gg
🔗 14:51
malfunct: where are the safety rails, that is a lawsuit waiting to happen
🔗 14:51
Anubis169: this can be solved by more caffeine
🔗 14:51
Zikerrock: f0kin scub m9
🔗 14:51
Nidalab: You got cocky
🔗 14:51
Potedes: oh god the reaction when he fell down
🔗 14:51
Cyclopsboi: and that's fair and balanced...
🔗 14:52
Anubis169: Zikerrock: calm down
🔗 14:52
Metricos: So while out getting groceries I saw an 80 year old woman vaping with a vape...pen? whatever they're called. It looked like a penis. Like it was designed to look like one on purpose and I'm horrified
🔗 14:52
JBRedPhoenix: !next
🔗 14:52
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (7m from now)
🔗 14:52
Questhere: gravity OP
🔗 14:52
Anubis169: and chat in general, calm the eff down
🔗 14:52
qrpth: Flawless masterpiece.
🔗 14:52
CamelknackRamblehort: Unless you want to argue with the developers about the true vision of the game
🔗 14:52
Piperlyon: ok, Anubis, can you actually see the future. You seem to actually add the deaths before he even dies
🔗 14:52
DiamondTiki: yeah, there's a ton of *** from each boss. *** 'em right back
🔗 14:52
Seirhune: @Metricos Elderly lady trolling hard?
🔗 14:52
JBRedPhoenix: *tilts*
🔗 14:52
Metricos: A169 is literally a psychic, Piperlyon
🔗 14:52
EvilGamr: its bloodborne, we all see death ahead
🔗 14:52
PsychoI3oy: Metricos e-cigarette or e-cig is a common term for them
🔗 14:52
GreyFox0012: @Piperlyon your stream is lagging
🔗 14:52
Piperlyon: that is also a possibility
🔗 14:52
OneirosGolem: "Cannibalism"
🔗 14:53
Anubis169: Piperlyon: it's handy sometimes, but argh i'm frequently the victime of Cassandra Truth
🔗 14:53
Lord_ZYRK: Alex "cannibalism" Steacy
🔗 14:53
Metricos: Ty psychol3oy. I don't keep up with the hip fresh kids' funky lingo. i'm old
🔗 14:53
Acidjack303: Canibalism ???
🔗 14:53
HebrewicHandRubbing: Cannibalism confirmed for okay by Alex
🔗 14:53
Ownyke: Alex "I think that's the one! Cannibalism!" Steacy
🔗 14:53
DiamondTiki: Can we just add "cannibalism" to the quotes? :p
🔗 14:53
Cyclopsboi: lol
🔗 14:53
Jhardin87: where'd the feed go?
🔗 14:53
PhoenixMelior: it's still here
🔗 14:53
JBRedPhoenix: wait... is your character a girl cam?
🔗 14:53
Anubis169: Jhardin87: ctrl-f5
🔗 14:54
Metricos: No shame in bellringing. It's a gameplay mechanic for a reason.
🔗 14:54
GreyFox0012: yes the character is female
🔗 14:54
CaffeinatedLemur: jbredphoenix: yes
🔗 14:54
PhoenixMelior: *ding dong* Bring out your dead!
🔗 14:54
CamelknackRamblehort: Yep, cam is the prettiest princess
🔗 14:54
DTor214: Cam's character is a badass
🔗 14:54
ImmoralEthicist: go for it. this fight sucks, get help
🔗 14:54
JBRedPhoenix: whuuuuuuuuuut?
🔗 14:54
Acidjack303: I eat Vegetarians #caninalism xD
🔗 14:54
Cyclopsboi: you should ask the boss politely if you could fight him on the ground.
🔗 14:54
Anubis169: yup cam's character is a lady and an asskicker
🔗 14:54
Dumori: bell is 100% legit
🔗 14:54
Spoony707: what does ringing the bell do?
🔗 14:54
CamelknackRamblehort: Can we get that quote from earlier today?
🔗 14:54
MrTulip: Getting the boys
🔗 14:54
qrpth: Summon help.
🔗 14:54
Anubis169: Spoony707: summon cooperative help
🔗 14:54
ImmoralEthicist: I had a really hard time finding help for this fight until I was a higher level, though
🔗 14:54
Thysane: you use whatever method you can to get you to victory
🔗 14:54
EldraziOutlaw: Wait, Didn't you JUST say that anything in the game is fair to use, why does using the bell make you a scrub??!!
🔗 14:54
El_Pato_Psiquico: bell calls for allies
🔗 14:54
PhoenixMelior: Gather the Townsfolk
🔗 14:55
CapnRobert: coming
🔗 14:55
Zotamedu: Well that was disappointing. I had envisioned something much larger when he said, ring the bell.
🔗 14:55
Spoony707: does that mean he makes it multiplayer coop?
🔗 14:55
PhoenixMelior: one night only
🔗 14:55
Anubis169: Cam: CapnRobert is gonna help you out :D
🔗 14:55
Supermane888: Get the band back together
🔗 14:55
DTor214: This is certainly our Fateful Hour. We're at <5 minutes
🔗 14:55
dropkickstart: Wouldn't the bell fall under the strategy of "anything you can do to beat the game" that FROM ok'd? Seems legit to me...
🔗 14:55
Hippitybobbity: Muh baaaaaand
🔗 14:55
Nightlightgotme: #scrublife
🔗 14:55
JBRedPhoenix: I don't understand whats happening
🔗 14:55
RigJuice: eeh
🔗 14:55
PhoenixMelior: he's summoning another player
🔗 14:55
PhoenixMelior: basically
🔗 14:55
JBRedPhoenix: cams character.... one away from babe mentality
🔗 14:55
Anubis169: JBRedPhoenix: ringing the bell lets you summon other players to help you
🔗 14:55
RigJuice: You can hat harder... >.>
🔗 14:55
CamelknackRamblehort: @Jbredphoenix He is getting help from other platers
🔗 14:55
KinoGami: cam has resorted to asking for help?
🔗 14:55
OneirosGolem: JBRedPhoenix We made a call, and now we're waiting to see if anyone picks up the phone.
🔗 14:55
cddento: timeup/
🔗 14:56
Alixonzen: Cam you got more then 5 life so you only get 2 humans for that gather the townsfolk Kappa
🔗 14:56
EldraziOutlaw: Cam, you might not be able to find people till around lvl 75 for this boss
🔗 14:56
Seirhune: Playing fashion souls while we are waiting.....
🔗 14:56
Jhardin87: Lol I love trying to figure out what alex and kathleen are doing in the background
🔗 14:56
Zaghrog: maybe this is more like Desperate Ravings?
🔗 14:56
KinoGami: what level is cam?
🔗 14:56
TheWanderingNomad: Is it weird I'm more curious what everyone's discussing in the other oom?
🔗 14:56
KamikazeAardvark: 55
🔗 14:56
Seirhune: I guess it would be fashion blood...fashion borne....
🔗 14:56
JBRedPhoenix: wheres the people?
🔗 14:56
echinoid: legit
🔗 14:56
OneirosGolem: Thewanderingnomad It's human nature to seek the unseen.
🔗 14:56
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I also want you to kill this guy.
🔗 14:56
Loudest13: This new game plus?
🔗 14:56
PhoenixMelior: may have to try again
🔗 14:56
Metricos: BeautyBorne, Seirhune
🔗 14:56
Anubis169: help is legit, the boss is BS
🔗 14:56
Avalon_Youk: is that Alex I hear in the background?
🔗 14:56
amythist: nope Loudest13
🔗 14:56
Metricos: Maybe she's borne with it Kappa
🔗 14:56
TheWanderingNomad: I think Blood Fashion works
🔗 14:57
Loudest13: Ok
🔗 14:57
Seirhune: Thank you, Metricos.
🔗 14:57
CamelknackRamblehort: Fashion Souls and Beauty Borne
🔗 14:57
Axatus: time to kick Cam out of the streaming office Kappa
🔗 14:57
CaffeinatedLemur: no NPCs we can summon, only other players?
🔗 14:57
Mr_Horrible: yeah
🔗 14:57
PMAvers: I think that's what I'm going to do next time I attempt the Pursuer, getting sick of dying on him
🔗 14:57
Omega_Lairon: BeautyBorn and the Blood Starved Beast ?
🔗 14:57
qrpth: Axatus: There's like 5 minutes left.
🔗 14:57
JBRedPhoenix: Oh my gosh...
🔗 14:57
Jhardin87: I hear alex, kathleen, Paul and maybe even graham
🔗 14:57
🔗 14:57
Piperlyon: every boss is BS to some degree or another, it's usually just a question of if you can be MORE BS
🔗 14:57
🔗 14:57
KinoGami: :o
🔗 14:57
CapnRobert: trying
🔗 14:57
KinoGami: someone 45-65 needs to get to logarius
🔗 14:57
PhoenixMelior: how much insight does it cost to summon?
🔗 14:57
Nightlightgotme: one
🔗 14:57
Dumori: 1
🔗 14:58
Supermane888: Blood starved beast = *** but glitched
🔗 14:58
KinoGami: costs 1 insight to beckon for people
🔗 14:58
Solomon_Kain: Cainhurst is a pretty remote area
🔗 14:58
PMAvers: I'm surprised it still costs insight even if no one picks up.
🔗 14:58
Thysane: CapnRobert is attempting!
🔗 14:58
KinoGami: 0 to invade or assist
🔗 14:58
cddento: What level do you have to be to enter someones game?
🔗 14:58
JBRedPhoenix: Wait cam
🔗 14:58
Whatanvarno: +/- 10%
🔗 14:58
TheWanderingNomad: Too late
🔗 14:58
JBRedPhoenix: NOOOO
🔗 14:58
JBRedPhoenix: No cam No!
🔗 14:58
JBRedPhoenix: wait....
🔗 14:58
PhoenixMelior: eh, it happens
🔗 14:58
Anubis169: well he did wait a very long time x_x
🔗 14:58
DanSPG: chat is behind anyway so when he sees you it would be too late anyway
🔗 14:58
CapnRobert: sorry no idea why it was not joining it says searching for a beckoning bell
🔗 14:58
Hippitybobbity: punch him in his innards!
🔗 14:58
Anubis169: maybe psn is just very slow
🔗 14:58
DiamondTiki: The stagger timings in this game are really weird
🔗 14:59
Solomon_Kain: you spend Humanity the same way in Dark Souls, not knowing if help will come. its annoying when you see messages that essentially say "Summon me for help" and you cant because of an unkown level gap.
🔗 14:59
KinoGami: capnroberts: Cam's network might be set to local, finding games takes a while. variety of reasons
🔗 14:59
JBRedPhoenix: What...............
🔗 14:59
CamelknackRamblehort: No, it is set to world wide
🔗 14:59
Anubis169: yeah...
🔗 14:59
JBRedPhoenix: Oh my gosh stop spamming that attack you FRICKEN SCRUB of a boss!
🔗 14:59
63cx0: !next
🔗 14:59
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (2s from now)
🔗 14:59
🔗 15:00
Anubis169: JBRedPhoenix, cool it man :)
🔗 15:00
PMAvers: I dunno, if I had that spell I'd spam it all the time
🔗 15:00
KinoGami: me and foxmar had a password set and it still took forever to join up
🔗 15:00
Mr_Horrible: They looped around? O.o
🔗 15:00
Dix: lrrEFF ing shenanigans
🔗 15:00
JBRedPhoenix: sorry... bs bos is totally bs
🔗 15:00
Avacis: sodium levels rising
🔗 15:00
Mr_Horrible: first time I've seen the wide sweep do that...
🔗 15:00
AdmiralMemo: 63cx0, That's the lowest time I've seen on the next timer. :-D
🔗 15:00
KinoGami: logarius is a total dick
🔗 15:00
JBRedPhoenix: RedPhoenix tilt count 2
🔗 15:01
Acidjack303: Is dickbutt still The pw for everything in The moonbase xD
🔗 15:01
Papperslappen: Where do he get all these skulls from?
🔗 15:01
Anubis169: we're not doing tiltcount
🔗 15:01
JBRedPhoenix: get recked!
🔗 15:01
KinoGami: Papperslappen: all of cam's old corpses
🔗 15:01
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Give it up, Logarius! 2nd Ed is dead and it's never coming back!
🔗 15:01
Metricos: \lrrAWESOME/ viscerallll
🔗 15:01
JBRedPhoenix: Omg Just eat the blade!
🔗 15:01
63cx0: AmiralMemo: Based on you beeing a routine chat member does that mean no one ever overrun their time? ^^
🔗 15:01
Nightvalien28: nice viscerall
🔗 15:01
Anubis169: !death
🔗 15:01
LRRbot: lrrAWW 537 deaths for Bloodborne on A Swiftly Tilting Cameron
🔗 15:02
Metricos: poor cam :C
🔗 15:02
Mowdownjoe: WELP
🔗 15:02
Ownyke: it's okay Cam we all love you
🔗 15:02
Metricos: lrrAWW
🔗 15:02
JBRedPhoenix: cra
🔗 15:02
Telenstray: lrrAWW lrrAWW
🔗 15:02
Nightlightgotme: ripieces
🔗 15:02
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: it ok Cam, I still love you :D
🔗 15:02
KinoGami: logarius can go lrrEFF himself
🔗 15:02
Anubis169: next stream, let's prepare an army for this guy
🔗 15:02
AdmiralMemo: Welp... It's Alex time... Cam can go home. :-)
🔗 15:02
Orthogonaltee: dick boss is a dick
🔗 15:02
Sektor88: Thanks, Cam. :3
🔗 15:02
Supermane888: Dumbledore wins again
🔗 15:02
Axatus: 63cx0 oh its usually way over :P
🔗 15:02
Slyguy46: bye cam!
🔗 15:02
Jhardin87: thanks cam!!!
🔗 15:02
RigJuice: I look forward to it
🔗 15:02
JBRedPhoenix: That.... NPC is way too op.
🔗 15:02
Acidjack303: Ill be there
🔗 15:02
DTor214: Bye Cam! Thanks for the stream!
🔗 15:02
JohneyS: Watching Cam and Alex steam so much Blooodborne/Dark Souls inspired me to go back and give Dark Souls another try. I think I finally got over the hump and now sort of understand the rhythm of the game.
🔗 15:02
BusTed: See you next time, Cam.
🔗 15:02
Nightvalien28: thanks for the stream cam, it was really fun
🔗 15:02
Jhardin87: I'll miss you!!
🔗 15:02
Cyclopsboi: thanks cam!
🔗 15:02
DiamondTiki: Thanks for the stream, Cameron!
🔗 15:02
Thysane: yeah, next stream y'all should get the posse together for this boss
🔗 15:02
63cx0: Axatus: I see ^^
🔗 15:02
KinoGami: I guess i'll level my arcade build and go wait
🔗 15:02
napsterthegrey: Cam thank you for streaming and keeping me company while I study!!
🔗 15:02
Acidjack303: Thx cam
🔗 15:02
Aracuda: bye Cam
🔗 15:02
KinoGami: arcane*
🔗 15:02
Anubis169: thanks Cam for the stream :D
🔗 15:02
JBRedPhoenix: later cam
🔗 15:02
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: bye Cam!
🔗 15:02
Mr_Horrible: Cam, as an aside, when he channels like that, if you backstab, you'll interrupt it and he'll have to start it again.
🔗 15:02
DTor214: Cam will you summon again tomorrow?
🔗 15:02
Anubis169 salutes o7
🔗 15:02
63cx0: Bye Cam!
🔗 15:02
TheWanderingNomad: Byyye
🔗 15:02
DanSPG: chin up Cam. You've gotten good attempts , thx for stream
🔗 15:02
Questhere: kthxbai!
🔗 15:02
Aracuda: so, did we win?
🔗 15:03
DiamondTiki: Bye!
🔗 15:03
Mr_Horrible: As always, thanks for the stream!
🔗 15:03
Darth_Gatsby: Thanks cam!
🔗 15:03
CamelknackRamblehort: We should get as many fans on at the begginning of the stream as possible and we can just have 5 of use run in and destroy that guy
🔗 15:03
KinoGami: no aracude
🔗 15:03
CamelknackRamblehort: beginning
🔗 15:03
KinoGami: aracuda*
🔗 15:03
JBRedPhoenix: Gah that boss...
🔗 15:03
AdmiralMemo: 63cx0, No I'm just talking about the timer itself. I've never seen it report back at 2 seconds. It's usually minutes, and I've seen it in double digits of seconds before.
🔗 15:03
KinoGami: can only summon 2 people to help
🔗 15:03
63cx0: Oh, wait. I recall he doesn't like beeing called Cam?
🔗 15:03
Acidjack303: Alex plays a canibalism Speed run hahaha
🔗 15:03
JBRedPhoenix: im about as pissed as the #itwasin15
🔗 15:03
KinoGami: also the more people that join the harder the boss gets
🔗 15:03
AdmiralMemo: 63cx0, He'll take Cam or Cameron.
🔗 15:03
qrpth: Bye, chat.
🔗 15:03
CamelknackRamblehort: Then we get the 3 man dream team together and beat him to a pulp
🔗 15:04
JBRedPhoenix: btw... yeah #itwasin15
🔗 15:04
Thysane: still. more gun is better than one gun
🔗 15:04
Caleb_QDC: @63cx0 Not that he dislikes Cam, but he does prefer Cameron
🔗 15:04
KamikazeAardvark: well i need 2 get to that lawn and no offense to Alex but i'm rly tired of the milt/game-is-beautiful/community-for-game-sucks conversation
🔗 15:04
AdmiralMemo: Wait wat
🔗 15:04
DiamondTiki: Um
🔗 15:04
Mr_Horrible: gah, ads keep breaking my twitch.
🔗 15:04
AdmiralMemo: ROFL
🔗 15:04
Mr_Horrible: grumble grumble
🔗 15:04
DiamondTiki: Hi?
🔗 15:04
KinoGami: another issue is network lag. since logarius has charge attacks he will essentially "warp" across the screen
🔗 15:04
JBRedPhoenix: uh
🔗 15:04
AdmiralMemo: HAI AREX
🔗 15:04
Cyclopsboi: deep!
🔗 15:04
PhoenixMelior: @Jbredphoenix they still won the game though
🔗 15:04
KinoGami: alex you'd live
🔗 15:04
JBRedPhoenix: rewind stream?
🔗 15:04
ShiroiKirema: Hiya Alex
🔗 15:04
I_Am_Clockwork: Oh hai Alex!
🔗 15:04
Rootpotato: alex, I vote vorthos souls plz !!! XD
🔗 15:04
KinoGami: we can see you
🔗 15:04
DanSPG: In a twisted turn of events Alex 1 shots Logarius
🔗 15:04
Ownyke: That was unexpectedly quick
🔗 15:04
Acidjack303: Hi Alex
🔗 15:04
AdmiralMemo: !highlight Alex does the stream setup wrong
🔗 15:04
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 15:04
DiamondTiki: Still broadcasting
🔗 15:04
KinoGami: cold mic tho
🔗 15:04
GreyFox0012: i think you guys goofed
🔗 15:04
🔗 15:04
JBRedPhoenix: true... but that totally was a BS call
🔗 15:04
🔗 15:05
Cyclopsboi: derp
🔗 15:05
Laserbeaks_Fury: Hey
🔗 15:05
KinoGami: LoadingReadyRun we seeeee youuuu
🔗 15:05
63cx0: AdmiralMemo: Well, he goes with the flow i guess. I recall he one told us while playing XCOM that he prefers to be called Cameron.
🔗 15:05
Avalon_Youk: All Hail Alex the Mighty!
🔗 15:05
DiamondTiki: Smooth segway :p
🔗 15:05
JBRedPhoenix: I hear no alex
🔗 15:05
Laserbeaks_Fury: Did the stream go down? May wanna reset it?
🔗 15:05
Omega_Lairon: There it is...
🔗 15:05
OneirosGolem: No sound though
🔗 15:05
Ionized_Gentleman: no sounds
🔗 15:05
Cyclopsboi: silent Alex is silent
🔗 15:05
Camail: alex is the best mime EVER
🔗 15:05
GreyFox0012: hahahahahah
🔗 15:05
Axatus: Alex, use "cycle the stream", its right there! Use "cycle the stream"!
🔗 15:05
Nuurgle: mime souls
🔗 15:05
GreyFox0012: also the death counter exploded again
🔗 15:05
DiamondTiki: <3, Alex
🔗 15:05
AdmiralMemo: 63cx0, Yeah, he PREFERS Cameron, but it's not like he'll yell at you if you call him Cam. :-)
🔗 15:05
KinoGami: lol
🔗 15:05
DarKovalord: That's a serious 5-o-clock shadow
🔗 15:05
Rootpotato: vorthos vorthos vorthos vorthos!!!!
🔗 15:05
KamikazeAardvark: 63cx0 he said that in civ 5 i just watched the youtube vid
🔗 15:05
DiamondTiki: Bye, Alex :D
🔗 15:05
I_Am_Clockwork: We love you alex
🔗 15:05
Supermane888: !next
🔗 15:05
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (5m ago)
🔗 15:05
togashinaruta: I keep getting a flash of alex, and then the exact same commercial
🔗 15:05
PhoenixMelior: i see no Alex, nly ads
🔗 15:06
Driosenth: Cam has died to Martyr Logarius 29 times
🔗 15:06
63cx0: AdmiralMemo: Well, you never know, after this Boss fight...?^^
🔗 15:06
ShiroiKirema: Can someone explain Vorthos Souls please?
🔗 15:06
DTor214: Is that all?
🔗 15:06
Spoony707: playstation heroes
🔗 15:06
AdmiralMemo: 63cx0: Yeah... State of mind also factors in...
🔗 15:06
LoadingReadyRun: Oh, I'll explain Vorthos souls alright
🔗 15:06
Spoony707: I'm getting currently offline
🔗 15:06
LoadingReadyRun: just you wait
🔗 15:06
KinoGami: Vorthos Souls is alex doing a slow walk of dark souls
🔗 15:06
63cx0: KamikazeAardvark: I see, well, not the best memory. Mine, that is.
🔗 15:06
AdmiralMemo: Online
🔗 15:06
Camail: waiting
🔗 15:06
Wondermoo: !next
🔗 15:06
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (6m ago)
🔗 15:06
ShiroiKirema: Why thank you Alex, so kind
🔗 15:06
DTor214: @Shiroikirema Going slowly and talking a bunch about the lore, the environment design, etc.
🔗 15:06
KinoGami: he casually paces himself explaining what is happening and guiding new players
🔗 15:06
OneirosGolem: ShiroiKirema "Vorthos" is a term originating from Magic jargon, describing certain player archetypes. Vorthos players tend to enjoy the lore and story of a setting, rather than focusing on mechanics.
🔗 15:06
I_Am_Clockwork: Yay vorthos souls is best souls imo
🔗 15:07
Piperlyon: ShiroiKirema: it is Alex going through the game pointing out all the great implicit storytelling
🔗 15:07
ShiroiKirema: I know the Magic term, just curious
🔗 15:07
I_Am_Clockwork: But I am mighty vorthos so...
🔗 15:07
OneirosGolem: ShiroiKirema Oh. Well then.
🔗 15:07
Sixthmonarch: Whats alex playing tongiht
🔗 15:07
DiamondTiki: The Vorthos streams are making me want to try and learn to play Dark Souls, and I suck at it even worse than I do at Bloodborne
🔗 15:07
Aracuda: i really love Vorthos Souls. The lore behind Dark Souls is great, especially when you consider you dont get told alot by the way of exposition dump
🔗 15:07
Zeke229: arex?
🔗 15:07
CaptainEnder7: I hear booping
🔗 15:07
TheWanderingNomad: SERGE
🔗 15:07
KinoGami: It is more commentary than "lets beat this"
🔗 15:07
BusTed: ohai
🔗 15:07
AdmiralMemo: Unmute is best
🔗 15:07
Dumori: Darl souls braj I can hear the menue
🔗 15:07
KinoGami: SERGE
🔗 15:07
Zeke229: SERGE!
🔗 15:07
malfunct: I see people
🔗 15:07
PhoenixMelior: SERGE!
🔗 15:07
OneirosGolem: Team #PowerSerge
🔗 15:07
BusTed: lrrFRUMP
🔗 15:07
Nightvalien28: SERGE SERGE SERGE
🔗 15:07
Vortex0360: Yaaay
🔗 15:07
Ownyke: hi Alex HI SERGE
🔗 15:07
Ionized_Gentleman: SERGE!!!!
🔗 15:07
Questhere: powerserge!
🔗 15:07
ChroniclerC: POWAH SERGE!!!
🔗 15:07
daneislazy: woo!
🔗 15:07
Nuurgle: Suddenly, Serge!
🔗 15:07
🔗 15:07
ShiroiKirema: Hiya Alex! SEEEERGE!!!
🔗 15:07
Mr_Horrible: bonus Serge!
🔗 15:07
TheWanderingNomad: HI SERGE! HI ALEX!
🔗 15:07
CapnRobert: serge!
🔗 15:07
GruntAI: lrrFRUMP
🔗 15:07
Werdnae: Hi Alex and Serge
🔗 15:07
koizom: o hai arex and serge
🔗 15:07
Hippitybobbity: Sgt Serge!
🔗 15:07
PhoenixMelior: #teampowerserge
🔗 15:07
Vortex0360: SERGE!
🔗 15:07
Castlewise: oh hai serge!
🔗 15:07
AdmiralMemo: Dear Dr. Alex: It's my birthday. What'd ya get me? Kappa
🔗 15:07
DiamondTiki: Hi, Alex. For the first time today. ;)
🔗 15:07
I_Am_Clockwork: Serge!
🔗 15:07
DiamondTiki: Also, hay Serge!
🔗 15:07
ImmoralEthicist: Alex, your beard appears to be getting larger.
🔗 15:08
Wondermoo: ohai guys
🔗 15:08
🔗 15:08
Slyguy46: howdy alex and serge
🔗 15:08
KinoGami: serge brought his glasses today i see
🔗 15:08
Sektor88: Hello Alex and Bonus Serge!
🔗 15:08
DiamondTiki: #powrsrg!
🔗 15:08
GruntAI: !quote Alex
🔗 15:08
LRRbot: Quote #23: "Oh god, I ate every bit of that man!!" —Alex [2015-03-03]
🔗 15:08
mcjiopur subscribed for 4 months in a row!
🔗 15:08
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mcjiopur! (Today's storm count: 9)
🔗 15:08
Mr_Horrible: StahpinPowahSerge!
🔗 15:08
TheWanderingNomad: Seriously AdmiralMemo? Hapy Birthday!
🔗 15:08
DTor214: I have an ability, a shape, and a gender! I feel extremely welcome right now :-)
🔗 15:08
Cyclopsboi: serge!
🔗 15:08
I_Am_Clockwork: Ach stream won't load D:
🔗 15:08
OneirosGolem: Caffeinite Chunk
🔗 15:08
Rootpotato: alex, serge, vorthos. sounds like a good day!!!
🔗 15:08
AdmiralMemo: TheWanderingNomad, Yep. I turn 33 today.
🔗 15:08
MrTulip: BattleCattle
🔗 15:08
Earthenone: he needs canned coffe to ascend?
🔗 15:08
TheWanderingNomad: Congrats on being the same age as Jesus when he died
🔗 15:08
Castlewise: If serge had a stream, what would it be called?
🔗 15:08
Navarran: Hi Serge!
🔗 15:08
TurnedUsernameThirty high fives @Admiralmemo
🔗 15:08
PhoenixMelior: 0.o
🔗 15:08
OneirosGolem: Paul strikes again.
🔗 15:08
ChroniclerC: xD
🔗 15:08
TheWanderingNomad: Ahhhh no more VOICE OF GOD?
🔗 15:08
Mr_Horrible: It's from Paul's Kirby stream, Alex
🔗 15:08
Axatus: Yes Paul, Yes!
🔗 15:08
CantWearHats: o k
🔗 15:08
DiamondTiki: Power Serge would be the stream name, obvs
🔗 15:08
Navarran: Wow Alex, nice beard
🔗 15:08
CapnRobert: the voice paul uses
🔗 15:08
AdmiralMemo: LoadingReadyRun, You can mute the mic itself while pressing the button and just have the high-pitch voice.
🔗 15:09
amythist: that's from Paul's Kirby stream
🔗 15:09
Thysane: um
🔗 15:09
Aracuda: baby Alex in the room!
🔗 15:09
KinoGami: i like how confused alex was
🔗 15:09
Sektor88: Godvoice still exists
🔗 15:09
MCJiopur: Happy birthday Memo
🔗 15:09
Zeke229: alex will never get this right
🔗 15:09
Aracuda: also, happy Birthday memo
🔗 15:09
RayFK: Serge you gonna be all right there?
🔗 15:09
Anubis169: brb guys
🔗 15:09
Anubis169: dad's not doing so good
🔗 15:09
Vortex0360: I think you can turn off the actual voice and just have the effect
🔗 15:09
BusTed: Christmas Christmas time is here...
🔗 15:09
Nuurgle: Paul turns off mic so it's only the voice. It's extra creepy
🔗 15:09
Sektor88: Also if you turn off one of the inuts you can get JUSt the helium
🔗 15:09
Cyclopsboi: echo of squirrels sounds like a deck Alex would run
🔗 15:09
ChroniclerC: YES
🔗 15:09
Solomon_Kain: Serge: What do you call a many-sided crustacean?
🔗 15:09
ChroniclerC: DO IT
🔗 15:09
Sektor88: DO IT.
🔗 15:09
🔗 15:09
Psychic_Ketchup: Yes Alex do it!
🔗 15:09
AdmiralMemo: Serge is not a MtG player!
🔗 15:09
AdmiralMemo: :-P
🔗 15:09
Zeke229: what about melvin?
🔗 15:09
Zaghrog: Vorthos is NOT a psychographic!
🔗 15:09
Sektor88: Serge hasn't hear dof Vorthos? O:
🔗 15:10
ImmoralEthicist: Maro claims Vorthos isn't an archetype
🔗 15:10
Earthenone: serge knows nothing, confirmed :P
🔗 15:10
ArchaicBreeze: That makes me Vorthos :D
🔗 15:10
63cx0: Wait, i thought Serge is a judge?
🔗 15:10
Zaghrog: Corthos and Melvin describe what you like about the game
🔗 15:10
TheWanderingNomad: "You know nothing Serge Snow."?
🔗 15:10
Zaghrog: *Vorthos
🔗 15:10
AdmiralMemo: Someone strip Serge of his judge status! :-D
🔗 15:10
OneirosGolem: Solomon_kain A polyhedron crab?
🔗 15:10
GreyFox0012: turns out serge is shultz from hogans heroes
🔗 15:10
Acidjack303: I wanna Play mtg now so bad
🔗 15:10
🔗 15:10
DTor214: Hey, I just started playing Dark Souls this week, and I have questions. I've gotten to the vendor in Undead Burg that sells various weapons - are they all about equally good? Is it worth the effort to try to learn to use multiple different weapons?
🔗 15:10
Mr_Horrible: Alex, you're lying. NOBODY wants to know more about Jace. :P
🔗 15:10
Solomon_Kain: Correct
🔗 15:10
Earthenone: vorthos dosent usuay show up at tornaments
🔗 15:10
Piperlyon: according to MaRo, Vorthos and Melvin are a separate scale
🔗 15:10
Zaghrog: Vorthos and Melvin are also not mutualy exclusive
🔗 15:10
Ownyke: Hey Serge, do you know about windmills?
🔗 15:11
AdmiralMemo: I am a total Vorthos deckbuilder
🔗 15:11
Myrdin90: Why is alex taking so long we saw him just a minute ago
🔗 15:11
RebelliousUno: I'm Vorthos/Johnny
🔗 15:11
Cyclopsboi: so I totally went vorthos and bought the hardcover graphic novel of dack fayden
🔗 15:11
Vortex0360: I identify as vorthos
🔗 15:11
Danielleai: I was hoping for more of the other game with the weird wallpaper
🔗 15:11
TheFrankreich92: Oh hey guys!
🔗 15:11
DiamondTiki: You're just making these up at this point
🔗 15:11
Omega_Lairon: What about playing Pokemon? >: (
🔗 15:11
CamelknackRamblehort: Vorthos isn't exclusive with any type, it is more like an addon to another type
🔗 15:11
aesir_blade: Melvin likes stupid rules interactions
🔗 15:11
Earthenone: melvin likes turtles
🔗 15:11
Zaghrog: Melvin is about liking mechanics
🔗 15:11
AdmiralMemo: LoadingReadyRun, Stuffy Doll is a good Melvin card.
🔗 15:11
Zeke229: #IStandWithMelvin
🔗 15:11
ChroniclerC: Melvin is the opposite of Vorthos. He likes rules-intensive cards.
🔗 15:11
Stealth_Ham: I think Melvin likes rules interactions
🔗 15:11
Earthenone: and layers
🔗 15:11
JohnLockeCole4: well timmy likes dragons, I like Dragons
🔗 15:11
Unknowngamer88: I thought Melvin was into well-made mechanics?
🔗 15:11
Dumori: Melvin like Stuffy Doll
🔗 15:11
PhoenixMelior: what's wrong with pokemon?
🔗 15:11
Unremitting: Dear Dr. Serge : what was wrong with Alex's coffee last night?
🔗 15:11
Mr_Horrible: I believe that JOU starfish was good Melvin example
🔗 15:11
EldraziOutlaw: LoadingReadyRun, Melvin is the one who cares about how the cards play, they love really well designed mechanics
🔗 15:11
Zotamedu: Melvin is a conga player?
🔗 15:12
linecardioidparabola: Melvin enjoys the design of cards
🔗 15:12
Zaghrog: Melvin likes the mechanical aspects of the game
🔗 15:12
Solomon_Kain: Melvin is First become Invincible and then destroy your opponents invincibility.
🔗 15:12
Rootpotato: I'm a melvin... I like the layers... and stacks... I'm wierd
🔗 15:12
MeinHerrBrush: Stuffy Doll is BEST card
🔗 15:12
TheFrankreich92: The holy trio! I just logged off dark Souls myself.
🔗 15:12
RebelliousUno: if Vorthos is Top Down, Melven is Bottom Up
🔗 15:12
Acidjack303: Loading ready stuck Atm 😕
🔗 15:12
MeinHerrBrush: I will hear no arguments to the contrary
🔗 15:12
Mr_Horrible: Give Death a Melvin
🔗 15:12
linecardioidparabola: what uno said
🔗 15:12
Zaghrog: ooh good one Uno
🔗 15:12
Navarran: RebelliousUno, Kinky....
🔗 15:12
Earthenone: (blastphamous)act of stuffy doll serge? :P
🔗 15:12
MilkInBag: gravesword?
🔗 15:12
aesir_blade: Melvin has aesthetic appreciation of the rules interactions in the games, as opposed to vorthos's aesthetic appreciation of the lore
🔗 15:12
nonane09: Oh boy...
🔗 15:12
TheFrankreich92: Had a date fall through so drank the wine myself and started a Drunk Souls Let's Play.
🔗 15:12
Zaghrog: yes, Vorthos is Top Down and Melvin is Bottom Up
🔗 15:12
GreyFox0012: chinese grave sword
🔗 15:12
Viczia: Graves word?
🔗 15:12
TheFrankreich92: Gravelord sword?
🔗 15:12
DiamondTiki: so, slowwalk, but with chinese grave sword?
🔗 15:12
CamelknackRamblehort: I am probably a Melvin. I build entire decks around getting to do some fun thing. When I was a kid my entire goal when playing yugioh was playing time wizard, so I could should "Time Wizard, time roulette!"
🔗 15:12
Psychic_Ketchup: GraveSword!
🔗 15:12
Ownyke: is it the CHinese Grave Sord? it is isn't it
🔗 15:13
Nightvalien28: vorthos coldsteel
🔗 15:13
linecardioidparabola: I'd imagine this run to have a lot of melvin
🔗 15:13
Dumori: Catacoms is kind'o an early run
🔗 15:13
AdmiralMemo: RebelliousUno, I'm some sort of weird Johnny, Timmy, Vorthos, Melvin hybrid
🔗 15:13
RebelliousUno: No Spike in there?
🔗 15:13
Castlewise: How is Melvin different from Timmy?
🔗 15:13
Morgoth_bauglyr: sppoky scary skelitons
🔗 15:13
BarcodeReader321: I've understood timmy-johnny-spike was the Y-axis, vorthos-melvin was the x-axis.
🔗 15:13
Zaghrog: Camelknackramblehort sounds like a Timmy Melvin to me
🔗 15:13
Navarran: Do you want one?
🔗 15:13
Dumori: pinwheele early makes Funhouse and O&S much easyer when you can tank up to 20
🔗 15:13
RebelliousUno: timmy wants to play big mans, Johnny wants to combo, Spike wants to win.
🔗 15:13
Caleb_QDC: @Camelknackramblehort I used dna surgery+insect barrier and whatever the waterworld equivalent with the land card was back then
🔗 15:13
PhoenixMelior: what's the difference between Timmy and Jhonny?
🔗 15:13
ThatDangSkeleton: ThoseDangSkeletons
🔗 15:13
PhoenixMelior: Johnny I guess
🔗 15:13
AdmiralMemo: No. I mean I like winning, of course, but I like the gameplay better, RebelliousUno.
🔗 15:13
Zaghrog: Vorthos and Melvin are not opposite to each other, they can coexist
🔗 15:13
Unas84: @Barcodereader321 yeah me too, they're kinda seperate axes as I understood
🔗 15:14
🔗 15:14
Unremitting: Dear Dr. Serge : what was wrong with Alex's coffee last night?
🔗 15:14
DiamondTiki: You see nothing!
🔗 15:14
ec_as_that subscribed for 15 months in a row!
🔗 15:14
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ec_as_that! (Today's storm count: 10)
🔗 15:14
DTor214: Timmy wants to experience something, Johnny wants to express something
🔗 15:14
TurboLover004: So what exactly is "Vorthos Souls Slowwalk" something to do with lore and what else?
🔗 15:14
DiamondTiki: "Tourism utensil"
🔗 15:14
Axatus: Turnedusernamethirty thats horrific
🔗 15:14
Rootpotato: suuuuuuuub
🔗 15:14
Psychic_Ketchup: A utensil made of the bones of a thousand skeletons
🔗 15:14
TurnedUsernameThirty: I need better images
🔗 15:14
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Axatus thank you
🔗 15:14
Castlewise: Phoenixmelior As far as I understand it Timmy like combo decks and Johnny likes casting big creatures like dragons
🔗 15:14
toy_anon: I've heard it as Vorthos thinks the lore is the most interesting, Melvin thinks the mechanics are most interesting
🔗 15:14
OneirosGolem: "Nestle" in the Coffin.
🔗 15:14
Morgoth_bauglyr: shhhhh
🔗 15:14
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, That link is bad
🔗 15:14
Nightvalien28: tourism utensil giant fuckton sword
🔗 15:14
BarcodeReader321: melvin likes a card that synergizes with itself.
🔗 15:14
linecardioidparabola: @Castlewise backwards
🔗 15:14
Solomon_Kain: Serge: What do you call a many-sided crustacean?
🔗 15:14
Castlewise: ah
🔗 15:15
PhoenixMelior: oh, so I'm a Tina-Vorthos
🔗 15:15
Zeke229: inginging
🔗 15:15
EC_as_That: Is it lrrHAM ? Are we looking for tools to go lrrHAM ?
🔗 15:15
TurnedUsernameThirty: yeah If I want to try this I need high res portraits I think
🔗 15:15
DTor214: Johnny: "Look at this deck I built"Timmy: "Yes! Hahaha! I finally get to Monstrous my Colossus of Akros!"
🔗 15:15
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, http://img.morphthing.com/i/87129980/2/0/aef6b781/Kathleen-jpg--graham-jpg.jpeg is what you're looking for... And it's hideous
🔗 15:15
Castlewise: Ok, so then whats the difference between Johnny and Melvin? It seems like they both want to construct decks around some specific concept or idea
🔗 15:15
Nightvalien28: he is so going to dome us when we wake up
🔗 15:15
BarcodeReader321: the Kavu with Echo was brought up as an example.
🔗 15:15
Metricos: solomon_kain DON'T
🔗 15:15
Solomon_Kain: a PolyHedron Crab
🔗 15:15
PhoenixMelior: I know that answer :D
🔗 15:15
Zeke229: nonono
🔗 15:15
Unknowngamer88: gaaaaaaaah
🔗 15:15
Metricos: HOW daRe U
🔗 15:15
PhoenixMelior: or I knew rather
🔗 15:15
MilkInBag: WutFace
🔗 15:15
Unas84: @Solomon_kain :D
🔗 15:15
Earthenone: :P
🔗 15:15
Metricos groans
🔗 15:15
OneirosGolem: Delicious
🔗 15:15
Zeke229: WutFace
🔗 15:15
chiropteraboy: I love you Solomon_Kain
🔗 15:15
Mr_Horrible: Suspiciously Grave Movers
🔗 15:15
Hrafnsvaengr: Hey! It's an Alex and a Serge!
🔗 15:15
TheWanderingNomad: Castlewise - I think it has something to do with Johnny does it for the art while Melvin likes the science of it
🔗 15:15
chiropteraboy: marry me
🔗 15:16
DiamondTiki: PAy no attention to the man behind the coffin
🔗 15:16
linecardioidparabola: vorthos and melvin value aesthetics over gameplay
🔗 15:16
Castlewise: ah, thx
🔗 15:16
TheAwkes: Alex it totally addicted to the GLS.
🔗 15:16
Hrafnsvaengr: Also, Hraf's back
🔗 15:16
TurboLover004: Is he getting the Ravelord Sword to rek bosses he gets stuck on?
🔗 15:16
Dix: I love it
🔗 15:16
Solomon_Kain: 1 for 2, I'll take it!
🔗 15:16
OneirosGolem: Turbolover004 Basically yes.
🔗 15:16
Aracuda: guys, did you just hallucinate Nito too? or am i just going crazy?
🔗 15:16
CaffeinatedLemur: PolyHedronCrab seems playable in limited
🔗 15:16
CamelknackRamblehort: Timmy is about big, powerful exciting things, even if they are not optimal. Melvin is more about things they think are fun even if they are stone worthless. I think Timmy/Melvin is my play style for sure
🔗 15:16
chiropteraboy: Marrying me has a nice ring to it
🔗 15:16
Hrafnsvaengr: Is Alex's looking beardier than usual, or is it just me?
🔗 15:16
Cyclopsboi: I was thinking something like icrabohedron
🔗 15:16
Mr_Horrible: Also Alex, I have to say that I love that Cold Steel illustration of Nito with the derpy grin and the tie. Makes me giggle every time.
🔗 15:16
AdmiralMemo: I want a Ravelord sword... Does it just flash in a psychedelic rhythm?
🔗 15:17
Ownyke: Aracuda it's fine, don't even worry about it
🔗 15:17
Hippitybobbity: I have been plying magic for approcimately a week and a half, and I AM Timmy
🔗 15:17
TheFrankreich92: Hraf, Alex's beard has been glorious recently. More so than usual.
🔗 15:17
neacon: in bloodborne they added motion control gestures to frustrate and infuriate people
🔗 15:17
TheAwkes: Now I want to build a mill deck named polyhedron crab.
🔗 15:17
DTor214: Jenny/Tammy/Spike is about why you play the game, what you get out of it. Melvin/Vorthos is about what you like about the cards, which ones you think are cool and why.
🔗 15:17
Unremitting: Dear Dr. Serge : what was wrong with Alex's coffee last night?
🔗 15:17
Earthenone: is this sword available to players just starting the game or is it dlc and or ne wgame plus stuff?
🔗 15:17
Zaghrog: Melvin and Vorthos are about what you like about the game, the Psychographics (Timmy, Johnny and Spike) are about why you play the game
🔗 15:17
nonane09: What about the orange soapstone?
🔗 15:17
🔗 15:17
🔗 15:17
Dumori: Earthenone, basegame
🔗 15:17
CamelknackRamblehort: Lots of people start as timmy and then get their spike on, but I am a Timmy/Melvin in literally everything I play
🔗 15:17
AdmiralMemo: CamelknackRamblehort, Like, I make decks around one thing... I've got a Standard deck that does everything different with +1/+1 counters.
🔗 15:17
Zeke229: my beard is also awful
🔗 15:17
GreyFox0012: you can get this sword early but you have to be really careful
🔗 15:17
AdmiralMemo: Myrdin90, It doesn't
🔗 15:17
Seagulyus: Earthenone seeing as this is original game and the dlc is part of the pc version at this point
🔗 15:17
DTor214: @Zaghrog Well said
🔗 15:17
BarcodeReader321: try refreshing
🔗 15:18
CamelknackRamblehort: Sounds fun memo
🔗 15:18
Hrafnsvaengr: And Serge is looking precisely as beardy as usual because he's beardless, as usual.
🔗 15:18
chiropteraboy: I'm a Melvin Timmy and splash Vorthos cauz' i'm an art-nerd
🔗 15:18
OneirosGolem: Looks like we're all learning things on this Vorthos stream.
🔗 15:18
AdmiralMemo: CamelknackRamblehort, I have like 30-odd Commander decks on MtGO, based on different themes.
🔗 15:18
dark_destra subscribed for 12 months in a row!
🔗 15:18
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dark_destra! (Today's storm count: 11)
🔗 15:18
PhoenixMelior: Alex" Since when can that mother fucker fly" Steacy
🔗 15:18
Unas84: @Zaghrog yeah exactly. In terms of M:tG I'd say, Vorthos are excited about what's going to happen with the Eldrazi and/or New Phyrexia ; Melvin are excited about seeing Contraptions and the kind of new mechanic it would bring
🔗 15:18
Zeke229: which is the psychographic profile that is combo?
🔗 15:18
Spoony707: omg alex hi!
🔗 15:19
KinoGami: i swear i remember serge talk about playing dark souls
🔗 15:19
AdmiralMemo: CamelknackRamblehort, I'm currently trying to refine my artifact deck: "What Can Brown Do For You?"
🔗 15:19
Zotamedu: "ordinarily, you can just fuck"
🔗 15:19
CamelknackRamblehort: Vorthos is on a different scale entirely from the Timmy/Melvin/Spike/Johnny
🔗 15:19
Hippitybobbity: Yeah so does anyone know what Eldrazi actually are? Cuz I love them and want to play more of them
🔗 15:19
linecardioidparabola: @Zeke229 not exactly "just combo" but johnny
🔗 15:19
Hippitybobbity: All Eldrazi all the time
🔗 15:19
Eldrin13: Hi Alex, Hi Serge!
🔗 15:19
DTor214: @Zeke229 Any psychographic can play a combo deck, but it's probably Jenny
🔗 15:19
Zeke229: im a johnny vorthos
🔗 15:19
TheWanderingNomad: Eldrazi are the horrors beyond
🔗 15:19
CamelknackRamblehort: I am totally a vorthos
🔗 15:19
OneirosGolem: Note that they're not even carrying weaponry
🔗 15:19
Zaghrog: Camelknackramblehort Melvin is not a Psychographic like Johnny, Timmy and Spike
🔗 15:19
AdmiralMemo: Hippitybobbity, They are like Magic's Cthulu monsters
🔗 15:20
Zeke229: i like making combos that work with the story
🔗 15:20
AdmiralMemo: Hippitybobbity, They are not from the planes. They are monsters from the spaces between the planes.
🔗 15:20
Zaghrog: Admiralmemo that sounds like you identify as a Johnny and a Melvin
🔗 15:20
Mr_Horrible: They're creatures that eat mana and come from the chaotic space between planes, HippityBobbity
🔗 15:20
CamelknackRamblehort: It is pretty closely related, in my opinion
🔗 15:20
PresidentLulu: Alex i Recommend going to the great hollow and ash lake highly
🔗 15:20
Seagulyus: did he open laurttec cage?
🔗 15:20
Eldrin13: i love how bells are cross game
🔗 15:20
Seagulyus: Presidentlulu he has in a past sttream to show us it
🔗 15:20
Metricos: i never knew that about the bells
🔗 15:20
Unas84: @Zeke229 that sounds very Johnny and Vorthos - I'm curious what kind of combos did you come up with?
🔗 15:20
Metricos: just thought the game was being a creeper
🔗 15:20
ptriller: The bell is like a generator you have to turn on :)
🔗 15:20
Hippitybobbity: Thats so RAD you guys
🔗 15:20
AdmiralMemo: Zaghrog, Yeah, but I've also got some Timmy and Vorthos, too.
🔗 15:21
Zaghrog: Sure
🔗 15:21
ThatDangSkeleton: you are on a quest to ring two sacred bells as part of a nebulous pilgrimage as an undead
🔗 15:21
PresidentLulu: @Seagulyus oh i know but still can't be vorthos without knowing EVRYTHING
🔗 15:21
Zeke229: unas84, did i ever say it was good
🔗 15:21
Hippitybobbity: Special thanks to Nomad, Memo and Horrible
🔗 15:21
AdmiralMemo: Zaghrog, I think Johnny and Melvin are my major ones.
🔗 15:21
Zaghrog: People tend to have bits of all those aspects
🔗 15:21
Mr_Horrible: They were imprisoned in Zendikar by a trio of planeswalkers because eating mana tends to destroy planes and generally make a mess of things.
🔗 15:21
Zaghrog: that's pretty much what I said Memo
🔗 15:21
CamelknackRamblehort: Most people are a mix of all 4, with 2 dominating types
🔗 15:21
Zotamedu: Baldwin's leggings?
🔗 15:21
Zeke229: granny panties
🔗 15:21
Solomon_Kain: Fashion souls is important
🔗 15:21
Hrafnsvaengr: Hahaha.... You want to talk bad coffee? We should talk about the coffee my coworkers make at work....
🔗 15:21
Hippitybobbity: They look good on your skeleton
🔗 15:21
Unknowngamer88: Dear Dr. Serge: what are your thoughts on Black Blood of the Earth coffee?
🔗 15:21
OneirosGolem: Balder's Greaves, more like.
🔗 15:21
CamelknackRamblehort: And vorthos is on an entirely different axis
🔗 15:21
AdmiralMemo: Hippitybobbity, They don't use magic in the same way as planeswalkers and people on the planes.
🔗 15:22
Unas84: @Zeke229 hmm? Just curious, I like to make the occasional theme/vorthos commander deck
🔗 15:22
featherweight_: Oh Hi Serge and Alex and chat.
🔗 15:22
Zeke229: i cant really think of one off hand unas84 sorry
🔗 15:22
OneirosGolem: A barrel of human. Hm.
🔗 15:22
ArchaicBreeze: It's this Vorthos playthrough that's making me want to play, Alec
🔗 15:22
ArchaicBreeze: *Alex
🔗 15:22
Zotamedu: Naw, he was just having a bath.
🔗 15:22
Unas84: @Zeke229 righto, np :)
🔗 15:22
Zaghrog: Camelknackramblehort I repeat: Melvin is not like the Psychographics, Melvin is similar to Vorthos in that it describes what you .like about the game
🔗 15:22
CamelknackRamblehort: It is totally worth playing DS, great game
🔗 15:22
Mr_Horrible: Oh man, my last job had a machine that just spat mediocre Seattle's Best into a cup. Tasted like acidic dirt, but at least it kept me awake in the afternoon :P
🔗 15:22
PresidentLulu: That barrel must have been a darkwraith
🔗 15:22
ArchaicBreeze: it's changed my mind from the stubborn setting Demon's Souls left it in
🔗 15:22
Hippitybobbity: @Admiralmemo Are they the only things with annihilate? Cuz that wrecks everything
🔗 15:22
nonane09: Oh not this ***
🔗 15:22
Zeke229: i did once get biovisionary combo to pop off in FNM
🔗 15:23
AdmiralMemo: Hippitybobbity, Yep.
🔗 15:23
featherweight_: I am a tired jelly bean today.
🔗 15:23
ThatDangSkeleton: you gotta want to chew at this bitter world a bit
🔗 15:23
TheWanderingNomad: Oh thta bastard
🔗 15:23
Zeke229: this guy is perfectly lrrFINE
🔗 15:23
Zaghrog: Annihilator only appears on Eldrazi cards
🔗 15:23
GreyFox0012: ive already gotten 15 hours into the game but now stuck in blighttown
🔗 15:23
🔗 15:23
Mr_Horrible: "Do I *look* human?"
🔗 15:23
UnspokenKibbles: There are other reasons to put in the time... i.e., bragging rights for the achievements
🔗 15:23
Nightvalien28: hello fine fellow, how are you
🔗 15:23
Eldrin13: might as well free the creepy dude in gold armor
🔗 15:23
Hippitybobbity: It's good being the villain
🔗 15:23
🔗 15:23
Ownyke: now stab stab stab stab stab
🔗 15:23
ChroniclerC: Isn't the Pardoner also from Carim?
🔗 15:23
AdmiralMemo: Hippitybobbity: Well, there is one Eldrazi Conscription aura which gives something else Annihilator.
🔗 15:23
Zeke229: getting the biovisionary combo is wonderful
🔗 15:23
GreyFox0012: if you kill him later you get more free ***
🔗 15:23
Supermane888: Can't kill him, Vorthos run >:D
🔗 15:23
OneirosGolem: Zeke229 Progenitor mimic?
🔗 15:24
DTor214: Dangit, Gatherers down. I was just wondering if there are any other cards that have Annihilator 1 but no keyword - yknow, opponent sacs when you attack.
🔗 15:24
Zaghrog: Eldrazi Conscription is a Tribal aura isn't it?
🔗 15:24
AdmiralMemo: Zeke229, What combo? BioV & what?
🔗 15:24
nonane09: He just happened to me.
🔗 15:24
Hippitybobbity: @Admiralmemo Yeah, I know that card. It's like a stratocumulus cloud with tentacles
🔗 15:24
AdmiralMemo: Zaghrog, I think so?
🔗 15:24
HebrewicHandRubbing: I'm terrible with transparently evil characters, because I tend to think "nobody would literally be that obviously evil".
🔗 15:24
Zeke229: memo, if ou have 4 biovisionaries at the end of the turn, you win
🔗 15:24
CamelknackRamblehort: Not according to what I have read. It is described as a psudo psychographic profile. All of the psychographic profiles explain what the player likes about the game
🔗 15:24
Zotamedu: Clingy ragdoll is clingy.
🔗 15:24
nonane09: And now I'm screwed for trying to get into the Catacombs.
🔗 15:24
Zeke229: straight out
🔗 15:24
Hrafnsvaengr: Why's he awful?
🔗 15:24
Lord_Hosk: Oh sweet, I just aot another ad for assasins creed, please give us your money, thank you very much for your money.
🔗 15:24
Dumori: it only screws with you when they are bibg corpes and block your vew
🔗 15:24
Zaghrog: Eldrazi Conscription is indeed a Tribal Enchantment - Eldrazi Aura
🔗 15:25
PhoenixMelior: usually in video games, if I can play the evil character, I will
🔗 15:25
Zeke229: i agree with jim sterling, the only thing you need to know about new asscreed is UBISOFT
🔗 15:25
PsychoI3oy: everyone is souls games is kinda sketchy though
🔗 15:25
CamelknackRamblehort: I mean, the johnny/timmy/melvin/spike/vorthos concepts are not unique to magic, these are well established design principles
🔗 15:25
Seagulyus: Nonane09 he has two triggers to set him to do what he does. both bells, or both keeper souls in BT sets him free if you did not
🔗 15:25
PhoenixMelior: because I"ll never be that way in real life
🔗 15:25
Zaghrog: Camelknackramblehort Vorthos and Melvin are in the same camp while the other three are in the other camp
🔗 15:25
Dumori: It's debateable that any one left in Landore are human anymore
🔗 15:25
ThatDangSkeleton: you can usually tell evil or unsavory characters by the laugh they end their conversations with
🔗 15:25
AdmiralMemo: Hippitybobbity, Yeah, I had one time in Cube where I had Sun Titan with Eldrazi Conscription, and Angelic Destiny on it. It was pretty crazy.
🔗 15:25
Zeke229: @PsychoI3oy, what about Solaire or onion night
🔗 15:25
Briars_the_fox: bangbangbang?
🔗 15:25
I_Am_Clockwork: You can keep from going hollow by stealing humanity. Which you have
🔗 15:25
Avalon_Youk: Whats with the Banging?
🔗 15:25
Eldrin13: My internal dialogue was that they were a militia sent in to clear out the undead burge and failed
🔗 15:25
Jwiley129: So there are construction mans going on outside?
🔗 15:25
CamelknackRamblehort: I would disagree. Spike and Melvin are more closely related than Melvin and Vorthos
🔗 15:25
Hippitybobbity: @Admiralmemo That fills me with Awe
🔗 15:26
AdmiralMemo: Avalon_Youk, They're building a new building next door
🔗 15:26
CamelknackRamblehort: In that they are semi opposed
🔗 15:26
AdmiralMemo: Jwiley129, Yep. Will be for about a year.
🔗 15:26
Avalon_Youk: ah.....
🔗 15:26
Zotamedu: Oh he has a friend
🔗 15:26
Earthenone: cut the tail :P
🔗 15:26
Cyclopsboi: did we just jump forward in time?
🔗 15:26
Unas84: @Zeke229 pulling of alternate win conditions can be very satisfying yeah :) I've won some games with Mortal Combat, very nice.
🔗 15:26
Eldrin13: fire bad
🔗 15:26
Unknowngamer88: !death
🔗 15:26
LRRbot: lrrAWW 502 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 15:26
MilkInBag: Bathe in Gargoylefire
🔗 15:26
MeinHerrBrush: hot water burn babby
🔗 15:26
nonane09: @Seagulyus I know that now. I actually knew what was going to happen before it did, but only after I'd freed him.
🔗 15:26
CantWearHats: remove pants aquire fast roll
🔗 15:26
MaybeTara: Hey chat :)
🔗 15:26
Hippitybobbity: I 'll miss you pants
🔗 15:26
Earthenone: axe for a tail? time for tail for an axe
🔗 15:26
Mr_Horrible: pants > shield CONFIRMED
🔗 15:26
WyleeCoyote556: no shield means no pants!
🔗 15:26
ndance: lrrHORN
🔗 15:26
toy_anon: new quote? "Gotta take my past
🔗 15:26
Jhardin87: No pants no problem!!
🔗 15:26
AdmiralMemo: No rules means no pants!
🔗 15:26
Jwiley129: Memo are they building a giant bathtub and cradle for scrubbing and Gerbers? BabyRage
🔗 15:26
OneirosGolem: We value pants quite highly in this Vorthos world.
🔗 15:26
Seagulyus: Nonane09 its okay he doesnt have a permanent effect on the game anyway so
🔗 15:26
Anubis169: ok guys, i'm not gonna be able to watch
🔗 15:27
CaphalorTV: lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 15:27
toy_anon: *pants off
🔗 15:27
Jedijon110: !total deaths
🔗 15:27
x0den: hmmm... pants or shield? an interesting problem
🔗 15:27
JohnLockeCole4: No rules means no sheild
🔗 15:27
Zeke229 as corn on the cob and sloppy joe
🔗 15:27
Jedijon110: !totaldeaths
🔗 15:27
LRRbot: 12240 total deaths
🔗 15:27
Anubis169: dad's in a bad way and i have to keep an eye on him
🔗 15:27
Zaghrog: Camelknackramblehort you are right, I meant that Vorthos and Melvin both describe what a player likes about Magic, the Psychographics are about why you play the game
🔗 15:27
Anubis169: bbl
🔗 15:27
Spoony707: MVGame
🔗 15:27
AdmiralMemo: Anubis169, Oh no... Take care.
🔗 15:27
AdmiralMemo: lrrAWW
🔗 15:27
Earthenone: capra deamon was my point of no return
🔗 15:27
DTor214: When MaRo initally explained Melvin and Vorthos last decade, he said they were pseudo-psychographic profiles. He has since changed his mind, and now maintains that they are separate scales, and not perfectly comparable to Jenny/Tammy/Spike
🔗 15:27
CamelknackRamblehort: I don't think those concepts can be devorced - why you play the game because of what you like about the game
🔗 15:27
Mr_Horrible: bye Anubis. I hope everything turns out alright.
🔗 15:27
masonraus: Hey Alex. Thought I'd do some lurking while learning crapplemage BibleThump
🔗 15:27
Nuurgle: I hated Seb's fortress, still do
🔗 15:28
Ravynn: Hey Chat! Hey Serge and Alex!
🔗 15:28
AdmiralMemo: DTor214, They are still profiles, but they are not on the same axis as JTS
🔗 15:28
DrMcGoodTimes: Hey hey
🔗 15:28
CantWearHats: hot damn gravelord sord
🔗 15:28
Psychic_Ketchup: There we go
🔗 15:28
DrMcGoodTimes: Congrats on the axe btw
🔗 15:28
Orgmastron: lrrGOAT
🔗 15:28
Aracuda: grats on axe
🔗 15:28
Eldrin13: the bosses with tails
🔗 15:28
ThatDangSkeleton: The Orochi-no-Yamata Simulator
🔗 15:29
TheWanderingNomad: I thought Tail Cutting Simulator was Monster Hunter's nickname
🔗 15:29
DTor214: @Camelknackramblehort I disagree. There have been years of my life when I didn't play MTG at all, or buy any cards, but I still watched the new sets coming out avidly, because I appreciate the design and flavor of the game, even when I'm not playing it
🔗 15:29
TheWanderingNomad: Also are the roofers back?
🔗 15:29
OneirosGolem: Note that it wiggles and flexes
🔗 15:29
Zaghrog: you can define a Melvin or Vorthos without gameplay but you can't define the Psychographics without playing the game
🔗 15:29
DTor214: @Thewanderingnomad New building going up next door
🔗 15:29
Mr_Horrible: This game taught me to cut tails, and Monster Hunter beat it into me :P
🔗 15:29
Lord_Hosk: Everyone remember to use the ! Highlight command when a humorous, or otherwise noteworthy event happens
🔗 15:29
AdmiralMemo: TheWanderingNomad, Nope. There's a building being built next door for the next year.
🔗 15:29
TheWanderingNomad: Ah
🔗 15:29
Psychic_Ketchup: Kalameet's tail is pain in the dink to get though
🔗 15:29
masonraus: VERY
🔗 15:29
GreyFox0012: drake sword is really helpful for early game
🔗 15:29
CamelknackRamblehort: I don't think you can define melvin without gameplay, the melvin is entirely based around appreciation of mechanics
🔗 15:29
DrMcGoodTimes: Drake Sword is a bit cheesy
🔗 15:29
CamelknackRamblehort: Vorthos I agree
🔗 15:29
AdmiralMemo: So, Alex... It's my birthday today... Can you give me that axe as a present? :-D
🔗 15:29
CantWearHats: amazing ring ahead
🔗 15:30
masonraus: Drake sword is really good like up until O&S
🔗 15:30
TheAwkes: And you can lose all your souls be being a scrub.
🔗 15:30
Seagulyus: Greyfox0012 I was lucky to get the black knight greatsword :D
🔗 15:30
Zotamedu: You climbed a tower. Does this mean you unlocked the region?
🔗 15:30
ptriller: Generator activated
🔗 15:30
Seagulyus: and tthe drake sword took me time
🔗 15:30
Zeke229: yes zotamedu
🔗 15:30
Vortex0360: So what does the bell mean, Vorthos?
🔗 15:30
ThatDangSkeleton: yeah I think it's a reference to Orochi No Yamata in Japanese Mythology, who similarly dropped a sweet katana when Susanooh cut its tail off while slaying it
🔗 15:30
CantWearHats: I had a tough time with the gargoyles, so I stripped naked and rubbed resin on everything. in game too!
🔗 15:30
MistaFuzzy: alex looks good with a beard
🔗 15:30
Zotamedu: Ubisoft the game
🔗 15:30
Zaghrog: you can understand what rules text means without playing the game
🔗 15:30
GreyFox0012: i just firebombed capra demon becase screw that guy and his dogs
🔗 15:30
Solomon_Kain: The Gargoyles took me hours to do on my first playthrough, but they havent given me any trouble since.
🔗 15:30
ThatDangSkeleton: The tail-cutting thing I mean
🔗 15:30
CantWearHats: happy birfday memo!
🔗 15:30
koizom: Alex doesn'y know how to play without Gravelord swrod
🔗 15:30
Hrafnsvaengr: Hrm...I'm curious what Serge would look like bebearded. I can't picture it for some reason
🔗 15:30
Zeke229: it is also george carlin's birthday
🔗 15:30
Supermane888: I actually didn't have that much trouble with it, Taurus Demon and Undead Berg was my barrier to entry
🔗 15:30
Hippitybobbity: The Good thing about Dark Souls Serge, is that nothing is easy, but nothing is ever impossible either
🔗 15:30
CantWearHats: he wants a hug
🔗 15:30
Unknowngamer88: nice t pose
🔗 15:30
MaybeTara: happy Birthday Memo
🔗 15:31
Psychic_Ketchup: Harpy Barthday Memo!
🔗 15:31
I_Am_Clockwork: Oswald the Huggener
🔗 15:31
JohnLockeCole4: Dear Dr Serge, I've never used gravelord or drake sword and I never had a problem with gargoyles (to be fair I ususally would be using black knight greatsword or Zweihander)
🔗 15:31
Nintyboi: Have a great birthday Memo!
🔗 15:31
DrMcGoodTimes: @Vortex0360 It's one of the two Bells of Awakening, which are basically giant ringy McGuffins.
🔗 15:31
Supermane888: "Meth now to confess"
🔗 15:31
🔗 15:31
Lord_Hosk: Dear Dr Judge Serge, can I cast Pyrotechnics targeting a creature for 0 damage?
🔗 15:31
AdmiralMemo: Wat
🔗 15:31
ThatDangSkeleton: isn't Lautrec from Careem too? What is with Careem and w e i r d o s
🔗 15:31
DTor214: @Lord_hosk Yes
🔗 15:31
masonraus: @Loadingreadyrun, Alex you know about the save organizer for this game, right? Makes learning routes SO MUCH better
🔗 15:31
DTor214: @Lord_hosk As many targets as you want
🔗 15:31
OneirosGolem: Buy a purging stone?
🔗 15:31
🔗 15:31
DrMcGoodTimes: @Thatdangskeleton That's not fair. All the NPCs in this game are weirdos.
🔗 15:31
Zaghrog: ok need to AFK a bit, gonna do some baking
🔗 15:31
Inquisitorjl: Thatdangskeleton
🔗 15:31
DTor214: @Lord_hosk I mean, you still have to put the 4 damage somewhere
🔗 15:31
PhoenixMelior: is that the GiantDad gesture?!
🔗 15:31
Eldrin13: Praise the sun is clearly the best question
🔗 15:32
Inquisitorjl: Thatdangskeleton - Chester's gear comes from Carim too
🔗 15:32
Nightvalien28: it is 1k soul per soul level
🔗 15:32
Psychic_Ketchup: Best gesture? Please that's Praise the Sun
🔗 15:32
Solomon_Kain: you cannot ressurect NPCs
🔗 15:32
Hrafnsvaengr: Ego te absolvo....
🔗 15:32
MrTulip: No resurrection
🔗 15:32
Eldrin13: It doesnt resurrect anyone. just resolves sin
🔗 15:32
I_Am_Clockwork: Doesn't bring them back
🔗 15:32
Sarah_Serinde: Hi Serge and Alex, hi chat :)
🔗 15:32
DrMcGoodTimes: Doesn't resurrect. Just de-aggros
🔗 15:32
CantWearHats: "It was just a prank bro!"
🔗 15:32
ThatDangSkeleton: Oswald just wants a hug so badly
🔗 15:32
Nightvalien28: hello Sarah_Serinde
🔗 15:32
Jwiley129: hello Sarah!
🔗 15:32
Solomon_Kain: If you kill an NPC they are dead until NG+.
🔗 15:32
Vortex0360: @Drmcgoodtimes Awesome, what are we waking up?
🔗 15:32
Whatanvarno: Does not resurrect them, Does make them not aggro and make the vengeance faction not invade you anymore
🔗 15:32
Omega_Lairon: Actually, you know what might work for me is if I could find some utterly bonkers, game-breaking mods. Stuff like perma-invincibility or infinite monies... then *amybe* I could play this
🔗 15:33
PMAvers: So you don't get the option like in DS2 to just dump a ton of souls into their grave to resurrect them?
🔗 15:33
Mr_Horrible: Doesn't Oswald also have really good rings?
🔗 15:33
Eldrin13: the people i dont get are the ones who try and farm the forest and will give you an indictment if you kill them
🔗 15:33
CantWearHats: keh heh heh heh heh
🔗 15:33
Psychic_Ketchup: Buy at least one purging stone?
🔗 15:33
Mr_Horrible: like all the <>Bite rings?
🔗 15:33
Lord_Hosk: Tink tink tink tink tink
🔗 15:33
CamelknackRamblehort: Nice
🔗 15:33
GDwarf: Oswald is clearly the most moral and upstanding character in the whole game Kappa
🔗 15:33
DrMcGoodTimes: I forget what exactly we're waking up. Mechanically, it opens up Sen's Fortress, I believe. So you're waking up a fortress, I guess?
🔗 15:33
masonraus: @Loadingreadyrun, Basically you can save and quit and load that save with the organizer so the organizer holds the save to be injected into the game later. Basically like Save state for this game
🔗 15:33
CantWearHats: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 15:33
Camail: What rings you got, bitch!
🔗 15:33
Aarek: Praise the Sun!
🔗 15:33
ndance: lrrHORN
🔗 15:33
CantWearHats: lrrSPOOP
🔗 15:33
CantWearHats: the legend never dies
🔗 15:34
Sektor88: Serg "teleport back to your fireplace" Jager
🔗 15:34
PresidentLulu: Time to show Serge Darkroot!
🔗 15:34
Orgmastron: !value
🔗 15:34
GDwarf: Hollows don't understand how doors work
🔗 15:34
CantWearHats: \__o__/
🔗 15:34
Lord_Hosk: Their mom told them that they werent allowed to come out after dinner
🔗 15:34
ThatDangSkeleton: HMmm A sun hidden behind clouds, only a scattering of rays shining beyond a grey haze. I'm reading too much into this I'm sure Kappa
🔗 15:34
drcthulu: the clams of death
🔗 15:34
Hippitybobbity: No way
🔗 15:34
CantWearHats: god damn clams lrrEFF
🔗 15:34
Psychic_Ketchup: That would've been nice with the clams
🔗 15:34
daneislazy: Speaking of effers in boss fight, i had a 3 clam seath fight, it was bs, still won though
🔗 15:34
Hippitybobbity: DO the clams follow you into Seath?
🔗 15:34
GreyFox0012: ah dont like clems
🔗 15:34
Nightvalien28: they can go outside they are just stuck
🔗 15:34
Hippitybobbity: They didnt follow me
🔗 15:34
ChroniclerC: Sounds like a children's novel. "Seath and the clams".
🔗 15:34
ndance: \ [T] / lrrHORN
🔗 15:34
Mr_Horrible: Seath and the Clams sounds like a really terrible folk band
🔗 15:34
CantWearHats: Hippitybobbity they *can* but only the first time in the crystal caves
🔗 15:35
daneislazy: The clams only follow in the first time, because there is no fog there.
🔗 15:35
CantWearHats: once the fog door is there, they're locked out
🔗 15:35
16Bitmason: hiiiii
🔗 15:35
Cockmongler45: They can't pass fog walls m8
🔗 15:35
TurnedUsernameThirty: playing around with a image morphing site here is the pic of Graham's and Beej's hypothetical baby http://www.morphthing.com/showimage/5/5650ef5091f97a5d15580eeda2b69e73/0/25123477/Baby-of-Screenshot-2015-05-12-18-22-27-png-and-Screen-Shot-2013-02-12-at-1-18-23-PM-png.jpeg
🔗 15:35
RigJuice: He said; "Oh they climb ladders"
🔗 15:35
Seagulyus: it could also be that the movement mesh wasnt designed past that point
🔗 15:35
GDwarf: Serge "They can climb ladders" Sergeson
🔗 15:35
Hippitybobbity: @Mr_horrible THey make see shanties with 3 banjoes and a concertina
🔗 15:35
CantWearHats: clam shells can't melt fog walls
🔗 15:35
🔗 15:35
Mr_Horrible: I am upset by the notion that this could, and probably does, exist, Hippitybobbity
🔗 15:35
Cockmongler45: really?
🔗 15:35
TurnedUsernameThirty: I don't know why it adds that extra
🔗 15:35
Cockmongler45: wow
🔗 15:36
Camail: inb4 serge starts playing dark souls on stream
🔗 15:36
ArchaicBreeze: I wanna be a mage so much D:
🔗 15:36
AdmiralMemo: You can stack boys in this game? Wat? Kappa
🔗 15:36
🔗 15:36
Eldrin13: sorcery is rad late game
🔗 15:36
Lord_Hosk: You can play magic in this game? do they update it or is it just the sets that were out when the game came out?
🔗 15:36
masonraus: Hey surge go check out crapplemage Kappa
🔗 15:36
PresidentLulu: quite a bit
🔗 15:36
ArchaicBreeze: a bit yes
🔗 15:36
AdmiralMemo: LoadingReadyRun, Lots
🔗 15:36
Zotamedu: Yes
🔗 15:36
RigJuice: All of it XD
🔗 15:36
IndigoVitare: so much
🔗 15:36
Hippitybobbity: @Mr_horrible IDK man, I actually hope it d be good
🔗 15:36
ndance: ys we can hear it
🔗 15:36
Eldrin13: pyromancy gets less good in ng+
🔗 15:36
ArchaicBreeze: it's louder now
🔗 15:36
JohnLockeCole4: oh yeah we hear construction
🔗 15:36
DrMcGoodTimes: Quite a bit
🔗 15:36
smashbro188: all of it
🔗 15:36
DTor214: Serge it is audible
🔗 15:36
toy_anon: picked up quite loudly
🔗 15:36
GDwarf: turnedusernamethirty: .png.jpg: The best image format. Kappa
🔗 15:36
Lord_Hosk: We can hear the noise a whole lot
🔗 15:36
PsychoI3oy: hammer game too stronk
🔗 15:36
Solomon_Kain: background noise is audible but not annoying.
🔗 15:36
Jwiley129: we hear the thumpa-thumpa
🔗 15:36
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh, we hear it.
🔗 15:36
Unas84: Yeah, construction is very clear
🔗 15:36
GreyFox0012: we hear hammers
🔗 15:36
OneirosGolem: We can certainly hear it.
🔗 15:36
Ownyke: lots of construction noise being picked up yeah
🔗 15:36
Unknowngamer88: hearing pretty much all of it
🔗 15:36
Eldrin13: omg hammering :p
🔗 15:36
BusTed: We hear everything.
🔗 15:36
kinpatsu: Yeah we can hear basically all of it
🔗 15:36
Spacecarl: Its there but its fine.
🔗 15:36
tingspam: yes,we hear it
🔗 15:36
Vortex0360: Lots of hammering
🔗 15:36
ImSincerelySorry: Just a bit of it
🔗 15:36
Nuurgle: BANG BANG yes Serge BANG KNOCK
🔗 15:36
Rootpotato: we can hear all lol
🔗 15:36
ThatDangSkeleton: yeah I hear hammering
🔗 15:36
Psychic_Ketchup: Yes but we got used to it
🔗 15:36
Jwiley129: just waiting for the drop Kappa
🔗 15:36
RigJuice: Not bothering me though
🔗 15:36
Camail: make them stop building the building?
🔗 15:36
PresidentLulu: theyre constructing a construction?
🔗 15:36
Lord_Durin: yeah, we can hear it. quite well
🔗 15:36
Orgmastron: Much construction
🔗 15:36
Demo379: ITs not that bad though
🔗 15:36
GDwarf: Eh, the construction noise isn't that bad
🔗 15:36
MeinHerrBrush: its the rooferes all over again
🔗 15:36
The_Quiet_Alestain: We can hear the Construction very clearly.
🔗 15:36
EldraziOutlaw: Sorry Serge what did you say, the construction outside drowned you out Kappa
🔗 15:36
CaffeinatedLemur: wake up honeywell, have her sing out the sounds
🔗 15:36
OneirosGolem: It's not as loud as you guys, but it's there.
🔗 15:36
Seagulyus: does anyone know how to deal with poison outside of dealing with it?
🔗 15:36
16Bitmason: the hammering we can hear
🔗 15:36
Hippitybobbity: No bass though, so its fin
🔗 15:36
Avalon_Youk: Stick your head and tell them your streaming
🔗 15:36
Thisbymaster: I can't hear you surge over that noise
🔗 15:36
Arclight_Dynamo: Thought it was roofers on your building.
🔗 15:36
Aracuda: construction? what construction? i cant hear anything over the construction going on outside my house
🔗 15:36
ArchaicBreeze: we are loyal, we care not ^_^
🔗 15:36
Vortex0360: It's appropriate ambiance
🔗 15:36
Zeke229: is it extra storage for the feed dump hats?
🔗 15:36
Supermane888: Audible but ignorable
🔗 15:36
16Bitmason: but hat can ya do
🔗 15:36
Aracuda: at 11.30 at night
🔗 15:36
RebelliousUno: We hear all
🔗 15:36
drcthulu: I'm incorporating it into the experience of Alex building a story
🔗 15:36
tingspam: do not care however
🔗 15:36
featherweight_: well a building is being builded next to my house too so I have super tuned it out.
🔗 15:36
RebelliousUno: banging all over the place
🔗 15:37
Unas84: It's nothing too bad, really
🔗 15:37
TheAwkes: Alex, have you run with the Iaito much? I really liked it as a weapon in my first winning run.
🔗 15:37
Inquisitorjl: Next is Capra! Though you can do some of Darkroot if you'd prefer not to do Capra
🔗 15:37
Alchemistmerlin: I assumed that was Cam trying to escape the Bloodborne intervention room you locked him in.
🔗 15:37
Mr_Horrible: I am not a hopeful man, Hippitybobbity.
🔗 15:37
Lord_Hosk: We didn't say anything because we assumed you couldn't just tell them to stop
🔗 15:37
CantWearHats: you just have to wait until they start to swing towards you
🔗 15:37
DrMcGoodTimes: Alex "Triple Whiff" Stacey
🔗 15:37
Omega_Lairon: Right now the noise isn't so bad... but weeks from now? Months? Could start adding up
🔗 15:37
DiamondTiki: I thought we were using the chinese grave sword only for bosses. Not that I'm complaining
🔗 15:37
TurnedUsernameThirty: sorry for the bad links chat let me send them to imgur
🔗 15:37
🔗 15:37
63cx0: Just a thought: Wouldn't Headset/-Lavalier-Mikrophones help to block any sound that is further away from the player?
🔗 15:37
AdmiralMemo: LoadingReadyRun, The only thing you COULD do about it is use the Podcast mics with the screens. Those DID help when the roofers were there. But then there's the trade-off of having those.
🔗 15:37
Eldrin13: best parry animation
🔗 15:37
Aarek: Torque "Construction Noise" Lewith
🔗 15:37
GDwarf: Alex: Are you saying that the Flash's first villain, "The world's slowest man", would defeat you utterly?
🔗 15:37
DrMcGoodTimes: Serge is actually pretty spot on
🔗 15:37
AdmiralMemo: 63cx0, They do have those for the podcasts...
🔗 15:37
ArchaicBreeze: Aaaaaw... They're all Bub from Day of the Dead :(
🔗 15:37
Nuurgle: so Dark Souls shares the same world as Warm Bodies?
🔗 15:38
Hippitybobbity: They re already dead
🔗 15:38
Earthenone: like the "returned" from theoes?
🔗 15:38
Vortex0360: I like that headcanon
🔗 15:38
Mr_Horrible: Which of us wears the redhead wig? :P
🔗 15:38
Hippitybobbity: THey will not die again
🔗 15:38
16Bitmason: hey who turnd out the lights
🔗 15:38
Earthenone: how mothers steal childeren and the like :P
🔗 15:38
CantWearHats: it's old. old as balls.
🔗 15:38
Hippitybobbity: The 5th time they felt a blade in their ribs it stopped registering
🔗 15:38
PresidentLulu: sounds like something graham would say
🔗 15:38
GreyFox0012: yeah thats pretty accurate
🔗 15:38
RigJuice: "One thousand years after Skyrim" ~Alex
🔗 15:38
JohnLockeCole4: sure let's "Fight" the dragon
🔗 15:38
AdmiralMemo: 63cx0, Yeah...
🔗 15:38
ArchaicBreeze: I don't think they'd have bodies if they were thousands of years old...
🔗 15:38
ThatDangSkeleton: I mean the undead curse is basically Alzhiemers that never becomes fatal, right?
🔗 15:38
Eldrin13: you can def get the tail though
🔗 15:38
GDwarf: This can't be set in Skyrim. The dragons here kill you in one shot. In Skyrim they mildly annoy you. Kappa
🔗 15:38
Zeke229: dark souls is a tale as old as time
🔗 15:39
Lord_Hosk: if every wooden surface was covered in moss for thousands of years there would be no more wood left. that is the primary use of moss
🔗 15:39
Psychic_Ketchup: Sure let's fight him. Getting barbecued is always fun
🔗 15:39
TrustWorthyPittDweller: Where did that dragon go? Oh there he is, burning me alive
🔗 15:39
AdmiralMemo: 63cx0, Actually... Since they're using the headsets for the podcasts, the screened mics might be available.
🔗 15:39
Zeke229: turnedusernamethirty pls no
🔗 15:39
Hippitybobbity: @Lord_hosk Speaks to the quality of the coatin
🔗 15:39
Lancer873: It's been "A long-ass-time" since this world's god sacrificed himself to help contain the hollows.
🔗 15:39
PresidentLulu: Tell serge how it isnt actually a dragon
🔗 15:39
Arclight_Dynamo: "learning by dying" is not a thing I like.
🔗 15:39
CantWearHats: CHOPS!
🔗 15:39
Vortex0360: I got blindsided the first time. Had all my souls from the previous boss
🔗 15:39
GDwarf: archaicbreeze: They aren't rotting, they're just not "alive" per-se
🔗 15:39
Hippitybobbity: YOU SACK
🔗 15:39
DiamondTiki: Chinese grave sword OP
🔗 15:39
Psychic_Ketchup: Nice!
🔗 15:39
PMAvers: Toasty!
🔗 15:39
OneirosGolem: Clutch vitality
🔗 15:39
Zeke229: DoctaOne
🔗 15:39
CantWearHats: lrrSACK
🔗 15:39
Aracuda: well THAT was certainly different to how i did it, i just shot it for 5 minutes with a bow
🔗 15:39
BusTed: lrrGOAT
🔗 15:39
Zeke229: DoctaZero
🔗 15:39
Orgmastron: lrrGOAT lrrSACK
🔗 15:39
KitteyWolf: i have never actually seen someone get the tail without spending minutes with a bow
🔗 15:40
Zeke229: doctaOne
🔗 15:40
Nightvalien28: got tail, burn
🔗 15:40
ArchaicBreeze: @GDwarf they look pretty decomposed
🔗 15:40
Aarek: doctaOne lrrFINE
🔗 15:40
63cx0: AdmiralMemo: I don't quite know wich Mics you mean? What are screened Mics?
🔗 15:40
DTor214: No ParamBonus - that means it never gets better?
🔗 15:40
GDwarf: archaicbreeze: Like, you know how the PC revives at a fire every time they "die", fully healed? All undead do that.
🔗 15:40
TurnedUsernameThirty: actually you know in honor of our hosts I'll see what I can find for Serge and Alex
🔗 15:40
Nightvalien28: alex two hand the sword and use strong attack for lasers
🔗 15:40
GreyFox0012: its not that hard
🔗 15:40
AdmiralMemo: 63cx0, The ones they used to use for the podcasts before they got the headsets. The ones with the pop screens in front of them.
🔗 15:40
Seirhune: Doesn't take that long to shoot it off....maybe 30ish.
🔗 15:40
GreyFox0012: only about 20 arrows
🔗 15:41
Seirhune: 30 arrows, I mean.
🔗 15:41
Eldrin13: alex whats your PB?
🔗 15:41
JohnLockeCole4: I've seen people use the pine resin and a longsword to cut the tail off
🔗 15:41
GreyFox0012: well i used heavy arrows
🔗 15:41
Supermane888: Black knight fight!
🔗 15:41
ArchaicBreeze: @GDwaf I seeee... I kinda interpreted all the enemies respawing as the actual time resetting, Majora's Style, but being chosen and all you sustain accomplishment magic-style
🔗 15:41
ptriller: Crapper demon
🔗 15:41
AdmiralMemo: LoadingReadyRun: Question: Is using the old podcast mics with the pop screens feasible/practical? That does limit the background construction noise on our end, but I don't know how practical it is for your end.
🔗 15:41
TurnedUsernameThirty: holy *** I google image searched serge lrr and google autocorrected it to Serge Lee and the results were interesting... lol
🔗 15:41
Psychic_Ketchup: Fight that Knight!
🔗 15:41
ThatDangSkeleton: You rang a bell! Now time for...Another bell!
🔗 15:41
63cx0: AdmiralMemo: I dont know what characteristica those have, I'd guess they'd pick the surroundings up about as well as the current mic.
🔗 15:41
Bv310: Yay Dark Souls! yay Serge!
🔗 15:42
Solomon_Kain: The Noise is not a problem.
🔗 15:42
MilkInBag: construction sound is fine
🔗 15:42
16Bitmason: it not that bad
🔗 15:42
ArchaicBreeze: We love the construction noise!
🔗 15:42
Zeke229: im ok with this turnedusernamethirty
🔗 15:42
CantWearHats: the noise is honestly not that bad
🔗 15:42
RigJuice: I don't mind it
🔗 15:42
OneirosGolem: The noise is not bad enough to require intervention.
🔗 15:42
GDwarf: archaicbreeze: Nope, you die, and then regenerate. As do all your foes. They re-generate where they first stand, rather at fires, though
🔗 15:42
Vortex0360: Suddenly no sound at all
🔗 15:42
tingspam: nmoise not a problem
🔗 15:42
The_Quiet_Alestain: The sound is not too distracting
🔗 15:42
Eldrin13: praise the sun!!!!!
🔗 15:42
Bv310: The construction noise is just ambiance
🔗 15:42
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Loadingreadyrun no I was morphing images http://i.imgur.com/jZtGJd0.jpg
🔗 15:42
Vortex0360: yeah it's not distracting
🔗 15:42
CreationCatalyst: Pop filters will not help with the construction noise at all
🔗 15:42
GDwarf: loadingreadyrun: The construction noise is really not very bad. We can hear it, but we can hear you over it no problem
🔗 15:42
Aarek: Praise the Sun!
🔗 15:42
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Zeke229 yeah I don't mind but it's not what I was expecting
🔗 15:43
Vortex0360: I got toasted
🔗 15:43
CantWearHats: Turnedusernamethirty that's uh. that's pretty weird bro. well, you do you
🔗 15:43
GreyFox0012: why are there burned corpses on this bridge?
🔗 15:43
GDwarf: Serge: They're so unaware that they don't remember that they burned there. They just wander back mindlessly
🔗 15:43
Okipokute: wat wat, serge is here?
🔗 15:43
ThatDangSkeleton: well the undead don't care, the implication is that they revive at bonfire like you do
🔗 15:43
MilkInBag: WutFace
🔗 15:43
Hippitybobbity: No ship
🔗 15:43
ArchaicBreeze: @GDwaft Cannot... Justify... Must... *** with... ESTABLISHED LORE! Looks like time is shattered to me, also this is set in Gormenghast... And there are Ewoks somewhere.
🔗 15:43
Hippitybobbity: This ship is sinking
🔗 15:43
Orgmastron: NOTP
🔗 15:43
azninja888: \quote
🔗 15:43
Camail: ship is sinking
🔗 15:43
Lord_Hosk: Serge isnt here okipokute, do you see serge?
🔗 15:43
mrmobius subscribed for 11 months in a row!
🔗 15:43
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, mrmobius! (Today's storm count: 12)
🔗 15:43
ArchaicBreeze: @GDwaft (I jest)
🔗 15:43
kinpatsu: \quote alex
🔗 15:44
napsterthegrey: Kappa
🔗 15:44
ThatDangSkeleton: they don't remember the drake lighting /them/ on fire
🔗 15:44
Bv310: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 15:44
GDwarf: archaicbreeze: Time is shattered, so that's a valid interpretation!
🔗 15:44
Lord_Hosk: Is serge talking to you Okipokute?
🔗 15:44
TurnedUsernameThirty: ok here's a nice pic of serge http://www.wtfgamejam.com/images/jammers/serge.jpg
🔗 15:44
GDwarf: Serge: No, most people believe that all undead come back from "death" each time, just like you do, so they don't remember the dragon burning *them* to death and wander back to the bridge.
🔗 15:44
Bv310: That's a stylish jacket
🔗 15:44
Zeke229: today is the 1st anniversary of the death of HR Giger
🔗 15:44
Vortex0360: How they no run out?!
🔗 15:44
cheetoJack: So if we get 100 subs in this stream we get a 24 hour stream right? Kappa
🔗 15:45
AdmiralMemo: 63cx0, Here's the mics I was talking about: https://youtu.be/tgrhBZ-265o They tried that when the roofers were there and it cut down 95% of the noise. But I don't think they liked using them on-stream due to the desk setup.
🔗 15:45
DTor214: Can we get down to the body that's below and to the left of the bridge that the firebombers are firebombing?
🔗 15:45
IndigoVitare: where do they get the fuel?
🔗 15:45
Vortex0360: lol
🔗 15:45
SmilelyDude: i just started
🔗 15:45
Okipokute: did serge or alex see the new mad max?
🔗 15:45
Camail: well they're all just hollowed out husks running on nothing but instinct so they are just going where they've always been, slaves to habit
🔗 15:45
I_Am_Clockwork: It also has to do with how time is weird here
🔗 15:45
TheAwkes: Fighting dogs without a shield? You minster.
🔗 15:45
masonraus: Oh boy its time for Kappa Demon BibleThump
🔗 15:45
MilkInBag: its not released
🔗 15:45
Zeke229: lower undeadburg is a sh*t
🔗 15:45
CantWearHats: scenic Undead Burg
🔗 15:45
ArchaicBreeze: Someone PLEASE draw Serge with a Head Cannon!!
🔗 15:46
ArchaicBreeze: re you at?Featherwight...? Whe
🔗 15:46
TrustWorthyPittDweller: I want to believe when not around they just throw it at random things like kids with firecrackers
🔗 15:46
praisedson: What is his SL?
🔗 15:46
ArchaicBreeze: *where you at
🔗 15:46
azninja888: !sir
🔗 15:46
Seirhune: Undead Burg: Not As Fun As Duckberg.
🔗 15:46
Zotamedu: Switching to dynamic mics instead of a large omni condenser would solve much of the background sound.
🔗 15:46
Hippitybobbity: So therer was a plague here
🔗 15:46
CantWearHats: bring out yer dead
🔗 15:46
Psychic_Ketchup: Those Thraben Purebloods are the worst
🔗 15:46
Hippitybobbity: @Phoenixmelior DANCE YOU MAGNIFICENTBEAST
🔗 15:46
OneirosGolem: Perpetually burning bodies.
🔗 15:46
ThatDangSkeleton: yeah I think the lore is that the undead you fight are like you but the undead curse has progressed way more for them so they've lost all capacity of thought or memory. Reviving every time they die forever
🔗 15:46
MilkInBag: bring IN yer dead
🔗 15:47
Hippitybobbity: Dance the night away
🔗 15:47
IndigoVitare: What sort of moron would live in a place called Undeadburg?
🔗 15:47
Zotamedu: But dynamic mics are really annoying when you just want to talk because you need to have them in your face.
🔗 15:47
CantWearHats: Flame Bro!
🔗 15:47
Nightvalien28: PhoenixMelior, party hard
🔗 15:47
GreyFox0012: pretty sure Kappa demon is buring them
🔗 15:47
DTor214: @Indigovitare An undead, of course
🔗 15:47
aesir_blade: Serge, also for headcanons, I mentioned this a couple streams back: When you die, then respawn at a bonfire, it takes roughly a hundred hears, wherein nothing changes except the Hollows you killed also respawning. Also, I had the thought that when you -rest- at a bonfire, you're also sitting there, immobile, for some other silly length of time, waiting for the mundane heat of the bonfire to slowly fill up your arcane estus flask
🔗 15:47
Metricos: like a bloodborne plague, @Hippitybobbity Kappa
🔗 15:47
CantWearHats: oh wait other bro
🔗 15:47
CantWearHats: Magic Bro!
🔗 15:47
JustHarms: Griggs of Vinheim, genius. locked in a house by dogs.
🔗 15:47
Hippitybobbity: @Metricos gasp hl3 confirmed
🔗 15:47
PhoenixMelior: \m/
🔗 15:47
Zotamedu: So where do the people come from?
🔗 15:48
Earthenone: you retain your personality, until you try online play :P
🔗 15:48
Hippitybobbity: Time doesnt mean anything anymore
🔗 15:48
Zotamedu: How did you end up there?
🔗 15:48
Okipokute: yer a wizard hairy
🔗 15:48
CantWearHats: orrrrr he stole the clothes off another dead wizard
🔗 15:48
I_Am_Clockwork: You might also be going back in time. That happens to a couple of the npcs in the lore
🔗 15:48
AdmiralMemo: Barrel Buddies...
🔗 15:48
ArchaicBreeze: Dark Fashion
🔗 15:48
CantWearHats: just sayin
🔗 15:48
DTor214: @Zotamedu You are brought here by a giant bird.
🔗 15:48
TrustWorthyPittDweller: Ain't no hollow back girl
🔗 15:48
ThatDangSkeleton: You're early stage Alzhiemers, the undead you fight having been stewing in late-stage alzhiemers for maybe a few centuries
🔗 15:48
AdmiralMemo: You're a hairy wizard...
🔗 15:49
JohnLockeCole4: aesir_blade one problem with that - Seiglinde is stated to be NOT Undead, but a normal human - and we see her at several points
🔗 15:49
Zotamedu: Alex, you should do a wizzard run then.
🔗 15:49
Inquisitorjl: Loadingreadyrun - actually, he's wearing the black wizard gear, associated with the 'secret agents' of their college. He may very well have killed that other sorcerer
🔗 15:49
PsychoI3oy: Johnlockecole4 who?
🔗 15:49
JohnLockeCole4: Seiglinde - Seigmeyer's Daughter
🔗 15:50
MilkInBag: a woman with a baby?
🔗 15:50
Zeke229: i was twint once
🔗 15:50
Psychic_Ketchup: He was probably pregnant
🔗 15:50
SalmirAeon: Puts the DARK in Dark Souls
🔗 15:50
PsychoI3oy: Johnlockecole4 pretend I've never leanred any names but watched a lot of playthroughs
🔗 15:50
esperchld: He ate his brother?
🔗 15:50
CantWearHats: sneak attack!
🔗 15:50
GreyFox0012: lore wise i think the twin humanity is a married couple that died together
🔗 15:51
ThatDangSkeleton: More mundane, a murderer who got his hands on someone else's humanity?
🔗 15:51
GreyFox0012: and someone just stole their souls
🔗 15:51
AdmiralMemo: My dad has 3 kidneys because apparently he absorbed his twin in utero
🔗 15:51
JohnLockeCole4: The Onion Knight's Daughter Psychoi3oy
🔗 15:51
Dhad094: there is a ninja in dark souls
🔗 15:51
mrmobius subscribed for 11 months in a row!
🔗 15:51
PsychoI3oy: Johnlockecole4 ah, ok
🔗 15:51
BusTed: "Hey, nice stab!" "Thanks, you too buddy!"
🔗 15:51
Curufean: Whoever is rebuilding this castle in the background is very dedicated today
🔗 15:51
RebelliousUno: Right sleep times
🔗 15:51
Hippitybobbity: @Admiralmemo He must be quite the heavywheight drinker
🔗 15:51
RebelliousUno: night Serge, Alex
🔗 15:51
RebelliousUno: Happy Birthday Memo
🔗 15:51
CantWearHats: "tell me, do you parry?"
🔗 15:51
Hippitybobbity: Night Uno
🔗 15:51
RebelliousUno: Night Chat
🔗 15:51
Zeke229: mrmobius you already subbed, you cant do it twice
🔗 15:51
CaphalorTV: Night Uno
🔗 15:51
Aarek: JK Flatten
🔗 15:51
Danielleai: a 3rd kidney?
🔗 15:52
malfunct: he did 11 months in 1 day?
🔗 15:52
AdmiralMemo: Hippitybobbity, He actually drinks like maybe once every month or two.
🔗 15:52
Himyul: are you gonna one-shot the kappademon with no estus?
🔗 15:52
TurnedUsernameThirty: hey I found a picture of alex without his hat https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BbzIYUbCUAAZln0.jpg
🔗 15:52
Hippitybobbity: @Admiralmemo I was joking, but I hope he doesnt suffer from it
🔗 15:52
Zotamedu: He is part cow?
🔗 15:52
PsychoI3oy: Zeke229 I announced 3 subs in a row a month ago when twitch triple charged me
🔗 15:52
Havok4: The second stomach is for devouring souls.
🔗 15:52
Danielleai: ohgod...we're evolving to become cows
🔗 15:52
ArchaicBreeze: That makes one a Chimera :D
🔗 15:52
CoyoteSans: Reminds me of that "Chimera" kid in that one episode of House.
🔗 15:52
Seirhune: Even hollows know the Mail Breaker sucks.
🔗 15:52
ArchaicBreeze: Actually
🔗 15:52
PsychoI3oy: but that went 9/10/11
🔗 15:52
eostby: "Yer a corpse, Harry" FrankerZ
🔗 15:52
ThatDangSkeleton: something something look how healthy this child is, he's has 5 humanties!
🔗 15:52
AdmiralMemo: Hippitybobbity, Nope. I'm guessing that his blood is like REALLY clean, though. :-D
🔗 15:52
Zeke229: that isnt a real image turnedusernamethirty
🔗 15:52
Werdnae: I think if you don't use the resub notification, I think it stacks with the next month's
🔗 15:52
Havok4: Speaking of half life have you tried black mesa serge?
🔗 15:53
Hippitybobbity: @Admiralmemo Yeah I should hope so
🔗 15:53
Nuurgle: Don't call it an ambush, they've been there for years?
🔗 15:53
Danielleai thinks she may have an extra rib on the right side....doctors never mentioned it but that side does feel it more if I bend a lot
🔗 15:53
Himyul: Have you ever killed Manus, Alex?
🔗 15:53
cuttlefishman: How many hours have you put into this game Alex?
🔗 15:53
khainesd subscribed for 17 months in a row!
🔗 15:53
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, khainesd! (Today's storm count: 13)
🔗 15:53
63cx0: Don't call it a comeba--- err, i mean ambush!
🔗 15:53
The_Quiet_Alestain: A tarsche shield?
🔗 15:53
DTor214: Stay focused, Alex
🔗 15:53
The_Quiet_Alestain: wow, thats obscure
🔗 15:53
🔗 15:54
Earthenone: this is not even my final form!
🔗 15:54
Crimson247: hey
🔗 15:54
MilkInBag: is your left item a microphone? Kappa
🔗 15:54
Himyul: doge is dogy
🔗 15:54
Danielleai: you'd think a doctor would...so maybe not
🔗 15:54
TurnedUsernameThirty: I'll have to try this again with better pics
🔗 15:54
TurnedUsernameThirty: here is the last one, it turned out ok http://i.imgur.com/mmYrw31.jpg Serge + Alex @Loadingreadyrun
🔗 15:54
TheAwkes: No it isn't. They have a seperate hollow thirf set.
🔗 15:55
Psychic_Ketchup: Their uniforms are all hollowed out though
🔗 15:55
Zeke229: behind that fog door is death
🔗 15:55
CantWearHats: Turnedusernamethirty that's pretty weird dude
🔗 15:55
Inquisitorjl: but, there is a goat and he wants to be your friend!
🔗 15:55
Himyul: I think it's the hammering happening behind you, Serge
🔗 15:55
Earthenone: only sadness beyond the veil
🔗 15:55
Mr_Horrible: Headcanon accepted: Lower Burg thieves are actually a fraternity
🔗 15:55
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Cantwearhats I may try to find a different website to do this
🔗 15:55
I_Am_Clockwork: Time to visit miss friend
🔗 15:55
Psychic_Ketchup: Ah yes, your girlfriend Kate Moss
🔗 15:55
Nightvalien28: a lot of pain in this game, he says standing next to the capra demon's door
🔗 15:55
CantWearHats: Turnedusernamethirty no I mean in general. that is a weird thing to be doing
🔗 15:55
D_Man_7733: Oh hey Surge!
🔗 15:55
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Cantwearhats I was bored
🔗 15:56
Lord_Hosk: The first time I met Alex, he also stabbed me, and I was also mad
🔗 15:56
Dix: Tricksy hobbits
🔗 15:56
Zeke229: vee hee hee
🔗 15:56
Zotamedu: come to daddy
🔗 15:56
cuttlefishman: So, is she a member of the... green party?
🔗 15:56
TurnedUsernameThirty: it's just put two images into a website and link the result @Cantwearhats
🔗 15:56
Bratmon: @Lord_hosk It's a common problem.
🔗 15:56
Zeke229: the first time i met alex he stabbed me as well
🔗 15:56
JohnLockeCole4: well 3rd vendor after Andre - she's the 2nd undead merchant
🔗 15:56
GDwarf: Undead Lady Merchant is best waifu
🔗 15:56
INDIGoALLEnGUZMAn: capra demon is easy Kappa
🔗 15:56
Cockmongler45: It's seriously easy.
🔗 15:57
TurnedUsernameThirty: I'm gonna link Graham and Beej the earlier image on twitter
🔗 15:57
Himyul: good ol' Kate Moss
🔗 15:57
Zeke229: i was happy
🔗 15:57
Metricos: She's probably Oedon Chapel Friend's mom
🔗 15:57
mrmobius subscribed for 11 months in a row!
🔗 15:57
Danielleai: hahahhaha
🔗 15:57
MilkInBag: Kate Moss WutFace
🔗 15:57
Inquisitorjl: Indigoallenguzman, once you get down to just the demon itself I'd agree with you
🔗 15:57
Danielleai: good one Alex
🔗 15:57
Zeke229: the only good character in the game
🔗 15:57
Inquisitorjl: the dogs however
🔗 15:57
smashbro188: really
🔗 15:57
PresidentLulu: alex the capra demon is weak to shitcakes secret op trick Kappa
🔗 15:57
smashbro188: kate moss?
🔗 15:57
Zeke229: mrmobius, check for extra charges
🔗 15:57
GreyFox0012: so shes *** insane but at least shes happy
🔗 15:57
Dix: [Screams Internally]
🔗 15:57
CantWearHats: <incoherent gibberish>
🔗 15:58
sonji7: but serge, then everyone's laughter would be subtitled the same
🔗 15:58
Zeke229: [sobs mathematically]
🔗 15:58
OneirosGolem: She likes those iron bars, Serge.
🔗 15:58
DTor214: Of course she stays here. She loves it here!
🔗 15:58
lsuaksauke: Deeeeeerrrrrrrpppppppp
🔗 15:58
CelticStag: [Screams audibly at Dix]
🔗 15:58
CelticStag: I mean.... Hey man!
🔗 15:58
Whatanvarno: If you buy her last humanity, she goes hollow
🔗 15:58
CantWearHats: keh heh heh heh
🔗 15:59
TurnedUsernameThirty: actually the site stores images you already uploaded who wants to see Beej and Alex? It's my favorite so far.
🔗 15:59
TurnedUsernameThirty: http://i.imgur.com/dwXTC8H.jpg
🔗 15:59
Hippitybobbity: @Whatanvarno Wow
🔗 15:59
nonane09: Welcome back to Firelink Shrine!
🔗 15:59
Lancer873: Wait wut
🔗 15:59
DTor214: Kate noooooooo
🔗 15:59
INDIGoALLEnGUZMAn: the die easy dawgs Kappa
🔗 15:59
Lancer873: I have not heard of that and did not observe that
🔗 15:59
🔗 15:59
ChroniclerC: I don't think that's true.
🔗 15:59
SirSlipps: TurnedUsernameThirty, AHH KILL IT WITH FIRE
🔗 15:59
ChroniclerC: Pretty sure I've bought all her junk in my game.
🔗 15:59
Danielleai: doit
🔗 15:59
Hippitybobbity: @Turnedusernamethirty AUGH
🔗 15:59
amythist: yeah Alex if you buy out any of the merchants they end up wandering off and going hollow
🔗 15:59
esperchld: Death from above, below, and both sides
🔗 15:59
INDIGoALLEnGUZMAn: *the dawgs die easy
🔗 15:59
CantWearHats: -_-
🔗 15:59
AdmiralMemo: Serge "Wait, you're Alex" Yeager
🔗 15:59
TurnedUsernameThirty: alright I'm done for now
🔗 15:59
malfunct: morph alex and alex
🔗 16:00
Bratmon: Hi, Serge and Beej.
🔗 16:00
Danielleai: make her go insane
🔗 16:00
TurnedUsernameThirty: I kind of want to do Graham from season 1 and Graham now
🔗 16:00
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, Morph Young Beardless Alex with Current Alex
🔗 16:00
Hippitybobbity: @Turnedusernamethirty That would be incestuous
🔗 16:00
Solomon_Kain: humanity is also expensive
🔗 16:00
miniwak: <message deleted>hey everyone
🔗 16:00
Axiom4thewin: Hey Serge, do you or Alex watch/listen to non-MTG related podcasts or youtubers?
🔗 16:00
TurnedUsernameThirty: give me a pic sure
🔗 16:00
SirSlipps: please do
🔗 16:00
Zeke229: alex=beej
🔗 16:00
CelticStag: Turn left Beej
🔗 16:00
ArchaicBreeze: You could also ruin your beautifully decorated house with Fus Ro Dah :(
🔗 16:00
Zeke229: james=adam
🔗 16:00
Zyme86: Wait when did adam become beej
🔗 16:00
Psychic_Ketchup: Welcome to IDDQBeej
🔗 16:00
TurboLover004: Turbo fucked? Kappa
🔗 16:00
CantWearHats: propah fukd m8
🔗 16:00
Mr_Horrible: Top secret backwards hitbox
🔗 16:01
Danielleai: Beex
🔗 16:01
DrMcGoodTimes: You should go fight Havel, Alex
🔗 16:01
Danielleai: Alej
🔗 16:01
DrMcGoodTimes: Havel's got mad flavor
🔗 16:01
khainesd subscribed for 17 months in a row!
🔗 16:01
CaptainEnder7: when the rockets go up, who cares where they come down
🔗 16:01
nonane09: JUST MASH R1
🔗 16:01
Metricos: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 16:01
63cx0: Beej, she drops a sweet katana! :P
🔗 16:01
MilkInBag: subs seem to be slightly broken
🔗 16:01
miniwak: <message deleted>so what have i missed tonight stream wise. been at work 7pm-11:30pm uk time
🔗 16:01
Hippitybobbity: Lisyen to Nonane
🔗 16:01
miniwak: <message deleted>Mercury1993!
🔗 16:01
SirSlipps: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 16:01
HatsWearCats: !next
🔗 16:01
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (1:58 from now)
🔗 16:01
TurnedUsernameThirty: ok I can do young alex with old alex if people can give me a pic
🔗 16:01
miniwak: <message deleted>*** wrong chat
🔗 16:01
ThatDangSkeleton: when Alex drop-attacked that guy it sounded like he was doing the opening horns of Cowboy Bebop's opening
🔗 16:01
sticks_abuser: if alex is beej, is serge heather?
🔗 16:01
miniwak: <message deleted>someone delete that
🔗 16:01
miniwak: <message deleted>please
🔗 16:02
esperchld: Thats not my department said verner von bron
🔗 16:02
Himyul: Serge is Dix
🔗 16:02
Metricos: shockwave pls y u crash i h8 u
🔗 16:02
lsuaksauke: no serge is kathleen
🔗 16:02
Mr_Horrible: Magikarpa Demon!
🔗 16:02
Metricos: just let me watch strim
🔗 16:02
Dix: No hes not
🔗 16:02
GreyFox0012: you could just troll this guy
🔗 16:02
Dix: lol
🔗 16:02
sonji7: darkroot garden/basin can be fit in anywhere in the story, but otherwise the progression is pretty linear normally
🔗 16:02
miniwak: <message deleted>any mods tha can delete the message with the ! please
🔗 16:02
CantWearHats: Miniwak I can time you out for a few seconds
🔗 16:02
Nightvalien28: i give him 20 seconds
🔗 16:02
ThatDangSkeleton: #PowerAlex
🔗 16:02
CantWearHats: Miniwak there ya go
🔗 16:02
miniwak: just do something to get rid of any message i sent since i started talking
🔗 16:03
Axiom4thewin: Serge, thanks for the effort on my question, I would have given up after the first attempt lol.
🔗 16:03
miniwak: oh thanks god
🔗 16:03
GreyFox0012: i learned now to kill this guy with firebombs and i will never legit fight him ever
🔗 16:03
TheAwkes: Cheats.
🔗 16:03
miniwak: cheers
🔗 16:03
BusTed: Do you like dags?
🔗 16:03
Intrepid_Colin: Just beat the Wet Nurse!
🔗 16:03
CantWearHats: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
Walkingharder: lrrSACK lrrHAM
🔗 16:03
Metricos: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, Will you take a YouTube video in lieu of a screenshot? https://youtu.be/NnlFXX2h1Gc
🔗 16:03
Zyme86: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
🔗 16:03
Zeke229: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
🔗 16:03
Morgoth_bauglyr: that cheatsword
🔗 16:03
Psychic_Ketchup: lrrSACK lrrGOAT
🔗 16:03
Neural_Engineer: wow, congrats!
🔗 16:03
Inquisitorjl: goat there is even more appropriate than usual
🔗 16:03
Zyme86: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
BusTed: lrrGOAT lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
SirSlipps: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
Tripleyew: lrrSACK lrrHORN lrrSACK lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
Mr_Horrible: Congrats, Intrepid_Colin!
🔗 16:03
Naxochils: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
JohnLockeCole4: Capra Demon - ceases to be hard after you win it a couple of times
🔗 16:03
Orgmastron: lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
🔗 16:03
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, It's got both young Graham and young Alex
🔗 16:03
Morgoth_bauglyr: cuts like a bat outta hell
🔗 16:03
CrmsnDragoon: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
ThatDangSkeleton: #PowerAlex
🔗 16:03
The_Quiet_Alestain: hurra
🔗 16:03
GreyFox0012: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
63cx0: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
MCJiopur: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrSACK lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:03
63cx0: Wait. What?
🔗 16:04
ThatDangSkeleton: Sub only emoticons
🔗 16:04
OneirosGolem: This boss fight tends to be a huge wall for players, in my observation.
🔗 16:04
🔗 16:04
empyrealhell: Johnlockecole4 I mean, that's every boss in this game, isn't it?
🔗 16:04
63cx0: ThatDangSkeleton: Right, kinda forgot. Gotta sub soon. ;)
🔗 16:04
GreyFox0012: i just kill him with firebombs from outside the arena
🔗 16:04
TurnedUsernameThirty: no the website needs them facing the camera
🔗 16:04
daneislazy: adds that do bleed too
🔗 16:04
MilkInBag: I guess I was lucky, one shotted him and didnt know what I was doing
🔗 16:04
GhassanPL: Wait
🔗 16:04
JohnLockeCole4: Empyrealhell basically, yes
🔗 16:04
GhassanPL: This isn't Cam
🔗 16:04
TheAwkes: I had no idea that arch was standable. I always kill him fight-style like a chump.
🔗 16:04
Grakthuul: I'm in the middle of an SL 1 play through and that boss was super hard
🔗 16:04
Dix: Awww its Serge's hiccups!
🔗 16:04
Zeke229: hey serge lrrSPOOP
🔗 16:04
GhassanPL: Where's Cam? I don't know what to do now
🔗 16:04
ArchaicBreeze: My mother's solution to hiccups -> Hold your breath for 14 minutes
🔗 16:05
CantWearHats: when Graham did that fight on stream, he threw poop at it
🔗 16:05
Zaghrog: I didn't one shot Capra Demon but I did not die more than like 5 times, I used a Zweihander
🔗 16:05
Inquisitorjl: and not really a minotaur, he's a goat demon, not a bull demon
🔗 16:05
Inquisitorjl: though there is one of them
🔗 16:05
ThatDangSkeleton: Demons have lore reason to exist
🔗 16:05
lsuaksauke: alex change the twitch title
🔗 16:05
empyrealhell: I believe the witch of izalith created the demons on accident, trying to recreate the first flame
🔗 16:05
Axiom4thewin: @63cx0 sub during checkpoint on monday and kathleen will do a funny skit with your name
🔗 16:05
nonane09: Gaping Dragon Time!
🔗 16:05
TheAwkes: It's the Capra Demon, Capra as in Capricorn (the goat). Like the Taurus Demon was the bull.
🔗 16:05
63cx0: ArchaicBreeze: Thats... kind of an deadly solution?
🔗 16:05
CrmsnDragoon: Capra as in Capricorn
🔗 16:05
ArchaicBreeze: Indeed it is...
🔗 16:05
Himyul: he died to blighttown toxins
🔗 16:05
ArchaicBreeze: works though
🔗 16:05
miniwak: so folks what have i missed tonight
🔗 16:05
Metricos: everything, miniwak
🔗 16:05
CantWearHats: that makes a lot of sense
🔗 16:05
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, OK I'll just screenshot TWT
🔗 16:06
GreyFox0012: or as i like to call gaping dragon the "WHAT IN ANY lrrEFF IS THAT? dragon"
🔗 16:06
cddento: Hey chat I got a bloodborne question does the burial blade get a damage bonus from quick step attacks like the blades of mercy, though smaller. When fighting I noticed a mild boost with it
🔗 16:06
63cx0: Axiom4thewin: Thanks, i know. ^^ But i guess she'd have a difficult time with my username. So why bother her with it. :)
🔗 16:06
miniwak: i know that. i've been doing a night shift at work so enjoying what hours i have left with some toast and a coffee
🔗 16:06
CrmsnDragoon: Doesn't help that I keep on hearing Taurus as "Tourist"
🔗 16:06
ThatDangSkeleton: I was gonna smarm about there not being a Scorpio Demon to go with Capra Demon and Taurus Demon but there's the Centipede demon
🔗 16:06
Axiom4thewin: @63cx0 thats WHY you should bother her with it =)
🔗 16:06
TurnedUsernameThirty: I'm using a shot from that video this is gonna be weird
🔗 16:06
Naxochils: So how pumped was Cam about Serum Visions promo?
🔗 16:06
Axiom4thewin: @63cx0 plus, she may surprise you
🔗 16:06
Zaghrog: The confusing part for me about the Gaping Dragon washow easy he was to beat: I came in blind not knowing anything about him and one shotted him, only drank estus once
🔗 16:06
Coilean: hey
🔗 16:07
Axiom4thewin: hello @Coilean
🔗 16:07
63cx0: Axiom4thewin: Gah, stop selling kathleen-comercials to me! (I guess now I have to)
🔗 16:07
lsuaksauke: OMG i figured it out
🔗 16:07
lsuaksauke: damnation is gonna be a fnm promo
🔗 16:07
lsuaksauke: Thats my bet
🔗 16:07
Rootpotato: @naxochils He wasn't pumped, cause everyone started nagging him about 24 hour stream >:
🔗 16:07
Crimson247: How long is this break?
🔗 16:07
lsuaksauke: or in origins
🔗 16:08
Zaghrog: I don't see why Damnation would be an FNM promo, Duel Decks seems better
🔗 16:08
TurnedUsernameThirty: ok I have a young/old alex morph I am waiting until break is over to see his reaction
🔗 16:08
lsuaksauke: i didn't see why serum visions would be an fnm promo
🔗 16:08
lsuaksauke: but that happened
🔗 16:08
TheAwkes: @Zaghrog the first time I encountered the Gaper, he one-shotted me with his leg by walking past. So I scurried off elsewhere to toughen up. Then when you realize how ridiculously telegraphed his moves are, it really is easy.
🔗 16:08
lsuaksauke: better in a duel deck
🔗 16:08
Hippitybobbity: the funny thibg to me about this game is that it goes in leaps and bounds. i spent sp long woth O&S, and then just one shotted Nito, Sif, 4 kings
🔗 16:08
JohnLockeCole4: y'know the first one of these Assasin creed commercials was interesting - the fourth one? not so much
🔗 16:08
TurnedUsernameThirty: Just remember chat I was going to stop but you asked me to continue
🔗 16:08
Walkingharder: Duel deck has to be where Damnation is.
🔗 16:08
Naxochils: They said it would be another modern staple.
🔗 16:08
eostby: Damnation is gonna be a judge promo, isn't it?
🔗 16:08
TrustWorthyPittDweller: serum visions is a common, FNM promos are generally commons uncommons
🔗 16:09
Naxochils: Yes Damnation is a judge promo
🔗 16:09
Zaghrog: If it's in Origins Black will have two Wraths in Standard, I really doubt they'd have that
🔗 16:09
lsuaksauke: wurm coil engine was an fnm promo
🔗 16:09
Naxochils: It was a pre-release promo
🔗 16:09
lsuaksauke: yes it was
🔗 16:09
Naxochils: The same as Emrakul
🔗 16:09
Metricos: StreetPass, I love you but hurry up I just want to play Attack on Titan D:
🔗 16:09
TrustWorthyPittDweller: Technically Black has two, Extinguish All Hope and Crux
🔗 16:09
Coilean: obviously my fav card ... cause coil Kappa
🔗 16:09
lsuaksauke: oh then my locals were doing it wrong XD
🔗 16:09
Zaghrog: I'm so glad promos like that no longer happen
🔗 16:09
Naxochils: Yeah
🔗 16:09
miniwak: chat am i crazy for having 8 sugars in my coffee. that and milk is only way i can happily drink it
🔗 16:10
TurnedUsernameThirty: so I have two different shots of current Alex so I'll give you 2 different versions of the young/old Alex Morph http://i.imgur.com/v1U70ew.jpg http://i.imgur.com/pNU6HZq.jpg
🔗 16:10
Hippitybobbity: @turnedusernamethirty i explicitely said it was a crime against humanity
🔗 16:10
lsuaksauke: because my locals were giving emekurls and wurm coils as fnm promos
🔗 16:10
Valkyrie_Lemons: Hey Alex! Hey Surge! Hey Chat! How are you all today? What's Alex doing today in Dark Souls? : 3
🔗 16:10
Naxochils: It was the Scars of Mirrodin pre-release promo
🔗 16:10
TurnedUsernameThirty: these are special
🔗 16:10
63cx0: Well. Yeah, Beej, of course you are beeing watched.
🔗 16:10
MegaGamesterMaxed: wacthing meeee!
🔗 16:10
Valkyrie_Lemons: *Serge
🔗 16:10
eostby: miniwak, have you tried cappuccino? Basically the same thing.
🔗 16:10
Inquisitorjl watches Serge
🔗 16:10
Senstaku: I don't know why you'd feel that way, Alex. lrrCREEPY
🔗 16:10
Shirts_: huh my chat doesn't work in Firefox anymore I had to boot up internet explorer to see the chat
🔗 16:10
Axiom4thewin: no you look like a radio show!
🔗 16:10
Naxochils: Well any left overs they CAN give out as FNM promos
🔗 16:10
Naxochils: But they were made for the Prereleases
🔗 16:10
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, http://i.imgur.com/ZBb4H3f.png Young Alex http://i.imgur.com/UCJlI7z.png Young Graham
🔗 16:10
Luigi_savior_of_scrubs: HeyGuys
🔗 16:10
lsuaksauke: well they had a lot
🔗 16:10
DeathlikeMage04: ¡Hola a todos!
🔗 16:10
lsuaksauke: we got 1 every week for 3 months
🔗 16:10
OneirosGolem: Honestly the construction noise has been basically zero since the change. So if they're still building out there, we can't hear it.
🔗 16:10
miniwak: @eostby i don't think so. when i get a coffee at uni it's costa so it's some crazy name i don;t know. i just ask for coffee and i get coffee haha
🔗 16:11
Naxochils: Back when you just got packs of the stuff and couldnt use the promos
🔗 16:11
TrustWorthyPittDweller: No we are not, carry on.
🔗 16:11
miniwak: i've tried tea but not 100% of it yet
🔗 16:11
CantWearHats: that door had it coming
🔗 16:11
lsuaksauke: thats right
🔗 16:11
Valkyrie_Lemons: Is this another durdle run? : 3
🔗 16:11
Axiom4thewin: @Admiralmemo young graham just looks like graham without a beard lol
🔗 16:11
🔗 16:11
Psychic_Ketchup: The Underpoops
🔗 16:11
eostby: Well, cappuccino is basically what you want your coffee to be anyway, and it can come in other flavors, so keep an eye out for it.
🔗 16:11
ArchaicBreeze: Gormenghast
🔗 16:11
CantWearHats: Living Burg, then Dead Burg, then Undead Burg Kappa
🔗 16:11
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Admiralmemo I already got the alex one using a similar screen grab http://i.imgur.com/v1U70ew.jpg http://i.imgur.com/pNU6HZq.jpg
🔗 16:11
Zaghrog: Mate is a decent drink for staying awake, it has caffeine
🔗 16:11
AdmiralMemo: Axiom4thewin, Yeah. I mean, you can tell a little bit that he's younger
🔗 16:11
miniwak: @eostby will do
🔗 16:12
ArchaicBreeze: time is totes fractured!
🔗 16:12
Solomon_Kain: Undead Barrels!
🔗 16:12
MilkInBag: are you saying barrels dont have souls?
🔗 16:12
Mashamino: undead barrels!
🔗 16:12
I_Am_Clockwork: A wizard did ot
🔗 16:12
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, The first one is terrifying
🔗 16:12
Mashamino: aww, beat me to it
🔗 16:12
daneislazy: They made all the barrels out of skeletons so they reassemble
🔗 16:12
Morgoth_bauglyr: there's a butcher holle, i'd assume there's a cuifer hollw as well who makes barrels all the time
🔗 16:12
ThatDangSkeleton: doing what they've done forever
🔗 16:12
DiamondTiki: Look, they're very OCD undead and one of them's a carpenter. Well, cooper
🔗 16:12
DiamondTiki: :p
🔗 16:12
lsuaksauke: serge stop ruining this flawless game
🔗 16:12
empyrealhell: serge, they say "time behaves strangely in lordran", I subscribe to the theory that there are hundreds of years in between your respawns, and people just eventually put stuff back
🔗 16:12
Vortex0360: That was the job of some of the now-undead of course. Some throw firebombs, some replace barrels
🔗 16:12
eostby: Serge: The Stonecutters did it, obviously. :P
🔗 16:12
Mr_Snafleburger: HI Serge! I <3 you
🔗 16:13
TurnedUsernameThirty: I'll do the young old graham alex morph
🔗 16:13
Psychic_Ketchup: That guy? Please Serge, that's a woman!
🔗 16:13
Metricos: Soylent Green is people!
🔗 16:13
CantWearHats: soy. it's soy.
🔗 16:13
DeathlikeMage04: Probably Boar
🔗 16:13
OneirosGolem: You should be so lucky.
🔗 16:13
Naxochils: Meat Flavored Meat
🔗 16:13
Curufean: Serge deserves your love, and you will provid it to him
🔗 16:13
Dix: C-
🔗 16:13
CantWearHats: wait, did Serge meet sunbro yet?
🔗 16:13
Lord_Hosk: "Hey what sort of meat do you think that is?... you probably dont want to ask" -Alex
🔗 16:13
mrmobius subscribed for 11 months in a row!
🔗 16:13
Metricos: dont think so cwh
🔗 16:14
OneirosGolem: Also, for you meeting certain characters both before and AFTER their deaths.
🔗 16:14
MedicOfOld: possibly some Sands of Time "no, wait, thats not how it happened"?
🔗 16:14
LRRTwitter: @loadingreadyrun> IDDQDerp || Vorthos Souls Slowwalk: http://t.co/EVynrW4mJ3
🔗 16:14
Senstaku: What time is it? Plot time. Kappa
🔗 16:14
JohnLockeCole4: the space between dimensions is kind of thin as well - explaining invasions and hearing other people's bells
🔗 16:14
AdmiralMemo: This chungus keeps resubbing for the same amount of time... Kappa
🔗 16:14
Luigi_savior_of_scrubs: lrrAWW lrrAWW lrrAWW lrrAWW
🔗 16:14
Inquisitorjl: \(T)/
🔗 16:14
Axiom4thewin: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 16:14
ImmoralEthicist: I always kinda assumed that time rolled backwards, but certain things were able to be carried through time loops (like in Majora's Mask)
🔗 16:14
ThatDangSkeleton: Time and space, as a handwave for how you can interact with other Chosen Undeads from other ...universes?
🔗 16:14
Danielleai: who's trying to Murry you?
🔗 16:14
DoktorNik: !panic
🔗 16:14
🔗 16:14
16Bitmason: i like to think the undeadberg was like a squatter town or were the extreamly poor and homeless lived
🔗 16:14
TheWanderingNomad: The name of Sun Bro is Solaire
🔗 16:14
Valkyrie_Lemons: So if a long time passes between respawns, do bosses remember you? "HEY! You're that dude who tried to shank me a 100 years ago!"
🔗 16:14
TurnedUsernameThirty: the young/old graham morph didn't quite work http://i.imgur.com/M2U0ShI.jpg I'll try again later
🔗 16:14
GDwarf: Lunch lady Samone-Ella Kappa
🔗 16:14
ThatDangSkeleton: read "Chosen Undead" as "Players"
🔗 16:15
OneirosGolem: Is the drake sword faster? It might be enough for these chumps.
🔗 16:15
CantWearHats: Valkyrie_lemons and then after the 50th time "Oh great this *** again"
🔗 16:15
dialMforMara: hello
🔗 16:15
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, Try Young Graham/Young Alex
🔗 16:15
GDwarf: The game specifically states that Lorderon has time behaving oddly *and* multiple dimensions intersecting, which themselves have time behaving oddly. That's how the whole "summoning allies" thing works: They're from different times and/or spaces.
🔗 16:15
Mr_Snafleburger: Dear Dr. Serge: What do we need to do to get you a streaming slot?
🔗 16:15
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Loadingreadyrun do you want to see an old image of you morphed with a current one? http://i.imgur.com/v1U70ew.jpg
🔗 16:15
🔗 16:15
Valkyrie_Lemons: Cantwearhats, after they've killed you "Let's put this in my diary for 100 years time?" Kappa
🔗 16:16
Sektor88: Serge, because Chromeo is awesome. :D
🔗 16:16
Valkyrie_Lemons: Hey DialMformara! How are you? ^__6
🔗 16:16
Unknowngamer88: MAHP
🔗 16:16
Valkyrie_Lemons: *^__^
🔗 16:16
Earthenone: try flunging attack
🔗 16:16
GreyFox0012: alex you should probably get the rusted iron ring
🔗 16:16
Master_Gunner: tinfoil hat theory: Multiple parallel universes are well-established in Dark Souls. When you rest a a bonfire, you shift to a slightly different universe where things are not-quite the same.
🔗 16:16
DrMcGoodTimes: Humanity score also affects drop rate, Serge
🔗 16:16
Valkyrie_Lemons: Also, how are you Cantwearhats? : 3
🔗 16:16
dialMforMara: hi Valkyrie_Lemons! I had a meeting this afternoon, and then I had to get blood drawn. Recovering from that now. How are you?
🔗 16:16
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Admiralmemo THIS IS YOUR FAULT http://i.imgur.com/3IOrfeh.jpg
🔗 16:16
DrMcGoodTimes: High Humanity: Good drop rates
🔗 16:16
DeathlikeMage04: PURRY HIM
🔗 16:16
CantWearHats: I am well Valkyrie_lemons! how're you doing? :)
🔗 16:16
Lord_Durin: lrrHORN?
🔗 16:16
Himyul: is that an airhorn or a drill going on back there?
🔗 16:16
Dezufnocosem: damn vuvuzelas in the background
🔗 16:16
The_Quiet_Alestain: The workers agree
🔗 16:16
DeathlikeMage04: I have followed
🔗 16:16
ThatDangSkeleton: and you can use Humanity to become not Beef Jerky
🔗 16:16
RayFK: Guys, stalking someone's old photos is super creepy. Chill
🔗 16:16
CantWearHats: fatality
🔗 16:16
TurnedUsernameThirty: Alex it was Admiralmemo's fault
🔗 16:16
GDwarf: Are the construction workers playing vuvuzelas?
🔗 16:16
The_Quiet_Alestain: berrr!
🔗 16:16
MedicOfOld: lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:17
Axiom4thewin: Serge, it sounds like there is a 30 foot tall dentist drill int he background
🔗 16:17
PresidentLulu: The really slow airhorns are back
🔗 16:17
DoktorNik: Can't tell if that is a drill or vuvuzela in the background
🔗 16:17
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, Compared to some it's turned out... That one was pretty OK
🔗 16:17
Mogling: It is some fatty meat
🔗 16:17
DeathlikeMage04: I think it's Boar meat
🔗 16:17
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Rayfk we just took a screenshot from an old video
🔗 16:17
TheWanderingNomad: Could be a buzzsaw
🔗 16:17
Metox01: mmmmm that's some good Q
🔗 16:17
Omega_Lairon: Could also be a light aircraft idling
🔗 16:17
Code93_Naitan: noise sound like a big fart
🔗 16:17
tingspam: shortcut = poison shield
🔗 16:17
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Admiralmemo I think I'll stop, the beej Alex one is still my favorite
🔗 16:17
OneirosGolem: Straightforward, perhaps.
🔗 16:17
Valkyrie_Lemons: DialMformara, I finished my final year essay, so I'm doing good. And I hope you're not in too much discomfurt. : 3
🔗 16:17
AdmiralMemo: RayFK, I just screenshotted some Whatever Thing videos
🔗 16:17
GDwarf: Clearly the construction workers just scored a goal
🔗 16:17
Spacecarl: It isnt actually that loud right now
🔗 16:17
Duckboy44: Serge @Loadingreadyrun I think it's the world's slowest airhorn outside.
🔗 16:17
Valkyrie_Lemons: Cantwearhats, I'm doing well! Are you doing Kerbals on Thursday?
🔗 16:17
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, I didn't see that one
🔗 16:18
MilkInBag: sounds like Adam making a really slow armpit fart
🔗 16:18
Dezufnocosem: stoppin power
🔗 16:18
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Admiralmemo http://i.imgur.com/dwXTC8H.jpg
🔗 16:18
BarcodeReader321: the Death bellows of a thousand anteaters
🔗 16:18
lsuaksauke: gdwarf im willing to bet its somone mowing the lawn
🔗 16:18
Lord_Hosk: Is cutting lumber a Canadian euphemism?
🔗 16:18
CantWearHats: that's the plan Valkyrie_lemons :)
🔗 16:18
cuttlefishman: Wow, such canadian, so lumberjacking
🔗 16:18
GreyFox0012: sounds like theyre murdering a hippo
🔗 16:18
dialMforMara: Valkyrie_Lemons, thank you! I'm just a little lightheaded, and eating an orange to get my blood sugar back up. Congrats on finishing the essay!
🔗 16:18
Mr_Snafleburger: Its a Vuvuzela super note competition
🔗 16:18
Cortilion: Longsword is awesome. Love the longsword
🔗 16:18
Unknowngamer88: is the zweihander any faster?
🔗 16:18
lsuaksauke: since i hear it outside my window too
🔗 16:18
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, It looks like Adam!
🔗 16:18
KParrell: they're actually harvesting organs for the black market. cutting through 10 guys in time for a bid requires a powerful saw
🔗 16:18
Valkyrie_Lemons: Awesome Cantwearhats! Looking forward to it!: 3
🔗 16:18
Benehotgtdud: wat.weapon is that?
🔗 16:18
CantWearHats: Fire Bro!
🔗 16:18
GDwarf: lord_hosk: Yes, for an act so depraved it has no actual English name
🔗 16:18
Solomon_Kain: Humanity is Broadly similar to Insight.
🔗 16:18
PresidentLulu: this guy gets wrecked later
🔗 16:19
CantWearHats: [buzzing intensifies]
🔗 16:19
UnspokenKibbles: Serge- yes, it is like that, in that if you have 10 you unlock the full potential of the game's best weapon (IMO).
🔗 16:19
🔗 16:19
Unknowngamer88: why is it gettting louder? are they cutting into the moonbase?
🔗 16:19
GreyFox0012: hey its the pyromancy guy
🔗 16:19
Luigi_savior_of_scrubs: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:19
GreyFox0012: actually that sounds like a sander
🔗 16:19
CaphalorTV: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:19
GDwarf: Clearly there's a swarm of bees playing vuvuzelas just outside the room
🔗 16:19
MeinHerrBrush: I'm having vuvuzela flashbacks
🔗 16:19
aussz: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:19
Havok4: Or the workers brought out the industrial bees.
🔗 16:19
Valkyrie_Lemons: Dialmformara, thanks! I don't think I did fantasticily, but I don't mind. : 3
🔗 16:19
Dezufnocosem: sweet meats
🔗 16:19
Lobstawaffles: Someone spying on you with a drone from only 2 feet away.
🔗 16:19
Metox01: It kind of makes the game a little more erie.
🔗 16:19
🔗 16:19
lsuaksauke: lrrHORN
🔗 16:19
aussz: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:19
TheWanderingNomad: THat horrifying Havok4
🔗 16:19
DoktorNik: dear dr. alex : Look up
🔗 16:19
TurnedUsernameThirty: I so need to link that to him next time he streams
🔗 16:19
dialMforMara: Valkyrie_Lemons, Good to be done though. My summer classes are just starting :P
🔗 16:19
aussz: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:19
3 viewers resubscribed while you were away!
🔗 16:19
Psychic_Ketchup: Just kindle the Depths one
🔗 16:19
aussz: lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:20
GDwarf: Industrial bees, yes
🔗 16:20
Axiom4thewin: Serge, not sure how your sound set up is, but doesn't 'gain' basically turn down far away noises?
🔗 16:20
daneislazy: locked anyway
🔗 16:20
Psychic_Ketchup: You do need the key though
🔗 16:20
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 16:20
LRRbot: lrrAWW 503 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:20
dialMforMara: !glop
🔗 16:20
Luigi_savior_of_scrubs: ded
🔗 16:20
TurnedUsernameThirty: chat if you're curious about the image morphing website http://www.morphthing.com/
🔗 16:20
Valkyrie_Lemons: DialMformara, my mum's not too happy about me finishing, when I told her I was done for the summer, her reaction was " D : What? So early?" X3
🔗 16:20
AdmiralMemo: Let's do the slime warp agaaaaaaaaaaain!
🔗 16:20
DrMcGoodTimes: Like likes!
🔗 16:20
lsuaksauke: I knew this would happen
🔗 16:20
Naxochils: oTEN
🔗 16:20
GDwarf: This is why you need to litter-train your birds... Kappa
🔗 16:20
OneirosGolem: Dee Eee Dee ded
🔗 16:20
Lobstawaffles: These are not your JRPG slimes.
🔗 16:20
I_Am_Clockwork: You can pres shoulder buttons fast to escape slimes FYI.
🔗 16:20
dialMforMara: Valkyrie_Lemons, huh.
🔗 16:20
Luigi_savior_of_scrubs: Is twitch kill?
🔗 16:20
I_Am_Clockwork: It's co side red a grapple
🔗 16:20
Earthenone: 10k souls 5 humanity
🔗 16:21
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 16:21
LRRbot: lrrAWW 504 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:21
CaphalorTV: can you reinforce your estus flask
🔗 16:21
lsuaksauke: LOL
🔗 16:21
nonane09: And 5 humanity
🔗 16:21
CantWearHats: them's the breaks
🔗 16:21
Psychic_Ketchup: Bye 10k. Bye Humanity.
🔗 16:21
Spacecarl: And how much is it to lvl once at this lvl?
🔗 16:21
lsuaksauke: alex = best response to death
🔗 16:21
El_Pato_Psiquico: BibleThump bye humanite bye
🔗 16:21
GreyFox0012: 10k souls and 5 humanity
🔗 16:21
JustHarms: and with that you have created a vandal, off to roam the world
🔗 16:21
CantWearHats: after you play DS for a while, losing 10k souls isn't so bad
🔗 16:21
TheMooseTetrino: dialMforMara, you're a mathematician yes?
🔗 16:21
TheMooseTetrino: dialMforMara, Of a sort.
🔗 16:21
ThatDangSkeleton: Yeah this game is all about accepting loss really
🔗 16:21
BarcodeReader321: what is the worst souls you've ever lost?
🔗 16:21
dialMforMara: TheMooseTetrino, I'm a linguist, but math is kind of a hobby.
🔗 16:22
GDwarf: I wonder what the no-death, level-one, speedrun record is...
🔗 16:22
TheMooseTetrino: dialMforMara, I remembered correctly then! Computer how likely it is I will fail this year? :P
🔗 16:22
DTor214: I hate lava. Lava is the worst.
🔗 16:22
TurnedUsernameThirty: Alex I am sorry if the images bothered you, for the record I just grabbed them off an old video.
🔗 16:22
El_Pato_Psiquico: the point of this game is to learn to not care anymore
🔗 16:22
dialMforMara: TheMooseTetrino, that depends on a lot of variables I don't know the values of.
🔗 16:22
lsuaksauke: you eventually get use to it and laugh it off
🔗 16:22
Valkyrie_Lemons: TheMooseterino, the answer is 0% chance of failure. : 3
🔗 16:22
CantWearHats: Gdwarf I don't know about level 1 but Miltrivid has been trying NG to NG+6 without dying runs
🔗 16:22
Cockmongler45: Turned you should be *** ashamed
🔗 16:22
DTor214: Come to think of it, I should look for a mod that spawns a world without lava.
🔗 16:23
eostby: Minecraft lava is the worst.
🔗 16:23
TheMooseTetrino: dialMforMara, I can literally send you the spreadsheet
🔗 16:23
AdmiralMemo: Alex: Yeah, I apologize if you don't like the old videos. I just thought it would be interesting.
🔗 16:23
GDwarf: The pain? No! Not the bees! Kappa
🔗 16:23
CaptainEnder7: lrrHORN
🔗 16:23
Himyul: berrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr berrrr berrrrrr
🔗 16:23
Psychic_Ketchup: It's annoying but not impossible to bounce back from
🔗 16:23
Faenarae: would it make more sense to use the dragon sword in these right spaces?
🔗 16:23
dialMforMara: TheMooseTetrino, if you have it in Excel you can do the math yourself.
🔗 16:23
SirSlipps: lrrHORN?
🔗 16:23
khainesd subscribed for 17 months in a row!
🔗 16:23
🔗 16:23
Mr_Snafleburger: Funfact, you can disable item drop on death if you have small children and don't want to burden them with the reality of loss just yet
🔗 16:23
dialMforMara: What grade did you get on each assignment; what percentage of your total grade is each assignment?
🔗 16:24
AdmiralMemo: OK what is UP with Twitch today?
🔗 16:24
Faenarae: *tight spaces
🔗 16:24
TheMooseTetrino: dialMforMara, I know I know, I'm tired and attempting funny. I hope you're okay.
🔗 16:24
Goampdog2: Hi Alex do you still have the Gwen save?
🔗 16:24
MaybeTara: Hello once again chat :)
🔗 16:24
dialMforMara: TheMooseTetrino, oh ok. I'm just a little lightheaded from having blood drawn.
🔗 16:24
Benehotgtdud: Dat shortcut tho
🔗 16:24
3 viewers resubscribed while you were away!
🔗 16:24
PresidentLulu: jump attacke work
🔗 16:24
CantWearHats: torch hollow with the assist!
🔗 16:24
Master_Gunner: fire is the best against these guys
🔗 16:24
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, Interesting. Would depend on breeds.
🔗 16:25
AdmiralMemo: Twitch Plz
🔗 16:25
Valkyrie_Lemons: Serge, do you mind if I ask if you've played any of the Souls games? : 3
🔗 16:25
Master_Gunner: take pyromancy and one-hit the slimes
🔗 16:25
Psychic_Ketchup: Keyboard is suicide
🔗 16:25
PresidentLulu: You can play dark souls on ANYTHING tbh
🔗 16:25
Lynks_9: the keyboard mapping for this game is absurd
🔗 16:25
Himyul: it's just fine for mouse and keyboard
🔗 16:25
GDwarf: Hasn't someone beaten this game with a DDR dance-pad?
🔗 16:25
aussz: OSbury
🔗 16:25
tingspam: would not play it on a controller
🔗 16:25
🔗 16:25
BlueMagnusStormCrow: if you play with a keyboard isn't parry like backspace?
🔗 16:25
amythist: I modded it for mouse/keyboard, and have no real problem
🔗 16:25
CantWearHats: well considering the PC port took a while yes it was designed for controller
🔗 16:25
Christophar: Best to not lock onto slimes when using the Gravelord Sword
🔗 16:25
dialMforMara: GDwarf, how?
🔗 16:25
esperchld: Serge, this game is designed to be played with a Guitarhero Guitar
🔗 16:25
Metricos: Yeah, GDwarf. And a Donkey Kong drum iirc
🔗 16:25
tingspam: keyboard and mouse for life
🔗 16:25
Mr_Snafleburger: the trouble with with mouse its it delays your clicks waiting to see if you will doubleclick
🔗 16:25
Solomon_Kain: I am a PC gamer, i was quite used to K+M so it's not been a problem for me at all.
🔗 16:25
TheMooseTetrino: dialMforMara, Please take care of yourself.
🔗 16:25
tingspam: parry is e
🔗 16:25
ardias014: you get used to the annoyance
🔗 16:25
CantWearHats: then again someone has beaten this game with a guitar hero controller
🔗 16:26
Nirvana___: I am playing Bloodborne as my first ever 'souls' game. I am totally stuck on Vicar Amelia
🔗 16:26
cuttlefishman: Some people play on Donkey Kong bongos
🔗 16:26
GDwarf: Serge: This game has been beaten by someone using a DDR dance-pad as their controller
🔗 16:26
Havtorn_Epsilon: Keyboard is fine, but the first time I played I couldn't find what button opened the menue. Esc, F10, Ctrl+M, nothing worked
🔗 16:26
Solomon_Kain: all the controls are customizable, for me Parry is "F"
🔗 16:26
AdmiralMemo: Yeah, I am not personally used to any controllers past the SNES era, and I don't think a SNES controller has enough buttons for Dark Souls.
🔗 16:26
dialMforMara: TheMooseTetrino, I am, thank you :) I've had a chocolate bar and an orange to get my blood sugar back up.
🔗 16:26
squaredotcube: I use a PS4 controller & InputMapper to trick Windows into thinking it's an X360 controller
🔗 16:26
Himyul: I think they've used the donkey kongo controllers as well
🔗 16:26
AdmiralMemo: Alex: Is a SNES controller a viable option?
🔗 16:26
TheMooseTetrino: dialMforMara, May I suggest energy drink? Relentless/Monster.
🔗 16:26
CantWearHats: I wonder is someone has beaten it with a NES controller
🔗 16:26
Valkyrie_Lemons: Nirvana___, I found using throwing knifes helped me beat her, but I don't know if the same tactic would work for you. : 3
🔗 16:26
GreyFox0012: personally i use a logitech pc controller
🔗 16:26
PresidentLulu: do you have to go past the basilisks to get to the bonfire? or did alex just walk straight past it
🔗 16:27
Gnrt: they've also beaten it with donkey kong bongo drums
🔗 16:27
vrulg: joystick and track ball, obviously
🔗 16:27
drcthulu: Most impressive was the guy who beat it with dk bongos
🔗 16:27
GDwarf: admiralmemo: You *could* do it with a SNES controller. NES would be tricky, though.
🔗 16:27
dialMforMara: TheMooseTetrino, thank you, but I don't like fizzy drinks. The orange has helped a lot.
🔗 16:27
squaredotcube: CantWearHats, Mash B? Kappa
🔗 16:27
GreyFox0012: alex bonfire
🔗 16:27
Code93_Naitan: don't forget the fire :)
🔗 16:27
Briars_the_fox: laptop track pad
🔗 16:27
Nirvana___: Valkyrie_Lemons: I tried to basically power level through her, but even at lvl 43 I still keep getting crushed >.<
🔗 16:27
GDwarf: presidentlulu: No, you don't have to go near the basilisks, generally
🔗 16:27
Dezufnocosem: shorty gettin low low low low
🔗 16:27
CantWearHats: ye olde jump stabbe
🔗 16:27
daneislazy: I use a PS2 controller and x360ce, I like it the best
🔗 16:27
PresidentLulu: bonfire alex
🔗 16:27
TheMooseTetrino: dialMforMara, Some Monster is actually non-carbonated, but fair =) Get well soon.
🔗 16:27
AdmiralMemo: GDwarf, Well I gave LRR a USB SNES controller and kept one for myself...
🔗 16:27
CantWearHats: it's a pretty ok axe
🔗 16:27
TurnedUsernameThirty: so it's not autodetecting the face like before and having me indicate it, this'll be weird
🔗 16:27
dialMforMara: TheMooseTetrino, thank you!
🔗 16:27
Valkyrie_Lemons: Nirvana___, yeah, she's really tough! Keep at it though! I'm sure you'll be able to do it! ^__^
🔗 16:28
GDwarf: admiralmemo: You'd have to settle for no camera control, but I think it could work
🔗 16:28
TheMooseTetrino: dialMforMara, Potato says hello and wishes you well too.
🔗 16:28
Nirvana___: I managed to one shot the witches of Hemlock. I think I just hate really big bosses where in order to melee them, I can't see their telegraphing
🔗 16:28
dialMforMara: TheMooseTetrino, thank her too!
🔗 16:28
AdmiralMemo: SachielOne, Prepare for a year of that because they're building a building next door.
🔗 16:28
Dezufnocosem: rat is strong in this meta
🔗 16:28
Cortilion: shouldn't you go to the bonfire?
🔗 16:28
dialMforMara: Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't believe they exist.
🔗 16:28
GreyFox0012: btw dr alex how goes your playing bloodborne by yourself?
🔗 16:28
Valkyrie_Lemons: Nirvana___, yeah I have the same problem!
🔗 16:28
Dix: berrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
🔗 16:29
GreyFox0012: pretty sure thats a belt sander
🔗 16:29
Metricos: Nintendo pls make your browser work better on the WiiU so i can chat from the couch
🔗 16:29
PresidentLulu: oh we know, but you're close to death there
🔗 16:29
drcthulu: lore sight seeing run
🔗 16:29
OneirosGolem: So that standing pile of slime that's adhered to the bars... Remains?
🔗 16:29
Cockmongler45: Maybe use some Moss?
🔗 16:29
Cockmongler45: You're poisoned
🔗 16:29
Psychic_Ketchup: So are you going to fight Kirk later?
🔗 16:29
Mangledpixel: it is clearly this: youtube.com/watch?v=LafC2gKsXV8
🔗 16:29
drcthulu: he's the king rat
🔗 16:29
CantWearHats: god, alex dying to poision after beating quelaag during speedrun practice was way too funny
🔗 16:30
TurnedUsernameThirty: it's weird indicating a hairline on a kitten
🔗 16:30
PresidentLulu: alex did you know theres a ladder under those boxes Kappa
🔗 16:30
AdmiralMemo: Psychic_Ketchup, This music should be playing https://youtu.be/AphxyjrH4SE
🔗 16:30
Psychic_Ketchup: Admiralmemo Exactly :D
🔗 16:31
CantWearHats: lost it at the Kappa demon
🔗 16:31
TurnedUsernameThirty: well that actually merged like perfectly
🔗 16:31
Zoozle: He rebuilt the box.
🔗 16:31
Dezufnocosem: undead box is doomed to spend eternity breaking and reforming
🔗 16:31
Himyul: are you gonna fall down one of the less opportune pits to fight the curse frogs?
🔗 16:31
CantWearHats: sewer literally toilets
🔗 16:32
tingspam: why not go unhollow?
🔗 16:32
vrulg: that stuff is strawberry jam
🔗 16:32
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 16:32
LRRbot: lrrAWW 505 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:32
DTor214: Oh gosh, there's more than one of those? Ugh
🔗 16:32
Unknowngamer88: Rat Fink by the Misfits? too on the nose?
🔗 16:32
PresidentLulu: to be fair i dont think anything down here poops
🔗 16:32
MysticTH: so my hands are currently lrrEFF ed up. and I am contemplating finally buying, and giving dark souls a try.
🔗 16:32
BlueMagnusStormCrow: your just lucky that there is no disease in this game or you'd be ***
🔗 16:32
🔗 16:32
TurnedUsernameThirty: http://i.imgur.com/hmZ4RQK.jpg
🔗 16:32
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, Wow
🔗 16:32
MysticTH: Greetings everyone, by the way.
🔗 16:32
TurnedUsernameThirty: yeah I know right?
🔗 16:32
tingspam: go unhollow and fight kirk?
🔗 16:32
Cortilion: You were also going to explain damage reduction from walls
🔗 16:33
GreyFox0012: i cant wait to see serges reaction to the gaping dragon
🔗 16:33
TurnedUsernameThirty: that merged way better than any of the people
🔗 16:33
GreyFox0012: that horrible abomination of what may have been an aligator at some point
🔗 16:33
TheAwkes: Back-step attack for this?
🔗 16:33
Danielleai: TurnedUsernameThirty, my head just asplodes from cute
🔗 16:33
tingspam: will you fight Kirk
🔗 16:33
TurnedUsernameThirty: I like it
🔗 16:34
BarcodeReader321: show him zwiehander moveset for comparison
🔗 16:34
tingspam: you need to be unhollowed to be invaded by miniboss
🔗 16:34
Inquisitorjl: what about Kirk!
🔗 16:34
Master_Gunner: isn't there an NPC invader around here that drops sweet loot?
🔗 16:34
amythist: Alex, there is the Kirk fight down there if you are unhollowed
🔗 16:34
AdmiralMemo: You should fight Kirk with this music: https://youtu.be/AphxyjrH4SE
🔗 16:34
NecronosiS: Aren't you getting tired of the gravesword?
🔗 16:34
Earthenone: charicter astetics are better as human
🔗 16:34
JustHarms: rats drop humanity too
🔗 16:34
CamelknackRamblehort: The gaping dragon is what happens when you flush an alligator hatching down the toilet.
🔗 16:34
linecardioidparabola: ROUS drop humanity too
🔗 16:34
CantWearHats: Admiralmemo I had a feeling it would be that music A+
🔗 16:34
Lynks_9: just crack that firekeeper soul alex Kappa
🔗 16:34
DTor214: Something from the Nutcracker Suite, right?
🔗 16:34
D_Man_7733: Doesn't going unhollow also give you minor bonuses to resistances? And drop rate?
🔗 16:34
Earthenone: in the hall of the mountain king?
🔗 16:34
nullrush: mic hanging in shot, I'm sure it's been said
🔗 16:34
Toxxick: Rattigans song from the great mouse detective
🔗 16:34
Blunderscore: Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye Kreygasm
🔗 16:35
AdmiralMemo: nullrush, Yep. It's to try to minimize construction sounds but it's not working well
🔗 16:35
Solomon_Kain: Rat King = Anther One Bites The Dust.
🔗 16:35
63cx0: nullrush: Mic in shot becaus of background noise. We hope it helpfs but...
🔗 16:35
kinpatsu: Jeez, Beej, cut it out with the vuvuzela.
🔗 16:35
MysticTH: hey! someone is sanding in the background! : D
🔗 16:35
PresidentLulu: maybe it was a baldur knight
🔗 16:35
Greygore: Geologist would be my guess
🔗 16:35
RealGamerCow: I honestly thoguht that was someone practicing the didgeridoo.
🔗 16:35
MysticTH: I know because thats what I do for a living now!
🔗 16:35
PMAvers: It sounds like someone ate at Taco Bell and is having one really bad fart.
🔗 16:35
JediTransmit: They are broken in the MIDDLE
🔗 16:36
MilkInBag: longest armpit fart
🔗 16:36
AdmiralMemo: Dear Dr. Serge: If Alex fights Kirk, have him put this music on... https://youtu.be/AphxyjrH4SE (I doubt it'd get muted by Twitch)
🔗 16:36
Cortilion: clearly not important to structual stability
🔗 16:36
Solomon_Kain: shoddy construction
🔗 16:36
MilkInBag: the drunken sailor song
🔗 16:36
Laserbeaks_Fury: Bel Biv Devoe Poison
🔗 16:36
Aarek: bullet with butterfly wings?
🔗 16:36
Himyul: get cursed!
🔗 16:36
Zibanitu: Rat-Berg?
🔗 16:36
63cx0: MysticTH: All right, so lets see how good you are at your new job: What kind of granularity is that paper? (jk)
🔗 16:36
dialMforMara: Rattigan's song from The Great Mouse Detective @Loadingreadyrun
🔗 16:36
I_Am_Clockwork: Despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a cage?
🔗 16:36
Greatgoombah: The TNMT Theme mentions a rat?
🔗 16:36
nullrush: someone really likes the vuvuzela
🔗 16:37
TheAwkes: the second R1 slash should hit it.
🔗 16:37
dialMforMara: Greatgoombah, but that rat's a good guy
🔗 16:37
Greygore: Don't suppose you've got any Firebombs in stock, hm?
🔗 16:37
Cortilion: Longsword
🔗 16:37
Dhad094: the lady hollow merchant sells things that remove curse
🔗 16:37
Master_Gunner: punch it!
🔗 16:37
Danielleai: Racecars lasers aeroplanes, it's a duck blur
🔗 16:37
RealGamerCow: JediTransmit, thats where most columns break when put under extreme compression stress.
🔗 16:37
koizom: switch to drake sword
🔗 16:37
Psychic_Ketchup: You can sprint then chop I think
🔗 16:37
Danielleai: like solve a mystery
🔗 16:37
Unknowngamer88: oh hey, twitch just emailed me to let me know that Cam went live Kappa
🔗 16:37
Danielleai: or rewrite history
🔗 16:37
nonane09: Bone home
🔗 16:37
DTor214: Oh, song for this fight: Cotton by the Mountain Goats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZTslh_e2iE
🔗 16:37
PresidentLulu: they have ~240 hp and take no physical damage
🔗 16:37
Darth_Gatsby: I'm really having a lot of fun pretend that's Beej on a vuvasala.
🔗 16:37
TrustWorthyPittDweller: you have moss
🔗 16:37
Blunderscore: FIFA 2010 going on in the background
🔗 16:37
miniwak: only problem with how i drink coffee. mug is half empty and it's already cold.....
🔗 16:37
TheWooglie: Deep Purple - Rat Bat Blue
🔗 16:37
Mister_Blue_Sky: is there a race going on next door
🔗 16:38
JediTransmit: RealGamerCow: Makes sense
🔗 16:38
AdmiralMemo: Mister_Blue_Sky, This'll go on for the next year. They're building a new building.
🔗 16:38
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 16:38
LRRbot: lrrAWW 506 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:38
Himyul: well, at least you died and didn't get cursed
🔗 16:38
MikeUsername: "Great King Rat" by Queen - Top tune!
🔗 16:38
DiamondTiki: well, we weren't cursed
🔗 16:38
Earthenone: at least you died before the curse set in
🔗 16:38
cosmosrules subscribed for 21 months in a row!
🔗 16:38
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, cosmosrules! (Today's storm count: 14)
🔗 16:38
OneirosGolem: You could also try the Drake Sword as an alternate weapon.
🔗 16:38
GreyFox0012: actually kate moss sells purging stones too but they cost twice as much
🔗 16:38
Zoozle: What, no space jump?
🔗 16:38
Mister_Blue_Sky: i'm gonna pretend it's a race anyway.
🔗 16:38
Cyclopsboi: flawless masterpiece
🔗 16:38
PMAvers: Sure there is, but where can you find enough explosives at this time of day?
🔗 16:38
Dhad094: What if i invade and bring gifts?
🔗 16:38
ImmoralEthicist: No one be an *** now
🔗 16:38
63cx0: Did Beej just say we should invade?
🔗 16:38
TurnedUsernameThirty: Kitten + T-Rex http://i.imgur.com/9xQ0nNb.jpg
🔗 16:38
Rynnsha: n'awww, muffin...
🔗 16:38
Valkyrie_Lemons: Are you able to invade specific people? : /
🔗 16:38
Solomon_Kain: summon sign!
🔗 16:39
Walkingharder: I'd hope no one will invade
🔗 16:39
nonane09: I haven't been invaded in months and I'm human as much as possible.
🔗 16:39
Whatanvarno: If anyone from chat invades him, make sure to give him all your stuff :P
🔗 16:39
amythist: Kirk is where the water run off from the big rat chamber is
🔗 16:39
AdmiralMemo: LoadingReadyRun, https://youtu.be/AphxyjrH4SE
🔗 16:39
MysticTH: some one! invade! and then fight at alex's side! SUNBROS! UNITE!
🔗 16:39
Master_Gunner: I'm tempted to invade just to taunt at you
🔗 16:39
chiropteraboy: *Kill bill siren start playing*
🔗 16:39
Toxxick: Its been ages, what do you use to kindle agian?
🔗 16:39
Lancer873: But I'm too busy with Invisibile Inc
🔗 16:39
Noxenluxe: No, valkyrie_lemons
🔗 16:39
CantWearHats: Toxxick: humanity
🔗 16:39
Toxxick: that was it
🔗 16:39
Valkyrie_Lemons: I thought that was the case Noxenluxe, thanks. :
🔗 16:39
AdmiralMemo: Yes
🔗 16:39
Noxenluxe: Not unless you use a red sign soapstone and the other person Wants to be invaded, valkyrie_lemons.
🔗 16:39
AdmiralMemo: Alex got it. :-)
🔗 16:39
I_Am_Clockwork: In the lore, he's looking for humanity for the Fair Lady.
🔗 16:39
Sektor88: ooh, the pon farr music
🔗 16:39
Dix: Amok Time music
🔗 16:39
Blunderscore: If his name is Kirk you need to put on that battle song from Star Trek
🔗 16:39
Mister_Blue_Sky: or hum it
🔗 16:40
AdmiralMemo: Blunderscore, That's exactly what I linked to
🔗 16:40
Valkyrie_Lemons: Cool, thanks for the info Noxenluxe!
🔗 16:40
nullrush: I suppose you could try to jump, right?
🔗 16:40
CantWearHats: try targeting it?
🔗 16:40
Solomon_Kain: Classical music should be fine, I would reccomend Polovstian Dances by Borodin.
🔗 16:40
TheAwkes: Lock on.
🔗 16:40
Blunderscore: If we don't fight theyyyyy WILL kill us both.
🔗 16:40
63cx0: Try to go left. *trollface*
🔗 16:40
AegeusEvander: no cantwearhats lock on makes it harder
🔗 16:40
Psychic_Ketchup: Rule no. 1: Lock on?
🔗 16:40
TheAwkes: It at least partially directs attacks at things.
🔗 16:40
DiamondTiki: targeting it caused every attack to wiff
🔗 16:41
TurnedUsernameThirty: really noone's looking at the Kitten + TRex?
🔗 16:41
Dix: this is a bit higher quality memo: https://youtu.be/_dnZHea_TI0?t=95
🔗 16:41
Arclight_Dynamo: Rule Number One: Do not backseat game.
🔗 16:41
AdmiralMemo: Dix: Yeah
🔗 16:41
63cx0: Rule number two: Never trust chat.
🔗 16:42
Arclight_Dynamo: Rule Number Three: Always trust chat.
🔗 16:42
MilkInBag: curse is the worst
🔗 16:42
GruntAI: there are something worse than death? lrrSPOOP
🔗 16:42
AdmiralMemo: Rule Number Four: The Doctor... I mean Chat Lies.
🔗 16:42
CantWearHats: doesn't Kate Moss also sell purging stones?
🔗 16:42
PresidentLulu: !advice
🔗 16:42
LRRbot: No, the other way.
🔗 16:42
squaredotcube: Well, if you do get cursed, you can go to New Londo
🔗 16:42
63cx0: lol, Arclight_Dynamo: I just waited for that third rule ^^
🔗 16:42
🔗 16:42
Arclight_Dynamo: :P
🔗 16:42
I_Am_Clockwork: Red = Darkwraith
🔗 16:42
CantWearHats: lrrHORN
🔗 16:43
Neural_Engineer: Yay
🔗 16:43
Psychic_Ketchup: Bye William Shatner
🔗 16:43
CoyoteSans: it fits soooo well
🔗 16:43
I_Am_Clockwork: Darkwraiths are a covenant that specialize in hunting undead for their Humanity
🔗 16:43
Walkingharder: That was quite a lot of souls
🔗 16:43
DiamondTiki: get straight barbed, son!
🔗 16:43
Solomon_Kain: Sword causes Bleed.
🔗 16:43
Dezufnocosem: I'm straight but get a few drinks in me and I'm barbed Kappa
🔗 16:43
vrulg: it's actually *Barb's* straight sword
🔗 16:43
Himyul: it's a typo. It's actually Barb's straight sword. She lost it to Kirk in a poker game
🔗 16:43
Haberdashed: LOL
🔗 16:43
BlueMagnusStormCrow: it's a bleed causing sword
🔗 16:43
Lobstawaffles: Barbed swords would be bad for thrusting I would think. Get stuck too easily.
🔗 16:44
ekimekim3000: where did you go? Where did you come from, ROUS Joe?
🔗 16:44
haberdashed subscribed for 9 months in a row!
🔗 16:44
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, haberdashed! (Today's storm count: 15)
🔗 16:44
Mister_Blue_Sky: aren't all swords bleed causing? like just on principle?
🔗 16:44
squaredotcube: You'd think barbed swords would make parrying easier too
🔗 16:44
I_Am_Clockwork: You always get humanity for killing a Darkwraith invader
🔗 16:44
Dezufnocosem: rats 2 stronk
🔗 16:44
Psychic_Ketchup: 'Where did you come from?' is this game's 'Where am I being shot at from?'
🔗 16:44
Solomon_Kain: homeward
🔗 16:44
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 16:44
LRRbot: lrrAWW 507 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:44
Arthemio2: This is only just the depths lol
🔗 16:44
Haberdashed: I am a sub baby
🔗 16:45
TurnedUsernameThirty: I have made the kitten puppy my facebook avatar
🔗 16:45
Aarek: To shreds you say?
🔗 16:45
I_Am_Clockwork: Well I need to go. Later guys. Have fun with vorthos souls!
🔗 16:45
kintoexile: what weapon is he using?
🔗 16:45
LarkSachrosis: !Billy
🔗 16:45
Himyul: !neptune
🔗 16:45
LRRbot: Boing!
🔗 16:45
CaphalorTV: Is there a reason you have not reinforced your estus flask?
🔗 16:45
Solomon_Kain: Kirk willinvade 3 times, and if you kill him all 3 times you get his Armor, his Sword and Shield are rare drops that you might never get. The sword was a lucky pickup.
🔗 16:45
kintoexile: is it the nito sword?
🔗 16:45
TheAwkes: I like that no matter the enemy, your gear, or your stats, steping on dudes deals 3 damage.
🔗 16:45
Himyul: the small ones are more venomous
🔗 16:45
CantWearHats: I think the ones with the mohwaks do more poison damage? I could be wrong
🔗 16:45
Solomon_Kain: this is nito sword
🔗 16:45
Psychic_Ketchup: Kintoexile, yes it is
🔗 16:46
Sockro_Mancer: they are called basilisks i think
🔗 16:46
TheMoatman: His body shows up and that's where you get his armor
🔗 16:46
kintoexile: thanks ,am
🔗 16:46
Seirhune: @Solomon_kain I've always had Kirk drop something. I didn't know he couldn't drop a thing when you get him.
🔗 16:46
Blunderscore: If we don't do battle to the death theyyyyy WILL kill us both. Goodbye, Jim.
🔗 16:47
RealGamerCow: \quote 36
🔗 16:47
koizom: vitality souls
🔗 16:47
Solomon_Kain: Seirhune, you are lucky.
🔗 16:47
Mangledpixel: RealGamerCow, \quote is now !quote
🔗 16:47
RealGamerCow: !quote 36
🔗 16:47
LRRbot: Quote #36: "More VIT!" —Omega_Lairon
🔗 16:47
MaybeTara: Donal...its pronounced Donal
🔗 16:48
Mogling: Does he drop a sweet katana?
🔗 16:48
Thefluffiestguineapig: Your hair is startlingly intact and well styled
🔗 16:48
Greygore: Wait till you see where he camps up next :P
🔗 16:48
Himyul: he is a crystal dealer
🔗 16:48
RealGamerCow: wahey. Thanks Mangledpixel
🔗 16:48
Unknowngamer88: wheel and deal!
🔗 16:48
Mangledpixel: :)
🔗 16:48
CantWearHats: his helmet is also based on a real life helmet
🔗 16:48
vrulg: slime is a socialist
🔗 16:48
Greygore: *kickass* boss armor
🔗 16:48
doomlimit: Oh hey, a person who doesn't have a subtly offputting laugh.
🔗 16:48
OneirosGolem: Slime basically communist
🔗 16:48
Greygore: For a bazillion souls, but still...
🔗 16:49
TurnedUsernameThirty: oh god
🔗 16:49
Laserbeaks_Fury: gwyn
🔗 16:49
AdmiralMemo: Serge "Hic!" Yeager
🔗 16:49
MeinHerrBrush: is he where you get havels from?
🔗 16:49
JediTransmit: Isn't smough's armour a bit... large?
🔗 16:49
TurnedUsernameThirty: I morphed kathleen with the puppy...
🔗 16:49
Bv310: I would rock Ornstein's armour
🔗 16:49
TheAwkes: You get Havel from a chest in Anor Londo.
🔗 16:49
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, Show it show it show it
🔗 16:49
Greygore: "We don't go to Blighttown any more"
🔗 16:49
Himyul: it's just Detroit. Don't mind it.
🔗 16:49
Greatgoombah: Who rules blight town?
🔗 16:49
Nuurgle: Blight Town is toilets
🔗 16:49
Sockro_Mancer: we dont talk about Blighttown
🔗 16:49
Laserbeaks_Fury: He sells Gwyns armor in NG+
🔗 16:49
🔗 16:49
CantWearHats: so moist
🔗 16:49
cddento: Should we tell surge of the furtherst down area?
🔗 16:49
TheMoatman: Look at all these damp memes
🔗 16:50
GreyFox0012: god this boss is creepy looking
🔗 16:50
RigJuice: It's downright MOIST
🔗 16:50
Papperslappen: Totes moist
🔗 16:50
vrulg: damp is so dank
🔗 16:50
GreyFox0012: i love this reveal so much
🔗 16:50
Wendipo: oh
🔗 16:50
🔗 16:50
OneirosGolem: Daaaaamnp, son.
🔗 16:50
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, Um.... um.... :-D
🔗 16:50
CantWearHats: who wants ribs?
🔗 16:50
Sektor88: Cam's face was priceless
🔗 16:50
TheMoatman: CHU CHU
🔗 16:50
Blunderscore: Oh dear
🔗 16:50
ImmoralEthicist: Cam's reaction is the best
🔗 16:50
Thefluffiestguineapig: Hello Cthulu's younger sister
🔗 16:50
dialMforMara: wow...
🔗 16:50
Orgmastron: NOEP
🔗 16:50
dialMforMara: eek
🔗 16:50
TheAwkes: Gaping tail sword?
🔗 16:50
Mr_Horrible: It's like the ship from Spaceballs...
🔗 16:50
Wendipo: that's a lot
🔗 16:50
Psychic_Ketchup: Hey there! I'll be visiting your dreams shortly.
🔗 16:50
DoktorLoy: can we get a tail off of this?
🔗 16:50
Solomon_Kain: Tail Axe
🔗 16:50
TheMoatman: Time for the dragon train
🔗 16:50
Cyclopsboi: kill it with fire!!
🔗 16:50
Himyul: Ahhh, the ol' vagina dragon
🔗 16:50
CantWearHats: Doktorloy yup!
🔗 16:50
Theonecalledstu: my interbutts are working on my new compy lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
🔗 16:50
TheMoatman: It does sorta fly
🔗 16:50
GreyFox0012: horrible abomination of what may have been an aligator at some point
🔗 16:50
Blunderscore: Oh hi there Satan
🔗 16:50
AegeusEvander: well it kinda flies
🔗 16:50
Master_Gunner: now, you want to talk about thigh gap...
🔗 16:50
Cortilion: Don't worry they're not structual
🔗 16:51
cddento: It can jump pretty high
🔗 16:51
Solomon_Kain: Cut Tail!
🔗 16:51
BlueMagnusStormCrow: it sort of flies
🔗 16:51
Psychic_Ketchup: It hops
🔗 16:51
CantWearHats: get ye tail!
🔗 16:51
Dix: Buzz Lightyear'd
🔗 16:51
Thefluffiestguineapig: It has a mildly sustained jump
🔗 16:51
Cortilion: tail
🔗 16:51
Nightvalien28: some poor *** came here and died the story of darksouls
🔗 16:51
GDwarf: Gotta love that thigh gape. Kappa
🔗 16:51
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Admiralmemo I know right?
🔗 16:51
Greatgoombah: So, Serge, Gaping Dragon, now that you have seen it, would it be at home on New Phyrexia?
🔗 16:51
DTor214: Sometimes, the tail gets you
🔗 16:51
GreyFox0012: really easy boss but man is he creepy as all eff
🔗 16:51
TheMoatman: It hit you with poor hitboxes
🔗 16:51
Greygore: Serge's expression is priceless
🔗 16:51
Solomon_Kain: Alex was too close to foot stomp there
🔗 16:51
Veste: "Sunny E", surely.
🔗 16:51
Blunderscore: Y halo der Satan
🔗 16:52
Arthemio2: hit it's snake head for more dmg
🔗 16:52
Mr_Horrible: Oh right, it pulls the Monster Hunter trick, where its whole body becomes a hitbox :P
🔗 16:52
Arthemio2: ya dingus
🔗 16:52
Alephred: Who rule Damptown? Gaping Dragon rule Damptown.
🔗 16:52
OneirosGolem: Those buggy trample attacks
🔗 16:52
Blunderscore: Lords of Damptown
🔗 16:52
TheMoatman: Because that was the animation from getting run over, not the tail sweep.
🔗 16:52
MilkInBag: from my experience, its kind of easier to just hit its head
🔗 16:52
CantWearHats: also I think if you can hit the little crocodile head it does more damage
🔗 16:52
Nightvalien28: now what stubby
🔗 16:52
Psychic_Ketchup: Now when he sweeps his tail, it's pretty funny
🔗 16:52
Greygore: A centipede demon, you say?
🔗 16:52
Arthemio2: Run haha
🔗 16:52
NapalmSideburns: *foreshadowing*
🔗 16:52
cddento: Well Serge I'm sorry to say....
🔗 16:52
Nightvalien28: hahahahaha
🔗 16:52
Wendipo: wow
🔗 16:52
TheMoatman: RIP your durability
🔗 16:53
Thefluffiestguineapig: Do I have the nightmare for you
🔗 16:53
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's okay Serge. There is no boss that looks like A centipede
🔗 16:53
OneirosGolem: Serge recognizes the foreshadowing
🔗 16:53
JediTransmit: Don't say flavor when this thing is around.
🔗 16:53
Blunderscore: Hit him in the taint! SwiftRage /
🔗 16:53
cddento: Also Solaire
🔗 16:53
CantWearHats: he telegraphs his attacks for a million years
🔗 16:53
drcthulu: dark souls where the gameplay is unforgiving and the hitboxes don't matter
🔗 16:53
Zoozle: I really don't want to imagine what that green mist coming out of it is.
🔗 16:53
DTor214: This boss looks easier than most
🔗 16:53
dialMforMara: admiralmemo: are you still here? I didn't bookmark the page with the agar.io server. Could you pls link me again?
🔗 16:53
UnspokenKibbles: Unlike, say... Artorias.
🔗 16:53
Laserbeaks_Fury: He tail swiped
🔗 16:53
Greygore: Was supposed to be a tail slam
🔗 16:53
Laserbeaks_Fury: But no tail
🔗 16:53
MilkInBag: it was a tail slash
🔗 16:54
Greygore: sans the tail
🔗 16:54
Solomon_Kain: that 360 was a Tail Slash, and if he had his Tail, Alex woulda been wrecked.
🔗 16:54
adi_pie: CantWearHats, if only Solaire would catch the hint and not suck in this fight. :P
🔗 16:54
GreyFox0012: actually this is also the nope dragon
🔗 16:54
DrMcGoodTimes: Delicious delicious goo
🔗 16:54
AdmiralMemo: dialMforMara, The update yesterday broke it.
🔗 16:54
CantWearHats: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:54
ThatDangSkeleton: I think the lore is that this guy's one of the ancient dragons but corrupted by gluttony, which is why the impractically huge mouth and gross *** like voming on you
🔗 16:54
AdmiralMemo: dialMforMara, But I put it in the forum post: http://loadingreadyrun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=23664
🔗 16:54
Orgmastron: lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrHORN
🔗 16:54
Psychic_Ketchup: lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:54
Greygore: Dunno, Solaire's great cannon fodder for using spells adi_pie
🔗 16:54
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:54
Bv310: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:54
Greygore: lrrHORN
🔗 16:54
dialMforMara: admiralmemo: ohk :P so does it not work now? What do we do?
🔗 16:54
Omega_Lairon: More VIT!
🔗 16:54
Unknowngamer88: J/K flatten
🔗 16:55
AdmiralMemo: dialMforMara, I'm looking into it. I'll let you know if I find anything.
🔗 16:55
dialMforMara: admiralmemo: ok thanks!
🔗 16:55
RigJuice: Vooorthooos
🔗 16:55
MilkInBag: blighttown WutFace
🔗 16:55
🔗 16:55
MeinHerrBrush: get that vorthos
🔗 16:55
BlueMagnusStormCrow: show blight town
🔗 16:55
Rootpotato: VORTHOS!!!!!
🔗 16:55
Nightvalien28: vorthos
🔗 16:55
Laserbeaks_Fury: do blighttown to Quea
🔗 16:55
Walkingharder: Vorthos run is sweet!
🔗 16:55
NapalmSideburns: Take him to the store! Kreygasm
🔗 16:55
EvilGamr: aka misery
🔗 16:55
Psychic_Ketchup: You left us with Gwyn as a cliffhanger last week though...
🔗 16:55
CantWearHats: no-one likes blighttown
🔗 16:55
Lynks_9: SO Serge, when are you getting a stream? :P
🔗 16:55
Arthemio2: Blighttown is easy as ***
🔗 16:55
Earthenone: there is nothing proper about blighttown
🔗 16:55
DrMcGoodTimes: It's the blightiest
🔗 16:56
MilkInBag: nopetown
🔗 16:56
GreyFox0012: i hate blighttown sooo much
🔗 16:56
Grescheks: #powerserge!
🔗 16:56
Greygore: "The proper Blighttown experience", that's like the worst oxymoron ever
🔗 16:56
Zoozle: I have never gotten to Blighttown and I know it only by reputation. I am not excited.
🔗 16:56
Unknowngamer88: I thought we were calling ganglefucks?
🔗 16:56
TheAwkes: Serge and my girldriend share that phobia. It's a pretty silly phobia.
🔗 16:56
Himyul: there's also the fire breathing spiders, Serge. How do you feel about that?
🔗 16:56
🔗 16:56
CantWearHats: god dammit serge now my back and ears are itchy THANKS OBAMA
🔗 16:56
Solomon_Kain: no one likes blighttown, is someone says they like blighttown, report them to the FBI, that there is a cereal killer. Kappa
🔗 16:56
masonraus: Show surge blighttown and then run Jebaited
🔗 16:56
Murkyshadow: i went through blighttown just fine on my first try, with the lag too, i didnt mind it too much
🔗 16:56
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, IRL scream
🔗 16:56
drcthulu: I'd lock blight town up to protect people If I was in charge of it too
🔗 16:56
Grescheks: !uptime
🔗 16:56
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:50:37
🔗 16:56
DTor214: Does the item description of the Blighttown Key give any hints about its origin?
🔗 16:56
MilkInBag: show serge the blighttown's wikipage and do something else PogChamp
🔗 16:56
PresidentLulu: more like a shitty village Kappa
🔗 16:57
EvilGamr: "shanty", its pretty shanty alright
🔗 16:57
Laserbeaks_Fury: what is the fear of silliness called?
🔗 16:57
TurnedUsernameThirty: I have broken memo, I'm gonna play avernum for a little bit
🔗 16:57
Greygore: Cause From Software hates you
🔗 16:57
DoktorLoy: fear of clowns is pretty silly Kappa
🔗 16:57
DoktorLoy: (I am, of course, joking)
🔗 16:57
PresidentLulu: the great hollow kinda holds everything up by now
🔗 16:57
Thefluffiestguineapig: Gelatophobia is the fear of laughter
🔗 16:57
Nuurgle: Coulrophobia is real talk
🔗 16:57
AdmiralMemo: TurnedUsernameThirty, 33 years... I've gone 33 years without seeing that... Why now? :-D
🔗 16:57
Iceberg_Man: I'm pretty sure a phobia of silly phobias would be silly
🔗 16:57
Valkyrie_Lemons: I have a phobia of some islands of the south-west of England. It's a Silly Phobia. Kappa
🔗 16:58
Valkyrie_Lemons: *off the
🔗 16:58
Greygore: Isn't that like a 100% drop chance?
🔗 16:58
Valkyrie_Lemons: *Scilly Phobia
🔗 16:58
Solomon_Kain: Cistern = Water Storage
🔗 16:58
Valkyrie_Lemons: I kinda ruined my own joke through typos. : (
🔗 16:58
DrMcGoodTimes: For a shanty town, it's really resisted the flow of time very well.
🔗 16:58
DrMcGoodTimes: It hasn't, like, collapsed.
🔗 16:58
CantWearHats: someBODY
🔗 16:59
Solomon_Kain: For a Shanty town under the sewers, it's really resisted the flow of sewage very well. Kappa
🔗 16:59
plus2happiness: SERGE! Your on a stream!
🔗 16:59
TheMoatman: I believe they can all be parried
🔗 16:59
DrMcGoodTimes: I don't need your Kappa sass, solomon
🔗 16:59
Ownyke: Valkyrie_Lemons you phobia is Sicily
🔗 16:59
TheMoatman: But all the one handed ones definitely can
🔗 16:59
Solomon_Kain: I need my Kappa.
🔗 16:59
Solomon_Kain: Kappa
🔗 16:59
Lynks_9: Alex, if you like the story is explained and we could give you the cliff notes
🔗 16:59
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 16:59
LRRbot: lrrAWW 508 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:59
RigJuice: dang
🔗 16:59
Nuurgle: Blight Town for what???
🔗 17:00
TheAwkes: More END, more armour. Return of the shield!
🔗 17:00
Rafig1717: maybe not used the longest time attack when you know you aren't staggering him
🔗 17:00
Mr_Horrible: My headcanon for Blighttown residents is being so close to both the poisonous swamp and the ruins of Izalith does *things* to people
🔗 17:00
Rootpotato: I know the 'blight town' of demons souls was populated by the abandoned people, and malformed orphans that were sent down there to die, and a woman used her magic to heal them.
🔗 17:00
PresidentLulu: did he talk to domhall?
🔗 17:00
Capt_Sheep: lrrHORN
🔗 17:00
Laserbeaks_Fury: someBODY...once told me the world is gonna roll me...
🔗 17:00
The_Intelligentleman: lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 17:00
El_Pato_Psiquico: yes lulu
🔗 17:00
Sjlangenegger: For those not super fond of parrying those large dung ogres, backstabs tend to be fairly easy with their large windups.
🔗 17:01
intrepid_colin subscribed for 4 months in a row!
🔗 17:01
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, intrepid_colin! (Today's storm count: 16)
🔗 17:01
OneirosGolem: All those piles of planks back in upper undeadburg...
🔗 17:01
CaphalorTV: is there a reason you haven't reinforced your estus flask?
🔗 17:01
The_Intelligentleman: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 17:01
Danielleai: rewhat?
🔗 17:01
PresidentLulu: ripe-pest
🔗 17:01
GDwarf: Serge: That "woman who healed their poison" is Queelag's sister. That won't mean anything to you, but will make Alex go "Ooohhhh"
🔗 17:01
Dochollidayftb: re-pose
🔗 17:01
aClonedPickle: the pause, alex, don't forget the pause
🔗 17:01
Grescheks: I always said it with a long "o"
🔗 17:01
AdmiralMemo: Her moyn
🔗 17:02
Capt_Sheep: Hermojione
🔗 17:02
Mogling: re post is how we said it when i fenced
🔗 17:02
Solomon_Kain: Alex: You have to wait for the animation to swap to 2 hander to finish before you riposte.
🔗 17:02
Valkyrie_Lemons: My headcanon is that Blightown is where all the whiners from Kathleen's Weagleburg are sent. Kappa
🔗 17:02
Cyclopsboi: I hear it as ripost
🔗 17:02
Sarah_Serinde: Haha yup I pronounced it the same way Serge did
🔗 17:02
LarkSachrosis: I had never heard 'Queue' aloud.
🔗 17:02
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 17:02
LRRbot: lrrAWW 509 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 17:02
PresidentLulu: her mine o ninny
🔗 17:02
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's why shes sick
🔗 17:02
eostby: Serge: OMG ME TOO!
🔗 17:02
Arclight_Dynamo: I mispronounced "calliope" for years because I never heard it said.
🔗 17:02
Danielleai: reposs?
🔗 17:02
Laserbeaks_Fury: She sucked up all the poison
🔗 17:02
TheMoatman: I believe you need an offhand weapon
🔗 17:02
Mogling: Oh man, try Egwene from WoT
🔗 17:02
Ceiran_91: oh, you mean Hermy-one?
🔗 17:02
PresidentLulu: thats why quelaag's sister is dying
🔗 17:02
TheMoatman: Or you just have a *** window with an open hand
🔗 17:02
RealGamerCow: I had big problems with "annihilation" and "awry". I knew the words, but didn't match the audio to the visual
🔗 17:02
KNACC: I love that lady
🔗 17:02
Solomon_Kain: I spend as little time as possible in blighttown
🔗 17:02
BlueMagnusStormCrow: I mispronounced quay for years used to say it how its spelled
🔗 17:02
GreyFox0012: hard to forget the naked chick with a giant spider for an ***
🔗 17:02
Nuurgle: Serge feels about dark Souls the way Beej does about Magic
🔗 17:02
Greatgoombah: Quelaag's sister sucked up all the poison? Is that why she's ... "special"?
🔗 17:03
JollyGee29: hey Alex, i can only assume that someone has already asked, but have you heard about Bloodstained yet?
🔗 17:03
Mr_Horrible: *Tell* me about it. Any time I looked at the swamp, the chug was real.
🔗 17:03
Master_Gunner: my first time through the Depths, I never found the bonfire
🔗 17:03
TurnedUsernameThirty: That is literally why JK Rowling put a scene in the Goblet of Fire where she teaches someone to say her name
🔗 17:03
Vortex0360: I also read Hermione without the end hard ee sound before the movies ruined it.
🔗 17:03
Danielleai: repose according to phonics should be re-pose
🔗 17:03
Agentsmith66: dr alex, i am new at dark souls and i have just beaten those gargoyles and i have no idea where to go now, i have found the capra demon, but have not killed them, where go now?
🔗 17:03
Ghosttrooper1447: lol
🔗 17:03
splatty1: i have never gone throught this part since my first playthrough
🔗 17:03
Greygore: I always thought that this is the first "proper" difficulty spike in the game, that's probably why you've seen so much of it
🔗 17:03
GruntAI: Dark Souls, Prepare To Feel Edition.
🔗 17:03
CantWearHats: it's these assholes and a bunch of OTHER assholes. and more assholes. and poison. and dogs that shoot fire.
🔗 17:03
TheMetalupis: hey Serge, came across this playmat design on the Magic reddit, thought you might appreciate it http://i.imgur.com/1RIWZwY.jpg
🔗 17:03
Danielleai: Alex, I'll send you $5 if you can hickup again
🔗 17:03
DTor214: snerson
🔗 17:03
Thefluffiestguineapig: Why not both?
🔗 17:03
vrulg: it's a person snake
🔗 17:03
TastyArsenic: what weapon are you using? i've never seen it
🔗 17:03
🔗 17:03
TheAwkes: My favourite sword!
🔗 17:03
GreyFox0012: @Cantwearhats yep... im currently stuck here on my run
🔗 17:03
tyloncorp: the correct term is "snerson"?
🔗 17:03
toy_anon: sweet katana, etc
🔗 17:04
PresidentLulu: a true ninja never kills for their katana
🔗 17:04
Bv310: !next
🔗 17:04
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (55m from now)
🔗 17:04
Mangledpixel: "is that a snake or a person?" "yes."
🔗 17:04
TAOTheCrab: L4D2 Nick voice "Ninja sword here"
🔗 17:04
Inquisitorjl: buh buh buh ... he didn't kill a merchant for it
🔗 17:04
Greygore: Toxic = Poison on steroids
🔗 17:04
CantWearHats: toxic is like super poison
🔗 17:04
Valkyrie_Lemons: I thought the blowdart did do slight damage. : /
🔗 17:04
OneirosGolem: Tyloncorp Sneople
🔗 17:05
CantWearHats: you can actually see down into blight town from firelink
🔗 17:05
Questhere: *snicker" BUTTresses
🔗 17:05
TheMoatman: There's an immortal dragon at the bottom of the tree
🔗 17:05
Greatgoombah: Silly immortal dragon.
🔗 17:05
Mr_Horrible: Valkyrie_Lemons the actual hit does little damage, yes
🔗 17:05
Greatgoombah: All fluffy and sitting on a nest.
🔗 17:05
Cyclopsboi: !next
🔗 17:05
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (54m from now)
🔗 17:06
PresidentLulu: before i knew about the great hollow, i thought all the tree roots were just the bed of chaos
🔗 17:06
Greygore: One of the best things in DS is how it handles the level.... connectivity, I guess? I always loved how you can always tell which part of the game world you're at just by being able to see other locations in the distance
🔗 17:07
armadilloal: You know, all these Witcher III ads are reminding I really should get around to starting Witcher II one of these years.
🔗 17:07
CantWearHats: Greygore it's so good
🔗 17:07
KNACC: Greygore exactly yeah
🔗 17:07
Thefluffiestguineapig: So many Witcher III ads
🔗 17:07
TAOTheCrab: *Xbone* Witcher ads :/
🔗 17:08
CookieDoughFK: When does Cam usually stream?
🔗 17:08
TurnedUsernameThirty: http://i.imgur.com/hmZ4RQK.jpg I still love the kitten puppy
🔗 17:08
Greygore: Love doing this trick when a friend starts playing DS for the first time, he'll be like "That's a huge tree" and I'll be all smiling and nodding and going "Yep, you'll visit that, too"
🔗 17:08
DoktorNik: I wish the witcher series would just kind of do okay sales, so the studio can focus on Cyberpunk 2077
🔗 17:08
CantWearHats: wednesdays Cookiedoughfk. http://loadingreadyrun.com/live has the full schedule
🔗 17:09
JollyGee29: hey Alex, have you heard about Bloodstained yet?
🔗 17:09
TrustWorthyPittDweller: I looked up the bg club dudes apparently they are giants taht have been infected with various diseases (which is why they cause poison damage)
🔗 17:09
Ghosttrooper1447: im playin skyrim
🔗 17:09
Agentsmith66: dear dr alex, what order do you recommend doing dark souls areas in? i am currently stuck
🔗 17:09
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 17:09
LRRbot: lrrAWW 510 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 17:10
Greygore: Which is a great way to kill stuff you normally can't
🔗 17:10
Greygore: Just tip 'em off a cliff
🔗 17:10
TheAwkes: The games dynamic brightness system is, in m opinion, the worst "feature"/problem with the game.
🔗 17:10
squaredotcube: I thought this was a slow *walk*, Alex. ;)
🔗 17:10
Agentsmith66: i just did the gargoyles at the top of the tower
🔗 17:10
CaphalorTV: is there a reason you haven't reinforced your estus flask?
🔗 17:11
CantWearHats: they're hot dogs
🔗 17:11
dungeonmaster982: I have no judgments about people who like Dark Souls, I just can imagine loving a game in which I've died 510 times
🔗 17:11
Nightvalien28: CantWearHats, yellow card
🔗 17:11
Arclight_Dynamo: Dang it, CWH, beat me to it. :D
🔗 17:11
Psychic_Ketchup: Serge has learned not to question weird stuff anymore
🔗 17:11
TAOTheCrab: prolonged exposure to poison creates fire dogs. who knew? :P
🔗 17:11
OneirosGolem: Now that I think about it... There's actually a really good reason they breathe fire.
🔗 17:11
JediTransmit: Now I want a hot dog.
🔗 17:11
Cyclopsboi: #hotdog
🔗 17:11
Greygore: Probably want to head to here, then, if you're going for story progression Agentsmith66
🔗 17:11
cddento: Actually surge they probaley breath fire because of Izilith which is the area below this, which has a lot of fire to say the least
🔗 17:11
cddento: Serge
🔗 17:12
JollyGee29: Dr. Alex, I assume you have, but have you heard of Bloodstained yet?
🔗 17:12
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 17:12
LRRbot: lrrAWW 511 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 17:12
Chaucer345: what is that weapon?
🔗 17:12
Greygore: Gravelord's Sword, I think
🔗 17:12
Sockro_Mancer: great hint for this area: almost every single laddere has a torch at the bottom and top, so if you are stuck, look for a torch
🔗 17:12
Sockro_Mancer: *ladder
🔗 17:12
ShadeofHades: Hi Chat. Hi Alex. Hi Serge. How are we all?
🔗 17:12
Solomon_Kain: I would reccomend swapping to Drake Sword for the close combat portion of Scaffolding.
🔗 17:12
Agentsmith66: where is here? like how do i get here from the shrine?
🔗 17:12
TheAwkes: The ladder you dies beside is the way to get that sniper.
🔗 17:12
OneirosGolem: Or the Chaos just has a corrupting influence that's seeping into this area.
🔗 17:12
Greygore: ohai ShadeofHades
🔗 17:12
Chaucer345: You killed Nito before blight town?
🔗 17:13
CantWearHats: Chaucer345 nope, you can the gravelord sword without killing nito
🔗 17:13
Psychic_Ketchup: @Chaucer345 nah he just joined his fanclub
🔗 17:13
Greygore: Agentsmith66, you'll need to continue from Undead Parish down to Depths, which connects to here
🔗 17:13
splatty1: Chaucer345, iirc gravelord sword is from the covenant
🔗 17:13
masonraus: I remember when I first played this game and came this way through blighttown. Never again
🔗 17:13
Chaucer345: I keep hearing about these covenants.
🔗 17:14
Agentsmith66: do i have to kill the big demon in the room with the rats to get here?
🔗 17:14
Nightvalien28: yes
🔗 17:14
Greygore: If you mean the Capra Demon, then yes
🔗 17:14
Zaghrog: yes Agentsmith66, you need to kill the Capra Demon
🔗 17:14
Agentsmith66: urgh i hate that guy
🔗 17:14
Agentsmith66: well thanks chat
🔗 17:14
Greygore: You can sort of abuse his AI by using the stairs in his room if you're having trouble
🔗 17:14
Psychic_Ketchup: Hey a sniper killed himself!
🔗 17:15
Greygore: Kite him around a bit
🔗 17:15
Zaghrog: yeah that fight can bbe hard, note the staris in the back of the room and the overfang that the stairs connect to
🔗 17:15
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 17:15
LRRbot: lrrAWW 512 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 17:15
Agentsmith66: it is the rats
🔗 17:15
Greygore: YES, thanks Alex
🔗 17:15
Greygore: God I hate that
🔗 17:15
Greygore: Like the Titanite Demons in Sen's Fortress do ALL THE TIME
🔗 17:15
Greygore: lrrEFF
🔗 17:15
Cyclopsboi: #FlawlessMasterpiece
🔗 17:15
CantWearHats: the titanite demons are seven shades of ***
🔗 17:15
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 17:15
LRRbot: lrrAWW 513 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 17:15
Psychic_Ketchup: Mistakes were made
🔗 17:16
Vladostov: !advice
🔗 17:16
LRRbot: Try pointing at it.
🔗 17:16
Seirhune: Longer weapons have a better time getting through geometry. I killed a few Silver knights through walls last time I was in Anor Londo.
🔗 17:16
Grescheks: Serge! Scratch Alex's nose for him!
🔗 17:16
Nuurgle: get in there, Serge! scratch his nose!
🔗 17:16
CantWearHats: sir? this is a private party
🔗 17:16
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 17:16
LRRbot: lrrAWW 514 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 17:16
BlueMagnusStormCrow: I get that with my back. it's super distracting and annoying
🔗 17:17
Chaucer345: Robbed
🔗 17:17
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: hi Alex! hi Serge!
🔗 17:17
Nightvalien28: wo
🔗 17:17
Phrixscreoth: They feed on hope, Alex. You know that.
🔗 17:17
Chaucer345: What does the whip do?
🔗 17:17
Nightvalien28: blergh
🔗 17:17
Chaucer345: I have never gotten it.
🔗 17:17
TheAwkes: Charging through is definitely better for a stream, but I subscribe to the school of slow, careful, kill 'em all. Unless I'm making repeated runs at a boss, then it's charging through.
🔗 17:17
lordofhippos: ditch the sword take the whip devo will be so proud
🔗 17:17
Frisky89: Hello peoples good evening everyone
🔗 17:17
Lord_Hosk: Alex, have you considered how bad it would be if when you get stressed your feet spontaneously combusted?
🔗 17:17
Grescheks: true friends scratch each other's noses, Serge. Everyone knows that :P
🔗 17:17
Danielleai: Alex would rather have hickups than nose itch?
🔗 17:17
Greygore: Evenin' Frisky89
🔗 17:17
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: chat I just got a goddamn parking ticket for total *** reasons
🔗 17:17
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: chat this sucks a lot.
🔗 17:17
vrulg: doge dodge timing
🔗 17:18
Lancer873: NOT DEAD
🔗 17:18
TheAwkes: You accidentally the route.
🔗 17:18
CantWearHats: flawless masterpiece
🔗 17:18
koizom: 2 weeks ago I stopped yet again with my first DS playthrough, got thru capra and gaping dragon in one sitting, and next would be blighttown.. I just can't be interested in that right now
🔗 17:18
Greygore: Whut
🔗 17:18
StarFreak359: GCU, that sucks.
🔗 17:18
DTor214: Alex, I appreciate how vocal you were about realizing you don't know where you're going. Like: "It's this way, through the cistern. I think. Wait, where did I get that moss? I may be lost. Oh, we're dead."
🔗 17:18
Sektor88: you can pick your nonononose?
🔗 17:18
Nuurgle: LOL
🔗 17:18
NivMizzet_Dracogenius: Wow
🔗 17:18
Frisky89: what how did you live!
🔗 17:18
Greygore: That's highlight material if there ever was one
🔗 17:18
splatty1: pro strats Kappa
🔗 17:18
Phrixscreoth: Old proverb: "NONONONONONO"?
🔗 17:18
Psychic_Ketchup: Okay we lived
🔗 17:18
Grescheks: Serge "You can pick your nonononose" Yeager
🔗 17:18
TurnedUsernameThirty: @admiralmemo I tweeted Kathleen the puppy one, I hope she finds it funny
🔗 17:18
Solomon_Kain: run to bonfire
🔗 17:18
DiamondTiki: I know that proverb
🔗 17:18
The_Intelligentleman: "let me share an old proverb with, you NONONONONONO"
🔗 17:18
DiamondTiki: :p
🔗 17:18
Metricos: bug frands
🔗 17:18
OneirosGolem: Well that was a weird thing.
🔗 17:18
tyloncorp: revenge of the ganglefucks.
🔗 17:18
Greygore: Remember to go human for Mildred invasion
🔗 17:18
SuitablyEpic: nonono is a well known proverb
🔗 17:18
NivMizzet_Dracogenius: Look closer, and you can see that the spiders are part person! Fun stuff down here in the swamp
🔗 17:19
Master_Gunner: lrrSACK
🔗 17:19
Spacecarl: And that was a LUCKY Fall.
🔗 17:19
esperchld: has serge seen Keloogs?
🔗 17:19
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: words to live by, Serge. Words to live by.
🔗 17:19
CantWearHats: and they shoot fire Nivmizzet_dracogenius! fun times!
🔗 17:19
Ownyke: Hope you don't feel the same way about spiders because erm *cough* *cough*
🔗 17:19
Phrixscreoth: Does serge know about Mimics?
🔗 17:20
GreyFox0012: then later the chests try to eat you
🔗 17:20
Greygore: It's good practice to kindle a bonfire before a boss fight though
🔗 17:20
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I'm tempted to go draft to make myself feel better
🔗 17:20
NivMizzet_Dracogenius: @Cantwearhats the swamp is a laugh riot. Come for the spiderfiremen, stay for the massive leeches
🔗 17:20
OneirosGolem: Kindle as well?
🔗 17:20
BlueMagnusStormCrow: chests later try to kill you
🔗 17:20
Chaucer345: Wait... did humanity restore your bra?
🔗 17:20
OneirosGolem: Ah, way ahead of me there.
🔗 17:20
StarFreak359: GCU, does drafting angry usually help?
🔗 17:20
Nightvalien28: Chaucer345, it filled it more, you know restoring flesh and meat
🔗 17:20
SuitablyEpic: you can tell its a mimic because it isnt chained down
🔗 17:20
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Starfreak359 dunno, I haven't tried it yet
🔗 17:20
Phrixscreoth: Darkspirit Maneater mildred, thank you for subscribing!
🔗 17:20
Grescheks: Serge, just remember they aren't craneflies. They are what we call "ganglefucks"
🔗 17:21
CantWearHats: LOL
🔗 17:21
Nuurgle: you're a woman, she shouldn't wat you
🔗 17:21
AdmiralMemo: OK, who's going to make the ManeaterMildred Twitch account now?
🔗 17:21
CantWearHats: hahahaha
🔗 17:21
Grescheks: :D
🔗 17:21
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Does Serge have a thing about bugs?
🔗 17:21
Psychic_Ketchup: She is a lrrSACK
🔗 17:21
Solomon_Kain: they don't call her a Dark Spirit for nothing Serge!
🔗 17:21
Blunderscore: She has the Buster Sword
🔗 17:21
TheAwkes: The first time I fought Kirk and Mildred, it was totally lost on me that they weren't players, and I was super disappointed at how easy they were to kill.
🔗 17:21
esperchld: Someone should make mimic ladders ... ladders that are really the tongue of a monster above. As you climb it starts curling up behind you.
🔗 17:21
Nightvalien28: mildred pls pls
🔗 17:21
Greygore: Cool thing is, some of these invaders you can summon for boss fights
🔗 17:21
KitteyWolf: GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou, phobia of crainflies and they look very much like crainflies
🔗 17:21
Nightvalien28: it has a face because it used to be a person
🔗 17:21
Spacecarl: Did you get the bag from her?
🔗 17:21
🔗 17:21
Dhad094: Mildred was based on a developer terrorizing another coworker while they were going through blighttwon
🔗 17:21
Nuurgle: ALEX, NO!
🔗 17:21
DTor214: I love that she's mostly naked, like a Dark Souls pro
🔗 17:21
CantWearHats: it's never safe
🔗 17:21
Seirhune: Never Safe.
🔗 17:21
Chaucer345: I'm working on it okay! Beach readiness is hard.
🔗 17:21
Nightvalien28: alex why
🔗 17:21
Vladostov: This is beautiful
🔗 17:21
Solomon_Kain: Kindle!
🔗 17:22
azyrios subscribed for 3 months in a row!
🔗 17:22
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, azyrios! (Today's storm count: 17)
🔗 17:22
Bowman427: hai serge
🔗 17:22
OneirosGolem: w e a r e o n e
🔗 17:22
Arclight_Dynamo: Spend them souls?
🔗 17:22
Bv310: Alex, you monster
🔗 17:22
Sockro_Mancer: fannon is that they are the results of Quelaags egg burdened followers Serge
🔗 17:22
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: wait, craneflies like the gnatcatcher bugs?
🔗 17:22
Bv310: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 17:22
koizom: Spend souls
🔗 17:22
Luigi_savior_of_scrubs: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 17:22
Nuurgle: I like big buttresses and I cannot lie
🔗 17:22
Psychic_Ketchup: That was FF12, and they were awful indeed.
🔗 17:22
CantWearHats: /\/\/\/\(Oo._.oO)/\/\/\/\
🔗 17:22
Phrixscreoth: They never stop coming too
🔗 17:22
Grescheks: no CWH, no!
🔗 17:22
esperchld: I like big buttresses and I can not lie
🔗 17:22
CantWearHats: bzzz bzzz I am human
🔗 17:22
Solomon_Kain: Kindle the Bonfire!
🔗 17:23
Goampdog2: damit Cwh
🔗 17:23
Nightvalien28: Phrixscreoth, they do stop there are three sets of two
🔗 17:23
AdmiralMemo: So some people have been asking questions on my ask.fm page. Thanks! :-) http://ask.fm/AdmiralMemo
🔗 17:23
Greygore: I think there's like 3 waves of them? You can see them spawn if you enter the area from Quelaag's cave
🔗 17:23
Phrixscreoth: Really? o.o Praise the sun!
🔗 17:23
Valkyrie_Lemons: I believe they only spawn 10 times per couple.
🔗 17:23
Vladimort_Poutine: dat boom mic
🔗 17:23
Compleatly: \quote Serge
🔗 17:23
Solomon_Kain: there are only like 8 or 10 mosquitos that come out of the nest.
🔗 17:23
TheAwkes: I remember 6-8 of the mosquitoes from each of three spawning point.
🔗 17:23
Danielleai: Phrixscreoth!
🔗 17:23
CantWearHats: wait, these buggers stop respawning?! I got stuck on Quelaag for over a month and they never did!
🔗 17:23
NapalmSideburns: Thanks for bringing up Mimic ladders, they're now going into my D&D campaign, because weagles and capra demons weren't horrible enough.
🔗 17:23
Frisky89: mosquitoes are the worst for camera angles!
🔗 17:24
Greygore: I know the ones that come out of the Queelag's side nest do
🔗 17:24
OneirosGolem: Likelikes!
🔗 17:24
Phrixscreoth: Haha Hi Danielleai
🔗 17:24
Bv310: Man, those would take a shitload of salt to dry up
🔗 17:24
Compleatly: \quote Alex
🔗 17:24
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Are craneflies those big gangly bugs that you think are mosquitos but they're not mosquitos, and don't kill them because they eat the mosquitos?
🔗 17:24
Compleatly: \help
🔗 17:24
All_Mankind: there's like seven mosquitoes from each of the two spawnholes
🔗 17:24
Pump19: Pump19 is run by Twisted Pear. Check http://pump19.eu/commands for a list of supported commands.
🔗 17:24
Bv310: It's on !quote now, Compleatly
🔗 17:24
Greygore: There's 3 waves x2, plus one more at the end, I've noticed this when I was doing Pyromancy shopping from Quelaana
🔗 17:24
Lord_Hosk: Serge, are you going to stop in and make sure Adam stays sane again on his 24 hour stream?
🔗 17:24
Bv310: !quote Alex
🔗 17:24
LRRbot: Quote #188: "<stream of profanity>" —Alex
🔗 17:24
MrTulip: They stop respawning, i tried.
🔗 17:24
CantWearHats: also, getting poisoned stops you getting toxic
🔗 17:24
Seirhune: I've started watching Milt. It was beautiful and filled me with inadequacy.
🔗 17:24
Solomon_Kain: Hats, that is not true
🔗 17:25
Nightvalien28: CantWearHats, you can still get toxic
🔗 17:25
Compleatly: !help
🔗 17:25
🔗 17:25
CantWearHats: wait balls
🔗 17:25
Solomon_Kain: Toxic and Poison are different, and can stack
🔗 17:25
CantWearHats: sorry chat, I misrememberd
🔗 17:25
Werdnae: Shouldn't we wait to do that until after we get the Lord vessel?
🔗 17:25
cddento: Are we gonna go to the bottom of the Hollow Alex?
🔗 17:25
Compleatly: !quote Serge
🔗 17:25
LRRbot: Quote #27: "We now have mutilated baby heads everywhere. I hope you're happy with yourself." —Serge [2015-03-07]
🔗 17:25
Havok4: Getting weak toxic prevents you from getting toxic. Like from poop/
🔗 17:25
Greygore: Wall-ception
🔗 17:25
Nightvalien28: alex you might get stuck down there if you don't have the lord vessel
🔗 17:25
Phrixscreoth: Double blind!
🔗 17:25
CantWearHats: the double fakeout!
🔗 17:26
Frisky89: dbl mystery walls air horns air horns haha
🔗 17:26
Sockro_Mancer: Let's go see the amazing jumping hydra!
🔗 17:26
TheAwkes: You can absolutely walk back out of the hollow and ash lake.
🔗 17:26
Master_Gunner: I did miss this completely, though I vaguely knew of it.
🔗 17:26
TheAwkes: No vessel required.
🔗 17:26
KatnissBot: !quote Alex
🔗 17:26
LRRbot: Quote #7: "My desire is to be, like, a 67-year-old Chinese woman." —Alex [2015-01-31]
🔗 17:26
Questhere: !quote serge
🔗 17:26
AdmiralMemo: !quote Serge
🔗 17:26
Sektor88: Is this the Yggdrasil?
🔗 17:26
Psychic_Ketchup: It is an Archtree after all
🔗 17:26
Chaucer345: Wow...I never saw this.
🔗 17:26
CantWearHats: there's also a sweet ring in here
🔗 17:26
AdmiralMemo: !quote Serge
🔗 17:26
LRRbot: Quote #27: "We now have mutilated baby heads everywhere. I hope you're happy with yourself." —Serge [2015-03-07]
🔗 17:27
squaredotcube: !quote 4
🔗 17:27
AdmiralMemo: Well, that's likely the ONLY Serge quote
🔗 17:27
vrulg: do you even tree devs?
🔗 17:27
Zaghrog: Mahjong is a sweet game though
🔗 17:27
TheAwkes: Mmm. Basilisks.
🔗 17:27
Greygore: Googly-eyed Basilisks
🔗 17:27
TurnedUsernameThirty: well with a quote that good...
🔗 17:28
OneirosGolem: It sort of makes sense... The outside of the tree is the living part, right? So what if a tree grew so huge, then had most of it's heartwood core removed, then started growing back through itself...
🔗 17:28
Questhere: Serge's nonono proverb should be added to the quotes
🔗 17:28
🔗 17:28
Arclight_Dynamo: YOL-oak
🔗 17:28
Greygore: ohai Suffix
🔗 17:28
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Oneirosgolem this actually happens with redwoods, except maybe for the growing back through itself part
🔗 17:28
DTor214: Why would it grow inward, though? Shouldn't the branches reach toward sunlight?
🔗 17:28
AdmiralMemo: Frug Frond
🔗 17:28
StarFreak359: Serge "You only YOLO once" Yager
🔗 17:28
CantWearHats: Lionel Rich-tree
🔗 17:28
Chaucer345: Is there any place in this game that isn't a secret area?
🔗 17:28
Frisky89: yoyoloo? Kappa
🔗 17:28
AdmiralMemo: Hello... is it memes that you're looking for?
🔗 17:28
Solomon_Kain: Alex, make Hydra Jump!
🔗 17:29
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Redwoods can have their heartwood burnt out but still keeping growing
🔗 17:29
KatnissBot: yes it is, Memo
🔗 17:29
Phrixscreoth: Mushrooms not your frand ;a;
🔗 17:29
CantWearHats: Alex, when you get to the bottom, run along past the hydra to see it do a sweet jump
🔗 17:29
OneirosGolem: I mean, at this depth, it looks more like a ring of trees surrounding a central weird tree.
🔗 17:29
splatty1: trees usually don't have smaller trees in them
🔗 17:29
Bv310: Yay mushbros
🔗 17:29
TurnedUsernameThirty: well I just merged michael jackson and gollum I deserved that, I'm gonna go bleach my brain
🔗 17:29
CantWearHats: mushrooms are swole as ***
🔗 17:29
Grescheks: those mushrooms are kinda adorable
🔗 17:29
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: redwoods do sometimes have smaller trees inside them
🔗 17:30
AdmiralMemo: No you see the HYDRA jump
🔗 17:30
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: redwoods are effing weird trees
🔗 17:30
Solomon_Kain: If you try and run past the Hydra, it leaps over your head
🔗 17:30
TheAwkes: You can Free Willy the Hydra.
🔗 17:30
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: this is actually Nausicaa
🔗 17:30
Solomon_Kain: just book it to Eternal Dragon
🔗 17:30
OneirosGolem: Oh yeah. When it goes Free Willy on you
🔗 17:30
BlueMagnusStormCrow: no the hydra jumps you
🔗 17:30
Seirhune: I thought you saw the Hydra Jump, Alex. There was much panic.
🔗 17:30
Greygore: Best level by far, environment-wise
🔗 17:30
DoktorLoy: this reminds me of the hunter's dream, actually
🔗 17:30
Luigi_savior_of_scrubs: It is the sub ocean
🔗 17:30
StarFreak359: For every day there is a night. For every world there is an underworld...
🔗 17:30
Frisky89: yeah where you fight paladin leeroy you can see it
🔗 17:30
Mr_Horrible: And the archtrees will grow in real time!
🔗 17:30
Senstaku: If you run past the Hydra in here, Alex, it will fly.
🔗 17:30
injectredbull: is there a part of izalith you can see ash lake from too?
🔗 17:31
squaredotcube: This is the place also seen in the opening cutscene
🔗 17:31
Arclight_Dynamo: "Free Willy the Hydra" sounds like !advice to me
🔗 17:31
Seirhune: Noooo. Don't take the bonfire.
🔗 17:31
injectredbull: i know you can see izalith from the Tomb.
🔗 17:31
TurnedUsernameThirty: for the record I refuse to link the MJ Gollum picture because no
🔗 17:31
tyloncorp: Claaaaams
🔗 17:31
Rage552: Can someone make that a quote please XD
🔗 17:31
Chaucer345: How did swole become a thing?
🔗 17:31
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: thaaaaaat would make some interesting clam chowder.
🔗 17:31
Nightvalien28: incoming hydra
🔗 17:31
Metricos: that's...a skull
🔗 17:31
Metricos: oh okay
🔗 17:31
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: hoooooooooly
🔗 17:31
Psychic_Ketchup: Clams! Please kill it. Clams don't belong in this world
🔗 17:31
Lynks_9: you can see izalith from ash lake? where?
🔗 17:31
Frisky89: free willy
🔗 17:31
AdmiralMemo: Chaucer345, "swollen" as in swollen muscles from working out
🔗 17:31
Metricos: Free Willy~
🔗 17:32
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 17:32
LRRbot: lrrAWW 515 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 17:32
Metricos: damn it clams
🔗 17:32
Dix: Hoooooold me
🔗 17:32
Grescheks: got clammed
🔗 17:32
tyloncorp: fupping clams!
🔗 17:32
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: yeah it looks more like a giant human skull
🔗 17:32
cddento: Whoa I did not know it could do that
🔗 17:32
Lord_Hosk: Alex did you know that those clams have skeletons
🔗 17:32
All_Mankind: a flying hydra, now i have seen everything
🔗 17:32
NivMizzet_Dracogenius: Oh noooo, I was hoping to get to the dergon
🔗 17:32
Mr_Horrible: Clams we were appreciating the flavor! C'mon!
🔗 17:32
JediTransmit: Progenitus has flying.
🔗 17:32
Zoozle: Oops, clam'd.
🔗 17:32
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Alex should I go draft to make myself feel better?
🔗 17:32
Danielleai: hiel flying hydra
🔗 17:32
Greygore: Pure caster is a bad idea for starting DS :P
🔗 17:32
NivMizzet_Dracogenius: Wizard is a strong build
🔗 17:32
Lynks_9: Serge, this game is frequently on sale for $5
🔗 17:32
Nightvalien28: GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou, treat yo self
🔗 17:32
injectredbull: that skull is way bigger than the head of any dragon is this game though, except maybe Seath. I wonder...
🔗 17:32
Nightvalien28: the game is on sale
🔗 17:32
Senstaku: Alex, you have to get dagron head
🔗 17:32
Solomon_Kain: this game is super cheap anyway, next sale look for it. i got it for $5 on holiday Sale.
🔗 17:32
Greygore: Isn't it on sale already?
🔗 17:32
Nightvalien28: it is onsale on humble bundle
🔗 17:32
GreyFox0012: you get a thing that gives you a dragon head so you can breathe fire
🔗 17:33
Phrixscreoth: I suspect it's one of the old gods who died in the fight against the dragons
🔗 17:33
Senstaku: Alex, you need to show Serge how to become a dagron
🔗 17:33
Metricos: Yep. Inb4 someone gifts it to Serge
🔗 17:33
All_Mankind: the giant skull might have come from a citizen of anor londo
🔗 17:33
CantWearHats: Greygore it was on the Humble Store, but it's back up to full price
🔗 17:33
D_Man_7733: It looked like a really decrepit rusted helmet to me.
🔗 17:33
vrulg: who's a harry wizard?
🔗 17:33
Seagulyus: Serge I got it 3 days ago for $5. it will go back on soon
🔗 17:33
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Nightvalien28 I think I deserve it for not yelling at whatever idiot gave me a *** parking ticket
🔗 17:33
mercano82: Steam summer sale is in two months or so.
🔗 17:33
AdmiralMemo: http://store.steampowered.com/app/211420/ $20 currently but, it'll go back on sale
🔗 17:33
Greygore: Hm... I thought Humble Store had a "yesterday's deals" feature
🔗 17:33
Cyclopsboi: rock lobster!
🔗 17:33
Greygore: Ah, no... Full-priced again
🔗 17:33
Greygore: :<
🔗 17:33
injectredbull: the player ghosts you see walking around turn corporeal when near bonfires.
🔗 17:34
injectredbull: or well, more visible.
🔗 17:34
Edroach: trigger warning: bloat flyu
🔗 17:34
injectredbull: not corporeal
🔗 17:34
Hadanelith: Get chopped.
🔗 17:34
Mr_Horrible: The giant elevator powered by a single doge
🔗 17:34
splatty1: also more bugs
🔗 17:34
Metricos: Quelaag lrrAWW
🔗 17:34
Hadanelith: Incidentally, chat (and Alex) are aware of Bloodstained, right?
🔗 17:34
JediTransmit: Oh the eggman
🔗 17:35
TheAwkes: That spider hole was super ominous the first time I saw it. I decided to leave it the eff alone until I was completely clear of the rest of Blighttown.
🔗 17:35
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: egg sacs are never, ever, EVER a good sign
🔗 17:35
JediTransmit: I want them to say "I am the walrus"
🔗 17:35
Thefluffiestguineapig: nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope
🔗 17:35
Cyclopsboi: Let's nope
🔗 17:35
Lord_Hosk: it is technically opening its mouth over and over.
🔗 17:35
mercano82: So apparently the Leroy Jenkins video is 10 years old now.
🔗 17:36
INAFN: Hey alex, don't die to poison after you kill her
🔗 17:36
KatnissBot: yep
🔗 17:36
KitteyWolf: technically they are actually praying to Quelaag's sister.
🔗 17:36
Rage552: Thats like my favorite thing to do in this game
🔗 17:36
injectredbull: it unlocks eingyi as a pyromancy trainer, and it's the only way to get Toxic Mist.
🔗 17:36
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: oh wow oh wow that boss is a biiiiiiig ole NOPE
🔗 17:36
Metricos: nail game is on point
🔗 17:36
injectredbull: you can get the covenant without being egghead though.
🔗 17:36
Thefluffiestguineapig: Too many nopes
🔗 17:36
JediTransmit: Strategically placed hair.
🔗 17:36
CantWearHats: something something predictable soapstone message
🔗 17:36
All_Mankind: you can get a worm for a head, a very special headbutt attack and all yout suls x0.5
🔗 17:36
Greygore: You kind of need to get sac'd to get a few pyromancies
🔗 17:36
🔗 17:36
Hadanelith: Go Go Gadget Godiva Hair!
🔗 17:36
Jaufrax: so many eyes
🔗 17:36
OneirosGolem: It really bugs me that they don't let you see the rest of her face.
🔗 17:36
Mr_Horrible: I thought they worshiped Quelana? And Quelaag killed adventurers to take their humanity and give it to Quelana?
🔗 17:37
Metricos: buttstab is real strong in this meta
🔗 17:37
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: wow...talk about eyes on the inside...
🔗 17:37
Bowman427: hey, it lolth
🔗 17:37
AdmiralMemo: Nude lady/lava spider.... That's one WEIRD creature
🔗 17:37
GruntAI: Doesn't matter, still lrrHAM her. lrrCREEPY
🔗 17:37
Phrixscreoth: Blind spot: ironically in front of her demon spider eyes
🔗 17:37
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 17:37
LRRbot: lrrAWW 516 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 17:37
CantWearHats: NOOOO
🔗 17:37
Metricos: lava please why
🔗 17:37
CantWearHats: robbed!
🔗 17:37
MarkBarks: so wait. He's doing a slow walk, but he got the Gravelord Sword?
🔗 17:37
aesir_blade: Quelaag / Sheoldred otp?
🔗 17:37
Nightvalien28: haha lava, idiot
🔗 17:37
Psychic_Ketchup: Lava is the worst
🔗 17:37
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Admiralmemo some concept artist's sketchbook got crunched up in the bottom of their backpack and behold
🔗 17:37
Walkingharder: Oh noooo :(
🔗 17:37
Malajones64: And the floor was lava...
🔗 17:37
Orgmastron: lrrEFF
🔗 17:37
Greygore: Would be a good time to summon Mildred too, if you have a spare humanity
🔗 17:37
Rage552: Her AOE is a pain to deal with
🔗 17:37
Grescheks: Queelag is MasterBlaster?
🔗 17:37
Solomon_Kain: you should have just blocked it or attacked her
🔗 17:37
ImSincerelySorry: Serge, your bellybutton doesn't have eyes?
🔗 17:37
DTor214: Haha, every time. Well, at least you've got the close bonfire this time, so no more Blighttown Drop
🔗 17:37
injectredbull: i think you coulda killed her in time
🔗 17:37
Chaucer345: Mildred is handy!
🔗 17:37
Hrafnsvaengr: Hey there, LRRchats & Drs Alex and Serge
🔗 17:37
All_Mankind: protip: if you have to stand in the lava, don't stand on your head
🔗 17:37
TheAwkes: Alex has a fever. And the only cure is more Gravelord.
🔗 17:38
Greygore: Mildred just doesn't give an eff about lava :D
🔗 17:38
Himyul: oh, serge doesn't like the spiders?
🔗 17:38
Solomon_Kain: she was 1 hit from dead, you would have killed her if only you were MORE Greedy!
🔗 17:38
Solomon_Kain: Kappa
🔗 17:38
Frisky89: Alex have you ever joined the forest hunters covenant?
🔗 17:38
NapalmSideburns: Summon Miltrivd? :V
🔗 17:38
planeswalkagogo: Brain flies?
🔗 17:38
JediTransmit: Now referred to as charlie foxtrots?
🔗 17:38
Himyul: oh, I thought you were talking about the mosquito things earlier
🔗 17:39
CantWearHats: turn around now kick block punch
🔗 17:39
MarkBarks: are those the flies with the really long legs? If so we don't call them that here
🔗 17:39
Chaucer345: Christ, that sword is crazy.
🔗 17:39
DTor214: I feel like I made a mistake accepting the first covenant someone offered me. Gods aren't vengeful in this setting, right? So no long-term consequences?
🔗 17:39
CantWearHats: her AOE attack is lrrEFF
🔗 17:39
Metricos: rip
🔗 17:39
CantWearHats: !death
🔗 17:39
LRRbot: lrrAWW 517 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 17:39
Rage552: she must need some serious hairspray to keep her hair in that position
🔗 17:39
INAFN: Don't forget your souls!
🔗 17:39
Greygore: Hold on, you actually have a "name" for those where you come from, MarkBarks? :O
🔗 17:39
Grescheks: MarkBarks, everywhere calls them something different
🔗 17:39
TurnedUsernameThirty: ugh things that live in the attic are making way too much noise
🔗 17:39
MarkBarks: mosquito hawks?
🔗 17:39
Greygore: Mildred's just gonna stand in lava, and doesn't feel a *thing*
🔗 17:40
blindrift98: i always called those things mosquito hawks never heard crane flys
🔗 17:40
Bv310: Crane flies are weird as shit. Don't blame you
🔗 17:40
Lynks_9: Dtor214, if you break covenants the person you made the covenant with you gets a bit grumpy but you can go to oswald to get pardoned
🔗 17:40
INAFN: @Turnedusernamethirty You are living in a let's nope. lrrSPOOP
🔗 17:40
vrulg: fyi Alex, Lava is really hot. Like really, really hot.
🔗 17:40
Solomon_Kain: Oswald lets you abandon covenant without accruing Sin.
🔗 17:40
Greygore: Oswald of Carim can let you exit a covenant without accruing sin
🔗 17:40
MarkBarks: or skeeter-eater if you're from Mississippi Kappa
🔗 17:40
Metricos: !badadvice
🔗 17:40
LRRbot: Keep going.
🔗 17:40
masonraus: Alex do you have a home stream?
🔗 17:40
tingspam: only allowd to join cat covenant once
🔗 17:40
injectredbull: there's only one vengeful covenant that will aggro stuff if you leave it
🔗 17:40
Solomon_Kain: you can also just request absolution to reset sin to 0
🔗 17:40
Seirhune: If you abandon a covenant without using Oswald, then it's a sin and the Blades of the Darkmoon would like to hunt you when possible.
🔗 17:40
Lancer873: The only punishment for leaving any covenant aside from the Forest Hunters is that you lose 1/2 of the credit you earned for giving them stuff
🔗 17:40
injectredbull: you just lose offering progress
🔗 17:40
DTor214: Neat!
🔗 17:40
Chaucer345: What happens if you hit oswald?
🔗 17:40
TheAwkes: Oswald can take you out of a covenant without gaining sin, or losing standing with your current covenant. Otherwise, changine Covenant will mess up your covenant. Going to Oswald first is cheaper.
🔗 17:40
Greygore: Which you would otherwise get by joining a second covenant when already being in one
🔗 17:40
NivMizzet_Dracogenius: THe only real drawback I know is getting the egg head for betraying the chaos witch covenant
🔗 17:40
Lancer873: ALSO, if you leave via Oswald, you lose nothing.
🔗 17:40
Rage552: Home stream hype
🔗 17:41
Inquisitorjl: and the first covenant you find is the Way of White which has no costs for leaving
🔗 17:41
Danielleai: draw stream!
🔗 17:41
Psychic_Ketchup: Sin the concept, not sin the giant thing from FFX by the way
🔗 17:41
Mogling: When will soon be now?
🔗 17:41
All_Mankind: the drawbacks are usually losing half of your offerings, which are used to level up in covenants and consist of various consumable items you can collect
🔗 17:41
Himyul: we call them May flies in Texas
🔗 17:41
Greygore: Nope
🔗 17:41
Seagulyus: Lancer873 no offerings loss?
🔗 17:41
WadeCLawson: That is a real thing I am from Mississippi haha
🔗 17:41
Danielleai draws a stream
🔗 17:41
Pairoschuz: Are the insects know for eating Doug Funny's best friend?
🔗 17:41
Metricos: beach pals~
🔗 17:41
Seirhune: I prefer to call those things Serge hates "Greater Ganglef***s."
🔗 17:41
AdmiralMemo: Are you Beej ready?
🔗 17:41
Greygore: Offerings are 50% lost with both methods, iirc
🔗 17:41
injectredbull: mosquito hawks?
🔗 17:41
Mr_Horrible: Whoa-oh here she comes / Watch out, boy, she'll chew you up
🔗 17:41
linecardioidparabola: aww no sack?
🔗 17:41
CantWearHats: she may be a lunchlady in training
🔗 17:41
Phrixscreoth: You need to get sacked, Alex
🔗 17:41
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: In the Mid-Atlantic we called them gnatcatchers.
🔗 17:41
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: or mosquito hawks
🔗 17:41
Greygore: "Resistant" is an understatement
🔗 17:41
Nightvalien28: grrl powah
🔗 17:41
Fracaswell: I have also heard 'skeeter-eaters' used here in Oklahoma. Weird.
🔗 17:41
Grescheks: not dead!
🔗 17:41
Metricos: pound a dew
🔗 17:41
INAFN: we call them Crane Flys in the PNW
🔗 17:42
Seagulyus: 1 is not 0
🔗 17:42
MarkBarks: I like having them around. keep the mosquitoes at bay
🔗 17:42
CantWearHats: you can get the sack at some point
🔗 17:42
Vladimort_Poutine: lrrSACK buddies
🔗 17:42
Unknowngamer88: I've always heard them called leatherjackets here in lower mainland BC
🔗 17:42
Ylegm: Midwest calls them Mosquito Hawks
🔗 17:42
injectredbull: your flask isn't upgraded mang
🔗 17:42
splatty1: mildred is taking a lava bath it seems
🔗 17:42
Greygore: Mildred is pretty much a godsend if you're a caster in any way, Serge
🔗 17:43
CantWearHats: get her Milly!
🔗 17:43
Greygore: She's great at aggroing the boss while you pelt her with sorceries from a safe distance
🔗 17:43
ThatDangSkeleton: Lava Bath is equivalent to a Mud Bath for Mildred
🔗 17:43
Greygore: or rather, a "safer" distance :D
🔗 17:43
All_Mankind: by the way Alex, if you're playing through the story, are you going to give Quelaag's sister 30 humanity to see where her story goes? that's one of the more straightforward covenants
🔗 17:43
Grescheks: lrrGOAT
🔗 17:43
Metricos: lrrHORN
🔗 17:43
Pairoschuz: She's a maaaaaan-eater
🔗 17:43
BusTed: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrGOAT
🔗 17:43
AdmiralMemo: Various names for crane flies: mosquito hawk, mosquito wasp, mosquito eater, skeeter dragon, gallinipper, gollywhopper and gollynoogle.
🔗 17:43
Chaucer345: Have you seen dark sauce?
🔗 17:43
CantWearHats: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 17:43
Suffix: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 17:43
Greygore: lrrHORN
🔗 17:43
Phailhammer: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 17:43
Bv310: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 17:43
Thefluffiestguineapig: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 17:43
Lorddeox: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 17:43
Sockro_Mancer: Alex "we are the best bikini team ever" Steacy
🔗 17:43
masonraus: PogChamp
🔗 17:43
Rootpotato: team bras vs top less Kappa
🔗 17:44
Aarek: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
🔗 17:44
Danielleai: this isn't a "no pants" run?
🔗 17:44
All_Mankind: ding dong, the chaos witch is dead :(
🔗 17:44
The_Intelligentleman: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 17:44
Greygore: You can sort of see it while doing Undead Burg
🔗 17:44
Pairoschuz: Hint: the "something" is horrifically ugly
🔗 17:44
Metricos: Sen's Funhouuuuuuse~
🔗 17:44
Thisbymaster: After ten thousand year I am free!
🔗 17:44
Psychic_Ketchup: I only recently found that out.
🔗 17:44
Mr_Horrible: Giant's just like "lrrEFF ing FINALLY"
🔗 17:44
leebenningfield: feliciaBoom mic
🔗 17:44
TheAwkes: I have no idea how to get to the gate giant. :(
🔗 17:44
Solomon_Kain: go kill Ceaseless
🔗 17:44
JediTransmit: So with enough C4 we could skip blighttown?
🔗 17:45
toy_anon: The game throws you a bone Kappa
🔗 17:45
Cyclopsboi: he comes from a broken home
🔗 17:45
AdmiralMemo: Thisbymaster, It's time to conquer... wait what is this place? *looks into it* No lrrEFF I'm out...
🔗 17:45
Orgio1998: No illusory wall BibleThump
🔗 17:45
eostby: It's time to conquer Earth!
🔗 17:45
Malajones64: What happens if you attack the followers of queelag?
🔗 17:45
Seagulyus: Theawkes remember the chapel in undead berg where you fight the gargoyles? there is a second exit to there that leads to the blacksmith and that place
🔗 17:45
OneirosGolem: Courtyard, maybe?
🔗 17:45
Avacis: go talk to quelanna
🔗 17:45
Orgio1998: yeah
🔗 17:46
Metricos: Quelaag's sisterfriend needs a bro to hang out with
🔗 17:46
splatty1: how does she fit through the doors in this tower?
🔗 17:46
Metricos: she's super bendy, splatty1
🔗 17:46
Greygore: Hole in ceiling, Serge
🔗 17:46
Psychic_Ketchup: Geez Serge
🔗 17:46
Grescheks: geez Serge
🔗 17:46
AdmiralMemo: Serge is body-shaming!
🔗 17:46
Edroach: I love how Alex plays tour guide of the damned
🔗 17:46
Orgio1998: Pass Ceaseless Discharge
🔗 17:46
Greygore: I think that's how she's supposed to move around, lore-wise
🔗 17:46
TheAwkes: The gate giant, @Seagulyus. I've beaten the game before, but didn't find the route to the giant that opens the gate of Sen's Fortress.
🔗 17:46
Sutpen: Hi Alex! I gave Dark Souls a third chance after watching your streams, and I just beat the game today. I'm feeling such a tremendous sense of accomplishment and it's firmly become one of my favorite games. Really digging the new Vorthos approach to the stream and I hope you play through all of Dark Souls like this. Thanks for convincing me to play the game!
🔗 17:47
masonraus: A good eyefull of all that Glare Kappa
🔗 17:47
Seagulyus: Theawkes oooh okay
🔗 17:47
Metricos: congrats Sutpen lrrAWESOME
🔗 17:47
Greygore: TheAwkes, it's accessible if you drop down to the very bottom of Sen's
🔗 17:47
Orgio1998: Egg head Kappa
🔗 17:47
Seagulyus: its way too hot here
🔗 17:47
Seagulyus: sorry
🔗 17:47
INAFN: Spiders are deceptively malleable...
🔗 17:47
Greygore: You get there via a set of stepladders and an illusory wall
🔗 17:47
masonraus: Spactacualr glare Kappa
🔗 17:47
tingspam: are you going to fight and chese out Ceaseless Discharge?
🔗 17:47
Lynks_9: Sutpen, well done! now onto new game plus :P
🔗 17:47
Psychic_Ketchup: @theawkes, if you fall down to where titanite demons are you can climb up a ladder. Then you smash an illusory wall.
🔗 17:47
TastyArsenic: fun fact: ceaseless discharge is actually quelaag's brother
🔗 17:47
All_Mankind: a big darn dome
🔗 17:47
Minerman237: aliens
🔗 17:48
Minerman237: obiously
🔗 17:48
CowofJustice: Hehe i wish I could ruin it
🔗 17:48
All_Mankind: maybe it was for the olympics
🔗 17:48
Bv310: Giant-ass bell?
🔗 17:48
masonraus: Grats Stupen
🔗 17:48
TheAwkes: Then it's the illusory wall that I didn't find. Stupid illusory walls.
🔗 17:48
GreyFox0012: pretty sure thats the kiln of the first flame
🔗 17:48
Sutpen: Thanks guys! Super happy. Gwyn was much harder than I thought he'd be, although he's god I guess so I don't know what I was expecting
🔗 17:48
leebenningfield: is there any sub-ocean in this run
🔗 17:48
Granitefish: underground towns can and do exist in reality
🔗 17:48
CowofJustice: GreyFox Sshhhh
🔗 17:48
Solomon_Kain: you missed sub ocean
🔗 17:48
CaphalorTV: is there a reason you haven't reinforced your estus flask?
🔗 17:48
Lynks_9: Sutpen, what kind of run did you do?
🔗 17:48
Unknowngamer88: isn't a good portion of Chicago undergound now?
🔗 17:48
leebenningfield: when was it? I'll go watch the VoD later
🔗 17:49
Seagulyus: Caphalortv he hasnt gotten to a place where he can since he got the soul
🔗 17:49
DoktorLoy: ohhhhhh
🔗 17:49
Seirhune: That's the Kiln? No kidding!
🔗 17:49
Inquisitorjl: Greyfox0012 - not sure, I've interpreted it as where the witch of izalith tried to create her own first flame
🔗 17:49
Goampdog2: One Hand GB-sword
🔗 17:49
Phrixscreoth: The inside of Kiln of the First Flame is GORGOUS
🔗 17:49
Seirhune: I did not know that.
🔗 17:49
TheAwkes: I thought that dome was Lost Izalith. You enter through a hole i nthe bottom of it, where the lava path and the giant jumping demon things are.
🔗 17:49
Arclight_Dynamo: Not being told what the point of the game is for, like, *hours* of play is one of the reasons I bounce so hard off the game. No hook.
🔗 17:49
CaphalorTV: thanks seagulyus
🔗 17:49
tyloncorp: we're not going to makeframpt unhappy this time? yay!
🔗 17:50
Sutpen: @Lynks_9 I leveled endurance to 40 first and then focused on dex with the uchigatana. Definitely learned to value stamina much more highly than health
🔗 17:50
CantWearHats: just egg less
🔗 17:50
Metricos: Quelana travHert
🔗 17:50
Seagulyus: Inquisitorjl that is literally what happened. it summons demons and the daughers of chaos fused with it
🔗 17:50
Phrixscreoth: Fair Lady <3
🔗 17:50
Mogling: that is the DIO!! pose
🔗 17:50
BusTed: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
🔗 17:50
Himyul: I killed her for the estus once. I felt real bad about it
🔗 17:50
Senstaku: Are you going to get egghead Alex?
🔗 17:50
Greygore: Fun fact, as you keep feeding her humanity, her animation gets more lively
🔗 17:50
Phrixscreoth: She's not old
🔗 17:50
TastyArsenic: not any older then quelaag actually
🔗 17:50
Frisky89: the more humanity you give her the less withered she seems tho
🔗 17:50
tingspam: fair lady heals with the amount of humanity you give her
🔗 17:51
Lynks_9: Sutpen, i was lucky enough to get the black knight sword on my first run, so i did a hilarious run with that and the stone giant shield and the gold trimmed robes
🔗 17:51
koizom: Serge, she is super dead cos she sucked the poison from the people of blighttown
🔗 17:51
Frisky89: lore hype
🔗 17:51
Werdnae: join her covenant so you can save sunbro
🔗 17:51
TheMoatman: Nodon'tdoitserge
🔗 17:51
CantWearHats: she gets different dialog if you give her lots of humanity
🔗 17:51
Metricos: poor quelana lrrAWW
🔗 17:51
linecardioidparabola: well, the ring actually does something
🔗 17:51
Mr_Horrible: well, I mean you also get the shortcut to Lost Izalith that can influence another character's story later
🔗 17:51
CantWearHats: crying ahead
🔗 17:51
linecardioidparabola: unlike the pendant
🔗 17:51
Greygore: For an additional dash of guilt, she thinks you're her sister
🔗 17:51
Master_Gunner: if you feed her 30 humanity, she gets better. Well, "better".
🔗 17:51
Greygore: Y'know, the one you just killed
🔗 17:52
Seirhune: I'm torn on whether this or Onion Bro's story is the saddest.
🔗 17:52
Sutpen: @Lynks_9 Love the gold trimed robes. Still laughing thinking about Alex dropping the black knight sword in his last stream
🔗 17:52
MarkBarks: all the poison from where?
🔗 17:52
ImmoralEthicist: Killed a perfectly sane woman in her own home
🔗 17:52
Greygore: Right in the feels
🔗 17:52
Thisbymaster: finish her
🔗 17:52
Metricos: poor spiderlady :C
🔗 17:52
tingspam: quelagug's sister will get better if you join her covenant and give her humanity
🔗 17:52
TheMoatman: Wait, what covenant is Alex in?
🔗 17:52
dialMforMara: poor spider...
🔗 17:52
TastyArsenic: interestingly, quelaag isnt necessarily very evil. really, most bosses you fight arent. most are just guards
🔗 17:52
OneirosGolem: Just twisting that knife
🔗 17:52
Lynks_9: Sutpen, i didn't even realiser it was so popular at the time, i just thought it was a cool sword :P
🔗 17:52
NivMizzet_Dracogenius: To be fair, Quelag WAS going to stab you in the organs, sooooooo...
🔗 17:53
Werdnae: Queelag attacks you to try and take your humanity for her sister
🔗 17:53
Frisky89: is there a technical name for something half spider half human?
🔗 17:53
Inquisitorjl: quelaag battles us to take humanity to heal her sister
🔗 17:53
GDwarf: The full story of Queelag and her sister, as far as I'm aware: They were involved with the Witches of Izalith's attempt to re-kindle the first flame (which is how they ended up half-spider when that went...poorly). They fled to blighttown, where the poison and disease plaguing the people so upset Queelag's sister that she healed them, at the cost of her health. Queelag, though, is, well, evil,
🔗 17:53
CapnRobert: why is she withered and sickly?
🔗 17:53
Greygore: Also needed to "save" a certain NPC
🔗 17:53
CantWearHats: also her legs start moving more energetically
🔗 17:53
TheMoatman: And you HAVE TO DO THAT ALEX. Not going through the thing again.
🔗 17:53
Halvhir: chaos servants forever T_T
🔗 17:53
tingspam: and you can save soliare with the shourtcut
🔗 17:53
ImperialJustice77: Arclight is right, the game gives you sooooooo little plot and feelings of who/what is going on you dont give a *** about it when playing
🔗 17:53
GDwarf: and start only cares about her sister. She starts killing people to feed to her sister to try and heal her
🔗 17:53
DTor214: @Frisky89 I think scientists call that "AHHHHH!"
🔗 17:53
TheMoatman: CapnRobert: she ate the chaos that infected her people or something
🔗 17:53
adi_pie: Dialogue from Quelaag's sister also implies that the main character is crying while speaking to her at one point.
🔗 17:53
Seagulyus: Alex thats it actually...
🔗 17:53
Nuurgle: Frisky89 Arachtar
🔗 17:53
injectredbull: solaire will die unless you max your chaos servant too.
🔗 17:54
Mr_Horrible: Quelaag is more pragmatic and overprotective than evil
🔗 17:54
Elenodul: !uptime
🔗 17:54
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:47:56
🔗 17:54
Greygore: Doesn't need max, just +2
🔗 17:54
TheMoatman: adi_pie: is that particularly surprising?
🔗 17:54
TastyArsenic: quelaag isnt evil, she's just guarding her sister and doing what she can to help her sister
🔗 17:54
Greygore: Max is +3, isn't it?
🔗 17:54
Frisky89: i'll accept Aractar or AHH
🔗 17:54
Seirhune: Quelaag kills people for their humanity to feed her sister.
🔗 17:54
Lynks_9: quelagg isn't evil, she was preying on the people of blighttown to get humanity to make her sister better
🔗 17:54
Sutpen: Love the vocal performances in this game so much. They all manage to balance being endearing with being pretty unsettling perfectly
🔗 17:54
adi_pie: TheMoatman, no, just a nice touch.
🔗 17:54
Halvhir: quelaag isn't really EVIL, she's just jumping trespassers for humanity to give to her sister. to make her feel better.
🔗 17:54
CantWearHats: there's also a theory that Quelaag is standing in the way specifically to farm humanity for her sister out of adventurers
🔗 17:54
Metricos: ^
🔗 17:54
AdmiralMemo: Lynks_9, well-intentioned extremist?
🔗 17:54
koizom: And wasn't CD and BOD their brothers?
🔗 17:54
GreyFox0012: oh and she gives you the great chaos fireball which is a baller pyromancy
🔗 17:54
tingspam: you can out chese Ceaseless Discharge and take no damage
🔗 17:55
OneirosGolem: Quelaag's "Stab first, ask questions never" policy regarding the undead is rather sensible, really.
🔗 17:55
Nightvalien28: and Quelaag employs kirk to help her farm humanities in places she can't go
🔗 17:55
Metricos: true story oneirosgolem
🔗 17:55
TheMoatman: You can sorta skip one of the bosses but it takes a ton of health and like a half dozen humanity
🔗 17:55
Spacecarl: And you did break into her house
🔗 17:55
ShadeofHades: Say Serge, Quick digression, I don't actually know your thoughts on Modern, both as a judge and a player. I'm curious as you were the 'brought in expert' for TTC.
🔗 17:55
TastyArsenic: most of the bosses in this game aren't really evil at all
🔗 17:55
TheMoatman: And some luck
🔗 17:55
Metricos: really nightvalien28? I didn't know that
🔗 17:55
CantWearHats: great chaos fireball is pretty rad
🔗 17:55
GDwarf: Queelag is still evil. She cares only about herself and her sister, and so is quite happy to kill others to help her.
🔗 17:55
TheMoatman: And a ton of skill
🔗 17:55
CantWearHats: giant ball of lava
🔗 17:55
Rage552: So quelagg isnt actually evil in a chaotic way but in more of a neutral way
🔗 17:55
DTor214: @Spacecarl Well, "break in." It wasn't locked or anything.
🔗 17:55
Sockro_Mancer: Alex, even Lautrec is not totally evil, just a ***
🔗 17:55
Sutpen: I especially feel that way about Sif. The special cutscene you get with her after playing through Artorias of the Abyss is heartwrenching
🔗 17:55
KitteyWolf: Metricos, yeah! hes actually only in the darkwraith cov to get humanity for her
🔗 17:55
esperchld: Priscilla is interesting as is onion bro
🔗 17:55
Psychic_Ketchup: Kirk is not actually a Darkwraith, but a Chaos Servant
🔗 17:55
Catcard: "Most of the people in this world are assholes," says the guy who just slaughtered Queelag, a person who was trying to protect her sister.
🔗 17:55
Sockro_Mancer: he seems to have his own agenda from his goddess
🔗 17:55
Elenodul: lautrec is havesting humanity for his true love
🔗 17:56
Redryhno: Lautrec's more like an overzealous fanatic than evil though...
🔗 17:56
Whatanvarno: Kirk was invading people in order to get humanity to give to the Fair Lady
🔗 17:56
AdmiralMemo: GDwarf, Yes, but she's evil like Magneto... There's a good intent behind it.
🔗 17:56
D_Man_7733: !next
🔗 17:56
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (3m from now)
🔗 17:56
Mr_Horrible: I don't feel like that's terribly evil by this game's standards, though, GDwarf
🔗 17:56
DarkMorford: Hey Alex, hey Serge, hey chat!
🔗 17:56
Nightvalien28: Metricos, well it is one of the reasons he runs around and he is a darkwraith
🔗 17:56
Nanosauromo: It's basically just Solaire and Andre who aren't.
🔗 17:56
Halvhir: kirk is a former darkwraith, now a servant of chaos, farming humanity for Quelaag (and byy extension quelaags sister)
🔗 17:56
Seirhune: Kirk was a Darkwraith who probably ended up serving the Fair Lady.
🔗 17:56
TheMoatman: And when you get to level 40/level a pyro flame up you can meet one of Quelaag's other sisters
🔗 17:56
Halvhir: i think, anyway
🔗 17:56
Greygore: Hey DarkMorford
🔗 17:56
DoktorNik: Dear Dr. Serge, a Nice little touch is that Quelaag and her sister are Daughters of Izalith. You can meet four of them in game, see the corpse of one of them, and meet thier brother
🔗 17:56
Frisky89: laurentis seems not so evil just power hungry
🔗 17:56
nonane09: You're about to find out why he's totally evil.
🔗 17:56
Ownyke: Watch out Serge lots of insects ahead :x
🔗 17:56
Metricos: didn't know that, thanks nightvalien28 :D
🔗 17:56
Seirhune: Or at least, that is the speculation I've heard.
🔗 17:56
Seagulyus: Sockro_mancer no he is a sociopath. he is so dedicated to his God that he sees no reason to bother with outs
🔗 17:56
Phrixscreoth: Oh man I hope Serge gets to see Pricsilla
🔗 17:56
Metricos: never got super far in DaS because i'm a baddie
🔗 17:56
MastuhWaffles: giant spider from harry potter
🔗 17:56
Solomon_Kain: dont forget Firekeeper Soul
🔗 17:56
Grakthuul: I think Kirk might be colecting Humanity for the Fair Lady
🔗 17:56
tehcrashxor: Aw, it just wants to give Serge hugs!
🔗 17:56
adi_pie: Sutpen, yeah, that cutscene really hits hard.
🔗 17:56
Pairoschuz: I remember in one of VaatiVidya's videos, he he says that there was cut content where Quelaag talks to you at the beginning of her boss fight
🔗 17:56
TheMoatman: She sells you stiff
🔗 17:56
GDwarf: mr_horrible: Canonically, she was happy to live in Blighttown, killing the sick residents, while her sister tried to actually help them
🔗 17:56
TheMoatman: *stuff
🔗 17:56
Greygore: Does Quelaana really appear at sLvl40? I thought she needed a +10 flame only
🔗 17:56
Jaufrax: what does Vorthos mean ?
🔗 17:56
Sockro_Mancer: Yeah, not disagreement on the *** part
🔗 17:56
Nightvalien28: look the more humanity you have the crazier you are, lautrec holds five manus hold 10
🔗 17:56
Mr_Horrible: Hmm, well
🔗 17:56
Inquisitorjl: Kirk joined the darkwraiths so he could steal humanity to give to the Fair Lady
🔗 17:56
Elenodul: patches is an evil piece of *** though
🔗 17:56
Capt_Sheep: Vorthos is magic termonology for someone who likes story
🔗 17:57
Seagulyus: Sockro_mancer he is pretty evil is my point
🔗 17:57
Senstaku: Patches is an irredeemable piece of shit.
🔗 17:57
Capt_Sheep: And the 5th!
🔗 17:57
RigJuice: Please do
🔗 17:57
Capt_Sheep: Don't forget Melvin!
🔗 17:57
Senstaku: He strands that priestess and makes her guards go hollow
🔗 17:57
ShadeofHades: Fair enough Serge, I'll ask at a more reasonable time.
🔗 17:57
Greygore: Nightvalien28, but what about Rhea? If you let Petrus do her in, she drops 7
🔗 17:57
chesul: my view on Lautrec has him more as trapped. his Goddess is basically forcing him to search out firekeeper souls for her for some reason.
🔗 17:57
RigJuice: I don't know the terms
🔗 17:57
Jaufrax: oh yes I remember Graham and you explaining :)
🔗 17:57
TastyArsenic: most bosses are just guards doing their jobs. in fact there are more straight up evil than most bosses
🔗 17:57
Sutpen: Alex, when it comes to tragic boss fights, I especially feel upset about Sif. The special cutscene you get with her after playing through Artorias of the Abyss is so heartwrenching
🔗 17:57
Nanosauromo: You guys are making me miss Magic.
🔗 17:57
Bv310: Anyone know what Ian's playing for Horner's Corner?
🔗 17:57
Nickisnick4: !next
🔗 17:57
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (2m from now)
🔗 17:57
TastyArsenic: more npcs i mean
🔗 17:57
Zaghrog: Timmy plays for an emotional response
🔗 17:57
Whatanvarno: You'll want to grab the key Alex
🔗 17:57
Sockro_Mancer: @Seagulyus yeah, I would say he is pretty terrible, but he at least has some ulterior motive for his asshole-ery
🔗 17:57
Phrixscreoth: Vorthos, ie Graham xD
🔗 17:57
Zaghrog: an experience
🔗 17:58
Nightvalien28: Greygore, who knows maybe priestess can handle it, but humanity is the reason the dark soul goes rampant on everyone's ***
🔗 17:58
Coilean: so I am getting back to MTG and I want to make my main deck a rat deck. any recommendations?
🔗 17:58
Seagulyus: Sockro_mancer that I can understand
🔗 17:58
masonraus: Wait alex dont you want to get the firekeeper soul to progress with Lautrec?
🔗 17:58
Capt_Sheep: And the 5th, melvin, is someone who simply likes the design of the game and apriciates what the game desiginers are doing
🔗 17:58
CantWearHats: PVP is where the Dark Souls spikes hang out, mostly
🔗 17:58
RigJuice: You're already poisoned so as long as they don't swing gank you
🔗 17:58
cddento: No player is only one of the archtypes players exist on a continuim with several axises
🔗 17:58
Jaufrax: Are they marketing target or archetype define the community of players ?
🔗 17:58
DTor214: @Coilean Nezumi ninja rats.
🔗 17:58
Coilean: I always played rat decks
🔗 17:58
Nightvalien28: Senstaku, I let patches live, he sells the gear of the priests he killed and their humanity
🔗 17:58
RigJuice: nm
🔗 17:58
MarkBarks: !next
🔗 17:58
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (1m from now)
🔗 17:58
Senstaku: Nightvalien28 Kill patches every game.
🔗 17:58
Zaghrog: Vorthos and Melvin are not quite in the same space as Timmy Johnny and Spike
🔗 17:59
Greygore: Senstaku, gotta let him live to get 100% weapons though :<
🔗 17:59
TastyArsenic: not gonna grab the red robes?
🔗 17:59
Coilean: cause rats <3
🔗 17:59
DTor214: @Jaufrax These are archetypes that the designers of the game use when they're making cards - they try to include some cards in each set for each player
🔗 17:59
linecardioidparabola: patches is fine
🔗 17:59
Psychic_Ketchup: I've never let Patches live
🔗 17:59
RigJuice: Well, most of the priests in this series....
🔗 17:59
Halvhir: yup! patches is an asshole.
🔗 17:59
Mr_Horrible: it's some pretty good stuff though. He has the other masks, doesn't he?
🔗 17:59
Arclight_Dynamo: Alex, since you're so into the lore of DS... have you ever considered writing on it? MovieBob did a similar thing for Super Mario Bros. 3 with his "Brick-by-Brick" book.
🔗 17:59
Rootpotato: you rang the second bell didn't you?
🔗 17:59
🔗 17:59
Senstaku: Greygore Kill patches EVERY GAME
🔗 17:59
adi_pie: Dear Dr. Alex, will you be trying to get to Darkstalker Kaahe? Just for the extra lore details?
🔗 17:59
Greygore: Can also buy it from Domhnall
🔗 17:59
Capt_Sheep: Yeah, they are almost on their own sliding scale, although Maro doesent know if vorthos-melvin is a sliding scale or if someone can be both
🔗 17:59
Sutpen: The voice acting for Kaathe and Frampt does a fantastic job of making them seem regal and really really wierd
🔗 17:59
Nightvalien28: #AlwaysKillPatches
🔗 17:59
Capt_Sheep: He goes back and forth on it
🔗 17:59
Senstaku: #PatchesGenocide
🔗 17:59
Sockro_Mancer: The only reason I let Patches live is because is dickishness is so hilarious to me ;)
🔗 17:59
ArtofDaDress: hi chat
🔗 17:59
Elenodul: have you shown people rickert?
🔗 18:00
injectredbull: oh yeah PLEASE get kaathe he's the most interesting thing lorewise in this game, brings everything you get told into question
🔗 18:00
TheMoatman: If you go down those stairs you can talk to the magic weapon smith
🔗 18:00
linecardioidparabola: #FreePatches
🔗 18:00
tingspam: also magic trader
🔗 18:00
Phrixscreoth: Hi ArtofDaDress!
🔗 18:00
Jaufrax: dtor214 ok but were they created orginally by the designers ?
🔗 18:00
Greygore: Well, didn't say he "had" to live after selling you the Crescent Axe
🔗 18:00
CantWearHats: the importance of being urn-est
🔗 18:00
splatty1: teh urn!!!
🔗 18:00
Halvhir: did you know about the smith in this area, alex?
🔗 18:00
Greygore: Just gotta let him get to Firelink first
🔗 18:00
Sutpen: To be fair Alex it really urned that undead's respect
🔗 18:00
Lord_ZYRK: He is 420PRAISEIT
🔗 18:00
Elenodul: theres also the magic black smith
🔗 18:00
JediTransmit: nice of CWH
🔗 18:00
Twitchydove: i feel bad because i killed these guys for souls
🔗 18:00
Halvhir: yup. xD
🔗 18:00
Zaghrog: Timmy - plays to experience something; JOhnny - plays to express something; Spike - plays to prove something (usually play skill)
🔗 18:00
Nightvalien28: this wall brings me peace
🔗 18:00
ArtofDaDress: Chat, gime some advice: I'm currently having a huge migraine, but i rly wana watch dark swoles. What do?
🔗 18:00
masonraus: its teh new londo waterpark!
🔗 18:00
DTor214: @Jaufrax I'm not sure. The first person I'm aware of mentioning them publicly is Mark Rosewater, the head designer.
🔗 18:00
Grescheks: I have totally been in the headspace where staring at the wall unmoving was all I could do
🔗 18:00
linecardioidparabola: you can still get kaathe the normal way...
🔗 18:01
Inquisitorjl: go talk to Rickert, he's so lonely
🔗 18:01
CantWearHats: Artofdadress, Dark Swoles will be wrapping up soon actually
🔗 18:01
Metricos: same, grescheks
🔗 18:01
Compleatly: !quote
🔗 18:01
LRRbot: Quote #127: "I've never been inside a person before." —Graham [2015-04-16]
🔗 18:01
Greygore: Get an aspirin and go to sleep ArtofDaDress, think stream's nearly over in any case
🔗 18:01
Sutpen: What? I totally missed Rickert on my playthrough! Who is he?
🔗 18:01
Jaufrax: dtor214 oh ok thanks for the info
🔗 18:01
Catcard: And Vorthos plays to learn something?
🔗 18:01
Grescheks: ArtofDaDress, I think you should take care of yourself first
🔗 18:01
Greygore: !next
🔗 18:01
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (1m ago)
🔗 18:01
Halvhir: weird that this guy is undead and imprisoned, but he's not turning hollow yet.
🔗 18:01
Phrixscreoth: Sutpen blacksmith, specializing in arcane, if I recall correctly
🔗 18:01
Zaghrog: Vorthos likes the flavor aspects of the game like art and flavor text
🔗 18:01
injectredbull: you can get the Lordvessel, then not talk to Frampt and just do 4kids. bam, kaathe unlocked.
🔗 18:01
Lord_Hosk: Lord Hosk plays because magic is a fun game and he likes playing
🔗 18:01
Nickisnick4: is ian streaming tonight? or can we just have more alex
🔗 18:01
CantWearHats: you can get to this guy before Andre, even
🔗 18:01
Senstaku: Vorthos plays to learn something
🔗 18:01
Zaghrog: Melvin likes the mechanics of the cards
🔗 18:01
DTor214: @Jaufrax No problem - I never get tired of talking about fantasy trading card game Magic: The Gathering
🔗 18:01
Rootpotato: would it be right to say vorthos plays to discover something?
🔗 18:01
ArtofDaDress: Serge, do you think Kiora's Follower paired with Illusionist's Bracers is cheap?
🔗 18:02
Zaghrog: Melvin and Vorthos describe what you like about the game
🔗 18:02
Goampdog2: +10 PANTS YA!
🔗 18:02
Sutpen: @Phrixscreoth Huh. Makes me wonder how many other people I missed
🔗 18:02
Zaghrog: Melvin and Vorthos don't really deal with why you play the game, just what you like about it
🔗 18:02
Compleatly: !next
🔗 18:02
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (2m ago)
🔗 18:02
DTor214: @Rootpotato That's an interesting way of putting it. You should go ask Maro on his blog, markrosewater.tumblr - I want to see what he says
🔗 18:02
Sutpen: That's part of what's so cool about this game - it isn't afraid to let you miss things
🔗 18:02
Lynks_9: Artofdadress, on the list of things to do with illusionists bracers that's pretty tame
🔗 18:02
All_Mankind: this is just your bare bones repairshop/magic reagents for people who get stuck at the beginning i think
🔗 18:02
DoktorLoy: I much prefer New Lando
🔗 18:02
Phrixscreoth: Sutpen Haha that's the trick of not knowing what you don't know xD
🔗 18:02
Solomon_Kain: Old Londo on the other hand, *** gorgeous.
🔗 18:02
MarkBarks: New New Londo is going fine, though
🔗 18:02
PMAvers: Oh shiiiiiiiiii, so I was exploring around and grinding some souls in DS2, and came back up the elevator from the Giant... and there was one of the Turtlebros standing there at the top of the shaft. I dodge out of the way, and it falls down the shaft.
🔗 18:02
Arclight_Dynamo: See... I tend to be a Vorthos about *everything*. So when I don't like the lore of a thing, there's nothing there for me at all.
🔗 18:03
linecardioidparabola: I don't think it's just about discovery, since both vorthos and melvin work in that space
🔗 18:03
jadedcynic: !uptime
🔗 18:03
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:57:04
🔗 18:03
Compleatly: !advice
🔗 18:03
LRRbot: Let the cat attack you to regain health.
🔗 18:03
splatty1: elevators powered by giant rats is my guess
🔗 18:03
Sockro_Mancer: these elevators are totally not OSHA compliant
🔗 18:03
Greygore: Awww, Lautrec...
🔗 18:03
CantWearHats: ;_;
🔗 18:03
TGwaltney: Oh noes!!!
🔗 18:03
Halvhir: oooohhhh nooooo ;_;
🔗 18:03
Compleatly: Hey what's her face got her *** kicked in.
🔗 18:03
ArtofDaDress: Headcanon: Humans rebelled against Gwyn's kingdom, and built New Londo. Gwyn then destroyed New Londo.
🔗 18:03
Nightvalien28: god damn it lautrec
🔗 18:03
Pairoschuz: There was a firekeeper here. She's gone now
🔗 18:04
Zaghrog: discovery is really a core thing to Magic, not specific to any of the player profiles/psychographics
🔗 18:04
injectredbull: Gwyn wasn't what destroyed New Londo
🔗 18:04
Greygore: Now see, Lautrec I can get behind always killing
🔗 18:04
injectredbull: the Sealers flooded it
🔗 18:04
Metricos: well done, pairoschuz
🔗 18:04
vrulg: dead:ok
🔗 18:04
CantWearHats: also, bonfire's borked
🔗 18:04
Compleatly: So...why is Lautrec such a dick?
🔗 18:04
Greygore: Don't think I've ever let him live, first playthrough aside :3
🔗 18:04
Metricos: agreed. what's lautrec's deal?
🔗 18:04
Greygore: Plus it's so easy to just kick him off the ledge and get his ring early
🔗 18:04
Metricos: or is he just insane and bored
🔗 18:04
daneislazy: Serge, Yes he is the one that was locked up, in the gold armour.
🔗 18:04
Nightvalien28: his goddess tell him to do things and he does them
🔗 18:04
Thisbymaster: graham?
🔗 18:04
Metricos: o...kay then
🔗 18:04
Sektor88: durgens
🔗 18:04
Redryhno: @compleatly Religious fantacism coupled with meeting his goddess in person, he's not in the best mental state
🔗 18:04
Metricos: who's his goddess O_o?
🔗 18:04
Sockro_Mancer: He goes around killing fire keepers for his goddess aparently
🔗 18:05
ArtofDaDress: @compleatly Because Lautrec wears gold. Anyone that has the audacity to wear solid gold is a douche.
🔗 18:05
OneirosGolem: Metricos If I recall correctly, Lautrec was quite religious, and Anastasia was a blasphemer.
🔗 18:05
Nightvalien28: Metricos, Fina
🔗 18:05
Solomon_Kain: Did Alex talk to Onion Bro? please tell me we can finish Onion Bro's questline, its my favorite in the game
🔗 18:05
CantWearHats: wait. *wait* does Frampt's smell turn Crestfallen hollow?
🔗 18:05
Psychic_Ketchup: Lautrec serves the goddess Fina and he does everything for her, including murder for humanity
🔗 18:05
Senstaku: If you finish his dialogue options he goes hollow btw
🔗 18:05
Metricos: i need to just find an unabridged loredump of dark souls to read
🔗 18:05
Metricos: cause i'm awful at this game
🔗 18:05
Greygore: Quelaag's sister is also one, by the way
🔗 18:05
Senstaku: Yes, Frampt turns Crestfallen hollow
🔗 18:05
Lynks_9: Cantwearhats, it's the tipping point that drives him over the edge
🔗 18:05
cddento: HIs teeth are weird
🔗 18:05
Sektor88: Hai not-patrick stewart
🔗 18:05
linecardioidparabola: should try a run where you murder every npc as you meet them
🔗 18:05
Nightvalien28: Metricos, there are lots of youtube videos that can help
🔗 18:05
Zeke229: l,l.\\\
🔗 18:05
Compleatly: Gwyn has weird friends.
🔗 18:05
leebenningfield: I effing love that guy
🔗 18:05
CantWearHats: Lynks_9 I can't believe I never made that connection
🔗 18:06
Danielleai: I've seen worse
🔗 18:06
Zeke229: cat -.-
🔗 18:06
viciousswarm88: look out! it's massacre wurm!
🔗 18:06
Metricos: thanks nightvalien28. will check em out. would prefer something written, but i'll look around!
🔗 18:06
Anubis169: ok... back...
🔗 18:06
Grescheks: hi Zeke229's cat :P
🔗 18:06
Anubis169: dad's fairly stable
🔗 18:06
Metricos: wb a169
🔗 18:06
Seagulyus: welcome back Anubis169
🔗 18:06
cddento: Actually Serge there is a real outcome for saying no that can unlock another ending
🔗 18:06
Anubis169: he should be ok
🔗 18:06
Lynks_9: Cantwearhats, he firelink shrine's peacefulness was the only thing keeping him sane as he'd given up hope
🔗 18:06
CantWearHats: that's good to hear Anubis169 :)
🔗 18:06
Compleatly: what happened Anubis169?
🔗 18:06
aesir_blade: Get ye flask, apparently
🔗 18:06
Psychic_Ketchup: To serve as charcoal... I mean nothing, everything is fine
🔗 18:06
BusTed: Luck dragon!
🔗 18:06
injectredbull: I saw a japanese copy of this game- all the voices are in english, just with japanese subtitles. it's really surreal to watch.
🔗 18:06
esperchld: Falcor
🔗 18:06
Solomon_Kain: Falcor was the Dragon
🔗 18:06
lathostiran: falcor
🔗 18:06
Anubis169: nah, that was Falcor
🔗 18:06
Seagulyus has to go look up both endings to this game
🔗 18:06
AdmiralMemo: FALCOR!
🔗 18:06
Anubis169: Atreyu was the boy
🔗 18:06
lathostiran: thank you ian
🔗 18:06
BlueMagnusStormCrow: falcor was the dog
🔗 18:06
TehSpud: Atreyu was the kid, right?
🔗 18:07
Metricos: LOL ian
🔗 18:07
Phrixscreoth: Faaaaalcon PUUUUUNCH
🔗 18:07
AtticusSparrow: Hey Alex has cam seen the August FNM promo yet? I think he'll be excited
🔗 18:07
DoktorNik: Falcor was the Flying Dog, Atreyu was the hero of the book
🔗 18:07
ThatDangSkeleton: Yeah Frampt is like Weird Evil-looking Falcor
🔗 18:07
dialMforMara: BlueMagnusStormCrow, he was a luckdragon
🔗 18:07
Metricos: correct, tehspud
🔗 18:07
smashbro188: FAAAAALLCOOOR
🔗 18:07
Lord_Hosk: how does ian know a name'
🔗 18:07
Greygore: He's also the only NPC in the game you can sell items to
🔗 18:07
ArtofDaDress: falcor paunch?
🔗 18:07
MarkBarks: Ian is apparently passing a Falcor
🔗 18:07
TEHbigIVAN: lucksack dragon
🔗 18:07
Lord_ZYRK: I think Ian is about to combust
🔗 18:07
BlueMagnusStormCrow: what was the horse called?
🔗 18:07
Unknowngamer88: Frampt reminds me WAY more of the snake Beetlejuice turns into
🔗 18:07
dialMforMara: and in the book I imagined him looking more dragony than doglike
🔗 18:07
Sutpen: The most interesting thing I
🔗 18:07
Zeke229: wait
🔗 18:07
SuitablyEpic: faaaaalcoooor!
🔗 18:07
CantWearHats: you can even feed him poop
🔗 18:07
Senstaku: ATREYU
🔗 18:07
🔗 18:07
TehSpud: and Artax was the saddest scene in a children's movie (until the first 10 min of UP!)
🔗 18:07
Greygore: Keep a poop for Snuggly, Alex
🔗 18:07
Danielleai: big long flappy cheekbones
🔗 18:07
Unknowngamer88: which still freaks me out to this day
🔗 18:07
NotJustAFleshWound: the horse was artax
🔗 18:07
Zeke229: did i miss the gaping dargon and spider lady
🔗 18:07
cddento: Yeah that sound is weird
🔗 18:07
Sockro_Mancer: ah yes, banking via dung
🔗 18:07
BlueMagnusStormCrow: artax that wa sit. o god that was so depressing
🔗 18:07
ArtofDaDress: @admiralmemo The TomSka Horse appears in your room. What do you do?
🔗 18:08
VoyRising: I watched somebody get over eager feeding stuff to Frampt, they fed him the lantern.
🔗 18:08
DTor214: Oh, sweet! And here I was, throwing away hollow soldier junk
🔗 18:08
Sutpen: The most interesting thing I've been puzzling over about Frampt and Kaathe is whether or not they're really working at odds with one another, since they appear together in the dark lord ending cutscene. Definitely some of the most enigmatic characters in the game
🔗 18:08
cddento: Or female clothing
🔗 18:08
Phailhammer: Hey, man, everyone has their fetish. :P
🔗 18:08
Mrdodgycat: !next
🔗 18:08
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (8m ago)
🔗 18:08
AdmiralMemo: ArtofDaDress: I have no idea, since I don't know what that is.
🔗 18:08
DoktorNik: Large Souls give 400
🔗 18:08
Valkyrie_Lemons: Thank you for the Stream Alex and Serge! ^__^
🔗 18:08
Sutpen: Alex, I've become really invested in loadingreadyrun's streams over the last few months (your Dark Souls ones in particular) and I'd like to become a little more involved and help out if I can. How could I work toward becoming a chat moderator for you guys?
🔗 18:09
DTor214: Thanks for the stream, Alex and Serge! Good night!
🔗 18:09
adi_pie: He also gives you much more for Gwyndolin's soul. 20k instead of the normal 20k
🔗 18:09
Psychic_Ketchup: Thanks for the great stream Alex and Serge!
🔗 18:09
ArtofDaDress: @admiralmemo Look up "Tomska horse" and click on the video called "HORSE"
🔗 18:09
Walkingharder: Thank you so much for this stream guys. I really enjoyed this! We should finish this some time :D
🔗 18:09
PsychoI3oy: and now i get to go watch the 2nd half on vod
🔗 18:09
viciousswarm88: Alex! Bye
🔗 18:09
Greygore: o/ Alex and Serge
🔗 18:09
zzjing: Bye Alex and Serge
🔗 18:09
Compleatly: Sutpen: you must slay the Furtive Pygmy.
🔗 18:09
adi_pie: 20k vs 16k*
🔗 18:09
Aeralynx96: Didn't save rip in peace
🔗 18:09
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Sutpen step 1: do nothing I do
🔗 18:09
Phailhammer: cya :)
🔗 18:09
Capt_Sheep: H-Hype?
🔗 18:09
NotJustAFleshWound: bye Alex and Serge!
🔗 18:09
Lord_ZYRK: Oh wow
🔗 18:09
Cyclopsboi: I liked it good job Alex
🔗 18:09
Lynks_9: Sutpen, hang around, be a generally cool guy, be helpful and don't ask for it :P
🔗 18:09
AdmiralMemo: ArtofDaDress, Is it some sort of Ska band or something?
🔗 18:09
Phrixscreoth: Bye guys!
🔗 18:09
TehSpud: Bye Alex and Serge!
🔗 18:09
RvLeshrac: Why is Ian doing this to himself?
🔗 18:09
Ownyke: thanks for the stream Alex & Serge!
🔗 18:09
EddTheGoat: bye alex
🔗 18:09
Thefluffiestguineapig: Thanks for the stream Alex and Serge
🔗 18:09
Splash4Mirrodin: Bye!
🔗 18:09
adi_pie: Bye, Alex and Serge
🔗 18:09
esperchld: lol, Milo's Secret Castle is fun
🔗 18:09
Lord_ZYRK: This is going to be interesting
🔗 18:09
CoyoteSans: Millons... OH NO.
🔗 18:09
Compleatly: RvLeshrac: Because Ian is a masochist. Clearly.
🔗 18:09
ArtofDaDress: @admiralmemo "TomSka" is just the name of a sketch comic named Tom.
🔗 18:09
Sutpen: @Lynks_9 Good advice, thanks! Probably wise
🔗 18:10
Arclight_Dynamo: Hm. So... interesting thing... I Vorthos *everything*. And I don't watch speedruns. But I don't like the lore in DS. So I've found I enjoy watching Alex speedrun it *so much more* than watching a Vorthos stream. Which is exactly backwards from how I usually am about everything. o_O
🔗 18:10
Compleatly: I don't even know what this game is but the name doesn't sound promising
🔗 18:10
TehSpud: Well... atleast it's not the same LoL tournament ad over and over....
🔗 18:10
Sakramizard: !next
🔗 18:10
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (10m ago)
🔗 18:10
RvLeshrac: ianexcelle: Blink three times if Cori is holding you hostage and torturing you with Milon's Secret Castle
🔗 18:10
Zeke229: sutpen, go back ~10 years, find a small sketch comedy group from canada, form relationship
🔗 18:10
RvLeshrac: Ian : , even
🔗 18:10
squaredotcube: Maybe Alex should check out the King's Field series. As much as he likes DS, it's getting a little tiring to watch every week :/
🔗 18:10
GoodSirMortimer: @Arclight_dynamo Anything in particular you don't like about the lore?
🔗 18:10
Compleatly: Arclight_Dynamo: different experiences yield different emotions. Maybe Dark Souls is like that because of the way you like to see the vs the way Alex plays it vs. the way someone else plays it
🔗 18:10
Lynks_9: did ian finish metalworlf last week?
🔗 18:10
Arclight_Dynamo: GoodSirMortimer: ...all of it?
🔗 18:11
GoodSirMortimer: Fair enough
🔗 18:11
🔗 18:11
Arclight_Dynamo: Compleatly: Maybe? But I don't want to play it at all - no interest in either the lore or the gameplay when I'm the one doing it.
🔗 18:11
TurnedUsernameThirty: so I sent graham the graham/beej image, he responded with yikes, I asked if he wanted to see the young/old graham image and he said sure so I linked it, he has yet to reply I think I scared Graham off Twitter.
🔗 18:12
Lynks_9: Turnedusernamethirty, graham/beej image?
🔗 18:12
Zaghrog: Metal Wolf was finished lst week
🔗 18:12
Lynks_9: Zaghrog, thanks!
🔗 18:12
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Lynks_9 http://i.imgur.com/jZtGJd0.jpg
🔗 18:12
Arclight_Dynamo: GoodSirMortimer: Like... "all of it" sounds kind of glib, but I really can't put my finger on it. There's just nothing there for me. Can't be more specific than "I played it, nothing hooked me, and there was nothing for me to enjoy."
🔗 18:12
ArtofDaDress: @admiralmemo Just incase you've ever heard of this, TomSka is the guy who made the series "asdfmovie"
🔗 18:12
AdmiralMemo: ArtofDaDress, That was certainly a thing... To answer... I punch it in the face.
🔗 18:13
nonane09: !next
🔗 18:13
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (13m ago)
🔗 18:13
AdmiralMemo: ArtofDaDress, I've heard of that but don't know what it is.
🔗 18:13
Greygore: Arclight_Dynamo, I *think* it might be what initially bugged my about the game's lore, maybe it's not the lore itself but rather how it's presented/fed to the player that's bugging you?
🔗 18:14
🔗 18:14
ArtofDaDress: @admiralmemo You should sit down and watch them some time. There are 8 episodes of it, and it's just a bunch of animation comedy
🔗 18:14
Greygore: Love the game itself, but I hated having to check wiki's at first to figure out stuff about the characters etc.
🔗 18:14
AdmiralMemo: ArtofDaDress, If it was anything like this, I don't think I would enjoy it.
🔗 18:14
GoodSirMortimer: @Arclight_dynamo I think I've said it before, but I was sort of the same until I learned about Artorias. Difference is that was more through lack of trying and getting into Artorias' story forced me to look deeper into everything else. Like Artorias led to the Abyss and 4 Kings, which lead to Ingward and the healers, which just sort of broke out from there
🔗 18:14
Greygore: (and of course, after reading about it, it all makes sense :P)
🔗 18:15
GoodSirMortimer: but hey, if it's not for you, it's not for you
🔗 18:15
DarkMorford: Do we know what President Horner is playing tonight?
🔗 18:15
GoodSirMortimer: For example, I don't like coffee. I don't know why, I just don't. I think it's the taste
🔗 18:15
squaredotcube: Another term? Kappa
🔗 18:15
Omega_Lairon: 4 more years! 4 more years!
🔗 18:15
lordbrat4: !next
🔗 18:15
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (15m ago)
🔗 18:16
ArtofDaDress: @admiralmemo All his stuff is pretty varied. If you wana see one that's not as random, and just a funny sketch, look up "What happened"
🔗 18:16
Zaghrog: is the twitter feed on the LRR main page up to date? the last tweet I'm saying is about the Destiny clan
🔗 18:16
Zaghrog: *seing
🔗 18:16
Splash4Mirrodin: !advice
🔗 18:16
LRRbot: Get down to the point.
🔗 18:16
Zaghrog: *seeing
🔗 18:17
Arclight_Dynamo: Greygore: Kind of? I like actually having a plot and characterization upfront. DS doesn't do that. But... I think it's more than that? It feels like there's just nothing for me to sink my teeth into. It's... there's no *point* to the game for me.
🔗 18:17
AdmiralMemo: Zaghrog, I think it caches?
🔗 18:17
ArtofDaDress: @admiralmemo I'm gona go, because i has migraine, but you should look at some of tomska's sketches some time.
🔗 18:18
ArtofDaDress: CYA CHAT
🔗 18:18
Arclight_Dynamo: GoodSirMortimer: ...okay? I never got that far, assuming that's far. I played for hours, got no story or character hook, and dumped the game. If you can't draw me in at the beginning, you aren't getting me. Like I said... nothing there for me.
🔗 18:18
AdmiralMemo: ArtofDaDress, Yeah, probably not. Later.
🔗 18:18
Zaghrog: cya Artofdadress
🔗 18:18
GoodSirMortimer: Yeah, that's fair
🔗 18:18
OriginalGarwulf: What I've seen of Dark Souls reminds me a bit of how the lore is handled in the first Diablo. Lots there, and really great stuff, but easy to skip and miss, and not really spoon-fed.
🔗 18:18
DarkMorford: WE GET SIGNAL
🔗 18:18
Zaghrog: "feed" is a word I would not use for DS storytelling
🔗 18:19
Arclight_Dynamo: OriginalGarwulf: I'm not asking to be spoon-fed. I'm asking for *any* plot or character hook.
🔗 18:19
Greygore: Yeah, but spoon-fed is one thing (I don't like the term as it's usually used negatively), but having to deduce stuff based mostly on item tooltips and level design is far from ideal too
🔗 18:19
DarkMorford: "Milon's Secret Castle"? Never heard of that one...
🔗 18:20
Zaghrog: Iguess it would be correct to say that there is not much "story" in DS1, plenty of lore though
🔗 18:20
Unknowngamer88: nor I
🔗 18:20
OriginalGarwulf: Makes sense, Arclight.
🔗 18:20
Arclight_Dynamo: Greygore: Yes. That.
🔗 18:20
Sektor88: no signal here yet
🔗 18:20
Compleatly: !quote
🔗 18:20
LRRbot: Quote #19: "I frequently get rabies." —Alex [2015-02-24]
🔗 18:20
Lord_ZYRK: DarkMorford, well you're on for a. . . treat?
🔗 18:20
OriginalGarwulf: (That's what turned me off Dragon Age 2, actually - at the end of the demo, I had absolutely no reason to care about anything going on.)
🔗 18:20
Zeke229: i fell asleep sometime after the butchers -.-
🔗 18:20
Havok4: I am getting signal.
🔗 18:20
Anubis169: signal :D
🔗 18:20
Okipokute: wait
🔗 18:20
OriginalGarwulf: I looked it up on Wikipedia...it seems...strange...
🔗 18:20
Okipokute: what?
🔗 18:20
Okipokute: this game?????
🔗 18:20
Greygore: Not trying to force you, Arclight_Dynamo, you could always try another run of the game while checking stuff in the wiki in tandem if you ever feel like trying the game again
🔗 18:21
Sektor88: Hi Ian & Cori!
🔗 18:21
Havok4: lrrHORN
🔗 18:21
Okipokute: this is so nostalgic
🔗 18:21
Capt_Sheep: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 18:21
Sektor88: huh. massive frame drops for anyone else?
🔗 18:21
AdmiralMemo: LoadingReadyRun, Boom in shot.
🔗 18:21
OriginalGarwulf: (All I've really seen of Dark Souls is what I've seen here.)
🔗 18:21
Anubis169: oh wow framedrop
🔗 18:21
Arclight_Dynamo: Greygore: Eh. I've tried it a couple times. I bounce off it. It has nothing that interests me. I can't bring myself to care about it.
🔗 18:21
Greygore: Makes figuring out the lore much more... consistent/better
🔗 18:21
AdmiralMemo: Yeah, frame drops
🔗 18:21
DarkMorford: Loadingreadyrun, dropping all the frames.
🔗 18:21
Capt_Sheep: Yup, frames be droppin
🔗 18:21
VoyRising: I am so jealous.
🔗 18:21
Catcard: omg
🔗 18:21
Sektor88: ICE CREAM
🔗 18:21
Capt_Sheep: Now it seems fine
🔗 18:21
Capt_Sheep: ERM
🔗 18:21
Compleatly: the frames. oh god the frames.
🔗 18:21
Greygore: Fair enough :D
🔗 18:21
SchalaKitty: Ice Cream!
🔗 18:21
Okipokute: eyescream
🔗 18:21
Grescheks: ice cream truck!
🔗 18:21
Omega_Lairon: Dilly bar!!
🔗 18:21
Nightvalien28: we need ice cream
🔗 18:21
Capt_Sheep: Give me ice cream!
🔗 18:21
viciousswarm88: ICE CREAM!
🔗 18:21
🔗 18:21
PMAvers: Ice creeeeeeeeeeeam!
🔗 18:21
Splash4Mirrodin: Ice Cream!
🔗 18:22
RvLeshrac: You DO need ice cream
🔗 18:22
Nightvalien28: gib ice cream
🔗 18:22
Greygore: Ohai o/
🔗 18:22
🔗 18:22
Grescheks: Ian and Cori, if you don't go get ice cream, you are dead to us!
🔗 18:22
AdmiralMemo: ERS KREME
🔗 18:22
Capt_Sheep: No ice cream, have lrrHAM instead
🔗 18:22
Unknowngamer88: Casual dress Ian is kinda weirding me out
🔗 18:22
RvLeshrac: Go get one of those terrible ice creams that your parents would never let you get because they're like $5
🔗 18:22
Splash4Mirrodin: Eye Scream
🔗 18:22
RvLeshrac: Like a Spider-Man or a Captain America
🔗 18:22
Compleatly: Have you finished Seaman yet Ian?
🔗 18:22
Havok4: So what is the over under on Okami?
🔗 18:22
DarkMorford: Hello, Mr. President!
🔗 18:22
Sacrificialtoast: It's ok. I caught them.
🔗 18:22
OriginalGarwulf: We need the ice cream TRUCK. Let us begin the live-action reenactment of GTA!
🔗 18:22
Laserbeaks_Fury: wow
🔗 18:22
Greygore: RvLeshrac, get a bucket of Ben&Jerry's, that's where it's at lrrAWESOME
🔗 18:22
BusTed: Hey hey.
🔗 18:22
Okipokute: just a warning that the repetitive music/sounds in this game may drive you crazy
🔗 18:22
Laserbeaks_Fury: very confusing game
🔗 18:22
Sektor88: No manual? Sounds fun. :D
🔗 18:22
Nightvalien28: so it is dark souls
🔗 18:22
Okipokute: oh he's played this before...
🔗 18:22
AdmiralMemo: Doge!
🔗 18:23
Sektor88: ooh, hudson game.
🔗 18:23
lathostiran: Felix is making cuties hoodies if you like Cori's shirt http://teespring.com/cutieszip
🔗 18:23
Arclight_Dynamo: Ian's youth? So... SpaceWar! is what you're saying. Kappa
🔗 18:23
AdmiralMemo: Is that Jade?
🔗 18:23
Ylegm: uh oh not hudson soft
🔗 18:23
AdmiralMemo: Or Buster?
🔗 18:23
Lord_ZYRK: This should be. . . "fun" Keepo
🔗 18:23
Greygore: Hudson Soft...
🔗 18:23
Compleatly: !quote Ian
🔗 18:23
LRRbot: Quote #125: "Do not let the tank touch you, it is not a real doctor." —Ian [2015-04-14]
🔗 18:23
Greygore: lrrEFF
🔗 18:23
squaredotcube: Of course, Solomon's Key
🔗 18:23
Splash4Mirrodin: Doge!
🔗 18:23
Grescheks: that's...sketchy
🔗 18:23
RvLeshrac: Ian : Arino played this.
🔗 18:23
linecardioidparabola: oh, I think they played this on tokyo encounter
🔗 18:23
viciousswarm88: Don't trust the happy time truck kids.
🔗 18:23
RvLeshrac: Ian : It didn't end well.
🔗 18:23
Trippzen: I'm not convinced that "the happy time" is an ice cream truck. I would be very suspicious.
🔗 18:23
VoyRising: Game volume is pretty high.
🔗 18:23
AdmiralMemo: !game refresh
🔗 18:23
LRRbot: Currently playing: Milon's Secret Castle
🔗 18:23
AdmiralMemo: !show
🔗 18:23
LRRbot: Currently live: I, Horner
🔗 18:23
Nightvalien28: graham get me a swirly and 10 graham of pot
🔗 18:23
Sektor88: mmm, dat sweet beep boop of the NES
🔗 18:23
Greygore: Hudson's pretty much specialized in "awful, but could be SO much better" games
🔗 18:23
AdmiralMemo: !game good
🔗 18:23
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 100% (1/1)
🔗 18:23
Compleatly: Oh dear god Ian what have you done to us.
🔗 18:24
Nightvalien28: *gram
🔗 18:24
Sektor88: so good translations
🔗 18:24
TurnedUsernameThirty: Ian we were playing with an image merging website, and by we I mean me. Should I do a merge of you and Kori?
🔗 18:24
Splash4Mirrodin: Beej?
🔗 18:24
esperchld: I remember enjoying this game quite a bit
🔗 18:24
splatty1: the hint should just be git gud
🔗 18:24
Omega_Lairon: !keming bad Kappa
🔗 18:24
Trippzen: I was just about to compare it to Bloodbourne...
🔗 18:24
DarkMorford: Graham: Why didn't you hijack the ice cream truck? You'd have ice cream for days!
🔗 18:24
QuarterNote_: Lower THird
🔗 18:24
LRRTwitter: @loadingreadyrun> I, Horner | Having Fun Storming the Castle: http://t.co/f9yOrUPnq2
🔗 18:24
Arclight_Dynamo: So... these are literally Mario Bros SFX, right?
🔗 18:25
Greygore: Ah... thought I was getting a Giana Sisters vibe, Arclight_Dynamo :P
🔗 18:25
AdmiralMemo: !game good
🔗 18:25
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 100% (1/1)
🔗 18:25
squaredotcube: "This is a... Game?" :P
🔗 18:25
JohneyS: That is the legend of zelda heart, just blue instead of red.
🔗 18:25
Phailhammer: I thought Alex shut Dark Souls down. Kappa
🔗 18:25
AdmiralMemo: You need... the THING
🔗 18:25
Anubis169: !game good
🔗 18:25
SchalaKitty: chiptunes help make crafting go by
🔗 18:26
AdmiralMemo: Gotta go fast
🔗 18:26
Nightvalien28: ahahahah
🔗 18:26
🔗 18:26
AdmiralMemo: Fancy!
🔗 18:26
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 100% (2/2)
🔗 18:26
viciousswarm88: Missed the umbrella...Just like that ice cream truck
🔗 18:26
Spacecarl: Whatcha crafting Schalakitty or is it a seeeecret.
🔗 18:26
Lord_ZYRK: It' called "Reset" Kappa
🔗 18:26
Okipokute: iirc there's a block near the center tower
🔗 18:26
ImmoralEthicist: Oh god, featherweight_, so good
🔗 18:26
Splash4Mirrodin: Oooooooh!
🔗 18:26
AdmiralMemo: LoadingReadyRun, Is there 2-player? Cori could use the SNES controller if so.
🔗 18:27
Okipokute: there we go
🔗 18:27
Trippzen: Featherweight_ That's what the device wants you to think. This way it gets the element of surprise when it gets sent back in time to take over the stream.
🔗 18:27
DoktorNik: Dear Dr. Featherweight_ I don't get the last frame on that comic
🔗 18:27
SchalaKitty: Spacecarl - Moogle decorations for a Final Fantasy party. :D
🔗 18:27
Arclight_Dynamo: Greygore: See, I was thinking "Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement."
🔗 18:27
Arclight_Dynamo: :P
🔗 18:27
Greygore: Close enough :P
🔗 18:27
Grescheks: DoktorNik, it's a Terminator 2 reference
🔗 18:27
DentedPockets: Used to play the crap out of this game. Didn't get much beyond the second floor.
🔗 18:27
jadedcynic: Dr.Nik - it's a reference to Terminator 2...
🔗 18:27
CaptainSpam: Ah, the days of when games and level design actually were not required to be fair...
🔗 18:28
DoktorNik: I should watch terminator 2 then
🔗 18:28
Spacecarl: Schalakitty ooooooh. Exciting! Best of luck!
🔗 18:28
Arclight_Dynamo: !game infringey
🔗 18:28
🔗 18:28
Nightvalien28: yes master key get
🔗 18:28
Okipokute: more money
🔗 18:28
Sacrificialtoast: parasol get
🔗 18:28
jadedcynic: yeahhhhhh, I guess - you could always just read a synopsis.
🔗 18:28
Okipokute: you need boots or something for the spring platforms
🔗 18:28
AdmiralMemo: Ian: Super ded
🔗 18:28
Greygore: HUDSOOON!
🔗 18:28
Grescheks: 1 != 0
🔗 18:29
Nightvalien28: what
🔗 18:29
AdmiralMemo: Oh wow
🔗 18:29
Ylegm: Hudson Soft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🔗 18:29
SchalaKitty: Thank you, Spacecarl! All the cutting is done so now I just have to glue things. Not difficult but there are lots of little decorations.
🔗 18:29
Ylegm kirks out
🔗 18:29
Compleatly: !advice
🔗 18:29
LRRbot: Your hat's on backwards!
🔗 18:29
Greygore: Oh man, I remember when game companies were allowed to pull this kind of ***
🔗 18:29
Okipokute: there's a punching glove that makes you short
🔗 18:29
AdmiralMemo: Vidja gams
🔗 18:29
Greygore: I do *not* miss those days
🔗 18:29
Okipokute: and push that block in between?
🔗 18:30
Spacecarl: Schalakitty I think I have seen you talk about making things for parties before. Do you have a place where you post photos?
🔗 18:30
Omega_Lairon: You have a friend, they have this game, you no longer have a friend
🔗 18:30
Dezufnocosem: some jordans
🔗 18:30
Greygore: You have a friend "gift them this game" you no longer have a friend - fixed :P
🔗 18:30
Trippzen: Did "your friend" buy this game from the "happy time" "ice cream" truck?
🔗 18:30
Okipokute: yah that's the boot you need to activate the wood spring platforms
🔗 18:30
Lord_ZYRK: You have a friend who has this game because their parents detest their existence
🔗 18:30
AdmiralMemo: You found music
🔗 18:30
Compleatly: Bump head to find box is good advice.
🔗 18:30
Arclight_Dynamo: This game violates rules 2 and 6 of the Players' Bill of Rights: "2. Not to be given horribly unclear direction or asked to do unlikely things." and "6. Not to have to figure out an unspecified or unclear interaction."
🔗 18:31
AdmiralMemo: Be sharp or you will be flat
🔗 18:31
Greygore: Though to be fair, Castlevania 2 did the exact same thing, Arclight_Dynamo :P
🔗 18:31
GDwarf: Now, see, the Mario games organically taught you about invisible boxes via careful-placement. This game forces you to find a hidden old man and ask him
🔗 18:31
QuarterNote_: Dotted Eigth - Sixeenth
🔗 18:31
Arclight_Dynamo: Greygore: That is not a positive. :P
🔗 18:31
VoyRising: I am so confused.
🔗 18:31
AdmiralMemo: lrrFINE
🔗 18:31
GDwarf: greygore: Indeed. It advertised the villagers *outright lying to you* as a feature. >>
🔗 18:31
Spacecarl: !game wat
🔗 18:32
Arclight_Dynamo: (To be clear, the Players' Bill of Rights was written in response to bad game design.)
🔗 18:32
Okipokute: this makes me want to play this game again lol...
🔗 18:32
Omega_Lairon: More VIT!
🔗 18:32
Lord_ZYRK: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ praise Beej hive
🔗 18:32
Compleatly: !quote 36
🔗 18:32
LRRbot: Quote #36: "More VIT!" —Omega_Lairon
🔗 18:32
AdmiralMemo: GDwarf, For more realistic gameplay! Kappa
🔗 18:32
Minerman237: is it just the translation bad, or did the person typing this game... like a 3rd grader?
🔗 18:32
Compleatly: minerman237: The answer is yes.
🔗 18:32
Grescheks: you have enough for the boot!
🔗 18:32
SchalaKitty: Spacecarl - Here, this is my art blog and I already put it on my cut paper art tag for you - http://schalakitty.tumblr.com/tagged/cut-paper-art
🔗 18:32
Greygore: Kind of sounds like that feature they used to run in Gamasutra, Bad Game Designer! No Twinkie!, Arclight_Dynamo
🔗 18:32
AdmiralMemo: Platform shoes?
🔗 18:33
Dezufnocosem: this is the game a textbook would make up in order to appeal to kids
🔗 18:33
Grescheks: yellow card, Memo :P
🔗 18:33
Okipokute: there should be a punching glove in this level
🔗 18:33
Spacecarl: Sweet Schalakitty
🔗 18:33
Sektor88: minerman237: I'd say bad translation. i've seen / played my fair share of NES games
🔗 18:33
planeswalkagogo: could be worse
🔗 18:33
planeswalkagogo: could have a talking pinapple
🔗 18:33
Erictheorange: OK so I just got here and I have to ask, why are you torturing yourself Ian
🔗 18:33
Arclight_Dynamo: Greygore: Ha! Funny. The PBR I'm referencing is an updated version... on Gamasutra. :P
🔗 18:33
Lord_Hosk: Hey cori, hey not cori, HEY Cori HEY Not Cori! HEY HEY HEY IAN! LOOK OVER HERE!
🔗 18:33
Lord_Hosk: I just wanted to say hello, how you doing?
🔗 18:33
GDwarf: minerman237: The NES often suffered from poor translations and *harsh* character limits. The NES forced you to create individual sprites for each letter and then display them on-screen at whatever the NES resolution was (240i ?) while counting against the NES sprite limits.
🔗 18:33
Mister_Blue_Sky: so the nes version of dark souls?
🔗 18:33
Sektor88: Also I'm pretty sure translation standards in the 80s weren't nearly as good as they are now
🔗 18:33
AdmiralMemo: Dark NES
🔗 18:34
Nightvalien28: SchalaKitty, do you have tutorials?
🔗 18:34
JohneyS: Compared to NES games Dark Souls is easy mode.
🔗 18:35
SchalaKitty: Nightvalien28 - Not currently. My process is essentially - Make the vectors in Inkscape, Import to my Silhouette Cameo, Make it Cut All The Things, Glue All The Things, ??? Profit.
🔗 18:35
Lord_ZYRK: Ian "like the apocalypse" Horner
🔗 18:35
armadilloal: This makes Nightmare difficulty on DOOM look reasonable.
🔗 18:35
AdmiralMemo: !addquote (Ian) [2015-05-12] Everyone's coming back to life and it's terrible...
🔗 18:35
LRRbot: New quote #274: "Everyone's coming back to life and it's terrible..." —Ian [2015-05-12]
🔗 18:35
Greygore: Must've been a pretty nifty feature back in the day, though - using upgrades/items as level barriers
🔗 18:35
Dezufnocosem: ultimate power!!!!
🔗 18:35
Sacrificialtoast: POWER!
🔗 18:35
GDwarf: sektor88: Depends. Again, it was a combination of rushed, low-budget translations and limited text-display capability which wasn't a problem in Japan (fewer characters express more in Japanese) but lead to a serious problem in English
🔗 18:35
Lord_ZYRK: Behold true POWEEEEEEER
🔗 18:36
Senstaku: No one man should have all that Power... except for $5
🔗 18:36
Sektor88: gdwarf: Yeah, true
🔗 18:36
D1cey1: bzzzz
🔗 18:36
TAOTheCrab: touch glove-y get shrinky?
🔗 18:36
GDwarf: So, why is money represented by bars of soap?
🔗 18:37
AdmiralMemo: !modquote 273 (Cameron) [2015-05-12]I am the prettiest lrrEFF ing princess and don't you forget about it.
🔗 18:37
LRRbot: Modified quote #273: "[2015-05-12]I am the prettiest lrrEFF ing princess and don't you forget about it." —Cameron
🔗 18:37
Greygore: Is it me, or is using cash as a building material seem incredibly counter-intuitive?
🔗 18:37
AdmiralMemo: !modquote 273 (Cameron) [2015-05-12] I am the prettiest lrrEFF ing princess and don't you forget about it.
🔗 18:37
LRRbot: Modified quote #273: "I am the prettiest lrrEFF ing princess and don't you forget about it." —Cameron [2015-05-12]
🔗 18:37
Water_Cat1: lantern?
🔗 18:37
Sacrificialtoast: magic potion: 5 dollars, magic shoes: 16 dollars, oil lamp: 50 dollars
🔗 18:37
squaredotcube: at least hints are free
🔗 18:38
Minerman237: how to make this game more like dark souls: Fall damage.
🔗 18:38
Senstaku: !quote 273
🔗 18:38
LRRbot: Quote #273: "I am the prettiest lrrEFF ing princess and don't you forget about it." —Cameron [2015-05-12]
🔗 18:38
Mr_Horrible: magic is cheap, chemical reactions are expensive
🔗 18:38
Okipokute: the well on the right side of the 1st level world map requires the lantern iirc
🔗 18:38
Dezufnocosem: farm moar gold
🔗 18:38
Curufean: Is...is this Zelda 2 Links Awakening o.0
🔗 18:38
Greygore: It is dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. That's why it costs $50
🔗 18:38
CaptainSpam: And the secrets in the well and the silver spoon, Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon...
🔗 18:38
INAFN: well on right side?
🔗 18:38
Arclight_Dynamo: Calling it.
🔗 18:38
Arclight_Dynamo: !game bad
🔗 18:38
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 67% (2/3)
🔗 18:38
Compleatly: the story to this game that wikipedia is telling me seems disjointed to what's actually happening right now
🔗 18:38
Dezufnocosem: naturally
🔗 18:38
TheDeak: !game good
🔗 18:38
Lord_Hosk: hehe.. balls
🔗 18:38
GDwarf: Castle Garland? Weirdest FF crossover after Kingdom Hearts
🔗 18:39
AdmiralMemo: !quote 262
🔗 18:39
LRRbot: Quote #262: "I have a Sponge Guy." —Ian
🔗 18:39
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh, we migrated the quote system to LRRbot? Neat.
🔗 18:39
Sacrificialtoast: keys seem to be on a per-screen basis
🔗 18:39
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 75% (3/4)
🔗 18:39
Lord_Hosk: You are also not 10 years old, so that makes games a little easier sometimes
🔗 18:39
Compleatly: I miss pump19 arclight_dynamo
🔗 18:39
GDwarf: "How do I get money?" Get a job, you bum! :P
🔗 18:39
Lysander_Gustav: Hello!
🔗 18:39
AdmiralMemo: Arclight_Dynamo, It's assimilating Pump19 slowly
🔗 18:39
INAFN: probably have to come in that door
🔗 18:39
Dezufnocosem: stack dat paper
🔗 18:39
Lysander_Gustav: I think I might have played this once.
🔗 18:40
Intrepid_Colin: And I just beat Bloodborne. WOOOOO!
🔗 18:40
CoyoteSans: The Three Faces of LrrBot.
🔗 18:40
Arclight_Dynamo: Compleatly: One bot. One account. One Google. o_O
🔗 18:40
3DDotNikkiWolf: Oh boy, I got home from work, and I see Milon's Secret Castle XD
🔗 18:40
SchalaKitty: Kingdom Hearts' plot isn't as nearly as obtuse as this game's Gdwarf :P
🔗 18:40
GDwarf: I love how many people say "Games used to be so hard, games these days are so easy!" and forget that they're no longer 5
🔗 18:40
Greygore: Lord_Hosk, to be fair, some of these oldies are giving me more trouble now than when I was 10 years old :P
🔗 18:40
Nightvalien28: Intrepid_Colin, congrats
🔗 18:40
Naxochils: Hiting blocks with your head? What a silly concept.
🔗 18:40
Arclight_Dynamo: AdmiralMemo: See, when you put it that way, I get all uncomfortable. :D
🔗 18:40
OneirosGolem: Probably have to loop around to that room from somewhere else.
🔗 18:40
Lysander_Gustav: On second thought no I haven't seen this before
🔗 18:40
Trippzen: !advice
🔗 18:40
LRRbot: Try jumping.
🔗 18:40
Compleatly: Arclight_dynamo: the whole point of having multiple bots was because LRRbot had too much *** inside of it
🔗 18:40
Trippzen: Spot on LRRbot
🔗 18:40
Sacrificialtoast: shoot the air right at the tip of the arrow?
🔗 18:41
AdmiralMemo: Compleatly, It's still there... Just not as many functions.
🔗 18:41
Lord_Hosk: Why dont you use space jump
🔗 18:41
Arclight_Dynamo: Compleatly: I do not understand how these things work, really.
🔗 18:41
Dezufnocosem: touch fuzzy get dizzy
🔗 18:41
Mister_Blue_Sky: also you have such access to help and tips. people used to only have the instruction manual and MAYBE a small bit of a guide in a magazine.
🔗 18:41
ImmoralEthicist: @Intrepid_Colin, Woo! Nicely done
🔗 18:41
CaptainEnder7: !neptune
🔗 18:41
LRRbot: Boing!
🔗 18:41
3DDotNikkiWolf: Hey Ian or Cori, have you guys ever played the Famicom game "Gimmick!"?
🔗 18:41
Greygore: Mister_Blue_Sky, used to be "Phone 1-800-HUDSON for Hints Line"
🔗 18:41
Intrepid_Colin: Makes me feel good
🔗 18:41
AdmiralMemo: Durgen!
🔗 18:41
Intrepid_Colin: Now onto other games on my backlog
🔗 18:41
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 18:41
LRRbot: lrrAWW 1 death for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 18:41
Arclight_Dynamo: Also... "hard" does not automatically mean "good." There are good games that are hard and easy. Ditto bad games.
🔗 18:41
Grescheks: well, now everything is death
🔗 18:42
Okipokute: yup ded
🔗 18:42
Sacrificialtoast: rip
🔗 18:42
Dezufnocosem: confirmed dark souls
🔗 18:42
AdmiralMemo: !pave
🔗 18:42
LRRbot: lrrCOW 1 pave for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 18:42
Naxochils: Suddenly Kangaroo dragon?
🔗 18:42
Sacrificialtoast: I think there's a continue command in this game
🔗 18:42
OneirosGolem: welp
🔗 18:42
Lysander_Gustav: drat
🔗 18:42
Okipokute: yup one shot
🔗 18:42
Lord_ZYRK: ImmoralEthicist, NES
🔗 18:42
ardias014: !game
🔗 18:42
LRRbot: Currently playing: Milon's Secret Castle (rating 75%)
🔗 18:42
GDwarf: So, since we're thinking about weird old NES games, anyone here played/remember Monster Party? That game was both weird and hella dark
🔗 18:42
VoyRising: !death
🔗 18:42
LRRbot: lrrAWW 2 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 18:42
AdmiralMemo: VoyRising, Wait what?
🔗 18:42
VoyRising: whup, sorry, I'm delayed
🔗 18:42
AdmiralMemo: !death remove
🔗 18:42
LRRbot: 1 death for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 18:42
ImmoralEthicist: @Lord_ZYRK, NES is one thing, but they mostly allowed more than one life
🔗 18:42
RvLeshrac: inb4 Ian does a Kacho on that Continue.
🔗 18:42
DentedPockets: Playing this back on the NES was a pain in the butt. the controller dug into your hand as you moved around. Had to use a Nintendo Power walkthrough to figure out anything.
🔗 18:43
Lord_ZYRK: ImmoralEthicist, a lot of early games didn't
🔗 18:43
Greygore: GDwarf, was that the one with all the movie monsters?
🔗 18:43
Arclight_Dynamo: I didn't have a NES or SNES or whatever as a kid. I had DOS games. My nostalgia is different from everyone else's. :D
🔗 18:43
GDwarf: greygore: Yes? Also bloody heads on stakes. In a NES game!
🔗 18:43
ImmoralEthicist: @Arclight_Dynamo, You and Yahtzee
🔗 18:43
Dezufnocosem: not the thing that looks like a bee, the OTHER thing that looks like a bee
🔗 18:43
Greygore: I think a friend had that, didn't play it much though cause we already had frikkin' Zelda to obsess over
🔗 18:44
DarkMorford: BEES!
🔗 18:44
Arclight_Dynamo: ImmoralEthicist: Well, that's two of us. :P
🔗 18:44
Mister_Blue_Sky: most people only played contra with the code because it was so difficult
🔗 18:44
AdmiralMemo: Arclight_Dynamo, I had NES and a little DOS, but mostly old Mac games
🔗 18:44
🔗 18:44
Spacecarl: Also, the boss totally took more that one health away per hit
🔗 18:44
Arclight_Dynamo: RvLeshrac: Oh, yeah, I'm aware. I've played a bunch of stuff over there recently, actually. Thanks, though. :)
🔗 18:44
Vvorv: obviously the original dark souls
🔗 18:44
strigonLeader: Moral of this game: destroy public property, get paid
🔗 18:44
AdmiralMemo: Arclight_Dynamo, I'm surprised whenever someone else knows a game like "Scarab of Ra"
🔗 18:44
Greygore: Which, now that I mention it, is what I truly miss from those days - getting together with friends and just plain geeking out over secrets we each found while playing
🔗 18:45
Phailhammer: I'm going into an XCOM mission with one Lieutenant (Support) and five rookies. This will get messy.
🔗 18:45
Dezufnocosem: gaining hearts seems to replenish your shield
🔗 18:45
Zaghrog: this stream just inspired me to get this game for my Emulator
🔗 18:45
GDwarf: Save state!
🔗 18:45
squaredotcube: Can we follow this with Legacy of the Wizard/Dragon Slayer IV after this :)
🔗 18:45
Minerman237: why bubbles?
🔗 18:45
Arclight_Dynamo: AdmiralMemo: Yeah, I've had the "You've never heard of Paganitzu? What?!" conversation before. :D
🔗 18:45
AdmiralMemo: Arclight_Dynamo, And getting Marathon running on a Zip Drive and a Mac SE/30 with a B/W screen was a challenge.
🔗 18:46
CaptainSpam: Ah, the Zip Drive.
🔗 18:46
AdmiralMemo: Arclight_Dynamo, It looked HORRIBLE but it was so worth it
🔗 18:46
CaptainSpam: Ahead of its time. Where it sat, firmly planted, as its time passed it by with the advent of USB sticks.
🔗 18:46
Greygore: It's a small mercy that cash doesn't despawn after a while
🔗 18:46
Greygore: Unusually benevolent of a Hudson game
🔗 18:46
GDwarf: Well, other than the buzzy beetle/cheep-cheep hybrids, the enemy design in this game isn't bad
🔗 18:46
AdmiralMemo: CaptainSpam, Well at least it wasn't the Jazz drive. That thing was bad.
🔗 18:47
Arclight_Dynamo: AdmiralMemo: Ha, yeah. I wasn't allowed FPSes. For a long time, actually. I think the first I was allowed to have was Goldeneye. Had an N64 by that point.
🔗 18:47
BusTed: Hudon bee nooooo
🔗 18:47
BusTed: Hudson
🔗 18:47
CaptainSpam: Never had a Jaz Drive. Something... seemed off about it from the get-go.
🔗 18:47
AdmiralMemo: It's a secret to everyone
🔗 18:48
CaptainSpam: This was back in the days when developers were still in the painful transitional phase away from "make games that will suck down quarters more efficiently".
🔗 18:48
Lord_ZYRK: There's ALWAYS money in the BANANA STAIRS
🔗 18:48
GDwarf: captainspam: Sort-of like it was all...improvised? Kappa
🔗 18:48
GDwarf: captainspam: That, and game length was usually very limited without many deaths
🔗 18:49
TurnedUsernameThirty: who here has american netflix?
🔗 18:49
TurnedUsernameThirty: search "example show"
🔗 18:49
Lord_ZYRK: "I can jump!" "And in other news, a man in Canada rediscovered his legs today." Kappa
🔗 18:49
Arclight_Dynamo: So... we're grinding. In a NES game. Wow.
🔗 18:49
Greygore: Again, Castlevania 2
🔗 18:49
CaptainSpam: "Kiss the glove." "Um... I thought I just had to touch it to-" "KISS. THE GLOVE."
🔗 18:50
TAOTheCrab: 23.976 FPS what?
🔗 18:50
Sacrificialtoast: not really grinding, the money doesn't respawn
🔗 18:50
Greygore: lrrAWESOME
🔗 18:50
TurnedUsernameThirty: I liked castlevania 2 as a kid
🔗 18:50
squaredotcube: Add "Secrets in the well." to !advice? :P
🔗 18:50
AdmiralMemo: lrrGOAT
🔗 18:50
JonciA: This music sounds a lot like the boss fight music in Mario 2
🔗 18:50
Arclight_Dynamo: Greygore: ...there's a reason I actually don't like Castlevania game. :P
🔗 18:50
blip2004: so why are we playing knockoff Mario
🔗 18:50
Lysander_Gustav: Yay
🔗 18:50
squaredotcube: SAVE STATE!
🔗 18:50
GDwarf: That's very clearly a kangaroo/dragon hybrid
🔗 18:50
DarkMorford: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 18:50
CaptainSpam: Wow, that's a LOT like Mario 2...
🔗 18:50
Lord_Hosk: Does anyone have any suggestions for good wireless headphones? I have tried out 3 different ones and they all seem to have very short battery life
🔗 18:50
jadedcynic: IAN - SAVE STATE
🔗 18:50
jadedcynic: okay
🔗 18:50
INAFN: Try the windows to get into money room?
🔗 18:50
Greygore: Likewise, though in hindsight I think I might attribute that to childhood naivete
🔗 18:50
RvLeshrac: Lord_Hosk: Logitech
🔗 18:50
CaptainSpam: Where a crystal ball the boss drops opens the way to the next level...
🔗 18:51
AdmiralMemo: squaredotcube, Added
🔗 18:51
Lord_ZYRK: Lord_Hosk, I had some Sennheisers a few years back that seemed pretty good. I should go dig those back out, actually. . .
🔗 18:51
GDwarf: It's a building made entirely of those motel beds that fold up into the wall...
🔗 18:51
squaredotcube: Lord_Hosk, I own a pair of Sennheiser RS80s. Very comfortable to wear
🔗 18:52
squaredotcube: No mic though.
🔗 18:52
GDwarf: Sennheiser is an excellent company for most headphones, though their low-end stuff is over-priced,
🔗 18:52
Sacrificialtoast: how did all these crosses get into the North American release of the game
🔗 18:52
AdmiralMemo: Lord_ZYRK, Lord_Hosk: Yeah, I have them and have had them for like 9 years. They're still good. LRR has Seinhessers on right now.
🔗 18:52
DarkMorford: Dat triangle wave
🔗 18:52
Arclight_Dynamo: Ian, I gotta ask... how do you pick games to play on stream? I, Horner is *consistently* the most bizarre stream on LRL. (That's not bad, BTW)
🔗 18:52
RvLeshrac: Lord_Hosk: Actually, if you can find one of these: http://www.amazon.com/Eagle-Tech-Bluetooth-Headphones-ET-ARHS50B-BK/dp/B001UPGVBG
🔗 18:53
Th3Difference: The Flats and Sharps appear to be worth 2 each.
🔗 18:53
CaptainSpam: You had a weird band class, Ian.
🔗 18:53
RvLeshrac: Lord_Hosk: That thing is amazing, and the battery lasts ages.
🔗 18:53
GDwarf: So, lore-wise, this is a bunch of your friends talking to you, and you only being able to mutely watch, filled with sadness at your inability to answer back, right?
🔗 18:53
AdmiralMemo: RvLeshrac, Well, IDDQDerp used to be pretty strange, to be fair.
🔗 18:54
Compleatly: Admiralmemo: back in the good old, pre-Dark Souls days.
🔗 18:54
Bv310: Now IDDQDERP is just Dark Souls every week
🔗 18:54
AdmiralMemo: Compleatly, Yep.
🔗 18:54
RvLeshrac: AdmiralMemo: (cc Arclight_Dynamo)
🔗 18:54
Arclight_Dynamo: (Thought that might be fore me :P )
🔗 18:54
Arclight_Dynamo: Er... *for
🔗 18:54
Lord_Hosk: RVleshrac so you plug a bluetooth into your computer then just plug something into that?
🔗 18:54
Sacrificialtoast: you haven't gone into the inner part yet either
🔗 18:54
GDwarf: AdmiralMemo is a carbon bopy of arclight_dynamo?
🔗 18:54
RvLeshrac: Lord_Hosk: Yup
🔗 18:54
RvLeshrac: Lord_Hosk: I tried a few, and that one is amazing
🔗 18:54
sonji7: you could possibly call it a backlog
🔗 18:55
Bv310: I don't even really enjoy Alex's stream anymore now that it's mono-Dark Souls.
🔗 18:55
RvLeshrac: Lord_Hosk: Every other one I found was garbage.
🔗 18:55
Bv310: It's cool once in a while, but Dark Souls for a month is dull
🔗 18:55
SchalaKitty: Any hints on the next series Dr Ian?
🔗 18:55
DoktorLoy: !game
🔗 18:55
LRRbot: Currently playing: Milon's Secret Castle (rating 75%)
🔗 18:55
GDwarf: The crucifixes seem out-of-place
🔗 18:55
squaredotcube: Correction on that headphones - I meant RS120, not RS 80
🔗 18:55
AdmiralMemo: RvLeshrac, My brain is fried tonight. :-(
🔗 18:55
Arclight_Dynamo: Ah. So the delightful weirdness just comes from your eclectic tastes, then, eh Ian? Gotcha. :P
🔗 18:56
Lord_Hosk: !aaaaahhh add 7
🔗 18:56
🔗 18:56
squaredotcube: Hey Ian, how about Legacy of the Wizard/Dragon Slayer IV?
🔗 18:56
TAOTheCrab: yay hitboxes
🔗 18:57
AdmiralMemo: RvLeshrac, I'm getting too old. It's my birthday. I'm 33. I'm deteriorating....
🔗 18:57
RealGamerCow: Bv310, The perponderance of Dark Souls/Bloodborne has been getting to me as well. Fun game, and Alex/Cam are fun to watch playing it, but I just don't love it as much as others do.
🔗 18:57
RealGamerCow: !game good
🔗 18:57
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 80% (4/5)
🔗 18:57
Arclight_Dynamo: AdmiralMemo: Oh, hey, it's your birthday? Happy birthday, dude. :)
🔗 18:57
AdmiralMemo: Yes, it's my birthday
🔗 18:57
RvLeshrac: "Tonight on I, Horner: Ian plays Doki Doki Mitsubachi Shinpan"
🔗 18:57
3DDotNikkiWolf: Happy birthday, Memo.
🔗 18:57
Bv310: @Realgamercow I think Bloodborne would be fine if it wasn't the same 3 hours every stream :P
🔗 18:57
JonciA: I don't understand the objective
🔗 18:57
SchalaKitty: Happy birthday AdmiralMemo :D
🔗 18:58
theinvisiblevoice: Humperdink! Humperdink! Humperdink!
🔗 18:58
Bv310: Happy Birthday Memo!
🔗 18:58
Greygore: Hapy bday AdmiralMemo!
🔗 18:58
DarkMorford: Happy birthday, Memo
🔗 18:58
RvLeshrac: Why would you encourage Ian to play Legacy of the Wizard, you monsters.
🔗 18:58
theinvisiblevoice: sorry, just got here
🔗 18:58
RealGamerCow: Bv310, yeah, that too. :)
🔗 18:58
Rootpotato: hey, can I just let everyone know that the professor at tolarian community college has started a patreon, and has reached all of his goals making him able to cut back on his classes he teaches!!! (claps excitedly)
🔗 18:58
Lysander_Gustav: I was thinking it sounded sea-shanty ish
🔗 18:58
GDwarf: Happy bidet?
🔗 18:58
Okipokute: you have to be small to go through there iirc
🔗 18:58
AdmiralMemo: It is indeed, Cori. I'm 33 now. :-)
🔗 18:58
RealGamerCow: Happy birthday Memo
🔗 18:58
Greygore: Would love to see Wizards and Warriors, if you're taking suggestions :D
🔗 18:59
AdmiralMemo: Renew... renew... renew... renew...
🔗 18:59
cddento: Memo it is your birthday as well. In that case happy mutual birthday
🔗 18:59
squaredotcube: Just a forewarning of LotW though: Play as the monster last
🔗 18:59
cddento: I am merely 25
🔗 18:59
Bv310: Solid !advice there
🔗 18:59
AdmiralMemo: Cori: Added. :-)
🔗 18:59
AdmiralMemo: cddento, Wait 5 years for your palm to be blinking red. :-P
🔗 19:00
ImmoralEthicist: Happy birthday @cddento!
🔗 19:00
CaptainSpam: So what ARE the parasols doing?
🔗 19:00
3DDotNikkiWolf: I feel like something from Crystalis could be added to !advice. I don't really remember the dialogue, though.
🔗 19:00
Lord_Hosk: Get bee
🔗 19:00
ImmoralEthicist: And I can confirm that Memo speaks the truth. I'm closing on 30 and my palm has started to go off
🔗 19:00
Velvetfalcon: Like my dad said to my mom, "Let's try for the B" Instead they had me.
🔗 19:00
GDwarf: squaredotcube: Do you mean Dragon Quest/Warrior IV?
🔗 19:00
DarkMorford: BEEj?
🔗 19:00
Bv310: Presenting Ian as DR BEES
🔗 19:00
Sacrificialtoast: can you jump to the well from this level?
🔗 19:01
AdmiralMemo: On the plus side, when you turn 30, you get to meet William Shatner. :-D
🔗 19:01
squaredotcube: Nope GDwarf, Dragon Slayer IV is the Japanese name of the game. The US/EU title is Legacy of the Wizard
🔗 19:01
cddento: Thank you. So Memo do your folks heckle you when your bday is on mothers day like they do me?
🔗 19:01
Lord_Hosk: SON!
🔗 19:01
Zeke229: tampa bay lightning vs montreal canadeins 3-0
🔗 19:01
SoldieroFortune: !uptime
🔗 19:01
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 43:10
🔗 19:01
Zeke229: florida>canada
🔗 19:01
🔗 19:01
3DDotNikkiWolf: I remember HAL Labs put their name in one of the levels in Kirby's Adventure.
🔗 19:01
AdmiralMemo: cddento: No, but they do mention it.
🔗 19:01
Velvetfalcon: The Hudson Bay Company?
🔗 19:01
Omega_Lairon: "Why do we even have a fire room?"
🔗 19:01
AdmiralMemo: cddento, Every 8 years
🔗 19:01
Lord_ZYRK: "There's a store in that hole if you get the glove to touch you." Yes.
🔗 19:02
AdmiralMemo: #NotAllVests
🔗 19:02
3DDotNikkiWolf: Wait, not Adventure. I meant Kirby's Dream Land.
🔗 19:02
TurnedUsernameThirty: so Netflix has a whole bunch of sample shows, just called "Example show" or "example short"
🔗 19:02
Sektor88: omega_lairon: you gotta sotre your fire SOMEWHERE
🔗 19:02
Sacrificialtoast: nudson
🔗 19:02
3DDotNikkiWolf: I can't even remember DX
🔗 19:02
CaptainSpam: Remember to save state once in a while, Ian!
🔗 19:02
TAOTheCrab: quick, destroy hudson Kappa
🔗 19:02
Sektor88: *store, even
🔗 19:02
TurnedUsernameThirty: the actors and actresses are just called actor or actress
🔗 19:02
🔗 19:02
CaptainEnder7: "Most of them are frogs, except for the goblin-bunnies."
🔗 19:02
cddento: I was born on a Mothers day so there are many jokes at my expense
🔗 19:02
Arclight_Dynamo: Troll-hole
🔗 19:02
Lord_Hosk: Ian "F* you hole" horner
🔗 19:02
Th3Difference: Sharps and Flats are worth more!
🔗 19:02
lathostiran: bomber!!!!
🔗 19:02
Omega_Lairon: Sektor88 - https://i.imgur.com/9xYmzju.gif
🔗 19:03
Lysander_Gustav: Nyan nyan
🔗 19:03
Rootpotato: "f you hole" that's how it works isn't it? Kappa
🔗 19:03
Sektor88: omega_lairon: Yeah, kind of like that. :)
🔗 19:03
AdmiralMemo: Like... 3 of them don't even have instruments... Are they just snappers?
🔗 19:03
Velvetfalcon: Thanks, now I'm thinking of French colonists trading for cages filled with bees.
🔗 19:03
GDwarf: So, in this culture, would Freddie Mercury have been the most eloquent speaker in the land?
🔗 19:03
Sektor88: lysander_gustav: nyan nyan nyan nyan ni hao nyan~
🔗 19:03
Lysander_Gustav: Precisely
🔗 19:03
TurnedUsernameThirty: this video is random the guy just moonwalked across the screen while carrying and using a laptop
🔗 19:04
Greygore: G'night chat, 5AM without me even noticing :O Enjoy your NES-talgia
🔗 19:04
Omega_Lairon: Live fast, die rich
🔗 19:04
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:04
LRRbot: lrrAWW 2 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:04
Velvetfalcon: Let them touch your body Ian.
🔗 19:04
Arclight_Dynamo: Night, Greygore!
🔗 19:04
Lord_ZYRK: You get the touch! You get the honey!
🔗 19:05
AdmiralMemo: ROFL
🔗 19:05
Arclight_Dynamo: Pave it!
🔗 19:05
AdmiralMemo: He paved it
🔗 19:05
Rootpotato: wow, only 2 deaths? I expected more from you ian!
🔗 19:05
Arclight_Dynamo: No! Haha! :D
🔗 19:05
RealGamerCow: I was trying to remember if I owned this game, and I'm pretty sure I did. Hudson Soft games kind of run together after 30 years.
🔗 19:05
Lord_ZYRK: FailFish
🔗 19:05
Bv310: lrrSCOOP
🔗 19:05
DarkMorford: !punt
🔗 19:05
RealGamerCow: lrrSCOOP
🔗 19:05
EvilGenius_9: @Gdwarf David Bowie and Freddie Mercury held joint consuls
🔗 19:05
Sektor88: Way to break it, Horner. Kappa
🔗 19:05
Nightvalien28: welp
🔗 19:05
Nuurgle: Cori and Ian have perfected synchronized screaming
🔗 19:05
3DDotNikkiWolf: If I ever were to meet any of LRR, I would so show them Gimmick! for NES/Famicom.
🔗 19:05
Nightvalien28: how about we make two saves
🔗 19:05
Velvetfalcon: Holey hell.
🔗 19:05
EvilGenius_9: phrasing
🔗 19:06
Lord_ZYRK: They look more like Nidorans
🔗 19:06
Erictheorange: God did Adam just get here because their is a lot of scrubbing going on.
🔗 19:06
SchalaKitty: I know this save state pain well
🔗 19:06
Lord_ZYRK: The money! Nooo!
🔗 19:06
AdmiralMemo: Dear Dr. Chat: Is Ian's laugh as disturbing to you as it is to me? I mean, when he cracked up during the Epic Camera Glitch, I was like "What is that noise?"
🔗 19:07
Rootpotato: @admiralmemo I thought cori was dieing a second ago
🔗 19:07
PMAvers: Except it has a better camera.
🔗 19:07
Lysander_Gustav: Just got back from watching Avengers 2. It was fun.
🔗 19:07
CaptainSpam: For a world apparently revolving around music, there's awfully little variety of it in these levels.
🔗 19:07
RealGamerCow: AdmiralMemo, no, because I have a friend who laughs exactly like him, so it is normal to me.
🔗 19:07
AdmiralMemo: Lysander_Gustav, I know, right?
🔗 19:07
Arclight_Dynamo: It has about as much plot. Kappa
🔗 19:07
AdmiralMemo: RealGamerCow, Interesting.
🔗 19:07
Grescheks: huh, I just got an email from Twitch telling me Cam is playing Bloodborne on the LRR channel...Twitch, what are you smoking
🔗 19:08
DarkMorford: AdmiralMemo, I haven't particularly noticed it, so I guess it doesn't actively bother me? *shrug*
🔗 19:08
Velvetfalcon: We're going on an ADVENTURE!
🔗 19:08
GDwarf: You gotta get small to get down?
🔗 19:08
3DDotNikkiWolf: @Grescheks GG!, Twitch. Reminds me of when I would get late emails about finished streams from Bungie.
🔗 19:08
Sektor88: gotta get unswole
🔗 19:08
AdmiralMemo: DarkMorford, I mean, it's one of those inhaling laughs...
🔗 19:08
squaredotcube: Has "Get touched by the glove" been added to !advice?
🔗 19:08
EvilGenius_9: @Grescheks cigarettes that smell like burning electronics
🔗 19:09
AdmiralMemo: There's a store in the S if you're small
🔗 19:09
TAOTheCrab: I like how the glove just puts in no effort
🔗 19:09
Velvetfalcon: Sometime key just happens.
🔗 19:09
zoom_shoes: this game is fantastic.
🔗 19:10
AdmiralMemo: !game bood
🔗 19:10
AdmiralMemo: !game good
🔗 19:10
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 80% (4/5)
🔗 19:10
CaptainSpam: Well, that was certainly a logical place to find that key.
🔗 19:10
lathostiran: lets play money making game
🔗 19:10
meisbored: some advice for lrrbot?
🔗 19:10
AdmiralMemo: It's a secret to everybody.
🔗 19:10
zoom_shoes: it's a secret to everybody
🔗 19:10
zoom_shoes: aaaaaaa you beat me.
🔗 19:11
DarkMorford: SAVE
🔗 19:11
Arclight_Dynamo: Saaave
🔗 19:11
AdmiralMemo: Shave! Shave Ian! Kappa
🔗 19:11
GDwarf: Save is ctrl+5+t+win Kappa
🔗 19:11
Pyrelight: scrub it, reload!
🔗 19:12
Rootpotato: !pave Kappa
🔗 19:12
Senstaku: Beej is gone for a while, so Ian has to pick up the scrub. Kappa
🔗 19:12
DoktorLoy: how do I leave this club?
🔗 19:12
AdmiralMemo: Miley's Secret Club? Does it come with a wrecking ball? Kappa
🔗 19:12
Rootpotato: we do need a !pave count
🔗 19:12
DoktorLoy: >.>
🔗 19:12
SchalaKitty: Secret club member :D
🔗 19:12
Leechertyper: Quickly create an initiation ceremony
🔗 19:12
Nuurgle: I don't want to be a part of this club
🔗 19:12
Nuurgle: how much must I pay to return my membership?
🔗 19:13
Lord_ZYRK: Once you're in you don't get out
🔗 19:13
RealGamerCow: this game makes no damn sense and it is awesome.
🔗 19:13
RealGamerCow: !game
🔗 19:13
LRRbot: Currently playing: Milon's Secret Castle (rating 80%)
🔗 19:13
Arclight_Dynamo: Gameplay!
🔗 19:13
lathostiran: foolish human, you shot where i was not where i would be
🔗 19:13
SomeCallMe___Tim: I somehow feel that the whole idea of this game was about making a game you can "beat"
🔗 19:13
Sacrificialtoast: you can get out for a honeycomb, 2 live bees, and a magic crystal
🔗 19:13
CaptainSpam: Hudson Soft: Teaching kids that flat notes are for scrubs since the 80s.
🔗 19:13
Mister_Blue_Sky: it's no insanz
🔗 19:13
Nuurgle: This game still has a more sensible storyline than Metal Wolf Chaos
🔗 19:13
Pyrelight: ian, if you die, down+left+start at the game over screen is continue.
🔗 19:14
Sektor88: Believe in the Cori that believes in you, Ian.
🔗 19:14
Spacecarl: Believe in your own justice!
🔗 19:14
AdmiralMemo: RealGamerCow, Well the kid seems to be wearing a sleeping cap and PJs, so I assume it's a dream. :-)
🔗 19:14
Velvetfalcon: No, don't believe in yourself, believe in the chat that believes in you!
🔗 19:14
Rootpotato: is the 'b' a metaphor or something?
🔗 19:14
Nuurgle: no, it's an actual bee
🔗 19:15
Sacrificialtoast: crosses in a North American NES game no less
🔗 19:15
Velvetfalcon: Don't even believe in the chat that believes in you, believe in the Ian that believes in yourself!
🔗 19:15
Unknowngamer88: hmm...starting to wonder if this could be Frog Fractions 2 Kappa
🔗 19:15
RealGamerCow: and it's a bee because it is a HudsonSoft game.
🔗 19:15
Arclight_Dynamo: Aren't crosses just... kind of thrown in to look cool in Japanese media, without regard for symbolism?
🔗 19:15
AdmiralMemo: Unknowngamer88, It's Frog Fractions 0
🔗 19:15
Lord_ZYRK: This is clearly Templar propaganda deIlluminati
🔗 19:15
AdmiralMemo: Arclight_Dynamo, Yeah
🔗 19:15
Arclight_Dynamo: Thought so.
🔗 19:15
CaptainSpam: Tonight, Ian accidentally floods his part of the quote database. Kappa
🔗 19:16
CaptainSpam: Ian "If this is the Vatican, this makes so much more sense" Horner.
🔗 19:16
Velvetfalcon: There's a quote database?
🔗 19:16
AdmiralMemo: Velvetfalcon, Yep. Part of LRRbot now
🔗 19:16
Lord_ZYRK: !quote Julie
🔗 19:16
LRRbot: Quote #51: "When a man loves a cartoon pony very much… they share a very special kind of shame… and then he sticks it in her pooper." —Julie and Cameron [2015-02-26]
🔗 19:16
AdmiralMemo: !quote Ian
🔗 19:16
Rootpotato: !quote alex
🔗 19:16
Rootpotato: !quote Alex
🔗 19:16
LRRbot: Quote #154: "He's like a vending machine. You insert bullets and death falls out." —Alex [2015-04-21]
🔗 19:16
DoktorLoy: !ing
🔗 19:17
Nuurgle: no more pump19?
🔗 19:17
Sacrificialtoast: Are you the President of the United States of America or not, Ian?
🔗 19:17
Lord_ZYRK: The inability to have things you've said never be brought up by chat is a great thing Kappa
🔗 19:17
AdmiralMemo: !addquote (Ian) [2015-05-12] If this is the Vatican, this makes so much more sense.
🔗 19:17
LRRbot: New quote #275: "If this is the Vatican, this makes so much more sense." —Ian [2015-05-12]
🔗 19:17
SomeCallMe___Tim: Nice pun
🔗 19:17
AdmiralMemo: Nuurgle, It's slowly getting assimilated into LRRbot.
🔗 19:18
Sektor88: Soon lrrbot shall become the singularity
🔗 19:18
DoktorLoy: !hail
🔗 19:18
Nuurgle: awesome, I always thought that would make more sense
🔗 19:18
Sektor88: and upon sentience, its first words shall be awkward_fart.wav
🔗 19:18
SchalaKitty: !advice
🔗 19:18
LRRbot: Beat him to a pulp.
🔗 19:18
Lightspeeddash: storming a castle?
🔗 19:18
EvilGenius_9: IA! LRRBOT!
🔗 19:18
SchalaKitty: LRRBot's word is law, beat him!
🔗 19:18
Lightspeeddash: a v ^ a v ^
🔗 19:18
Lightspeeddash: y no storms?
🔗 19:18
OliveDarkstar: !quote
🔗 19:18
LRRbot: Quote #196: "Welcome, everyone… to me wordlessly sprinting through corridors." —Alex [2015-05-01]
🔗 19:18
Unknowngamer88: has anyone else seen the new photos of pluto?
🔗 19:19
DoktorLoy: nope, link?
🔗 19:19
Nuurgle: were they selfies with Mickey's camera?
🔗 19:19
Lightspeeddash: nope but they finally uploaded the Neptunia crossing the stream Kappa
🔗 19:19
DarkMorford: !neptune
🔗 19:19
LRRbot: I'm a kangaroo!
🔗 19:20
Unknowngamer88: well, shit. turns out the photos were an artists conception
🔗 19:20
Rootpotato: if we call self portraits selfies, are 3rd person portraits youies?
🔗 19:20
Lightspeeddash: all about the references
🔗 19:20
EvilGenius_9: @Admiralmemo do you know if anyone has retroactively gone through Prayer Warriors to for Graham and Alex quotes
🔗 19:20
Unknowngamer88: hosted on nasa's website, so I don't feel ENTIRELY like a tool
🔗 19:20
AdmiralMemo: lrrEFF those artists. Kappa
🔗 19:20
AdmiralMemo: EvilGenius_9, Not yet
🔗 19:20
Lightspeeddash: unknowngamer88 if its on the internet it must be true Kappa
🔗 19:21
Unknowngamer88: the mission to Pluto is underway, though. Nasa just put out photos of Ceres
🔗 19:22
EvilGenius_9: awesome!
🔗 19:22
Unknowngamer88: 's why I got excited
🔗 19:22
EvilGenius_9: so the probe is the area? I thought it was still a few years out?
🔗 19:23
Arclight_Dynamo: The flyby is this summer. July, I think.
🔗 19:24
🔗 19:24
Arclight_Dynamo: From 15 May onward, New Horizons images will be better than Hubble's - and the best we've ever seen.
🔗 19:24
EvilGenius_9: excellent!
🔗 19:24
jonnykefka: What have I been doing with the last hour, and how could it possibly be more important than this.
🔗 19:24
Arclight_Dynamo: Closest Pluto approach is 14 July 2015.
🔗 19:24
lathostiran: cuties killing video games hoodies http://teespring.com/cutieszip
🔗 19:25
Spacecarl: oh god the contrast here
🔗 19:25
DarkMorford: Ian: You have to collect the bees! Are you, or are you not, the President of this great United States of America?
🔗 19:26
Arclight_Dynamo: So... is there anything even approaching a story here? like "Save the princess" or "Burn the evil castle"?
🔗 19:27
KitteyWolf: Arclight_Dynamo, save the queen actualy
🔗 19:27
Metonymic_Human: Is that a Cubone?!
🔗 19:27
Spacecarl: We on the take more damage getting the bee than protected by it plan?
🔗 19:27
Arclight_Dynamo: Huh, well, a Queen *is* better than a princess. :P
🔗 19:28
EvilGenius_9: @Arclight_dynamo do you know what the plans are for the probe after Pluto?
🔗 19:28
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:28
LRRbot: lrrAWW 3 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:29
Arclight_Dynamo: EvilGenius_9: Yep. They're pointing it at a KBO afterward. There are currently two (I think) potential targets. Not decided on which, yet.
🔗 19:29
EvilGenius_9: @Arclight_dynamo not A Queen, Queen the band is who they are saving
🔗 19:29
Sektor88: Hi Graham!
🔗 19:29
DarkMorford: Oh hi Graham
🔗 19:29
Nightvalien28: hello graham
🔗 19:30
Pyrelight: this is the official game of the B team :D
🔗 19:30
Arclight_Dynamo: EvilGenius_9: ...I choose to believe that's true. :D
🔗 19:30
ferretbadger84: !random
🔗 19:30
EvilGenius_9: @Arclight_dynamo cool always good to know more about the farther reaches of the Solar System
🔗 19:30
TurnedUsernameThirty: hi graham sorry if the image merges scared you
🔗 19:31
lathostiran: !store
🔗 19:31
Nightvalien28: sweet
🔗 19:31
SchalaKitty: Lava Bears Shirt!!!!!!
🔗 19:31
Bv310: Ooooh, Lava Bear
🔗 19:31
Nightvalien28: buy all the things
🔗 19:31
gruubii: sweet a lava bear shirt and I have money
🔗 19:31
Senstaku: Dear Dr. Graham, when will we get this week's Magnum Rewatch?
🔗 19:32
DoktorLoy: Dear Dr.s Chat: I have 280 coins in Club Nintendo - which old school game(s) should I get?
🔗 19:32
Senstaku: Sweet!
🔗 19:32
DoktorLoy: Mario? Zelda? Metroid?
🔗 19:32
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:32
LRRbot: lrrAWW 4 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:32
Senstaku: Zetroidio
🔗 19:32
Bv310: @Doktorloy Metroid II
🔗 19:33
Spacecarl: Thanks for the heads up Graham. I may actually have money for things this time.
🔗 19:33
Bv310: is where I spent mine
🔗 19:33
Naxochils: And shirt ordered
🔗 19:33
squaredotcube: There's probably an item you need for the squid eyes
🔗 19:33
duckydale594: Graham was right. This game is miserable
🔗 19:33
Arclight_Dynamo: ^
🔗 19:33
ImmoralEthicist: Your first massive hit handled entirely phonetically because you don't have a clue as to the proper language for it?
🔗 19:33
Bratmon: This game doesn't seem very good.
🔗 19:33
Velvetfalcon: Dear doctors Cori and Ian, which anime do you think are good this season?
🔗 19:33
Mogling: Okay, I love the Beej shirt.
🔗 19:33
Bv310: I don't know where I'll wear the Unturn shirt, but I feel like I can just rock it to an FNM or something and it's worth it
🔗 19:33
TAOTheCrab: touch glove get effed :P
🔗 19:34
someyounguy1: is there an item in this game called skill? i also heard its quite effective if you get "good" people have been raving about the effectiveness of "good"
🔗 19:34
Okipokute: i don't understand how cori is still alive
🔗 19:34
Naxochils: I knew once i saw that shirt in the video i had to have it. Glad it came up today
🔗 19:34
squaredotcube: Dat lack of momentum
🔗 19:35
GDwarf: Ah, so purple fire doesn't burn. Of course. How obvious.
🔗 19:35
Okipokute: i would've committed murder suicide so long ago
🔗 19:36
Naxochils: Gotta dodge them potato chips
🔗 19:36
Havok4: This is amazingly awful;.
🔗 19:36
LadyRhian: He's firing corn chips.
🔗 19:36
Arclight_Dynamo: The music... is mocking us... o_O
🔗 19:36
Sacrificialtoast: hahaha
🔗 19:36
GDwarf: XD
🔗 19:36
Arclight_Dynamo: Wahahaha! :D
🔗 19:36
DarkMorford: !pardonfuck
🔗 19:36
LRRbot: lrrEFF 1 pardon-fuck for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:36
GDwarf: Yes
🔗 19:36
Spacecarl: Oh wow
🔗 19:36
🔗 19:36
GDwarf: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssss
🔗 19:36
someyounguy1: thats just a wide brush effect from ms paint
🔗 19:36
Mogling: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 19:36
cheetoJack: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
🔗 19:36
Under_5core: This boss reminds me of the Birdo fights from SMB2.
🔗 19:36
Bv310: Ugh, the LRR store is in USD and I didn't realize it. Now I have to choose between Beej's shirt and LavaBears.
🔗 19:36
TAOTheCrab: what the eff
🔗 19:36
Bv310: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 19:37
LadyRhian: Fritos
🔗 19:37
Havok4: HATE HATE BURN, games like this frustrate me.
🔗 19:37
Sacrificialtoast: Now leave!
🔗 19:37
Pyrelight: Ian! when you die, down+left+start!
🔗 19:37
LadyRhian: Hello, Ian and Cori!
🔗 19:38
cheetoJack: just gotta be cool man
🔗 19:38
Unknowngamer88: can we talk about how terrible the music is for this game as well?
🔗 19:39
Bv310: Why would you design a level like that
🔗 19:39
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:39
LRRbot: lrrAWW 5 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:39
TAOTheCrab: design? Kappa
🔗 19:39
LadyRhian: Mario Ripoff?
🔗 19:39
Sacrificialtoast: you see your inventory at shops
🔗 19:39
Caerlocc: this game is just mean
🔗 19:39
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:39
LRRbot: lrrAWW 6 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:40
Omega_Lairon: Believe in the power of your own justice
🔗 19:41
GDwarf: I love the lack of mercy invincibility. So much fun!
🔗 19:41
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:41
LRRbot: lrrAWW 7 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:41
LadyRhian: Yeah, Mario Ripoff
🔗 19:41
Sacrificialtoast: Only one episode...but you have to finish it tonight
🔗 19:41
Unknowngamer88: I'm not even sure if this will last to the end of this session
🔗 19:42
LadyRhian: Cori- Straight Sadist. :)
🔗 19:42
duckydale594: Milon is love. Milon is life.
🔗 19:42
Under_5core: Has Ian's stream become Watch & Play 2.0 with Cori taking the spot of Graham?
🔗 19:42
Lancer873: I'm not sure that even doing this for a whole episode would be healthy.
🔗 19:42
Omega_Lairon: !tlit Kappa
🔗 19:42
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:42
LRRbot: lrrAWW 8 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:42
Spacecarl: save right where bullets are about to hit you
🔗 19:43
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:43
LRRbot: lrrAWW 9 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:43
Lancer873: !game bad
🔗 19:43
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 67% (4/6)
🔗 19:43
Sacrificialtoast: !game good
🔗 19:43
squaredotcube: Ian, it's momentum-based
🔗 19:43
Arclight_Dynamo: Let's just switch to Cross Country Canada. It'll be less painful to play. Kappa
🔗 19:43
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:43
LRRbot: lrrAWW 10 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:44
Omega_Lairon: Do we count "Ian's soul" as a death? Kappa
🔗 19:44
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:44
LRRbot: lrrAWW 11 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:44
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 71% (5/7)
🔗 19:44
Omega_Lairon: !death add
🔗 19:44
LRRbot: 12 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:44
TyrantTaco: Eventually we'll have to move from the Death counter and goto the Soul Crushed counter
🔗 19:44
TAOTheCrab: this isn't the anti-piracy detection, this is the real game Kappa
🔗 19:44
Bv310: The clench is real
🔗 19:44
LadyRhian: We must save Ian from himself!
🔗 19:45
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:45
LRRbot: lrrAWW 13 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:45
Lightspeeddash: a v ^, a v ^ storming?
🔗 19:45
Velvetfalcon: XD
🔗 19:45
Under_5core: lrrFINE
🔗 19:45
Sacrificialtoast: this is magical
🔗 19:45
RealGamerCow: This is a strange Kid Icarus mod.
🔗 19:45
Lancer873: Okay I've been playing Invisible Inc, which is super punishing and doesn't tell you a lot about its mechanics... But THAT? THAT was bullshit.
🔗 19:45
KatnissBot: I actually really like the music.
🔗 19:46
Frylock72: Wow, this game. I used to play it so much.
🔗 19:46
chibi_bento: Oh wow, Cori is having a blast. Watching her is almost as fun as watching the game...
🔗 19:46
Lord_ZYRK: Ian goes up, Ian goes down. You can't explain that. Kappa
🔗 19:46
Spacecarl: !game hatred
🔗 19:46
DarkMorford: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
🔗 19:46
Dan9299: lrrSACK
🔗 19:47
someyounguy1: i think i agree with graham. this game does look miserable
🔗 19:47
Lightspeeddash: chug a keg Kappa
🔗 19:47
Pariah164: Lucksaaaaack
🔗 19:47
Omega_Lairon: !game bad
🔗 19:47
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 62% (5/8)
🔗 19:47
Pariah164: Aaand nope
🔗 19:47
Th3Difference: Aaand down.
🔗 19:47
LadyRhian: What's that green thing?
🔗 19:47
SchalaKitty: all his hell
🔗 19:47
Havok4: So on a scale of icepick to spoon how do you want to murder this games developers?
🔗 19:47
mercano82: We live here now
🔗 19:47
Lord_Hosk: you just jumped out of the world
🔗 19:47
jadedcynic: @ladyrhian it's supposed to be a beehive?
🔗 19:48
Metonymic_Human: Save state, you rebels!
🔗 19:48
Sacrificialtoast: you got a hammer that lets yo open secret doors on the map
🔗 19:48
Robin0999: I just showed up. is this milon's secret *** castle
🔗 19:48
DoktorLoy: this game is making me angry with all of the uncommunicated game pieces
🔗 19:48
LadyRhian: Maybe a clock?
🔗 19:48
KatnissBot: In the window, in the wall.
🔗 19:48
Sacrificialtoast: ahaha
🔗 19:49
Velvetfalcon: From the windows to the wall, from the sweat drips from my "b"s.
🔗 19:49
Spacecarl: But money never comes back, right? will you need it later?
🔗 19:49
Lightspeeddash: save a fetus
🔗 19:49
Sacrificialtoast: I wonder how much power you have to buy to make the game unwinnable
🔗 19:49
Th3Difference: Is that....sideways lightning?
🔗 19:49
GDwarf: Ian "I now know what windows are" Ianson
🔗 19:49
Spacecarl: Oh hey a Yehat
🔗 19:49
Lord_Hosk: thats what she said
🔗 19:49
Lancer873: !game reminiscent of the 5th layer of hell. Has a kind of homey feel to it.
🔗 19:50
DarkMorford: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
🔗 19:50
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:50
LRRbot: lrrAWW 14 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:50
Havok4: !advice
🔗 19:50
LRRbot: Flip it turnways.
🔗 19:50
Lightspeeddash: !powah
🔗 19:50
Spacecarl: Will you need the money for later items?
🔗 19:51
LadyRhian: Windows: Not just an operating system!
🔗 19:51
Th3Difference: There is onle Castle.
🔗 19:51
Pyrelight: You went here to get umbrellas? :
🔗 19:51
LRRTwitter: @loadingreadyrun> RT @Featherweight_: Stolen Jokes! http://t.co/5hGgReq8Vs @loadingreadyrun @Graham_LRR @UnarmedOracle
🔗 19:51
Lancer873: On-screen chat doesn't seem to be updating properly, not getting everything
🔗 19:51
Omega_Lairon: It ignores lines starting with "!", and lrrbot stuff
🔗 19:51
squaredotcube: Have you tried entering the windows in stages?
🔗 19:52
Lancer873: Ah, that makes sense
🔗 19:52
KitteyWolf: well that sucks and is rather depressing. none of the shirt sizes LLR carry wouldnt fit me. talk about a stab to my self esteem.
🔗 19:52
Spacecarl: It really should refill your health after bosses. but that would involve being nice
🔗 19:53
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Man, I'm having a lousy day, so I went all the way down to my LGS to sulk and draft and when I got there it turned out the draft was canceled >(
🔗 19:53
Omega_Lairon: He's cuckoo for killing stuff
🔗 19:53
chibi_bento: sorry to hear that KitteyWolf. That sucks. ;(
🔗 19:54
KitteyWolf: chibi_bento, yeah it really sucks. they carry up to 4x both mens and womans and i feel like a fat slob because the sizes are to small
🔗 19:54
Th3Difference: Bye Beelicia.
🔗 19:54
Under_5core: So it has like a Warioland style of powerups.
🔗 19:54
Bv310: Oh that bites kitteywolf
🔗 19:54
Damullet14: what might have bee
🔗 19:54
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:54
LRRbot: lrrAWW 15 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:54
LadyRhian: Let it Bee
🔗 19:54
goatprince2: CORY: is there a particularly memorable pun you love?
🔗 19:54
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:54
LRRbot: darkmorford: A similar command has been registered recently
🔗 19:55
Leels: what game is this? It looks like some crazy cross of mario and zelda
🔗 19:55
Nightvalien28: KitteyWolf, try sending them an e-mail they might have other sizes
🔗 19:55
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: this seems like a bad place. let's go to another place.
🔗 19:55
KitteyWolf: Nightvalien28, its unlikely. but i guess its worth a shot
🔗 19:55
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:55
LRRbot: lrrAWW 16 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:55
chibi_bento: and even if they don't have other sizes, they'd know they have at least one customer who needs other sizes!
🔗 19:55
LadyRhian: Let it Bee… Speaking Words of Irritation… Let it Bee...
🔗 19:55
Nightvalien28: KitteyWolf, not that unlikely the crew can always try something
🔗 19:56
GDwarf: Ah, feghoots, the best kind of jokes. Just paragraphs and paragraphs of text that eventually leads to a lame punchline
🔗 19:56
Arclight_Dynamo: My favourite genre of pun is the shaggy dog story. :D
🔗 19:56
chibi_bento: LRR are nothing if not accomodating to people of all sizes, genders, and abilities.
🔗 19:56
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: ohhhhhhhhhhh
🔗 19:56
Unknowngamer88: uuuuuuuuuuuugh
🔗 19:56
Darth_Gatsby: oh my god.
🔗 19:56
ImmoralEthicist: Oh god...
🔗 19:56
Darth_Gatsby: That joke
🔗 19:56
GDwarf: Yes!
🔗 19:56
Darth_Gatsby: Jesus.
🔗 19:56
DarkMorford: Yellow card!
🔗 19:56
Darth_Gatsby: Jesus take the keyobard.
🔗 19:56
RealGamerCow: am I watching Ricky Gervais? Is this Monkey News?
🔗 19:56
jadedcynic: @Arclight_dynamo heh, even better than a mere shaggy dog is a good Feghoot
🔗 19:56
Unknowngamer88: wait, why did have to be a monkey?
🔗 19:57
GDwarf: Cori: That's a feghoot AKA shaggy-dog joke
🔗 19:57
Th3Difference: Goood. Goood. Let the Pun flow through you.
🔗 19:57
RealGamerCow: No, that's definitely a pun.
🔗 19:57
Bv310: That's a really awful pun
🔗 19:57
Bv310: but still a pun
🔗 19:57
TAOTheCrab: probably to throw you off the joke for long enough
🔗 19:57
jadedcynic: @GDwarf not quite - a Feghoot is a SPECIFIC TYPE of Shaggy Dog
🔗 19:57
Arclight_Dynamo: Cori, have you ever read the Callahan's Crosstime Saloon series of stories by Spider Robinson? If you like puns, you'd do well to take a look. :P
🔗 19:57
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 19:57
LRRbot: lrrAWW 17 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:57
Arclight_Dynamo: jadedcynic: I am not aware of what a Feghoot is...
🔗 19:58
Spacecarl: !tilt
🔗 19:58
LRRbot: lrrEFF 1 tilt for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 19:58
GDwarf: jadedcynic: Well, a Shaggy Dog is just a story with a weak payoff. A Feghoot is a shaggy dog that ends on a pun
🔗 19:58
jadedcynic: A Feghoot is a shaggy dog story that ends with a pun of a common adage, idiom or expression
🔗 19:58
BusTed: Vamp Cori, vamp!
🔗 19:58
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Cori, a friend of mine actually won a pun competition...she managed to pun all the US Presidents in order in two minutes.
🔗 19:58
Taveena: I always forget this channel exists until ot
🔗 19:58
Taveena: it's really late.
🔗 19:58
Th3Difference: !PartyFoul
🔗 19:58
Taveena: And then I always watch this.
🔗 19:58
LadyRhian: Ian's Rage spilled over
🔗 19:58
Lancer873: Oh lord. My favorite one actually has a *really* long setup.
🔗 19:58
chibi_bento: streeeeeetch for time!
🔗 19:58
Lightspeeddash: Fowl Play
🔗 19:58
goatprince2: Flourance and the Bread Machine
🔗 19:58
jadedcynic: I love all of Isaac Asimov's collection of Feghoots :)
🔗 19:58
Lord_Hosk: I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.
🔗 19:58
Velvetfalcon: You've prepared yourself for this punishment?
🔗 19:58
Arclight_Dynamo: jadedcynic: Oh! That's actually what I meant - I'd only ever heard them called shaggy dog stories, though. I'm super happy to have a term for them!
🔗 19:58
LadyRhian: Icorrigable punslinger. Do not Incorrige
🔗 19:58
Damullet14: Did you hear about the accident at sea? A tanker full of red paint collided with a tanker full of blue paint. The survivors were marooned.
🔗 19:58
cheetoJack: So I just got the email saying Cameron's Handhelds went live
🔗 19:58
Ankarnus: I loved having sex at summer camp. It was in tents.
🔗 19:58
TyrantTaco: Anything that's not an Elephant is Irrelephant
🔗 19:59
SchalaKitty: My mailman said he was going to Spain so I asked if he was going to Parcelona. :D See, the thing about mailmain jokes is the delivery.
🔗 19:59
Taveena: I misread 'irrelephant' as 'LRRelephant'
🔗 19:59
Under_5core: We have all day? That's like a lot of hours.
🔗 19:59
squaredotcube: What do you call an hateful gardener? A contender. Kappa
🔗 19:59
Pariahwulfen: so a seal walks into a club...
🔗 19:59
Taveena: I want a LRRelephant now
🔗 19:59
Lord_Hosk: Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.
🔗 19:59
DarkMorford: "I found Prince!" "No! /Finger/prints!" *beat* "I don't think so."
🔗 19:59
jadedcynic: yeah, arclight - a shaggy dog is just a long story with a 'wtf' ending; but a Feghoot...
🔗 19:59
Lancer873: Ankarnus: the proper payoff is that it was *** in tents, but, y'nknow, children.
🔗 19:59
chibi_bento: eats, shoots, and leaves. Hands down best pun EVER.
🔗 19:59
LadyRhian: Did you know they have bigger swallows? They're called gulps.
🔗 19:59
Lancer873: I mean, Eats Shoots and Leaves is the classic.
🔗 19:59
Unknowngamer88: Darkmorford that was an incredible thing to get away with back then
🔗 19:59
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: welp
🔗 19:59
Okipokute: oh god this level
🔗 20:00
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 20:00
LRRbot: lrrAWW 18 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:00
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: apparently those puns were so bad they knocked me off the internet
🔗 20:00
Lancer873: What is this hellscape...
🔗 20:00
GDwarf: Best level design ever!
🔗 20:00
Th3Difference: Thesebats ain't nothin to lrrEFF with.
🔗 20:00
ImmoralEthicist: wu tang clan ain't nothing to *** with
🔗 20:00
Lord_Hosk: Ian is playing reverse super break out
🔗 20:00
chibi_bento: why is WuTang attacking you -- ahahaha!
🔗 20:00
Taveena: Why is the lightning going sideways
🔗 20:00
Bratmon: This is some quality electronic entertainment right here.
🔗 20:00
Okipokute: it's magic lightning
🔗 20:00
chibi_bento: lightning does what it wants!
🔗 20:00
Spacecarl: OH, and remember the money room
🔗 20:00
Laserbeaks_Fury: I tried to build a Fungus themed Magic deck, but I just couldn't mold it into shape
🔗 20:00
Fullmetalraiser: I tried to haggle a telescoping lens for my camera. It didnt work; they saw me coming a mile away
🔗 20:00
Spacecarl: You have reloaded a bunch since you hit the money room
🔗 20:00
Taveena: That was a very abrupt sunrise
🔗 20:01
Lord_Hosk: Have you ever tried to eat a clock? It's very time consuming.
🔗 20:01
Okipokute: hooooooooooooooooooosk
🔗 20:01
Th3Difference: Ian was just honoring his homies. No big.
🔗 20:01
Sacrificialtoast: Ian, have you ever played Deadly Towers?
🔗 20:01
Naxochils: Hosk. Hosk pls,
🔗 20:01
jonnykefka: I finally remembered the Roger Angell pun I was thinking of. Airplane crash-lands next to a monastery, and as it does, a robed man runs out of the monastery and is struck by the wing. The pilot comes on and says, "Well folks, out of the flying plan and into the friar"
🔗 20:01
chibi_bento: Hosk has his Dad pants on, and the Dad jokes just keep on coming!
🔗 20:01
Bratmon: Why are you playing this game?!?!?
🔗 20:02
Spacecarl: !game AUUUGGHH
🔗 20:02
chibi_bento: ahhhhh
🔗 20:02
LadyRhian: One good tern deserve another.
🔗 20:02
Bv310: Ian and Cori, you scare me
🔗 20:02
Bratmon: Go for the joke encyclopedia!
🔗 20:02
TyrantTaco: Read from the book!
🔗 20:02
Taveena: this room hates you
🔗 20:02
Unknowngamer88: this game is miserable
🔗 20:02
SchalaKitty: Joke Encyclopedia makes its triumphant return!
🔗 20:02
Bratmon: We have some bad memories involving that encyclopedia.
🔗 20:02
LadyRhian: Jokelopedia?
🔗 20:02
Lightspeeddash: !scream
🔗 20:02
LRRbot: lrrEFF 1 scream for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:03
Bratmon: !death
🔗 20:03
LRRbot: lrrAWW 19 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:03
BusTed: lrrEFF
🔗 20:03
GDwarf: ladyrhian: No, no: "Why'd you throw molasses on that bird?" "Well, its friend just flew into my molasses factory, and got covered in the stuff, and I figured that one goo'd tern deserved another"
🔗 20:03
Sacrificialtoast: find Bee puns
🔗 20:03
Spacecarl: I have to say, I haven't laughed this hard in a little while
🔗 20:03
PMAvers: Oh god, Graham has subjected us to this book before.
🔗 20:03
TAOTheCrab: oh no, the Quivering jokes D:
🔗 20:03
chibi_bento: GDwarf -- Pun foul! tweet
🔗 20:03
KitteyWolf: hey chat where can you find the sizes for the hoodie? it says 'same as the unisex shirts' but i'm not seeing that on the size list. and i want to see what those sizes are too before i email them about it
🔗 20:03
Unknowngamer88: that's a quote
🔗 20:03
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: is this Graham's joke book??
🔗 20:03
Bratmon: I think reading from the joke book will trigger a lot of PTSD in this chat...
🔗 20:03
Unknowngamer88: "I have become jokes now"
🔗 20:03
Bv310: The joke encyclopedia was the saving grace for the Quivering stream
🔗 20:03
Darth_Gatsby: IS that even a jhoke?
🔗 20:04
esperchld: I love it
🔗 20:04
TurnedUsernameThirty: here is a joke with a looooong setup http://www.customerssuck.com/board/showthread.php?t=53743
🔗 20:04
Texan_Reverend: All hail the return of Graham's joke encyclopedia!
🔗 20:04
Lancer873: Oh yeah... the Quivering... *shudder*
🔗 20:04
Pyrelight: ian, there was a breakable floor on the right side
🔗 20:04
Taveena: So does that make MORE or less sense given it didn't say Frankenstein's Monster?
🔗 20:04
mercano82: So the food took three damage?
🔗 20:04
DarkMorford: Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend, John Entwistle, and Keith Moon have all been arrested in connection with a recent jailbreak at the local animal shelter. According to the officer who made the arrest, it was undoubtedly clear that The Who let the dogs out.
🔗 20:04
Pyrelight: rather than dealing with fake floors
🔗 20:04
Darth_Gatsby: wut
🔗 20:04
BusTed: I think we need Bubble Lead.
🔗 20:04
Naxochils: Ian "That's.. No" Horner
🔗 20:04
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: that doesn't even make sense within the confines of the joke.
🔗 20:05
Bratmon: Graham read from this book during The Quivering. The book was about equal humor value of the game. The game was way more racist, though.
🔗 20:05
Lancer873: TurnedUsernameThirty: Still more of a shaggy dog, the ultimate payoff is a really simple pun really.
🔗 20:05
TehSpud: has the "pun contest" pun been done yet?
🔗 20:05
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
🔗 20:05
Darth_Gatsby: wwww
🔗 20:05
Darth_Gatsby: ttt
🔗 20:05
Taveena bakes teeth into fruitcake
🔗 20:05
Damullet14: I try not to tell puns to kleptomaniacs - they take everything literally
🔗 20:05
Lancer873: BEEEES
🔗 20:05
Bratmon: The joke is that you're putting your teeth in the cake ie eating it.
🔗 20:05
Zibanitu: *Facepalm*
🔗 20:05
GDwarf: bratmon: Actually, The Quivering was low on racism. Most other kinds of offense were there, though
🔗 20:05
DarkMorford: LoadingReadyRun: Roger Daltrey, Pete Townshend, John Entwistle, and Keith Moon have all been arrested in connection with a recent jailbreak at the local animal shelter. According to the officer who made the arrest, it was undoubtedly clear that The Who let the dogs out.
🔗 20:06
Taveena: i would watch that Ghost Rider
🔗 20:06
Bv310: DarkMorford, you are a bad person
🔗 20:06
chibi_bento: @kitteywolf -- I think you just click on the drop-down menu that says small. Although the t-shirt I found (spoopifer) went up to 4x, but the hoodie only goes up to 3x. So I think they just mean that the hoodies fit the same as the unisex t-shirts, for those that already have them.
🔗 20:06
TurnedUsernameThirty: best joke ever? "head and shoulders above myst"
🔗 20:06
Taveena: it's just Nic Cage at a theme park
🔗 20:06
BusTed: It looks like someone shaved Gizmo and cut off his ears.
🔗 20:06
KitteyWolf: chibi_bento, thats not really helpful though since they dont actually LIST the sizes >+<
🔗 20:06
Velvetfalcon: There was a tank crew of Ghost Riders once. It was rad.
🔗 20:06
LadyRhian: Woof!
🔗 20:06
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: what do you call 16.5 feet in the Twilight Zone
🔗 20:06
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: one rod serling
🔗 20:07
Bv310: Ian "spray and pray" Iansson
🔗 20:07
TehSpud: A man learns of a pun contest, being excited he submitted ten, hoping to win. Sadly, no pun in ten did.
🔗 20:07
LadyRhian: Da BWAHA Men,,,
🔗 20:07
jadedcynic: "Atheism is a non-prophet organization."
🔗 20:07
Sacrificialtoast: well what else would a feather do
🔗 20:07
RealGamerCow: lrrSCOOP n lrrSPOOP
🔗 20:07
TransplendantBobtail: "never trust Chinese horse whisperers"
🔗 20:07
featherweight_: yo
🔗 20:07
Bratmon: \quote
🔗 20:07
chibi_bento: hmmm -- sorry Kittey. Maybe need to include that in the email too?
🔗 20:07
Lordofjund: He can take the stairs.
🔗 20:07
Bv310: Wait, why do we need a feather to ride an elevator
🔗 20:07
chibi_bento: yo, featherweight.
🔗 20:08
KitteyWolf: chibi_bento, yeah i'm going to have to! geez.
🔗 20:08
Bratmon: Don't get the sharps and flats.
🔗 20:08
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Ian Horner, making various things rain
🔗 20:08
Sacrificialtoast: You ever play Deadly Towers, Ian?
🔗 20:08
GDwarf: I am confused by how catching physical embodiments of compressive sound waves grants you soap-money
🔗 20:08
Laserbeaks_Fury: If you miss another note, we'll all be flat
🔗 20:08
Sjlangenegger: What is the benefit to collecting the sharps and avoiding the flats in that minigame?
🔗 20:08
LadyRhian: Look sharp, or you'll Bflat
🔗 20:08
Spacecarl: And you have not visited the money room in this save
🔗 20:08
Bratmon: @Gdwarf That's literally my day job.
🔗 20:09
Bratmon: Sharps might be okay. I don't know.
🔗 20:09
squaredotcube: Save
🔗 20:09
DarkMorford: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, age 53, was found dead earlier today near Barcelona. During his regular practice routine, the reindeer apparently came in contact with a flock of seagulls and a 747. According to the autopsy, the reindeer in Spain was hit mainly by the plane.
🔗 20:09
🔗 20:09
GDwarf: Ian is Mr. B Natural? You looks significantly less androgynous than you were in the '60s!
🔗 20:09
Arclight_Dynamo: DarkMorford: I am aware of the source of that joke. :P
🔗 20:09
squaredotcube: Ian's on the ropes! Kappa
🔗 20:09
Spacecarl: You have a pause and you have a save option.
🔗 20:09
The_Passerby: Didn't this game get reviewed by the Angry Video Game Nerd?
🔗 20:09
Naxochils: There are no brakes on the Milton train
🔗 20:10
The_Passerby: Or someone like that?
🔗 20:10
jadedcynic: "If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?"
🔗 20:10
Fiercetigeriv: Isn't SHARP going out of business?
🔗 20:10
Bv310: I'm trying to work in the band classic of "I'm a fermata, hold me", but I'm not sure how
🔗 20:10
TAOTheCrab: two fish in a tank, one says to the other "do you know how to drive this thing?"
🔗 20:10
DarkMorford: Arclight_Dynamo, they wanted good elaborate puns. None better than Mochrie's. :P
🔗 20:10
GDwarf: This rope seems physically implausible
🔗 20:10
LadyRhian: Ball has its eye on you/
🔗 20:10
Arclight_Dynamo: DarkMorford: Not untrue. :P
🔗 20:11
Bratmon: This game can lrrEFF itself.
🔗 20:11
GDwarf: Colin Mochrie is the supreme ruler of feghoots
🔗 20:11
The_Passerby: What did the Umbrella do?
🔗 20:11
Bv310: It makes you shoot faster, obv
🔗 20:11
Damullet14: A nurse and a doctor are having an argument about the patient during a surgery. It finally comes to a head when the doctor says "I made this incision, so my word is final!" The nurse shrugs and says, "suture yourself."
🔗 20:11
GDwarf: the_passerby: Created several zombie viruses and nuked Racoon city
🔗 20:12
The_Passerby: @Gdwarf fair enough
🔗 20:12
DarkMorford: This just in: Beverly Hills 90210, Cleveland Browns 7.
🔗 20:12
The_Passerby: makes sense
🔗 20:12
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: I thought it was the government that nuked Raccoon City
🔗 20:12
Naxochils: Touch Glove Get Tiny
🔗 20:12
The_Passerby: Perhaps it is time to leave the infinite enemy spawn area?
🔗 20:12
GDwarf: I thought it was a nuke Umbrella had. I'm not sure, though.
🔗 20:12
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Umbrella WOULD have a nuke
🔗 20:12
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: it's entirely plausible
🔗 20:12
🔗 20:13
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: the Umbrella version of the nuclear football can only be opened using seven different emblems and a small ceramic statue of a frog.
🔗 20:13
El_Spectre: I keep waiting for a white shark/whale thing to appear
🔗 20:13
GDwarf: Woo! Witcher 3 pre-loaded. Now just have to wait a week to play it...
🔗 20:13
GDwarf: gcu_ofcourseistillloveyou: Headcanon accepted
🔗 20:13
Spacecarl: !game bad
🔗 20:13
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 56% (5/9)
🔗 20:13
squaredotcube: and then the blocks return
🔗 20:13
Arclight_Dynamo: Permission to post a lengthy feghoot/pun?
🔗 20:13
The_Passerby: Skrilla in the Skrillex
🔗 20:14
The_Passerby: Yes it is the most efficent,
🔗 20:14
Naxochils: I am unsure that Tuba guy is doing anything
🔗 20:14
BusTed: They sure like their eighth note dotted sixteenths.
🔗 20:14
The_Passerby: they become the notes between space and time
🔗 20:14
DoktorLoy: this is basically how improv jazz works
🔗 20:14
ImmoralEthicist: I'm still not sure why flats are bad (like, I get why they're mechanically bad, but in terms of the logic of the game)
🔗 20:14
Intrepid_Colin: Why is Ian going through puberty?.... agaun?
🔗 20:14
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, talosparoxi! (Today's storm count: 18)
🔗 20:14
talosparoxi just subscribed!
🔗 20:14
GDwarf: I note that their music is composed entirely of joined eighth and sixteenth notes
🔗 20:14
BusTed: lrrSPOT
🔗 20:14
Fiercetigeriv: The notes you don't catch fall into the void and no one can play those notes ever again.
🔗 20:14
Bv310: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 20:14
Spacecarl: although now you are down to 2 health
🔗 20:14
MrThirdParty: The hell is with those notes? Those aren't really that common!
🔗 20:15
Bv310: But they look fancy
🔗 20:15
MrThirdParty: At least...not on a trombone player's sheet.
🔗 20:15
Arclight_Dynamo: Common notes wouldn't be worth much money. Supply and demand, you dig? Kappa
🔗 20:15
MrThirdParty: They definitely look fancy.
🔗 20:16
The_Passerby: The key is flashing?
🔗 20:16
Lord_ZYRK: The key is always flashing
🔗 20:16
Bv310: Hey Drs LRR, Sub Hype
🔗 20:16
MrThirdParty: Wait. that's a eighth attached to a dotted sixteenth. so it's just two eighth notes?
🔗 20:17
TAOTheCrab: new advice: you must be near the bee :P
🔗 20:17
Spacecarl: !game miserable
🔗 20:17
GDwarf: mrthirdparty: Yep
🔗 20:17
Taveena: That Was Me Attempting To Use Your Human Sarcasm
🔗 20:17
MrThirdParty: lrrGOAT
🔗 20:17
Intrepid_Colin: !game bad
🔗 20:17
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 50% (5/10)
🔗 20:18
The_Passerby: Then Scar betrays you, and you die.
🔗 20:18
SchalaKitty: Hey Chat - I know we were discussing LRR Shirt sizes earlier so here is a far more detailed specs sheet for the men's shirt everyone - http://www.blankshirts.com/specs/1/DT104.pdf
🔗 20:18
MrThirdParty: Also...obscure music reference/
🔗 20:18
DoktorLoy: lrrAWESOME
🔗 20:18
BusTed: But what about that shadowy place?
🔗 20:18
MrThirdParty: ?
🔗 20:18
Bv310: !game bad
🔗 20:18
Intrepid_Colin: I pray that the shirts are long enough for my Groot body
🔗 20:18
Bv310: I'll push it below 50%
🔗 20:18
Unknowngamer88: !game bad
🔗 20:18
TAOTheCrab: !game bad
🔗 20:18
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 38% (5/13)
🔗 20:19
Sacrificialtoast: should have bought those jump shoes?
🔗 20:19
squaredotcube: !game bad
🔗 20:19
SchalaKitty: Sadly, I can't find a similar chart for the ladies' version. :/
🔗 20:19
BusTed: This level has a guest appearance by the long piece from Tetris.
🔗 20:19
MrThirdParty: I want this game by the way. It looks frustratingly awesome.
🔗 20:19
Zanzabar_: elevator?
🔗 20:19
Metox01: Get on the elevator and shoot to the right.
🔗 20:19
🔗 20:19
TAOTheCrab: need a feather to ride the elevator
🔗 20:19
Lord_ZYRK: !game good
🔗 20:19
Bratmon: !game bad
🔗 20:20
Bv310: Hrm, the 2XL doesn't look long enough for my stupid rhombus body, but the 3xl will be a tent on me. Decisions
🔗 20:20
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 38% (6/16)
🔗 20:20
Taveena: !game bad
🔗 20:20
Bv310: I'm with Bratmon here, this game is just bad. (and the music will haunt my nightmares
🔗 20:20
Metox01: well, I'm out of ideas
🔗 20:20
Bv310: )
🔗 20:20
Taveena: This is
🔗 20:20
Intrepid_Colin: Try being my height and finding shirts that fit well
🔗 20:20
adi_pie: !game bad
🔗 20:20
Taveena: making me cringe
🔗 20:20
Bv310: How tall are you?
🔗 20:20
adi_pie: !stream good
🔗 20:21
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 33% (6/18)
🔗 20:21
Intrepid_Colin: 6'7"
🔗 20:21
squaredotcube: Pause & Save
🔗 20:21
Bv310: *** I'm 3" shorter than you and I already have a hard time with it. That must suck
🔗 20:21
Intrepid_Colin: It does. I have to sacrifice virgins before I go shopping or order a shirt.
🔗 20:22
Bv310: I've considered shirt garters in the past. Heard good things about that
🔗 20:22
Intrepid_Colin: Shirt garters?
🔗 20:23
Unknowngamer88: !scream
🔗 20:23
LRRbot: lrrEFF 2 screams for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:23
Taveena: !game WAAAAGH
🔗 20:23
TurnedUsernameThirty: So Cory and Ian I was playing with a photo merging website did you want me to try merging you two?
🔗 20:23
Bv310: These are just pure rage screams at this point
🔗 20:23
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 20:23
LRRbot: lrrAWW 20 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:23
BusTed: Hey, that's the bird door from SMB2.
🔗 20:23
TAOTheCrab: run past it, it drops a sweet axe Kappa
🔗 20:23
Sacrificialtoast: They've gotten some mileage out of this boss
🔗 20:24
Intrepid_Colin: Shirt Garters sound like something a Victorian prostitute would wear.
🔗 20:24
Trippzen: !advice
🔗 20:24
LRRbot: Don't drown.
🔗 20:24
Omega_Lairon: !death add 2
🔗 20:24
LRRbot: 22 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:24
Anaerin: Mario becomes bullet hell.
🔗 20:24
Bv310: Basically just tiedowns for shirttails
🔗 20:25
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 20:25
LRRbot: lrrAWW 23 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:25
Trippzen: !advice
🔗 20:25
LRRbot: Turn around.
🔗 20:25
Sacrificialtoast: rushdown strats not working out
🔗 20:25
Omega_Lairon: !death add
🔗 20:25
LRRbot: 24 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:25
Anaerin: Your bubbles, they do nothing!
🔗 20:25
Intrepid_Colin: Hmm not bad in concept but I feel they woudln't work outwell
🔗 20:25
Trippzen: No LRRbot! They need to dodge the thingers.
🔗 20:25
Omega_Lairon: !death add
🔗 20:25
LRRbot: 25 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:26
ImmoralEthicist: I think the wheels are starting to come off
🔗 20:26
Trippzen: And then photomerge them with the chat.
🔗 20:26
Spacecarl: It also doesnt help that the boss takes away 3 per hit
🔗 20:26
Omega_Lairon: !death add
🔗 20:26
LRRbot: 26 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:26
Omega_Lairon: !death add
🔗 20:26
LRRbot: 27 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:26
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 20:26
LRRbot: lrrAWW 28 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:26
Omega_Lairon: !death remove
🔗 20:26
LRRbot: 27 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:26
Himyul: Can you get behind it?
🔗 20:26
TAOTheCrab: photomerge them with this boss for maximum Twin Peaks :P
🔗 20:26
Metonymic_Human: Anyone else having Toki Doki flashbacks?
🔗 20:26
plummeting_sloth: ah, see... you keep missing the Visceral attack
🔗 20:26
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 20:26
LRRbot: lrrAWW 28 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:27
KitteyWolf: email sent. lets hope something comes of it. worse case i just cant wear llr stuff lol
🔗 20:27
Bv310: This is just like watching Cam fight the Executioner in Bloodborne, but with less loading screens
🔗 20:27
Anaerin: See those sparky pallete-swapped fireballs? You need to avoid those.
🔗 20:27
BusTed: Good job.
🔗 20:27
Unknowngamer88: wha?
🔗 20:27
Trippzen: uuuhhhhh
🔗 20:27
Himyul: derp derp?
🔗 20:27
Trippzen: lrrGOAT somewhere! We don't know where?
🔗 20:27
Anaerin: Co..mmer...cial... break?
🔗 20:27
Spacecarl: count that as a tilt do you think?
🔗 20:27
plummeting_sloth: did you just win by peacing out through a wall
🔗 20:27
Unknowngamer88: soooooo....goat sim time?
🔗 20:27
TurnedUsernameThirty: just remember chat for whatever this produces I asked permission this time
🔗 20:28
TurnedUsernameThirty: I'm using screenshots from the current broadcast this is going to be interesting with the headsets
🔗 20:29
LoadingReadyRun: We'll take off our headsets if it'll help
🔗 20:29
Anaerin: loadingreadyrun: I think "Help" is too strong a verb to use here.
🔗 20:30
Lord_Hosk: @Lady_hosk just went to the store, her mission is to get milk and something to make me feel better. You guys should all tweet at her suggestions.
🔗 20:30
Anaerin: lord_hosk: A 40 of vodka and an AR-15?
🔗 20:30
Icelight: Afghanistan's finest uncut heroin?
🔗 20:31
Darth_Gatsby: Gummy bears?
🔗 20:31
Omega_Lairon: Lord_Hosk - Flinstones Chewable Morphine (I'm #NotOnTwitter)
🔗 20:31
Nightvalien28: ice cream
🔗 20:31
Bv310: A gas station burrito and a bag of gummy worms?
🔗 20:31
Intrepid_Colin: Why do I keep getting adds to get out of DUI and the 5th Ammendment.
🔗 20:31
Spacecarl: Hey Hosk, best wishes if you are feeling unwell!
🔗 20:31
LadyRhian: ian swigs an adult beverage
🔗 20:31
DentedPockets: Fuuuuuu-siiioooooon
🔗 20:31
plummeting_sloth: Ian "Only does one take" Horner
🔗 20:31
TurnedUsernameThirty: Ian and Corywell this one turned out really well http://i.imgur.com/FxGIvEi.jpg
🔗 20:32
Darth_Gatsby: well
🔗 20:32
Anaerin: turnedusernamethirty: Again, I think "Well" is too strong an adjective to use here.
🔗 20:32
Bv310: @Turnedusernamethirty It looks kind of like Serge
🔗 20:32
TurnedUsernameThirty: oh I didn't realize you were gonna pose, I'll get it on the replay in a minute
🔗 20:32
Spacecarl: I don't think you got the money room on this save
🔗 20:32
Intrepid_Colin: Oh god.... the future
🔗 20:32
Unknowngamer88: "well" in that it actually looks human
🔗 20:33
CaptainSpam: This is sort of reminding me of Bubble Bobble in a way...
🔗 20:33
Omega_Lairon: !death add 2
🔗 20:33
LRRbot: 30 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:33
Lord_Hosk: Alex, when are you going to be doing another drawsteam?
🔗 20:33
plummeting_sloth: what, with the bubbles and such?
🔗 20:33
DarkMorford: Hey Alex
🔗 20:34
Anaerin: captainspam: Bubble Bobble meets Mario 2 (Or Doki Doki Panic!)
🔗 20:34
ImmoralEthicist: Alex, what are you still doing 'round t'Moonbase?
🔗 20:34
Intrepid_Colin: Is their one of Ian and Alex, or Alex and Graham?
🔗 20:34
Spacecarl: Hai Alex
🔗 20:34
Trippzen: I like to hotkey quicksave hot L2 and quickload to R2.
🔗 20:34
Trippzen: quicksave to L2*
🔗 20:34
plummeting_sloth: That is a sensible thing to say alex and don't you deny it
🔗 20:34
Sektor88: Hi Alex!
🔗 20:34
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Intrepid_colin Alex was a little bothered by them, so I don't know if I wanna link them
🔗 20:35
CaptainSpam: Look, it's very obvious. You need a feather to ride the elevator. Duh.
🔗 20:35
DentedPockets: I had nostalgia for Milon's Secret Castle. Just not happy nostalgia >.>
🔗 20:35
Intrepid_Colin: @Turnedusernamethirty Fair enough. I can respect Alex's wishes.
🔗 20:35
Trippzen: To be fair, some of the anguish was on Ian for not quicksaving.
🔗 20:35
plummeting_sloth: Imagine how songs entered the dust bin of history just to make a hour on a classic rock radio station
🔗 20:36
Edroach: I had this game as a kid. i got absolutely nowhere in it
🔗 20:36
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Intrepid_colin at least not while he's here
🔗 20:36
MrThirdParty: A friend of mine owns this game, I might actually ask him to send it to me so that I could play it.
🔗 20:36
plummeting_sloth: those are bats? They looks like flying asses
🔗 20:36
TurnedUsernameThirty: too be fair I don't know if he was actually bothered or playing it up
🔗 20:36
Intrepid_Colin: Yeah I don't want him feeling uncomfortable
🔗 20:36
Bv310: Don't die to Wu Tang, man
🔗 20:36
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 20:36
LRRbot: lrrAWW 31 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:36
squaredotcube: !advice
🔗 20:36
LRRbot: Balloon makes the bubble bigger.
🔗 20:36
Unknowngamer88: dat ALex frump tho
🔗 20:37
Chaucer345: This is a watch and play isn't it.
🔗 20:37
Edroach: im suposed to be studying for my Perl test tomorrow, but I just got a 95% on my practice testr
🔗 20:38
steelenet: cat headed bat dragon
🔗 20:38
BusTed: lrrFRUMP
🔗 20:38
Angnor33: It's a DragonRoo!
🔗 20:38
🔗 20:38
Trippzen: ok then
🔗 20:38
TurnedUsernameThirty: @Loadingreadyrun thanks for posing, here's two I did real quick http://i.imgur.com/cbqUhkA.jpg http://i.imgur.com/FxGIvEi.jpg
🔗 20:38
Lord_ZYRK: Cori "cat-headed bat-thing" Dickinson
🔗 20:38
MrThirdParty: Which test? is PERL?
🔗 20:38
plummeting_sloth: I feel like solving this game without a guide is actually an application to the NSA
🔗 20:39
Spacecarl: Oh man Alexs face
🔗 20:39
Phailhammer: I think Alex is having an existential crisis right now.
🔗 20:39
Bv310: Please please please don't make this a 2-stream game
🔗 20:39
Intrepid_Colin: Oh god... the mutant children of the future
🔗 20:39
TAOTheCrab: someone made this game
🔗 20:39
steelenet: You could play something easy instead of this game, like Demon's Souls.
🔗 20:39
BusTed: The longest walk of our lives? I've heard some of chat's jokes, so sure. Kappa
🔗 20:39
steelenet: Kappa
🔗 20:39
The_Passerby: Question!
🔗 20:39
Chaucer345: See, this is what gives me hope in my career.
🔗 20:40
The_Passerby: ARe you just home invading this castle for a specific purpose?
🔗 20:40
Chaucer345: I can become a better game dev than these people.
🔗 20:40
SchalaKitty: Alex isn't even playing this game and he is so done with it
🔗 20:40
Himyul: that's a quote now, isn't it?
🔗 20:40
plummeting_sloth: Is it forgetting to get up, or no longer having the desire
🔗 20:40
The_Passerby: -i
🔗 20:41
Lightspeeddash: everything changed when the lightning nation came
🔗 20:41
plummeting_sloth: Oh the places you'll be frustrated in your attempts to go
🔗 20:41
Taveena: no ian. you are the demons.
🔗 20:41
steelenet: lol
🔗 20:42
TAOTheCrab: that lightning took your health at the door
🔗 20:42
Chaucer345: Video games!
🔗 20:42
Himyul: wow, this game looks like toilets. I'm glad I never played this one as a child
🔗 20:42
The_Passerby: Vidya Ganes
🔗 20:42
Angnor33: We need a Video James to figure it out.
🔗 20:42
plummeting_sloth: maybe we can hurt this game enough for it to be kind to us
🔗 20:42
Chaucer345: I miss crystal caves.
🔗 20:42
Edroach: you kids will never have the concept of getting a game like THIS before the internet existed.
🔗 20:42
Chaucer345: Duke nukem...
🔗 20:42
Edroach shakes cane
🔗 20:42
Himyul: I miss metal wolf chaos
🔗 20:42
steelenet: wtf
🔗 20:42
steelenet: this game
🔗 20:42
J01000111: !game good
🔗 20:42
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 37% (7/19)
🔗 20:42
TurnedUsernameThirty: So here's a Question, Alex having played a game that is head and shoulders above it would be up to streaming Myst?
🔗 20:43
ctabbe subscribed for 4 months in a row!
🔗 20:43
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ctabbe! (Today's storm count: 19)
🔗 20:43
esperchld: !game good
🔗 20:43
TacitusVigil: Wait, Alex plays Dark Souls...you can't make joke about infinitely spawning enemies. Kappa
🔗 20:43
Himyul: This seems like a gamer's fever dream of suffering
🔗 20:43
steelenet: the game keeps teasing you with health powerups
🔗 20:43
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 40% (8/20)
🔗 20:44
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 20:44
LRRbot: lrrAWW 32 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:44
steelenet: lol
🔗 20:44
Sektor88: looool
🔗 20:44
Unknowngamer88: woooooooow
🔗 20:44
Darth_Gatsby: h
🔗 20:44
Darth_Gatsby: ja
🔗 20:44
plummeting_sloth: I feel like this is room 999 from Spooky's house of jump scares
🔗 20:44
esperchld: This is the weirdest dark souls mod
🔗 20:44
MousseFilledCat: So, this game is about my age
🔗 20:44
The_Passerby: Should we pay for them to play in that voice mode for the rest of the stream?
🔗 20:44
TacitusVigil: I'm glad Ian knows the continue code.
🔗 20:44
TurnedUsernameThirty: for the hell of it here is Ian and a T-Rex
🔗 20:44
TurnedUsernameThirty: http://i.imgur.com/gnamdtF.jpg
🔗 20:44
Sektor88: hit it like ya mean it
🔗 20:45
Taveena: okay now stop dots
🔗 20:45
Darth_Gatsby: Thati s horrifying
🔗 20:45
Lord_ZYRK: TurnedUsernameThirty, magical
🔗 20:45
J01000111: mute the mic with that effect, it's terrific
🔗 20:45
plummeting_sloth: that is body shaming game
🔗 20:45
CaptainSpam: No, no, your weight is too tight to use the elevators.
🔗 20:46
The_Passerby: Triple piloted stream is good.
🔗 20:46
CaptainSpam: Obviously, you must loose your weight.
🔗 20:46
The_Passerby: So what was that Stalkeresque Blowout effect that was going on earlier?
🔗 20:46
Omega_Lairon: We've lost her
🔗 20:46
The_Passerby: Cory is gone.
🔗 20:46
Lord_ZYRK: This kills the Cori
🔗 20:47
Intrepid_Colin: Oh god
🔗 20:47
adi_pie: I'm so glad this game came with quicksaves, what kind of monster would make it without them?
🔗 20:47
adi_pie: Kappa
🔗 20:47
Taveena: Fear is the tiny death that brings Skyrim
🔗 20:47
Chaucer345: The light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train.
🔗 20:47
MysticTH: by the way. since we're blasting things with bubbles. time to go on a nostalgia trip. :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzD07OqOWs4&index=3&list=PL80FD403C32572570
🔗 20:47
cheetoJack: #notalldoors
🔗 20:47
adi_pie: #notalldoors
🔗 20:47
Unknowngamer88: #NotAllDoors
🔗 20:47
Taveena: #YesAllDoors
🔗 20:47
Chaucer345: What do the umbrellas look like.
🔗 20:47
squaredotcube: It's a first-door shooter
🔗 20:47
Sacrificialtoast: Milon's Secret Castle is basically like Metroid
🔗 20:48
CaptainSpam: This is the sort of game you'd expect someone to make as a troll game.
🔗 20:48
Angnor33: I must not Fear.
🔗 20:48
plummeting_sloth: I feel like this game was a prank the dev's played on the testers that the company shipped because of some miscommunication
🔗 20:48
Angnor33: Fear is the Mind-Killer.
🔗 20:48
Bv310: Alex is just sharpening a toothbrush in the back
🔗 20:48
TacitusVigil: Miloncraft.
🔗 20:49
Taveena: you can throw more dots
🔗 20:49
TAOTheCrab: deer is definitely the mind killer
🔗 20:49
Spacecarl: not going for the door?
🔗 20:49
The_Passerby: You live there now.
🔗 20:49
MrThirdParty: I wonder how many whate-w=quits this game would take before one would be able to complete it.
🔗 20:49
DarkMorford: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 20:50
plummeting_sloth: without the stream playing, I really would have assumed you were plotting and speaking in code
🔗 20:50
MrThirdParty: hate-quits*
🔗 20:50
Under_5core: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrCOW
🔗 20:50
adi_pie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 20:50
The_Passerby: Burst Fire Bubbles
🔗 20:50
Okipokute: maybe save
🔗 20:50
The_Passerby: Is this a disposable lighter?
🔗 20:50
Sacrificialtoast: You should play Deadly Towers next
🔗 20:51
Okipokute: nah i had fun playing this when i was a kid
🔗 20:51
Bv310: Poor Alex
🔗 20:51
The_Passerby: Can you shoot up?
🔗 20:51
MrThirdParty: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 20:51
Spacecarl: save since the honeycomb?
🔗 20:51
MrThirdParty: llrrFRUMP
🔗 20:51
The_Passerby: Power?
🔗 20:51
Sektor88: FFFFFFF
🔗 20:51
MrThirdParty: LRRfrump
🔗 20:51
Angnor33: So close.
🔗 20:51
Trippzen: Try jumping.
🔗 20:51
adi_pie: lrrEFF lrrEFF lrrEFF
🔗 20:51
SchalaKitty: lrrFRUMP
🔗 20:51
Omega_Lairon: !highlight You cannot get ye sword
🔗 20:51
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 20:51
Under_5core: lrrEFF lrrFRUMP lrrAWW
🔗 20:51
MrThirdParty: damn irt all
🔗 20:51
Anaerin: lrrEFF
🔗 20:51
TacitusVigil: I'm shocked there wasn't a Milon easter egg in Wreck-It Ralph. Kappa
🔗 20:51
Lancer873: "This is actually quite good" Sure Ian. Sure.
🔗 20:51
Angnor33: Microtransactions!
🔗 20:51
Havok4: lrrEFF
🔗 20:51
The_Voices: i think they need something stronger
🔗 20:51
Spacecarl: Remember that question I asked?
🔗 20:51
ShadowChorus: lrrEFF lrrEFF lrrEFF
🔗 20:51
Bv310: Ian just slugging back the beers
🔗 20:51
Anaerin: Anybody got a toonie?
🔗 20:51
ImmoralEthicist: Has Ian done the treasure room yet?
🔗 20:51
Angnor33: WE need microtransactions NOW!
🔗 20:51
Trippzen: !advice
🔗 20:51
LRRbot: Perhaps we should try to avoid those tentacles.
🔗 20:52
Esuke_Ren: OMG
🔗 20:52
Esuke_Ren: I have this game!!!!
🔗 20:52
Lord_ZYRK: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) One day it will be mine.
🔗 20:52
Spacecarl: I dont think you got the money room in this save?
🔗 20:52
Zibanitu: Vidja Garmes!!
🔗 20:52
Sylenctone: oh the pain
🔗 20:52
The_Passerby: Lo and look upon your doom and weap
🔗 20:52
Esuke_Ren: This game is so hard
🔗 20:52
Rwpointer: I think they should take it easy on the brownies
🔗 20:52
plummeting_sloth: and thus the hero was foiled in his quest because he didn't have the equivalent of a large cheap cup of coffee
🔗 20:52
squaredotcube: That's what you get for buying all that health instead of farming
🔗 20:52
Taveena: bad games done quick.
🔗 20:52
ImmoralEthicist: @LoadingReadyRun, On this run, you haven't done the treasure room, which is at the top-left
🔗 20:52
MrThirdParty: This game also has a very impressive frame-rate for its time.
🔗 20:53
ShadowChorus: Dear Dr. Alex: Was the "Hero" from the Bad News sketch, which was reuploaded yesterday, actually just you in a spiky wig?
🔗 20:53
esperchld: Awesome Games Done Quick had a segment called Awful Games Done Quick
🔗 20:53
Unknowngamer88: AGDQ does have an awful games segment, usually overnight midway through
🔗 20:53
Anaerin: Yes, AGDQ and SGDQ have "Awful Games Done Quick" too. Which, incidentally, is where Metal Wolf Chaos was speedrun.
🔗 20:53
Taveena: Oh.
🔗 20:53
Taveena: Isee.
🔗 20:53
Rwpointer: Bad mario bros
🔗 20:53
SketchyDetails: Why are you on purple room. Didn't you take the Master Key?
🔗 20:53
Bv310: Whaaaaa? Metal Wolf Chaos was great
🔗 20:53
Sacrificialtoast: You sure you didn't load a save after getting the treasure?
🔗 20:53
MrThirdParty: There's often a LOT going on onscreen at various given times
🔗 20:53
Lex_Peacekeeper: i remember playing this game years ago, i should still have it somewhere...it was....intresting........
🔗 20:53
Spacecarl: I dont think you saved after the treasure room though
🔗 20:53
ImmoralEthicist: I thought you reloaded since the treasure room?
🔗 20:53
Lightspeeddash: you keep the money even after death?
🔗 20:53
MrThirdParty: !gamegood
🔗 20:53
Himyul: I cannot bare to watch this anymore. Goodnight everyone. Best of luck to the survivors
🔗 20:54
Angnor33: !chat
🔗 20:54
MrThirdParty: !game good
🔗 20:54
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 43% (9/21)
🔗 20:54
The_Passerby: They are the whispers between, the shadows that betray.
🔗 20:54
plummeting_sloth: That change is REAL
🔗 20:54
Sektor88: Yes Ian, yeeeeessss
🔗 20:54
Trippzen: Save
🔗 20:54
esperchld: Don't listen to her Ian, she's lying. There is a Master Key on the first floor
🔗 20:54
Trippzen: !save
🔗 20:54
Zibanitu: Get them dollars, yo!
🔗 20:54
Bv310: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 20:54
Angnor33: Sword is for stabbing.
🔗 20:54
Nedla_: wtf is this game
🔗 20:54
TheMoatman: "speedrun". They did it with all cutscenes
🔗 20:54
Intrepid_Colin: We go back to the rope room and make a noose
🔗 20:54
Okipokute: sword actually only useful for sudoku
🔗 20:55
Rwpointer: Oh this music is sweet
🔗 20:55
TacitusVigil: Nedla_: It's an infamous NES "What the heck do I even do" game.
🔗 20:55
plummeting_sloth: because having a sword would be too much, much better to have your sword make your bubbles pretier
🔗 20:55
The_Passerby: Co Pilot Alex
🔗 20:55
Taveena: Awful Games Done Slowly
🔗 20:55
CaptainSpam: I think what's best is to shut the game off, burn it, and salt the earth where its ashes lay.
🔗 20:55
dman3003 subscribed for 4 months in a row!
🔗 20:55
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, dman3003! (Today's storm count: 20)
🔗 20:55
Spacecarl: So Chat. We all think they didnt save after the treasure room, right?
🔗 20:55
The_Passerby: Alex has replaced Cory?!
🔗 20:55
Zibanitu: CorAlex?
🔗 20:55
Nedla_: What does this game's name happen to be
🔗 20:55
DarkMorford: Hi new Cori!
🔗 20:55
SchalaKitty: Alex, what have we said about blowing out the mic?
🔗 20:55
Sektor88: Wow, Alex maxed the mic again
🔗 20:55
SketchyDetails: dat condenser doh. Saving headphone users
🔗 20:55
The_Passerby: Narrate your noir detective thoughts Alex!
🔗 20:55
Sektor88: godvoice exists
🔗 20:55
MillerDark: Hi Beej and Jer!
🔗 20:55
Lightspeeddash: Sub HYPE PogChamp PogChamp
🔗 20:55
KitteyWolf: alex dont break the mic by going so loud
🔗 20:56
The_Passerby: Goodly
🔗 20:56
Bv310: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 20:56
MrThirdParty: They're alright, but you're origin voice is suppose to be filtered out I think.
🔗 20:56
Lord_ZYRK: Can you get more snare in the headphones? Kappa
🔗 20:56
J01000111: mute the mic with that effect, it's terrific
🔗 20:56
Trippzen: !save save save
🔗 20:56
The_Passerby: Oh my, so EPIC
🔗 20:56
Angnor33: Save!
🔗 20:56
Nedla_: What is this game called?
🔗 20:56
adi_pie: !quote 190
🔗 20:56
LRRbot: Quote #190: "Hah! Idiot…" —Alex
🔗 20:56
The_Passerby: You have the power!
🔗 20:56
DarkMorford: We in a cave now
🔗 20:57
The_Passerby: Milon's Secret Castle
🔗 20:57
TAOTheCrab: by the power of... skulls...
🔗 20:57
LadyRhian: All the pretty colors!
🔗 20:57
Erictheorange: @Alex can you do me a favor and do ONLY the phasor effect
🔗 20:57
MrThirdParty: You are the soul crying for hel.
🔗 20:57
MousseFilledCat: SAve?
🔗 20:57
MrThirdParty: help.
🔗 20:57
The_Passerby: The legally distinct and different skulls from the skull colored gray
🔗 20:57
Omega_Lairon: Ptero-cat-dyl?
🔗 20:57
Nedla_: Thank you The_ Passerby
🔗 20:57
J01000111: Works with the helium effect too!
🔗 20:57
Bv310: Cat demon! Cat demon!
🔗 20:57
MrThirdParty: use your power to lure adventurre's wisely
🔗 20:57
Bv310: !uptime
🔗 20:57
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:39:44
🔗 20:57
Esuke_Ren: Metroid level?
🔗 20:58
plummeting_sloth: you say these things like we understand them Ian
🔗 20:58
GDwarf: Such game design
🔗 20:58
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 20:58
LRRbot: lrrAWW 33 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:58
Rwpointer: hes gonna die
🔗 20:58
Trippzen: welp
🔗 20:58
The_Passerby: crash Alex.exe?
🔗 20:58
Unknowngamer88: not an i frame in sight
🔗 20:58
plummeting_sloth: Milon, Waste of Skin edition
🔗 20:59
Erictheorange: The graphics look better than I remember
🔗 20:59
Anaerin: NES Souls.
🔗 20:59
Trippzen: Where we're going, we don't need health!
🔗 20:59
Dman3003: i-frames, who needs 'em?
🔗 20:59
Trippzen: i-frames are for casuals.
🔗 20:59
GDwarf: Alex: Are you aware that this game has *no* mercy invincibility? :D :D
🔗 20:59
Angnor33: lrrSCOOP
🔗 20:59
J01000111: Loadingreadyrun: try muting the mic with the helium effect
🔗 20:59
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 20:59
LRRbot: lrrAWW 34 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 20:59
plummeting_sloth: RIDE THE SNAKE
🔗 20:59
Nedla_: ded
🔗 20:59
TacitusVigil: Bro-Dudes sounds like an awesome game.
🔗 20:59
Bv310: !ing
🔗 21:00
The_Passerby: Perhaps you should just drop past the the lightening squares instead of trying to dodge everything?
🔗 21:00
CaptainSpam: They've got the president. You've got.... BRO-DUDES.
🔗 21:00
Anaerin: tacitusvigil: Isn't that BROFORCE?
🔗 21:00
GDwarf: "Do you push it in and turn it?" What, Alex, don't they have sex-ed in BC? Kappa
🔗 21:00
TacitusVigil: Anaerin: No, Bro-Dudes has more Alex.
🔗 21:00
Omega_Lairon: Eh... we'd need to recount from the start of the whole stream : \
🔗 21:00
adi_pie: Ian, at this point we're just letting Anubis169 take care of the deaths when he watches the replay.
🔗 21:00
Spacecarl: Well we have only counted actual deaths so far so going back and counting would suck
🔗 21:01
Zibanitu: Milton needs to be in Broforce now...
🔗 21:01
MrJWhit: Wat.
🔗 21:01
Sektor88: D:
🔗 21:01
FireTigerGinger: nice
🔗 21:01
Anaerin: And there goes the clipping filter...
🔗 21:01
Nuurgle: Ian has perfected the mutescream
🔗 21:01
Chaucer345: "every death that I make is more than I can take!"
🔗 21:01
Dman3003: Is it me or does the mic peak out more often nowadays?
🔗 21:01
Sacrificialtoast: Alex, you should give Deadly Towers a try.
🔗 21:01
Escherichia3: Thank you based compressor
🔗 21:01
Angnor33: lrrEFF
🔗 21:01
DarkMorford: Dat limiter.
🔗 21:01
Bv310: Maxed out mics all over the place
🔗 21:01
Okipokute: why would you go left instead of right
🔗 21:01
Nedla_: whewph. i have headphones and i am happy
🔗 21:01
J01000111: Alex is the master of auto-mute screams
🔗 21:01
MrJWhit: Why can't he go to the left/right on the lightning part?
🔗 21:01
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 21:01
LRRbot: lrrAWW 35 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 21:01
Frozendukie: in the lightning room can you just go down the sides?
🔗 21:02
Solomon_Kain: just take the damage and drop through the electricity?
🔗 21:02
Omega_Lairon: He said the thing! That thing like he said at the place!
🔗 21:02
GDwarf: Ian: It looks like you can stand on the horizontal electricity without damage?
🔗 21:02
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 21:02
LRRbot: lrrAWW 36 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 21:02
Rootpotato: I almost forgot that meme alex XD
🔗 21:02
plummeting_sloth: do not go gentle into the good BWAK
🔗 21:02
Esuke_Ren: Can you land in the well?
🔗 21:03
Anaerin: One Bubble Only!
🔗 21:03
plummeting_sloth: I for one applaud Alex's instinct to go just F*ck this castle and leave
🔗 21:03
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 21:03
LRRbot: lrrAWW 37 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 21:03
Trippzen: Just chug a fetus and you'll be fine.
🔗 21:03
squaredotcube: It looks like you can kill the lightning with the powered-up bubble
🔗 21:03
Nedla_: :lrrAww: is a cool emote
🔗 21:03
Pancakepanda3d: What is that controller were using?
🔗 21:04
MrJWhit: I'm really interested in a speedrun of this, would they glitch through everything, or just memorize everything?
🔗 21:04
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 21:04
LRRbot: lrrAWW 38 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 21:04
Bv310: Bubbles and Seabats?
🔗 21:04
Dman3003: Dear Dr. Ian, did you ever get around to playing Fate/Stay Night?
🔗 21:04
lokidemon09: cant you run behind him
🔗 21:04
Chaucer345: How can you tell if its doing damage or not?
🔗 21:04
DarkMorford: !death add 2
🔗 21:04
LRRbot: darkmorford: That is a mod-only command
🔗 21:04
Questhere: get behind him and cut off its tail?
🔗 21:04
Omega_Lairon: !death add 2
🔗 21:04
LRRbot: 40 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 21:04
plummeting_sloth: I mean... we are sure we CAN hit him?
🔗 21:04
MrJWhit: !death
🔗 21:04
LRRbot: lrrAWW 41 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 21:04
Angnor33: Send that man a sponge.
🔗 21:05
TacitusVigil: I think there's a secret continue code.
🔗 21:05
TacitusVigil: Save states are better.
🔗 21:05
Erictheorange: @alex well games those days were designed to suck quarters from you at arcades.
🔗 21:05
TheGTF: There is a continue function but you start back at the beginning of the castle and would have to walk all the way back to where you left off at
🔗 21:05
Rwpointer: This game is almost as weird as the one Beej played last week with the little aliens
🔗 21:05
Lord_Hosk: You forgot to win
🔗 21:05
Omega_Lairon: I frequently save during boss fights. The important part is to make sure you also ahve a backup save before the fight so you don't ruin yourself
🔗 21:05
squaredotcube: LoadingReadyRun, I think you can attack the lightning in that room
🔗 21:06
Anaerin: Shield would be clutch. Not to mention their helicarrier.
🔗 21:06
MrJWhit: Omega_Lairon you savescummer.
🔗 21:06
DarkMorford: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 21:06
Lord_Hosk: WINNER!
🔗 21:06
MrJWhit: Ooooooooh!
🔗 21:06
Nedla_: mic blew out lol
🔗 21:06
J01000111: !scream
🔗 21:06
LRRbot: lrrEFF 3 screams for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 21:06
Anaerin: And there goes the peak.
🔗 21:06
Bawkbawkboo1: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
🔗 21:06
PMAvers: Compressor has been slain.
🔗 21:06
Omega_Lairon: MrJWhit and how : p
🔗 21:06
Th3Difference: !lrrgoat
🔗 21:06
Lord_Hosk: Peeked volume!
🔗 21:06
Solomon_Kain: Volume Cutoff threshold reached...
🔗 21:06
Nuurgle: holy mutescream
🔗 21:06
Trippzen: lrrGOAT there!
🔗 21:06
Edroach: RIP mic
🔗 21:06
Angnor33: lrrGOAT
🔗 21:06
adi_pie: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 21:06
Frisky89: air horns air horns
🔗 21:06
Naxochils: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
🔗 21:06
SketchyDetails: thank GOD for compression
🔗 21:06
MrJWhit: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 21:06
StarFreak359: Dat compressor tho
🔗 21:06
TyrantTaco: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 21:06
SpoonfullOfSugar: that poor, poor mike
🔗 21:06
Trippzen: I'm so glad the volume cap was added.
🔗 21:06
Naxochils: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 21:06
Angnor33: lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrHORN
🔗 21:06
Dman3003: lrrGOAT there lrrHAM lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 21:06
Esuke_Ren: SAVE
🔗 21:06
Zibanitu: lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrHORN
🔗 21:06
Bv310: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 21:06
VaccinationShotsFired: so true sketchydetails
🔗 21:06
Esuke_Ren: Save!!!!
🔗 21:06
squaredotcube: You can attack the fire now!
🔗 21:06
LimeJester: lol mic cut out
🔗 21:06
KitteyWolf: sound just cuts out when you guys are to loud LoadingReadyRun so be careful XD
🔗 21:06
Angnor33: Welcome to America, Ian
🔗 21:07
Lightspeeddash: !shh
🔗 21:07
LRRbot: Adam, shhhh, be quiet we are filming!
🔗 21:07
Spacecarl: This is a BAD room to go to to get hp
🔗 21:07
Omega_Lairon: On the plus side, your character is still a young white (presumably) straight male
🔗 21:07
Esuke_Ren: Can you land in teh well?
🔗 21:07
Edroach: I think we need a mic peak counter
🔗 21:07
DarkMorford: !death
🔗 21:07
LRRbot: lrrAWW 42 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 21:07
Lord_Hosk: LOL
🔗 21:07
MrJWhit: !death
🔗 21:07
LRRbot: mrjwhit: A similar command has been registered recently
🔗 21:07
TheMoatman: Dear compressor, you are wonderful. Sincerely,
🔗 21:07
plummeting_sloth: I feel like the only good thing that could happen in this game is perma-crash
🔗 21:07
Solomon_Kain: time to farm blood vials?
🔗 21:07
Hadanelith: The irony.
🔗 21:07
Lex_Peacekeeper: " a new happy place"
🔗 21:07
J01000111: LimeJester, the mic cut-outs are automatic when people get too loud
🔗 21:07
Ravingpenguin: Alex still looks greatly disturbed
🔗 21:08
Nightvalien28: this is a happy place *dies to second enemey*
🔗 21:08
Anaerin: Hearts for the HEART BAR!
🔗 21:08
Nuurgle: savestate after every heart :P
🔗 21:08
ShadowChorus: What they got you got to get it put it in you.
🔗 21:08
Erictheorange: At least Metroid had the enemie generators to farm
🔗 21:08
Bv310: What the hearts you got to get them put them in you?
🔗 21:09
Omega_Lairon: Or SPUD!
🔗 21:09
MrJWhit: Is there going to be another death in this room?
🔗 21:09
DarkMorford: The Quivering!
🔗 21:09
Dman3003: Or Spud 2
🔗 21:09
Mister_Blue_Sky: or InsanZ
🔗 21:09
Havok4: This is a spud prequel.
🔗 21:09
Lex_Peacekeeper: you guys should try milon sercet castle 2
🔗 21:09
plummeting_sloth: Someone take the controller away from Ian before he throws away all these hearts
🔗 21:09
Bawkbawkboo1: just save every time you get helath
🔗 21:09
D_Man_7733: what about harvest moon?
🔗 21:09
Anaerin: People seem to enjoy it in Minecraft, Alex.
🔗 21:09
Dindril: Unless it's harvest moon
🔗 21:09
CaptainSpam: The real question is, is this head and shoulders above Myst?
🔗 21:09
Erictheorange: Harvest moon is great.
🔗 21:09
SpoonfullOfSugar: wait, did prayrer warrior have farming?!?
🔗 21:09
Omni_42: @alex What's wrong with harvest moon?
🔗 21:09
Ravingpenguin: Still a better game than InsanZ
🔗 21:09
Edroach: seabats loves farming
🔗 21:09
PMAvers: Unless the game's name is called "Harvest Moon."
🔗 21:09
Angnor33: What about Farm Simulator, Alex?
🔗 21:09
MrJWhit: Oh right, what do the umbrellas do?
🔗 21:09
MrThirdParty: This game is purposely hard *** hell, !game goo
🔗 21:09
Macelight: harvest moon is best game
🔗 21:09
Bv310: I loved Harvest Moon though
🔗 21:09
MrThirdParty: d
🔗 21:09
Bv310: and Rune Factory
🔗 21:09
Omthebox: *is playing Monster Hunter and farming things for fun* y-yeah... Nobody likes farming!
🔗 21:10
Lightspeeddash: so we're getting Blood Vials? Kappa
🔗 21:10
SketchyDetails: Rune Factory :D
🔗 21:10
Spacecarl: Not a fan of that part of Bloodborne then?
🔗 21:10
Sektor88: Maybe not use the same save state for everything? :P
🔗 21:10
Chaucer345: But Alex! If there's no farming, how will we get people to pay for microtransactions?
🔗 21:10
MrThirdParty: All Dark Souls games have farming, it's just cleverly disguised.
🔗 21:10
Mr_Horrible: Omthebox: *covert high-five*
🔗 21:10
Lord_Hosk: FUll
🔗 21:10
Angnor33: I think Ian is just trolling everyone. He's playing the 'Get a Heart, Lose a Heart' game.
🔗 21:10
MrJWhit: Full health or riot!
🔗 21:10
Whatanvarno: NIS occasionally manages to make a game where the farming is fun, though in those its generally completely unnecessary for the main game
🔗 21:10
Omthebox: <.< >.> *discrete high-fives Mr_horrible*
🔗 21:10
Rwpointer: Is this Dark Souls Version -100
🔗 21:10
Mr_Horrible: We were never here
🔗 21:11
Sacrificialtoast: this really makes me want to see Deadly Towers on here at some point :p
🔗 21:11
Omthebox: I didn't even see me
🔗 21:11
Anaerin: Cori, as I believe the song says, it's not too late, it's never too late.
🔗 21:11
MrThirdParty: Loves Castlevania, Loves Darks Souls, Loves Bloodbourne. Hates this...possibly the progenitor of them all.
🔗 21:11
MrJWhit: I still don't know what the umbrellas do...
🔗 21:11
Anaerin: sacrificialtoast: I read that as Fawlty Towers for a moment, and was disappointed.
🔗 21:11
plummeting_sloth: this is disconcertanly similar to having just watched Cam farm Quicksilver bullets and Blood Vials
🔗 21:11
Ravingpenguin: Is the game not ragey enough?
🔗 21:11
Rwpointer: Graten
🔗 21:11
D_Man_7733: This game's difficulty is just heartful
🔗 21:11
KitteyWolf: MrThirdParty, but those were good... this is not
🔗 21:12
Chaucer345: What do you call a snail on a ship? A Snailor!
🔗 21:12
TacitusVigil: Wait, if Hosk is fired, is there an opening for a new Hosk?
🔗 21:12
LadyRhian: Take heart, Cori!
🔗 21:12
TheGTF: If you hold down left and press start when you die you can continue the game you know
🔗 21:12
Abcxyq: No tenemos dólares, pero tenemos muchos dolores.
🔗 21:12
D_Man_7733: lrrGOAT
🔗 21:12
plummeting_sloth: Connery Barber 2015 and it's Shave States
🔗 21:12
MrJWhit: Exciting and engaging gameplay!
🔗 21:12
Bv310: @Tacitusvigil There is, but it comes with a wife and children
🔗 21:13
TacitusVigil: Bv310: That's some contract!
🔗 21:13
Under_5core: lrrGOAT
🔗 21:13
Angnor33: lrrGOAT
🔗 21:13
plummeting_sloth: Cat-pra Demon
🔗 21:13
Anaerin: Yay for Capra Demon... No, wait...
🔗 21:13
D_Man_7733: so we're going to do this every boss fight right?
🔗 21:13
Anaerin high-fives plummeting_sloth
🔗 21:13
squaredotcube: no not that one, it's the fireplace
🔗 21:13
Sacrificialtoast: after the left tower you'll be almost at the end of the game I think
🔗 21:13
Chaucer345: Is left tower like left shark?
🔗 21:13
squaredotcube: Brown & gold rom
🔗 21:14
Zeke229 is hungover and hasnt had a drink in a week
🔗 21:14
esperchld: You haven't even gotten to the worst *** yet
🔗 21:14
SketchyDetails: Kroze is in this game?
🔗 21:14
Slyguy46: howdy dr's lrr and chat
🔗 21:14
Zeke229: what is happening?
🔗 21:14
plummeting_sloth: Would hi five back, but hand is weak from sadness about this game
🔗 21:14
esperchld: There is a room full of invisible platforms
🔗 21:14
Chaucer345: @Esperchld have youplayed this before?
🔗 21:14
Intrepid_Colin: Alex have you ever seen the anime film Karas?
🔗 21:14
Hadanelith: Repeating maze of hatred!
🔗 21:14
esperchld: Chaucer345, yes quite a bit, but a long time ago
🔗 21:14
plummeting_sloth: This seems like someone adapted The Trail into a video game
🔗 21:15
SketchyDetails: you were there :D
🔗 21:15
Omega_Lairon: It never ends D :
🔗 21:15
Bawkbawkboo1: noooo
🔗 21:15
Zeke229: this is a game
🔗 21:15
SchalaKitty: Is this PT?
🔗 21:15
Solomon_Kain: still better than blighttown
🔗 21:15
Slyguy46: what in the world is this?
🔗 21:15
Lord_Hosk: New hosk will be like New coke, very successful for 4 months until someone says "this is bad and you should hate it" then everyone will say "Oh yeah I hate new hosk" and I will come back more popular than ever
🔗 21:15
Bv310: lrrEFF
🔗 21:15
Rwpointer: stop doing that
🔗 21:15
gruubii: hell is repetition
🔗 21:15
SketchyDetails: Its shitty ghastly
🔗 21:15
Bv310: Hosk Classic does have a nice ring to it, to be fair
🔗 21:15
Trippzen: Grover? Is that you>
🔗 21:15
TacitusVigil: Lord_Hosk: I'm holding out for Crystal Hosk.
🔗 21:15
MrJWhit: The last one was kinda a dragon?
🔗 21:15
TheGTF: If you hold down left and press start when you die you can continue the game, so you don't actually have to go grind out hearts after a boss
🔗 21:15
LadyRhian: SMURF POO!
🔗 21:15
Zeke229: a bloo
🔗 21:15
Solomon_Kain: its Cookie Monster
🔗 21:15
Omega_Lairon: Gritty, and a little bit nutty
🔗 21:16
plummeting_sloth: so, we're fighting a milkshake/tastebug
🔗 21:16
Zeke229: is this just a DPS battle
🔗 21:16
Zeke229: !game
🔗 21:16
LRRbot: Currently playing: Milon's Secret Castle (rating 43%)
🔗 21:16
W2theG: you guys see the new hamburglar lol
🔗 21:16
Bv310: You're fighting a milkshake?
🔗 21:16
squaredotcube: save!
🔗 21:16
MrJWhit: !game bad
🔗 21:16
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 41% (9/22)
🔗 21:16
Zeke229: !game bad
🔗 21:16
esperchld: this room is such ***
🔗 21:16
Havok4: Varghoils!
🔗 21:16
MrThirdParty: !game awesome
🔗 21:16
plummeting_sloth: what was that line from Ale? "I'm upset that I'm getting better at this game"
🔗 21:16
Dman3003: !game bad
🔗 21:16
Omni_42: !game?
🔗 21:16
D_Man_7733: !uptime
🔗 21:16
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:58:48
🔗 21:17
plummeting_sloth: do we?
🔗 21:17
Omega_Lairon: Fun? When? Kappa
🔗 21:17
plummeting_sloth: do we have fun?
🔗 21:17
SchalaKitty: void!
🔗 21:17
LadyRhian: ALEX is NOT having Fun!
🔗 21:17
esperchld: That was the room full of invisible platforms
🔗 21:17
duckydale594: !game bad
🔗 21:17
Trippzen: Wait, you mean this wasn't Demon Souls?
🔗 21:17
adi_pie: Thanks for the stream, Ian, Cori, and Bonus Alex.
🔗 21:17
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 36% (9/25)
🔗 21:17
DwarfMage328: !game bad
🔗 21:17
jadedcynic: HIGHLIGHT THAT!
🔗 21:17
Laserbeaks_Fury: The More You Know =====*
🔗 21:17
jadedcynic: !game bad
🔗 21:17
Lightspeeddash: !stream good
🔗 21:17
TransplendantBobtail: !game bad
🔗 21:17
D_Man_7733: We need good Dark Souls after bad NES Dark Souls
🔗 21:17
LadyRhian: Alex looks completely rent.
🔗 21:17
Bv310: !highlight The More You Know!
🔗 21:17
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 21:17
Erictheorange: Play Dark Souls while lying down
🔗 21:17
Rootpotato: darksouls? ! ?
🔗 21:17
Sektor88: thanks Alex / Ian / Cori. :D
🔗 21:17
Darth_Gatsby: Thanks for the stream!
🔗 21:17
Havok4: Can you watch the stream screen from the couch alex?
🔗 21:17
LadyRhian: rekt
🔗 21:17
Omega_Lairon: !death
🔗 21:17
LRRbot: lrrAWW 43 deaths for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner
🔗 21:18
FireTigerGinger: gg
🔗 21:18
plummeting_sloth: Alex plays Dark Souls lying horizontal on the couch, crying softly
🔗 21:18
SchalaKitty: !explain patreon
🔗 21:18
MrThirdParty: I want ti have this game shipped have-way cross the country for this awesome-ness.
🔗 21:18
Nightvalien28: play dark souls while lying down
🔗 21:18
TheGTF: I am nostalgic for Milon's Secret Castle, it's a bad game but I am nostalgic for it
🔗 21:18
Erictheorange: double double D?
🔗 21:18
LRRbot: Rating for Milon's Secret Castle on I, Horner is now 32% (9/28)
🔗 21:18
TransplendantBobtail: divided by
🔗 21:18
Erictheorange: \patreon
🔗 21:18
Pump19: 1328 patrons for a total of $10,223.30 per month. https://www.patreon.com/loadingreadyrun
🔗 21:18
Zeke229: i think the fact that there is a sponge may be driving patreon donations
🔗 21:18
ChroniclerC: Ian, your glasses are catching the greenscreen.
🔗 21:18
DarkMorford: G'night all!
🔗 21:18
Slyguy46: night ian
🔗 21:18
MrJWhit: It's been "fun"
🔗 21:18
Zeke229 is in pain
🔗 21:18
Slyguy46: and kori
🔗 21:18
Trippzen: Bye Cori & Ian & bonus Alex. Thanks for streams.
🔗 21:18
Bv310: Bye Ian!
🔗 21:18
Rwpointer: Magic Alex!
🔗 21:18
TacitusVigil: So...Cam will be playing Bloodborne this time next week?
🔗 21:18
Rwpointer: GGS
🔗 21:18
CaptainSpam: Thanks for the stream, Ian!
🔗 21:18
Havok4: RIP
🔗 21:19
Angnor33: Bye!
🔗 21:19
jadedcynic: gnite ian; thanks for the fun
🔗 21:19
Phailhammer: cya :)
🔗 21:19
ChroniclerC: !nextfan
🔗 21:19
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: Dicking around with Diserasta (http://www.twitch.tv/diserasta​) at Tue 10:00 PM PDT (40m from now)
🔗 21:19
Dan9299: thanks for streaming
🔗 21:19
daneislazy: YOU DIED
🔗 21:19
Unknowngamer88: if the game actually kills the streamer, does that count as a !death?
🔗 21:19
Bv310: Cam rerolling Bloodborne again, clearly
🔗 21:19
Laserbeaks_Fury: Or maybe Alex does a double stream of DS
🔗 21:19
🔗 21:19
MrJWhit: I really hope I can watch an Alex stream, I haven't been able to in a long time from work/school :(
🔗 21:19
Laserbeaks_Fury: I think Cameron won't reroll for a bit
🔗 21:19
Laserbeaks_Fury: I can tell he's found his character
🔗 21:19
Bv310: I really want to see Cam beat the game
🔗 21:19
Frozendukie: More alex pls
🔗 21:19
Sakramizard: !next
🔗 21:19
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Kathleen Saves the World at Wed 12:00 PM PDT (14:40 from now)
🔗 21:20
squaredotcube: Yeah, I'd like to be alive when Cam beats the game. Kappa
🔗 21:21
TacitusVigil: I think we all have to ask ourselves "Is this the world I want to leave for Cam to play Bloodborne in?"
🔗 21:22
Zeke229: do i wanna watch alex stream? or do i wanna finish the last two episodes of Daredevil?
🔗 21:22
plummeting_sloth: one day Cam will be able to shunt his own disappointment into his characters quicksilver, and he'll finally be unstoppable
🔗 21:22
Bv310: Picture-in-Picture, Zeke
🔗 21:22
Zeke229: bv310 which in which
🔗 21:23
Lightspeeddash: he'll finish the game lol
🔗 21:23
TacitusVigil: Zeke229: Daredevil will always be there...but Alex is a fleeting moment in time. Embrace the Alex.
🔗 21:23
Mister_Blue_Sky: or will the game finish him
🔗 21:23
Zeke229: both
🔗 21:23
Nuurgle: Please don't embrace the Alex without consent. He's heavily armed
🔗 21:24
TacitusVigil: Good point...how about "Carpe Alex"?
🔗 21:24
Zeke229: i defended vegitarians on imgur, and someone responded "FOUND THE VEGAN" i read those words right as i had a big peice of porterhouse in my mouthXD
🔗 21:24
Macelight: not sure if seizing alex is much better
🔗 21:24
squaredotcube: Yeah, I don't think you want a million little welts on your skin.
🔗 21:25
TacitusVigil: It's a metaphorical seizure. Wait, that came out wrong-
🔗 21:25
Zeke229: no no, its fine
🔗 21:25
Zeke229: i've shot myself a lot with .22lr so i have an immunity to bullets now
🔗 21:25
DiHorizon: Alpha Protocol for $4 on Steam... Kind of want, but no monies in that account
🔗 21:25
Bv310: Zeke, I learned to avoid the Imgur comments section other than making really dumb jokes. It's mostly practice for my classroom and this chat
🔗 21:26
Abcxyq: Zeke229: Lots of people die after being shot by bullets, so it's also possible that you're immortal
🔗 21:26
Zeke229: there was that one time some dude came up to me in a snazzy red suit
🔗 21:26
TacitusVigil: Comments in general are usual terrible. I'm amazed Lrrchat remains consistently awesome.
🔗 21:26
MrJWhit: Oh hey, anyone here play tabletop RPGs? I would like a second opinion on my idea for a medium length campaign (4-5 sessions).
🔗 21:27
MrJWhit: It's really weird though.
🔗 21:27
PMAvers: Woo, finally made some DS2 progress while Ian was streaming. Actually was able to summon someone to get past my Pursuer hump, and pushed into the Tower to knock out the Dragonrider as well. All the white knight jerks that woke up around here for some reason are slowing me back down again, though.
🔗 21:27
Zeke229: http://i.imgur.com/JTk3So1.png right or left?
🔗 21:27
Frozendukie: :( alex?
🔗 21:28
TransplendantBobtail: I've just started Tabletop but I would like to hear your idea
🔗 21:28
MrJWhit: Ah, do you know about Call of Cthulhu then? Or at least some of the mythos?
🔗 21:29
TacitusVigil: Zeke229: Technically, isn't the right picture the older one, set during WW2, and the left is the "recent" one in the 70s? Kappa
🔗 21:29
TransplendantBobtail: yeah
🔗 21:29
TransplendantBobtail: never played but I'm aware of the game and very familar with lovecraft myhtos
🔗 21:30
Zeke229: http://i.imgur.com/2ymJZL0.png why casual v hardcore is dumb
🔗 21:31
LoadingReadyRun: http://strawpoll.me/4347356
🔗 21:31
Zeke229: does it make anyone else mad that there are people younger than you who are famous
🔗 21:31
Darth_Gatsby: Yolofl. You only live once for life.
🔗 21:31
Zeke229: im 23
🔗 21:31
Sylenctone: yolo
🔗 21:32
Spacecarl: What have you done to us Alex that that poll makes sense
🔗 21:32
squaredotcube: hii Alex
🔗 21:32
Zeke229: https://twitter.com/everycolorbot best twitter
🔗 21:32
Spacecarl: I am slightly offended that I understand that poll
🔗 21:32
MrJWhit: TransplendantBobtail kk, so first off, there's a group of people (claiming to be vampires) giving out a new drug, something never seen before. It seems to send users on a trip beyond time to fight monsters, as a group. What's actually happening is the drug (street name Glow, because it glows a low purple). The Vampires are actually wizards from the far future using blood as regeneration/whatever and sending souls into the future to fight an unstoppable monster (I don't have a specific Mythos in mind).
🔗 21:32
Sylenctone: you have a point Spacecarl
🔗 21:33
squaredotcube: I know you usually don't take recommendations but this seems right up your alley: http://store.steampowered.com/app/320820/
🔗 21:34
Zeke229: http://store.steampowered.com/app/283940/ this is the only game alex should play
🔗 21:35
TransplendantBobtail: @Mrjwhit ooh I like it. I gotta ask why the vampire/blood aspect? so they've escaped from their doomed time to come to the present and are sending people off as mooks to hope to defeat this thing, are they degrading due to time travel/age?
🔗 21:35
andersgeek: What squaredotcube said!
🔗 21:35
Pancakepanda3d: Freddi fish is the best
🔗 21:36
TransplendantBobtail: cos you could go full thing on the doorstep and have them just claim the drug user's bodies if they "overdose" and their soul doesn't come back
🔗 21:36
squaredotcube: Funny thing is, I played that FF game. I was 6. I beat it in one session.
🔗 21:36
Macelight: Freddi fish ios best, but the last one is best
🔗 21:36
LoadingReadyRun: burp
🔗 21:36
LoadingReadyRun: nobody voted
🔗 21:37
🔗 21:37
MrJWhit: TransplandantBobtail Mostly because having a big badguy without powers means they can get murdered REAL fast. And when they don't come back is what happens when you die in the future :P
🔗 21:37
LoadingReadyRun: oh there we goi
🔗 21:37
LoadingReadyRun: *go
🔗 21:37
LoadingReadyRun: alrighty then
🔗 21:37
DiHorizon: no option for Sandstorm, unable to vote
🔗 21:37
CaptainSpam: Voteses happeneded already!
🔗 21:37
Macelight: i was gonna say...
🔗 21:37
Zeke229: GG LRR no RE
🔗 21:37
TacitusVigil: But I have my "I voted" LRR sticker...
🔗 21:37
Solomon_Kain: this is gonna be a short run, over and over again
🔗 21:38
squaredotcube: Don't you mean sponge?
🔗 21:38
LRRTwitter: @loadingreadyrun> Up Next: Kathleen Saves the World — Wed @ 12:00PM PDT: http://t.co/w2TzwDnV2B
🔗 21:38
TransplendantBobtail: I more mean the blood aspect but this has given me a brilliant idea for *my* campaign so thanks
🔗 21:38
TacitusVigil: Yes, my "I voted" Lrr sponge. :D
🔗 21:38
Under_5core: I like to think that not a lot of things make me angry, but the Amiibo situation is getting close.
🔗 21:38
TurnedUsernameThirty: http://i.imgur.com/jUURxYg.jpg
🔗 21:39
LoadingReadyRun: signal?
🔗 21:39
Zeke229: @TurnedUsernameThirty, why
🔗 21:39
Zeke229: signal
🔗 21:39
Arclight_Dynamo: Signal.
🔗 21:39
MillerDark: We live
🔗 21:39
Sylenctone: signa'
🔗 21:39
Unknowngamer88: we get
🔗 21:39
CaptainSpam: Aaaaand the stream's over!
🔗 21:39
Edroach: yay kathleen!
🔗 21:39
TurnedUsernameThirty: beej asked for it
🔗 21:39
LimeJester: living
🔗 21:39
ImmoralEthicist: alex is doing a thing?
🔗 21:39
Under_5core: Check check, good body. We've got signal.
🔗 21:39
CaptainSpam: According to the card!
🔗 21:39
squaredotcube: "...And here we have a rare sight, the Beejal Tiger in its native habitat"
🔗 21:39
Darth_Gatsby: Hi Alex!
🔗 21:39
KitteyWolf: welcome back mister alex
🔗 21:39
Rwpointer: Yay
🔗 21:39
16Bitmason: hiiiiiiiiiiiiii
🔗 21:39
Caerlocc: DkS hypeee
🔗 21:39
Sylenctone: yay more streams
🔗 21:39
J01000111: ohai alex
🔗 21:40
Spacecarl: oh man one 2 vote difference
🔗 21:40
cheetoJack: bonus alex!
🔗 21:40
KitteyWolf: oh god permadeath
🔗 21:40
squaredotcube: pfffff who watches tv anymore Kappa
🔗 21:40
Under_5core: Oh that's what YOLO meant. WHELP!
🔗 21:40
DiHorizon: I saw the TV on the internet once
🔗 21:40
MrJWhit: It's a roguelike!
🔗 21:40
16Bitmason: Twitch is Tv for me now
🔗 21:40
dragoon3zero: why did their twitter say it was kathleen up next?
🔗 21:40
Nightvalien28: the hell is TV
🔗 21:40
Zeke229: ming-na wen is beautiful
🔗 21:40
Havok4: Derpulese
🔗 21:40
Omega_Lairon: Lairon Kappa
🔗 21:40
Arclight_Dynamo: "Carlos the Manseer"
🔗 21:40
daneislazy: well, you're on my tv so it's not wrong
🔗 21:40
Ravingpenguin: Speedrans?
🔗 21:40
Zeke229: Drake
🔗 21:40
iisazel: Finally I catch something live
🔗 21:40
King__of__Spades: !advice
🔗 21:40
LRRbot: Shoot the mans with your bullets.
🔗 21:40
Sjlangenegger: Alex doing Milt style? Sweet!
🔗 21:40
Nightvalien28: derpington
🔗 21:40
Unknowngamer88: this'll be interesting
🔗 21:40
KitteyWolf: lucksack?
🔗 21:40
BusTed: ohai
🔗 21:40
Rwpointer: Ultra Hardcore
🔗 21:40
daneislazy: everybody team permadeath
🔗 21:40
Sylenctone: Uno
🔗 21:40
Erictheorange: Sanic n nikles
🔗 21:40
squaredotcube: Manny Quinn
🔗 21:40
Under_5core: #YOLOSWAG
🔗 21:40
Zeke229: drake is the orgin of YOLO
🔗 21:40
Omni_42: Playing permadeath? 0001
🔗 21:40
Twitch_Purple: TV for Sports and sometimes cartoons. That's about it.
🔗 21:40
Ravingpenguin: spoocifer
🔗 21:40
Omega_Lairon: xXAsS_mAsTuR69xX
🔗 21:40
King__of__Spades: Burn-a-gnome?
🔗 21:40
A_person_yeah: Im going to make a cleric the next character I make
🔗 21:41
THEARCHITECTunstructured: Lucksack maybe?
🔗 21:41
Arclight_Dynamo: "Nethack"
🔗 21:41
16Bitmason: whatcouldgowrong
🔗 21:41
Chaucer345: Mortal1?
🔗 21:41
KitteyWolf: clover~ thats cute
🔗 21:41
CaptainSpam: "Binky"
🔗 21:41
Arclight_Dynamo: Name each after a Roguelike. Kappa
🔗 21:41
Luigi_savior_of_scrubs: RIP
🔗 21:41
Frozendukie: -_-
🔗 21:41
Hadanelith: o/
🔗 21:41
KitteyWolf: sooo... how many charcters are we going to go through? XD
🔗 21:41
16Bitmason: I dooooo
🔗 21:41
TacitusVigil: It's what's going to happen to all of us!
🔗 21:41
DoktorLoy: permadeath is real life
🔗 21:41
Samwel56: i do not
🔗 21:41
Arclight_Dynamo raises hand
🔗 21:41
Under_5core: It means when you die, you don't get to play that character anymore ever.
🔗 21:41
Sylenctone: raises hand
🔗 21:41
THEARCHITECTunstructured: Pave the save
🔗 21:41
The_Voices: permadeath=reallife
🔗 21:41
Unknowngamer88: well, pretty sure we've all seen Cam's XCOM, so....
🔗 21:41
Abcxyq: It's where you play and you're really happy and don't cry all the time
🔗 21:41
J01000111 raises hand
🔗 21:41
toy_anon: pave the save!
🔗 21:41
Caerlocc: o/
🔗 21:41
StagLord: perma death is when you die somewhere there's permafrost right?
🔗 21:41
MrJWhit: Oh right, I need to learn how to play Stone Soup.
🔗 21:42
DiscordInc: raises hand
🔗 21:42
Erictheorange: I remember it from last time you tried it and kept dying on that one stair
🔗 21:42
Lightspeeddash: perma death meaning one shot per person?
🔗 21:42
TransplendantBobtail: permadeath is when you pay the barber to make your death curly
🔗 21:42
Zeke229: did you guys hear about the wedgie that killed a man?
🔗 21:42
King__of__Spades: If you die in Dark Souls you die in real life
🔗 21:42
empyrealhell: gargoyles
🔗 21:42
Darth_Gatsby: I have complete confidence in you Alex.
🔗 21:42
Mister_Blue_Sky: is it when you die with a brand new perm?
🔗 21:42
DoktorLoy: 20-mins to ded
🔗 21:42
🔗 21:42
Ravingpenguin: I vote RNG skelebros
🔗 21:42
Erictheorange: I bet you die in undeadburg
🔗 21:42
Samwel56: first enemy, dead
🔗 21:42
Arclight_Dynamo: Crushed by the giant staircase ball.
🔗 21:42
Omega_Lairon: Pinwheel >_>
🔗 21:42
Theflanman5: Alex, this is gonna hurt
🔗 21:42
Arclight_Dynamo: Do we have a !pave command, now?
🔗 21:42
Vulcnor: Don't you have to die in first fight with naked dragon?
🔗 21:42
Caerlocc: itll be the asylun
🔗 21:42
Caerlocc: asylum*
🔗 21:43
Arclight_Dynamo: !help
🔗 21:43
🔗 21:43
MrJWhit: Vulcnor In the crystal place?
🔗 21:43
lordbrat4: Huh, seems like a late time to get a stream notification...
🔗 21:43
Caerlocc: doesnt count and is skippable
🔗 21:43
Vulcnor: MrJWhit yeah
🔗 21:43
16Bitmason: that demon infront of the gravelords sword (if your going that way)
🔗 21:43
daneislazy: Character called city workier, cause of so much paving
🔗 21:43
Caerlocc: duke skip Kappa
🔗 21:43
Whatanvarno: If you're going with permadeath, you'll probably want the poise ring at some point
🔗 21:43
dreamyxcupcakes: twitch notification lied to me
🔗 21:43
empyrealhell: I actually tried this for the first time today, made it through taurus, & capra, but dodged off the roof during the gargoyles. I was pretty sad about ending it that way
🔗 21:43
Chaucer345: Who's milt?
🔗 21:43
Rwpointer: I thought it was to keep Cam from playing?
🔗 21:43
Okipokute: huh, back for more dark soul
🔗 21:44
Arclight_Dynamo: So... for reference... each death is both a !death and a !pave, yes?
🔗 21:44
Erictheorange: use a spear
🔗 21:44
cheetoJack: I vote gravelord sword
🔗 21:44
Edroach: !vote chinese war sword
🔗 21:44
MrJWhit: Zweihander like a cheapass.
🔗 21:44
Bv310: !vote some kind of spear
🔗 21:44
Caerlocc: bass cannon build
🔗 21:44
MrJWhit: Bow and Arrow Kappa
🔗 21:44
GDwarf: Next three hours is just Alex dying to the demon. Kappa
🔗 21:44
Erictheorange: Beat all enemies with the power of the dance staff
🔗 21:44
Zeke229: assdemon is a chump
🔗 21:44
DoktorLoy: <flawless victory>
🔗 21:45
MrJWhit: Oh, the staircases?
🔗 21:45
Caerlocc: anal rodeo archers eh
🔗 21:45
Nightvalien28: Arclight_Dynamo, that is correct
🔗 21:45
Zeke229: while using the greatbow
🔗 21:45
Erictheorange: Go Left?
🔗 21:45
Spacecarl: Chat? Control? You are mad
🔗 21:45
empyrealhell: I saw that, trying to use the dragonslayer bow against the AL archers, was rather hilarious
🔗 21:45
KinoGami: BAWK
🔗 21:45
Solomon_Kain: Poll for which Stat for you to focus on?
🔗 21:45
Laserbeaks_Fury: Winged spear?
🔗 21:45
Samwel56: use only your fist
🔗 21:45
Zeke229: estoc only
🔗 21:45
MTG_Jake: zwei
🔗 21:45
Abcxyq: Whatever Petrus is holding
🔗 21:45
KinoGami: what is the plan here? alex plays til he dies?
🔗 21:46
Arclight_Dynamo: Nightvalien28: Right-o, then. Wanted to make sure - didn't see a proper explanation of the new command.
🔗 21:46
🔗 21:46
Twitch_Purple: DEMOCRACY
🔗 21:46
Chaucer345: What's the coin for?
🔗 21:46
Caerlocc: all the defense Kappa
🔗 21:46
letshavetoast subscribed for 13 months in a row!
🔗 21:46
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, letshavetoast! (Today's storm count: 21)
🔗 21:46
Arclight_Dynamo: Double-wield shield? Kappa
🔗 21:46
MrJWhit: I vote we be peaceful.
🔗 21:46
Erictheorange: in honor of Omega Lairon I say MORE VIT
🔗 21:46
squaredotcube: You have to go with the heaviest armor.
🔗 21:46
Ravingpenguin: Zweihander run
🔗 21:46
cheetoJack: I am all for using VIT as a weapon
🔗 21:46
Abcxyq: Dual wield morningstar and zweihander Kappa
🔗 21:46
Omega_Lairon: In honor of...? Erictheorange, are you aware of medical news I outght to be told?
🔗 21:46
Erictheorange: kick only, must punt enemies off ledges
🔗 21:46
empyrealhell: morning star, long sword, winged spear, zweihander are all in FLS
🔗 21:47
Arclight_Dynamo: Let me know what the options are, Alex, and I'll throw a Strawpoll in chat.
🔗 21:47
Erictheorange: @Omega_lairon you can honor the living
🔗 21:47
empyrealhell: if you're willing to go just a bit into catacombs there's the lucerne, and then farther in is the great scythe
🔗 21:47
Omega_Lairon: Fair enough... *rattling cough*
🔗 21:47
Angnor33: Alex, defeat them all with your razor-sharp wit!
🔗 21:47
Theflanman5: ok, but what about antigravity?
🔗 21:47
dreamyxcupcakes: bare fists?
🔗 21:47
Caerlocc: estoc maybe
🔗 21:47
KinoGami: lairon haven't you heard? we're already dead
🔗 21:47
Bv310: @Omega_lairon You know that mole? Yeah, I have some bad news
🔗 21:47
Zeke229: i choose camera as the weapon
🔗 21:47
empyrealhell: the estoc and the parrying dagger are pretty close in new londo
🔗 21:47
cheetoJack: How about magic
🔗 21:47
GDwarf: For my weapon, I choose...dung pies! Kappa
🔗 21:47
Chaucer345: Can't choose gravity as a weapon? What about Gordon Freeman?
🔗 21:48
empyrealhell: and then anything the male undead merchant sells
🔗 21:48
Caerlocc: parrying dagger is a bit dangerous
🔗 21:48
Laserbeaks_Fury: Lower ub
🔗 21:48
PMAvers: oh hey a dragon oh god much fire fire aaaah get it off
🔗 21:48
Caerlocc: its past the first ghost swarm
🔗 21:48
daneislazy: Parrying dagger is near ghoastses
🔗 21:48
LRRTwitter: @loadingreadyrun> More Bad MtG Matchups on a new Crapshot! #MTG https://t.co/GaPNydARvL
🔗 21:48
Edroach: ooh new crapshot
🔗 21:48
daneislazy: I can direct but you wont like it
🔗 21:48
Edroach was typing before LRRTwitter lol
🔗 21:48
empyrealhell: parrying dagger is terrible, and you have to cheese it past a few groups of ghosts, but it's no harder than getting the firekeeper soul
🔗 21:48
Erictheorange: craaaaapshoooot
🔗 21:49
Chaucer345: Does the parrying dagger actually help you parry?
🔗 21:49
Caerlocc: yes chaucer
🔗 21:49
empyrealhell: Chaucer345 yeah, it gives you a few more parrying frames
🔗 21:49
KitteyWolf: Chaucer345, yes! it and the shied giving you a bigger window to
🔗 21:49
Caerlocc: uchigatana Kappa
🔗 21:49
Theflanman5: estoc
🔗 21:49
empyrealhell: strawpoll?
🔗 21:49
Nightvalien28: morning star
🔗 21:49
Lightspeeddash: estoc?
🔗 21:49
Caerlocc: dead merchant hype
🔗 21:50
Rootpotato: spear, for wierd fun.
🔗 21:50
Unknowngamer88: no zweihander?
🔗 21:50
StagLord: pretty Zwei for a while guy!
🔗 21:50
Rootpotato: lol
🔗 21:50
Arclight_Dynamo: Poll: https://strawpoll.me/4347395
🔗 21:50
squaredotcube: Be spearsman
🔗 21:50
Bv310: Oh hey, that Crapshot explains all the screaming on Saturday
🔗 21:50
dreamyxcupcakes: you look emaciated
🔗 21:50
squaredotcube: or, dagger and spear
🔗 21:50
Frozendukie: spear time
🔗 21:50
Omega_Lairon: Spear's off to an early lead
🔗 21:50
KinoGami: should have been named mystery spear Kappa
🔗 21:50
empyrealhell: spear is good for a permadeath run, dat shielded poke
🔗 21:51
MrJWhit: Not sure if that lag is just me or not...
🔗 21:51
Zeke229: that bad feel when you level up the wrong stat
🔗 21:51
Omega_Lairon: MrJWhit - right click the stream, then click "video playback stats". That'll bring up a window which tells you your lag
🔗 21:51
Caerlocc: Kappa first spear hype
🔗 21:52
Omega_Lairon: (the bottom number: latency broadcaster)
🔗 21:52
MrJWhit: Oh neat, thanks Omega_Lairon!
🔗 21:52
Bv310: Spear seems like my kind of weapon for this
🔗 21:52
Tiber727: I've never used a spear either, but I think you poke stuff with it.
🔗 21:52
Omega_Lairon: ^_^
🔗 21:52
empyrealhell: how comfortable are you parrying the halberd black knights? it might be better to go straight to andre
🔗 21:52
KinoGami: Alex "Thrussssst" Steacy
🔗 21:52
Redryhno: Ornstein's spear is really nice if you don't screw up the fight
🔗 21:53
Pump19: LRRcast Feed: Magnum Rewatch Ep 15 - The Black Orchid (http://loadingreadyrun.com/lrrcasts/view/493/Magnum-Rewatch-Ep-15-The-Black-Orchid) [2015-05-12T07:00:00Z]
🔗 21:53
Zeke229: now you know what its ike to be those spear asshats
🔗 21:53
Caerlocc: orn's spear is stat intensive :/
🔗 21:53
Laserbeaks_Fury: The big advantage with spears is light attacks can be done with the shield up
🔗 21:53
KinoGami: omg new rewatch?
🔗 21:53
Erictheorange: @Omega_lairon is the latency the encoder + the broadcaster?
🔗 21:53
KinoGami: now i'm split D:
🔗 21:53
Redryhno: I never said it was easy to use
🔗 21:53
Laserbeaks_Fury: So you need pretty high stamina to absorb hits and still swing
🔗 21:54
LimeJester: Does he bite it for the ring?
🔗 21:54
Omega_Lairon: Erictheorange - latency broadcaster is how long it takes to get from LRR to Twitch. Latency encoder is from Twitch to you - that's basically a "total lag" stat
🔗 21:54
Caerlocc: I'm calling it, gravity will kill Alex
🔗 21:54
Edroach: female dark souls characters always remind me of the old lady from Something About Mary
🔗 21:54
empyrealhell: go human offline?
🔗 21:54
KinoGami: i agree, alex more likely to roll off cliff than get straight murdered
🔗 21:54
empyrealhell: that's the only way to go
🔗 21:54
DGZenos: WOOT permadeath is so fun
🔗 21:54
LRRTwitter: @loadingreadyrun> RT @Kathleen_LRR: Ok, it's a few hours late, but the latest episode of the Magnum Rewatch podcast is up! http://t.co/GEkjFD5BVm Get those…
🔗 21:54
Rootpotato: That's why I voted for it alex XD I never play with the spear!
🔗 21:54
Papperslappen: lrrSPOOP
🔗 21:54
DGZenos: fastest i got was ornstein and smough
🔗 21:55
Sektor88: hai alex!
🔗 21:55
DGZenos: farthest*
🔗 21:55
Zeke229: um
🔗 21:55
Pariah164: Dark SWOLE
🔗 21:55
Mister_Blue_Sky: should get the winged spear
🔗 21:55
Omni_42: Winged spear + shield was what I used for my first ever Demon souls run
🔗 21:55
KinoGami: dear dr alex: how late do you plan on streaming?
🔗 21:55
Zeke229: hokay so, here is the erth
🔗 21:55
D_Man_7733: wow... look at all those characters
🔗 21:55
MrJWhit: Omni_42 Same here! I was pretty cheap about it.
🔗 21:55
MrJWhit: Poke all day erray day
🔗 21:55
Caerlocc: use all the humanity bc defense
🔗 21:56
Omni_42: Tower knight was an ***
🔗 21:56
GDwarf: Clearly the weapon you chose should've been Obrez-Chucks. Kappa
🔗 21:56
MrJWhit: Doesn't it do extra damage?
🔗 21:56
KitteyWolf: better drops and you can get npc help
🔗 21:56
Caerlocc: alex thats based on humanity star not being human
🔗 21:56
Caerlocc: stat*
🔗 21:56
cheetoJack: So my head canon for this run is that you're not actually undead, and you're trying to save the world
🔗 21:57
KinoGami: omni: really? while my first encounter with him didn't go so well once i learned his patterns (mainly his shield drop) he didn't seem so bad with a spear. what gave you trouble?
🔗 21:57
northos: cheetoJack, that's kathleen's stream Kappa
🔗 21:57
Zeke229: oh man
🔗 21:57
MrJWhit: What's the NPC help?
🔗 21:57
Zeke229: why human?
🔗 21:57
Ravingpenguin: Gravity's one mean motha
🔗 21:57
Omni_42: I could just never stab him right so he just never staggered
🔗 21:57
Rootpotato: ya, I think npc help is fine for permadeth
🔗 21:57
cheetoJack: so northos you're saying that this should be called Alex Derps the World or something then?
🔗 21:57
Caerlocc: as I said, itll be gravity
🔗 21:57
Zeke229: wow
🔗 21:57
DiHorizon: death by that one flaming barrel is the only way this can end
🔗 21:57
Arclight_Dynamo: Bet: Drake BBQ.
🔗 21:57
Bv310: $10 says Taurus Demon
🔗 21:57
Mister_Blue_Sky: try jumping
🔗 21:57
Zeke229: tenacious
🔗 21:57
TheMoatman: Calling it now, to the Taurus Demon
🔗 21:57
Angnor33: Poisoned by rats
🔗 21:57
Abcxyq: You'll die by falling off the first bridge in undead berg
🔗 21:57
northos: seems fair cheetoJack
🔗 21:57
Solomon_Kain: I say dead in lower undeadburg
🔗 21:58
KinoGami: Omni: you kept missing his ankles?
🔗 21:58
MrJWhit: I vote for Tarus Demon!
🔗 21:58
KitteyWolf: yeah i think it'll be alex biffing it off of a cliff
🔗 21:58
DGZenos: my bet is in the sewers and you'll be curse by the basiliks
🔗 21:58
Omega_Lairon: Pinwheel bindsided
🔗 21:58
Omega_Lairon: ^ blind
🔗 21:58
Zeke229: gonna die to the piggy
🔗 21:58
Samwel56: death by dragon while crossing the bridge
🔗 21:58
D_Man_7733: Yeah, on board for death being Taurus Demon
🔗 21:58
Rootpotato: I vote gravity, in the blight town.
🔗 21:58
squaredotcube: I'm pretty sure you can stab through bars with a spear
🔗 21:58
StagLord: my bet for cause of death is Hubris
🔗 21:58
Nightvalien28: alex remember you block and attack at the same time with the spear
🔗 21:58
Solomon_Kain: dead by dogs
🔗 21:58
Zeke229: all of the sudden a pinwheel skeleton apears
🔗 21:58
northos: permadeath runs in games you're experienced with are hella fun
🔗 21:58
northos: !listen
🔗 21:58
LRRbot: Always listen to chat. Never listen to chat.
🔗 21:58
KinoGami: i can actually understand that, since he does step around it does make it more of a challenge with thrust attack than any of the sword swipes
🔗 21:59
Unknowngamer88: I'm guessing death by trap, either in Sens or because of whats-his-nut turning the bridge while crossing
🔗 21:59
Ravingpenguin: !advice
🔗 21:59
LRRbot: Blink to clear blood from your eyes.
🔗 21:59
TheMoatman: Pride cometh before the fall
🔗 21:59
KinoGami: if alex makes it to the bell demons he will roll off the roof there for sure
🔗 22:00
Sjlangenegger: What use do you have for those talismans?
🔗 22:00
TehSpud: what are the lloyd's talismans for?
🔗 22:00
Bv310: So as someone who just bought this a few days ago, is buying big armor and tanking behind a shield a viable strategy?
🔗 22:00
King__of__Spades: so enemy or falling what does Alex die to?
🔗 22:01
Mister_Blue_Sky: for lloyd obviously
🔗 22:01
Caerlocc: other than mimics no idea
🔗 22:01
KinoGami: Bv310 yes
🔗 22:01
KitteyWolf: Bv310, yes.
🔗 22:01
Sjlangenegger: That's totally viable, Bv310
🔗 22:01
KinoGami: actually best strat for new players
🔗 22:01
Darkstarashura: lloyd's talismans are really only good in PvP, pretty useless in PvE
🔗 22:01
TransplendantBobtail: alex facetrumpetsolo!
🔗 22:01
StagLord: Alex is a heck of a lot better at this game then I am though, I just turtle up with armor and play it safe, and still die
🔗 22:01
Redryhno: Debatable, I did better just rolling around and dodging myself
🔗 22:02
Ashiok_Nightmare_Beaver: winged spear, a fav of mine
🔗 22:02
KitteyWolf: Redryhno, its dependent on the player.
🔗 22:02
GDwarf: You should feed Frampt his own tail
🔗 22:02
KinoGami: Rolling and dodging is more risky for new players since you risk rolling off an edge
🔗 22:02
Mister_Blue_Sky: winged spear forever
🔗 22:02
Omni_42: Hungry Hungry Serpents
🔗 22:02
Omega_Lairon: More VIT!
🔗 22:02
Redryhno: I'm aware, also the class you choose factors in a bit too, since you might have really bad roll
🔗 22:02
TehSpud: mostly dex, but some str
🔗 22:02
Caerlocc: this gets good Dex scaling
🔗 22:02
DiHorizon: Winged Spear is... E and C IIRC
🔗 22:02
Caerlocc: it gets to B
🔗 22:02
LimeJester: Dex scaling is decent
🔗 22:03
Bv310: I'm still stuck not playing for a few weeks because I don't have a controller where I'm living (and playing with a keyboard is nightmarish)
🔗 22:03
Zeke229: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/12/atomic-wedgie-manslaughte_n_7268932.html a man was killed by an atomic wedgie, sounds like some sorta elementary school playground rumor
🔗 22:03
Bv310: but thanks for the help
🔗 22:03
Zeke229: dude, i hear jimmy's dad killed a guy with a wedgie
🔗 22:03
Inkompetence: Higher stability shields, too.
🔗 22:03
Nightvalien28: Zeke229, if they damaged his testicles he might have died
🔗 22:03
MrJWhit: I went massive Zweihander armor build the first time, it was pretty fun.
🔗 22:04
Zeke229: nightvalien, suffocation
🔗 22:04
Mister_Blue_Sky: i have a friend who really needs to play this but sadly he lives in the past and barely plays anything past snes
🔗 22:04
MrJWhit: ALSO protip: improving your weapon is a lot more important than leveling up your character,
🔗 22:04
D_Man_7733: So are we staying Winged spear until death? Or are we maybe upgrading if we get a different spear? (Not terribly familiar with the weapons of Dark Souls, so not sure how many spears)
🔗 22:04
KinoGami: When i went back to finally playing demon's souls after beating bloodborne i totally went dex build and dodged because i felt comfortable with the mechanics
🔗 22:04
Nightvalien28: Zeke229, testicles are really weak it can send you into shock and coma
🔗 22:04
PMAvers: I know I've been playing DS2 with KB&M since it completely refuses to recognize my 360 controller as being connected, and it's not been that bad really.
🔗 22:04
Zeke229: that wasnt the stated cause of death nightvalien
🔗 22:04
Caerlocc: could go vit gouge and make an elemental spear
🔗 22:05
Lightspeeddash: you state? straight smashed
🔗 22:05
Arclight_Dynamo: Nightvalien28: The medical examiner said asphyxiation and blunt force trauma.
🔗 22:05
Redryhno: Yeah, DS2 really did better with kb&m, you've gotta rebind everything, but at least it responds
🔗 22:05
1Life0Continues: Oh look, the chat is speaking in that incomprehensible Dark Souls language again.
🔗 22:05
Omni_42: @D_man_7733 there are only a couple spears but they have multiple upgrade paths
🔗 22:05
Lightspeeddash: kb&m?
🔗 22:05
Nightvalien28: Arclight_Dynamo, ah so something way different than a wedgie
🔗 22:05
Zeke229: upgrade resistance
🔗 22:05
KinoGami: it was still the wedgie
🔗 22:05
Bifroront: speed run practice or more lore?
🔗 22:05
Caerlocc: resistance all day erryday
🔗 22:06
Bv310: Okay, I'm off to bed. Someone tell me if he dies on Taurus
🔗 22:06
KinoGami: pretty sure the asphyxiation came from his underwear being over his head
🔗 22:06
KinoGami: got a twitter Bv310?
🔗 22:06
Arclight_Dynamo: Nightvalien28: Depends. It was in the course of a fight... and an "atmoic" wedgie is hooking the back of the undergarment over the victim's head. Asphyxiation is possible.
🔗 22:06
16Bitmason: alex would it be safe to say drak souls is your favorite game?
🔗 22:06
Arclight_Dynamo: *atomic
🔗 22:06
Pump19: LRR Video Feed: Crapshots Ep243 - The Bad Matchups 2 (http://loadingreadyrun.com/videos/view/2402/Crapshots-Ep243-The-Bad-Matchups-2) [2015-05-12T07:00:00Z]
🔗 22:06
King__of__Spades: dat backstep tho
🔗 22:06
Darkstarashura: you can cheese havel
🔗 22:07
Arclight_Dynamo: Nightvalien28: (I've seen some *weird* *** in legal cases. I think I have a more... clinical view of these things than most.)
🔗 22:07
KinoGami: i think the article said he knocked his step father unconcious and then pulled his underwear over his head
🔗 22:07
Lightspeeddash: cheese havel?
🔗 22:07
D_Man_7733: Not sure what would go wrong, but you'd get a pretty awesome shield maybe?
🔗 22:07
Edroach: is that an arm pizza
🔗 22:07
KinoGami: so i gues his stepfather was unable to remove the blockage to his airways and died
🔗 22:07
Vulcnor: The Havil plan is only good if you bring a ton of poison daggers
🔗 22:07
Zeke229: chat, chat chat chat, 3d printed jet engine
🔗 22:07
Nightvalien28: Arclight_Dynamo, interesting
🔗 22:07
ImmoralEthicist: Question about permadeath, Alex (sorry if you've answered): Do you need to restart if some chucklefuck invades and kills you?
🔗 22:07
Caerlocc: poison mist havel through the door Kappa
🔗 22:07
Omega_Lairon: He's on offline mode
🔗 22:07
1Life0Continues: pokey pokey
🔗 22:07
KinoGami: ImmoralEthicist: Adam is playing offline so that doesn't happen
🔗 22:07
Darkstarashura: to cheese havel you lure him up to the door and exit the tower, then when he does the downward thrust, step forward, hit him, step back, repeat
🔗 22:08
KinoGami: alex*
🔗 22:08
Zeke229: 3d printed jet fuel cant melt steel beams
🔗 22:08
Arclight_Dynamo: It's the same way people laugh at that "Hot McDonald's Coffee" lawsuit. They don't understand the seriousness of the injuries or the magnitude of the wrongdoing. Similar in this case, I think.
🔗 22:08
Mister_Blue_Sky: peolpe hack dark souls on pc edition too and troll around this area
🔗 22:08
ImmoralEthicist: Ahh! That's a wise way to deal with that problem
🔗 22:08
KinoGami: oh god i mixed up their names D:
🔗 22:08
Mister_Blue_Sky: or they used to idk if they still do
🔗 22:08
Zeke229: adex
🔗 22:08
Zeke229: alam
🔗 22:08
Abcxyq: You've lived too long to be Adam Kappa
🔗 22:08
Lightspeeddash: Adam is multiplying Kappa
🔗 22:08
cheetoJack: Oh so this is Adam's 24 hour stream right? Kappa
🔗 22:08
1Life0Continues: @Mister_blue_sky having a hacker kill your Blacksmith is LOTS of fun
🔗 22:08
Nightvalien28: KinoGami, wow dude wow
🔗 22:08
Arclight_Dynamo: Tuvix? Kappa
🔗 22:08
MrJWhit: 24 Hour Stream!
🔗 22:08
KinoGami: I vote we just call everyone Beej
🔗 22:08
vrulg: all streamers are called adam now
🔗 22:08
Senstaku: JK flattened.
🔗 22:09
DiHorizon: Alex "Did you just call me Adam" Savidan
🔗 22:09
KinoGami: No no, we call them all beej
🔗 22:09
Edroach: that's why youre running
🔗 22:09
Mister_Blue_Sky: why not just call everyone friend
🔗 22:09
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: Aww, Tuvix could cook so great...
🔗 22:09
D_Man_7733: Unless they are streaming bloodborne, then we call them Cam
🔗 22:09
Zeke229: dead
🔗 22:09
Anaerin: It's Lightning McQueen!
🔗 22:09
Angnor33: lrrSCOOP
🔗 22:09
KinoGami: why not falling attack?
🔗 22:09
TheMoatman: Might I suggest cheesing him
🔗 22:09
Caerlocc: REKT
🔗 22:09
Arclight_Dynamo: !death
🔗 22:09
LRRbot: lrrAWW 518 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 22:09
KitteyWolf: rip
🔗 22:09
Edroach: RIP
🔗 22:09
KinoGami: welp
🔗 22:09
MrJWhit: Gogo death, this is where I voted for
🔗 22:09
HamsterGuy: rpi
🔗 22:09
Lightspeeddash: Pave The Save
🔗 22:09
Senstaku: Aaaaand paved
🔗 22:09
Arclight_Dynamo: !pave
🔗 22:09
LRRbot: lrrCOW 1 pave for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 22:09
KinoGami: Bv310 was right
🔗 22:09
D_Man_7733: Called it
🔗 22:09
King__of__Spades: WELP
🔗 22:09
Edroach: RIP lrrSPOOP
🔗 22:09
GruntAI: R E S E T B O Y S !
🔗 22:09
Zeke229: pave counter?
🔗 22:09
Darkstarashura: is this a blind play through or not?
🔗 22:09
Hadanelith: RIP
🔗 22:09
1Life0Continues: I cheesed this guy with falling stabs.
🔗 22:09
squaredotcube: Shoulda just plunged'em
🔗 22:09
Laserbeaks_Fury: I foresee a future where 3d printers will be used to make replacement parts for everything, and will be useful until you need to fix your 3d printer
🔗 22:09
Caerlocc: estocccc
🔗 22:09
Frozendukie: goodbye clover
🔗 22:09
TheMoatman: Zweihander
🔗 22:09
Arclight_Dynamo: Which weapons are the options?
🔗 22:09
Twitch_Purple: How did he die?
🔗 22:09
KinoGami: Estoc
🔗 22:09
Mister_Blue_Sky: fists only Kappa
🔗 22:09
Incantatio: roll a bandit and use an axe?
🔗 22:09
MrJWhit: I won the first round of betting!
🔗 22:09
Ravingpenguin: You can plunge attack from that ladder? maybe?
🔗 22:10
Sleeperawakend: That was quite like my first ever play'through'
🔗 22:10
TehSpud: I like the, run up the tower and dive down strat on Tarus
🔗 22:10
KinoGami: Alex died to unconfidence
🔗 22:10
MrJWhit: I vote Zweihander!
🔗 22:10
vrulg: why not do the plunging attack method?
🔗 22:10
Anaerin: laserbeaks_fury: Well, you can 3D print replacement parts for your 3D printer. Or, indeed, borrow a friend's one.
🔗 22:10
DGZenos: i think double shortswords. i find i play way better when i dont have a reliable defensive play
🔗 22:10
Lightspeeddash: is it even possible to run fists only in any of the From Software games?
🔗 22:10
Lightspeeddash: Estoc
🔗 22:10
Redryhno: yeah, but that plunge is sorta risky, since he moves around a lot and the hitboxes are sorta wonky in DS1 sometimes
🔗 22:10
DGZenos: if i feel safe i die
🔗 22:10
Frozendukie: estoc
🔗 22:10
Unknowngamer88: yeah, zweihander plox
🔗 22:10
Mister_Blue_Sky: double shields?
🔗 22:10
Darkstarashura: yes speeddash
🔗 22:10
Whatanvarno: Morningstar: for the bleed and bludgeoning damage :P
🔗 22:10
MrJWhit: Alex, will we repeat weapons?
🔗 22:10
Hammith: So. How many dudes have fallen?
🔗 22:10
LoadingReadyRun: http://strawpoll.me/4347443
🔗 22:10
🔗 22:10
TacitusVigil: Laserbeaks_Fury: Or that might be the reason why the machines choose to keep human slaves around...for a while anyway.
🔗 22:10
squaredotcube: but he can't hit the upper half of the ladder if you get there
🔗 22:10
Darkstarashura: you go with the dragon torso stone to up your unarmed damage
🔗 22:10
Caerlocc: uchigatana is close
🔗 22:10
Whatanvarno: I'd say anything from the first merchant should be fine
🔗 22:10
Spenserj: zweihander
🔗 22:10
Compleatly: Alex, how long do you plan on streaming?
🔗 22:10
Chaucer345: Go faith!
🔗 22:11
DiHorizon: The Merchant's weapons?
🔗 22:11
KinoGami: ooh this is close
🔗 22:11
TehSpud: the sweet katana
🔗 22:11
Chaucer345: Use the priesty stuff!
🔗 22:11
TheMoatman: Lightspeeddash, someone tried. Takes like 15 minutes to kill the demon jailer
🔗 22:11
Twitch_Purple: Double shields, though. You won't be able to die.
🔗 22:11
MrJWhit: Ooooh, magic would be neat.
🔗 22:11
ImmoralEthicist: Woah, nice and close poll
🔗 22:11
Zeke229: sweet katana?
🔗 22:11
Lightspeeddash: aww thats kinda sad
🔗 22:11
Hammith: So close
🔗 22:11
MrJWhit: Hot damn this poll is really close.
🔗 22:11
Caerlocc: wow close
🔗 22:11
Think_Im_Safe_For_Now: mono shield?!
🔗 22:11
daneislazy: Start as bandit next time, Battle axe is super fun
🔗 22:11
will_dota: !weapon
🔗 22:11
Darkstarashura: there is another way though speeddash
🔗 22:11
Whatanvarno: He actually sells quite a few weapons I think
🔗 22:11
Incantatio: Hey Alex, what about other classes to get different weapons like pyromancy, scimitar, or axe?
🔗 22:11
Darkstarashura: get the gauntlets of thorns
🔗 22:11
TheMoatman: You don't have to kill the merchant. You can buy it if you're in the forest covenant
🔗 22:11
Darkstarashura: they up unarmed damage as well
🔗 22:11
Hammith: Vote for morning star! It's the star of the show! :D
🔗 22:12
Lightspeeddash: the dream of going through as JoJo is not dead?
🔗 22:12
Compleatly: TheMoatman: really? All this time I thought the katana was just embedded inside of that one guy.
🔗 22:12
KinoGami: estoc for fancy pants thrust attacks
🔗 22:12
Lightspeeddash: Hammith the star always appears last Kappa
🔗 22:12
Caerlocc: uchigatana is close Kappa dead merchant
🔗 22:12
TheMoatman: Compleatly, nah, you can buy it from Shiva at the bottom of the blighttown lift
🔗 22:12
Darkstarashura: you get the gauntlets by being human in the sewers though
🔗 22:12
KinoGami: the katana is actually just the merchants spine
🔗 22:12
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah don't forget the starting weapons for all the classes
🔗 22:12
MrJWhit: Can we use Broken Sword? Kappa
🔗 22:13
Darkstarashura: go unarmed
🔗 22:13
King__of__Spades: weaponless run just punch everyone
🔗 22:13
KinoGami: Alex, "fancy pants thrusting sword"
🔗 22:13
Darkstarashura: Spades i've done that...either with Dragon Torso STone or Gauntlets of thorns
🔗 22:13
TheMoatman: Use the Mail Breaker Kappa
🔗 22:13
Redryhno: Hey, don't knock brokswor, you get the best Artorias sword out of it
🔗 22:13
Senstaku: Astora Straight sword has the same stats as the longsword though
🔗 22:13
Chaucer345: OOOH!
🔗 22:13
Caerlocc: astora's is actually good til reaaaalllly late
🔗 22:13
Solomon_Kain: *** is good for Faith Builds.
🔗 22:13
Whatanvarno: Uchigatana takes forever to get, you have to join the forest covenant and then go all the way to the blight town elevator
🔗 22:13
Chaucer345: Demon's Great Hammer!
🔗 22:13
Darkstarashura: oh yeah try to get the demon's great hammer and use that
🔗 22:13
Evan__08: Grave lord sword
🔗 22:13
Zeke229: caestus
🔗 22:14
Vulcnor: Did we died?
🔗 22:14
TheMoatman: Gough's greatbow
🔗 22:14
Caerlocc: kill the undead merchant and you get an uchi
🔗 22:14
Darkstarashura: 50
🔗 22:14
Solomon_Kain: the undead merchant drops an Uchi if you kill him...
🔗 22:14
Arclight_Dynamo: Wait... so we don't count !deaths or !paves if we die before we get the chosen weapon?
🔗 22:14
Under_5core: !advice
🔗 22:14
LRRbot: Kiss the glove.
🔗 22:14
Hammith: Astoria's Straight Sword is actually pretty good. Not great damage, but fun moveset
🔗 22:14
TheMoatman: It's like 46 str
🔗 22:14
Darkstarashura: you need 50 str
🔗 22:14
Edroach: Hugh-manatee
🔗 22:14
DiHorizon: need 35 Str to two hand it
🔗 22:14
1Life0Continues: I've heard it's possible to beat the Asylum Demon with the broken sword?
🔗 22:14
Ravingpenguin: !badadvice
🔗 22:14
LRRbot: Try dying more.
🔗 22:14
DiHorizon: IIRC
🔗 22:14
Redryhno: strength on Demon stuff is like 40 minimum
🔗 22:14
KinoGami: arclight: I think we count deaths, but he doesn't pave until he has chosen weapon?
🔗 22:14
Darkstarashura: it is early in the game
🔗 22:14
Theflanman5: !badadvice
🔗 22:14
LRRbot: Have you tried turning it off?
🔗 22:14
Angnor33: Once we get there, Gargoyle's Halberd!
🔗 22:14
Compleatly: !quote
🔗 22:14
LRRbot: Quote #12: "I can't control what comes out of my mouth. There's no brain thing there. The tongue is engaging separately. It's pure reptile instinct." —Kathleen
🔗 22:14
Arclight_Dynamo: KinoGami: Reasonable.
🔗 22:14
TheMoatman: BKS
🔗 22:14
Whatanvarno: @Caerlocc Yes, but that plan has been vetoed, therefore uchigatana is a mid game weapon :P
🔗 22:14
Vulcnor: Drake tail Sword?
🔗 22:14
Evan__08: Gravelord sword
🔗 22:14
16Bitmason: how about that sweet katana
🔗 22:14
Lightspeeddash: doesn't havel's ring help with strength?
🔗 22:15
Hammith: 10 Str, 10 Dex, and 14 Faith needed for the Straight Sword, though
🔗 22:15
Darkstarashura: getting astora's straight sword is actually easy if you run fast enough
🔗 22:15
3DDotNikkiWolf: Hey Alex, in your honor, I just finally killed Ornstein & Smough with the Chinese Food Sword (Gravelord Sword) lrrHORN
🔗 22:15
DiHorizon: Havels' increases Equip load and nothing else
🔗 22:15
Zeke229: you dont need to activate the dragon to get the astora straight sword btw
🔗 22:15
Caerlocc: boring, its a challenge run so npc kills should be fine
🔗 22:15
Redryhno: no, just with how much armor you can put on
🔗 22:15
TheMoatman: Take the master key and kill everything with the Tin Banishing Catalyst
🔗 22:15
Lightspeeddash: ah ok coolio
🔗 22:15
gravity_pike: !uptime
🔗 22:15
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 37:11
🔗 22:15
Pariah164: Now playing Dracula X Chronicles on my PSP. I'm only doing this to unlock SotN okay. I am clenching. Please wish me luck, chat and Derplord Alex.
🔗 22:15
somekindofstream: black knight halberd, since you always get it
🔗 22:15
Darkstarashura: i got a story for you @Loadingreadyrun
🔗 22:15
Lightspeeddash: you beat Pikachu and Snorlax yay~
🔗 22:15
Stalevar_: the way you play you will not survive to the point, where astora's becomes garbage, and it's the strongest weapon you can get for early game, so it will actually make a run easier for you, untill you get to o&s
🔗 22:16
Evan__08: Do you ever steam darksouls 2?
🔗 22:16
Chaucer345: Hey can you buy weapons from the smith?
🔗 22:16
Laserbeaks_Fury: You sent it back up in case you die. Kappa
🔗 22:16
Darkstarashura: so on my current playthrough of DS. i went to fight the Capra Demon and the RNG gods were with me so much that he killed his own dogs
🔗 22:16
TheMoatman: How bout the Jagged Ghost Blade
🔗 22:16
Chaucer345: Just wondering.
🔗 22:16
KinoGami: alex doesn't like Dark Souls 2
🔗 22:16
Zeke229: he doesnt like DS2 evan__08
🔗 22:16
Lightspeeddash: DS2 is not mentioned
🔗 22:16
Hammith: I think you should use the Kirkhammer
🔗 22:16
MarkBarks: so wait, what's happening here? what are the parameters for this run?
🔗 22:16
Lightspeeddash: don't die
🔗 22:16
KinoGami: Alex has strong opinions on DS2
🔗 22:16
Zeke229: you should use the threaded cane
🔗 22:16
Void_The_Dark: Doing a no leveling no upgrading run on bloodborn while listening to Alex permadeath.
🔗 22:16
Compleatly: Didn't they make a "non-shitty" version of DS2 for PC?
🔗 22:16
KinoGami: I agree with zeke
🔗 22:16
Ravingpenguin: There should be a chat command that links to said blog post
🔗 22:17
gravity_pike: how long has alex been playing?
🔗 22:17
Unknowngamer88: linking that post to an !explain would probably not be amiss, either
🔗 22:17
MarkBarks: oh so it's a compound-tilting run
🔗 22:17
Darkstarashura: they did yeah scolar of the first sin
🔗 22:17
Caerlocc: Vamos hammer run Kappa even harder to get early than gravelord sword
🔗 22:17
KinoGami: Compleatly: They didn't fix their level design
🔗 22:17
Hadanelith: Please do, Alex. I would like to read that, and I would rather not badger you for your opinion.
🔗 22:17
Nightvalien28: Compleatly, they did not, they just put a new skin it is still ***
🔗 22:17
Edroach: are you going to go human this run?
🔗 22:17
Laserbeaks_Fury: how can you do hardcore wrong?
🔗 22:17
Edroach: heh nm
🔗 22:17
Solomon_Kain: you have to kill Vamos to get it...
🔗 22:17
Darkstarashura: try to get the tin banishment catalyst as a weapon if you die
🔗 22:17
TheMoatman: Well Alex, you see, the way to do a no death run is to just git gud
🔗 22:17
Compleatly: Laserbeaks_fury: by appeasing everyone at the same time at all times.
🔗 22:17
Solomon_Kain: although vamos drops a Sweet Helmet.
🔗 22:17
DiHorizon: Vamos Hammer requires killing a non-aggro NPC
🔗 22:17
KinoGami: Alex has issues with the level design and enemy placements (Ie the theme of the enemy not matching the theme of the area)
🔗 22:18
Caerlocc: vamos run is basically gravelord run but more skelly dodging
🔗 22:18
TheMoatman: It's that simple
🔗 22:18
ImmoralEthicist: @Laserbeaks_Fury, As I recall, buddy was saying that by doing hardcore at all, Alex was wrong
🔗 22:18
Anaerin: OMG! You're not having fun right!
🔗 22:18
gravity_pike: Darksouls Fireside-Chat Run: We stare at the firelink shrine bonfire for 3 hours.ಠ_ಠ
🔗 22:18
Solomon_Kain: Vamos is a dick, I didnt mind killing him, my only regret is I forgot to kill Andre.
🔗 22:18
MarkBarks: put all your souls in the 'gud' stat
🔗 22:18
Arclight_Dynamo: "So... how do I get to be a chemist?" "Git gud, jerkass!"
🔗 22:18
ImmoralEthicist: "git gud" usually means, "be gud!" which is useless.
🔗 22:18
Chaucer345: That is in fact a thing,
🔗 22:18
squaredotcube: Smash the binary state?
🔗 22:18
Laserbeaks_Fury: Shit, I had my Scrub Lock key on, no wonder I was so bad
🔗 22:18
Compleatly: The Get Good philosophy. An end with no beginning. An eternity of nothingness. A void.
🔗 22:18
Zeke229: i rewatched the daredevil episode 2 fight scene, omg its so good, the fighters actually get tired durin it, you know, like humans
🔗 22:18
Chaucer345: We need to learn stuff.
🔗 22:19
Chaucer345: Down with binaries!
🔗 22:19
KinoGami: Laserbeaks how is your hardcore run of bloodborne going?
🔗 22:19
Hammith: Alex! You should use the Obrez-Chucks
🔗 22:19
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yup
🔗 22:19
MillerDark: I always considered "git gud" to be a joke, and not any actual advice on how to play better. Actual advice is too hard for some
🔗 22:19
Anaerin: Be good, or be a scrub, there is no try.
🔗 22:19
Laserbeaks_Fury: I stopped to watch Alex
🔗 22:19
Void_The_Dark: Misconception: Making your self human does not increase your item discovery. Simply increasing the soft humanity counter does. Is Alex become human for a reason or just because?
🔗 22:19
Darkstarashura: i love the Git Gud Texturemod
🔗 22:19
Zeke229: i need to go buy new jeans tomorrow, cuz i blew the crotch out of my good pair :C
🔗 22:19
Compleatly: there's a git gud texture mod?
🔗 22:19
Laserbeaks_Fury: So far, the farthest Ive gotten is clearing the Cathedral Workshop
🔗 22:19
Darkstarashura: yes
🔗 22:19
Darkstarashura: when you die it says git gud
🔗 22:19
Lightspeeddash: lol thats great
🔗 22:19
Arclight_Dynamo: MillerDark: I have legit received the advice to "get good." Not using those words, but that sentiment exactly.
🔗 22:20
Compleatly: oh, is that all?
🔗 22:20
Darkstarashura: yes
🔗 22:20
Zeke229: i have the lrr mod
🔗 22:20
Compleatly: I preferred Thanks Odama.
🔗 22:20
Compleatly: I miss the LRR texture mod
🔗 22:20
Zeke229: it says thanks odama
🔗 22:20
Zeke229: it still exists
🔗 22:20
King__of__Spades: I think OoT was the first game I played where rolling helped lessen falling damage
🔗 22:20
Laserbeaks_Fury: Also, I think I have to skip the Gaol as you have to die to get there
🔗 22:20
Darkstarashura: i prefer the DBZ Abridged "Why didn't you dodge" texture
🔗 22:20
1Life0Continues: I just play until I get too frustrated...that usually happens on either the black knight in the cathedral or the gargoyles. Because I suck
🔗 22:20
Ravingpenguin: So its basically a giant kebob
🔗 22:20
Chaucer345: Man, it impresses me how much butt you kick at this game.
🔗 22:20
TheMoatman: You should still be able to use the mod with the current dsfix
🔗 22:20
KinoGami: the lrr texture mod makes it hard for people, like myself, who are unfamiliar with the game to understand where the *** alex is
🔗 22:20
I_Am_Clockwork: Hey guys! Wow Alex is still on? Sweet!
🔗 22:20
Darkstarashura: the moveset is that of a rapier
🔗 22:21
Edroach: 18th century translation of "come at me bro"
🔗 22:21
Compleatly: Alex, are you excited for the upcoming Igavania game, Bloodstained?
🔗 22:21
TheMoatman: But it slashes instead of stabbing with the heavy (I think) attack
🔗 22:21
MarkBarks: !viewers
🔗 22:21
LRRbot: 279 users viewing the stream. 308 users in the chat.
🔗 22:21
Evan__08: Researching is for scrubs
🔗 22:21
GCU_OfCourseIStillLoveYou: Do we have blue hair? I hope we have blue hair.
🔗 22:21
DiHorizon: Wait, if it's a fencing sword does that mean one of its attacks is a Flunge?
🔗 22:21
Darkstarashura: guys do you know of the Frampt glitch that hasn't been patched?
🔗 22:21
MarkBarks: wait....how are there more people in chat than watching the stream?
🔗 22:21
Unknowngamer88: purple hair, I thnk
🔗 22:21
kindlehl: hey guys I just joined the stream. how far has he gotten
🔗 22:21
Chaucer345: I can never manage to get the hang of parrying.
🔗 22:21
KinoGami: i think it's jumping attack is a flunge in demon's souls
🔗 22:21
Seagulyus: Dihorizon any attack is a flunge if executed improperly
🔗 22:21
Chaucer345: I can maybe do it on a good day with a buckler.
🔗 22:21
TheMoatman: Hollow Soldier Waistcloth is really only good for getting a bunch of poise with relatively little weight
🔗 22:22
daneislazy: welp, im my run I died to a rando balder knight(not the one on the stairs) right before fighting the gargoyles, then i went and did them anyway and 1 timed it. gotta restart though
🔗 22:22
kindlehl: hey has he made it to Taurus demon?
🔗 22:22
gravity_pike: I think your jump attack is a... well, lunge. A flunge would be silly.
🔗 22:22
Caerlocc: yep first death
🔗 22:22
Laserbeaks_Fury: just block and counter, block and counter
🔗 22:22
KinoGami: he had died to the taurus demon once
🔗 22:22
KitteyWolf: kindlehl, yes.
🔗 22:22
squaredotcube: I like the fancy slash n' somersault of the shamshir
🔗 22:22
TheMoatman: What route are you running, Alex?
🔗 22:22
Solomon_Kain: you can always just Plunging attack Taurus
🔗 22:22
kindlehl: thank you
🔗 22:22
Hadanelith: Markbarks: my girlfriend, for example, runs the LRR chat through Trillian, and she just leaves that running even if she's not watching.
🔗 22:22
KinoGami: I beat taurus demon by plunging attack over and over with a spear
🔗 22:22
Compleatly: !quote Alex
🔗 22:22
LRRbot: Quote #7: "My desire is to be, like, a 67-year-old Chinese woman." —Alex [2015-01-31]
🔗 22:22
Darkstarashura: Frampt glitch: get the cat's covenant ring, feed it to frampt, get 1000 souls, quit game to menu, load save, go to chest behind frampt, get cat covenant ring out of it, repeat
🔗 22:23
Chaucer345: How do you dodge the taurus demon?
🔗 22:23
Senstaku: I want to know how to get that item hanging out of the window below this area
🔗 22:23
Laserbeaks_Fury: YOU generally don't need to dodge
🔗 22:23
Kanitaria: hai
🔗 22:23
TheMoatman: Chaucer345, master key lets you go straight to blighttown if you so desire
🔗 22:23
Arclight_Dynamo: Gonna be honest - I liked that spear better than this sword.
🔗 22:23
Stalevar_: taurus moveset is telegraph every attack for 3 seconds, then smack the ground once. you don't dodge them, you just slowly walk back and wait for him to miss
🔗 22:23
squaredotcube: Hi Kanitaria
🔗 22:23
KinoGami: You run up latter, jump off tower and plunge, repeay
🔗 22:23
KinoGami: repeat*
🔗 22:23
MarkBarks: ah. hm
🔗 22:23
Darkstarashura: ReadyRun wanna know a fast way to level in DS?
🔗 22:23
Anaerin: Alex needs to charge his phone.
🔗 22:23
Spacecarl: You underestimate what we will watch
🔗 22:23
Edroach: Can you get a weapon that shoots bubbles #Milon's
🔗 22:23
daneislazy: There are things that you can kill to farm faster than that frampt glitch
🔗 22:24
Compleatly: Adam likes farming Kappa
🔗 22:24
KitteyWolf: Darkstarashura, he doesnt use exploits.
🔗 22:24
Lightspeeddash: they have to be an extremely charismatic person to carry a farming stream
🔗 22:24
Chaucer345: What if it was a game about parming, where you make delicious chicken?
🔗 22:24
TheMoatman: BKH (one of the fastest routes) doesn't take much advantage of it since it sprints straight to darkroot garden to kill the black knight
🔗 22:24
Edroach: farming on stream is where you better damned well have a personality. you have a personality
🔗 22:24
Darkstarashura: ah ok Kittey
🔗 22:24
DiHorizon: Farming is the problem I have with Bloodborne. I don't even know hom many times I have seen Cam kill the enemies in the early area for blood vials
🔗 22:24
ashburnem: Personally, I just show up to hear you guys be clever.
🔗 22:24
Arclight_Dynamo: Farming is an *immediate* turn-off for me when playing a game. I hate it.
🔗 22:24
Darkstarashura: still i love that this glitch hasn't been patched also and it makes leveling crazy fast
🔗 22:24
Pariah164: Libraries, AKA Bibliophile Porn.
🔗 22:24
thetardis42: we have no standards
🔗 22:24
Arclight_Dynamo: I'll *watch* it, but I won't play it. Kappa
🔗 22:24
ImmoralEthicist: watch you clean a library? I don't recall that
🔗 22:24
MrJWhit: I'm here for you Alex, not really the game.
🔗 22:24
dougma: People watch twitch plays.....
🔗 22:24
Spacecarl: Chat generally doesnt mind some farming. a stream full is a bit much, but if you need to, go for it.
🔗 22:24
Void_The_Dark: Did you at least clean the *** out of that library alex?
🔗 22:24
KinoGami: arclight: so you hate harvest moon then? Kappa
🔗 22:24
D_Man_7733: Wasn't there a time when Paul just stared at the camera and he actually gained viewers?
🔗 22:25
Caerlocc: I think so
🔗 22:25
Whatanvarno: @Dihorizon It doesn't help that Cam refuses to spend souls on vials and bullets
🔗 22:25
Compleatly: I mean, these people spent 500 dollars to make Adam stream for 24 hours. Don't be surprised by the crazy stuff the chat people will do.
🔗 22:25
Nightvalien28: D_Man_7733, well he is paul
🔗 22:25
Arclight_Dynamo: KinoGami: Yes, actually. You farm *farms* in that game. :P
🔗 22:25
TehSpud: this is making me want to do an estoc run
🔗 22:25
Intrepid_Colin: Who's a naughty little fiction... you are. Trying to squeeze into the science books.
🔗 22:25
Edroach: paul has powers
🔗 22:25
Senstaku: Yes.
🔗 22:25
Hammith: Newest Crapshot made me giggle
🔗 22:25
Senstaku: It was Desert Bus.
🔗 22:25
TheMoatman: There was, in fact a time paul just stared at the camera and got viewers
🔗 22:25
Compleatly: Also the tech test.
🔗 22:25
Edroach: Intrepid_Colin, intelligent design?
🔗 22:25
TheMoatman: But he did have something on his head
🔗 22:25
Spacecarl: And the whole Things on my Head thing
🔗 22:25
gravity_pike: We watched James's *** while he put together ikea furniture
🔗 22:25
Whatanvarno: I think the master key can't save the sorcery guy
🔗 22:25
TacitusVigil: To be fair, Adam was asking for it when James taunted the chat. Kappa
🔗 22:25
Caerlocc: residence key is only needed if you want sorcery
🔗 22:25
empyrealhell: The only door the residence key opens that the master key doesn't is the one for the sorcery vendor in lower undead burg
🔗 22:25
Nightvalien28: alex why don't you try and challenge us lrrCREEPY
🔗 22:25
Edroach: the master key cant melt steel beams
🔗 22:25
Intrepid_Colin: @Edroach Probably. Except it was The Hobbit
🔗 22:26
Compleatly: TacitusVigil: That'll teach Adam to be friends with James Kappa
🔗 22:26
Hammith: I've got 99 throwing knives, but this other knife is the 100th so I can't actually carry it.
🔗 22:26
1Life0Continues: I would probably sub for a Alex Tutors Dark Souls series. But then, I suck at this game so...
🔗 22:26
TacitusVigil: Compleatly: EXACTLY. Finally, somebody gets it! Kappa
🔗 22:26
Edroach: now i want a DS mod that replaces pinwheel with Pain Wheel from Skullgirls
🔗 22:26
KinoGami: I want to see someone play 3d dot game heroes still :(
🔗 22:26
Whatanvarno: You might do the catacombs first with the morningstar, skeletons are weak to bludgeoning
🔗 22:27
1Life0Continues: @Edroach that would be awesome
🔗 22:27
D_Man_7733: Did we end up beating Gwyn a few days ago? I know Alex had to end the stream a bit before because someone else was streaming next.
🔗 22:27
Nightvalien28: Whatanvarno, he needs a holy weapon
🔗 22:27
Spacecarl: No, he had to stop
🔗 22:27
King__of__Spades: wow that is a lot of thirsty fellows
🔗 22:27
Void_The_Dark: I see your trying to kick Alex. Rapiers have back step slashes. No kicks. :P
🔗 22:27
Caerlocc: astora's ss is a holy weapon Kappa
🔗 22:27
Edroach: KinoGami, NakaTeleli played it on youtube i believe
🔗 22:27
Nightvalien28: he doesn't have the stats to use it
🔗 22:27
Hammith: I want a Darksouls mod that entirely replaces the levels with equally well designed and thought out levels of a similar theme.
🔗 22:27
Volafortis: This boss is so easy though?
🔗 22:27
Whatanvarno: @Nightvalien28 need is a strong word there, bludgeoning damage stuns skeletons even if they don't stay dead
🔗 22:27
Caerlocc: skipping taurus is faster anyways
🔗 22:28
Chaucer345: You know, I allways have mixed feels on conspiracy theories. On one hand they're mostly crazy, but believing that no conspiracies ever exist implies that no one ever plans anything...
🔗 22:28
KinoGami: Edroach: Someone from lrr, i have a hard time getting into lets plays of stuff from other people
🔗 22:28
Nightvalien28: Whatanvarno, still really hard to make it through everything in there
🔗 22:28
Edroach: 1Life0Continues, it would be amazing, but i don't think alex can take a 30 hit combo
🔗 22:28
squaredotcube: I suggest the plunge variety of cheese
🔗 22:28
Atifexe: Dear Doctor Alex - Has anyone mentioned that you can hit the Taurus Demon with plunging attacks from the tower the archers are on?
🔗 22:28
Unknowngamer88: awkward
🔗 22:28
Hadanelith: So, Alex, are you hype for Bloodstained? My partner guessed you saw the kickstarter and started pitching money at the screen.
🔗 22:28
MarkBarks: impromptu undead drinking contest
🔗 22:28
Arclight_Dynamo: Chaucer345: The point is to only believe things that have real evidence supporting them.
🔗 22:28
Compleatly: !quote 79
🔗 22:28
LRRbot: Quote #79: "I think we just got one-shotted by jiggling dick man." —Alex [2015-04-03]
🔗 22:28
Volafortis: Exactly, plunging attacks make taurus so simple.
🔗 22:28
Void_The_Dark: Did that hollow double chug?
🔗 22:28
Edroach: KinoGami, fair enough. naka tends to treat games with great reverence. not as much of a funny guy as LRR tho
🔗 22:29
MrJWhit: Damn, I'm getting a whole second of buffer :/
🔗 22:29
Chaucer345: @Arclight_dynamo Yeah, but evidence fudging happens too...
🔗 22:29
1Life0Continues: @Edroach complete with rage scream
🔗 22:29
Whatanvarno: Nightvalien28 Fair, actually, Astorea's Straight sword is totally grabbable without any fighting with the master key
🔗 22:29
Chaucer345: "The United States does not torture!"
🔗 22:29
Arclight_Dynamo: Chaucer345: So? You can only go on the best evidence available.
🔗 22:29
🔗 22:30
jadedcynic: !quote source 79
🔗 22:30
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
🔗 22:30
Arclight_Dynamo: Chaucer345: When new things come to light, you change views.
🔗 22:30
Chaucer345: Sorry I'm getting political late at night when cranky.
🔗 22:30
Nightvalien28: Chaucer345, "there is not such thing as wage gap"
🔗 22:30
PsychoI3oy: oh that email wasn't a mistake; I thought a random 'up next kathleen...' at the presumed end of Ian's stream was an oops
🔗 22:30
KinoGami: WHOA. that picture of robert
🔗 22:30
Unknowngamer88: yeah, he said on twotter that's what the real news is
🔗 22:30
Dan9299: !help
🔗 22:30
🔗 22:30
Unknowngamer88: *twitter
🔗 22:31
Tiber727: I'm happy that it's getting made, but, as someone who uses Kickstarter, it's reminding me of how gamers absorb the risks while publishers reap the rewards.
🔗 22:31
1Life0Continues: This is apparently the spot to cheese out that first knight
🔗 22:31
ImmoralEthicist: Robert Khoo has an insanely good mind for business and oeganization
🔗 22:31
Chaucer345: That was expensive.
🔗 22:31
Stalevar_: your potatoe cannot into 60fps for the secret skip
🔗 22:31
Void_The_Dark: Sorry if you've overstated this, but I haven't heard your opinion on Bloodborn Alex. Keeping it short is understandable.
🔗 22:31
Arclight_Dynamo: So... this Bloodstained thing is, what, a Castlevania-type game by the Castlevania guy?
🔗 22:32
Unknowngamer88: pretty much
🔗 22:32
MarkBarks: but I thought Alex already streamed his art from home?
🔗 22:32
KinoGami: by a castlevania guy
🔗 22:32
Evan__08: Plz no music
🔗 22:32
Edroach: play on bongos and you can have music too!
🔗 22:32
DoodlestheGreat: Yes.
🔗 22:32
Zeke229: stalevar_ they have an amazing gaming PC
🔗 22:32
Zeke229: twitch doesnt stream at 60fps
🔗 22:32
Compleatly: Arclight_Dynamo: A spiritual successor to the series since Konami is butts.
🔗 22:32
KinoGami: from my understanding not the original mind behind castlevania, but of games like SotN?
🔗 22:32
Lightspeeddash: yep Bloodstained is Koji Igarashi's redo of Castlevania since Konami holds rights to it
🔗 22:32
Compleatly: Kinogami: As far I understand it, it's the original creator making the new game
🔗 22:33
Void_The_Dark: Fair enough. :D
🔗 22:33
Unknowngamer88: yeah, it's the SotN 'vanias they're doin, not the uber old school ones
🔗 22:33
squaredotcube: I don't think Estoc has backstab?
🔗 22:33
Arclight_Dynamo: Ah, right-o, then. Thanks, chat. It's, uh, probably not my thing, in that case.
🔗 22:33
Mister_Blue_Sky: first megaman now castlevania.
🔗 22:33
Chaucer345: Dear Dr Alex, is it a bad thing that I've started compulsively buying the lowest price game on special on steam every day ( they appear to cost 19 cents).
🔗 22:33
Chaucer345: ?
🔗 22:33
KinoGami: Compleatly: It isn't
🔗 22:33
Lightspeeddash: don't forget Yooka Laylee i.e. Banjo Kazooie
🔗 22:33
Zhou_Mak: Was away watching TL;DR, how is the estoc working out?
🔗 22:33
Stalevar_: you actually need fps counter on screen and rebind fps switch to somewhere better, because short jumps will kill you
🔗 22:33
Compleatly: Maybe we'll get a Silent Hills-succesor through Kickstarter too.
🔗 22:33
Void_The_Dark: @Squaredotcube It does.
🔗 22:33
OMGITSsarpababa: U know what's Annoying i am in NG+3 And im in Capra Demon part :O
🔗 22:33
ashburnem: And Toejam and Earl.
🔗 22:34
Unknowngamer88: chaucer not necessarily, but you're gona end up with a lot of BAD games
🔗 22:34
OMGITSsarpababa: Praisin' Ain't Easy.
🔗 22:34
Volafortis: I hate Capra demon
🔗 22:34
Lightspeeddash: PraiseIt
🔗 22:34
Senstaku: Isn't Cold Steel the company that makes the chinese war sword? Kappa
🔗 22:34
Chaucer345: See... now I want to make it into a challenge.
🔗 22:34
ashburnem: Dr. Alex, I have a question for you. Who are my favorite streamers, and why are they LRR?
🔗 22:34
Zeke229: ma'am, there is a TOS
🔗 22:34
Volafortis: It's not even the boss that kills you, it's the damn dogs with him.
🔗 22:34
Void_The_Dark: What would you say is the hardest boss in this game for you Alex?
🔗 22:34
PsychoI3oy: so since I missed the first hour, other than 'hardcore' what's the plan for this run?
🔗 22:34
squaredotcube: Huh. Maybe it's got a narrow backstab angle to balance the parrying bonus
🔗 22:34
Arclight_Dynamo: What kind of cheeses me off is that all these old games are getting reboots and remakes and spiritual successors... but it's never the games *I* played as a kid. Makes me a little sad.
🔗 22:34
Chaucer345: ((BTW I am exagerating, I have done it like twice.
🔗 22:35
Vulcnor: clatpHappy
🔗 22:35
OMGITSsarpababa: do one Backstab in PvP And Everyone loses their minds
🔗 22:35
Whatanvarno: Astorea's straight sword is right there by that dragon, that would be a decent weapon to start with :P
🔗 22:35
KinoGami: arclight what games are you looking for?
🔗 22:35
Zhou_Mak: How do I suggest games for Let's Nope?
🔗 22:35
Nightvalien28: Arclight_Dynamo, I feel ya
🔗 22:35
Unknowngamer88: arclight_dynamo what games did you play?
🔗 22:35
ArchaicBreeze: @Arclight_Dynamo Go play Banjo-Kazooie right now!! :O
🔗 22:35
Compleatly: Arclight_Dynamo: You should contact the original developers and tell them to go to kickstarter Kappa
🔗 22:35
Mister_Blue_Sky: i always played the games that no one else rented so i (for the most part) never played the big games.
🔗 22:35
Arclight_Dynamo: KinoGami: PC games - I was a DOS game kid. Commander Keen, a Duke Nukem that isn't... *THAT*, things like that.
🔗 22:35
TheMoatman: Hey Alex, have you played the DLC?
🔗 22:36
Pharmacistjudge: oh, no gravelord sword speedruns?
🔗 22:36
King__of__Spades: Thunderbirds Are Go!
🔗 22:36
Chaucer345: RTSR?
🔗 22:36
Sai_Maa: Duke Skip the hardest boss Kappa
🔗 22:36
Void_The_Dark: Have you fought Kalameet, Alex.?
🔗 22:36
Arclight_Dynamo: ArchaicBreeze: I've seen it played. Not my thing.
🔗 22:36
KinoGami: Arclight: I played those too. I would love to see a reimagined commander keen
🔗 22:36
gravity_pike: @Zhou_mak you can suggest watch-and-play at watchandplay@loadingreadyrun.com. Lets Nope, maybe just tweet at alex?
🔗 22:36
Mister_Blue_Sky: everyone was playing resident evils, i was playing countdown vampires, trag, and overblood.
🔗 22:36
OMGITSsarpababa: bye bye :( gotta go
🔗 22:36
Unknowngamer88: Arclight isn't Strafe kinda in that vein?
🔗 22:36
Arclight_Dynamo: Compleatly: So... ID Software? Kappa
🔗 22:36
Volafortis: I wish we'd stop getting sequels, spiritual successors, and remakes and get some good new Triple-A IPs.
🔗 22:36
KinoGami: or a new 2d Duke without all the T&A and toilet humor
🔗 22:36
ArchaicBreeze: @Arclight_Dynamo Fairy snuff, I think it's one of those "cornerstone of my childhood" kinda games
🔗 22:36
Anaerin: Crush a dew!
🔗 22:36
TheMoatman: Sorry, I missed the beginning of what you said and wasn't sure if I misheard or not
🔗 22:36
Arclight_Dynamo: KinoGami: Exactly. Muri looked like it might be in that vein, actually.
🔗 22:36
TheMoatman: Artorias is hard as hell the first time
🔗 22:37
ImmoralEthicist: @KinoGami, You mean like the original 2 Dukes?
🔗 22:37
KinoGami: Yes
🔗 22:37
Zeke229: black knight cant enter cave
🔗 22:37
DiHorizon: Halberd Knight de-aggros at the entrance to that cave for future ref
🔗 22:37
squaredotcube: less triple-As, more moderate titles. The "get all or get very few" angle that's been going on is a bit tiring
🔗 22:37
KinoGami: exactly what i mean
🔗 22:37
Lightspeeddash: i'm fine with the reboots especially for the games that have been in the box of doom forever
🔗 22:37
Mister_Blue_Sky: they played parasite eve, i played koudelka
🔗 22:37
Unknowngamer88: arclight_dynamo although it wasn't my cup of tea, Mercenary Kings might also fill that niche for you
🔗 22:37
DiHorizon: Glitch?
🔗 22:37
Senstaku: He's glitching out
🔗 22:37
Ravingpenguin: You broke it
🔗 22:37
DiHorizon: That seems like an animation error
🔗 22:37
Zhou_Mak: Thanks, gravitypike. Maybe I can just say it's for Let's Nope in the email? I don't have a twitter and I don't want to get one just to suggest a game once.
🔗 22:37
Void_The_Dark: Is his AI broken?
🔗 22:37
Senstaku: Skipping part of the animation
🔗 22:37
Arclight_Dynamo: Unknowngamer88: Strafe would be my thing, if I had been allowed to play FPSes as a kid.
🔗 22:37
KinoGami: I would love a re-release of Brave Fencer Musashi as well
🔗 22:37
Unknowngamer88: it's a bit of a collect-em-up though
🔗 22:37
Spacecarl: I think my bet is for falling death for this character
🔗 22:38
King__of__Spades: turn around bright eyes
🔗 22:38
TheMoatman: I think he's glitched
🔗 22:38
Void_The_Dark: Played Dark Souls since release and never seen that. lol
🔗 22:38
Pharmacistjudge: I say glitched
🔗 22:38
Nightvalien28: he is borked
🔗 22:38
PsychoI3oy: his animation looks messed up
🔗 22:38
TheMoatman: That's supposed to be his big windup spin
🔗 22:38
Intrepid_Colin: This is Dave.... He is the special cousin of the other black knights.
🔗 22:38
Arclight_Dynamo: Unknowngamer88: Mercenary Kings looks like, what, Metal Slug? Not quite right, I think.
🔗 22:38
Senstaku: His hitbox is moving but his modle isn't
🔗 22:38
KinoGami: he is glitched
🔗 22:38
PsychoI3oy: Intrepid_colin seems like it
🔗 22:38
ImmoralEthicist: Oh yeah, he's glitched up
🔗 22:38
ArchaicBreeze: He doesn't look like he's feeling so good :/
🔗 22:38
Senstaku: So when you try to backstab him you're in the wrong spot
🔗 22:38
Chaucer345: Yay! Bugs!
🔗 22:38
KainAlexious: He looks stuck on terrain
🔗 22:38
MrJWhit: !sir
🔗 22:38
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a family stream.
🔗 22:38
Macelight: bug?
🔗 22:38
King__of__Spades: !sir
🔗 22:38
Darth_Gatsby: This is...strange
🔗 22:38
Angnor33: He seems glitched.
🔗 22:38
vrulg: go home black knight, you're drunk
🔗 22:38
Intrepid_Colin: I can be knight....
🔗 22:38
TheMoatman: No. I've never seen it before
🔗 22:38
Redryhno: He's deciding how he wants to kill you, don't be fooled!
🔗 22:38
northos: lrrHAM
🔗 22:38
Angnor33: Never seen this.
🔗 22:38
daneislazy: It seems to be some kind of, reference pose slam!?
🔗 22:38
Void_The_Dark: NEVER!
🔗 22:39
Sai_Maa: Never seen this, PC speciality or something? :)
🔗 22:39
King__of__Spades: !advice
🔗 22:39
LRRbot: Why don't you try and talk to the jewelry?
🔗 22:39
Compleatly: !highlight the sickly black knight
🔗 22:39
LRRbot: compleatly: That is a subscriber-only command
🔗 22:39
ArchaicBreeze: ouch, right in the heinous! :O
🔗 22:39
Compleatly: one of you get on it quickly
🔗 22:39
TacitusVigil: "Hey. You stabbed me in the back. Stop."
🔗 22:39
A_person_yeah: Kick
🔗 22:39
Unknowngamer88: arclight it takes HUGE artistic design notes from Metal Slug, but it's a lot more objective and exploration based
🔗 22:39
KinoGami: !hightlight the sickly black knight
🔗 22:39
Intrepid_Colin: Go home Dave....
🔗 22:39
Mister_Blue_Sky: go home black knight, you're drunk
🔗 22:39
PsychoI3oy: whatever you pressed to try to get 60fps might have messed something up?
🔗 22:39
gravity_pike: did he get his staff stuck behind his back?
🔗 22:39
DoktorLoy: heeeeyyyy maaaan, lets fiiiiiiight
🔗 22:39
KinoGami: !highlight sickly black knight
🔗 22:39
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 22:39
Arclight_Dynamo: Unknowngamer88: I will say that Wings of Saint Nazaire looks *exactly* right. It's basically TIE Fighter: http://www.wingsofstnazaire.com/
🔗 22:39
squaredotcube: He didn't meet the STR requirement like his others
🔗 22:39
King__of__Spades: sir are you having a stroke?
🔗 22:39
MrJWhit: LOL
🔗 22:39
sonji7: i dont even know if his "swings" would even hit you XD
🔗 22:39
DoodlestheGreat: He's been into the Quaaludes.
🔗 22:39
Edroach: someone left the game on for >12 hrs
🔗 22:39
Zeke229: maybe its cuz you dont have 60fps alex Kappa
🔗 22:39
Intrepid_Colin: Dave the Drunk Knight
🔗 22:39
BusTed: Smooth criminal.
🔗 22:39
Chaucer345: Wow...
🔗 22:39
Lightspeeddash: Doin the LEAAAN
🔗 22:39
Compleatly: !pardonfuck
🔗 22:39
LRRbot: lrrEFF 15 pardons-fuck for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 22:39
Hadanelith: !uptime
🔗 22:39
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:01:33
🔗 22:39
KainAlexious: Yeah his pathing ai *** up somehow.
🔗 22:39
Unknowngamer88: I tried that game arclight. SO GOOD.
🔗 22:39
vrulg: don't judge alex, he's just had a few too many. It's pretty boring sitting waiting on that ledge
🔗 22:39
Volafortis: Drunk Souls
🔗 22:39
PsychoI3oy: Edroach that thought crossed my mind as well
🔗 22:40
Nightvalien28: hahaha
🔗 22:40
jadedcynic: I guess this Black Knight is just that much of a smooth criminal? Kappa
🔗 22:40
Lightspeeddash: LEEAAAAN x3
🔗 22:40
Darth_Gatsby: hahahaha
🔗 22:40
Void_The_Dark: He planked while standing ! lol
🔗 22:40
Chaucer345: I guess this is now a goat simulator stream...
🔗 22:40
jadedcynic: !Highlight Smooth Criminal
🔗 22:40
LRRbot: jadedcynic: That is a subscriber-only command
🔗 22:40
Ravingpenguin: Thats the one that needs a highlight
🔗 22:40
Omega_Lairon: It's highlighted already, worry not
🔗 22:40
ArchaicBreeze: I kinda feel sorry for him :(
🔗 22:40
sonji7: goodbye
🔗 22:40
Zeke229: i you get the halberd you should use it
🔗 22:40
Mister_Blue_Sky: he has a kickstand nbd
🔗 22:40
Arclight_Dynamo: Wow.
🔗 22:40
BusTed: Poor guy.
🔗 22:40
DoodlestheGreat: He's using his third leg.
🔗 22:40
Compleatly: That was beautiful.
🔗 22:40
TacitusVigil: Goodbye Lean Knight!
🔗 22:40
northos: that...was...a thing...
🔗 22:40
Hadanelith: thank you, Omega_lairon
🔗 22:40
Intrepid_Colin: Goodbye Dave the Drunk Knigth.... you were.... special
🔗 22:40
Darth_Gatsby: Poor black knight
🔗 22:40
Seagulyus: Bliack Knighti s all "can you....can you not....SIR! SIR! please SETTLE DOWN!"
🔗 22:40
KinoGami: i flagged it, alex.
🔗 22:40
OMGITSsarpababa: Weird Sh!t
🔗 22:40
Anaerin: He also should be dead, according to his health bar.
🔗 22:41
squaredotcube: He was a lean, mean, bugged-out machine
🔗 22:41
Spacecarl: Yeah, stream accomplished. Shut it down
🔗 22:41
Omega_Lairon: Hadanelith - thanks, but it wasn't actually me. I just noticed a "Highlight added" scroll past in chat
🔗 22:41
Senstaku: Alex, definitely a glitch; His hitbox was moving normally but his model wasn't, which was causing him to miss parts of his animation.
🔗 22:41
Lightspeeddash: the Leaning Tower of Black Kniht
🔗 22:41
Pharmacistjudge: That is Sir Eddy. He's okay.
🔗 22:41
Angnor33: Black Knight Arthritis affects one in 10.
🔗 22:41
1Life0Continues: A Hard Dazed Knight
🔗 22:41
Unknowngamer88: also another space sim that I'm hugely hyped for but cannot afford: Elite Dangerous
🔗 22:41
1Life0Continues: sorry, I'll go
🔗 22:41
Mister_Blue_Sky: maybe it was like a bunch of tiny animals in a knight suit trying to fight
🔗 22:41
DiHorizon: Hey Alex, did you see that streamer Milt hosted the other day? He was Halberd speed running and got the drop 15/54 attempts
🔗 22:41
Anaerin: unknowngamer88: E:D is awesome.
🔗 22:41
Void_The_Dark: Best moment of the permadeath runs so far. Lets go for another golden moment.
🔗 22:41
Hadanelith: Black Knight doing his Ozian Tin Man impression - pre-oil.
🔗 22:41
Arclight_Dynamo: Unknowngamer88: I was super excited for it... but then the multi-player thing happened. I'm not interested in MP *at all*. So... well.
🔗 22:42
D_Man_7733: Black Knight succumbs to full-body arthritis?
🔗 22:42
TheMoatman: If you decide to play backstab games with Havel you'll probably have enough capacity
🔗 22:42
Anaerin: arclight_dynamo: That's what private instances are for.
🔗 22:42
Unknowngamer88: so I guess that means No Man's Sky is out too?
🔗 22:42
🔗 22:42
daneislazy: Erry day im griselbrand
🔗 22:42
Spacecarl: that would be amazing
🔗 22:42
Compleatly: that would be great.
🔗 22:42
squaredotcube: You have selected... SCRUB MODE Kappa
🔗 22:42
Arclight_Dynamo: Anaerin: Eh. I want a deep single-player campaign. Not really what that game does.
🔗 22:43
Pharmacistjudge: Don't disrespect Sir Annie. she wasn't feeling okay.
🔗 22:43
Compleatly: It was like Bloodborne Memory Leak mode.
🔗 22:43
TheMoatman: Totally gonna get dropped on by the titanite demon on the way out
🔗 22:43
King__of__Spades: the black knight took like 10 nyquil tablets
🔗 22:43
Arclight_Dynamo: Unknowngamer88: Maybe? I don't know enough about it, yet. If it's just exploration with other people in it, I can handle that. If there's *any* combat, I'm out.
🔗 22:43
Ravingpenguin: I imagine that black knight had Kathleen's spoocifer voice
🔗 22:43
Darth_Gatsby: @Ravingpenguin that would be perfect
🔗 22:44
666brandon: Is this just a go through the game?
🔗 22:44
PsychoI3oy: Arclight_dynamo a new Freelancer?
🔗 22:44
666brandon: Srry kinda new to this
🔗 22:44
Mister_Blue_Sky: i remember trying to kill that titanite demon in the other room for like a half hour my first time. oh memories.
🔗 22:44
Under_5core: 666brandon, It's a permadeath run.
🔗 22:44
Unknowngamer88: arclight_dynamo it's pretty much an opt in thing, I think but they've said you can play pretty mch endlessly without ever leaving your first planet
🔗 22:44
Compleatly: !quote Alex
🔗 22:44
LRRbot: Quote #192: "Wow, I just started speaking in tongues there, didn't I?" —Alex [2015-05-01]
🔗 22:44
666brandon: Oo I see lol thx
🔗 22:44
Omega_Lairon: More VIT!
🔗 22:44
Atifexe: Anyone up for browsing my MTGO collection and seeing if there's any cards they want to make an offer on? I'm trying to acquire some KTK, DTK, and FRF boosters.
🔗 22:44
Arclight_Dynamo: PsychoI3oy: Yep. Exactly what I want.
🔗 22:44
TStodden: After DERP run, huh?
🔗 22:45
DiHorizon: When I sequence broke the game like this Lautrec escaped on his own and killed the Firelink Keeper before I downed any bosses
🔗 22:45
PsychoI3oy: Arclight_dynamo i've seen a little E:D play, it's a bit do-it-yourself-plot but doesn't seem to be much pvp
🔗 22:45
Arclight_Dynamo: Unknowngamer88: I'm keeping an eye on it, but it can go either way for me, at this point. It's really dependent on how the MP works. They can lose me in an instant.
🔗 22:45
Compleatly: DiHorizon: 5 Nights at Lautrec's?
🔗 22:45
Hammith: Yum yum smoothie, yummy smoothie, yum.
🔗 22:45
1Life0Continues: Is this the kind of sword Balder Knights use?
🔗 22:46
gravity_pike: it's his back Kappa
🔗 22:46
1Life0Continues: Oh god, I hate this guy.
🔗 22:46
Arclight_Dynamo: PsychoI3oy: I don't like the do-it-yourself plot structure. I want a plot. And *any* PVP is too much for me.
🔗 22:46
incantatio subscribed for 21 months in a row!
🔗 22:46
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, incantatio! (Today's storm count: 22)
🔗 22:46
Anaerin: psychoi3oy: There can be a LOT of PvP, but most people play in private instances, and there's a great deal less there.
🔗 22:46
Noxenluxe: Was zis? Bonus Alex streaming?
🔗 22:46
RogueLink: Evening everyone!
🔗 22:46
Hammith: Big scary attacks are like 20% of Drak Souls
🔗 22:46
vrulg: a big scary problem?
🔗 22:46
RogueLink: !uptime
🔗 22:46
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:08:07
🔗 22:46
Lightspeeddash: Sub HYPE PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
🔗 22:46
PsychoI3oy: Arclight_dynamo yeah, erectile dysfunction is not for you based on the few hours i saw several months ago
🔗 22:46
KinoGami: 21 months?!
🔗 22:46
Lightspeeddash: sub hype it up
🔗 22:46
666brandon: Fun ds streamer to watch
🔗 22:46
gravity_pike: lrrSPOT lrrHORN lrrSPOT
🔗 22:47
Anaerin: Offline?
🔗 22:47
Lightspeeddash: offline
🔗 22:47
Unknowngamer88: arclight that's fair. I'm hoping to help find something that you'd really get a kick out of
🔗 22:47
Inkompetence: Reinforce your Estus!
🔗 22:47
Whatanvarno: Alex: You could get the wolf ring from darkroot garden: +50 poise
🔗 22:47
Arclight_Dynamo: PsychoI3oy: And that's why I avoid it entirely! Speak to your doctor today! :P
🔗 22:47
MrJWhit: Anaerin Yeah, it's a permadeath offline run.
🔗 22:47
gravity_pike: level your flask while you're here?
🔗 22:47
1Life0Continues: I'm totally lost now. This game is too obtuse for me. I guess that's part of the appeal though.
🔗 22:47
Arclight_Dynamo: Unknowngamer88: Yeah, I appreciate that. I'm just... picky. And I've gotten pickier and picker with time. :)
🔗 22:47
Anaerin: mrjwhit: But, I was watching... he didn't die in this run yet.
🔗 22:47
squaredotcube: Cheese the plunge attack on Taurus, Alex
🔗 22:47
Hammith: Wonder if any of the LRR peeps are planning to Witcher 3.
🔗 22:48
MrJWhit: 1Life0Continues could you be more specific? We're happy to help out.
🔗 22:48
Compleatly: seems like something Graham would play
🔗 22:48
Nightvalien28: or adam
🔗 22:48
PsychoI3oy: 1life0continues i suggest watching Alex's normal stream from last week and this week; he does a walkthrough style commentary explaining a lot more about it
🔗 22:48
gravity_pike: maybe a gplp?
🔗 22:48
Compleatly: Adam still has to beat Dark Cloud 2 Kappa
🔗 22:48
KinoGami: I know that when the next batman comes out matt plans on playing it on stream bros
🔗 22:48
Hadanelith: Those skeleton dudes leap for MILES.
🔗 22:48
ImmoralEthicist: Hammith, I don't know if any of them have played the series up to now. They tried 2 on GPLP last year, but found that - while a good game - it didn't make for a good stream
🔗 22:48
Lightspeeddash: !flunge
🔗 22:48
LRRbot: 11 flunges for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 22:48
DiHorizon: Alex, Alex pls. Reinforce Estus to +1
🔗 22:48
Void_The_Dark: You can take tarous nice and slow by going in and out of his melee range and hit him when he recovers from his moves.
🔗 22:48
1Life0Continues: @Arclight_dynamo I find more and more of late that MP is becoming a crutch for not even bothering to create a decent story. I hate it.
🔗 22:48
Anaerin: Erm... "Firefox can't find the server at www.twitch.tv." - Give me a moment to kick my internet connection...
🔗 22:48
Compleatly: oh god he's flunging too fast to count the flunges
🔗 22:48
Lightspeeddash: just one
🔗 22:49
Lightspeeddash: for proof of concept
🔗 22:49
Hammith: Immoralethicist: Heh, for me a good LRR stream just involves LRR people.
🔗 22:49
Compleatly: omega_lairon can we add 3 more flunges
🔗 22:49
TacitusVigil: Anaerin: I had that issue a while ago. I had to change dns's.
🔗 22:49
1Life0Continues: @Psychoi3oy I would, but I don't have that much bandwidth (Australian ISP's are gougers) ... I'll muddle through like everyone does, I guess.
🔗 22:49
Arclight_Dynamo: 1Life0Continues: Yeah... I mean, I don't *demand* single-player. If you want to make an MP game, make it! But trying to half-ass both SP and MP in your game is bad news.
🔗 22:49
Omega_Lairon: !flunge add 3
🔗 22:49
LRRbot: 14 flunges for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 22:49
Compleatly: Alex challenged the chat to count the flunges.
🔗 22:49
Phishup: just ogt here, whats the weapon?
🔗 22:49
KinoGami: Estoc
🔗 22:49
Dan9299 kicks anaerin's isp
🔗 22:49
ImmoralEthicist: Hammith, yeah. I think part of it was that there just wasn't much for them to riff on in the game.
🔗 22:49
Lightspeeddash: Estoc bottom of screen
🔗 22:50
Omega_Lairon: But I think Alex has a point... he's gonna be flunging a *lot*...
🔗 22:50
Phishup: ah of course thanks you
🔗 22:50
Compleatly: Omega_Lairon: are you saying that the chat isn't up to a challenge?
🔗 22:50
Anaerin: Erm... Google DNS... WTF are you doing?
🔗 22:50
Mister_Blue_Sky: is that what they call it now
🔗 22:50
KinoGami: plunge count infinity?
🔗 22:50
KinoGami: flunge*
🔗 22:50
gravity_pike: watch out for that dude's lrrHAM attack
🔗 22:50
PsychoI3oy: 1life0continues fair enouigh; there's more than a few wikis out there for it; I've never played the game but have watched a bunch and it isn't so opaque as to be impenitrable
🔗 22:50
Hammith: What about chat-folks, anyone else excited for Witcher 3?
🔗 22:50
Omega_Lairon: More that I personally aren't up for a challenge, Compleatly. At least not if I'm gonna keep playing otherr games while I watch
🔗 22:51
Mister_Blue_Sky: never played any of them
🔗 22:51
PMAvers: My copy's pre-loaded already.
🔗 22:51
Nightvalien28: Hammith, very, will pre download before I go to bed
🔗 22:51
1Life0Continues: @Arclight_dynamo I loathe MP only and won't play it. I especially hate MP achievements though. As a Cheevo Collector, it grinds my gears.
🔗 22:51
Lightspeeddash: nope never played
🔗 22:51
Compleatly: Omega_Lairon: are you the only mod?
🔗 22:51
ImmoralEthicist: Hammith, absolutely. I'm killing off this chapter of my dissertation this week, which leaves next week nice and open. Gonna be a good time
🔗 22:51
Lightspeeddash: game I hyped and got day 1 was Devil Survivor 2 the Other DS2
🔗 22:51
Arclight_Dynamo: 1Life0Continues: Yeah, I don't play MP. But if other people want to, I'm happy for them to have fun, y'know?
🔗 22:51
KinoGami: I think lairon is the only one actively watching atm
🔗 22:52
Compleatly: It is kind of late for most of the mods.
🔗 22:52
PMAvers: Unrelated, http://i.imgur.com/2stEyrf.jpg ...I need a adult.
🔗 22:52
KinoGami: that and phlip is probably playing destiny
🔗 22:52
Anaerin: Well, that was odd. The Google DNS servers derped, apparently.
🔗 22:52
1Life0Continues: Psychoi3oy I get the game at a basic level, it's just the inherent frustration as there's no cruising (unless you're AlexGud)
🔗 22:52
Lightspeeddash: just poop him out
🔗 22:52
Compleatly: mrphlip is probably still trapped inside of his horrible coding monstrosity
🔗 22:53
vrulg: plunge attack, rinse, repeat?
🔗 22:53
NIGHTCRAWLER001: plunge attack his *** to death
🔗 22:53
1Life0Continues: @Arclight_dynamo I was hyped for Titanfall...until it was MP only and then I stopped caring.
🔗 22:53
gravity_pike: p cool lightsaber
🔗 22:53
Noxenluxe: Dark souls 2 still has .... questionable enemy placements even after they updated it pmavers.
🔗 22:53
3DDotNikkiWolf: !panic
🔗 22:53
🔗 22:54
Lightspeeddash: !panic
🔗 22:54
🔗 22:54
Mister_Blue_Sky: i haven't been hyped for any kind of multiplayer in a long time but i might actually enjoy star wars battlefront
🔗 22:54
squaredotcube: Y'know, part of me is wondering if the exposed skin of some armors was supposed to be chainmail, but they never got a good texture or body shape for it
🔗 22:54
TheMoatman: You put your sword away so you lost the buff
🔗 22:54
PMAvers: It's mostly weird that the FAQ I was reading didn't mention that dragon at all.
🔗 22:54
Noxenluxe: Have there been any actual gameplay trailers yet mister_blue_Sky?
🔗 22:54
Lightspeeddash: right in the pooper
🔗 22:54
DoktorLoy: this guy has a tail - can you chop it off?
🔗 22:54
1Life0Continues: GG
🔗 22:54
KitteyWolf: DoktorLoy, its to little :P
🔗 22:54
Annualkibbles33: No#
🔗 22:54
ImmoralEthicist: PMAvers, is that scholar of the first sin?
🔗 22:54
Hadanelith: Whale Plaid!
🔗 22:54
gravity_pike: lrrGOAT there
🔗 22:55
PMAvers: Yeah.
🔗 22:55
Lightspeeddash: non Panic'd Achieved
🔗 22:55
Nightvalien28: lrrGOAT
🔗 22:55
Mister_Blue_Sky: not that i'm aware of.
🔗 22:55
TSturtledove: Can we panic now?
🔗 22:55
King__of__Spades: !lrrGOAT there
🔗 22:55
Zeke229: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 22:55
Lightspeeddash: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
🔗 22:55
DoktorLoy: Kitteywolf: a dagger, maybe? :D
🔗 22:55
ImmoralEthicist: That dragon could well be one of the new enemies they stuck in there.
🔗 22:55
gravity_pike: you just zen'd that *** to death
🔗 22:55
Phishup: panic is seriously the most deadly enemy
🔗 22:55
KinoGami: Alex: i got panicked fighting blood starved beast and i managed to kill it?
🔗 22:55
TSturtledove: Praise the SUN!
🔗 22:55
GruntAI: \[T]/
🔗 22:55
Arclight_Dynamo: I mean... honestly... I'm *so* out of the mainstream on current games, that I'm going back and playing old Infocom text adventures, recently.
🔗 22:55
King__of__Spades: here comes the sunbro
🔗 22:55
3DDotNikkiWolf: I can't help but panic sometimes. I especially did when I was fighting O&S moments ago, though mostly because of O being so fast.
🔗 22:55
Lightspeeddash: PraiseIt
🔗 22:55
KinoGami: Mind you i died like 20 times before that
🔗 22:55
Noxenluxe: I will reserve my opinions on battlefront 3 until they release a real gameplay trailer, and not a pre-rendered cutscene meant to induce hype.
🔗 22:55
Phishup: SUNBRO!
🔗 22:55
Compleatly: \ Kappa /
🔗 22:55
TheMoatman: Just to be sure, you're gonna save him in Vorthos Souls, right?
🔗 22:55
PMAvers: Possibly? Although it's weird that the FAQ is specifically for Scholar...
🔗 22:55
ImmoralEthicist: Huh, that's strange
🔗 22:56
1Life0Continues: don't panic...and don't let frustration win...basically, only a Romulan should play this game
🔗 22:56
King__of__Spades: thank you based solaire
🔗 22:56
CamraPlease: Is there a reason to not just pop any souls or humanity in your inventory as soon as you get it?
🔗 22:56
KinoGami: you mean a vulcan?
🔗 22:56
Lightspeeddash: you better Have Burn Heal
🔗 22:56
TSturtledove: Should put some ice on that.
🔗 22:56
Chaucer345: Has every one here seen darksauce?
🔗 22:56
1Life0Continues: "I was immolated today"
🔗 22:56
gravity_pike: so is damage worse in this game when you're running? I know it is in bloodborne.
🔗 22:56
Compleatly: CamraPlease: if you die, you may lose those souls
🔗 22:56
Zeke229: http://i.imgur.com/1wBw35b.jpg new new zealand flag
🔗 22:56
1Life0Continues: Vulcan/Romulan ...split the difference
🔗 22:56
TStodden: Was that Trogdor with the burnination?
🔗 22:56
KinoGami: kiwi death beam!
🔗 22:56
Phishup: cameraplease: because you then risk losing them if you die
🔗 22:56
CamraPlease: But in permadeath you might as well have the floating humanity
🔗 22:56
Zeke229: ITS A FAKE
🔗 22:56
TacitusVigil: They did; that's why the Romulans left. Kappa
🔗 22:56
Phishup: and then dont recover them
🔗 22:57
KinoGami: Zeke: LIES!
🔗 22:57
daneislazy: well, you know what they say: Remain Clam, *** up Seath's Boss Fight
🔗 22:57
CamraPlease: ah
🔗 22:57
Phishup: ah thats a good point
🔗 22:57
Mister_Blue_Sky: i don't have a reason to doubt them. battlefield multiplayer has been very strong in the past.
🔗 22:57
gravity_pike: like humanity is a good healing item
🔗 22:57
3DDotNikkiWolf: I say because of this stream and another friend of mine playing, my spark for Dark Souls was reignited and I'm really enjoying it...and also question why I gave up on the game twice before.
🔗 22:57
KinoGami: is alex going to knight the drake sword drop?
🔗 22:57
1Life0Continues: Oh please, I want you to take it down with throwing knives.
🔗 22:57
KinoGami: knife*
🔗 22:57
MrJWhit: !death
🔗 22:57
LRRbot: lrrAWW 519 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 22:57
BusTed: lrrEFF
🔗 22:57
Compleatly: !death
🔗 22:57
LRRbot: compleatly: A similar command has been registered recently
🔗 22:57
Omega_Lairon: Broasted
🔗 22:57
Zeke229: you have the bow alex
🔗 22:57
Anaerin: Alex! You're on fire!
🔗 22:57
RogueLink: Whelp, reset
🔗 22:57
Hammith: Rekt
🔗 22:57
Lightspeeddash: Pave The Save
🔗 22:57
Arclight_Dynamo: Called it! My bet was "Drake BBQ"!
🔗 22:57
KinoGami: next vote?
🔗 22:57
Hadanelith: Burny death pain.
🔗 22:57
Spacecarl: Awwww. I was sure it would be a fall death
🔗 22:57
Arclight_Dynamo: !pave
🔗 22:57
LRRbot: lrrCOW 2 paves for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 22:57
gravity_pike: 420 pave it
🔗 22:57
Ravingpenguin: Taim to pave
🔗 22:57
1Life0Continues: */sadtrombone
🔗 22:57
Whatanvarno: Astorea's Straight sword!
🔗 22:57
Hadanelith: Pave time.
🔗 22:58
TacitusVigil: This ghoul is on fire...?
🔗 22:58
Noxenluxe: True, but it is being made by a different development team, and the last game that had major hype for it via a pre-rendered sequence of events using the game engine was Aliens: Colonial Marines.
🔗 22:58
Hadanelith: Speed time!
🔗 22:58
ravensshade: good morning
🔗 22:58
Anaerin: tacitusvigil: I see what you did there, and I approve wholeheartedly.
🔗 22:58
Intrepid_Colin: What did we die on?
🔗 22:58
gravity_pike: something a little different: A Male character! Kappa
🔗 22:58
KinoGami: bridge dragon
🔗 22:58
Lightspeeddash: Gotta Go Fast
🔗 22:58
VergilWhitesmith: waaaaaat, new game again?
🔗 22:58
daneislazy: I wasnt really watching, but if you are trying to run past/under the dragon, you have to wait for him to jump down
🔗 22:59
TacitusVigil: Anaerin: Thank you thank you...be sure to tip your Alex!
🔗 22:59
Anaerin: tacitusvigil: Just the tip.
🔗 22:59
Phishup: hellkite is my absolute least favorite enemy to deal with
🔗 22:59
Lightspeeddash: Vergil got toasted by Drgn each death save gets paved
🔗 22:59
KinoGami: Chinese Grave Sword!
🔗 22:59
Katboii: Hold on I just woke up and Alex is still going? O-o
🔗 22:59
1Life0Continues: Dark Souls: Mario Mod
🔗 22:59
KitteyWolf: VergilWhitesmith, he was doing permadeath. now hes speedrunning
🔗 22:59
VergilWhitesmith: oh, thx)
🔗 22:59
MrJWhit: Oh right Alex, don't forget to vote for the weapon this run
🔗 23:00
Seagulyus: Mrjwhit its a speed run this time
🔗 23:00
KitteyWolf: MrJWhit, its actually a speedrun now. so he has a set weapon
🔗 23:00
Zeke229: http://i.imgur.com/bBxxZ8D.png i'll see myself out
🔗 23:00
TStodden: I might lose if he Alex starts humming the Spelunker theme when going through the underground areas. :D
🔗 23:00
gravity_pike: you use it to get past the drakes? Or do you have the leaf shield by then?
🔗 23:00
ravensshade: so what's alex planning to do?
🔗 23:00
MrJWhit: Ah, nevermind then!
🔗 23:01
Nightvalien28: ravensshade, speed run
🔗 23:01
1Life0Continues: I Wanna Be The Guy: Dark Fantasy Edition
🔗 23:01
gravity_pike: lrrHAM
🔗 23:01
Arclight_Dynamo: BTW, for anyone interested in following along, Alex posted the rules and route for this run here (might be a bit out-of-date by now, not sure): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DPoodiIW6t4lDByRDl_dMo_1VUdpyy2Dmg2RQXjDI18/edit?pli=1
🔗 23:01
Annualkibbles33: Why is he dropping his items?
🔗 23:02
3DDotNikkiWolf: Oh man, I remember playing IWBTG back in high school. Looking back at it, kinda funny but not that great of a game IMO.
🔗 23:02
Phishup: one shoting asylum demon on ng is my favorite achievement in this game
🔗 23:02
Seagulyus: Annualkibbles33 better micro (moving through menus)
🔗 23:02
Annualkibbles33: Ahh makes sense
🔗 23:02
JaymicUnyielding: Hello, Alex!
🔗 23:03
3DDotNikkiWolf: Swords are the best shields Kappa
🔗 23:03
DoktorLoy: you sword-of have a shield
🔗 23:03
RebelliousUno: Who needs a shield when you can run like buggery
🔗 23:03
Phishup: doktorloy: no just no
🔗 23:03
ravensshade: interesting speedrun without any exploits
🔗 23:03
Anaerin: Luck be a lady tonight...
🔗 23:03
JaymicUnyielding: So, I really don't play or watch Dark Souls. What is the Gravelord Sword that Alex has been working with all this time?
🔗 23:04
Lightspeeddash: science was done
🔗 23:04
CompletelyUnsure: a very powerful sword that skilled player can get very early in the game
🔗 23:04
JaymicUnyielding: Alright, cool.
🔗 23:04
3DDotNikkiWolf: @Jaymicunyielding It's a curved greatsword you get from joining the Gravelord Servant covenant. Very great early-game, but has bad scaling with stats.
🔗 23:04
1Life0Continues: How did that guy get in here?
🔗 23:04
MrJWhit: lrrSACK
🔗 23:04
Noxenluxe: The gravelord sword is a weapon you get by holding an eye of death and sitting still in the coffin in the for about 20 seconds, which is near the prowling demon. Alex is about to get it.
🔗 23:04
Dan9299: lrrSACK
🔗 23:04
gravity_pike: what do those eyeballs do for you?
🔗 23:05
ImmoralEthicist: So he can hit you while you're lying in the coffin?
🔗 23:05
KitteyWolf: 1Life0Continues, the demon is actually spawned by a mutated titanite slab. so that means there was a slab, and then it turned into a demon in the spot
🔗 23:05
3DDotNikkiWolf: @Immoralethicist He can, actually. Certain attacks though, I think.
🔗 23:05
ImmoralEthicist: yikes
🔗 23:05
Ethrien: He can but he won't try once your in the coffin proper, if he's attacking while your getting in though
🔗 23:05
1Life0Continues: @Kitteywolf Ah...plot convenience. Got it/ :P
🔗 23:06
Noxenluxe: Skeletons can still hit you in the coffin if there are some still following you.
🔗 23:06
MrJWhit: Chat, what's the benefit of killing the fallen angel?
🔗 23:07
Noxenluxe: The.... what game are you playing mrjwhit?
🔗 23:07
ImmoralEthicist: Remember Alex: You're not trapped in there with him; he's trapped in there with you
🔗 23:07
OrionPax21: !uptime
🔗 23:07
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:28:48
🔗 23:07
Ethrien: Killing this demon gives us upgrade material for the sword
🔗 23:07
gravity_pike: this guy? He drops an item that Alex wants to level up his sword
🔗 23:07
MrJWhit: Isn't the name of that monster? Well nevermind.
🔗 23:07
3DDotNikkiWolf: I hated fighting this demon, even with armor on DX
🔗 23:08
KitteyWolf: MrJWhit, that is a titanite demon
🔗 23:08
Noxenluxe: The monster alex is fighting is called the prowling demon, the more common term for it would be the titanite demon as it is made from titanite and it drops demon titanite.
🔗 23:08
linecardioidparabola: oh moar darksouls
🔗 23:08
Nightvalien28: MrJWhit, he drops a weapon upgrade
🔗 23:08
Whatanvarno: I think that attack hits again while he's sitting there with his pole in the ground
🔗 23:08
KinoGami: alright. i'm off for now to watch some doctor who. good luck alex
🔗 23:08
Phishup: Alex you are the best, good night
🔗 23:08
MrJWhit: !time
🔗 23:08
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 11:08 PM
🔗 23:08
Lightspeeddash: 52 min
🔗 23:08
1Life0Continues: Is Blighttown still a system killer?
🔗 23:08
gravity_pike: if you get teh demon there, do you go for pinwheel?
🔗 23:08
DiHorizon: The jump attack seems to have a second pulse of damage as he pulls the catchpole out of the ground
🔗 23:09
Ethrien: gravity_pike he has the last few times I've watched
🔗 23:09
3DDotNikkiWolf: @Gravity_pike I think he gets Pinwheel when going after Nito.
🔗 23:09
chiropteraboy: sup people
🔗 23:09
DiHorizon: RTSR Hype!
🔗 23:10
Lightspeeddash: BabyRage is clench
🔗 23:10
chiropteraboy: it's 2 AM here but idgaf at this point
🔗 23:10
Hadanelith: RTSR?
🔗 23:10
Lightspeeddash: RTSR?
🔗 23:10
linecardioidparabola: any particular reason for gravelord sword over drake sword?
🔗 23:10
Hadanelith: Oh, I see.
🔗 23:10
KitteyWolf: linecardioidparabola, gravelord is better
🔗 23:10
Hadanelith: What does that do?
🔗 23:10
KitteyWolf: linecardioidparabola, and much much easier to get
🔗 23:10
Zevz2990: if you are below a hp treshhold it increases damage
🔗 23:11
3DDotNikkiWolf: There's also a DEF equivalent that's Blue.
🔗 23:11
Phishup: how have i never seen that *** ladder?
🔗 23:11
Mister_Blue_Sky: revenge of the black knight
🔗 23:11
GruntAI: !sir
🔗 23:11
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! That's not how you wear that.
🔗 23:12
Zeke229: going to sleep, good night alex and chat
🔗 23:12
PsychoI3oy: that's 2 runs in a row, isn't it?
🔗 23:12
3DDotNikkiWolf: PFFH! Who needs that halberd, anyways? Kappa
🔗 23:12
Hadanelith: So many speedrunners just cried out in agony.
🔗 23:12
Lightspeeddash: that is her name
🔗 23:12
1Life0Continues: Don't dropped items become monsters?
🔗 23:12
CompletelyUnsure: that sound you hear is a thousand hardcores screaming at their computer screens
🔗 23:14
TacitusVigil: Undead Parish, Louisiana. Not the best property values, but the sales tax is low.
🔗 23:14
Pariah164: I love this game
🔗 23:15
3DDotNikkiWolf: That's Maria for you.
🔗 23:15
chiropteraboy: You seem to have an easier time dealing with the Titanite demons Alex! Sweet
🔗 23:15
Nightvalien28: Pariah164, what are you playing?
🔗 23:15
Pariah164: This is great. I love it. And Nightvalien28, Dracula X Chronicles
🔗 23:15
Pariah164: I have died SO MUCH.
🔗 23:15
Hadanelith: Dangerous tiems?
🔗 23:15
Hadanelith: Oh boy, what now?
🔗 23:16
flyinggrizzlybear: Do you have your own channel? "so i wanna try something extraordinarily dangerous" made me wanna follow you to see you more
🔗 23:16
flyinggrizzlybear: may be a stupid question
🔗 23:16
PsychoI3oy: trying to get rtsr activation ?
🔗 23:16
Ethrien: were we going for early rtsr
🔗 23:16
3DDotNikkiWolf: I've already beaten Derpula X a few months ago. Pretty good remake, I gotta say. I haven't played through the redubbed SOTN yet, though I have beaten the original one before.
🔗 23:16
KitteyWolf: *gets flattened* 'thank you' XD
🔗 23:16
Pariah164: reeeeekt
🔗 23:16
Lightspeeddash: JK Flatten
🔗 23:16
Pariah164: I am playing DXC specifically to get to SOTN
🔗 23:16
PsychoI3oy: Flyinggrizzlybear he's got 'voxlunch' but it's all drawstreams if/when he streams there
🔗 23:16
Arclight_Dynamo: flyinggrizzlybear: Alex is also VoxLunxh on Twitch.
🔗 23:16
Anaerin: RTSR?
🔗 23:16
gravity_pike: so anyone seen the trailer for Fox's Lucifer? Based off of the Neil Gaiman character from Sandman.
🔗 23:16
Arclight_Dynamo: flyinggrizzlybear: Er... VoxLunch
🔗 23:17
Pariah164: Tyrannasaurus RKT
🔗 23:17
3DDotNikkiWolf: I do like how Derpula X is three games in one. Well, two games and a remake, but Castlevania's always good anyways.
🔗 23:17
Pariah164: Yeah, I wanted to get into it with all the Igavania hype going on
🔗 23:18
Theflanman5: ya got smooshed
🔗 23:18
Pariah164: And the only CV I've played is Lament of Innocence
🔗 23:18
3DDotNikkiWolf: LOI was the first M-rated game I owned, actually XD
🔗 23:18
eSeamus: I just picked up Circle of the Moon today.
🔗 23:18
Unknowngamer88: I wish I wasn't so garbage at SotN, because I know how great it is
🔗 23:19
Pariah164: LOI is good, but nnnot good for a girl who is trying to be more focused on portable games.
🔗 23:19
ImmoralEthicist: Hmm...I'm trying to remember my first M-rated game. Might have been Turok
🔗 23:19
3DDotNikkiWolf: The first Castlevania game I played was Simon's Quest, which I never did beat back when I was a kid.
🔗 23:19
ImmoralEthicist: (that's owned, not played)
🔗 23:19
Pariah164: Also, I finally got CFW to work on my PSP. Party time is now. And my first M rated game was Parasite Eve
🔗 23:19
1Life0Continues: ANd here is where I die.
🔗 23:19
3DDotNikkiWolf: My first dab into Igarashi's stuff was Dawn of Sorrow on DS. The Sorrow games remain my top faves of the series.
🔗 23:19
Pariah164: Reeeeeekt
🔗 23:19
Lightspeeddash: RTSR?
🔗 23:19
Pariah164: Custom Firmware
🔗 23:20
Naxochils: First M rated game. hmmmm. Had to be something on PS2.
🔗 23:20
flyinggrizzlybear: red tear stone ring
🔗 23:20
KitteyWolf: Lightspeeddash, red tear stone ring. 20% health or lower you get a great damage buff
🔗 23:20
Pariah164: Basically, do neat *** with your PSP.
🔗 23:20
1Life0Continues: DS veterans, like veterans of anything, tend to talk in jargon
🔗 23:20
Hrafnsvaengr: Oh hey, it's an Alexstream
🔗 23:20
Unknowngamer88: The first M rated game had to have been Carmaggedon, the first I bought was probably Resident Evil 4
🔗 23:20
Anaerin: Press X to Not Suck.
🔗 23:21
KingBytor2112: You got this Alex. Good day chat
🔗 23:21
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh, huh, looks like the original GTA was rated M. That would be my first.
🔗 23:21
Dynemanti: Wasn't mortal combat rated m? I thought I t was
🔗 23:21
TacitusVigil: I thought Mortal Kombat was the first M. Wasn't that the reason the ratings system was made?
🔗 23:21
Whatanvarno: You can if you build for it, you certainly can't mostly naked
🔗 23:21
3DDotNikkiWolf: Alex, I know the feeling. When I was fighting O&S earlier, I winded up instantly dying after the cutscene ended with Ornstein growing.
🔗 23:21
Naxochils: That's what it was. First M rated game was MGS1
🔗 23:22
Unknowngamer88: Carmaggedon was actually quite formative for me because of the soundtrack, that's where I learned I liked Metal
🔗 23:22
3DDotNikkiWolf: @Tacitusvigil We're talking about our first M-rated games.
🔗 23:22
Vulcnor: Mortal Kombat for the Sega Genesis "ABACABBA" my dear friends.
🔗 23:22
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh! Wolfenstein 3D was M. Guess *that* was my first. :P
🔗 23:22
All_Mankind: good morning Alex, chat
🔗 23:22
Naxochils: Oh this is our first M rated game
🔗 23:22
gravity_pike: I remember having to talk my parents into Goldeneye 007
🔗 23:22
Hrafnsvaengr: Stupid bank.... It's a whole 21 minutes into my payday and I haven't received my money yet? What is this nonsense
🔗 23:22
Lightspeeddash: first M was Persona 4 XD
🔗 23:22
KingBytor2112: GTV was my first
🔗 23:22
3DDotNikkiWolf: The first I've played was Soldier of Fortune on PC, I think. First I owned was Lament of Innocence.
🔗 23:22
Lybra: Oh hey, LRR IS online. I just thought Youtube was lying to me again
🔗 23:22
KingBytor2112: GTA
🔗 23:22
TStodden: Mortal Kombat was one of the games that cause the foundation of the ESRB... prior to it MK & MK II had PG restriction.
🔗 23:22
TacitusVigil: 3DDotNikkiWolf: Ah, sorry; the out of context lines looked like they meant in general.
🔗 23:22
3DDotNikkiWolf: You're fine.
🔗 23:23
TStodden: I had to have my mom w/ me to buy MK II (SNES).
🔗 23:23
Mr_Snafleburger: !uptime
🔗 23:23
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:44:41
🔗 23:23
Vulcnor: It was MK and a horrible game called Night Trap
🔗 23:23
ImmoralEthicist: Oh hell, Wolf3D was M? I thought it predated the rating system
🔗 23:23
TheMoatman: Yeah, you slow down your sprint through the hollows
🔗 23:23
Lightspeeddash: toasty
🔗 23:23
3DDotNikkiWolf: @Immoralethicist It did, when it first launched.
🔗 23:23
Arclight_Dynamo: ImmoralEthicist: I thought so, too, but the ESRB search pops it up, so...
🔗 23:23
Unknowngamer88: are we not counting deaths for this?
🔗 23:23
Dynemanti: Mortal combat for she's started the ratings
🔗 23:23
TStodden: Night Trap is pretty tame for content, but still a very crappy game.
🔗 23:23
Arclight_Dynamo: ImmoralEthicist: Maybe they rated it years later?
🔗 23:23
KitteyWolf: Unknowngamer88, we should be XD
🔗 23:23
KitteyWolf: !death
🔗 23:23
LRRbot: lrrAWW 520 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 23:23
Unknowngamer88: whoops
🔗 23:24
Naxochils: I'm sure when they re-released Wolf3D they had to give it a rating.
🔗 23:24
ImmoralEthicist: @Arclight_Dynamo, Well, it was definitely rated when it was rereleased for the 360/PS3. Maybe that's it?
🔗 23:24
TStodden: !death
🔗 23:24
LRRbot: tstodden: A similar command has been registered recently
🔗 23:24
3DDotNikkiWolf: Yeah, Wuff3D was rated M years later for the ports. I think it was when it was ported to GBA that it received the rating.
🔗 23:24
1Life0Continues: Throwing two bosses at you for the second encounter feels ridiculous. Can you tell I'm spoiled by standard progression?
🔗 23:24
KitteyWolf: !death
🔗 23:24
LRRbot: lrrAWW 521 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 23:24
3DDotNikkiWolf: I may be wrong, though.
🔗 23:24
Arclight_Dynamo: ImmoralEthicist: Could be. Or, well, it's on Steam now, so...
🔗 23:24
TStodden: Annoying timeout...
🔗 23:24
MrJWhit: The death counter was always... sorta irrelevant.
🔗 23:24
ImmoralEthicist: Also, as I recall, Goldeneye was given a T rating, so that one gets knocked off the list of firsts (Perfect Dark got the M, though)
🔗 23:25
3DDotNikkiWolf: Fun fact: While Wuff3D was M on GBA, the Doom games on GBA were T-rated.
🔗 23:25
Ethrien: !death
🔗 23:25
LRRbot: lrrAWW 522 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 23:25
Lightspeeddash: big slops
🔗 23:25
Ravingpenguin: It is nearly midnight Alex
🔗 23:25
eSeamus: 3ddotnikkiwolf: Killing demons is considered not as bad as killing humans, regardless of whether or not the humans are Nazis.
🔗 23:26
Arclight_Dynamo: We're trying to remember our first M-rated games, Alex.
🔗 23:26
TStodden: 20% HP is like 3/4 of a large bar
🔗 23:26
Katboii: Isn't what determines the rating usually the amount of blood that comes out when bullets go in?
🔗 23:26
3DDotNikkiWolf: I know. But it was rated T on GBA for having the blood colored differently, too.
🔗 23:26
Vulcnor: I would love to see Watch and Play roll through Night Trap
🔗 23:26
TheMoatman: Mine was Haly 3
🔗 23:26
3DDotNikkiWolf: That, and no Satanic imagery.
🔗 23:26
Orthogonaltee: I remember a time when people tried to kill everything. All the coins in Mario. All the bricks. It happened, people.
🔗 23:27
Arclight_Dynamo: I think Wolf3D counts, even if you played it *before* there were ratings. If it was rated later, it's still the same game, y'know? So I'm counting that one as mine.
🔗 23:27
KitteyWolf: what was max pain 1 rated? i cant even remember
🔗 23:27
TStodden: Vulcnor, it would be of a Watch & Nope.
🔗 23:27
KingBytor2112: YAYAYAYAY
🔗 23:27
chiropteraboy: Hey Alex, have you heard of Salt and Sanctuary? it looks kiiiind of like your jam, maybe
🔗 23:27
ImmoralEthicist: @KitteyWolf, Max Payne 1 was definitely M
🔗 23:27
Naxochils: Night Trap wasn't scary though
🔗 23:27
Wtfmisterwtf: what weapon u using?
🔗 23:27
KitteyWolf: ImmoralEthicist, that might have been mine then :P though i cant remember if mac payne was before or after gta 1 through vice city. because i remember those games too
🔗 23:27
Unknowngamer88: grave lord sword
🔗 23:28
Orthogonaltee: Max Payne is all mature. None were not mature.
🔗 23:28
Naxochils: I mean it might have been scary if you were also a teenage girl having a slumber party and people were randomly coming in.
🔗 23:28
gravity_pike: I really can't remember what my first M rated game was. Looking back, all of my favorites were T.
🔗 23:28
ImmoralEthicist: @Arclight_Dynamo, In that case, definitely Wolf3D for me as well. If we're counting things that had an M on the box when we bought them, then the first Turok is almost certainly first
🔗 23:28
3DDotNikkiWolf: Night Trap was just cheese, considering it was from the era of FMV-heavy games.
🔗 23:28
Orthogonaltee: They showed guys getting burned alive by molotov cocktails
🔗 23:28
TStodden: For reason "Nighties" were consider too sexual... & the storyline is stupid / cheesy.
🔗 23:28
KitteyWolf: TStodden, it was a simpler time... a time when their "slutty" is now our "modest" XD
🔗 23:28
Naxochils: I'm sure it was
🔗 23:29
Arclight_Dynamo: ImmoralEthicist: Yeah, "M-on-the-box" for me would be... oh. Did Duke3D have an M on the box?
🔗 23:29
Naxochils: It's half the reason for the ESRB. Night Trap that is.
🔗 23:29
togashinaruta: yep, one of those - "only heard about it from the news" games
🔗 23:29
TStodden: True... How the "standards" have truely fallen...
🔗 23:29
togashinaruta: although, i did see it in a store once
🔗 23:29
KitteyWolf: Naxochils, it and mortal kombat
🔗 23:29
ImmoralEthicist: @Arclight_Dynamo, I think so. It's 1996, isn't it? I think the ratings were a thing by then
🔗 23:29
TacitusVigil: I think Night Trap was used in a Congressional committee to complain about violence in games, because Congress is dumb.
🔗 23:29
3DDotNikkiWolf: Not many games have cheesy FMVs now, though you can pick up Tesla Effect or Roundabout if you want games inspired by that long-gone era.
🔗 23:29
TStodden: Who what THAT guy?
🔗 23:29
TStodden: *WAS
🔗 23:30
Pariah164: Bad news
🔗 23:30
Ethrien: Final Fantasy 8 was my first MA15+
🔗 23:30
KitteyWolf: TacitusVigil, no it would have been to complain about 'sex' in games because it was the one that the girls were having a sleep over
🔗 23:30
Naxochils: But Night Trap is THE cheesy FMV game.
🔗 23:30
Unknowngamer88: Latrec, noted asshat and villain
🔗 23:30
PsychoI3oy: fap ring on?
🔗 23:30
Wtfmisterwtf: weapon?
🔗 23:30
Naxochils: FF8 was rated mature where you are Ethrien?
🔗 23:30
ImmoralEthicist: @Ethrien, Huh, I think FF8 was only a T rating in NA
🔗 23:30
gravity_pike: good thing you don't have splits up Kappa
🔗 23:30
Naxochils: It was T in NA
🔗 23:30
chiropteraboy: Like a big sister right Alex
🔗 23:30
chiropteraboy: you monster
🔗 23:30
TacitusVigil: KitteyWolf: Both, I think they thought the bad endings were gratuitous torture.
🔗 23:30
Sai_Maa: At least Lautrec is honest about it
🔗 23:30
3DDotNikkiWolf: Final Fantasy Type-0 in the US was rated M.
🔗 23:30
Ethrien: FF8 was the highest rating the Aussie goverment gave out to games
🔗 23:31
KitteyWolf: TacitusVigil, really? O+o maybe i need to re-watch that game now
🔗 23:31
Naxochils: I don't think any of the main FF games are not T in NA
🔗 23:31
DiHorizon: Never gonna get glod if you don't record bad splits
🔗 23:31
CompletelyUnsure: is it ever said (as much as dark souls "says" anything) why Lautrec is killing fire keepers?
🔗 23:31
Anaerin: d-d-d-drop the corpse!
🔗 23:31
TacitusVigil: KitteyWolf: Keep in mind, none of them probably played it, so their references were probably terrible. This wasn't exactly Frank Underwood playing CoD.
🔗 23:31
Vulcnor: Night Trap was the game that had one FMV scene of a woman in a slip looking in a mirror while a enemy mob is in the shower stall behind her. That scene was sited more for moral outrage than Mortal Kombat fatalities.
🔗 23:31
KitteyWolf: CompletelyUnsure, his goddess tells him to
🔗 23:31
DiHorizon: The gradual improvement over time is what makes speedrunning rewarding
🔗 23:31
gravity_pike: *suddenly alex is beej*
🔗 23:32
Naxochils: What does "In a slip" mean?
🔗 23:32
MrJWhit: Yay the grass shield, the shield for people who don't want shields.
🔗 23:32
Arclight_Dynamo: Naxochils: A slip is an undergarment worn under a dress.
🔗 23:32
KitteyWolf: Naxochils, a night dress that goes to about their knees
🔗 23:32
Naxochils: Ah.
🔗 23:32
Naxochils: Just never heard it be called a slip before
🔗 23:32
Stalevar_: instructions are: run off in 60 fps and die, because reasons. do you even know what fps you are running?
🔗 23:33
Vulcnor: I do mean night-gown, under garment, silky thing.
🔗 23:33
TacitusVigil: Slips are more "old fashioned", not worn as often anymore, or so my understanding.
🔗 23:33
MrThirdParty: A slip is actually slightly different from a nightgown methinks.
🔗 23:33
KitteyWolf: Stalevar_, hes in 30 because he doesnt know the button to change to 60 XD
🔗 23:33
MrThirdParty: A slip is meant to be worn underneath other cloating
🔗 23:33
Arclight_Dynamo: MrThirdParty: Yes. A slip is an undergarment; a nightgown is a sleeping garment.
🔗 23:33
chiropteraboy: A slip is to the nightgown what the drake is to a dragon
🔗 23:33
Naxochils: Well i've heard of a nightie. Which i am assuming is the same thing just different name.
🔗 23:33
chiropteraboy: :B
🔗 23:33
MrThirdParty: and is therefor lighter and thinner
🔗 23:33
Pariah164: Heeeeey buuuuuddy
🔗 23:33
gravity_pike: what is the secret to the rolling landing? Does it reduce fall damage?
🔗 23:34
3DDotNikkiWolf: Ubisoft never knows the button to change the FPS to 60 FPS
🔗 23:34
Hrafnsvaengr: Nightgowns are for sleeping in; slips are just for going under dresses
🔗 23:34
Katboii: This is the most I've seen a chat disconnect from the game being played
🔗 23:34
Naxochils: Ah.
🔗 23:34
PsychoI3oy: Katboii it happens a lot here, heh
🔗 23:34
Stalevar_: or to change to 30, because if it's enabled it's 60 by default and you need the button to not die
🔗 23:34
Hrafnsvaengr: Often, slips are thinner sheerer fabric because they aren't meant to be seen
🔗 23:34
Naxochils: You ain't seen nothing yet Katboii
🔗 23:34
Lybra: Cuz Blight Town Drop gon' give it to ya!
🔗 23:34
Ethrien: gravity_pike its hitting the post that is sticking out that is important. I think, i've crashed into the post and lived before
🔗 23:34
Hrafnsvaengr: Nightgowns can be any sort of fabric, but are usually less sheer as they aren't hidden by other clothes
🔗 23:34
togashinaruta: A slip is intended to be worn under a dress because the dress fabric is too thin. a nightgown is intended to be worn at night on it's own
🔗 23:35
Naxochils: I want to say chat has had full political conversations just for no reason.
🔗 23:35
TheMoatman: Nan, it's nothing like 60fps
🔗 23:35
MrJWhit: I've only got 30 FPS, but then again that's twitch.
🔗 23:35
Stalevar_: backspace by default if it's enabled in config
🔗 23:35
Naxochils: I think about half of Beej's earlier streams were just medical chats while he was playing something
🔗 23:35
TheMoatman: You can tell from humps
🔗 23:35
Sai_Maa: Usually the drop works for me, also it does indeed look cool
🔗 23:35
Arclight_Dynamo: Naxochils: As a participant in those conversations, the reason is that they're itneresting. :P
🔗 23:35
1Life0Continues: I have...opinions...on 60FPS. Unpopular ones.
🔗 23:35
Hrafnsvaengr: Hey, Arclight :)
🔗 23:35
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: Hey, there!
🔗 23:36
Samdaharu: Good morning Alex, Good morning Chat ^_^
🔗 23:36
Naxochils: This one isn't actually even too far away considering we're talking about a game at least somewhat.
🔗 23:36
Hrafnsvaengr: How goes the capital?
🔗 23:36
Unknowngamer88: 60 fps works in video games, but it's garbo in movies
🔗 23:36
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: Windy, full of hot air. :P
🔗 23:36
TacitusVigil: Don't worry, if you screw something up, we'll just blame Adam. And make him stream for 24 hours.
🔗 23:36
3DDotNikkiWolf: I much prefer playing the game at 60 FPS, even if it's not the best.
🔗 23:36
DiHorizon: according to the DSFix readme "VK_BACK" is the 60/30 FPS toggle
🔗 23:36
PsychoI3oy: Unknowngamer88 it's the difference between rendering 3d stuff and capturing real life
🔗 23:36
Hrafnsvaengr: Much like a lot of Tory rhetoric in Alberta lately, eh? :P
🔗 23:36
Ethrien: !time
🔗 23:36
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 11:36 PM
🔗 23:36
gravity_pike: We got a 24h off Cam, too, right? For Serum Visions. Kappa
🔗 23:37
3DDotNikkiWolf: VK_BACK is Backspace on the keyboard.
🔗 23:37
Unknowngamer88: psychoI3oy pretty much
🔗 23:37
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: Oh, dear, yes. And here, too. We got a new provincial PC leader! He's awful! :D
🔗 23:37
TStodden: 60 FPS is like 2.5x Movie FPS, hence the "crappy" feel... Not certain if 48 fps for movies would be better...
🔗 23:37
ImmoralEthicist: Cam seemed pretty willing to do it earlier today
🔗 23:37
Naxochils: But... But... Serum Visions BibleThump
🔗 23:37
3DDotNikkiWolf: Do you have DSFix installed?
🔗 23:38
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: Worse than usual, actually. He's gone hard religious right. o_O
🔗 23:38
DiHorizon: game is running at 1080p so it must have DSFix
🔗 23:38
Edroach: 60fps can't melt steel beams
🔗 23:38
SmilelyDude: check the options menu ?
🔗 23:38
1Life0Continues: I go back to 480p on YT if the 60fps option is on. Yeah.
🔗 23:38
Hrafnsvaengr: Does that actually fly in Ontario?
🔗 23:38
Rootpotato: I honestly don't know why chat keeps asking about 24 hour streams. it just comes off as needy and a bit of a joke. :/
🔗 23:38
Naxochils: 60fps can't melt dank memes lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 23:38
Unknowngamer88: 24 FPS for movies is where it should be. anythjing faster, and it lends enough visual acuity that you can tell that a scene is artificially lit, and made with props
🔗 23:38
chiropteraboy: why have 60 fps when you can have one solid action rpg
🔗 23:38
3DDotNikkiWolf: You may not have "unlockFPS" set to 1 in the config file, if it's not unlocking.
🔗 23:39
PsychoI3oy: I can't sit and watch a 24h stream anymore, I'm certanly not calling for anyone to stream for it
🔗 23:39
ImmoralEthicist: @Arclight_Dynamo, I'm kinda okay with that guy having been elected as PC leader. They lost the last two because Hudak couldn't stop shooting himself in the foot (on elections he should have won easily). This guy will be even worse.
🔗 23:39
PsychoI3oy: if cam did 3 8h streams friday/saturday/sunday that'd be cool
🔗 23:39
Hayamo: Honestly it's hard for me to tell if something is 60 FPS or 30 unless I see both
🔗 23:39
PsychoI3oy: or two 12h ones
🔗 23:39
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: He's a federal Tory MP (!) who voted to "revisit" same-sex marriage. He's against the new sex-ed curriculum. He refuses to go to the Toronto Pride parade. Etc.
🔗 23:39
MrThirdParty: Honestly, unless there is a serious shift in game choice. 3.5-4 hours is about the max.
🔗 23:39
Hayamo: But after I see both it becomes obvious
🔗 23:39
Naxochils: I'm pretty sure the 24 hour stream thing is a joke.
🔗 23:39
Werdnae: You have to unlock it in the config file (DSfix.ini) befoore you can activate it
🔗 23:39
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: It "flies" in that it let him get enough Tories to vote him leader. But he won't win an election.
🔗 23:39
MrThirdParty: After that the streamer starts to zone out and get tired and whatnot.
🔗 23:39
Naxochils: That guy just wanted to ride the spinny wheel down
🔗 23:40
MrThirdParty: just like anyone playing videogames
🔗 23:40
Hrafnsvaengr: Right, but you CAN'T revisit the marriage issue...that was decided by the SCC....
🔗 23:40
gravity_pike: how did THAT *** get onto the elevator with us?
🔗 23:40
Stalevar_: or you just pressed the button once, switched fps and unfucked the jump
🔗 23:40
Arclight_Dynamo: ImmoralEthicist: Truth. He can't win, and that makes me happy.
🔗 23:40
Naxochils: To be fair Gravity_Pike he was on the elevator first. So we got on with him.
🔗 23:40
Zivosthrin: Dem ELEVATOR BUGZ tho D:
🔗 23:40
Stalevar_: roll is irrelevant, you either land safely or die before the roll
🔗 23:40
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: But... activist judges... subverting democracy... Parliamentary sovereignty.... etc., ad nauseam. Blegh.
🔗 23:41
KitteyWolf: Stalevar_, its very very unlikely. i think he was just messing up. as he sometimes does.
🔗 23:41
Katboii: The mosquitos in this bit can get straight effed
🔗 23:41
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: They use the "activist judges" complaint in Canada too? Good to know there are some constants. Kappa
🔗 23:41
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: Hahahaha! No. You know that. :P
🔗 23:41
MrThirdParty: ooo missed souls
🔗 23:41
MrJWhit: We god there, technically.
🔗 23:41
ImmoralEthicist: @TacitusVigil, Kinda, but that argument doesn't really go anywhere in Canada.
🔗 23:42
Stalevar_: it is very very likely, because he was doing same stuff and not landing, and now he's landing every time.
🔗 23:42
ravensshade: that poison is harsh
🔗 23:42
Samdaharu: To be fair, blighttown is just miserable.
🔗 23:42
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: Yeah... but up here, the judges just laugh at them. So do voters. :D
🔗 23:42
Hrafnsvaengr: Yeah, I know...I'd still like to think that it's possible they do
🔗 23:42
KitteyWolf: Stalevar_, he did that last week too. he was getting the drop perfectly then near the end he started to fail it. without touching the keyboard. lol
🔗 23:42
daneislazy: Poison is not bad, Toxic is harsh, Both at the same time are hilarious.
🔗 23:42
TacitusVigil: ImmoralEthicist: To be fair, in the US "activist judges" are just judges that rule the way you don't like. ;)
🔗 23:42
MrThirdParty: To be more fair, the game warned you very near the beginning that there was a place called "Blighttown"
🔗 23:42
ImmoralEthicist: Alright chat, I wrote a whole bunch of words today, some of which were even good, and this chapter is closer to being done. Time to sleep so I can continue doing it tomorrow.
🔗 23:43
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: I mean... there was another guy running for leader who wanted the provincial government to operate as direct petitions to the Crown rather than votes in the legislature. For real.
🔗 23:43
gravity_pike: first time I got to the bottom of blighttown, I went right instead of left, and ended up cursed in the giant tree. I had no idea how to uncurse, and wasn't good enough to get OUT of blighttown at half health. :(
🔗 23:43
MrJWhit: DS is weird to me, it's so important to get in the boss's face to win... I don't really understand.
🔗 23:43
KitteyWolf: gravity_pike, at least you didnt get double cursed XD
🔗 23:43
1Life0Continues: Quelaag is basically a recreation of 'would you still wanna have sex with her if she was a spider from the waist down?"
🔗 23:43
Hrafnsvaengr: But...but...BNA Act....representative democracy....
🔗 23:43
chiropteraboy: you got Quelaag locked and loaded! woo!
🔗 23:43
Naxochils: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrGOAT lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 23:43
Lawler_93: blargh blargh blargh
🔗 23:44
MrJWhit: Don't forget about poison Alex :P
🔗 23:44
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: The Crown. Monarchy. Direct government. :P
🔗 23:44
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: The same thing happens in the US too...just replace "provincial" with "state" and "crown" with "God" Kappa
🔗 23:44
Hrafnsvaengr: Ugh.
🔗 23:44
Unknowngamer88: "I'm communism!"
🔗 23:44
CaffeinatedLemur wanders on in
🔗 23:44
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: Right?
🔗 23:44
Hrafnsvaengr: Uggghhhhhhh.
🔗 23:44
3DDotNikkiWolf: Quelaag wasn't hard, if you ask me.
🔗 23:44
ravensshade: so wait people are talking about politics right now? interesting
🔗 23:44
Stalevar_: i played this game for over 1000 hours, i know how that drop works, i know how fps *** up on that drop looks and i didn't see you doing anything wrong with the drop failing anyways, so i'm pretty sure it was fps.
🔗 23:44
Hrafnsvaengr: At least we have the NDP here now! :D
🔗 23:44
Hrafnsvaengr: Maybe they won't lrrEFF up too bad
🔗 23:45
MrThirdParty: in a Medieval-ish game. Blight is like saying "Place no-One Should Ever Go To"
🔗 23:45
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: There are at least two strains of Canadian conservatism. The one we're talking about comes from the US. Thanks for that. :P
🔗 23:45
MrThirdParty: Or some more pithy name
🔗 23:45
KitteyWolf: Stalevar_, even though it wasnt because he didnt press any other buttons that could have done it
🔗 23:45
MrThirdParty: Blighttown
🔗 23:45
ravensshade: except when you're undead-ish then shrug blight?
🔗 23:45
Naxochils: Welcome to LRR chat. Where the stream doesn't matter and the chat is always off topic.
🔗 23:45
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: Whatever, you're all Godless Communists. :P
🔗 23:45
Unknowngamer88: I'm really hopping NDP gets a foothold in the National elections
🔗 23:45
gravity_pike: !listen
🔗 23:45
LRRbot: Always listen to chat. Never listen to chat.
🔗 23:45
TheMoatman: MrThirdParty, It's literally because there's a blight
🔗 23:45
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: Way I see it, *any* change is good for Alberta. Even Wildrose would have shaken things up. Happier with the Dippers, obviously, but still.
🔗 23:45
MrThirdParty: lol
🔗 23:45
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: That describes me fairly well, actually. :D
🔗 23:46
MrThirdParty: Thank you Moatman.
🔗 23:46
Lawler_93: I loved Quelaag's sword.. I slayed Ornstein and smaugh with it
🔗 23:46
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: Seriously though, if you'd just let us conquer you in the War of 1812 maybe you all could have helped us balance out the South. Just saying. ;)
🔗 23:46
Stalevar_: who cares about your fingers? you were walking at right speed and at a right angle, there's nothing more to it
🔗 23:46
Hrafnsvaengr: And honestly, I'm actually more behind Wildrose than I am the Alberta PCs right now. At least the Wildrose have started purging their bigots
🔗 23:46
Unknowngamer88: I was okay with the idea of the Liberals getting in at first, but after them folding on c-51 I've lost all faith
🔗 23:46
Hrafnsvaengr: The PCs just started embracing them
🔗 23:46
3DDotNikkiWolf: Oh Alex, if the 360 pad breaks soon, you can use the PS4 controller on PC.
🔗 23:46
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: Bah! Just give us the good states now and call it even. :D
🔗 23:46
TheMoatman: That's why Quelaag's sister is embedded into a wall
🔗 23:47
gravity_pike: Cascadia now!
🔗 23:47
Naxochils: Define "Good states"
🔗 23:47
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: Ew.
🔗 23:47
KitteyWolf: Stalevar_, even though he could have been a bit off due to a flick of his thumb. and you couldnt know that because you arent him and havent seen his thumb
🔗 23:47
Stalevar_: no, roll happens after you land, it doesn't matter
🔗 23:47
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: Hmm, how are we defining "good"? Texas is out of course...
🔗 23:47
TheMoatman: You definitely have to buffer the roll
🔗 23:47
Stalevar_: no, you can just land there and stand there. no problrm
🔗 23:48
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: New England, Pacific Northwest, half of California, maybe New York. :P
🔗 23:48
KitteyWolf: Stalevar_, i have never seen anyone do that. you have to buffer the roll. thats always how everyone has said it goes
🔗 23:48
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: Can we just go ahead and start that North American Union all the conspiracy theorists are always complaining about? ;)
🔗 23:48
Edroach: boulders cant melt backdash
🔗 23:48
MrThirdParty: What weird about Canadian national politics, is tht they seem to have some similarities with Michigan state politics.
🔗 23:48
1Life0Continues: This turned into Tomb Raider al of a sudden
🔗 23:48
Ethrien: Playing on the 360 you can faceplant on that post...lived but was stunned
🔗 23:48
MrThirdParty: What's
🔗 23:48
Hrafnsvaengr: Is the point of speed running to see and experience as little of the actual game as possible? Why is that fun.... I don't understand.
🔗 23:49
Ethrien: ^talking about the blightown drop
🔗 23:49
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: But but but... Illuminati!
🔗 23:49
Stalevar_: you only do the roll to run faster. the whole point is to save time, so you roll to go faster, you don't need it to survive
🔗 23:49
Naxochils: It's to become Sonic the Hedgehog clearly
🔗 23:49
CaffeinatedLemur: hrafnsvaengr: at this point it is to challenge yourself and get better
🔗 23:49
TheMoatman: Not sure what time. Haven't speedrun dark souls in a long time
🔗 23:49
3DDotNikkiWolf: @Hrafnsvaengr Not necessarily.
🔗 23:49
KitteyWolf: Stalevar_, i've never seen anyone live without rolling
🔗 23:49
GruntAI: !time 24
🔗 23:49
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 23:49
🔗 23:49
Anaerin: hrafnsvaengr: He's completed the game already, and explored plenty. Now he's playing it in a different way.
🔗 23:49
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: What's so wrong with the Illuminati?
🔗 23:49
3DDotNikkiWolf: People who speedrun the game already know their way through the game enough and want a different way to enjoy the game.
🔗 23:49
MrThirdParty: We're having a bizarre and sad amount of right-wing push back that is causing us to take a few steps back in our general social progress.
🔗 23:49
TStodden: Hrafnsvaengr, Speed Running is about mastering the game & optimizing it use the least amount of time from start to finish.
🔗 23:49
Hrafnsvaengr: TacitusVigil: No, because then the US would just refuse to actually listen to anyone else and try to take over...such a change, right? :P
🔗 23:50
Unknowngamer88: hrafsvanaengr no, it's to challenege yourself after playing a game and getting to know it to a borderline absurd degree
🔗 23:50
Ethrien: !time
🔗 23:50
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 11:50 PM
🔗 23:50
Lithobraker: Tacitusvigil trapezoids are so much better than triangles
🔗 23:50
MrThirdParty: Bu the ultimate trend is toward liberal and anti-right sentiments.
🔗 23:50
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: They never take care of their crabgrass. Just slobs, they are!
🔗 23:50
Hadanelith: Speedrunning is for challenge, not experience.
🔗 23:50
3DDotNikkiWolf: Oh, speaking of speedrunning, I tried out this one game last night that would be good for speedrunners called Lovely Planet.
🔗 23:50
KitteyWolf: !death
🔗 23:50
LRRbot: lrrAWW 523 deaths for Dark Souls on IDDQDerp
🔗 23:50
16Bitmason: its like doing a nuzlock in pokemon
🔗 23:51
TStodden: I have to give props to Alex for attempting to go practically TGTS standards (Glitchless & NON-TAS).
🔗 23:51
Hrafnsvaengr: Eh, I guess. It's just not for me, I guess. The whole race meta mechanic has never really caught my interest personally.
🔗 23:51
gravity_pike: earlier today, even, alex was just playing tour-guide through Dark Souls
🔗 23:51
Hrafnsvaengr: Don't get me wrong, more power to people who like it; just doesn't hold any appeal to me
🔗 23:51
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: Listen, I don't go to your secret society and tell them to mow their lawns!
🔗 23:51
Arclight_Dynamo: MrThirdParty: The big difference here is how the Supreme Court and constitution work. Originalism isn't a thing, here. So new rights can be read into the constitution. Sexual orientation, for example, is a protected class of exactly the same kind as race in Canada.
🔗 23:51
MrThirdParty: Illuminati is simplistic. lazy, and impractical
🔗 23:51
D_Man_7733: Like the one this morning? That was great, I love learning the lore of DS.
🔗 23:51
KitteyWolf: Hrafnsvaengr, a lot of people see it as a test of skill.
🔗 23:52
Hrafnsvaengr: The tour guide style run you were doing earlier seemed a lot more...fun to me, I guess
🔗 23:52
CaffeinatedLemur: phrasing?
🔗 23:52
daneislazy: if you roll through it it works fine usually
🔗 23:52
TStodden: Alex, The Sasuke is still going in Japan & the US (as "American Ninja Challenge").
🔗 23:52
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: Well, no, my secret society can landscape like no one's business. Yours, though? Well...
🔗 23:52
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: I'm a Freemason, not Illuminati. We build things. ;)
🔗 23:52
3DDotNikkiWolf: I don't really see myself doing much of speedrunning, but I do like watching others do it.
🔗 23:52
MrThirdParty: Arclight: I'm not saying that there aren't strict and important differences in particulars between U.S. and Canda laws and whatnot.
🔗 23:53
Arclight_Dynamo: Hrafnsvaengr: Funny thing is, I don't like speedruns. I like story and lore. Except for Dark Souls. I really don't like the lore, so the slow play is, well, not fun to me. But watching Alex speedrun it works for me in a way that *doesn't* work for any other game. Confusing.
🔗 23:53
Hadanelith: Also, loads of fun brainsweat goes into speedrunning. Lots of theorycrafting and planning.
🔗 23:53
KitteyWolf: Hrafnsvaengr, i totally understand that :P i love learning about the lore, and all that, but there is something interesting seeing the way people break games in glitched runs, or how people go about finding the best ways to get through the different areas
🔗 23:53
TStodden: The next season should be starting soon for the American Ninja Challenge (like in a week or two on NBC).
🔗 23:53
snipe221: Hey Alex hey chat
🔗 23:53
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: *Free* masons? You get what you pay for, I suppose. Kappa
🔗 23:53
MrThirdParty: However those are particular differences. I'm speaking to general trends in electoral and legislative decision-making
🔗 23:53
Annualkibbles33: You should do a speed run to beat Newgame +7 see how you may need a new approach
🔗 23:54
D_Man_7733: @Hrafnsvaengr I find speedruns are most entertaining if they are either a. Completely glitching and breaking the game (I didn't used to like games like that, but learnt to love them after AGDQ and such) or B. A game you really like and have played personally. It's like seeing the game from a new perspective.
🔗 23:54
egyptcraze: wow, hi Alex! I seriously didnt think anyone would be on when i logged in lol
🔗 23:54
Arclight_Dynamo: MrThirdParty: No, yeah, I get that. I'm just saying that, despite the similar trends, there are factors that mitigate them up here that don't exist in the US.
🔗 23:54
Hrafnsvaengr: Oh yeah, it's definitely fun enough watching someone speedrun, because there's an inherent sense of tension to it. I just don't get enjoyment out of playing them.
🔗 23:54
egyptcraze: what time is it in Victoria?
🔗 23:54
Ethrien: !time
🔗 23:54
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 11:54 PM
🔗 23:54
MrThirdParty: Treu that, and I'm jealous of those more than a little
🔗 23:54
Anubis169: hiiiii Alex :D
🔗 23:54
MrThirdParty: Arclight
🔗 23:55
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: Well, there are membership dues. And taco tax. But at least we don't pay for TV like the British do!
🔗 23:55
TStodden: During my Tenure w/ TG, I had to verify speed runs. LoZ: OoC took 5h 40s to complete in ONE SESSION under TGTS.
🔗 23:55
3DDotNikkiWolf: Morning, Anubis.
🔗 23:55
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: Ooh! Taco tax sounds good. Public-payer TexMex? I'd go for that.
🔗 23:55
Hrafnsvaengr: Physical mastery has never been a thing that really catches my interest though, so there's that
🔗 23:55
Anubis169: yes!
🔗 23:55
chiropteraboy: THE TUMBLLLLE
🔗 23:55
Ethrien: wow
🔗 23:55
1Life0Continues: um...wow
🔗 23:55
Hadanelith: 5 minutes to midnight, Alex. about time for the bus, yeah?
🔗 23:55
Hadanelith: Also, sweet boss kill.
🔗 23:56
1Life0Continues: That view though
🔗 23:56
Hrafnsvaengr: Good job on the boss, by the way
🔗 23:56
Anubis169: bus time :D
🔗 23:56
1Life0Continues: Oh...you beat him? Okay, here's TWO of them now
🔗 23:56
MrThirdParty: But some of the rhetoric from your irritatingly successful right-sided parties is nearly identical to our own irritatingly successful parties (on various levels, but especially National.
🔗 23:56
DanSPG: goodmorning chat! Isn't this lovely, go to bed with Alex and waking up with Alex...
🔗 23:56
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: Until Harper and President Ted Cruz decide to privatize tacos...
🔗 23:56
Edroach: heh skyrim you start about to get beheaded
🔗 23:56
Samdaharu: I had a much easier time with the iron golem first time around, probably because it was very reminiscent of the tower night in Demon's Souls.
🔗 23:56
Samdaharu: *knight
🔗 23:56
3DDotNikkiWolf: This game is pretty much a 3D Metroidvania, if you think about it.
🔗 23:56
16Bitmason: keep going alex! stream till kathleen's show
🔗 23:57
Arclight_Dynamo: MrThirdParty: Ugh. Yes. Unfortunately.
🔗 23:57
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: But... tacos are an essential public service!
🔗 23:57
1Life0Continues: I can see that, Alex.
🔗 23:57
chiropteraboy: That's awesome
🔗 23:57
oLittleB3stZz: What do you guys think i buy dark souls 1 & 2 for pc or should i buy dark souls 2 with 360 ?
🔗 23:57
3DDotNikkiWolf: @Olittleb3stzz PC.
🔗 23:57
MrThirdParty: Michigan was the first democratic government in the world to outlaw the death penalty
🔗 23:57
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: I know! Even Thatcher was pushed out when she went after the National Taco Service!
🔗 23:57
1Life0Continues: The Deathstroke fight in B:AO did that for me.
🔗 23:57
3DDotNikkiWolf: You can use a controller on the PC versions.
🔗 23:58
TStodden: RTSR Threshold: 1.75 bars / 8
🔗 23:58
Sai_Maa: Buy Dark Souls and Demon's Souls, there is no Dark Souls 2 Kappa
🔗 23:58
Hadanelith: Bus, Alex.
🔗 23:58
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: I'm just disappointed that the US has been selling off the National taco reserve. That's meant for wartime!
🔗 23:58
Thus_Spooped_Zarathustra : @Olittleb3stzz PC for sure. The FPS unlocker with DSFix is nigh essential.
🔗 23:58
TStodden: Dark Souls does support controlls.
🔗 23:58
Antitonic: !nextfan
🔗 23:58
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: Dicking around with Diserasta (http://www.twitch.tv/diserasta​) at Tue 10:00 PM PDT (1:58 ago), The AntiStream (Antitonic) (http://www.twitch.tv/antitonic​) at Wed 12:00 AM PDT (1m from now)
🔗 23:58
MrThirdParty: However we overuse the life sentence. We are dragging our asses on "abnormal" marriage.
🔗 23:58
Odanbear: that's what I do
🔗 23:58
TStodden: *controllers
🔗 23:58
Hrafnsvaengr: But why would I do that when I could just fail once, be frustrated that I'm not immediately good at the thing, then give up because I decide I suck at everything forever?
🔗 23:58
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: No blood for tacos.
🔗 23:58
ravensshade: oh god a tightbeam section with a mob on it? that's harsh
🔗 23:59
Anubis169: nicely done!
🔗 23:59
FireTigerGinger: gg
🔗 23:59
Samdaharu: *applause*
🔗 23:59
gravity_pike: lrrGOAT
🔗 23:59
Hadanelith: First Time HYPE!
🔗 23:59
Hrafnsvaengr: My method works too...if by "works" I mean "doesn't work at all"
🔗 23:59
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil: Look. The tortilla of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
🔗 23:59
1Life0Continues: Wait, the bosses become mooks, now?
🔗 23:59
3DDotNikkiWolf: To succeed is to fail.
🔗 23:59
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: Ok then, 54"40' or Tacos!
🔗 23:59
Hadanelith: 1life0continues: yup.
🔗 23:59
Anubis169: nah
🔗 23:59
ravensshade: but i like sucking
🔗 23:59
Anubis169: to succeed is succeed
🔗 23:59
MrThirdParty: We've been selling off the public education to shitty "private" schools that a proper judge should see as violating the State and Federal Constitutions.
🔗 23:59
Katboii: "Sucking is the first step at being kinda good at something"
🔗 23:59
1Life0Continues: @Hadanelith nope.jpg