🔗 00:04
Canageek: admiralmemo: If you are looking for something to watch, UPickVG is very good
🔗 02:26
RebelliousUno: !announcement
🔗 02:26
🔗 02:40
qrpth: !viewers
🔗 02:40
LRRbot: Stream is not live. 127 users in the chat.
🔗 05:31
eatenbyagrue1988: !next
🔗 05:31
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (6:28 from now).
🔗 05:31
eatenbyagrue1988: heeeeeeeeeeeeey chat
🔗 05:38
MrPhlip: Hmm, should probably change that response to the blogpost, rather than the twitter link...
🔗 05:39
MrPhlip: !announcement
🔗 05:39
🔗 05:39
MrPhlip: there we go
🔗 05:44
QuietMyth: Why chat active
🔗 05:44
QuietMyth: nothing happen for long time
🔗 05:45
qrpth: Don't vn worry about it.
🔗 05:45
qrpth: Evervyetrhyitnhgin gi si sf ifnien.e
🔗 05:45
qrpth: Evervyetrhyitnhgin gi si sf ifnien.e.
🔗 05:45
QuietMyth: O_O
🔗 05:45
QuietMyth: !Adult
🔗 05:45
LRRbot: I need an adult!
🔗 05:45
qrpth: Let's try that again.
🔗 05:45
qrpth: Don't even worry about it.
🔗 05:45
qrpth: Everything is fine.
🔗 05:45
QuietMyth: Qrpth caught that Avacyn fever
🔗 05:46
QuietMyth: Speaking in tongues and ***
🔗 05:47
qrpth: I'm so good at Twitch.
🔗 05:47
qrpth: I even managed to remove myself from the mod chat.
🔗 05:47
QuietMyth slow claps
🔗 05:48
QuietMyth: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's 13 letters in Adam's Gamehaus
🔗 05:48
🔗 05:48
QuietMyth: !panic
🔗 05:48
🔗 05:48
qrpth: !sir
🔗 05:48
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! That appears to be some sort of sidewalk slam.
🔗 05:49
QuietMyth: What the hell maaan, I just got a pocket watch for my bday and it uses IIII instead of IV....
🔗 05:49
QuietMyth: W@T
🔗 05:50
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote skeleton
🔗 05:50
LRRbot: Quote #1747: "I wonder if the skeleton likes beer." —Ian [2016-02-09]
🔗 05:50
QuietMyth: !quote
🔗 05:50
LRRbot: Quote #975: "*singing* I'm so bad at the things I love... that's why I'm so unhappy..." —Alex [2015-10-27]
🔗 05:50
qrpth: no not the butt quotes
🔗 05:51
QuietMyth: !findquote Butt
🔗 05:51
LRRbot: Quote #1154: "Is that lizard just eating that monkey's butt?" —Ian [2015-11-25]
🔗 05:51
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote butte
🔗 05:51
qrpth: HAH!
🔗 05:51
QuietMyth: You broked it
🔗 05:51
eatenbyagrue1988: DAMNIT
🔗 05:51
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote butte
🔗 05:51
LRRbot: Quote #473: "No, we are not going to *** Butts." —Suzie [2015-07-17]
🔗 05:51
QuietMyth: Wtf is butte
🔗 05:51
eatenbyagrue1988: who's Suzie
🔗 05:51
eatenbyagrue1988: Butte, Montana
🔗 05:51
qrpth: !explain suzie
🔗 05:51
eatenbyagrue1988: where Canada sends all their rude Canadians
🔗 05:52
QuietMyth: Rude Canadians? Surely you jest.
🔗 05:52
QuietMyth: Kappa
🔗 05:52
qrpth: !explain susie
🔗 05:52
LRRbot: Charlotte, Susie, and Elliott are Alex's neighbors. They enjoy horror games, alcohol, and making immature jokes.
🔗 05:52
eatenbyagrue1988: well, they're not Canadians anymore is what happened
🔗 05:52
eatenbyagrue1988: they're now... what do you call someone from Butte?
🔗 05:52
eatenbyagrue1988: Butteians?
🔗 05:53
eatenbyagrue1988: Butteanians?
🔗 05:53
QuietMyth: Buttesians
🔗 05:53
QuietMyth: But WHY CHAT ON. Nothing happen for long time! explain! Explain! EXPLAIN!!
🔗 05:54
qrpth: Hush.
🔗 05:54
qrpth: Chat is asleep.
🔗 05:54
QuietMyth salute
🔗 05:54
QuietMyth: yessir
🔗 05:54
QuietMyth: honk
🔗 05:54
QuietMyth: Kappa
🔗 05:57
eatenbyagrue1988: lrrHAM
🔗 06:01
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote pumpkin
🔗 06:01
LRRbot: Quote #185: "F*ck you, pumpkin! Eat shit!" —Alex [2015-05-01]
🔗 06:04
RebelliousUno: !findquote 2014
🔗 06:04
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
🔗 06:04
RebelliousUno: !findquote goat
🔗 06:04
LRRbot: Quote #713: "I love you, Goat Mom..." —Alex [2015-09-22]
🔗 06:06
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote skeleton racist
🔗 06:06
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
🔗 06:06
eatenbyagrue1988: huh. That's surprising.
🔗 06:06
RebelliousUno: !findquote racist
🔗 06:06
LRRbot: Quote #1276: "But why did he feel the need to recreate the racists?" —Ian [2015-12-15]
🔗 06:06
RebelliousUno: !findquote Skeleton
🔗 06:06
LRRbot: Quote #1747: "I wonder if the skeleton likes beer." —Ian [2016-02-09]
🔗 06:10
eatenbyagrue1988: someone needs to go through all the quotes and put context for them in a wiki
🔗 06:11
RebelliousUno: Crack on then
🔗 06:20
qrpth: There was an issue on LRRbot's issue tracker to have it in our database.
🔗 06:20
qrpth: I should write a new one.
🔗 06:47
🔗 06:51
PhoenixMelior: !advice
🔗 06:51
LRRbot: Use absolute aggression.
🔗 06:54
eatenbyagrue1988: !badadvice
🔗 06:54
LRRbot: Boop its nose.
🔗 06:59
MichaelD067 bops grue and phoenix's noses
🔗 07:00
PhoenixMelior: nooo my poor nose
🔗 07:01
qrpth: Hey! No bullying!
🔗 07:01
rainbowbatsuit: Just be glad they took the bad advice
🔗 07:02
MichaelD067 bops noses with absolute aggression??
🔗 07:02
PhoenixMelior: yeah the regular advice seemed a little off
🔗 07:03
MichaelD067: i dunno most games reward sociopathic aggressive behaviour
🔗 07:04
PhoenixMelior: Not Fire Emblem
🔗 07:05
PhoenixMelior: also, off topic, LRR's spoiler card is excellent.
🔗 07:05
MichaelD067: it's quite weird
🔗 07:05
PhoenixMelior: it's SUCH a perfect card for LRR
🔗 07:05
PhoenixMelior: I love that Wizards looks through the set and gives them the card that they think would make for the most entertaining spoiler
🔗 07:06
MichaelD067: :P well that is in their best interests
🔗 07:08
PhoenixMelior: i suppose
🔗 07:08
MichaelD067: Chat what's my SIN ......
🔗 07:09
MichaelD067: there isn't much advantage giving a timmy card to a super spike podcast etc etc :P
🔗 07:09
MichaelD067: need to build that hype and sell product
🔗 07:10
PhoenixMelior: I don't know your SIN Michael, and that's probably for the best
🔗 07:10
PhoenixMelior: I've had mine memorised since I was 16 though
🔗 07:10
qrpth: !card Triskaidekaphobia
🔗 07:10
LRRbot: Triskaidekaphobia [3B] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your upkeep, choose one - / - Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player gains 1 life. / - Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player loses 1 life.
🔗 07:10
PhoenixMelior: It's so cool and SOMEONE is going to build a neat deck around it
🔗 07:10
MichaelD067: I dunno i feel like chat could be more helpful
🔗 07:11
MichaelD067: it can get into the kamigawa 10 life spel deck ? :P
🔗 07:12
Nightvalien28: what's a SIN?
🔗 07:13
MichaelD067: social insurance number.... I don't want to get up and look for it
🔗 07:14
PhoenixMelior: the canadian social security number
🔗 07:14
rainbowbatsuit: Oh so your SIN is sloth then
🔗 07:14
MichaelD067: trying to do these silly taxes
🔗 07:15
PhoenixMelior: required for taxes yeah
🔗 07:15
MichaelD067: I'm a fan of all 7?
🔗 07:15
PhoenixMelior: I am a fan of a few of them
🔗 07:15
PhoenixMelior: after a while gluttony and I don't get along super well.
🔗 07:16
Nightvalien28: I dislike greed
🔗 07:17
MichaelD067: was mostly a joke.... i think some serenity?
🔗 07:17
PhoenixMelior: I dislike greed as well
🔗 07:17
MichaelD067: well joke/ reference.....
🔗 07:17
PhoenixMelior: I don't actually remember them all off the top of my head lol
🔗 07:17
MichaelD067: i do!
🔗 07:17
MichaelD067: it helped my team win crannium once
🔗 07:17
PhoenixMelior: I know Wrath. Because one of my favourite Silent Civilian songs is called Wrath
🔗 07:17
PhoenixMelior: let's see...
🔗 07:17
PhoenixMelior: Lust, Greed, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth
🔗 07:17
MichaelD067: wrath, greed, soth, lust, envy, gluttony, pride
🔗 07:17
PhoenixMelior: Wrath
🔗 07:18
RebelliousUno: and Doc
🔗 07:18
RebelliousUno: don't forget Doc
🔗 07:18
PhoenixMelior: oh I guess Pride is separate from Greed
🔗 07:18
Nightvalien28: and according to some people, vanity
🔗 07:18
PhoenixMelior: and Dopey and Sneezy
🔗 07:18
MichaelD067: yes I always have trouble with pride :P
🔗 07:18
PhoenixMelior: Vanity and Pride are interchangable
🔗 07:18
PhoenixMelior: I also have a fair amount of issues with pride
🔗 07:18
RebelliousUno: as are Vanity and Bashful
🔗 07:19
PhoenixMelior: I take great care to control my wrath and lust
🔗 07:19
PhoenixMelior: yes I have wrath issues. Do not cross me.
🔗 07:19
Nightvalien28: fite me
🔗 07:19
RebelliousUno: Don't get the two mixed up
🔗 07:19
MichaelD067: crosses phoenix's name off a list.....
🔗 07:19
PhoenixMelior: which list?
🔗 07:21
MichaelD067: arbitrary list so i can cross you! mwahahahhaahahahahahahahhahhahahahah
🔗 07:21
PhoenixMelior: hehe :P
🔗 07:21
PhoenixMelior: I wonder how long it will take for me to get my tax return
🔗 07:21
Nightvalien28: it takes like a month or so, no??
🔗 07:22
PhoenixMelior: in the past I've gotten them in like a week or less
🔗 07:22
PhoenixMelior: granted I usually have them in before mid March so we'll see
🔗 07:22
PhoenixMelior: I'm still in before April, the busy time, where your mileage will vary drastically
🔗 07:23
PhoenixMelior: wait Ian self admittedly hates dragons?!
🔗 07:23
PhoenixMelior: Well then he and I just can't get along.
🔗 07:23
MichaelD067: mew?
🔗 07:24
PhoenixMelior: Cori said in one of the old VODs that Ian says he hates dragons
🔗 07:24
Nightvalien28: gasp
🔗 07:24
MichaelD067: ah ok
🔗 07:24
PhoenixMelior: and he also said he's not a fan of fantasy
🔗 07:25
PhoenixMelior: I knew there was a reason I didn't like that guy -.-
🔗 07:25
Nightvalien28: that's a bit harsh
🔗 07:26
PhoenixMelior: I'm being a little over-the-top for dramatic effect
🔗 07:27
Nightvalien28: ah I see
🔗 07:27
rainbowbatsuit: If he means generic Tolkien-esque medieval European style fantasy I feel him there
🔗 07:27
PhoenixMelior: I mean I couldn't get into Tolkien either
🔗 07:27
PhoenixMelior: I read the Hobbit but the Lord of the Rings was so dense I was done before I barely even started
🔗 07:28
Nightvalien28: I like tolkien, but just once
🔗 07:28
rainbowbatsuit: Not even as a knock against Tolkien, his imitators are just almost uniformly boring
🔗 07:28
Nightvalien28: yup they are
🔗 07:30
Nightvalien28: tolkien stuff should be a template, you can use it to make better things
🔗 07:30
Nightvalien28: copying it just makes you boring
🔗 07:31
rainbowbatsuit: Warhammer Fantasy is fun bc it's Tolkien/D&D on steroids
🔗 07:31
PhoenixMelior: I don't mind the humans dwarves elves thing as long as some fresh takes are done
🔗 07:31
PhoenixMelior: generic fantasy is super dull though
🔗 07:32
rainbowbatsuit: Arcanum was fun because it was D&D meeting steampunk technology
🔗 07:33
MichaelD067: down with tolkein!
🔗 07:33
MichaelD067 rummages through papers
🔗 07:35
PhoenixMelior: eh, I am not a fan of steampunk or cyberpunk. I just enjoy a well done world and fascinating characters
🔗 07:36
MichaelD067: no cyberpunk?..... I don't know if we can be friends... :(
🔗 07:37
PhoenixMelior: *shrug*
🔗 07:37
MichaelD067: :P
🔗 07:37
PhoenixMelior: I'm not much a fan of sci fi in general, I just don't like it
🔗 07:37
Nightvalien28: I don't really care about the setting as long as the story is good
🔗 07:37
rainbowbatsuit: No cyberpunk? How else will you know how evil corporations are?
🔗 07:38
PhoenixMelior: @Rainbowbatsuit because I live in real life Kappa
🔗 07:39
Nightvalien28: companies are not evil, remember, corporate loves you
🔗 07:40
PhoenixMelior: friend got his schedule messed up so I need to figure out what to have for lunch today
🔗 07:40
MichaelD067: i suggest food
🔗 07:41
Nightvalien28: food is good
🔗 07:41
PhoenixMelior: not a total loss, I get to try and finish the next chapter I had set up in Fire Emblem
🔗 07:41
PhoenixMelior: food IS good, it's just a matter of deciding which food
🔗 07:41
DarkMorford: Oh, man. That is the perfect spoiler card for LRR.
🔗 07:41
MichaelD067: good food!
🔗 07:41
PhoenixMelior: probably just subway. It's close by.
🔗 07:41
PhoenixMelior: @Darkmorford right?
🔗 07:41
PhoenixMelior: It's not Bump in the Night 2: Electric Boogaloo but it's the next best thing
🔗 07:41
DarkMorford: I hope someone gets it in the Pre-Prerelease.
🔗 07:42
PhoenixMelior: I hope that G builds around it Kappa
🔗 07:42
PhoenixMelior: that would be sweet to see
🔗 07:42
groverfield2: Hmm, what about grocery store deli food?
🔗 07:42
groverfield2: good morning
🔗 07:42
PhoenixMelior: good morning
🔗 07:42
DarkMorford: I'll have to catch it on VOD, though. I'm at a convention this weekend.
🔗 07:42
PhoenixMelior: I suppose there is a fresh market nearby but it's an awfully long walk
🔗 07:42
PhoenixMelior: hmm... do I have plans Saturday?
🔗 07:43
PhoenixMelior: I don't think I do, other than spring cleaning.
🔗 07:43
DarkMorford: Might be able to pop in for a bit here and there if the convention center's wi-fi isn't shit.
🔗 07:43
PhoenixMelior: That sounds perfect to do while the pre-prerelease runs in the background!
🔗 07:43
PhoenixMelior: @Darkmorford I have bad news for you. It'll be shit.
🔗 07:44
rainbowbatsuit: I was at a job fair the other day with better wifi than my house
🔗 07:44
PhoenixMelior: that's impressive
🔗 07:44
groverfield2: If you have no plans, than might I ask what you're scheming for that day?
🔗 07:44
groverfield2: Because the way you're talking, it sounds devatating
🔗 07:45
PhoenixMelior: I'm scheming about going through my house and cleaning it methodically, bit by bit, until it's spick and span
🔗 07:45
PhoenixMelior: and in the process going through my possessions and purging them where I can
🔗 07:45
DarkMorford: It's like an enema for your house!
🔗 07:45
groverfield2: More of a colonic
🔗 07:45
PhoenixMelior: It IS like an enema for my house.
🔗 07:46
DarkMorford: Shove that nozzle up your house's *** and spray that fucker clean!
🔗 07:46
groverfield2: I should actually probably get a new apartment... this one is kinda hell to clean, with pipes everywhere, and neighbors constantly yelling at each other... ah, young love
🔗 07:46
DarkMorford: (Damn, that's such a good sketch)
🔗 07:47
PhoenixMelior: I wouldn't mind getting a new place either but it's cheap and huge so I'm not in a rush
🔗 07:47
PhoenixMelior: really should call my landlord to get a guy to fix my kitchen sink but I've been really busy lately
🔗 07:47
groverfield2: email?
🔗 07:48
DarkMorford: I'm hoping I can afford to rent a house soon-ish. I'm pretty well stretching the walls of my apartment. Really need to go through some boxes and get rid of stuff.
🔗 07:48
PhoenixMelior: well I'd have to text him, but that's not the problem. The problem is that I need to be available in an evening so someone can come look at it, but that hasn't really been possible lately
🔗 07:48
DarkMorford watches SPRING again
🔗 07:49
PhoenixMelior: @Darkmorford purging possessions is the best.
🔗 07:50
groverfield2: I am so happy never to have gotten into the whole merch stuff
🔗 07:50
PhoenixMelior: yeah, I'm glad I resisted collecting figurines and such where I could
🔗 07:51
groverfield2: Not only am I not as financially boned as I could potentially be, but clutter is just aggrivating
🔗 07:52
groverfield2: I should get some poison (energy drink) from the grocery store so I can stay up today...
🔗 07:52
PhoenixMelior: what would you be staying up for?
🔗 07:53
DarkMorford: Yeah, I should probably get a display case for my figures. Still need to keep the boxes around for the extra parts, though, so *shrug*
🔗 07:54
groverfield2: For being awake during day, so work and living is easier? I tend to, on occasion, screw over my sleep schedule
🔗 07:54
PhoenixMelior: ah gotcha. I don't know, you could be over in Europe
🔗 07:55
groverfield2: True true
🔗 07:55
PhoenixMelior: yeah, I've had those days too. This is why I'm glad I don't drink coffee every day, so if I need the energy it'll actually help
🔗 07:55
groverfield2: But no, I'm in Oregon. I, however, not the Oregon man that keeps popping up in FeedDump
🔗 07:56
groverfield2: (am goes in there somewhere)
🔗 07:56
PhoenixMelior: that's probably for the best
🔗 07:56
DarkMorford: I don't drink coffee. I like the smell, but no matter what I try it always just tastes like burnt beans.
🔗 07:56
groverfield2: oh
🔗 07:56
PhoenixMelior: even the quality stuff?
🔗 07:56
PhoenixMelior: I've been to the Parsonage and that was the best thing ever
🔗 07:56
groverfield2: Uhh, like the starbucks stuff is basically hot chocolate milk
🔗 07:57
DarkMorford: Also, I have to wait for like 10 minutes after making it before it's cool enough to actually drink.
🔗 07:57
DarkMorford: I have a bit of a cat's tongue like that.
🔗 07:57
PhoenixMelior: oh I see
🔗 07:57
groverfield2: No, I get that too. I either wait a bit for it to cool, or order iced coffee
🔗 07:57
PhoenixMelior: I like green tea because I can drink it almost right away, since it's supposed to brew at a lower temperature
🔗 07:58
groverfield2: That's nice, I've started going for unsweetened tea recently
🔗 07:58
PhoenixMelior: yeah I also drink my tea unsweetened
🔗 07:58
DarkMorford: Like, 135-140 degrees is the top end of what I can tolerate. And most coffee is brewed at 190+, so...
🔗 07:58
groverfield2: Taste, or other reasons, Meli?
🔗 07:58
rainbowbatsuit: I drink my tea no milk no sugar and people look at me funny when I ask for it
🔗 07:59
PhoenixMelior: I prefer my tea plain since a good tea has flavour that is pleasant without sweeteners, and also because I don't need the extra calories or sugars
🔗 08:00
DarkMorford: I do like jasmine tea. Still have to wait a bit for it to cool, but not as much as other teas/coffee.
🔗 08:00
PhoenixMelior: when you don't eat a lot of artificial sweeteners, fruits taste a lot more delicious.
🔗 08:00
PhoenixMelior: @Darkmorford Jasmine tea is one of my favourites
🔗 08:00
groverfield2: Ah - - yeah, I avoid the sweeter stuff because of sugars for teeth and diet, (though I kinda miss honey in tea.) I just can't do artificial sweeteners
🔗 08:00
PhoenixMelior: and yes, it does take a lot less time to cool
🔗 08:01
PhoenixMelior: I've never been a fan of honey, not sure why
🔗 08:01
groverfield2: Probably got fed honey when you were sick as a kid
🔗 08:01
PhoenixMelior: yeah probably
🔗 08:01
DarkMorford: The only problem I have (and the reason I don't drink more of it) is that I don't have a reliable way to hit the brew temp. I need to get an electric teakettle or something.
🔗 08:02
groverfield2: or something with the stickyness turning an antipathy
🔗 08:02
PhoenixMelior: lemme grab you what kettle I use
🔗 08:02
DarkMorford: Which is kinda the main reason I stick to sodas. I like the carbonation, and it's consistent can to can.
🔗 08:02
groverfield2: Electric kettles are pretty cheap, but it's random whether or not they break in the first week or last you four years
🔗 08:03
PhoenixMelior: this is my cuisinart perfectemp https://www.cuisinart.com/share/images/products/zoom/1213/cpk-17.jpg
🔗 08:03
PhoenixMelior: six settings, perfect temperature every time. Really easy to maintain
🔗 08:03
rainbowbatsuit: I was poor in uni so I secretly stole my body builder roommate's milk for my tea but when I moved to a different place nobody ever bought milk so I learned to drink it without
🔗 08:03
PhoenixMelior: if you drink a lot of tea it's worth the price (which I think was 60 when I was looking to buy, though I'm not sure about American stuffs)
🔗 08:04
groverfield2: I still find milk in tea odd, though I've been known to go full on mad scientist
🔗 08:04
DarkMorford: Amazon has it for $90. A bit more than I'm looking to spend.
🔗 08:04
groverfield2: Probably cheaper in store, Morford
🔗 08:05
rainbowbatsuit: He bought like 12 pints a week I doubt he noticed
🔗 08:05
PhoenixMelior: but yes, as a barrier to entry it's a little pricey and that's fair. I'm just a tea hound :P
🔗 08:06
PhoenixMelior: that's a lot of milk o.o
🔗 08:06
rainbowbatsuit: Turns out ypu gotta eat a lot when you're body building
🔗 08:06
groverfield2: Makes sense, enzymes and calcium
🔗 08:07
groverfield2: Also more digestable than cheeses (unless you're lactose intolerant)
🔗 08:08
rainbowbatsuit: He'd also have like, four chicken breasts and a bag of rice for dinner
🔗 08:09
rainbowbatsuit: He was a super nice guy tho he helped me out with money and food a few times
🔗 08:09
Nightvalien28: an entire bag of rice?
🔗 08:09
PhoenixMelior: well good that he's a nice guy that would just literally feed me for like three-four days
🔗 08:09
rainbowbatsuit: Not a HUGE sack
🔗 08:10
Nightvalien28: even so, a bag of rice
🔗 08:10
PhoenixMelior: "I could eat THREE WHOLE BOWLS OF RICE"
🔗 08:10
rainbowbatsuit: The sort of thing you'd use to make dinner for a few people
🔗 08:14
PhoenixMelior: !next
🔗 08:14
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (3:45 from now).
🔗 08:14
rainbowbatsuit: !quote heather
🔗 08:14
LRRbot: Quote #1069: "I ate a tree." —Heather [2015-10-20]
🔗 08:15
Nightvalien28: soon
🔗 08:15
rainbowbatsuit: Anybody here playing Pokken?
🔗 08:15
Nightvalien28: nope
🔗 08:15
PhoenixMelior: I don't think so
🔗 08:16
DarkMorford: Not me.
🔗 08:16
rainbowbatsuit: Well dang.
🔗 08:16
PhoenixMelior: I'm not into the fighty mans. Also I don't have a Wii
🔗 08:17
PhoenixMelior: *Wii U
🔗 08:17
rainbowbatsuit: It's pretty beginner friendly. I dont fightymans either but its pretty easy to get into.
🔗 08:18
PhoenixMelior: I should actually see if any more Sun/Moon news has come up
🔗 08:19
DarkMorford: I'm just plain bad at fightyman games, but I do play Smash and DOA because I have friends who like them.
🔗 08:19
eatenbyagrue1988: I used to play DOA quite a bit.
🔗 08:19
PhoenixMelior: April 15th, there should be more pokemon news
🔗 08:19
eatenbyagrue1988: my fiance made me feel ashamed.
🔗 08:20
PhoenixMelior: why because boobies?
🔗 08:20
eatenbyagrue1988: more because shameless
🔗 08:20
eatenbyagrue1988: also, never make the mistake of playing the game with English dialogue
🔗 08:20
eatenbyagrue1988: Helena's English voice sounds like Pepe LePew
🔗 08:21
eatenbyagrue1988: and Tina's sounds like Yosemite Sam
🔗 08:21
rainbowbatsuit: I kinda love bad voice acting
🔗 08:21
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote dead
🔗 08:21
LRRbot: Quote #1441: "Are we dead yet? Can we please die?" —Alex [2014-01-17]
🔗 08:21
rainbowbatsuit: Then again Dynasty Warriors 3 was one of my favourite games growing up
🔗 08:21
Nightvalien28: why do they even try to add voice work and stories into these games
🔗 08:21
PhoenixMelior: I really like the Empires spin offs for Dynasty/Samurai Warriors
🔗 08:22
PhoenixMelior: I still have my copy of Samurai Warriors 2 Empires even though I have no Xbox 360 to play it on - I love that game so much
🔗 08:22
rainbowbatsuit: After MK9 & Injustice I was really surprised the story for MK10 was actually almost competent
🔗 08:22
PhoenixMelior: I remember watching MK X on stream
🔗 08:23
PhoenixMelior: it was a good movie interspersed by fighting scenes
🔗 08:23
Nightvalien28: ^
🔗 08:23
rainbowbatsuit: I have Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII on PS2 somewhere
🔗 08:23
PhoenixMelior: also, Pokemon Conquest.
🔗 08:23
Nightvalien28: huh, rob ford died
🔗 08:23
PhoenixMelior: wait really
🔗 08:23
eatenbyagrue1988: when I was in high school, I once tried watching Bible Black with English dubs.
🔗 08:23
Nightvalien28: yeah, cancer
🔗 08:23
eatenbyagrue1988: it is hilaribad
🔗 08:23
PhoenixMelior: I just read a news article yesterday that he wasn't responding to chemo
🔗 08:24
rainbowbatsuit: ROTK maybe worth checking out if you like the Empires
🔗 08:24
PhoenixMelior: I didn't know he was that far along already... that's unfortunate
🔗 08:24
eatenbyagrue1988: wait, Rob Ford as in "crack smoking mayor"?
🔗 08:24
PhoenixMelior: yes
🔗 08:24
PhoenixMelior: well that sucks.
🔗 08:25
eatenbyagrue1988: weird thought
🔗 08:25
eatenbyagrue1988: but what do blind people do for fun?
🔗 08:25
PhoenixMelior: read Braille books?
🔗 08:25
PhoenixMelior: listen to podcasts?
🔗 08:26
Nightvalien28: listen to music
🔗 08:26
Nightvalien28: take dogs to walks
🔗 08:26
Nightvalien28: pet cats
🔗 08:26
RebelliousUno: the same things sighted people do for fun
🔗 08:26
PhoenixMelior: probably minus the gaming
🔗 08:26
RebelliousUno: being blind doesn't invalidate you
🔗 08:26
RebelliousUno: it just means you need assistance to do things
🔗 08:27
Nightvalien28: only because we haven't made a game for blind people yet
🔗 08:27
PhoenixMelior: Most blind people also aren't COMPLETELY blind, either
🔗 08:28
RebelliousUno: there's no reason to ponder such a question
🔗 08:29
Nightvalien28: I saw a project on tumblr, glasses that tell the person what they are looking at
🔗 08:30
Nightvalien28: well of course there is a reason uno, to educate one self
🔗 08:30
Nightvalien28: would you rather someone go around not knowing?
🔗 08:30
PhoenixMelior: I have a friend who follows that "things you think about in the shower" subreddit
🔗 08:31
PhoenixMelior: it's just like, when you're letting the water hit you and you just ponder all of life's questions
🔗 08:31
groverfield2: (tabbed back in) so... Phoenix, cannibalizing a bodybuilder's meat would feed you for half a week?
🔗 08:31
Nightvalien28: lol
🔗 08:31
PhoenixMelior: suddenly out of nowhere
🔗 08:31
PhoenixMelior: no I mean the food he was eating
🔗 08:32
PhoenixMelior: four chicken breasts, so much milk and a bag of rice? Were I into carbs yeah
🔗 08:32
groverfield2: Hmm, avoiding carbs for diets?
🔗 08:33
PhoenixMelior: yup, I'm slowly getting myself off carbs. And not like 100%, I'll still eat rice and nuts and such every once in a while
🔗 08:33
groverfield2: I don't think nuts are carbs...
🔗 08:33
groverfield2: I could be wrong, but I thought they were mostly really really healthy fats
🔗 08:33
Nightvalien28: rice have carbs?
🔗 08:33
PhoenixMelior: true. Nuts are currently the largest regular source of carbs I get. They are indeed mostly fats
🔗 08:34
groverfield2: Rice is probably the healthiest carb there is, followed by the weird stuff they put in granola, and wheat
🔗 08:34
PhoenixMelior: that's why I'm ok with eating rice as a carb
🔗 08:35
PhoenixMelior: just like, white bread, eating pasta on a regular basis, stuff like that I'm trying to cut
🔗 08:35
groverfield2: Have you tried the vegetable based pasta?
🔗 08:35
PhoenixMelior: No, I haven't actually seen that in my supermarket
🔗 08:36
PhoenixMelior: oh wait do you mean like spaghetti squash?
🔗 08:36
groverfield2: yeah
🔗 08:36
PhoenixMelior: Not yet, but I probably should at some point.
🔗 08:36
groverfield2: Hmm, could be a US thing, and I haven't seen it recently, but the spinach one was pretty good
🔗 08:36
groverfield2: (at least in my tastes)
🔗 08:36
PhoenixMelior: I don't have the right utensils to make it easily so I've been holding off
🔗 08:37
groverfield2: Hmm, missing a strainer? (I can't think of anything else that's pasta specific)
🔗 08:38
PhoenixMelior: in all the recipes I've seen for spaghetti squash there's a special cutter people stick the squash/zucchini through to make it into a pasta shape
🔗 08:40
groverfield2: Oh... they had it pre-made in my area, but I should consider looking into getting one of those gadgets, since I the premade stuff's not really too common to see in stores anymore
🔗 08:42
PhoenixMelior: yeah I don't think I've ever seen them
🔗 08:43
PhoenixMelior: looks like they're called spiral slicers
🔗 08:44
eatenbyagrue1988: when you say "a bag of rice" are talking cooked or uncooked?
🔗 08:44
eatenbyagrue1988: because cooked rice is about 2-2 1/2 times the size
🔗 08:46
Nightvalien28: damn it I have the feeling of something stuck in my gums
🔗 08:46
PhoenixMelior: have you recently had any popcorn?
🔗 08:47
Nightvalien28: nope
🔗 08:47
Nightvalien28: nothing there, just the annoying feeling
🔗 08:47
PhoenixMelior: I always use that time to floss like a madwoman and use those pipe cleaner brushes to ensure there's nothing
🔗 08:48
Nightvalien28: yeah I am doing that once I get home
🔗 08:48
eatenbyagrue1988: I just brush until my gums bleed.
🔗 08:48
eatenbyagrue1988: I go through 2 toothbrushes a month that way
🔗 08:48
Nightvalien28: wow
🔗 08:48
eatenbyagrue1988: hey, everyone here works right?
🔗 08:49
Nightvalien28: yup
🔗 08:49
eatenbyagrue1988: as in "has a job" works?
🔗 08:49
Nightvalien28: sure let's go with that
🔗 08:49
eatenbyagrue1988: it's not weird to have a coworker that's as dumb as a stump, right?
🔗 08:49
PhoenixMelior: I has jerb
🔗 08:49
PhoenixMelior: I mean, depending on where you work, yeah probably
🔗 08:49
PhoenixMelior: I had some pretty dumb teachers
🔗 08:50
eatenbyagrue1988: one of my coworkers is dumb as a particularly dim stump
🔗 08:50
eatenbyagrue1988: he's a teacher
🔗 08:50
Nightvalien28: dumb people are a common thing in the world
🔗 08:50
PhoenixMelior: a sexist one too, against her own gender
🔗 08:50
Nightvalien28: gross
🔗 08:50
PhoenixMelior: well she did dress a bit like... well like a whore.
🔗 08:50
Nightvalien28: well you see when people are dumb they don't human well
🔗 08:51
RebelliousUno: there we go
🔗 08:51
RebelliousUno: back
🔗 08:51
PhoenixMelior: and she answered literally EVERY question that got put into the question box for sex ed
🔗 08:51
PhoenixMelior: this was a CATHOLIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, i'd like to remind you all
🔗 08:52
eatenbyagrue1988: oh god
🔗 08:52
eatenbyagrue1988: what kind of questions did they stuff into her proverbial box?
🔗 08:52
eatenbyagrue1988: !quote 616
🔗 08:52
LRRbot: Quote #616: "Stab *** is my Cannibal Corpse cover band." —Alex [2015-08-28]
🔗 08:53
DarkMorford: Hey Uno
🔗 08:53
PhoenixMelior: I was only aware of sex as a scientific process and didn't know that people did it for pleasure, or what sorts of things people did at all, so when questions about blow jobs came up and she described what they were in detail
🔗 08:53
RebelliousUno: Hye Dm
🔗 08:53
PhoenixMelior: I blocked out much of that class
🔗 08:53
Nightvalien28: oh my
🔗 08:53
PhoenixMelior: I think I may have skipped it after that just to avoid the awkward
🔗 08:53
eatenbyagrue1988: I'm glad I got the sex ed talk from my granddad
🔗 08:54
PhoenixMelior: my parents handled the whole thing terribly
🔗 08:54
eatenbyagrue1988: because he's a doctor and a consummate professional, so he gave a no-BS, non-judgmental talk
🔗 08:54
Nightvalien28: same
🔗 08:54
PhoenixMelior: the terrible or the no BS, NV
🔗 08:54
Nightvalien28: the terrible
🔗 08:54
Nightvalien28: I got a porn mag and the advice "it is what man do"
🔗 08:55
eatenbyagrue1988: you ever read Cracked.com?
🔗 08:55
PhoenixMelior: yeah I learned a lot of things with my first real boyfriend rather than from any other time
🔗 08:55
eatenbyagrue1988: because one of their contributors says that's how his adad gave him the talk
🔗 08:55
PhoenixMelior: nope, that place is full of ***
🔗 08:55
Nightvalien28: good thing I was in that mind set to question everything and everyone all the time
🔗 08:57
eatenbyagrue1988: so, tomorrow's the last day of class
🔗 08:57
eatenbyagrue1988: I let my 9th grade class just horse around the whole day
🔗 08:57
Nightvalien28: huzzah
🔗 08:57
eatenbyagrue1988: I step out to go get some papers photocopied
🔗 08:58
Nightvalien28: you are a good teacher
🔗 08:58
eatenbyagrue1988: I come back, the girls and half the guys are outside, sitting quietly
🔗 08:58
eatenbyagrue1988: and the other half of the guys are inside, watching a porn
🔗 08:58
DarkMorford: >_<
🔗 08:58
Nightvalien28: god damnit
🔗 08:58
PhoenixMelior: lol
🔗 08:58
PhoenixMelior: I mean, yeah.
🔗 08:58
eatenbyagrue1988: I had to recommend 4 students to be expelled
🔗 08:58
PhoenixMelior: that sucks
🔗 08:58
PhoenixMelior: but yeah that seems about right
🔗 08:58
eatenbyagrue1988: on the last day, even
🔗 08:58
Nightvalien28: their fault
🔗 08:59
PhoenixMelior: pretty sure I would have walked back in and been like "... now really guys, did you not think I was going to come back?:
🔗 08:59
eatenbyagrue1988: one of them, the instigator was already on the knife's edge
🔗 08:59
Nightvalien28: not even that, they had no lookout
🔗 08:59
eatenbyagrue1988: like, if he'd waited a few more hours
🔗 08:59
PhoenixMelior: @Nightvalien28 right?
🔗 08:59
eatenbyagrue1988: he was already in trouble for cheating during his exams
🔗 08:59
eatenbyagrue1988: three times
🔗 08:59
PhoenixMelior: It seems that expulsion happens a lot more in the Philippines
🔗 08:59
eatenbyagrue1988: on the same day.
🔗 08:59
Nightvalien28: wow
🔗 09:00
PhoenixMelior: here we have suspensions and if you get two many of those THEN you get expelled
🔗 09:00
eatenbyagrue1988: @Phoenixmelior What can I say? My people are not very bright.
🔗 09:00
PhoenixMelior: and not a lot of kids got suspended in my schools
🔗 09:00
PhoenixMelior: I don't even know if it's that, or if you guys are stricter. Though yeah I don't know if any dudes are dumb enough to watch a porno at school
🔗 09:00
Nightvalien28: yeah but you see our schools don't suspend or expel because it costs them money
🔗 09:01
PhoenixMelior: does it?
🔗 09:01
eatenbyagrue1988: Filipinos are measurable dumb
🔗 09:01
Nightvalien28: it does
🔗 09:01
eatenbyagrue1988: like, in all of Southeast Asia, we have the LOWEST average IQ
🔗 09:01
PhoenixMelior: how do suspensions cost them money?
🔗 09:01
eatenbyagrue1988: (84)
🔗 09:01
Nightvalien28: schools are payed for attendance, the more they have the better
🔗 09:01
PhoenixMelior: (I am actually unsure)
🔗 09:01
PhoenixMelior: is that right
🔗 09:01
PhoenixMelior: I had no idea
🔗 09:01
Nightvalien28: pretty sure it is in public schools
🔗 09:01
eatenbyagrue1988: like, I have a 122 tested IQ
🔗 09:02
eatenbyagrue1988: I could literally dig out my excess IQ points and still be smarter than the average Filipino
🔗 09:02
PhoenixMelior: I think I had like 118 when I tested but that was so long ago it's probably different now
🔗 09:02
PhoenixMelior: my dad took an IQ test and got 186
🔗 09:02
eatenbyagrue1988: Fiipinos also love to smart shame\
🔗 09:02
PhoenixMelior: would explain why he's such a terrible human being
🔗 09:02
eatenbyagrue1988: shit, really? That's amazing
🔗 09:03
eatenbyagrue1988: wait, what's the relation?
🔗 09:03
Nightvalien28: that is not fair, my IQ is probabaly like 10 and I am an awful human being
🔗 09:03
PhoenixMelior: he thought showing us love was expecting nothing less than perfection, lecturing us constantly and calling us fat so we'd stop eating like him
🔗 09:03
Nightvalien28: intelligent people get way more depressed and they have tendency to be mean
🔗 09:04
eatenbyagrue1988: jesus.
🔗 09:04
eatenbyagrue1988: I have to talk to the parents of those 4 kids tomorrow
🔗 09:04
PhoenixMelior: Reason #1 I was depressed and suicidal in high school
🔗 09:04
Nightvalien28: yup, like that
🔗 09:04
Nightvalien28: ^
🔗 09:04
PhoenixMelior: I am a lot better now, don't worry
🔗 09:04
eatenbyagrue1988: I do not look forward to having to tell a crying mum why her son will not be re-admitted
🔗 09:04
PhoenixMelior: and I was able to talk myself out of doing anything stupid
🔗 09:04
PhoenixMelior: at least you have a real reason for it
🔗 09:05
eatenbyagrue1988: still
🔗 09:05
PhoenixMelior: and at least you can say that you wish it wasn't the case but rules are rules
🔗 09:05
eatenbyagrue1988: I had to give one of those kids an in-school suspension
🔗 09:05
eatenbyagrue1988: because he'd tell his parents he had school, collect his allowance
🔗 09:05
eatenbyagrue1988: then spend all day playing dota
🔗 09:06
eatenbyagrue1988: when his mother found out, she gave him "the look"
🔗 09:06
Nightvalien28: wow
🔗 09:06
eatenbyagrue1988: you know the look
🔗 09:06
eatenbyagrue1988: the one that says "I am restraining myself because there are witnesses, but when we get home, you are a DEAD MAN."
🔗 09:06
PhoenixMelior: yup that look
🔗 09:07
eatenbyagrue1988: so we locked him in the office all day with a student assistant watching him at all times
🔗 09:07
eatenbyagrue1988: he had to be accompanied to the restroom and have his lunch in that office
🔗 09:08
eatenbyagrue1988: I gave him a book to copy
🔗 09:08
DarkMorford: Sucks to be him
🔗 09:08
eatenbyagrue1988: Descartes.
🔗 09:10
eatenbyagrue1988: that's always been the worst part of my job
🔗 09:10
eatenbyagrue1988: I hate having to drop the hammer on people
🔗 09:10
eatenbyagrue1988: it always makes me feel awful
🔗 09:10
BsureB: gamespot
🔗 09:10
PhoenixMelior: you have my sympathies, I'm sure it's a butts feeling
🔗 09:10
Nightvalien28: sometimes you have to do it, I had an inturn so dumb we had to let him go
🔗 09:10
PhoenixMelior: you have someone you can talk to afterwards to make you feel better right? Your fiance or something?
🔗 09:11
Nightvalien28: we found a way to transfer the idiot to some other place
🔗 09:11
eatenbyagrue1988: yeah, I do
🔗 09:11
PhoenixMelior: I've had some stuff happen at work that I needed to talk out and it was good to have that person to talk to
🔗 09:11
Nightvalien28: he has chat lrrCREEPY
🔗 09:11
eatenbyagrue1988: and it's not all bad. I really love teaching
🔗 09:11
PhoenixMelior: it's just the discipline
🔗 09:12
eatenbyagrue1988: when I was teaching my grade 9 classes how to debate, I got into a 30 minute tangent on "how to win an argument with your parents"
🔗 09:12
PhoenixMelior: teenagers rebel in different ways, some do it in ways that are acceptable and others go for a joyride while drunk and get arrested
🔗 09:12
eatenbyagrue1988: and I swear, every single one of them was taking down notes
🔗 09:12
PhoenixMelior: haha
🔗 09:12
Nightvalien28: lol
🔗 09:12
PhoenixMelior: see, that's the best
🔗 09:13
PhoenixMelior: that's where they know you're a good teacher and you hold a little more of their respect
🔗 09:13
PhoenixMelior: when I was in grade 7 some kid had something stolen. Our homeroom teacher politely gave the class a lecture asking the culprits to come forward and apologise because stealing is wrong.
🔗 09:14
PhoenixMelior: Thirty seconds later three of the boys got up and walked outside with her
🔗 09:14
eatenbyagrue1988: I would do good cop/bad cop with the principal
🔗 09:15
eatenbyagrue1988: I was bad cop, she was good cop
🔗 09:15
PhoenixMelior: wow you had the sort of principal that was firm but fair? Geez. My high school principle was the biggest *** ever
🔗 09:15
groverfield2: Hah, people in the educational system caring?
🔗 09:16
eatenbyagrue1988: well, no
🔗 09:16
groverfield2: Must be a nice area...
🔗 09:17
eatenbyagrue1988: I just turned up my more bad cop aspects so they'd come clean
🔗 09:17
eatenbyagrue1988: the idea being, they have to deal with the bad cop daily
🔗 09:17
eatenbyagrue1988: so you come clean to the good cop, and she gets the bad cop to lay off
🔗 09:18
PhoenixMelior: did that work?
🔗 09:18
eatenbyagrue1988: but you lie to the good cop, and she sics the bad cop on you
🔗 09:18
eatenbyagrue1988: Once or twice.
🔗 09:18
eatenbyagrue1988: I try to be very sparing with it.
🔗 09:18
eatenbyagrue1988: I'm more a fan of the unusual punishment
🔗 09:19
eatenbyagrue1988: like duct taping 2 students together 3-legged race style
🔗 09:19
PhoenixMelior: Are you allowed to do that?
🔗 09:19
eatenbyagrue1988: yep
🔗 09:19
eatenbyagrue1988: I didn't make them run a race
🔗 09:19
eatenbyagrue1988: they had to do everything they would normally do
🔗 09:19
eatenbyagrue1988: just connected at the ankle
🔗 09:20
PhoenixMelior: did they get in a fight or something?
🔗 09:20
eatenbyagrue1988: no, they kept on moving their seats together and being disruptive
🔗 09:20
eatenbyagrue1988: if they got into a fight, I would've separated them
🔗 09:21
MichaelD067: I think I've almost sorted out my taxes
🔗 09:21
eatenbyagrue1988: for one student, I gave him a copy of "The Metamorphosis" and told him to read it and tell me how many times the name "Gregor Samsa" appears
🔗 09:22
Sektor88: wat
🔗 09:22
PhoenixMelior: but then he'd just count the name and then not read it
🔗 09:22
eatenbyagrue1988: he'd still have to skim through the book
🔗 09:22
Sektor88: get ebook, ctrl F
🔗 09:22
eatenbyagrue1988: the idea isn't for him to read it, the idea is to occupy him with a dull, tedious, mind-numbingly boring activity
🔗 09:22
Sektor88: :P
🔗 09:23
PhoenixMelior: ctrl lrrEFF
🔗 09:23
qrpth: Press F to pay respects.
🔗 09:23
eatenbyagrue1988: I supplied the book. It was a hardcopy
🔗 09:23
groverfield2: ctrl ctrl empire?
🔗 09:23
eatenbyagrue1988: ctrl lrrHAM
🔗 09:23
eatenbyagrue1988: !next
🔗 09:23
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (2:36 from now).
🔗 09:24
Metric_Furlong: afternoon chat
🔗 09:24
groverfield2: Need more rhythm tuesdays.
🔗 09:24
Sektor88: Groverfield2 nice outlaw sta rference
🔗 09:24
groverfield2: How's Friday looking
🔗 09:24
groverfield2: Thanks
🔗 09:24
DarkMorford: Hey Metric
🔗 09:24
PhoenixMelior: Friday looks like nope
🔗 09:24
PhoenixMelior: which will probably just be more IDDQDerp
🔗 09:24
eatenbyagrue1988: what;s on Friday>
🔗 09:24
PhoenixMelior: Let's Nope?
🔗 09:25
Nightvalien28: there has to be a decent horror game out there
🔗 09:25
groverfield2: No, what's on second
🔗 09:25
PhoenixMelior: I don't know.
🔗 09:25
Metric_Furlong: Nightvalien28, I have been looking around a bit on that front
🔗 09:25
PhoenixMelior: Third base!
🔗 09:25
eatenbyagrue1988: did Alex already play Beneath the Deep?
🔗 09:25
PMAvers: I was under the impression that Adam was coming in on Friday
🔗 09:25
DarkMorford: THIRD BASE
🔗 09:25
groverfield2: If you insist...
🔗 09:25
Metric_Furlong: but unfortunately most of the things I like involve puzzles, whcih Alex loathes
🔗 09:25
groverfield2: Great, now I have to grope Meli and Morf
🔗 09:25
PhoenixMelior: I just go by the schedule
🔗 09:25
PhoenixMelior: wait what
🔗 09:25
eatenbyagrue1988: wait, Reveal the Deep
🔗 09:25
PhoenixMelior: I didn't consent to that
🔗 09:25
PMAvers: Due to the Pre-Pre pushing him out of his nromal slot
🔗 09:25
groverfield2: Both of you asked for third base
🔗 09:25
Nightvalien28: Metric_Furlong, find anything?
🔗 09:26
Metric_Furlong: Nightvalien28, nothing that would involve puzzles, which Alex loathes
🔗 09:26
eatenbyagrue1988: if I want to send the LRR crew a game to stream, how do?
🔗 09:26
Nightvalien28: send to their lrr account
🔗 09:26
PhoenixMelior: first off, no guarantee they'll play it
🔗 09:26
Nightvalien28: steam account that is
🔗 09:27
DarkMorford: You could always email info@loadingreadyrun.com and ask if it's something they'd be interested in
🔗 09:27
eatenbyagrue1988: danke
🔗 09:27
PhoenixMelior: yeah all that
🔗 09:27
Metric_Furlong: I believe W+P games have their own address set aside, so as to keep them a mystery from Alex
🔗 09:27
PhoenixMelior: unless it's a Watch and Play contender
🔗 09:27
DarkMorford: Yeah, W+P goes to watchandplay@loadingreadyrun.com
🔗 09:27
PhoenixMelior: that's watchandplay @ loadingreadyrun.com
🔗 09:27
groverfield2: It might be nice to see PN03 on Beej's Backlog... after a few years goes by and it finally comes around
🔗 09:27
DarkMorford: Speaking of which, has anybody submitted Frederic yet?
🔗 09:28
PhoenixMelior: what's PN03?
🔗 09:28
Metric_Furlong: I vaguely remember Product Number 3
🔗 09:28
eatenbyagrue1988: @Phoenixmelior it's basically Bayonetta
🔗 09:28
Metric_Furlong: not playing it, but I remember when it was a thing
🔗 09:28
eatenbyagrue1988: but poorly executed
🔗 09:28
Metric_Furlong: and about a decade earlier
🔗 09:28
groverfield2: It wasn't that bad
🔗 09:28
groverfield2: Pretty short, but not as bad as people make it out to be
🔗 09:28
PMAvers: It was interesting, at the minimum, since it was a character action game crossed with a rhythm one
🔗 09:28
PhoenixMelior: I might not watch much Beej for a while, I'm not into Prince of Persia
🔗 09:29
MichaelD067: oh PN3???
🔗 09:29
PhoenixMelior: and he gets really involved in that game and can't chat much
🔗 09:29
eatenbyagrue1988: I liked Sands of Time and Warrior Within
🔗 09:29
Metric_Furlong: the PN03 stands for Product Number 3, its working title that they never got around to changing iirc
🔗 09:29
MichaelD067: I like PN3 but very repetitive and stiff
🔗 09:29
eatenbyagrue1988: Two Thrones, I never really got to play
🔗 09:29
Metric_Furlong: I have never seen a Beej stream, owing to time zones
🔗 09:29
groverfield2: It's a gamecube game that's like a rhythm based cooridor shooter made by the guy responsible for 90% of survival horror tropes
🔗 09:30
PhoenixMelior: Beej is a fun watch, his super mario sunshine VODs are GREAT
🔗 09:30
Nightvalien28: oh *** yeah hyperlight coming march 31
🔗 09:30
PhoenixMelior: there's one with Bengineering and Elliott as well, it's fantastic
🔗 09:30
PhoenixMelior: !quote 1834
🔗 09:30
LRRbot: Quote #1834: "It's fake danger, like the kind in the bedroom." —Bengineering [2016-02-15]
🔗 09:30
groverfield2: lmao
🔗 09:31
Nightvalien28: I don't really care for the game they play, I enjoy watching them, unless the game is really bad like the division or destiny
🔗 09:31
Nightvalien28: but even those games they can make fun
🔗 09:32
PhoenixMelior: well NV, I really like Beej, he goes off on tangents a lot, but when he's so focused on a game like PoP he can't really do that
🔗 09:32
Nightvalien28: yeah
🔗 09:32
eatenbyagrue1988: !quote 1988
🔗 09:32
LRRbot: Quote #1988: "Is there even a button to not kill somebody?" —Paul [2016-02-17]
🔗 09:32
groverfield2: Yeah, G+P made amazing out of Watch_Hogs
🔗 09:32
Nightvalien28: and PoP needs a lot of focus, if you saw it last night the game has a lot of issues
🔗 09:32
Nightvalien28: watch hogs
🔗 09:32
PhoenixMelior: yeah I saw that
🔗 09:32
Nightvalien28: pigs in iconic hats
🔗 09:32
groverfield2: Wait, no, Watch Hogs is a pokemon
🔗 09:33
PhoenixMelior: Watchog is indeed a pokemon
🔗 09:33
Metric_Furlong: I am now imagining the crossover
🔗 09:33
Nightvalien28: like PoP games was before ubisoft got climbing right
🔗 09:34
groverfield2: Also before they got characterization wrong
🔗 09:34
Nightvalien28: yeah
🔗 09:34
Metric_Furlong: Watch_Dogs only replace the hacking with pokémon fights. everything else the same
🔗 09:34
groverfield2: What about gritty real life noire pokemon
🔗 09:34
eatenbyagrue1988: jeez, is there a game company that hasn't acted like a giant, distended, puckered anus in the last half-decade?
🔗 09:34
PhoenixMelior: so the driving would still suck
🔗 09:35
Nightvalien28: eatenbyagrue1988, platinum
🔗 09:35
PhoenixMelior: @Eatenbyagrue1988 that depends on your definition
🔗 09:35
PhoenixMelior: Platinum? pfffft
🔗 09:35
groverfield2: @Eatenbyagrue1988 Blizzard has been more of an idiot
🔗 09:35
PhoenixMelior: Pokemon Colosseum
🔗 09:35
groverfield2: Hmm
🔗 09:35
Nightvalien28: hey platinum doesn't act like idiots
🔗 09:35
PhoenixMelior: Pokemon Colosseum was the best. It was dark and dank pokemon
🔗 09:35
groverfield2: From
🔗 09:35
Nightvalien28: yeah from
🔗 09:35
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote pokemon
🔗 09:35
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
🔗 09:35
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, I imagine a good chunk of the indie studios have been alright
🔗 09:35
Metric_Furlong: if only due to not having the resources to get away with it
🔗 09:36
eatenbyagrue1988: *coughDigitalHomicide*
🔗 09:36
groverfield2: Yeah....
🔗 09:36
Nightvalien28: that is not even a studio
🔗 09:36
groverfield2: That's...
🔗 09:36
Metric_Furlong: 'a good chunk' =/= 'all'
🔗 09:36
Nightvalien28: it is a posser
🔗 09:36
PhoenixMelior: that whole thing is stupid and not even a thing
🔗 09:36
PMAvers: That's not a studio, that's a shack full of lies and flim-flam.
🔗 09:36
Nightvalien28: that's one guy being a *** bag
🔗 09:36
DarkMorford: Bleh... really want to work on my Desert Bus romhack, but 1) Can't do that at work, and 2) I don't have the tools I'd need to really get in and see what's happening
🔗 09:37
Nightvalien28: what tools do you need
🔗 09:37
groverfield2: They got real legal action filed, which is kinda more a sign that we should have more funding for mental health care institutions to provide homes for the deranged who can barely function in society...
🔗 09:37
DarkMorford: Either a Sega CD dev kit or an emulator that has debugging features.
🔗 09:38
groverfield2: Oh yeah, Sega's being good for the most part
🔗 09:38
PhoenixMelior: how?
🔗 09:38
PhoenixMelior: wasn't Rome Total War 2 complete anus
🔗 09:38
groverfield2: I don't know...
🔗 09:38
Metric_Furlong: PhoenixMelior raises a good point
🔗 09:38
eatenbyagrue1988: I like G+P's idea that if it ever went to court, Jim should do his testimony as Jimquisition Jim and not real Jim
🔗 09:38
groverfield2: But they have a LOT of properties
🔗 09:39
PMAvers: Maybe bring the baseball bat dildo as well?
🔗 09:39
PhoenixMelior: The Penetrator?
🔗 09:39
PMAvers: Yeah, that.
🔗 09:39
Nightvalien28: huzzah upickvg beat their 3k goal
🔗 09:39
PMAvers: Exhibit A, your honor: How big of a *** Digital Homicide has been.
🔗 09:41
groverfield2: Exhibit A would probably be more "The name of their gomless studio"
🔗 09:41
Metric_Furlong: gog are still doing they're weirdly inavigable sale, I see
🔗 09:42
Metric_Furlong: *their
🔗 09:42
eatenbyagrue1988: "I would like to call the first witness to the stand, Mr. David Cage." *cut to someone who is obviously Jim wearing a David Cage cutout over his face* "Ellow. Ah AM Dah-vid Cage."
🔗 09:43
PhoenixMelior: except I'm fairly certain that would get thrown out for contempt of court or something similar
🔗 09:43
rainbowbatsuit: I just wonder if the Jimsaw Killer will appear as a witness for the defence or the prosecution
🔗 09:43
Metric_Furlong: PhoenixMelior, I'd be worried if it didn't
🔗 09:44
groverfield2: I retract my previous statement about Sega, I forgot that they still have yet to release PSO2 in North America
🔗 09:46
Metric_Furlong attemtps to will writer's block away
🔗 09:46
Metric_Furlong fails
🔗 09:46
groverfield2: What'ya writing, Metric?
🔗 09:47
Metric_Furlong: was meant to be doing a short story
🔗 09:47
eatenbyagrue1988: I dislike being around "gamers"
🔗 09:48
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, a sensible position to take
🔗 09:48
PhoenixMelior: what are you doing here then
🔗 09:48
Nightvalien28: lol
🔗 09:48
eatenbyagrue1988: you know what I mean, Phoenix
🔗 09:48
PhoenixMelior: no I don't
🔗 09:48
PhoenixMelior: I'm a gamer
🔗 09:48
PhoenixMelior: I play the vidya games
🔗 09:48
eatenbyagrue1988: but not a "gamer"
🔗 09:48
Nightvalien28: he meant "gamers"
🔗 09:48
groverfield2: I think he means the MLG wannabes
🔗 09:48
eatenbyagrue1988: with the sarcastic airquotes
🔗 09:48
Nightvalien28: PhoenixMelior, do you have your dew
🔗 09:48
Metric_Furlong: PhoenixMelior, don't put yourself down like that :p
🔗 09:48
Nightvalien28: did you crush a dew today
🔗 09:48
Nightvalien28: and your doritos?
🔗 09:48
PhoenixMelior: gamer =/= gamer?
🔗 09:49
groverfield2: Yes
🔗 09:49
eatenbyagrue1988: no, gamer =/= "gamer"
🔗 09:49
groverfield2: You can be a gamer, and not be a gamer
🔗 09:49
PhoenixMelior: @Nightvalien28 I don't drink caffeine, and I prefer cheetos
🔗 09:49
Metric_Furlong: someone who plays games =/= 'gamer'
🔗 09:49
PhoenixMelior: air quotes does literal nothing to change the meaning of a word
🔗 09:49
eatenbyagrue1988: I mean the mouth-breathing buffoons
🔗 09:49
PhoenixMelior: it just makes me thing you actually mean people that say they are gamers and aren't actually
🔗 09:49
eatenbyagrue1988: who want only OMEGA HARDCORE GAMEZ
🔗 09:50
Metric_Furlong: 'gamer' = someone who considers the fact that they play games a significant identifying factor of themselves and that they should behave in a specific way because of it
🔗 09:50
eatenbyagrue1988: and laugh at "filthy casuals"
🔗 09:50
MadCmdrMoe: CoD kiddies
🔗 09:50
DarkMorford: the "PC master race" types?
🔗 09:50
groverfield2: What's odd about those kinds of "gamers" is they tend to only play the online shooters or Mobys
🔗 09:50
PhoenixMelior: because it's an important part of what I do
🔗 09:51
Metric_Furlong: see also the distinction between 'someone who watches anime' and 'someone who labels themselves an otaku'
🔗 09:51
Nightvalien28: hahahaha
🔗 09:51
eatenbyagrue1988: see also: Americans and 'Muricans
🔗 09:51
MadCmdrMoe: 'Murricans also being trumpsexuals
🔗 09:51
groverfield2: I label myself as an otaku, because weeb is extremely offensive if you know it's etymological roots. I have watched one anime in the last year
🔗 09:51
Metric_Furlong: there isn't really an equivilant for other mediums
🔗 09:51
PhoenixMelior: so I guess y'all are making fun of me and I should leave?
🔗 09:52
Nightvalien28: no
🔗 09:52
eatenbyagrue1988: hell no
🔗 09:52
PhoenixMelior: Because I consider myself a gamer and that's apparently a bad thing?
🔗 09:52
groverfield2: It's two divergent definitions
🔗 09:52
eatenbyagrue1988: you're a gamer, but you're not a buffoon
🔗 09:52
Nightvalien28: hang on, when grue said gamer, he meant the extreme GG kinda of gamer
🔗 09:52
PhoenixMelior: well then why do we use the same word
🔗 09:52
eatenbyagrue1988: there we go, listen to NV
🔗 09:52
eatenbyagrue1988: he speaks truths
🔗 09:52
groverfield2: Because they won't self identify as fucktards
🔗 09:53
eatenbyagrue1988: well, when I'm referring to the buffoons, I use the quotes
🔗 09:53
PhoenixMelior: I still don't know what "GG" is, yes I know what it stands for but I'm not wasting my time reading into it
🔗 09:53
MadCmdrMoe: the poor sport LoL / codblops kiddies?
🔗 09:53
eatenbyagrue1988: hence, gamer and "gamer"
🔗 09:53
Metric_Furlong: I'd say no, but then I've actively resisted the label 'gamer' for at least the last 5 years, which I don't think I'd be doing if I honestly felt it was value neutral
🔗 09:53
PhoenixMelior: so you people are providing me with definitions that aren't helping
🔗 09:53
Nightvalien28: he means the extreme kinda, the ultra competitive kind
🔗 09:53
Nightvalien28: the one that curses at a person for just trying to have fun
🔗 09:53
DarkMorford: "gamer" vs "hardcore gamer," I guess?
🔗 09:54
Metric_Furlong: words mean different things to different people, probably quite a lot in this case
🔗 09:54
Nightvalien28: gamer vs abusive gamer actually
🔗 09:54
groverfield2: Hmm, even then, NV, competatives and hardcores don't associate with those toxic blights upon our fandom
🔗 09:54
eatenbyagrue1988: or, gamer vs. ***
🔗 09:54
PhoenixMelior: so you mean like console (wherein PC is a console) fanboys?
🔗 09:55
eatenbyagrue1988: yes
🔗 09:55
PhoenixMelior: well say THAT then
🔗 09:55
Nightvalien28: the offensive ones yes
🔗 09:55
eatenbyagrue1988: like, remember the people who were whining about Dark Souls having an easy mode?
🔗 09:55
PhoenixMelior: don't use the same word
🔗 09:55
groverfield2: Not really, the worst are either shooter fans on console and Moba fans on PC
🔗 09:55
eatenbyagrue1988: THOSE jerks
🔗 09:55
Nightvalien28: that was the quotes, they were meant to represent that
🔗 09:55
PMAvers: And in meatspace Magic players.
🔗 09:55
PhoenixMelior: Can I still complain about the people that tell me fire emblem shouldn't have permadeath?
🔗 09:56
eatenbyagrue1988: @Groverfield2 no, the worst ones are the ones who play Pokemon competitively, get into a match with a 10 year old and then proceed to yell at the 10 year old for "not playing the game right"
🔗 09:56
Nightvalien28: yes
🔗 09:56
PhoenixMelior: because those people piss me off to no end
🔗 09:56
eatenbyagrue1988: That was not hypothetical. I've seen that guy
🔗 09:56
eatenbyagrue1988: hell, a long time ago, I've been that guy
🔗 09:56
eatenbyagrue1988: I look upon that time with shame
🔗 09:56
Nightvalien28: those are the people we are talking about, people that say that games should be one way, the people that say they shouldn't have political issues in them and such
🔗 09:57
PhoenixMelior: ah
🔗 09:57
DarkMorford: the uber-Spikes who want Steve to be the main character in every game
🔗 09:57
eatenbyagrue1988: teabaggers
🔗 09:57
Nightvalien28: those are the "gamers"
🔗 09:57
Nightvalien28: hence the quotation
🔗 09:57
eatenbyagrue1988: the people who get articles written about them on Fat, Ugly or Slutty
🔗 09:57
eatenbyagrue1988: the Cross Assault guy
🔗 09:58
MichaelD067: right.... FUS
🔗 09:58
eatenbyagrue1988: the entire League of Legends community
🔗 09:58
MadCmdrMoe: so the mass media definition of what a gamer is
🔗 09:58
DarkMorford: the ones who loudly proclaim that video games are a man's domain and women should just stay out
🔗 09:58
PhoenixMelior: people like that exist?
🔗 09:58
eatenbyagrue1988: the problem is that those people actually do exist, @Madcmdrmoe
🔗 09:58
groverfield2: Pretty much, @Madcmdrmoe , thanks to them being the most vocal ones
🔗 09:58
PhoenixMelior: I'm really glad I don't go too deep into the internet
🔗 09:58
eatenbyagrue1988: @Phoenixmelior sadly, yes.
🔗 09:58
Nightvalien28: they are a group
🔗 09:59
Metric_Furlong: PhoenixMelior, yeah. that is definitely something to be glad you don't do :p
🔗 09:59
Nightvalien28: they harass people like felix
🔗 09:59
groverfield2: @Phoenixmelior Yes, my friends ended up that way (not really that bad, but pretty close)
🔗 09:59
PhoenixMelior: I had to unfollow Cam and Alex on twitter because they wouldn't stop posting about it
🔗 09:59
PhoenixMelior: and I just didn't want one side of an argument in my feed
🔗 09:59
Metric_Furlong: I used to be on The Escapist forums back in the day
🔗 09:59
MadCmdrMoe: the most vocal of any type of group are the ones that get attention... just because they are noisy and obnoxious and toxic
🔗 09:59
Metric_Furlong: it was a bad time
🔗 09:59
Metric_Furlong: you saw a lot of those types
🔗 09:59
eatenbyagrue1988: I introduced my fiance to XCOM because I wanted to share something I love with her, and it took a lot of effort to get over the "girls don't play videogames" mentality
🔗 09:59
PhoenixMelior: that's never been an issue for me
🔗 10:00
PhoenixMelior: I grew up in a household with video games
🔗 10:00
Nightvalien28: Metric_Furlong, oh wow me too
🔗 10:00
eatenbyagrue1988: @Nightvalien28 Felix?
🔗 10:00
PhoenixMelior: maybe I got teased for it? But I go teased for a lot of things
🔗 10:00
Nightvalien28: eatenbyagrue1988, ya felix kramer
🔗 10:00
eatenbyagrue1988: Oh.
🔗 10:00
groverfield2: Ugh, you know, the worst thing is "It's haaaard, beat the level for me?
🔗 10:00
Nightvalien28: why is that the worst?
🔗 10:00
PhoenixMelior: yeah
🔗 10:00
Metric_Furlong: I don't think that's the worst
🔗 10:00
PhoenixMelior: sometimes I can't see the way out of something
🔗 10:00
PhoenixMelior: and I ask a friend for help
🔗 10:00
MadCmdrMoe: i think it's the phrasing
🔗 10:01
eatenbyagrue1988: My fiance played XCOM 2. Got her entire squad killed in 5 minutes
🔗 10:01
PhoenixMelior: yeah but real people don't talk like that
🔗 10:01
PhoenixMelior: and if they do they're being fake
🔗 10:01
groverfield2: @Nightvalien28 Because finding out how to beat something hard is the most rewarding part of a game
🔗 10:01
PhoenixMelior: and you should stop talking to them
🔗 10:01
MadCmdrMoe: lol
🔗 10:01
Metric_Furlong: honestly I find the reverse attitude 'lol, git gud scrub' to be significantly worse behaviour
🔗 10:01
Nightvalien28: groverfield2, not to everyone
🔗 10:01
eatenbyagrue1988: I wake up the next morning, she used my spare key to get into my apartment and was enraged at the game
🔗 10:01
Metric_Furlong: groverfield2, for you, it might be
🔗 10:02
Metric_Furlong: groverfield2, it may not be for other people
🔗 10:02
MadCmdrMoe: or just look them in the face and tell them to cut that act out
🔗 10:02
groverfield2: Hmm...
🔗 10:02
Nightvalien28: groverfield2, some people can't beat several things in games, they are hard for a reason see bed of chaos
🔗 10:02
PhoenixMelior: @Groverfield2 maybe, but a lot of the times when I get stuck it's because of something I see as a flaw in the game design, or because I'm just a TERRIBLE hand at platformers
🔗 10:02
eatenbyagrue1988: I'm like that with fighting games
🔗 10:02
Nightvalien28: hey kathleen married graham because he managed to beat a hard section in final fantasy Kappa
🔗 10:03
PhoenixMelior: there are MANY games where I've given up because I just don't have the mind for them (platformers, physics puzzlers) and people are like "but the cool part is right ahead!" and I say "well then you do it, because this part just isn't for me and I don't want to run into a brick wall anymore."
🔗 10:03
eatenbyagrue1988: it didn't help that my high school friends were super good at the game, so I never had anyone of my skill level to practice with
🔗 10:03
eatenbyagrue1988: and that led to about 3-4 people monopolizing the PS2 whenever we brought it out
🔗 10:03
groverfield2: That's fair, Phoenix...
🔗 10:03
Nightvalien28: I like that gta5 had that option to skip a section of the game if you died a lot in it
🔗 10:04
groverfield2: But like, most platformers I've played, the platforming and puzzles is what's interesting about it...
🔗 10:04
PhoenixMelior: another time was because I was never told that I could unequip a debuff item, because the story implied I needed it the whole time
🔗 10:04
Nightvalien28: what game was that?
🔗 10:04
PhoenixMelior: and I needed to unequip it to fight my way through the dungeon
🔗 10:04
PhoenixMelior: Final fantasy XII
🔗 10:05
Nightvalien28: oh
🔗 10:05
PhoenixMelior: the story implied that I had to give Lady Ashe the Goddess Magicite in a dungeon to proceed. And it never told me I could take it off
🔗 10:05
groverfield2: Oh, Final Fantasy games, fair enough
🔗 10:05
groverfield2: Those ARE >VERY< story driven
🔗 10:05
PhoenixMelior: so I went through the dungeon without my spellcaster
🔗 10:05
eatenbyagrue1988: I am going to sound like an ass, but I really hate Final Fantasy games
🔗 10:05
PhoenixMelior: I was VERY frustrated and rage quit the game because of it
🔗 10:05
eatenbyagrue1988: except for Tactics.
🔗 10:05
eatenbyagrue1988: I liked Tactics.
🔗 10:05
groverfield2: What about the earlier ones, grue?
🔗 10:05
PhoenixMelior: later my most recent ex told me that I could have taken it off
🔗 10:05
PhoenixMelior: I generally love Final Fantasy, and Tactics
🔗 10:05
groverfield2: I didn't play FF12...
🔗 10:06
eatenbyagrue1988: I like Harvest Moon.
🔗 10:06
PhoenixMelior: 13 wasn't for me, though the second time through with my ex was much more enjoyable
🔗 10:06
eatenbyagrue1988: I bought a GBA and for a whole year, the only game I had (and needed) was Friends of Mineral Town
🔗 10:06
groverfield2: 13 was pretty. Terrible story, terrible world, terrible gameplay.
🔗 10:06
PhoenixMelior: I didn't like FOMT much
🔗 10:06
PhoenixMelior: I kept hoping it was going to give me more stuff to do and never did
🔗 10:07
PhoenixMelior: Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon games get boring for me quickly, I need a story or more incentive to play than "you can do more stuff and get more stuff and unlock more stuff!"
🔗 10:07
DarkMorford: ^
🔗 10:07
groverfield2: 14 was... I can't play it without remembering a lady I was really into and hung out with a lot... I developed feelings for her, she didn't...
🔗 10:07
eatenbyagrue1988: I play them for the repetition
🔗 10:08
PhoenixMelior: that's the reason I don't
🔗 10:08
eatenbyagrue1988: like, I've had a long day, and I need to relax and just turn off my brain
🔗 10:08
DarkMorford: That's the reason I don't care much for western/open-world RPGs. I need direction, otherwise I just go "Okay, now what?"
🔗 10:08
PhoenixMelior: if I wanted repetition I would go and clean my house
🔗 10:08
Nightvalien28: I can do repetition if it escalates well like modded minecraft
🔗 10:09
Metric_Furlong: I find anything repeated enough times becomes a chore
🔗 10:09
PhoenixMelior: for me, relaxing is curling up with a Fire Emblem map to exercise my mind, or a Dynasty Warriors game to *** *** up
🔗 10:09
Metric_Furlong: hence why I'm not a fan of those sort of games
🔗 10:09
PhoenixMelior: or a good book and a snack
🔗 10:09
groverfield2: Yeah, the lack of a goal is why I dropped Stardew after 1.5 years
🔗 10:09
Metric_Furlong: then again I'm also psychologically unable to 'turn my brain off', which might have something to do with it
🔗 10:10
Nightvalien28: I need a good rpg
🔗 10:10
groverfield2: Yeah, that's terrible, Mets... I'm the same way
🔗 10:10
PhoenixMelior: I have many good RPGs
🔗 10:11
PhoenixMelior: makes me a happy phoenix
🔗 10:11
MadCmdrMoe: laying in bed with fifteen different things all going on and the inablility to turn them off... mmmm
🔗 10:11
groverfield2: which is how I get messed up sleeping schedules...
🔗 10:11
eatenbyagrue1988: I find that when I have a regular D&D group, I get burned out on RPGs
🔗 10:11
Metric_Furlong: groverfield2, 'mets'. that's a new one :p
🔗 10:12
MadCmdrMoe: you are now an entire american baseball team
🔗 10:12
Nightvalien28: have you guys ever been turned off by the localization of a game?
🔗 10:12
groverfield2: Gotta truncate every name
🔗 10:12
eatenbyagrue1988: or, metis the Greek word for "skill"
🔗 10:12
eatenbyagrue1988: I think.
🔗 10:12
groverfield2: Or measurement
🔗 10:12
eatenbyagrue1988: my Classical Greek is a little rusty
🔗 10:13
Nightvalien28: I think I will play dragon age inquisition again
🔗 10:13
groverfield2: Yes, @Nightvalien28 I can't remember off the top of my head though...
🔗 10:13
PhoenixMelior: @Nightvalien28 I can't think of a time off the top of my head
🔗 10:13
groverfield2: Oh
🔗 10:13
Nightvalien28: wow nice hive mind there
🔗 10:13
PhoenixMelior: little bit
🔗 10:13
Metric_Furlong: Nightvalien28, aside from some terrible dubbed voice acting not really
🔗 10:13
groverfield2: Yatagarasu
🔗 10:13
PhoenixMelior: I'm thinking there probably was one
🔗 10:13
groverfield2: Maybe Phantasy Star Universe
🔗 10:13
Nightvalien28: I was trying to get into megaman battle network
🔗 10:14
Nightvalien28: but they say jack in instead of plug in and that kinda ruins it for me
🔗 10:14
Metric_Furlong: although I never played Pathalogic - a russian game that was infamous for having a really awful English translation
🔗 10:14
Metric_Furlong: apparently that's been altered in the HD re-release though
🔗 10:14
Metric_Furlong: also it's a horror game... so, maybe worth considering for Alex?
🔗 10:15
groverfield2: Oh, I watched a playthrough of that
🔗 10:15
groverfield2: It's really tedious
🔗 10:15
groverfield2: a LOT of walking, and begging small children for drugs apparently
🔗 10:15
Metric_Furlong: well, it's a survival game - those tend to be :p
🔗 10:15
eatenbyagrue1988: I heard about Pathologic through Extra Credits
🔗 10:15
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote french
🔗 10:15
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
🔗 10:16
Nightvalien28: say PhoenixMelior you have student loans?
🔗 10:16
PhoenixMelior: nope
🔗 10:16
PhoenixMelior: paid for all my school
🔗 10:16
Metric_Furlong: I mean, my stand-out example for terrible attempts at localisation is still the US release of the first Harry Potter book
🔗 10:17
PhoenixMelior: well, I paid for about half and my dad paid for the other half
🔗 10:17
Metric_Furlong: which they renamed 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone'
🔗 10:17
PhoenixMelior: rather than the Philosopher's Stone
🔗 10:17
PhoenixMelior: which was weird
🔗 10:17
Metric_Furlong: yes
🔗 10:17
Metric_Furlong: I don't think anyone's been able to justify it
🔗 10:17
EC_as_That: !next
🔗 10:17
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (1:42 from now).
🔗 10:18
🔗 10:18
groverfield2: Best I can think of is to possibly distance it from FMA? Or maybe for alliteration's sake?
🔗 10:18
Metric_Furlong: I mean, the changing of 'sherbet lemons' to 'lemon drops' could at least be chalked-up to the 90s practice in the US of doing their best to hide that media which didn't originate in the USA also wasn't set there
🔗 10:19
eatenbyagrue1988: right, like with Pokemon where they made the rice balls "donuts"?
🔗 10:19
Metric_Furlong: groverfield2, Fullmetal Alchemist really wasn't a known thing at that point
🔗 10:19
groverfield2: Oh right...
🔗 10:19
groverfield2: So, alliteration it is!
🔗 10:19
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, yeah, like that
🔗 10:20
PhoenixMelior: I read a version with the Sherbet lemons left untouched
🔗 10:20
Metric_Furlong: PhoenixMelior, I think they may have reverted in later editions? or maybe it was different in Cananada
🔗 10:20
eatenbyagrue1988: I read the first 5 books
🔗 10:20
PhoenixMelior: I think in Canada we had access to the philosopher's stone version
🔗 10:20
eatenbyagrue1988: then I just stopped
🔗 10:20
Metric_Furlong: I just remember the US changes being a source of amusement here once word about them reached us
🔗 10:20
eatenbyagrue1988: no reason why, I just did
🔗 10:20
PhoenixMelior: The third book was still the best in that series
🔗 10:21
eatenbyagrue1988: yes
🔗 10:21
Metric_Furlong: ^
🔗 10:21
eatenbyagrue1988: Prisoner of Azkaban is best
🔗 10:21
PhoenixMelior: The sixth was interesting to me as well, the second i HATED
🔗 10:21
Metric_Furlong: the second is the worst
🔗 10:21
Metric_Furlong: again, there's a very strong consensus on this
🔗 10:21
PhoenixMelior: the fifth was when Harry went through his awkward depressed teenage phase
🔗 10:21
groverfield2: I... didn't really care about that series. My mom was way more into it than I ever came close to.
🔗 10:21
PhoenixMelior: and they also wrote in the literal worst character ever at the same time
🔗 10:22
eatenbyagrue1988: @Phoenixmelior I describe book 5 as "Harry's Linking Park year"
🔗 10:22
eatenbyagrue1988: *Linkin
🔗 10:22
PhoenixMelior: yeah basically
🔗 10:22
Nightvalien28: lol
🔗 10:22
Metric_Furlong: Harry Potter is.. alright. I enjoyed them as a teenager, but they're not something I'd feel any real urge to go back to
🔗 10:22
PhoenixMelior: I used to re-read them around finals
🔗 10:22
eatenbyagrue1988: I have similar feels.
🔗 10:22
PhoenixMelior: I think I did that because it was something to distract me and because the end of the book always has Harry and friends writing tests
🔗 10:22
eatenbyagrue1988: tbh, a lot of YA fiction seems pretty disposable to me
🔗 10:23
Metric_Furlong: so's a lot of fantasy fiction
🔗 10:23
Metric_Furlong: unfortunately
🔗 10:23
eatenbyagrue1988: I did read the first part of the first Hunger Games book, and I have to say it's a lot better written than the first part of the first Harry Potter
🔗 10:24
Metric_Furlong: it's been a while since I read much YA stuff, let's see
🔗 10:24
PhoenixMelior: The movie was actually pretty all right
🔗 10:24
Metric_Furlong: Mortal Engines probably still holds up pretty well
🔗 10:24
Metric_Furlong: Dan and Paul seemed to think so, anyway
🔗 10:24
PhoenixMelior: I'm so glad I got chat to recommend me the best fantasy books
🔗 10:24
PhoenixMelior: I'm really looking forward to reading stardust
🔗 10:25
groverfield2: Have you read any William Gibson?
🔗 10:25
PhoenixMelior: no
🔗 10:25
Metric_Furlong: Lian Hearn's 'Tales of the Otori' trilogy I imagine would also still hold-up well, given that it was probably the best YA fiction of its day
🔗 10:25
groverfield2: Not really fantasy, but probably my favorite author
🔗 10:25
groverfield2: Then again, I haven't really read any novels in the past 10 years or so...
🔗 10:26
eatenbyagrue1988: I'm a lot like guys like Yahtzee: once teaching lit became my job, I started having less time to actually read books
🔗 10:26
Metric_Furlong: groverfield2, read The Peripheral
🔗 10:26
MichaelD067 nibbles cookie
🔗 10:26
MichaelD067: i think i have finished my taxes
🔗 10:26
Nightvalien28: congrats
🔗 10:26
groverfield2: @mets kay, I'll do that
🔗 10:26
PhoenixMelior: whoo!
🔗 10:26
Metric_Furlong: groverfield2, it's one of the most Willaim Gibsonish novels Willian Gibson ever William Gibson'd
🔗 10:26
Metric_Furlong: (this is not a criticism)
🔗 10:26
Nightvalien28: chat, hey chat, hey
🔗 10:26
PhoenixMelior: Taxes usually only take a couple hours if you have the right tools, at least in Canada
🔗 10:26
Nightvalien28: just one more day till the end of the week
🔗 10:26
Metric_Furlong: congrats MichaelD067
🔗 10:27
Metric_Furlong: Nightvalien28, erm...
🔗 10:27
PhoenixMelior: @Nightvalien28 for you maybe
🔗 10:27
PhoenixMelior: I have two
🔗 10:27
MichaelD067: it was more a, how the eff do i report this stupid tutoring income
🔗 10:27
PhoenixMelior: and I have to tutor my sister later tonight
🔗 10:27
DarkMorford: Two more days for me, then it's convention time
🔗 10:27
Nightvalien28: are we going to meet, phoenixminor?
🔗 10:27
Metric_Furlong: Nightvalien28, you in the Antipodes by any chance?
🔗 10:27
PhoenixMelior: are we?
🔗 10:27
eatenbyagrue1988: tomorrow's the last wrokday, then a long weekend
🔗 10:27
Nightvalien28: are we?
🔗 10:27
eatenbyagrue1988: then graduation
🔗 10:27
PhoenixMelior: I am confused.
🔗 10:28
eatenbyagrue1988: and then I go right into summer classes
🔗 10:28
groverfield2: I wonder if LoadingReadyRun will ever get a convention
🔗 10:28
groverfield2: I wonder if they'll call it "LRRCon"
🔗 10:28
Nightvalien28: they did
🔗 10:28
MichaelD067 gives phoenix a bitter berry before she hurts herself
🔗 10:28
Nightvalien28: lrrcon happened
🔗 10:28
groverfield2: Huh
🔗 10:28
eatenbyagrue1988: but did LRRCon 2 happen?
🔗 10:28
PhoenixMelior: @Michaeld067 don't you mean a Persim berry?
🔗 10:28
Nightvalien28: Metric_Furlong, I got thursday and friday off due holidays
🔗 10:28
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, it'll happen the same time the LRRcon 1 footage gets uploaded
🔗 10:29
eatenbyagrue1988: @Metric_furlong so it'll coincide with Desert Bus South?
🔗 10:29
Metric_Furlong: while Beej, Alex and Kathleen complete the Hatoful Boyfriend stream
🔗 10:29
MichaelD067: Phoenixmelior sure! if thats what they are being called these days
🔗 10:29
PhoenixMelior: hehe
🔗 10:29
Nightvalien28: PhoenixMelior, I was making a bad joke since you are grand phoenix and your sister would be the minor one
🔗 10:29
PhoenixMelior: oh i see
🔗 10:30
PhoenixMelior: I totally didn't read that correctly then
🔗 10:30
MichaelD067: havn't played since gen II....
🔗 10:30
Nightvalien28: my fault, bad joke
🔗 10:30
MichaelD067: bitter berries for all!
🔗 10:30
PhoenixMelior: nah that was me
🔗 10:30
Nightvalien28: damn it steam stop putting fallout 4 on sale I cannot buy it right now
🔗 10:30
PhoenixMelior: I read the word as phoenixmelior not minor
🔗 10:31
PhoenixMelior: wait till the spring/summer sale
🔗 10:31
MichaelD067 blindfolds Nightvalien28
🔗 10:31
MichaelD067: just don't look
🔗 10:31
eatenbyagrue1988: what happened to the LRRcon footage, anyway?
🔗 10:31
Nightvalien28: ah no, I can't sse
🔗 10:31
Nightvalien28: halp
🔗 10:32
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, it got into a cardboard tube duel, it may be recovered once that concludes
🔗 10:32
MichaelD067: i am halping!
🔗 10:32
Nightvalien28: crap, I want fo4, can't do it
🔗 10:32
Metric_Furlong: (that may be my deepest LRR cut to date)
🔗 10:32
Nightvalien28: help better michael
🔗 10:32
Nightvalien28: who has binding gear?
🔗 10:33
MichaelD067: binding what gear?
🔗 10:33
MichaelD067: I have tape and glue?
🔗 10:33
PhoenixMelior: I have bondage tape?
🔗 10:33
Nightvalien28: tie me up till the sale is over
🔗 10:33
MichaelD067: gets out the bondage tape
🔗 10:33
PhoenixMelior: well I guess that would work then
🔗 10:33
MichaelD067: let's do this Phoenixmelior !
🔗 10:33
Metric_Furlong: I metaphorical binding gear
🔗 10:33
Metric_Furlong: *I have metaphorical
🔗 10:33
groverfield2: Kinky...
🔗 10:33
PhoenixMelior: I mean, yeah.
🔗 10:33
Metric_Furlong: Nightvalien28, which sale is this?
🔗 10:33
MichaelD067: fallout 4 on steam or something
🔗 10:34
eatenbyagrue1988: I have an excessive amount of duct tape
🔗 10:34
Nightvalien28: Metric_Furlong, just midweek sale, fo4 is 40% off
🔗 10:34
Metric_Furlong: why am I asking? ever digital games store is having sales atm
🔗 10:34
Metric_Furlong: *every
🔗 10:34
PhoenixMelior: it's only 33% off
🔗 10:34
groverfield2: When the hell did I get Fallout 4?
🔗 10:34
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote batman
🔗 10:34
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
🔗 10:34
PhoenixMelior: you know the rule, always wait until 50 or greater
🔗 10:35
Nightvalien28: oh yeah 33%
🔗 10:35
Nightvalien28: read that wrong
🔗 10:35
Metric_Furlong: even Gamers "regretting our choice of name every day since 2014" Gate has one going
🔗 10:35
Nightvalien28: yeah but fo4 is super expensive, I gotta wait till 75% or so
🔗 10:35
PhoenixMelior: you're not wrong
🔗 10:36
eatenbyagrue1988: wait, there's a platform called Gamer's Gate?
🔗 10:36
🔗 10:36
Nightvalien28: didn't we talk about them like 30 min ago
🔗 10:36
eatenbyagrue1988: that's... an unfortunate choice of name.
🔗 10:36
MichaelD067: is it a rickety step stool??
🔗 10:36
Metric_Furlong: I think they used to be owned by the same people who owned Paradox iirc
🔗 10:36
PhoenixMelior: 80 bucks regular price isn't cool in canada
🔗 10:36
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, yeah. They'd been around for a fair while before The Thing happened but yes
🔗 10:36
Nightvalien28: and dlc
🔗 10:37
PhoenixMelior: I want to buy Metal Gear Phantom Pain (My first metal gear game) but it's so damn expensive I'll be waiting a while
🔗 10:37
Nightvalien28: like 40 bucks dlc I think
🔗 10:37
PhoenixMelior: so more like 55 here
🔗 10:37
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, and yes, they had some problems once The Thing happened
🔗 10:37
PhoenixMelior: buying fallout 4 would be like buying a week and a half of groceries
🔗 10:37
Nightvalien28: hmm mgs5 is not that great story wise, amazing gameplay tho but it does get repetitive
🔗 10:38
Nightvalien28: yeah and I don't like to buy games that cost that much food
🔗 10:38
PhoenixMelior: that's why I feel like, if I could get it on sale, it would be worth it
🔗 10:38
Nightvalien28: true that
🔗 10:38
MichaelD067: i should try a metal gear game at some point....
🔗 10:38
Mooriarty: morning chat
🔗 10:38
PhoenixMelior: also have been waiting for War For the Overworld to go on sale
🔗 10:38
Nightvalien28: it will probably be very cheap by the end of the year or the middle o fthe next
🔗 10:38
Metric_Furlong: evening Mooriarty
🔗 10:38
PhoenixMelior: morning Mooriarty
🔗 10:38
MichaelD067: morning mooriarty
🔗 10:38
groverfield2: Moorning, Mooriarty
🔗 10:38
Nightvalien28: war ofr the overworld never heard of that
🔗 10:38
Nightvalien28: good morning mori
🔗 10:38
MichaelD067: me either
🔗 10:39
Mooriarty: MichaelD067, I recommend snake eater, it's been released for almost anything by now =)
🔗 10:39
PhoenixMelior: @Nightvalien28 it's a game that went through early access to completion - kickstarted, blessed by Peter Molyneux as the spiritual successor to Dungeon keeper
🔗 10:39
MichaelD067: Mooriarty I own a couple in my large back log possibly snake eater...
🔗 10:39
MichaelD067: shiny dungeon keeper....
🔗 10:39
Nightvalien28: oooh
🔗 10:39
PhoenixMelior: I loved Dungeon Keeper as a kid
🔗 10:39
groverfield2: Isn't snake eater GCN?
🔗 10:39
PhoenixMelior: I have the Canadian version
🔗 10:40
Nightvalien28: going to wishlist that
🔗 10:40
PhoenixMelior: or had anyway.
🔗 10:40
Metric_Furlong: Dungeon Keeper was a hell of a thing
🔗 10:40
Mooriarty: snake eater is ps2, ps3, 360, 3ds and vita
🔗 10:40
groverfield2: I didn't like it...
🔗 10:40
MichaelD067: checks.... Mooriarty good news I have that one :P
🔗 10:40
PhoenixMelior: And it was the extra violent edition
🔗 10:40
Mooriarty: you're in luck!
🔗 10:40
PhoenixMelior: so if someone died they would dissolve into blood and gore for like a full minute
🔗 10:40
Metric_Furlong: "Eversmile. A land where people are plagued only by aching facial muscles, and not anthrax as we had hoped"
🔗 10:40
groverfield2: Like, I played Dungeon Keeper all the way through so that I could be cool like all my friends...
🔗 10:40
PhoenixMelior: and the Mistress units would go and get tortured in the dungeons... good times
🔗 10:40
Mooriarty: groverfield2, you propably mean twin snakes, which is the first remake
🔗 10:41
MichaelD067: hehehe yeah that seems right XD
🔗 10:41
groverfield2: But it turns out, not even that would make me cool when I was a kid
🔗 10:41
Mooriarty: sounds.. "fun"
🔗 10:41
Metric_Furlong: depends what you're into
🔗 10:44
MichaelD067: cookies?
🔗 10:44
PhoenixMelior: I like cookies
🔗 10:44
PhoenixMelior: I bought some last night ^_^
🔗 10:44
groverfield2: Smoked Salmon~
🔗 10:44
Metric_Furlong: smoked salmon biscuits?
🔗 10:44
Metric_Furlong: that sounds... odd
🔗 10:44
MichaelD067: i should bake cookies
🔗 10:45
PhoenixMelior: there's a lot more seafood than I expected at my new grocery store
🔗 10:45
groverfield2: Where'd biscuits come into the conversation?
🔗 10:45
PhoenixMelior: there's an entire section of tanks full of lobsters and muscles
🔗 10:45
PhoenixMelior: because who isn't into cookies?
🔗 10:46
groverfield2: Commies
🔗 10:46
groverfield2: Commies don't like cookies
🔗 10:47
PhoenixMelior: the bastards
🔗 10:47
Mooriarty: hm. you know these background games you set to idle and then forget about? I ... have way too many of those :s why did I even start black desert just to do some fishing
🔗 10:47
PhoenixMelior: hehe
🔗 10:48
groverfield2: It's why the berlin wall fell, East Germany just couldn't go without baked yummies
🔗 10:48
PhoenixMelior: I did clicker heroes and cookie clicker for a while, but stopped both and that was it
🔗 10:48
Metric_Furlong: I never saw the appeal of them, tbh
🔗 10:48
Mooriarty: it's numbers! and they go up!
🔗 10:49
groverfield2: bdo?
🔗 10:49
Metric_Furlong: plus, if you consider that the main way to play them is to not actually interact with them, in many ways may not playing them at all is the most pro of strats Kappa
🔗 10:49
Mooriarty: black desert online
🔗 10:49
PhoenixMelior: metric I see what you did Kappa
🔗 10:49
groverfield2: like progress quest?
🔗 10:49
Mooriarty: well, to be honest I'm into cookie clicker because of the "story" or however you want to call the worldbuilding
🔗 10:50
qrpth: !next Europe/Snorsh
🔗 10:50
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 08:59 PM SnT (1:09 from now).
🔗 10:50
Metric_Furlong: Mooriarty, truly, the real way to play idle games is for the rich environmental storytelling Kappa
🔗 10:51
Mooriarty: I'm not kidding. I'm into storytelling via gameplay mechanics and it's really good at that
🔗 10:51
Metric_Furlong: so am I, which is why I don't play them
🔗 10:51
groverfield2: New Fallout games are an amazing introduction to that
🔗 10:51
PhoenixMelior: I've heard that about cookie clicker
🔗 10:52
PhoenixMelior: clicker heroes was just James' fault
🔗 10:52
PhoenixMelior: but I gave up after not too too long
🔗 10:52
Mooriarty: it's fully aware the mechanics are empty, and the "player" is mostly apathic about what's going on. and it kinda makes you responsible for terrible things in increasingly non subtle things
🔗 10:52
Mooriarty: *ways
🔗 10:52
Metric_Furlong: groverfield2, what, story-telling through gameplay mechanics? because that's... somewhat out of character for Bethesda's design philosophy
🔗 10:53
Metric_Furlong: and most AAA design philosophy in general, tbh
🔗 10:54
groverfield2: oh derp, I was thinking environmental storytelling, not mechanical storytelling
🔗 10:54
Mooriarty: what fallout storytelling does is mostly just little stories told by dead environments. whifch is neat, but it gets old, as there really is only one story being told over and over
🔗 10:54
PhoenixMelior: what is a good example of a game that develops its story through game mechanics?
🔗 10:54
Metric_Furlong: groverfield2, ah, that'd make more sense
🔗 10:54
Mooriarty: PhoenixMelior, undertale and dark souls I'd say
🔗 10:54
Metric_Furlong: Mooriarty, I'd disagree with Dark Souls
🔗 10:54
groverfield2: Portal?
🔗 10:55
Metric_Furlong: Mooriarty, to an extent
🔗 10:55
Nightvalien28: portal yeah
🔗 10:55
Mooriarty: cmon, how?
🔗 10:55
groverfield2: Dark Souls is VERY environmental
🔗 10:55
PhoenixMelior: Portal seems right
🔗 10:55
PhoenixMelior: yeah Dark Souls and its setting is very important
🔗 10:55
groverfield2: At least, Dark Souls 1...
🔗 10:55
groverfield2: Dark Souls 2 took place in generic fantasy land
🔗 10:55
Mooriarty: dark souls requires you to piece together information literally by using mechanics like environemtal weaknesses to identify NPCs
🔗 10:55
Metric_Furlong: Mooriarty, it's an example of a game that tailors its storytelling very well to the needs of its gameplay mechanics, rather than one which tells its stroy through mechanics
🔗 10:55
PhoenixMelior: yes I've heard very many complaints about Dark Souls 2
🔗 10:56
Nightvalien28: I know two
🔗 10:56
Metric_Furlong: Mooriarty, which is an impressive accomplishment in and of itself, but it's not quite the same thing
🔗 10:56
Nightvalien28: kinda
🔗 10:56
Nightvalien28: bastion and transistor
🔗 10:56
Mooriarty: I'd disagree, how certain enemies react to certain items is definitely storytelling through mechanics
🔗 10:56
PhoenixMelior: they do that a bit yes
🔗 10:56
groverfield2: I'll try to refrain from saying too much, I imagine that you've heard it all, Phoenix... but I'd just finished Dark Souls 1 this month, and thought I'd continue with 2... the wound is still open
🔗 10:56
PhoenixMelior: though they are also very environmental games
🔗 10:57
PhoenixMelior: that's fair
🔗 10:57
Nightvalien28: I know that pain groverfield2 I bought it first day
🔗 10:57
PhoenixMelior: I preordered it for my American ex
🔗 10:57
PhoenixMelior: it arrived on release day
🔗 10:57
PhoenixMelior: our anniversary
🔗 10:57
Metric_Furlong: like, Dark Souls primarily delivers its narrative through environmental cues because this is unobtrusive to the cycle of 'die until you get better' and because the cycle of 'die and until you get better' will put you through the same areas mutliple time,s giving you more opportunity to pick-up on these details
🔗 10:57
Nightvalien28: haha jokes on him
🔗 10:58
PhoenixMelior: and me, I let him play dark souls 2 all day
🔗 10:58
PhoenixMelior: instead of spending time with him
🔗 10:58
Nightvalien28: lrrAWW
🔗 10:58
PhoenixMelior: meh. it's in the past
🔗 10:58
groverfield2: Sounds like a bad night for both of you
🔗 10:58
PhoenixMelior: He was a jerk anyway
🔗 10:58
Mooriarty: Metric_Furlong, that's really just the very first few experiences with the world. once you get comfortable in it, it digs deeper
🔗 10:58
Nightvalien28: yeah
🔗 10:58
groverfield2: Sorry to hear that, Meli
🔗 10:58
PhoenixMelior: happens
🔗 10:58
Nightvalien28: PhoenixMelior, but have you ever played transistor?
🔗 10:59
Mooriarty: :<
🔗 10:59
PhoenixMelior: @Nightvalien28 I have, not to completion though. I got onverwhlemed by trying to constantly change my loadout to get the lore
🔗 10:59
Nightvalien28: ah yeah that can happen
🔗 10:59
PhoenixMelior: *overwhelmed
🔗 10:59
Nightvalien28: amazing game isn't it
🔗 10:59
Metric_Furlong: Mooriarty, at it's core, Dark Souls is about being a challenging game - it's just much more aware of this in it's narrative design than most other challenge focussed videogames
🔗 10:59
PhoenixMelior: it was really pretty
🔗 10:59
PhoenixMelior: I didn't get far enough in to form an opinion
🔗 10:59
PhoenixMelior: I will go back, just after I beat some other games
🔗 11:00
Metric_Furlong: which again, is entirely commendable
🔗 11:00
groverfield2: I'm going to add that to the front of my list
🔗 11:00
Mooriarty: Metric_Furlong, honestly, I wouldn't totally agree. it's one aspect, but the whole "it's so hard" angle is mostly just because of it's shitty tutorial and introduction
🔗 11:00
Nightvalien28: going home for lunch chat
🔗 11:00
Mooriarty: if you whole the game as a whole, the environment isn't even actively hostile, just apathetic and unwelcoming to change
🔗 11:01
PhoenixMelior: later NV
🔗 11:01
Nightvalien28: see you all in a hour
🔗 11:01
Mooriarty: -whole. god my english is terrible today
🔗 11:01
groverfield2: Bye NV
🔗 11:01
Mooriarty: bye Nightvalien28 =)
🔗 11:01
Metric_Furlong: Mooriarty, it's meant to be challenging. there are far too many design decisions taked (that death does not mean a game over is a big one) for anyone to really argue that
🔗 11:01
PhoenixMelior: if you whole the game as a whole?
🔗 11:01
PhoenixMelior: oh look at
🔗 11:01
Mooriarty: Metric_Furlong, yes, but you said more than that. it's "core" isn't the difficulty of combat
🔗 11:01
Metric_Furlong: the 'it's teh hardcorez' crowd amongst its fans are obnoxious - but that doesn't mean their perception of it is entirely wrong
🔗 11:01
PhoenixMelior: that one took me a moment
🔗 11:02
Metric_Furlong: Mooriarty, I never mentioned the word combat
🔗 11:02
Mooriarty: fine, ignore that word then, replace it with challenge :P
🔗 11:02
groverfield2: Ah, poor Dark Souls, an amazing game ruined by a terrible community of antisocial edgelords
🔗 11:02
PhoenixMelior: this debate calls for foods to be had, brb
🔗 11:03
Metric_Furlong: they have that impression, because it *is* a challenging game - they are not wrong to assume it is so, even if they are incorrect in how they behave to either people
🔗 11:04
Mooriarty: I agree, I just disagree about the "core" of the game. that is really only your first few experiences with it
🔗 11:04
Metric_Furlong: your 'first few experiences' of this, however, will last until you develop the skills to stop dying to it :p
🔗 11:05
Mooriarty: yes, I said it has a terrible tutorial and introduction that mostly just servers to scare players away
🔗 11:05
Mooriarty: *servers. geez today
🔗 11:05
Mooriarty: dammit
🔗 11:05
Bunglelow: From my perspective, alot of what people say about DS1 falls into the category of what i think people say about alot of literature
🔗 11:05
Bunglelow: im not entirely sure its all there in the text :P
🔗 11:06
groverfield2: Hmm....
🔗 11:06
groverfield2: I don't know much books ruined by people who read them, then slap a book out of your hands when you go to the library, telling you to get good, and you should be able to read, even with them slapping it out of your hand
🔗 11:06
Metric_Furlong: it's interesting you bring up Undertale, because I'd say in some ways Undertale's difficulty (which is also not inconsiderable, depending on your chosen approach) is more clearly there to make a point
🔗 11:07
Metric_Furlong: (I wouldn't say it entirely succeeds at this, but that's another matter)
🔗 11:07
Mooriarty: sure
🔗 11:07
Mooriarty: in both points
🔗 11:07
Bunglelow: Yeah i mean whenever there is a percieved way of the correct way to do something, people will tell you what they think that is
🔗 11:07
Mooriarty: did you finish the game?
🔗 11:07
groverfield2: I didn't...
🔗 11:07
Bunglelow: is the DS community any worse than other communities for doing that
🔗 11:07
Bunglelow: probably
🔗 11:08
Metric_Furlong: (again, worth noting that while I tolerated less of Dark Souls than Undertale - I would be inclined to rate the former somewhat higher)
🔗 11:08
Bunglelow: I think the DS community gets that bad rep precisely because most of it challenges aren't 'that hard'
🔗 11:08
Metric_Furlong: Mooriarty, I finished with Undertale; although not at the point the story ends
🔗 11:08
Mooriarty: oh right, we had that discussion
🔗 11:08
Metric_Furlong: Dark Souls I have not played, and never intend to
🔗 11:09
Bunglelow: so the advice normally comes back as 'git gud' which is still super unhelpful
🔗 11:09
Mooriarty: end of neutral route has such an amazing point of character building through mechanics, but it's too spoilery :<
🔗 11:09
Metric_Furlong: although due to LRL I've seen most of DS several times over by know :p
🔗 11:09
groverfield2: DS multiplayer comes in two forms, cooperative, and competative, to try to use the cooperative, you have to open yourself to competative, and the game keeps telling you to avoid being hollow (single player)
🔗 11:09
Metric_Furlong: Mooriarty, if you're referring to what LV refers to, then I got to that point
🔗 11:09
groverfield2: It's literally a metaplot through mechanics of being dehumanized
🔗 11:10
ZethRuss: good evening
🔗 11:10
ZethRuss: !next
🔗 11:10
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (49m from now).
🔗 11:10
Mooriarty: morning ZethRuss
🔗 11:10
groverfield2: Morning, Russ
🔗 11:10
Mooriarty: well since you don't care anyway, let me dm :P
🔗 11:10
Briars_the_fox: test
🔗 11:11
groverfield2: Ooh, I want to be an archer! What edition are we playing, Moo?
🔗 11:11
Metric_Furlong: dm?
🔗 11:11
Briars_the_fox: ooo! i still have my emotes a bit longer!
🔗 11:11
Metric_Furlong: Briars_the_fox, woo
🔗 11:11
Briars_the_fox: Metric_Furlong, more like an "eh, cool"
🔗 11:11
Bunglelow: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 11:11
Metric_Furlong: Briars_the_fox, okay then: woo.
🔗 11:12
Metric_Furlong: (funny how that single piece of punctuation can alter the perception of a word)
🔗 11:12
PhoenixMelior: truth
🔗 11:12
groverfield2: Accents
🔗 11:12
Mooriarty: hf with that wall of text :P
🔗 11:13
PhoenixMelior: that wall of text may have been eaten by twitch
🔗 11:13
PhoenixMelior: it does that
🔗 11:13
Mooriarty: nope, direct message. didn't want to broadcast undertale spoilers in public chat
🔗 11:14
PhoenixMelior: ah, well be careful there too. Still eats those sometimes
🔗 11:14
Metric_Furlong: it didn't, I was just reacting to your opening statement while you pasted it in
🔗 11:14
Metric_Furlong: incidentally, I am getting whispered at by people a lot these days
🔗 11:14
Metric_Furlong: is this what being popular feels like? Kappa
🔗 11:14
Mooriarty: wouldn't know anything about that .... <,<
🔗 11:15
groverfield2: Your guess is as good as anyone's, Metty
🔗 11:15
Metric_Furlong: 'metty'?
🔗 11:15
Mooriarty: gosh, now that I thought about that fight, I keep remembering more instances and I really want to replay it, but I promised an npc not to :<
🔗 11:15
PhoenixMelior: the NPC isn't gonna know
🔗 11:16
Metric_Furlong: it's not real, it doesn't matter
🔗 11:16
Briars_the_fox: groverfield2, you mean like the mtg card from SOI that the french translation has an error making it go from "descend upon the sinners" to "descend upon the fishermen"
🔗 11:16
Mooriarty: being "real" is a peculiar point
🔗 11:16
MichaelD067: what if it is real???
🔗 11:16
Briars_the_fox: all because 1 accent is wrong
🔗 11:16
Briars_the_fox: MichaelD067, yup
🔗 11:17
Mooriarty: it's a piece of entertainment, sure. but in our world 95% of things are
🔗 11:17
Metric_Furlong: this is sort of the problem with Undertale's repeated breaks of the 4th wall - but I promised Chat not to drag peoplke down that road again, so I won't :p
🔗 11:18
Briars_the_fox: if anyone is curious to what i mean by the accent making a huge difference : https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/4aj3mh/soi_hilarious_translation_mistake/
🔗 11:18
groverfield2: Ah, not that bad, but yeah
🔗 11:18
Mooriarty: I still like that fight that you stopped at btw, because it drives home a point that games so far tried to make a lot but never achieved for me until undertale :P
🔗 11:18
Metric_Furlong: Mooriarty, more power to you
🔗 11:19
Metric_Furlong: Briars_the_fox, heh
🔗 11:19
Mooriarty: muahahaha! powerrrr!
🔗 11:19
Briars_the_fox: Metric_Furlong, instant nickname
🔗 11:19
Metric_Furlong: I'm assuming fishermen aren't a thing in MtG?
🔗 11:19
Metric_Furlong: because if not, maybe they should be?
🔗 11:19
Briars_the_fox: they are but the context of the card is VERY wrong
🔗 11:19
Metric_Furlong: actually hang on
🔗 11:19
PMAvers: Well, someone has to do the fishing.
🔗 11:19
Metric_Furlong: !card fishermen
🔗 11:19
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
🔗 11:19
Metric_Furlong: apparently they aren't
🔗 11:19
groverfield2: does it?
🔗 11:20
groverfield2: !card Biskelion
🔗 11:20
LRRbot: Serrated Biskelion [3] | Artifact Creature — Construct [2/2] | {T}: Put a -1/-1 counter on Serrated Biskelion and a -1/-1 counter on target creature.
🔗 11:20
PhoenixMelior: !card fisherman
🔗 11:20
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
🔗 11:20
qrpth: !card Triskaidekaphobia
🔗 11:20
LRRbot: Triskaidekaphobia [3B] | Enchantment | At the beginning of your upkeep, choose one - / - Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player gains 1 life. / - Each player with exactly 13 life loses the game, then each player loses 1 life.
🔗 11:20
Briars_the_fox: !fisher
🔗 11:20
Mooriarty: if I remember correctly mtg has some weird legacy creature types. "Sand", "Party" and "Ambush" are all creature types. or were at least
🔗 11:20
Briars_the_fox: !card fisher
🔗 11:20
groverfield2: LRRbot got all worn out
🔗 11:20
groverfield2: tuckered*
🔗 11:20
Briars_the_fox: back when creatures were Summon X
🔗 11:20
Briars_the_fox: !card fisher
🔗 11:20
Briars_the_fox: yea still on CD
🔗 11:20
groverfield2: !card fisher
🔗 11:20
LRRbot: Did you mean: Kor Skyfisher; Kingfisher; Aven Fisher
🔗 11:20
Briars_the_fox: there's 3 fishers
🔗 11:21
PhoenixMelior: none are human
🔗 11:21
Guttersnipper: anyone knows what's the plan for today?
🔗 11:21
Metric_Furlong: !card fissure
🔗 11:21
LRRbot: Fissure [3RR] | Instant | Destroy target creature or land. It can't be regenerated.
🔗 11:21
PhoenixMelior: Aviary Attorney
🔗 11:21
Briars_the_fox: and there's art depicting fishermen without the card being a fisherman
🔗 11:21
Metric_Furlong: here I was just trying to make a terrible pun
🔗 11:21
Briars_the_fox: but no actual fisherman card
🔗 11:21
groverfield2: !card krakilin
🔗 11:21
LRRbot: Krakilin [XGG] | Creature — Beast [0/0] | Krakilin enters the battlefield with X +1/+1 counters on it. / {1}{G}: Regenerate Krakilin.
🔗 11:22
Metric_Furlong: make a card called Fissure Fisher
🔗 11:22
Metric_Furlong: who fishes at Fisher Fissure
🔗 11:22
groverfield2: Fishes in Fissures for Fishes?
🔗 11:22
PhoenixMelior: whenever the next un-set comes out
🔗 11:22
Metric_Furlong: which you also turn into a card
🔗 11:23
PhoenixMelior: fisher fissure is a land
🔗 11:23
PhoenixMelior: it makes fish tokens
🔗 11:23
Metric_Furlong: then a special creature card, called The Fisher Fissure Fissure Fisher
🔗 11:23
PhoenixMelior: (in my head canon anyway it doesn't actually exist)
🔗 11:23
Briars_the_fox: but yea, my LGS has a notice on our avacyn stand "please refer to Descend upon the sinful as defend upon the fishermen"
🔗 11:24
Briars_the_fox: store owner finds it too funny to bother taking it off
🔗 11:24
groverfield2: It's casting cost is 1 any, 2 colorless, Red, Blue
🔗 11:24
MichaelD067: :P
🔗 11:24
Metric_Furlong: groverfield2, well plaid
🔗 11:25
groverfield2: That's just how I roll.
🔗 11:25
Briars_the_fox: PhoenixMelior, fish is a supported creature type! it works
🔗 11:25
PhoenixMelior: it does
🔗 11:25
PhoenixMelior: it would have to cost a lot of mana to create the fish though
🔗 11:25
PhoenixMelior: or it would be broken AF
🔗 11:26
MadCmdrMoe: The Fissure Fisher went fishing fissures for fissure fishes and was instead fished into the fissure by a Fissure Fisher Fishing Fish
🔗 11:26
Metric_Furlong: PhoenixMelior, I appreciate how seriously you're taking this
🔗 11:26
Briars_the_fox: 26 fish in mtgs
🔗 11:26
PhoenixMelior: it's fun :)
🔗 11:26
bryjeepguy: !time
🔗 11:26
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 11:26 AM
🔗 11:27
Briars_the_fox: counting reef worm because it makes a fish token on death
🔗 11:27
Briars_the_fox: (its a food chain card)
🔗 11:27
groverfield2: So... I had a deck once, that was nothing but various sea serpents, and flood gates
🔗 11:27
PhoenixMelior: oh yeah that card
🔗 11:27
PhoenixMelior: which is really cool flavour wise
🔗 11:27
Briars_the_fox: 0/1 > 3/3 > 6/6 > 9/9
🔗 11:28
eatenbyagrue1988: !next
🔗 11:28
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (31m from now).
🔗 11:28
Briars_the_fox: vs mitotic slime's 4/4 > 2 2/2s > 2 1/1s each
🔗 11:28
🔗 11:28
MadCmdrMoe: fission slime?
🔗 11:28
eatenbyagrue1988: you know, chat seems to have only 2 speeds: insane ansylum and Magic: The Gathering
🔗 11:29
MichaelD067: this is true
🔗 11:29
groverfield2: And I think a way to make an enemy have islands?
🔗 11:29
Briars_the_fox: eatenbyagrue1988, nah, half the mtg stuff is more the former
🔗 11:29
MadCmdrMoe: its not modes grue, its a slider
🔗 11:29
eatenbyagrue1988: I would like to see what would happen if you forced chat to have a non-insane, non-MtG topic
🔗 11:29
MadCmdrMoe: two sliders
🔗 11:29
eatenbyagrue1988: like, I dunno: what's the weather like?
🔗 11:29
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, its that time of year, the Herp Derp Derp, I'm Alex This Is How I Talk should quieten down in a month or two
🔗 11:29
GreyGore: Evenin' chat o/
🔗 11:30
PhoenixMelior: is that real
🔗 11:30
Briars_the_fox: eatenbyagrue1988, just go join adam's chat
🔗 11:30
Metric_Furlong: hello GreyGore
🔗 11:30
PhoenixMelior: can you do that
🔗 11:30
Briars_the_fox: we had a discussion about "nature's pocket" last night
🔗 11:30
Metric_Furlong: PhoenixMelior, I have only heard legends
🔗 11:30
Metric_Furlong: I doubt their authenticity
🔗 11:30
eatenbyagrue1988: @Briars_the_fox excuse me?
🔗 11:30
Metric_Furlong: the navel
🔗 11:30
Briars_the_fox: eatenbyagrue1988, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19N9pAF2qGo
🔗 11:31
Metric_Furlong: is what I'm pretending the thing in question was, and if it wasn't I don't want to know
🔗 11:31
MichaelD067: 0.0
🔗 11:31
eatenbyagrue1988: so, butts
🔗 11:31
eatenbyagrue1988: why am I not surprised
🔗 11:31
kronopticon: good evening fellows and fellettes!
🔗 11:31
Mooriarty: butts!
🔗 11:31
eatenbyagrue1988: okay, chat has THREE speeds: insane asylum, MtG and BUTTS
🔗 11:31
kronopticon: usually the first one
🔗 11:31
MichaelD067: hi kronopticon
🔗 11:31
Mooriarty: butts is inherent in all topics
🔗 11:31
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote chat
🔗 11:31
LRRbot: Quote #291: "I don't think I can chat and boss at the same time." —Alex [2015-05-19]
🔗 11:32
kronopticon: !listen
🔗 11:32
LRRbot: Always listen to chat, Never listen to chat.
🔗 11:32
eatenbyagrue1988: lrrSPOOP
🔗 11:32
kronopticon: Hows it going michael?
🔗 11:32
PhoenixMelior: i guess the rare occasions kink comes up is classified under "butts"
🔗 11:32
Twinklebees: Evening chat. \o
🔗 11:32
Mooriarty: mornin Twinklebees
🔗 11:32
Metric_Furlong: hey, this Magic Magic Magicg mah-gic conversation reminded me that of that website someone linked in here once
🔗 11:32
kronopticon: kink may also come under insane asylum though
🔗 11:33
PhoenixMelior: i disagree
🔗 11:33
eatenbyagrue1988: and there may be MtG related kinks
🔗 11:33
Metric_Furlong: which was about custom cards people made
🔗 11:33
PhoenixMelior: kink is not in any way insane.
🔗 11:33
PhoenixMelior: It's pretty damn normal actually
🔗 11:33
Mooriarty: I'm sure we can find a way to get kink classified into mtg
🔗 11:33
Briars_the_fox: Metric_Furlong, bad ones?
🔗 11:33
Metric_Furlong: I think it was this one http://whymtgcardsmith.tumblr.com
🔗 11:33
Briars_the_fox: thats probably it Metric_Furlong
🔗 11:33
kronopticon: well yes. however some things that get called kinks are a bit psychotic. like ultra-violence
🔗 11:33
kronopticon: which kinda borders on both.
🔗 11:33
Metric_Furlong: I don't get all of them, but this one seemed... a thing http://whymtgcardsmith.tumblr.com/post/141172819226/hey-a-fixed-ramen
🔗 11:34
eatenbyagrue1988: the elevator music in my head is just "many many many butts, touching touching all the butts" to the theme of One-Winged Angel
🔗 11:34
eatenbyagrue1988: and I blame LRR.
🔗 11:34
groverfield2: My puberty was triggered by the 4e Fire elemental. We can combine.
🔗 11:34
kronopticon: tbh I quite like insane. nothing wrong with it
🔗 11:34
PhoenixMelior: I enjoy that I am crazy
🔗 11:34
PhoenixMelior: "Insane asylum" just was meant for negative connotations
🔗 11:34
MadCmdrMoe: https://puu.sh/nQ1qe/eaaccda8d8.jpg KO'd Shepard
🔗 11:35
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, no, I think that one's entirely on you :p
🔗 11:35
Twinklebees: I saw the world "Asylum" and instantly thought Dark Souls. I've been playing a lot recently.
🔗 11:35
kronopticon: ah, I took it from a more... comedic standpoint
🔗 11:35
eatenbyagrue1988: I blame LRR. I caught Butt's Disease from them
🔗 11:35
groverfield2: They have a spray for that, grue
🔗 11:35
MichaelD067: stupid asylums, stupid butts 3
🔗 11:35
kronopticon: asylum butts?
🔗 11:35
eatenbyagrue1988: for Butt's Disease?
🔗 11:36
Metric_Furlong: the usage of the word 'butts' is approaching critical mass
🔗 11:36
Mooriarty: wait, butts disesase? that's more of a webcomic thing than canadian comedians :O
🔗 11:36
groverfield2: Yeah, Butts Disease is caused by a fungal infection. Spray it down every morning and it should clear up
🔗 11:36
MadCmdrMoe: anyone have the link for the 'side effects' sketches LRR have done?
🔗 11:36
eatenbyagrue1988: good to know. I'll start doing that
🔗 11:36
kronopticon: "Welcome to the scenic and comprehensive Butts Asylum, Founded by the great professor Alexander Butts"
🔗 11:36
3DDotNikkiWolf: @groverfield2, Don't use the spray if it's from Yummie's, though. I heard they make you radioactive.
🔗 11:36
groverfield2: Yummie's Buttspray?
🔗 11:37
Metric_Furlong: sir?
🔗 11:37
MadCmdrMoe: Yummies RADIOACTIVE Buttspray
🔗 11:37
🔗 11:37
MichaelD067: that one?
🔗 11:37
Twinklebees: "Do you mean Bugspray?" "No."
🔗 11:38
eatenbyagrue1988: @Mooriarty I feel that Jeph Jacques may be patient zero for Butt's Disease
🔗 11:38
Mooriarty: <3
🔗 11:38
MichaelD067: bad JJ.....
🔗 11:38
MadCmdrMoe: @Michaeld067 lol there is / are other ones
🔗 11:39
Metric_Furlong: 'weird side effects of things' is a rich vein of sketch comedy potential
🔗 11:39
🔗 11:39
MichaelD067: was another one
🔗 11:39
groverfield2: What was the more recent version of that?
🔗 11:39
kronopticon: "Butts asylum has the finest facilities available, including the Butts cinematorium and the floral Dick wing, dedicated to the Co-founder Richard Nobbs."
🔗 11:40
Metric_Furlong: groverfield2, one of the Dave's Spokemsan crapshots, iirc
🔗 11:40
groverfield2: What was the one where it was pretty much someone listing symptoms at alex as he looks increasingly uncomfortable?
🔗 11:41
kronopticon: "Specialist treatments here were pioneered by Professor Butts, including his psychological analysis device known as the Butts Exploration Modulator"
🔗 11:41
Metric_Furlong: found it www.youtube.com/watch?v=AB6NOOIRINk
🔗 11:42
Metric_Furlong: groverfield2, I don't know
🔗 11:42
Briars_the_fox: ooo! all my FoW orders came in (tcg not the card)
🔗 11:43
groverfield2: Gah, I don't even remember if it was a sketch, commodorehustle, or crapshots...
🔗 11:43
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote fart
🔗 11:43
LRRbot: Quote #1586: "She farts all the time, just like her dad." —Graham [2016-01-17]
🔗 11:44
kronopticon: !quote paul
🔗 11:44
LRRbot: Quote #1318: "Do not mail us nacho dip." —Paul [2015-12-21]
🔗 11:45
eatenbyagrue1988: also, we need to work on the LRR TVTropes page
🔗 11:45
eatenbyagrue1988: it is woefully under-updated, and one man cannot do so all by himself
🔗 11:45
qrpth: !findquote butts
🔗 11:45
LRRbot: Quote #60: "I can't find your sweet butt spot." —Alex [2015-03-22]
🔗 11:45
qrpth: !findquote butts
🔗 11:45
LRRbot: Quote #981: "Stop touching my butt..." —Ian [2015-10-27]
🔗 11:45
qrpth: !findquote butts
🔗 11:45
LRRbot: Quote #760: "Crap! Damnit! Damn crap! Aw butts!" —Graham [2015-09-30]
🔗 11:45
MichaelD067: 0.0
🔗 11:45
Briars_the_fox: i just had a thought
🔗 11:45
Metric_Furlong: Briars_the_fox, don't worry, it'll pass soon
🔗 11:45
PhoenixMelior: my god, are you ok?
🔗 11:45
Briars_the_fox: is there a way to implement key word AND person as a search option for the quotes?
🔗 11:46
Briars_the_fox: so if i wanted to look for alex AND butts
🔗 11:46
hippitybobbity: !next
🔗 11:46
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (13m from now).
🔗 11:46
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, people still use TvTropes? what is this, 2009? :p
🔗 11:46
hippitybobbity: Hello chat
🔗 11:46
kronopticon: !findquote butts alex
🔗 11:46
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
🔗 11:46
Metric_Furlong: hey Hippitybobbity
🔗 11:46
3DDotNikkiWolf: So Pokken Tournament's pretty fun, I gotta say.
🔗 11:46
PhoenixMelior: hello hippity
🔗 11:46
qrpth: Yes. There is a way to implement quote search so that you can look at Alex's butt.
🔗 11:46
kronopticon: figured that wouldnt work
🔗 11:46
Thisbymaster: !next
🔗 11:46
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (13m from now).
🔗 11:46
Metric_Furlong: qrpth, errrr........
🔗 11:46
MadCmdrMoe: !sir
🔗 11:46
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! This is a Boy Scout jamboree.
🔗 11:46
qrpth: Don't even worry about it.
🔗 11:47
hippitybobbity: phrazingue
🔗 11:47
PhoenixMelior: qrpth, that deserves a chat quote right there
🔗 11:47
Metric_Furlong: ^
🔗 11:47
kronopticon: any other mods here to quotify him?
🔗 11:47
hippitybobbity: I finished my second day of tutoring childrens today
🔗 11:48
PhoenixMelior: qrpth could quote himself should he so choose
🔗 11:48
Metric_Furlong: Hippitybobbity, how'd it go?
🔗 11:48
PhoenixMelior: how did the tutorings proceed?
🔗 11:48
kronopticon: I know, I just dont want him to have a choice
🔗 11:48
hippitybobbity: They're all tiny and stupid. This concludes my analysis
🔗 11:48
Metric_Furlong: sounds about right
🔗 11:48
PhoenixMelior: childrens are like that
🔗 11:48
hippitybobbity: Some of them arent stupid, but point their minds toward not working
🔗 11:48
kronopticon: Analysis confirmed. You have a lot of work to do then.
🔗 11:48
qrpth: !addquote (qrpth) [now] Yes. There is a way to implement quote search so that you can look at Alex's butt.
🔗 11:48
LRRbot: New quote #2138: "Yes. There is a way to implement quote search so that you can look at Alex's butt." —qrpth [2016-03-22]
🔗 11:48
MadCmdrMoe: also theyre the proof that some people shouldnt have had kids
🔗 11:48
PhoenixMelior: <3
🔗 11:48
qrpth: Are you happy now, chat?
🔗 11:48
hippitybobbity: It's like looking into a mirror that curves time
🔗 11:48
kronopticon: yay!
🔗 11:49
PhoenixMelior: very much so
🔗 11:49
Briars_the_fox: yes
🔗 11:49
PhoenixMelior: !findquote Alex's butt
🔗 11:49
LRRbot: Quote #2138: "Yes. There is a way to implement quote search so that you can look at Alex's butt." —qrpth [2016-03-22]
🔗 11:49
kronopticon: lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME lrrAWESOME
🔗 11:49
PhoenixMelior: that's the best XD
🔗 11:49
MichaelD067: 0.0
🔗 11:49
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote snarl
🔗 11:49
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
🔗 11:49
Metric_Furlong: make sure to show this to alex when his stream is on
🔗 11:49
kronopticon: !quote 301
🔗 11:49
LRRbot: Quote #301: "Chat, let's ease off the quotes." —Anubis169 [2015-05-26]
🔗 11:50
MadCmdrMoe: that quote is SO last year
🔗 11:50
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote jerf
🔗 11:50
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
🔗 11:50
hippitybobbity: Ooh I can summon quotes now
🔗 11:50
hippitybobbity: This power....
🔗 11:50
hippitybobbity stares at glowing hands
🔗 11:50
hippitybobbity: !quote 2
🔗 11:50
LRRbot: Quote #2: "The day I stream Minecraft is the last time I stream." —Adam [2015-01-17]
🔗 11:50
MadCmdrMoe: POWER OVER... well, maybe JUST whelming
🔗 11:51
kronopticon: Bahaha! well that quote went out the window
🔗 11:51
hippitybobbity: one (1) whelm of power please
🔗 11:51
PhoenixMelior: I thought that adam still hasn't streamed Minecraft
🔗 11:51
hippitybobbity: Sure he has
🔗 11:51
hippitybobbity: every thursday
🔗 11:52
hippitybobbity: Or is that Other Adam
🔗 11:52
kronopticon: WE NEED TO KNOW
🔗 11:52
qrpth: Alex's quotes with 'butt' in it:https://qrpth.eu/quotes?q=name:alex+quote:butts
🔗 11:52
MadCmdrMoe: you have received your 1 (one) whelm of power with your subscription to this channel, thank you and use your new abilities hilariously.
🔗 11:52
MichaelD067: is all alone without swords or arrows O.O
🔗 11:53
hippitybobbity: oh the cruel swords and arrowpoints of fate
🔗 11:53
hippitybobbity: wether its nobler to yadda yadda
🔗 11:53
hippitybobbity: Ghosts poor poison into your ear, you get the deal
🔗 11:53
MichaelD067: eek!
🔗 11:53
MichaelD067: not the ear poison
🔗 11:54
Nightvalien28: kill your uncle, reclaim the throne
🔗 11:55
Metric_Furlong: that's not how Hamlet ends
🔗 11:55
hippitybobbity: Same old same old
🔗 11:55
Metric_Furlong: :p
🔗 11:55
MichaelD067: my uncles are kind of sad pathetic people I don't think i want to kill them.....
🔗 11:55
TXC2: Hello Everybody!
🔗 11:55
hippitybobbity: Go waterskiing with Ophelia
🔗 11:55
Metric_Furlong: hello TXC2
🔗 11:55
Nightvalien28: hahahaha
🔗 11:55
TXC2: hello Metric_furlong
🔗 11:55
hippitybobbity: Shes abit wonky, but hey shell get over it
🔗 11:55
MichaelD067: metric save me from the sword and arrow people!
🔗 11:56
eatenbyagrue1988: didn't Ophelia drown?
🔗 11:56
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, yes
🔗 11:56
Nightvalien28: hence the water skii joke
🔗 11:56
Metric_Furlong: MichaelD067, I'm not sure what you think I'm going to able to do about it
🔗 11:56
kronopticon: !quote 759
🔗 11:56
LRRbot: Quote #759: "Damn you, arrows!" —Paul [2015-09-30]
🔗 11:56
MichaelD067: strength in numbers?
🔗 11:56
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote paul
🔗 11:56
LRRbot: Quote #1883: "Well, Paul's just a giant douche, so..." —James [2016-02-18]
🔗 11:56
LoadingReadyRun: Hey everybody. Chances are good I'll be starting late today. Having a computer problem
🔗 11:56
PhoenixMelior: y'all should pick up To Be Or Not To Be if it goes on sale
🔗 11:56
Sektor88: Hodor starting lat!? le gasp!
🔗 11:56
PhoenixMelior: oh no! Curse you, computers!
🔗 11:56
MichaelD067: bad computer
🔗 11:56
Sektor88: *late
🔗 11:56
TXC2: boo computer problems
🔗 11:56
PhoenixMelior: Take your time though, no rush
🔗 11:56
hippitybobbity: Good luck with that Hodor
🔗 11:56
kronopticon: Blast!
🔗 11:57
qrpth: Kill the computer, it drops a sweet katana.
🔗 11:57
Sektor88: that's okay with me though, gotta roll these CCNA course problems :P
🔗 11:57
Metric_Furlong: technical difficulties strike again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rn-wj4pRpIE
🔗 11:57
PhoenixMelior: !quote 2138
🔗 11:57
LRRbot: Quote #2138: "Yes. There is a way to implement quote search so that you can look at Alex's butt." —qrpth [2016-03-22]
🔗 11:57
hippitybobbity: PhoenixMelior, Is that the CYOA by Ryan North?
🔗 11:57
Sektor88: Also I got a call about a job recently. Might be getting a thing
🔗 11:57
PhoenixMelior: yes, I know the number lrrAWESOME
🔗 11:57
PhoenixMelior: that is correct hippity
🔗 11:57
hippitybobbity: That book is hysterical
🔗 11:57
TXC2: Sektor88
🔗 11:58
hippitybobbity: North is amazing in general too
🔗 11:58
TXC2: good luck
🔗 11:58
Sektor88: txc2.
🔗 11:58
PhoenixMelior: wait it's also a book?!
🔗 11:58
Sektor88: Thanks :3
🔗 11:58
PhoenixMelior: I just got it on steam
🔗 11:58
hippitybobbity: Que?
🔗 11:58
hippitybobbity: Its a book, yeah
🔗 11:58
Inkompetence: It's a book, AND a video game!
🔗 11:58
hippitybobbity: I have it as an ebook from a humble book bundle
🔗 11:58
🔗 11:59
hippitybobbity: But Im sure one could find it in ones local Ye Physsickale Book Store
🔗 11:59
PhoenixMelior: I'm going to check right now
🔗 11:59
kronopticon: Book... Store???
🔗 11:59
kronopticon: they've got stores for books now?
🔗 11:59
hippitybobbity: With llustrations by Kate Beaton, the Internet's Sweetheart
🔗 11:59
hippitybobbity: Yeah its like a retro thing kronopticon
🔗 11:59
PhoenixMelior: well it's stupid expensive but yeah it's there
🔗 11:59
PhoenixMelior: 40 dollars
🔗 11:59
nevil0ck: my physsickale book store only sells books full of kale for psychics
🔗 12:00
nevil0ck: not sure why the kale comes in books, but i don't question units and measures.
🔗 12:00
hippitybobbity: psychic_kale is a fine user name
🔗 12:00
hippitybobbity: thats a lot of dollars
🔗 12:01
LoadingReadyRun: Problem has been solved. Stream will start very shortly. Thank you all for your patience.
🔗 12:01
LoadingReadyRun: :D
🔗 12:01
PhoenixMelior: whoo!
🔗 12:01
MichaelD067: boo patience!
🔗 12:01
PhoenixMelior: impending stream hype
🔗 12:01
hippitybobbity: Nicely done, LRR
🔗 12:01
kronopticon: Yay! its barely even late!
🔗 12:02
Caerlocc: !next
🔗 12:02
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (2m ago).
🔗 12:02
qrpth: Impending doom hype!
🔗 12:02
groverfield2: Found it!
🔗 12:02
🔗 12:02
groverfield2: Wow that took awhile
🔗 12:02
Metric_Furlong: imp ending stream hype
🔗 12:02
hippitybobbity: yeah lrrEFF imps
🔗 12:02
kronopticon: lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP lrrSPOOP
🔗 12:03
MadCmdrMoe: @Nevil0ck Surely there are books about crystals to go with the psychic kale?
🔗 12:03
RAICx: !next
🔗 12:03
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (3m ago).
🔗 12:04
MadCmdrMoe: @Groverfield2 EYYYY there we go
🔗 12:04
groverfield2: !card orcish oriflame
🔗 12:04
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
🔗 12:04
Nightvalien28: hey chat, did darksouls 3 suddenly got more expensive?
🔗 12:05
groverfield2: It went off of discount on steam today
🔗 12:05
Nightvalien28: it says it is 8% off
🔗 12:05
eatenbyagrue1988: I just watched Third Wheel Dating again. And then I discovered that Sesame Street slash fic is something people really do
🔗 12:05
groverfield2: I think it was like 15%
🔗 12:05
eatenbyagrue1988: I need to find the nearest seashore and just start walking into the ocean
🔗 12:05
Nightvalien28: but there was no percentage on it last time
🔗 12:05
groverfield2: before initial reviews went up...
🔗 12:06
RAICx: Eatenbyagrue1988 I did that once, it won't help
🔗 12:06
qrpth: STREM?
🔗 12:06
Laserbeaks_Fury: People have been shipping Bert and Ernie since before that phrase was ever coined
🔗 12:06
hippitybobbity: Arent there sharks over there eatenbyagrue1988
🔗 12:06
PhoenixMelior: that's weird
🔗 12:06
Metric_Furlong: !uptime
🔗 12:06
LRRbot: The stream is not live.
🔗 12:06
PhoenixMelior: sale price for Dark Souls III (regular) is 66.49
🔗 12:06
eatenbyagrue1988: I made the mistake of having safesearch turned off.
🔗 12:07
eatenbyagrue1988: I've gone full-Lovecraft
🔗 12:07
Metric_Furlong: eatenbyagrue1988, never search for fanfic
🔗 12:07
Metric_Furlong: ever
🔗 12:07
Metric_Furlong: it is never safe
🔗 12:07
Diamonddragon2002: i was just watchong taptapconcede
🔗 12:07
hippitybobbity: Unless you want to cry and wank at the same time
🔗 12:07
Trockenmatt: BTW, there are 13 13s on Triskaidekaphobia. Not just the ones they talked about in their video
🔗 12:07
eatenbyagrue1988: somebody needs to find Fanfiction.net's servers and turn them off
🔗 12:07
eatenbyagrue1988: with a flamethrower.
🔗 12:07
PhoenixMelior: there we go I have strem
🔗 12:07
TXC2: "never search for fanfic" that needs to go into !advice right now !
🔗 12:08
EricTheOrange: More "worst Bird Lawyer in france.
🔗 12:08
DarkMorford: Kick, punch, it's all in the mind!
🔗 12:08
SchalaKitty: eatenbyagrue1988 - Most people prefer AO3 now.
🔗 12:08
RedNightmare7: Wait a second, this isn't a Handheld game! I have been lied to!
🔗 12:08
EGreif: Hi heather
🔗 12:08
Diamonddragon2002: @trockenmatt really
🔗 12:08
RedNightmare7: Hi Heather :P
🔗 12:08
qrpth: TXC2: No moderators are currently available. Please try again later.
🔗 12:08
groverfield2: !upteme
🔗 12:08
eatenbyagrue1988: at the risk of digging myself a deeper hole: Wjay's AO3?
🔗 12:08
hippitybobbity: Let's ship some birds shall we
🔗 12:08
eatenbyagrue1988: *What's
🔗 12:08
TXC2: hello Heather
🔗 12:08
Mooriarty: ohai!
🔗 12:09
RAICx: Hi Heather
🔗 12:09
EGreif: Heather: Got a call about work, problem is, it's work around my previous place of residence. Still though, maybe I can make it work,
🔗 12:09
TXC2: damn it twitch, I had to refresh to get stream lrrEFF
🔗 12:09
SchalaKitty: eatenbyagrue1988 - http://archiveofourown.org/ - Have fun
🔗 12:10
TXC2: now on to bird lawyering!
🔗 12:10
RAICx: Oooh, sweet! Good to know my Red5 is growing
🔗 12:10
Mooriarty: we joined the revolution at least, which sounds sensible
🔗 12:10
RedNightmare7: Ah, so you're on the same track as Hats
🔗 12:10
🔗 12:10
🔗 12:10
Laserbeaks_Fury: yeah, the dead guy shot him
🔗 12:10
Mooriarty: yep! that's us!
🔗 12:10
TXC2: right lets see how long it take twitch to see that sub
🔗 12:11
Mooriarty: I don't think twitch is to blame for that one? altough blaming twitch is easy
🔗 12:11
Mooriarty: #blametwitch
🔗 12:11
qrpth: Burn the Twitch!
🔗 12:11
EmteeAK: I MISSED THE START OF THIS!!!! Hope I didn't miss too much
🔗 12:12
TXC2: Emteeak naw we just started
🔗 12:12
Mooriarty: EmteeAK, suspicious wolf was suspicious
🔗 12:12
Mooriarty: nothing more so far
🔗 12:12
Sektor88: gj twitch not automatically going lie for me T_T
🔗 12:12
Laserbeaks_Fury: Ellipsis Intensifies...
🔗 12:12
PhoenixMelior: my quality is all over the place today
🔗 12:12
Sektor88: !uptime
🔗 12:12
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 6:31.
🔗 12:12
Mooriarty: wine does sound good
🔗 12:12
Briars_the_fox: *** twitch... get your *** together
🔗 12:12
Sektor88: *live, even
🔗 12:12
KamikazeAardvark: GET SLAMMED Kappa
🔗 12:12
PhoenixMelior: high has Heather real blurry most of the time
🔗 12:12
TXC2: Sektor88 i know right?
🔗 12:13
Sektor88: txc2: yyyuuuuuup
🔗 12:13
EGreif: twitch caused me to install abp
🔗 12:13
kronopticon: You're paying! LETS PARTAAAAY
🔗 12:13
hippitybobbity: Twitch plas
🔗 12:13
EGreif: I endured and appreciated ads for a while
🔗 12:13
Laserbeaks_Fury: I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today
🔗 12:13
hippitybobbity: plos twetch
🔗 12:13
MichaelD067: pokes stream to make it go
🔗 12:13
EGreif: but when the playing of an ad caused the resulting stream not to load, I was DONE
🔗 12:13
TXC2: also has the twitter signal gone out?
🔗 12:14
kronopticon: Yes. rub the lioness the Right way.
🔗 12:14
PhoenixMelior: refreshing if you can't see is wise
🔗 12:14
Mooriarty: ah yes, if we run we get shot, so you should definitely run
🔗 12:14
RAICx: TXC2 it has
🔗 12:14
TXC2: RAICx ok good
🔗 12:14
PhoenixMelior: and if an ad breaks your player... well you'll have to turn ad block on
🔗 12:14
Mooriarty: that's... racist?
🔗 12:14
EricTheOrange: RACIST!
🔗 12:14
Sektor88: dats WACIST
🔗 12:14
embyrr922: THAT"S RACIST
🔗 12:15
EGreif: heather: How do you feel about Falcom's Ys series?
🔗 12:15
Sektor88: oh, blackjack
🔗 12:15
🔗 12:15
EGreif: Stay!
🔗 12:15
Mooriarty: we have a good track record so far I think
🔗 12:15
EGreif: yay
🔗 12:15
EGreif: you won money!
🔗 12:15
EGreif: or nothing
🔗 12:15
Punching_Bag: Jacques Noir is blackjack
🔗 12:15
Caerlocc: loool
🔗 12:16
Mooriarty: dammit game
🔗 12:16
PhoenixMelior: womp womp
🔗 12:16
MichaelD067: didn't Ian show us how this goes....
🔗 12:16
MichaelD067: they let you win the first time then crush you!
🔗 12:16
EGreif: "it's a terrible game"
🔗 12:16
Mooriarty: look, I only have tarot cards, what do you want me to do?
🔗 12:16
TXC2: "fontaine would be excellent at cinema sins"
🔗 12:16
EGreif: Dat Alfred Hitchcock Presents theme
🔗 12:16
Nightvalien28: welp
🔗 12:16
PhoenixMelior: THEY did it, clearly
🔗 12:17
Sektor88: THEY
🔗 12:17
Nightvalien28: they did it
🔗 12:17
SchalaKitty: blame them
🔗 12:17
Laserbeaks_Fury: Does the lion have a snake tatoo?
🔗 12:17
Sektor88: Hodor plz
🔗 12:17
RedNightmare7: Heather, you are too nice :P
🔗 12:17
KamikazeAardvark: but you won't because PLOT ARMOR
🔗 12:17
TXC2: Laserbeaks_fury I think it's a broach
🔗 12:17
EGreif: Plot armor is best armor
🔗 12:17
EGreif: if I ever make an RPG, plot armor will be an item
🔗 12:18
EGreif: Provides 0 defense, except for lethal hits.
🔗 12:18
Laserbeaks_Fury: Plotonium Vest
🔗 12:18
Guttersnipper: !next
🔗 12:18
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Heather's Handhelds at Tue 12:00 PM PDT (18m ago).
🔗 12:18
EGreif: in which case it provides full defense.
🔗 12:18
Mooriarty: oh right, the king. he was fun
🔗 12:19
Mooriarty: well if WE prosecute, the king's life is secure
🔗 12:19
TXC2: !advice
🔗 12:19
LRRbot: Go left.
🔗 12:19
Guttersnipper: I think it's more of a trait than an item
🔗 12:19
PhoenixMelior: both may happen, who knows
🔗 12:19
eatenbyagrue1988: I am going to leave the stream running while I sleep. If I am awakened by screaming, I'll know Alex is on
🔗 12:19
eatenbyagrue1988: g'night chat
🔗 12:19
PhoenixMelior: everybirdy should just get along~
🔗 12:19
TXC2: so long Eatenbyagrue1988 have fun
🔗 12:20
eatenbyagrue1988: !findquote sleep
🔗 12:20
LRRbot: Quote #1785: "Just sleep for 70 days." —Graham [2016-02-12]
🔗 12:20
kronopticon sits down with chinese food
🔗 12:20
Mooriarty: more blackjack?
🔗 12:20
BenByTheWay: to animals, humans must be monsters
🔗 12:20
TXC2: would that I could lrrbot
🔗 12:20
kronopticon: did i miss anything? solve any cases?
🔗 12:20
kronopticon: bahahaha, who am i kidding
🔗 12:20
TXC2: Kronopticon not yet
🔗 12:20
hippitybobbity: If only LRRBot
🔗 12:20
PMAvers: Bow chicka wow wow?
🔗 12:20
PhoenixMelior: all night? Ohhhh myyyyy
🔗 12:20
RedNightmare7: Madam, what are you proposing
🔗 12:21
TXC2: !findquote night
🔗 12:21
LRRbot: Quote #1524: "Why Spud? Who else could give a girl a hot flush on a cold night like this?" —Donner
🔗 12:21
Sektor88: And this is why we should've thrown them udner the bus :P
🔗 12:21
Guttersnipper: What's Alex supposed to be playing anyway?
🔗 12:21
RedNightmare7: Remember kids, if you want something, never EVER leave it out of your sight
🔗 12:21
hippitybobbity digs popped monocle out of monitor
🔗 12:21
Mooriarty: ohno sparrowson
🔗 12:21
kronopticon: probably division
🔗 12:21
TXC2: well that's a quote
🔗 12:21
Guttersnipper: sigh
🔗 12:21
PhoenixMelior: txc2 you know what else is a quote
🔗 12:21
PhoenixMelior: !quote 2138
🔗 12:21
LRRbot: Quote #2138: "Yes. There is a way to implement quote search so that you can look at Alex's butt." —qrpth [2016-03-22]
🔗 12:22
TXC2: Kronopticon I'll think you'll find that's THE division, thank you very much Kappa
🔗 12:22
kronopticon: theres more than one!
🔗 12:22
hippitybobbity: division of sellf is the greatest art: The Art of Lying
🔗 12:22
Laserbeaks_Fury: He REALLY hates green
🔗 12:23
Mooriarty: that title sounds like someone competent, can't be us
🔗 12:23
BenByTheWay: feels like there ought to have been more
🔗 12:23
Invisible_Queen: i want to make a anti-Division game and call it The Union
🔗 12:23
Caerlocc: noooo stream froze. What happened
🔗 12:23
Laserbeaks_Fury: Literal Fat cats?
🔗 12:24
TXC2: ^
🔗 12:24
TXC2: 3-1 it's literal fat cats
🔗 12:24
groverfield2: Is this going to be the War of the Lions?
🔗 12:24
Mooriarty: well we've seen the king alrady
🔗 12:24
hippitybobbity: Its freezing for you as well?
🔗 12:24
PhoenixMelior: i still hav estrem
🔗 12:24
Sektor88: laserbeaks, it HAS to be
🔗 12:24
Caerlocc: I had to refresh, it wasn't even buffering it just froze
🔗 12:24
TXC2: stream has been fine for me
🔗 12:25
Caerlocc: refresh worked
🔗 12:25
Sektor88: stream up for me still
🔗 12:25
hippitybobbity: stram restremmed
🔗 12:25
angelofdust337: its been buffering every now and then
🔗 12:25
hippitybobbity: Reach Heaven Through Violence
🔗 12:25
RedNightmare7: god, everytime someone says bloodshed is the only way, I hear a coward's voice
🔗 12:25
BenByTheWay: when has that happened?
🔗 12:25
kronopticon: pacifism would be lovely. unfortunately. Bullets
🔗 12:25
RedNightmare7: ok, maybe not a coward
🔗 12:26
Mooriarty: I'm definitely on board with this revolution business, the thing about shadow conspiracy wolves tho...
🔗 12:26
TXC2: Rednightmare7 no,no coward is the word
🔗 12:26
angelofdust337: Everyone always conveniently forgets that most often a bloody revolution just leads to the same situation you were in prior
🔗 12:27
hippitybobbity: One of the few revolutions that ended well happened in Costa Rica
🔗 12:27
RedNightmare7: How were they doing after it?
🔗 12:27
hippitybobbity: When a group did a coupe, got the power and dissolved the army
🔗 12:27
hippitybobbity: stable democracy ever since
🔗 12:27
RedNightmare7: nice
🔗 12:27
angelofdust337: Hippitybobbity Was that one backed by either country during the cold war?
🔗 12:27
hippitybobbity: (60, 70 years now?)
🔗 12:28
hippitybobbity: It was in the forties, so it was before the cold war really hit its stride
🔗 12:28
angelofdust337: ok then
🔗 12:28
RedNightmare7: Wait, only one 1. but no mentioning of one arm... interesting :P
🔗 12:28
RedNightmare7: *one eye
🔗 12:28
🔗 12:29
angelofdust337: now I remember it was the one that formed the peace constitution yeah
🔗 12:29
RebelliousUno: Wait those arn't birbs
🔗 12:29
PhoenixMelior: Fox Foc!
🔗 12:29
PhoenixMelior: *Fox
🔗 12:29
hippitybobbity: but generally angelofdust337, youre right. A bloodthirsty group of powerhungry maniacs generally get out maniacced by someone who pops a boner over guillotines or some ***
🔗 12:30
kronopticon: Oh, a foxy gentlemen :)
🔗 12:30
Laserbeaks_Fury: So would we have seen this killing if we came here yesterday?
🔗 12:30
Mooriarty: I think yesterday was plot railroad day?
🔗 12:30
PhoenixMelior: no yesterday was at the palace
🔗 12:31
angelofdust337: Hippitybobbity Its a bit more complicated than that. Generally people like Robespierre had good intentions at first, but it generally got chaotic and left it open for people from the old system to grab hold, i.e. Napoleon
🔗 12:31
hippitybobbity: Was there a HH yesterday?
🔗 12:31
TXC2: You know, Heather would be an amazing VA, if she could just remember the voices she give people Kappa
🔗 12:31
Sektor88: WELP
🔗 12:31
Laserbeaks_Fury: Ixnay on the Eblesray
🔗 12:31
Sektor88: we ded now
🔗 12:31
TXC2: Hippitybobbity nope
🔗 12:31
Mooriarty: that's a hundred cofees!
🔗 12:32
hippitybobbity: oh so ingame yesterday
🔗 12:32
hippitybobbity: gotcha
🔗 12:32
kronopticon: Sparrowson would get confused as to what a "side" is and whether or not he should use it as a bookmark
🔗 12:32
hippitybobbity: angelofdust337, right
🔗 12:32
PhoenixMelior: because YOU'RE the Viridian Killer!
🔗 12:32
PhoenixMelior dun dun dunnnnnn
🔗 12:32
kronopticon: Im glad someone knows he's an idiot
🔗 12:32
angelofdust337: Hell the big reason the American gov stayed stable after the revolution was that it was both were headed by people who were in charge of the colonies in the first place
🔗 12:33
Mooriarty: damn wolves
🔗 12:33
PhoenixMelior: Oh Falcon is TOTALLY the Viridian Killer
🔗 12:33
Laserbeaks_Fury: That sounds like some guy running around Viridian City, killing pokemon trainers
🔗 12:33
Nightvalien28: I think the viridian killer is the judge
🔗 12:33
Mooriarty: all three wolves
🔗 12:33
Mooriarty: they used that green pen thing we didn't pick up
🔗 12:33
RedNightmare7: that would make some sense
🔗 12:33
PhoenixMelior: Falcon DOES hate the colour green though
🔗 12:33
PhoenixMelior: so he might know more than he leads on
🔗 12:34
TXC2: Phoenixmelior double bluff !
🔗 12:34
kronopticon: A mouse murder? shooting a mouse would be like shooting a dog with a cannonball
🔗 12:34
angelofdust337: Laserbeaks_fury Eh I think it was just a cover up for Team Rocket political killings :P
🔗 12:34
hippitybobbity: kronopticon, can you imagine the mess
🔗 12:34
hippitybobbity: Youd have to scrape dog off the windows
🔗 12:34
hippitybobbity: and the celing
🔗 12:34
Bengineering: Hey Hodor :) Hey chat!
🔗 12:34
PhoenixMelior: it's still jarring to see you with an arrow hippity
🔗 12:34
TXC2: hello Bengineering welcome
🔗 12:35
hippitybobbity: It feels real good phoenix
🔗 12:35
PhoenixMelior: I'm used to you being the teal dude in chat without one
🔗 12:35
DarkMorford: Hey Bengineering
🔗 12:35
PhoenixMelior: oh hey ben
🔗 12:35
PhoenixMelior: !quote 1834
🔗 12:35
LRRbot: Quote #1834: "It's fake danger, like the kind in the bedroom." —Bengineering [2016-02-15]
🔗 12:35
Bengineering: I'm so happy to hear the voices are being being done!
🔗 12:35
TXC2: "it's a new day, yes it is!"
🔗 12:35
PhoenixMelior: It's a Brand New Day, the sun is high, the birds are singing THAT YOU'RE GONNA DIE
🔗 12:35
TXC2: Bengineering It's why we love Heather
🔗 12:35
Bengineering: THere are so many reasons to love Hodor
🔗 12:36
hippitybobbity: on days like these, kids like you
🔗 12:36
Bengineering: This is just another one :P
🔗 12:36
TXC2: true
🔗 12:36
hippitybobbity: s h o u l d b e b u r n i n g i n h e l l
🔗 12:36
kronopticon: orrrr. distract the police with another situation
🔗 12:36
RedNightmare7: very true
🔗 12:36
RedNightmare7: I think our incompetence might have just come in handy
🔗 12:37
PhoenixMelior: or maybe he has OTHER intentions
🔗 12:37
PhoenixMelior: I just really want the devs to Ocean's Eleven this ***
🔗 12:37
PMAvers: Smash the STAAAAAATE
🔗 12:37
TXC2: these are some FAST days :P
🔗 12:38
Mangledpixel: biiiiiiirbs
🔗 12:38
TXC2: I see humans
🔗 12:38
PhoenixMelior: oh hey Falcon
🔗 12:38
hippitybobbity: Resign! Resign!
🔗 12:39
kronopticon: Protest. but first. We're gonna reenact thriller!
🔗 12:39
PhoenixMelior: !dance
🔗 12:39
Mooriarty: can we please get rid of the wolf first?
🔗 12:39
PhoenixMelior: I agree
🔗 12:39
PhoenixMelior: but I like the panther
🔗 12:39
Caerlocc: ruin wolf plans mwhahaha
🔗 12:39
PhoenixMelior: we can kill her last.
🔗 12:40
TXC2: a better France = Britain Kappa
🔗 12:40
kronopticon: Dead people generally look bad for publicity
🔗 12:40
hippitybobbity: lot of killing talk in chat
🔗 12:40
hippitybobbity: "France would be beautiful if it werent for all the French" - some guy
🔗 12:40
RedNightmare7: "excuse me madam, I need to go kill a puppy to relieve my frustration"
🔗 12:41
angelofdust337: "pacifism is the christian way isn't it?" weeeeeeeeeeellll
🔗 12:41
Sektor88: who would've thought th wolf was the killer? Kappa
🔗 12:41
PhoenixMelior: Wolves: they kill people.
🔗 12:41
Sektor88: :P
🔗 12:41
Caerlocc: oh boy here comes a case
🔗 12:41
TXC2: also I like that the wolves are working as a team, or pack if you will
🔗 12:41
hippitybobbity: Pacifism is the christian way!*
🔗 12:42
hippitybobbity: *restrictions apply
🔗 12:42
RedNightmare7: *except when it is inconvienent
🔗 12:42
kronopticon: violence (Pacifism: Christian Edition)
🔗 12:42
Caerlocc: annnnd we have to defend this guy
🔗 12:42
PhoenixMelior: Pacifism is the Christian way - sure. Suuuuuuuure
🔗 12:43
Rhynerd: Hi folks!
🔗 12:43
TXC2: hello Rhynerd welcome
🔗 12:43
kronopticon: Trust Nothing!
🔗 12:43
hippitybobbity: A History of Christian Pacifism, by David Cronenberg
🔗 12:43
Rhynerd: So what have I missed?
🔗 12:43
angelofdust337: This guy has some messed up views of who's trustworthy
🔗 12:43
PhoenixMelior: @Rhynerd revolution just broke out, you just missed the prep
🔗 12:44
PhoenixMelior: also the wolf brothers appear to have done it
🔗 12:44
kronopticon: Violence. the peaceful way.
🔗 12:44
Bengineering: Oooh I like Remus
🔗 12:44
scw555: why is c'thulu bird in this game?
🔗 12:44
hippitybobbity: War is peace
🔗 12:44
Caerlocc: that's just a rooster
🔗 12:44
hippitybobbity: freedom is slavery
🔗 12:44
hippitybobbity: eat arbys
🔗 12:45
RedNightmare7: Nihilist Arby's is the best
🔗 12:45
kronopticon: Thus the two-faced wolf has simultaneously shown both his faces
🔗 12:45
hippitybobbity: I have laughed myself raw at Nihilist Arbys
🔗 12:46
kronopticon: Two Incidents of a Coincidence!
🔗 12:46
RedNightmare7: just my type of dark humor :P
🔗 12:46
hippitybobbity: Kierkegaardashian is also solid gold
🔗 12:46
scw555: well, goodbye c'thulu rooster
🔗 12:47
RedNightmare7: "I avoided the voiclence and now a girl is dead" DO YOU KNOW WHAT VIOLENCE MEANS!?
🔗 12:47
Caerlocc: these wolves NotLikeThis
🔗 12:47
kronopticon: And suddenly. Everyone is an idiot
🔗 12:48
Rhynerd: I really home it's not an exact time limit
🔗 12:48
PhoenixMelior: Hodor now is not the time for drinks! You have only two minutes!
🔗 12:48
hippitybobbity: ooh drinks
🔗 12:48
Zeromus_: thats a right hand in the corner...
🔗 12:48
Zeromus_: or wait nvm im dumb
🔗 12:49
Laserbeaks_Fury: Does the bird cop have hands?
🔗 12:49
Mooriarty: everyone has hands
🔗 12:49
Laserbeaks_Fury: I mena, it looks like he's missing limbs
🔗 12:49
Mooriarty: he has one left I think?
🔗 12:49
Mooriarty: might be the right hand tho
🔗 12:49
Caerlocc: lol
🔗 12:49
Rhynerd: @laserbeaks_fury bird cop did lose half his right arm or so.
🔗 12:50
Rhynerd: @laserbeaks_fury in the war I think.
🔗 12:50
Nightvalien28: 100% dead
🔗 12:50
PhoenixMelior: All dead. Not even mostly dead
🔗 12:50
Caerlocc: bullet extraxtor!
🔗 12:50
Sektor88: magnet time!
🔗 12:50
kronopticon: Dangerous magnet time!
🔗 12:50
PhoenixMelior: lrrEFF ing magnets, how do they work?!
🔗 12:50
Sektor88: or not
🔗 12:50
hippitybobbity: super dead
🔗 12:50
Mooriarty: I don't think we stil lhave that
🔗 12:50
kronopticon: The subtlety is in the dangerous violent blood
🔗 12:51
LathosTiran: squish :?
🔗 12:51
Mooriarty: well shot from the back is wrong at least, we know that one
🔗 12:51
hippitybobbity: shot through ye heart, and thou'st to blame
🔗 12:51
Bengineering: Man, screw this guy
🔗 12:51
Caerlocc: oo renard
🔗 12:52
PhoenixMelior: Fox Fox. Fox Detective!
🔗 12:52
Sektor88: ooh, the prince
🔗 12:52
Rhynerd: Fox detective to save the day?
🔗 12:52
TXC2: what if he IS the prince?
🔗 12:52
Nightvalien28: see, always blame the wolves
🔗 12:53
WolfAmulet: !live
🔗 12:53
LRRbot: Currently live fanstreamers: Ranneko (https://secure.twitch.tv/ranneko) is playing Xenonauts (Ranonauts - Recording Live! - Let's Shoot Down Some Xenos - Enlist at http://bit.ly/RanEnlist), UPickVG (https://secure.twitch.tv/upickvg) is playing Final Fantasy X (#WorldWaterDay 28-hour Marathon of the games YOU pick, for @charitywater! #charity)
🔗 12:53
kronopticon: stuck between a rock and a small mount of fudge
🔗 12:53
PhoenixMelior: looks like score one for the good guys
🔗 12:53
angelofdust337: What happened? Sparrowson knows CQC?
🔗 12:53
hippitybobbity: turns out I left some cookies for myself yesterday
🔗 12:53
Caerlocc: so we gotta stall for backup?
🔗 12:54
hippitybobbity: I am so pleased
🔗 12:54
RedNightmare7: Le shock!
🔗 12:54
WolfAmulet: !nextfan
🔗 12:54
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: Zyme Stream (http://www.twitch.tv/zyme86/) at Tue 11:00 AM PDT (1:54 ago), Keab42's Stream (http://www.twitch.tv/keab42) at Tue 01:00 PM PDT (5m from now).
🔗 12:54
PhoenixMelior: wait was there a twist?
🔗 12:54
hippitybobbity: evil is happening
🔗 12:54
Mangledpixel: going Playstation?!
🔗 12:55
TXC2: more humans
🔗 12:55
kronopticon: Suddenly Les Miserables
🔗 12:55
Mangledpixel: not really suddenly
🔗 12:55
TXC2: oh it was les mis last stream
🔗 12:55
wildpeaks: !uptime
🔗 12:55
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 49:33.
🔗 12:55
PhoenixMelior: ohhhhhh
🔗 12:55
wildpeaks: awww, foiled by timezones again
🔗 12:55
PhoenixMelior: I get it now
🔗 12:56
kronopticon: alright, suddenly french animals
🔗 12:56
EmteeAK: This Lion... I don't know what to think about her...
🔗 12:56
PhoenixMelior: they're always been french
🔗 12:56
PhoenixMelior: *they've
🔗 12:56
hippitybobbity: is that russel crowe? what is he doing here
🔗 12:56
PhoenixMelior: !russel
🔗 12:56
Caerlocc: two l's
🔗 12:56
PhoenixMelior: always get that wrong
🔗 12:56
MT_Storm: Oh christ, is that why G&P called the crows russel? Mind blown
🔗 12:56
hippitybobbity: russle
🔗 12:57
kronopticon: And everyone remains a freakin idiot
🔗 12:57
PhoenixMelior: Rousselle
🔗 12:57
hippitybobbity: rizzle crizzle
🔗 12:57
PhoenixMelior: QUACK
🔗 12:57
RedNightmare7: God, what pun did Hats make here?
🔗 12:57
Bengineering: oh man that duck is legit.
🔗 12:57
Rhynerd: @mt_storm I think it heard it was actually idiot the fist name at mind and they themselves noticed the resemblance later
🔗 12:57
Rhynerd: So the guards are really ducks...
🔗 12:58
hippitybobbity: Remus? as in the Rome twins
🔗 12:58
TXC2: Hippitybobbity yes
🔗 12:58
Caerlocc: yup
🔗 12:58
RedNightmare7: yup
🔗 12:58
hippitybobbity: I bet he dies
🔗 12:58
PhoenixMelior: remus and romulus
🔗 12:58
Sektor88: yup
🔗 12:58
TXC2: what's his game here?
🔗 12:58
Rhynerd: Well, the price of failure just escalated.
🔗 12:58
kronopticon: taking battle advice from a priest. of course.
🔗 12:58
hippitybobbity: TXC2, very subtle
🔗 12:58
RedNightmare7: So if the lady kills the bird, all hell breaks lose
🔗 12:58
Sektor88: yup
🔗 12:59
monsieur_squirrel: am I in this?
🔗 12:59
RedNightmare7: great...
🔗 12:59
Mooriarty: this guy is the christianiest
🔗 12:59
Rhynerd: @txc2 seems like just getting everybody possible killed.
🔗 12:59
Laserbeaks_Fury: Imagine there's no Heaven....
🔗 12:59
kronopticon: Worst friar. ever.
🔗 12:59
TXC2: Monsieur_squirrel if not, you should be :)
🔗 12:59
GDwarf: *sigh* evil atheist
🔗 12:59
Caerlocc: Uhhhhh that would destroy his credibility with me super quick
🔗 12:59
Rhynerd: Sir that's heresy.
🔗 13:00
GDwarf: Heresy? Pretty sure it's blasphemy
🔗 13:00
Sektor88: Hershey? Kappa
🔗 13:00
🔗 13:00
Laserbeaks_Fury: Now, 'm not saying there's no God.....but there's no God
🔗 13:00
PhoenixMelior: whoo break time!
🔗 13:00
Caerlocc: Alright revolution on hold, break time guys n gals
🔗 13:01
Mooriarty: gotta make tea! ohgod, such short breaks
🔗 13:01
Bengineering: <3
🔗 13:01
Rhynerd: Hi Ben!
🔗 13:02
Nightvalien28: welp it seems that namcom upped ds3 princes to +50% to south america, guess I am not buying that one this year
🔗 13:02
Nightvalien28: *prices
🔗 13:03
hippitybobbity: thats *** NV
🔗 13:03
Nightvalien28: it is
🔗 13:03
qrpth: !show override heather
🔗 13:03
LRRbot: Currently live: Heather's Handhelds (overridden)
🔗 13:03
qrpth: !game
🔗 13:03
LRRbot: Currently playing: Aviary Attorney (rating 96%)
🔗 13:03
qrpth: !game good
🔗 13:03
LRRbot: Rating for Aviary Attorney on Heather's Handhelds is now 96% (24/25)
🔗 13:05
Rhynerd: !game good
🔗 13:05
LRRbot: Rating for Aviary Attorney on Heather's Handhelds is now 96% (25/26)
🔗 13:05
Bengineering: Wb!
🔗 13:05
Mooriarty: !game good
🔗 13:05
Mooriarty: perfect timing :>
🔗 13:05
Invisible_Queen: hi again
🔗 13:05
Rhynerd: Remember: if you fail this whole place goes boom.
🔗 13:06
LRRbot: Rating for Aviary Attorney on Heather's Handhelds is now 96% (26/27)
🔗 13:07
Rhynerd: Hand print
🔗 13:08
BusTed: So speedy!
🔗 13:08
🔗 13:08
PhoenixMelior: ok ok so you've got speed lines.
🔗 13:08
Caerlocc: speed lines OP in this meta
🔗 13:08
Mooriarty: those speedlines also really screw up twitch encryption :P
🔗 13:08
kronopticon: OBJECTION!
🔗 13:08
PhoenixMelior: been doing LOTS of drugs I see
🔗 13:08
Mooriarty: murderer had been shot previously! woo!
🔗 13:08
Nightvalien28: PhoenixMelior, we are high... ON JUSTICE
🔗 13:09
Sektor88: like a kangaoo court? Kappa
🔗 13:09
PhoenixMelior: ^
🔗 13:09
Sektor88: *kangaroo
🔗 13:09
PhoenixMelior: was about to say that
🔗 13:09
Sektor88: hahah
🔗 13:09
Mooriarty: he doesn't have a left hand. good to know
🔗 13:09
kronopticon: does that inspector even have a left arm
🔗 13:09
Nightvalien28: check if the hand print was right or left hand
🔗 13:09
Sektor88 high5s phoenixmelior
🔗 13:09
Nightvalien28: ah ha there you go
🔗 13:10
PhoenixMelior high fives for the hive mind
🔗 13:10
Sektor88: ALEX
🔗 13:10
PhoenixMelior: !findquote Alex's butt
🔗 13:10
LRRbot: Quote #2138: "Yes. There is a way to implement quote search so that you can look at Alex's butt." —qrpth [2016-03-22]
🔗 13:10
Nightvalien28: birb lawyers
🔗 13:10
hippitybobbity: submit to the hive
🔗 13:10
wildpeaks: Hai Alex's arm
🔗 13:10
TXC2: alex "yeah ok" Stacey
🔗 13:10
angelofdust337: um...bye alex?
🔗 13:10
kronopticon: Well fuck. it wasnt him.
🔗 13:10
Rhynerd: Wait, the portrait shows the right arm missing a hand... Is Volerti armless?
🔗 13:10
PhoenixMelior: was it not Romulus?
🔗 13:10
PhoenixMelior: I came back late
🔗 13:10
Invisible_Queen: birb birb birb wella birb issa werb
🔗 13:11
Caerlocc: it was totally Romulus
🔗 13:11
PhoenixMelior: ok good
🔗 13:11
Caerlocc: unless there's another twist from nowhere
🔗 13:11
Mooriarty: good thing we have that thing
🔗 13:11
PhoenixMelior: lady your justice... doesn't seem all that just
🔗 13:12
kronopticon: But then a mouse brought me a miscellaneous eyepatch
🔗 13:12
qrpth: !show override off
🔗 13:12
LRRbot: Currently live: Heather's Handhelds
🔗 13:12
Sektor88: he's a pirate!
🔗 13:12
Sektor88: Kappa
🔗 13:13
castlewise: Are there humans in the backdrop?
🔗 13:13
Sektor88: yes?
🔗 13:13
TXC2: yes, yes there is
🔗 13:13
Nightvalien28: Castlewise, holy *** there are
🔗 13:13
TXC2: Phoenixmelior DLS ?
🔗 13:13
Nightvalien28: there are humans in the background
🔗 13:13
castlewise: So they do exist!
🔗 13:13
Sektor88: Phoenixmelior, feels like it to me also
🔗 13:13
Nightvalien28: PhoenixMelior, you need more coffee
🔗 13:13
PhoenixMelior: txc2 it made me go bac a WHOLE day
🔗 13:13
RedNightmare7: Castlewise Nightvalien28 Quite you two. :P
🔗 13:13
PhoenixMelior: is it even tuesday
🔗 13:13
Nightvalien28: quite
🔗 13:14
PhoenixMelior: quiet.
🔗 13:14
Nightvalien28: PhoenixMelior, wake up, wake up, you are late for desert bus
🔗 13:14
Rhynerd: "I hate you but you're innocent"
🔗 13:14
kronopticon: f/me facepalm
🔗 13:14
PhoenixMelior: can't fool me, it's not November
🔗 13:14
kronopticon facepalms
🔗 13:14
PhoenixMelior: FailFish
🔗 13:14
Nightvalien28: are you sure Kappa
🔗 13:14
TXC2: Nightvalien28 she's not Johnnie Kappa
🔗 13:14
groverfield2: I should have gotten real food
🔗 13:15
kronopticon: Lets not be violent and be all netflix and chill. okay?
🔗 13:15
🔗 13:15
Rhynerd: I wonder if Remus is going to just fire off a gun to start the massacre anyways.
🔗 13:15
Mooriarty: oh cmon, that's boring, let's at least shoot _some_ people
🔗 13:15
Mooriarty: like that guy, shoot that guy?
🔗 13:16
Nightvalien28: welp that wolf is dead
🔗 13:16
TXC2: #OccupyParis Kappa
🔗 13:16
Rhynerd: @mooriarty if we shoot now the artillery fires on our position.
🔗 13:16
Sektor88: uh oh
🔗 13:16
Caerlocc: nooooo
🔗 13:16
Rhynerd: @mooriarty we should at least wait until Volerti tells them otherwise.
🔗 13:16
TXC2: it's a Batman Gambit !
🔗 13:16
Mooriarty: Rhynerd, sounds way too reasonable, shooting sounds more fun :D
🔗 13:16
EricTheOrange: SHOOT HIM!
🔗 13:16
Nightvalien28: shooting someone in the middle of a protest is not a good idea
🔗 13:16
Rhynerd: Court!
🔗 13:17
kronopticon: Lock him in a prison!
🔗 13:17
nevil0ck: shoot him in the prison!
🔗 13:17
Mooriarty: booooo
🔗 13:17
PhoenixMelior: we SHOULD lock him up though
🔗 13:17
Rhynerd: "You're right" *BANG*
🔗 13:17
Mooriarty: punch him at least
🔗 13:17
PhoenixMelior: because he's a slippery fellow
🔗 13:17
PhoenixMelior: punching doesn't make you bleed Kappa
🔗 13:17
TXC2: "a bloodless coup, all smotherings"
🔗 13:17
kronopticon: At least knock that fucker out
🔗 13:17
Caerlocc: uh oh
🔗 13:18
Nightvalien28: welp
🔗 13:18
Sektor88: welp
🔗 13:18
angelofdust337: uuuuuh
🔗 13:18
PhoenixMelior: *not
🔗 13:18
Sektor88: dammit
🔗 13:18
PhoenixMelior: nooooooo
🔗 13:18
BusTed: :V
🔗 13:18
Nightvalien28: oh god
🔗 13:18
Rhynerd: Noo!
🔗 13:19
TXC2: screw you beck!
🔗 13:19
PhoenixMelior: aaaaand there go all the protestors
🔗 13:19
Caerlocc: NotLikeThis
🔗 13:19
DarkMorford: Hoo boy.
🔗 13:19
PhoenixMelior: WE LIKED YOU BECK... ONCE
🔗 13:19
Nightvalien28: welp
🔗 13:19
kronopticon: Suddenly they're all humans now
🔗 13:19
angelofdust337: oooooooooooooh
🔗 13:19
EmteeAK: lrrAWW
🔗 13:19
nevil0ck: even the horses are humans
🔗 13:19
KamikazeAardvark: i'm guessing that was cocorico's gun and if we'd saved him the wolf wouldn't have had a weapon
🔗 13:19
TXC2: well poop
🔗 13:19
Rhynerd: Yes.
🔗 13:20
kronopticon: yeah. it was then. with the friar
🔗 13:20
Mooriarty: pretty sure it was shooting the tortured guy, that one seems obvious
🔗 13:20
TXC2: yes, we've DEFINITELY made mistakes
🔗 13:20
Calaveth: I got the same ending. Its easy to end up here.
🔗 13:21
Mooriarty: new name AGAIN? dammit falcon
🔗 13:21
PhoenixMelior: oh i see
🔗 13:21
BusTed: Bad end? Neutral end?
🔗 13:21
Sektor88: that happened
🔗 13:21
PhoenixMelior: so you could replay from wherever to try and get the different endings
🔗 13:21
castlewise: Chaos end?
🔗 13:22
hippitybobbity: strudel is fine
🔗 13:22
EmteeAK: Is there multiple endings?
🔗 13:22
Sektor88: So now we can go back in time and not screw up? :P
🔗 13:22
TXC2: Danse macbre
🔗 13:22
Mooriarty: there are three paths I think
🔗 13:22
kronopticon: a game by sketchy logic? aint that right.
🔗 13:22
Rhynerd: So that was the ending we received..
🔗 13:22
Caerlocc: yeah bad end I think
🔗 13:22
TXC2: well time for Johnathen creek Kapa
🔗 13:22
PhoenixMelior: I feel like Heather will probably switch to another game now
🔗 13:22
Rhynerd: I could imagine a worse end.
🔗 13:22
TXC2: * Kappa
🔗 13:22
hippitybobbity: not as good as chocolate chip cookies oh hey look what I've got
🔗 13:22
Angnor33: I think this is bad end.
🔗 13:22
Invisible_Queen: the logic, it's so sketchy
🔗 13:22
Escherichia3: Spoilers: Sparrowson is going to have a bad time in vienna in 1848.
🔗 13:22
KamikazeAardvark: 3 yes 4A,4B, & 4C
🔗 13:22
Calaveth: I dont know if they call them good or bad.
🔗 13:22
EricTheOrange: well considering we buggered up every case i'd assume this is the worse ending
🔗 13:22
Sektor88: Hodor confirmed worst bird lawyer :P
🔗 13:23
DarkMorford: Finland!
🔗 13:23
PhoenixMelior: Fin. Land.
🔗 13:23
Sektor88: :P
🔗 13:23
EmteeAK: I totally want to pick this game up... :D
🔗 13:23
kronopticon: That sentiment will remain eternal.
🔗 13:23
Caerlocc: !game very good
🔗 13:23
Sektor88: !game good
🔗 13:23
LRRbot: Rating for Aviary Attorney on Heather's Handhelds is now 96% (27/28)
🔗 13:23
Rhynerd: But now you know how birb law works
🔗 13:23
PhoenixMelior: ohhh I see
🔗 13:23
Rhynerd: Now you can play again and save them all
🔗 13:23
Invisible_Queen: maybe France is Birb Finland
🔗 13:24
Mooriarty: so we only forgot to get the pen in c3?
🔗 13:24
PhoenixMelior: so were there multiple endings for Cases 1-3?
🔗 13:24
Sektor88: No chapter select?
🔗 13:24
Mooriarty: PhoenixMelior, there are, but they don't change the ending
🔗 13:24
PhoenixMelior: that's still cool
🔗 13:24
Random_Robin: That is chapter select
🔗 13:24
KamikazeAardvark: no i think the case in 2 decides whether you can save cocorico or not
🔗 13:24
Rhynerd: And I know what I'm gonna do once I get this game...
🔗 13:24
TXC2: "marge i'm confused, is this a good ending or a bad one?" "it's an ending, that's enough"
🔗 13:25
PhoenixMelior: game actually seems pretty great
🔗 13:25
PhoenixMelior: may have to add that to my wishlist
🔗 13:25
Sektor88: the time options rminded me a lot of devil survivor
🔗 13:25
Calaveth: Can you avoid getting the lion framed in the first case?
🔗 13:25
PhoenixMelior: yeah - that makes me angry too Heather
🔗 13:25
Rhynerd: @calaveth probably
🔗 13:25
kronopticon: !quote 799
🔗 13:25
LRRbot: Quote #799: "Your aim is true, *** bird." —Graham [2015-10-07]
🔗 13:25
Sektor88: Nuzlocke time? :P
🔗 13:25
EricTheOrange: Play Peggle 2
🔗 13:25
Mooriarty: Calaveth, yes, if you fail the trial
🔗 13:25
Sektor88: YES PEGGLE
🔗 13:25
hippitybobbity: oh dang is it the cute kirby
🔗 13:25
TXC2: Kriby would be fine!
🔗 13:25
Mangledpixel: !findquote bird
🔗 13:25
LRRbot: Quote #799: "Your aim is true, *** bird." —Graham [2015-10-07]
🔗 13:26
Rhynerd: !findquote bird
🔗 13:26
LRRbot: Quote #799: "Your aim is true, *** bird." —Graham [2015-10-07]
🔗 13:26
kronopticon: there's only 2 bird quotes
🔗 13:26
Calaveth: Rhynerd, I tried, but still got to the same result, so Im not sure.
🔗 13:26
Mooriarty: Calaveth, doesn't change that much tbh, they never show up again and you're still drinking because she lied to you and you failed
🔗 13:26
kronopticon: !quote 255
🔗 13:26
LRRbot: Quote #255: "I can't wait for the opportunity to inject myself with morphine I found on the ground." —Alex [2015-05-09]
🔗 13:26
Sektor88: oh hell yes HW
🔗 13:26
PhoenixMelior: how much levelling do you have left to do?
🔗 13:26
Calaveth: True that.
🔗 13:26
Rhynerd: E need more bird quites
🔗 13:26
angelofdust337: Ok had to go eat for a sec, what did I miss?
🔗 13:26
Rhynerd: *we *quotes
🔗 13:27
Mooriarty: that link you twittered was neat, but they should've compared 3DS to new 3DS, not to WiiU :|
🔗 13:27
Rhynerd: @angelofdust337 war and a possibly bad end.
🔗 13:27
Caerlocc: Yeah that bummed me out since all I have is a 2ds
🔗 13:27
Sektor88 sunk the cash into Wii U HW, not willing to shell out for legends
🔗 13:27
KamikazeAardvark: Lance's best is exactly level 50 in silver
🔗 13:27
Guttersnipper: Play pokemon anyway
🔗 13:27
kronopticon: wait... did they remove some? on the quote page 255 is listed as "Bird mom? Yeah, I'd let Eileen puke in my mouth."— Cameron [2015-04-30]
🔗 13:27
PhoenixMelior: Eliter Four tops out at 50
🔗 13:27
TXC2: !quote 255
🔗 13:27
LRRbot: Quote #255: "I can't wait for the opportunity to inject myself with morphine I found on the ground." —Alex [2015-05-09]
🔗 13:28
PhoenixMelior: well the Dynasty Warriors on 3DS was pretty awful for me to play, the lag was dreadful
🔗 13:28
qrpth: 225 != 255
🔗 13:28
Mooriarty: well it depends on what you're doing. the framerate drops below 30 at some points I've heard. but the game isn't really that dependent on it like say an fps would
🔗 13:28
TXC2: !findquote Kirby
🔗 13:28
LRRbot: Quote #500: "Make out with me, Kirbys!" —Cori [2015-07-20]
🔗 13:28
Sektor88: I emember playing Warriors Orochi on the 360. Final level of one path lagged supe hard. Obviously the best way to reuce lag was to kill all the mans. :P
🔗 13:29
Sektor88 wants another DW Gundam so bad though <_<
🔗 13:29
PhoenixMelior: oh man
🔗 13:29
PhoenixMelior: I've seen that game, it was hilarious
🔗 13:29
PhoenixMelior: I want a Fire Emblem Dynasty Warriors game though
🔗 13:29
Sektor88: Orochi 3 was amazing in comparison
🔗 13:29
PhoenixMelior: that would be the tits
🔗 13:29
Sektor88: FE DW would be legit
🔗 13:29
Caerlocc: oh god that would be fantastic
🔗 13:29
Sektor88: Not sure if I want the Attack on Titan musou game
🔗 13:29
Malcairad: Tugger Nutts the baaaad cop
🔗 13:29
Rhynerd: I'd buy it.
🔗 13:29
Sektor88: I'm on the fence for it
🔗 13:29
KamikazeAardvark: DBZ Dynasty Warriors Kappa
🔗 13:30
Sektor88: I'd play that
🔗 13:30
PhoenixMelior: I just want another Empires game on a platform I have that isn't ported like *** butts
🔗 13:30
Sektor88: Actually, afte watching TFS play th naruto game that CC2 did that plays like Asura's Wrath, I want THEM to do a DBZ game
🔗 13:30
DarkMorford: Mods/Heather, did we give that a !completed?
🔗 13:30
PhoenixMelior: !game completed
🔗 13:30
LRRbot: phoenixmelior: That is a mod-only command
🔗 13:30
Sektor88: because that'd be sick
🔗 13:30
PhoenixMelior: well I can't so someone will have to
🔗 13:30
KamikazeAardvark: same here Sektor88
🔗 13:30
LoadingReadyRun: !complete
🔗 13:30
Caerlocc: :D
🔗 13:31
PhoenixMelior: it's !game completed heather
🔗 13:31
LoadingReadyRun: !game completed
🔗 13:31
LRRbot: lrrAWESOME Aviary Attorney added to the completed list
🔗 13:31
PhoenixMelior: there we go
🔗 13:31
Sektor88: woo
🔗 13:31
kronopticon: !quote 513
🔗 13:31
LRRbot: Quote #513: "Heather makes love. I make demons." —Kathleen [2015-07-21]
🔗 13:31
🔗 13:31
Sektor88: LOL
🔗 13:31
PhoenixMelior: oh man
🔗 13:31
angelofdust337: Well that's one way to end the game :P
🔗 13:31
Sektor88: I forgot that quote
🔗 13:31
PhoenixMelior: good quote
🔗 13:31
DarkMorford: lol
🔗 13:31
Sektor88: So Penelope confirmed Ishtar? :P
🔗 13:31
TXC2: does that mean Penople's a deamon?
🔗 13:31
kronopticon: No penelope confirmed Cthulu
🔗 13:31
PhoenixMelior: half demon
🔗 13:31
KamikazeAardvark: Beelzebabee?
🔗 13:31
Sektor88: So the demi-fiend
🔗 13:31
PhoenixMelior: we all know Graham is no demon
🔗 13:32
PhoenixMelior: Penelope confirmed DemiDevimon
🔗 13:32
Rhynerd: But we don't know the full context of Kathleen's quote.
🔗 13:32
Sektor88: lol
🔗 13:32
PhoenixMelior: I think I do
🔗 13:32
Sektor88: yah, same
🔗 13:32
kronopticon: I think considering the value of the quote its context is irrelevant
🔗 13:32
PhoenixMelior: Heather shipping in Fire Emblem, Kathleen fusing demons in Devil Survivor
🔗 13:32
Rhynerd: It could be that despite graham being human, Penelope could be a full on demon.
🔗 13:33
KamikazeAardvark: well if Inuyasha taught me anything.... Kappa
🔗 13:33
kronopticon: Wait i've got it. Penelope is a Cambion!
🔗 13:34
Malcairad: Wells are time travel devices?
🔗 13:34
PhoenixMelior: and at the new moon she will lose her powers
🔗 13:34
Rhynerd: And what was it about full moons?
🔗 13:35
PhoenixMelior: nothing, I thought
🔗 13:35
pokemonblast65: I just got the notification that the streak is live
🔗 13:35
Malcairad: Are there any quotes from Graham or Kathleen aboot not having kids?
🔗 13:35
Rhynerd: Oh.
🔗 13:35
PhoenixMelior: I just remember something about Inuyasha losing his power on the night of one of the moons
🔗 13:35
Mooriarty: yay
🔗 13:35
KamikazeAardvark: so where is Penelope's Tetsuaiga? Kappa
🔗 13:35
TXC2: and we're back
🔗 13:35
Malcairad: She needs her mothers tooth
🔗 13:35
Rhynerd: @pokemonblast65 oh twitch goozled you out of seeing the ending to Aviary Attorney.
🔗 13:36
TXC2: !storm
🔗 13:36
LRRbot: Today's storm count: 0
🔗 13:36
SquareDotCube: This kinda looks like the last level
🔗 13:36
Random_Robin: It is the last level
🔗 13:36
TXC2: yeap twitch STILL hasn't seen that sub from the start of the stream
🔗 13:36
PhoenixMelior: was it you
🔗 13:36
Malcairad: Heather, what game has been your favorite so far?
🔗 13:36
TXC2: no
🔗 13:36
GDwarf: You know what they call a Quarter-pounder-with-cheese on the sidewalk in France? A Royale Road. :B
🔗 13:37
Mooriarty: well twitch showed that one to some of us
🔗 13:37
qrpth: TXC2: I updated LRRbot today and stuff broke.
🔗 13:37
Random_Robin: Does the game look laggy?
🔗 13:37
embyrr922: Yeah, the notifier never popped and the storm count ignored me :/
🔗 13:37
Mooriarty: #blameqrpth then <3
🔗 13:37
Sektor88: yeah, does look a bit sluggish
🔗 13:37
qrpth: Everything is fine.
🔗 13:37
Malcairad: All the hanhelds
🔗 13:37
kronopticon: I've discovered how penelope may have happened.
🔗 13:37
kronopticon: !quote 1356
🔗 13:37
LRRbot: Quote #1356: "Babies come from hugging people." —Graham [2014-08-01]
🔗 13:37
Sektor88: lawl
🔗 13:37
embyrr922: But Heather noticed, and that's the important part :)
🔗 13:37
TXC2: sounds right Kronopticon
🔗 13:37
qrpth: !game
🔗 13:37
LRRbot: Currently playing: Aviary Attorney (rating 96%)
🔗 13:38
qrpth: !game refresh
🔗 13:38
LRRbot: Currently playing: Aviary Attorney (rating 96%)
🔗 13:38
PhoenixMelior: oh that's a New Testament quote
🔗 13:38
qrpth: Uh. This isn't brids.
🔗 13:38
andrew: K K K KIRBY TIME
🔗 13:38
PhoenixMelior: or You Testament, rather
🔗 13:38
TXC2: hello Andrew welcome
🔗 13:38
DarkMorford: !game
🔗 13:38
LRRbot: Currently playing: Aviary Attorney (rating 96%)
🔗 13:38
andrew: hi Heather! hi chat friends!
🔗 13:38
DarkMorford: Hey andrew!
🔗 13:38
PhoenixMelior: hey andrew
🔗 13:38
GDwarf: Phoenixmelior: Was gonna say
🔗 13:38
kronopticon: hey andrew!
🔗 13:38
Sektor88: hai andrew
🔗 13:38
qrpth: Uh, what game are you playing?
🔗 13:38
qrpth: :p
🔗 13:39
Random_Robin: kirby triple deluxe
🔗 13:39
pokemonblast65: Heather whats your favorite Pokemon of all time
🔗 13:39
qrpth: !game override Kirbj Triple Deluxe
🔗 13:39
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Kirbj Triple Deluxe
🔗 13:39
Rhynerd: Kirbj
🔗 13:39
qrpth: !game override Kirby Triple Deluxe
🔗 13:39
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Kirby Triple Deluxe
🔗 13:39
PhoenixMelior: aw yeah love me some Kirbj
🔗 13:39
qrpth: Hush.
🔗 13:39
qrpth: !game good
🔗 13:39
LRRbot: Rating for Kirby Triple Deluxe on Heather's Handhelds is now 100% (1/1)
🔗 13:39
andrew: hahahaha
🔗 13:39
pokemonblast65: eevee is the most versatile pokemon
🔗 13:40
Rhynerd: What's wrong with enjoying a bit of kirbj?
🔗 13:40
Mooriarty: !game good
🔗 13:40
TXC2: kirby is Japanese for black hole right? Kappa
🔗 13:40
Random_Robin: !game good
🔗 13:40
Guttersnipper: which eeveelution then?
🔗 13:40
Sektor88: Got bored and was looking up stuff about the new port of Rz. yay for new contnt. Kind of want to stram it since I'm actually not horrible at railshooters And it's a short game
🔗 13:40
kronopticon: Kirby. This is the creature that is spawned when you take a bag of holding, put a portable hole in it and then turn it inside out.
🔗 13:40
LRRbot: Rating for Kirby Triple Deluxe on Heather's Handhelds is now 100% (3/3)
🔗 13:40
angelofdust337: just started a couple of games recently
🔗 13:41
TXC2: it's Mr and Mrs snowball
🔗 13:41
pokemonblast65: I thought they were gonna become a double boss battle
🔗 13:41
SquareDotCube: It's alright, they can make another Kappa
🔗 13:42
🔗 13:42
pokemonblast65: that's not a black hole it's a worm hole
🔗 13:42
Random_Robin: Can you eat those doors?
🔗 13:42
sjard42: !next
🔗 13:42
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (1:17 from now).
🔗 13:43
angelofdust337: started Life is Strange and Final Fantasy Type 0 to be exact, interesting games
🔗 13:43
TXC2: Heather "a real door" dere
🔗 13:43
PhoenixMelior: I'm getting closer to finishing Fire Emblem Birthright
🔗 13:43
Mangledpixel: a door-able
🔗 13:43
TXC2: *dery
🔗 13:43
Sektor88: Angelofdust337 Type 0 SO GOOD
🔗 13:43
Mooriarty: I've yet to understand what's actually going on, but the music is cheerful and there are lots of bright colors sparkling around, so it's fine I guess :P
🔗 13:43
Malcairad: He really devours literature
🔗 13:43
kronopticon: !quote 1227
🔗 13:43
LRRbot: Quote #1227: "At least I can make the door bleed..." —Alex [2015-12-04]
🔗 13:43
Sektor88: Like I'm hype for th sequel they might be making of it
🔗 13:43
Guttersnipper: To have a more interesting answer: Which starter is the best starter?
🔗 13:44
pokemonblast65: Teacher: Where is your homework? ME: Kirby ate my books.
🔗 13:44
Sektor88: guttersnipper always water
🔗 13:44
angelofdust337: Sektor88 Yeah its intro gave me a good impression, and its definitely a hajime tabata game. Looking forward to playing more
🔗 13:44
Sektor88: angelofdust337: have fun!
🔗 13:44
EGreif: what kirby game is this? It looks delightful!
🔗 13:44
qrpth: !game
🔗 13:44
LRRbot: Currently playing: Kirby Triple Deluxe (rating 100%) (overridden)
🔗 13:44
EGreif: ah
🔗 13:44
EGreif: triple deluxe :D
🔗 13:45
TXC2: "i came in here too quickly" nope, too easy Kappa
🔗 13:45
angelofdust337: Sektor88 Yeah its fun so far, and the story actually looks interesting
🔗 13:45
EGreif: Kirby is disturbing.
🔗 13:45
PhoenixMelior: I got Type 0 HD during a sale a while ago
🔗 13:45
Sektor88: angelofdust337: Considering it's part of the fabula nova crystalis line (aka FFXIII's universe), yeah, I lov the contrast
🔗 13:45
PhoenixMelior: nice to hear it's gonna be good once I get around to it
🔗 13:45
Sektor88: since XIII was... not for me
🔗 13:45
Rhynerd: Oh well
🔗 13:45
PhoenixMelior: XIII got better the second time through
🔗 13:46
kronopticon: Kirby is just as bad as the licky ghosts paul had to deal with yesterday
🔗 13:46
Guttersnipper: I will always stand by Cyndaquil, even if it's bad even after getting its HA
🔗 13:46
PhoenixMelior: may have been because I was playing with my at the time boyfriend but it was better
🔗 13:46
Sektor88: And I'm looking forward to FFXV
🔗 13:46
angelofdust337: Phoenixmelior gameplay wise yeah, but the story never hooked me
🔗 13:46
PhoenixMelior: Totodile and Mudkip are best starters by the way
🔗 13:46
EGreif: Heather: I never get sick of you and other LRR people humming with the game music. Please never ever stop. :)
🔗 13:46
pokemonblast65: BTW who knew Cam has Tricadecaphobia
🔗 13:46
PhoenixMelior: @Angelofdust337 Oh, I had some PROBLEMS with the story, I made that very clear when I finally saw the ending
🔗 13:46
Sektor88: phoenixmelior, inb4 I hard you like mudkips? :P
🔗 13:46
Sektor88: er, heard
🔗 13:46
Rhynerd: I'm personally a blaziken kind of fellow, so I guess I'd choose torchic.
🔗 13:46
Sektor88: but yes, water starters ftw
🔗 13:47
Sektor88: OG blastoise for me
🔗 13:47
PhoenixMelior: Chespin was my favourite in X/Y
🔗 13:47
angelofdust337: Sektor88 Yeah its doing something interesting with those concepts, though if anything it feels like FF8 thematically
🔗 13:47
andrew: lrrGOAT
🔗 13:47
pokemonblast65: @Phoenixmelior Chespin is the best
🔗 13:47
🔗 13:47
Random_Robin: I usually like the water starters but I took Fenekin in X
🔗 13:47
Sektor88: angelofdust337: I playd a bit of FF8, and yeah, the military school thing is similar.
🔗 13:47
Sektor88: txc2, DILLY BIRD?
🔗 13:47
PhoenixMelior: I'm skeptical about XV just because I'm really done with Fabula Nova Crystalis, also I wanted a little more than bromance the Kingdom Hearts action game out of the next Final Fantasy
🔗 13:48
Sektor88: I wonder what sun / moon's starters ae gonna look like
🔗 13:48
Rhynerd: !findquote dilly
🔗 13:48
LRRbot: Could not find any matching quotes.
🔗 13:48
angelofdust337: Phoenixmelior Yeah, XIII and XIII-2 I had a lot of problems with the story, and Lighting Returns doesn't inspire confidence
🔗 13:48
PhoenixMelior: right?
🔗 13:48
Rhynerd: Well, arguably beats getting the chocolate quote.
🔗 13:48
Guttersnipper: Meeeeh, XY was one big disappointment and the starters are part of the problem. I mean at least the fire type is not fighting again, but the whole gen is just so underwhelming.
🔗 13:48
Sektor88: I'm looking forward to XV because of the whole modern magical society and grittier feel.
🔗 13:48
Mooriarty: everything is edible if you try hard enough
🔗 13:48
PhoenixMelior: like... I feel my exhaustion is warranted. I'm still curious, but not to the point where I'm hyped
🔗 13:49
Sektor88: And I want the FF7 remake to not suck
🔗 13:49
Rhynerd: Holy crap.
🔗 13:49
PhoenixMelior: Sektor88 I have bad news for you
🔗 13:49
Sektor88: phoenixmelior: after SMTxFE, I can handle it. :P
🔗 13:49
PhoenixMelior: that's true
🔗 13:49
Random_Robin: Yeah, Kirby becomes unstopable in these last levels, you'll see
🔗 13:49
angelofdust337: Sektor88 Yeah its also trying to do some of the same things 8's story tried to do but more concise. Also definitely has some of Crisis Core's elements to it
🔗 13:49
PhoenixMelior: man, I really wish they ACTUALLY made that crossover XD
🔗 13:49
Sektor88: hel, the rmake was closer to FF7's source material than SMTxFE turned out to b
🔗 13:49
PhoenixMelior: I guess an idol game with Fire Emblem skins is fine
🔗 13:49
PhoenixMelior: it's just not what I wanted
🔗 13:49
Sektor88: phoenixmelior: you, me, and a lot fo othr people wish that
🔗 13:50
kronopticon: That is NOT a hamster
🔗 13:50
angelofdust337: Sektor88 I'm ok with what they have for the remake so far, and I'm fine with it being its own thing
🔗 13:50
Mooriarty: well yeah, it's a hamsturr
🔗 13:50
Sektor88: And I want MT4F to be good, but I'm iffy about that. Like I'll still play it but my hype is not maximum
🔗 13:50
nattsan: Honestly I'm hard pressed to think of an actively bad Kirby game.
🔗 13:50
Sektor88: angelofdust337: It looks like a decent action RPG, but again, like with SMT4F, I'll be going in cautious
🔗 13:50
PhoenixMelior: I may skip SMT4F
🔗 13:51
Sektor88: I wouldn't blame you for that
🔗 13:51
Rhynerd: Ninja Kirby begins his infiltration of the Clockworks
🔗 13:51
TXC2: nattsan I'm sure there's at least one
🔗 13:51
BlueMechanic: believe it
🔗 13:51
pokemonblast65: wait what alien species is Kirby
🔗 13:51
PhoenixMelior: I still haven't beaten SMT4 (KENJI!!!!!) and the issues I had with it probably won't be addressed all that well
🔗 13:51
Sektor88: I just like the mainline gams a lot, and they come out so infrequently
🔗 13:51
PhoenixMelior: I know that feel
🔗 13:51
EricTheOrange: DILLY BAR!
🔗 13:51
angelofdust337: Sektor88 I just remember people being sore about changes, which I was expecting to begin with so I'm fine with it
🔗 13:51
PhoenixMelior: I just love Atlus so much
🔗 13:51
kronopticon: !findquote bar
🔗 13:51
LRRbot: Quote #626: "Why can't I quit you, prop gold bar?" —Cameron [2014-10-26]
🔗 13:51
Sektor88: The Devs said they listened to player fedback and focuse don it heavily for SMT4F, so maybe they will be?
🔗 13:51
Rhynerd: @pokemonblast65 good question.
🔗 13:51
PhoenixMelior: the times they hit are so much more numerous than the times they miss
🔗 13:52
pokemonblast65: boss time
🔗 13:52
PhoenixMelior: Like - if any of you get the chance, play Stella Glow. It's basically Final Fantasy Tactics with a musical spin
🔗 13:52
EricTheOrange: @Phoenixmelior what would you say your favorite Atlus game is?
🔗 13:52
PhoenixMelior: @Erictheorange oh geez.
🔗 13:52
Sektor88: I just want more devil summoner games
🔗 13:52
PhoenixMelior: I think right now it's Persona 4 Golden
🔗 13:52
Sektor88: Not specifically raidou games, but moe classic devil summoner games with modrn mechanics
🔗 13:52
Rhynerd: We've gone to plaid!
🔗 13:52
PhoenixMelior: Lost Dimension is really up there though, that game was so charming for what it is
🔗 13:52
EricTheOrange: @Phoenixmelior the only problem I had with stella glow was the harem stuff. that's always rubbed me the wrong way
🔗 13:53
angelofdust337: And I'm interested in what TMS FE will do, that is if I ever get a Wii U given the recent announcement
🔗 13:53
PhoenixMelior: @Erictheorange yeah that part's a little weird.
🔗 13:53
PhoenixMelior: what was the announcement, angelofdust337 ?
🔗 13:53
napsterthegrey: !next
🔗 13:53
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (1:06 from now).
🔗 13:53
angelofdust337: Many people have weirdly recommended Stellaglow to me
🔗 13:53
PhoenixMelior: Stella Glow is a lot of fun. I didn't get very far but the mechanics were REALLY solid and the characters had charm
🔗 13:54
angelofdust337: Phoenixmelior Nintendo is going to cease the production of the Wii U by the end of the year
🔗 13:54
pokemonblast65: why do I here the Benny Hill theme when watching this battle
🔗 13:54
PhoenixMelior: whoa
🔗 13:54
Sektor88: Gotta get ready for dat NX
🔗 13:54
Lycodrake: gg
🔗 13:54
PhoenixMelior: I wasn't expecting that
🔗 13:54
TXC2: Angelofdust337 what?
🔗 13:54
PhoenixMelior: now I guess I need to decide if I want one
🔗 13:54
angelofdust337: Txc2 yep
🔗 13:54
Lycodrake: got rekt
🔗 13:54
Sektor88: Kinda shocked they' ending it this year though
🔗 13:54
Sektor88: it's only been out for not even 4 years
🔗 13:55
PhoenixMelior: yeah
🔗 13:55
PhoenixMelior: I guess it really didn't sell?
🔗 13:55
Sektor88: guess it really tanked, yeah
🔗 13:55
Lycodrake: waddledee!?
🔗 13:55
Sektor88: SMTxF woulda saved it though Kappa
🔗 13:55
angelofdust337: I might get Stellaglow then if its that fun, I'm indifferent to that type of schlock at this point
🔗 13:55
PhoenixMelior: ^
🔗 13:55
kronopticon: Nintendo have kinda flatlined a bit....
🔗 13:55
EricTheOrange: Well I hope the NX is backwards compatable with WiiU games then. I do hope to one day have the money to get a WiiU. Many games on it i want to play.
🔗 13:55
rebellioususername: *stops lurking and reveals himself* TADAAAAAAA
🔗 13:55
Lancer873: Wha, no birbs?
🔗 13:55
TXC2: hello Rebellioususername welcome
🔗 13:55
🔗 13:56
TXC2: Lancer873 we beat it
🔗 13:56
Sektor88: erictheorange, it's feasible. ninty's been good about that for th epast few gens
🔗 13:56
Lancer873: Oh. Well.
🔗 13:56
PhoenixMelior: @Angelofdust337 shlock as in tactics games or stuff with the harem thing in it, because the harem section doesn't seem to be that central.
🔗 13:56
groverfield2: What's the NX's big thing?
🔗 13:56
Nekobun: We're not sure yet what the big thing is.
🔗 13:56
PhoenixMelior: I mean, there's not really anything on the Wii U I've wanted to drop the cash to buy a whole new console to play
🔗 13:56
Sektor88: And in all fairness, their main gimmicks (stupid big tablet controller and motion controls) didn't do it for me, and I optd to not use them whnever I could
🔗 13:56
pokemonblast65: @Phoenixmelior do you know if World Championship card are legal in Canadian Highlander
🔗 13:56
CapnRobert: nx has been announced nintendo themselves has said more info at this e3 for sure now whether that info includes a release date or not is unknown
🔗 13:56
Nekobun: The rumor is that it's a console/handheld hybrid.
🔗 13:56
Sektor88: yeah, that's a popular one
🔗 13:57
Nekobun: But nothing official's been released about the NX, either.
🔗 13:57
angelofdust337: Phoenixmelior The latter, just used to it at this point. Sometimes I might even be in the mood for garbage schlock
🔗 13:57
Rhynerd: That joke aside, hi @rebellioususername
🔗 13:57
Lycodrake: he mad
🔗 13:57
Nekobun: I'm expecting E3 announcement, on sale sometime in 2017.
🔗 13:57
Sektor88: Maybe it'll be lik the PS4 / vita model, cross saves abound and all that
🔗 13:57
PhoenixMelior: @Angelofdust337 hey, sometimes I have fun with it too. Conception II was hilarious XD
🔗 13:57
CapnRobert: also basically nothing is confirmed about the console officially
🔗 13:57
PhoenixMelior: @Pokemonblast65 I may be canadian, but I don't play the highlanders, sorry
🔗 13:57
kronopticon: Oh wow. kirby versus generally nice nature
🔗 13:57
angelofdust337: Phoenixmelior Was that even any fun?
🔗 13:57
DarkMorford hides from the NX talk
🔗 13:57
nattsan: That's been de-bucnked.
🔗 13:57
Sektor88: or maybe like lgit hybrid. handheld component that plugs into a dock when you'e at home for more features
🔗 13:58
Sektor88: Ah, has it?
🔗 13:58
pokemonblast65: @Phoenixmelior I was just wondering if you knew but ok
🔗 13:58
EGreif: yeah, hit him in his stupid flowery face!
🔗 13:58
TXC2: we get it tree, you vape Kappa
🔗 13:59
Nekobun: Yeah, the rumors feel like a waste of time once people get invested in them and then mostly turn out wrong.
🔗 13:59
rebellioususername: So I got a new laptop. because my tablet was dying. so far it's good but the harddrive is loud. not loud that I think there's something wrong but driving me insane. I'm thinking that installing the spare SSD I have might be a solution.
🔗 13:59
PhoenixMelior: @Angelofdust337 the dungeon crawling and the dating sim aspects were fun (in small doses, I got pretty far in but haven't played in a while), the classmating thing got weird. Especially the part where I had an all dude threesome
🔗 13:59
rebellioususername: I'm assuming the SSD won't be making noise like a platter drive
🔗 13:59
angelofdust337: Phoenixmelior oh my
🔗 13:59
FITorion: I don't anticipate Nintendo doing anything I'm going to want to buy this round. Wii U was/is wholly uninteresting and NX seems to be in the same vein
🔗 13:59
rebellioususername: I'm looking at disassembly instructions for the HDD and god do I hate working on latops
🔗 14:00
Sektor88: Rebellioususername, go for it. I'm actually contemplayiting getting a nice SSD and big HDD for my lappy when I gt employment again
🔗 14:00
Guttersnipper: well people were banned
🔗 14:00
Sektor88: since access times are getting a bit ridonk on my current machine
🔗 14:00
EricTheOrange: Well I could get into a whole leaks VS Journalism talk, but I don't feel like this is the best place to talk about it.
🔗 14:00
EGreif: Heather: I currently do not own a Wii U or a NEW 3DS. Should I wait to buy a NX, do you think, or are all of the nintendo console offerings worthy of purchase even after the release of the NX?
🔗 14:00
rebellioususername: @Sektor88 well I might see if the other one we have in stock makes the same noise or not
🔗 14:00
TXC2: Rebellioususername SSD's make little to no noise by design
🔗 14:00
PhoenixMelior: if you want a good dose of ridiculous, Conception II will serve you well
🔗 14:00
theflanman5: !next
🔗 14:00
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (59m from now).
🔗 14:00
angelofdust337: But right now I'm really anxious about all the talk about Sony and Microsoft doing those .5 versions of the current consoles
🔗 14:00
Sektor88: rebellioususername: anyway, SSD pros: no noise from drive and superfast acces time. Just turn on TRIM support
🔗 14:01
rebellioususername: ok what FREE software do I want to use to clone to an SSD I already have all the hardware.
🔗 14:01
angelofdust337: Phoenixmelior hmm might consider it getting it eventually. Though there's a lot of 3DS games I need to get
🔗 14:01
CapnRobert: yeah basically nothing is officially confirmed about the nx by Nintendo to my knowledge. Nintendo has said officially though NX is something they are working on and more info about it at this e3
🔗 14:01
Sektor88: Talking about laks, I'm surprised that Marvel managed to kep the spiderman eveal for civil war hidden for so long
🔗 14:01
PhoenixMelior: @Angelofdust337 Oh I know the feeling, just with Vita games.
🔗 14:01
pokemonblast65: I hate card leaks
🔗 14:01
Sektor88: *leaks
🔗 14:01
rebellioususername: further the leaks really hurt people comprehending the colorless thing
🔗 14:01
TXC2: !highlight Heather lays out leaks
🔗 14:01
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 14:01
Sektor88: leak spin? Kappa
🔗 14:02
theflanman5: putting in that much work to get nothing is one of the worst feelings ever
🔗 14:02
PhoenixMelior: leaks and rumours are typically bad news
🔗 14:02
Guttersnipper: People would have misunderstood colourless mana anyway, let's not blame the leaks.
🔗 14:03
PhoenixMelior: I also thought new Kozi was fake due to the wording on him
🔗 14:03
Nekobun: The worst is seeing writers you actually like and follow treating rumors like essentially gospel.
🔗 14:03
Laserbeaks_Fury: Yeah, there's been some leaks about Steven Universe from CN UK that I've been trying to avoid, but it keeps popping up on my YouTube recommends because I watch SU videos
🔗 14:03
pokemonblast65: brb
🔗 14:03
FITorion: Nintendo has done great things that surprised me in the past... so It's possible they could wow me.
🔗 14:03
rebellioususername: I will look at leaks when they are out because I can't help myself but honestly I'd rather with something like MAgic that leaks didn't happen so the Wizards can work with their plan and put their best foot forward.
🔗 14:03
angelofdust337: Phoenixmelior Yeah though I'm getting less of that with the vita because the games I really want to get on that keep getting ported
🔗 14:04
TXC2: Laserbeaks_fury the only SU thing I care about is when the *** it's comming back
🔗 14:04
groverfield2: I most prefer speculation, official leaks are nice if they don't go into spoilers...
🔗 14:04
Nekobun: There are at least one or two games writers I've seen talking about NX stuff as if it's remotely confirmed and I'm like, "You're better than this."
🔗 14:04
PhoenixMelior: @Angelofdust337 true, though I still want certain games like the Danganronpas and the Trails games. They seem cool and I may as well buy games for my system
🔗 14:04
Guttersnipper: Oath leaks were a sad occurrence, killing the hype and all, but at least it was confirmed Oath was not as bad as BFZ
🔗 14:04
CapnRobert: I agree though not as a blanket policy
🔗 14:05
SquareDotCube: So do you have guard in this game, right? Might be thing you need to do here
🔗 14:05
angelofdust337: Phoenixmelior Yeah, good thing those are getting/have pc ports
🔗 14:05
CapnRobert: across the board
🔗 14:05
Lycodrake: boss rushes are interesting
🔗 14:05
ProfessorPester: I have to ask, chat, how did this leak discussion start? I just got here.
🔗 14:05
Samph1re: The worst thing is when people talk about things that happen in trailers for films as though we've all watched it. And I'm like "I've already decided I'm going to watch this film. I don't need the 'approved spoilers' to convince me."
🔗 14:05
PhoenixMelior: I think we were takling about the Wii U rumour
🔗 14:05
rebellioususername: this is the computer for those curious. my only complaint so far aside form the noise is the screen could be a bit brighter but I'll adapt http://www.cnet.com/products/hp-pavilion-x360-13-a040ca-13-3-a-series-a8-6410-windows-8-1-64-bit-6-gb-ram-500-gb-hdd/specs/
🔗 14:05
groverfield2: Oh
🔗 14:06
angelofdust337: Samph1re It seems to be really bad when some trailers are edited so badly they reveal practically everything
🔗 14:06
andrew: @ProfessorPester, I leaked all of the plots for the upcoming season of commodore hustle, including the one where Graham and James run against each other for president & Beej's whole time-travel subplot
🔗 14:06
groverfield2: I thought it was 'cause I asked if there was any info on what the NX was gonna bring
🔗 14:06
PhoenixMelior: @Groverfield2 well either way the Wii U ending production started that line of discussion
🔗 14:06
Mooriarty: andrew, could you please leak those to the crew? I'm sure they'd like to film it
🔗 14:06
Mowdownjoe: Man, Twitch ads have been buggy AF lately.
🔗 14:06
PhoenixMelior: Twitch has been buggy AF lately
🔗 14:06
SquareDotCube: Again, you have Guard right?
🔗 14:06
Samph1re: angelofdust337, yeah. even when they don't, tho. Like, everywhere on the internet is assuming we've all seen every trailer for Captain America: Civil War, and I'm like "noo, I want to go in without spoilers, dammit"
🔗 14:06
Rhynerd: !death
🔗 14:06
LRRbot: lrrAWW 1 death for Kirby Triple Deluxe on Heather's Handhelds
🔗 14:06
Compleatly: !death
🔗 14:06
LRRbot: compleatly: A similar command has been registered recently
🔗 14:07
andrew: @Mooriarty, hahaha right?
🔗 14:07
groverfield2: @Phoenixmelior I figured that there's always people at console making places that are thinking of what to bring to their next console
🔗 14:07
Compleatly: !totaldeath
🔗 14:07
LRRbot: 20186 total deaths
🔗 14:07
PhoenixMelior: it's true
🔗 14:07
angelofdust337: Samph1re Yeah, that's a consequence of YT culture :P
🔗 14:07
PhoenixMelior: some of them were terrible ideas, is all
🔗 14:07
PhoenixMelior: remember when the XBox One conference first hit?
🔗 14:07
andrew: Spicy Frog used flame attack
🔗 14:07
Mowdownjoe: This seems like aterrible type matchup.
🔗 14:07
Compleatly: Andrew: What about the subplot about Alex actually being Kathleen's brother?
🔗 14:08
groverfield2: *shudder*
🔗 14:08
Samph1re: angelofdust337, it's at its worst when people tell me "they're not spoilers cos they were released by the company"
🔗 14:08
groverfield2: I still don't have an XBone
🔗 14:08
TXC2: ah the joys of your internet crapping out on you lrrEFF
🔗 14:08
PhoenixMelior: my dad got an Xbone, I have no idea why
🔗 14:08
RAICx: I think his lava dance is hot
🔗 14:08
Mooriarty: #blametwitch
🔗 14:08
Rhynerd: I don't think the boss enjoys the lava dance either.
🔗 14:08
PhoenixMelior: I told him from the beginning the only one I care for game wise is the PS4
🔗 14:08
groverfield2: then again, I got fed up at the 360's "pay so you can use this as a netflix box"
🔗 14:08
Mowdownjoe: PUNALTY FOUL, Raicx!
🔗 14:08
CaptainSpam: Just don't stop to wonder what the heck those stars Kirby is eating are supposed to be.
🔗 14:08
angelofdust337: Samph1re Yeah, I know some are sick of worrying about spoilers but you still need to warn people
🔗 14:09
Malcairad: I come back first thing I hear is " NO TONGUE!"
🔗 14:09
Nekobun: This kind of reminds me of Vulkin from Undertale. Like, what would happen if it never got hugs.
🔗 14:09
Valdinzar24: I kind of like this bosses twitchy movement
🔗 14:09
Mooriarty: is the frog even fighting you?
🔗 14:09
MousseFilledCat: !game
🔗 14:09
LRRbot: Currently playing: Kirby Triple Deluxe (rating 100%) (overridden)
🔗 14:09
RAICx: Mowdownjoe but my pun game is on fire
🔗 14:09
Rhynerd: "You eat people, I eat people, we could be friends!"
🔗 14:09
Compleatly: Why wouldn't you fight it Heather? If you kill it you can eat it.
🔗 14:09
Malcairad: This battle is really heating up
🔗 14:10
Rhynerd: @Compleatly that's not how Kirby works?
🔗 14:10
pokemonblast65: Im back
🔗 14:10
Compleatly: Rhynerd: That's how every kirby works. You kill foes and eat them
🔗 14:10
andrew: @Malcairad, your jokes are burning up the chat :P
🔗 14:10
Random_Robin: You eat while they are still alive
🔗 14:10
Random_Robin: *eat them
🔗 14:10
Sektor88: Actual cannibal Kirby LaBeouf Kappa
🔗 14:10
Rhynerd: @compleatly last time I checked you kill your foes by eating them, and killing them rarely yields food.
🔗 14:10
Malcairad: That boss is on fire, he must be kirbys old flame
🔗 14:10
TXC2: Kirby likes it fresh Kappa
🔗 14:10
angelofdust337: Andrew Malcairad Ok can you stop it with the puns before things get too heated
🔗 14:11
FITorion: I liked the Wii over the other consoles for its unique control scheme... but this generation I have PS4... I think the NX would have to break the mold again like the Wii did to get me interested in it... like if it was a super powerful VR beast machine or something...
🔗 14:11
Lycodrake: !next
🔗 14:11
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (48m from now).
🔗 14:11
Sektor88: The last Nintndo console I was legit hypd for was the N64
🔗 14:11
andrew: @angelofdust337, sorry, I was just trying to blow off some steam
🔗 14:11
Compleatly: Rhynerd: Maybe so. I've played like 1 kirby game Kappa
🔗 14:11
Malcairad: Don't get hopping mad now, puns are fun
🔗 14:11
Sektor88: but I bought the Wii U becuase there were some game son it I really wnated
🔗 14:11
Sektor88 bounces back and forth between Sony and MS primarily
🔗 14:11
Compleatly: !totalpave
🔗 14:11
LRRbot: 197 total paves
🔗 14:11
EGreif: is this on wii?
🔗 14:11
Random_Robin: 3DS
🔗 14:11
EGreif: Triple Deluxe
🔗 14:12
groverfield2: Nintendo never has been one to push graphics as its selling point, not since the N64 at least anyways
🔗 14:12
GDwarf: I have a PC, which means the console with the most exclusives for me is the WiiU
🔗 14:12
EGreif: Oh 3ds.. hmmm
🔗 14:12
BlueMechanic: why do I want to go to Mcdonalds now?
🔗 14:12
kronopticon: !sir
🔗 14:12
LRRbot: Sir? Sir! You are being very aggressive, I'm going to need you to simmer down.
🔗 14:12
EGreif: I should get!
🔗 14:12
Rhynerd: He doesn't seem to have fun doing it either.
🔗 14:12
GDwarf: Groverfield2: People forget, the GCN was more powerful than the PS2
🔗 14:12
EGreif: I like a good kirby
🔗 14:12
Kattalakis: I like the consoles with non-traaditional contol options, know lots of nongamers whi enjoy Wii and kinect
🔗 14:12
Guttersnipper: worst lava lamp
🔗 14:12
Samph1re: I turned on my Wii the other week and tried out all the channels and was like "oh, you've all been deactivated :("
🔗 14:12
pokemonblast65: gtg
🔗 14:12
EGreif: this feels like a good kirby
🔗 14:12
Compleatly: I did play that one kirby game where kirby was a ball and you had to draw with the stylus
🔗 14:12
Malcairad: This guy is crazy, he's bouncing off the walls
🔗 14:12
Compleatly: That game was weird.
🔗 14:12
andrew: lrrGOAT lrrHORN lrrGOAT
🔗 14:12
embyrr922: lrrGOAT lrrGOAT
🔗 14:12
Compleatly: !victory
🔗 14:12
LRRbot: lrrGOAT 1 victory for Kirby Triple Deluxe on Heather's Handhelds
🔗 14:12
🔗 14:12
Mowdownjoe: That was graphic.
🔗 14:12
Invisible_Queen: now i'll never be able to see the McDonalds logo as anything but a lava vomit fountain
🔗 14:12
Malcairad: That was blind playthrough win
🔗 14:13
groverfield2: @Gdwarf Yes, because they pushed the GCN for its innate 4 ports as THE multiplayer machine, also helped by its ease of portability in its light but sturdy case with a handle
🔗 14:13
andrew: alright im watchin the kirby dance then back to work
🔗 14:13
andrew: dance hype
🔗 14:13
Malcairad: So cannon is canon?
🔗 14:13
andrew: bye heather, bye chat!
🔗 14:13
Rhynerd: Bye Andrew!
🔗 14:13
RAICx: Bye Andrew
🔗 14:13
TXC2: so long Andrew have fun
🔗 14:13
EGreif: That's almost a tonguetwister
🔗 14:13
angelofdust337: bye Andrew
🔗 14:14
Mooriarty: bye andrew
🔗 14:14
PhoenixMelior: are we close to the end of the game?
🔗 14:14
EGreif: bye Andrew
🔗 14:14
Compleatly: Didn't you just finish a boss fight?
🔗 14:14
Mowdownjoe: HAUMPH
🔗 14:14
rebellioususername: hey chat guess what. we get Flashed again tonight
🔗 14:14
Random_Robin: 3 stages left I think?
🔗 14:14
TXC2: Rebellioususername que?
🔗 14:14
GDwarf: Compleatly: There are *two* Kirby games where he's a ball and you draw a path with a stylus.
🔗 14:14
Random_Robin: This one, another boss rush and final boss
🔗 14:14
Rhynerd: Well this certaibly isn't reminding me of a certain other Kirby final level
🔗 14:14
rebellioususername: @Txc2 flash is off it's 1 month hiatus, same also for arrow and supernatural
🔗 14:14
GDwarf: Apparently the 2nd "Kirby as a ball" game wasn't as good
🔗 14:15
Compleatly: GDwarf: I think I played the first one
🔗 14:15
Malcairad: Kirby: A Link to the Fast
🔗 14:15
TXC2: Rebellioususername wait supernatural got an 11th season?
🔗 14:15
CaptainSpam: Good to see that, no matter the context, warp stars still crash land and break after one use.
🔗 14:15
groverfield2: Only 11?
🔗 14:15
Guttersnipper: I wish my Sunflora was that useful
🔗 14:16
GDwarf: It just amuses me that "Kirby rolls around and you draw a path for him" is now a genre
🔗 14:16
NimrodXIV: supernatural got renewed for #12
🔗 14:16
GreyGore: @Malcairad Ironically, fasting is the last thing Kirby ever does lrrGOAT
🔗 14:16
Rhynerd: Kirby fasting doesn't seem possible
🔗 14:16
rebellioususername: @Txc2 A. yes, B. it's been renewed for 12
🔗 14:16
Mooriarty: sooooooo this is smash now?
🔗 14:16
Samph1re: look, it's not!DonkeyKong
🔗 14:16
TXC2: where does that show even have to go anymore?
🔗 14:16
kronopticon: This guy... perhaps known as... konkey dong?
🔗 14:16
Mowdownjoe: Bonkers is a classic miniboss...
🔗 14:17
Malcairad: It's so nice your enemies give you stars to throw at them
🔗 14:17
groverfield2: It survives on lonely housewives, TXC2
🔗 14:17
PhoenixMelior: Bonkers I remember
🔗 14:17
EGreif: Bonkerskong?
🔗 14:17
TXC2: Groverfield2 I see
🔗 14:17
PhoenixMelior: Heracross is my least favourite Kirby miniboss
🔗 14:17
kronopticon: "!Any Similarities Are Purely Coincidental!"
🔗 14:17
Rhynerd: Bonkey Kong.
🔗 14:17
EGreif: Noice, Heather.
🔗 14:18
TXC2: Heather "mine now!" dery
🔗 14:18
angelofdust337: Man I wonder how it must have felt for the first person to think that Prototype was a gritty version of Kirby
🔗 14:18
Magnatek: Hammer Kirby has a Fire thing, Heather. Up+B.
🔗 14:18
EGreif: haha that's cool that you're in the background. I haven't seen that sort of thing since Zeodrifter and the virtual boy wario game before that.
🔗 14:18
SquareDotCube: !tilt you say? Kappa
🔗 14:18
Samph1re: EGreif, The Oddworld games used a *lot* of it
🔗 14:19
EGreif: Samph1re ahh
🔗 14:19
Lord_Hosk: Hi heather, have you ever considered saying something like "Hi hosk"? Im asking for a friend ;)
🔗 14:19
kronopticon: Kirby doesnt like those girls. Kirby is only in it for his own selfish ends
🔗 14:19
PhoenixMelior: that was adorable
🔗 14:19
TXC2: hello Lord_hosk welcome
🔗 14:19
LibrarianPrincess: wow, this music seems really...intense for kirby.
🔗 14:19
LibrarianPrincess: also hi guys!
🔗 14:19
TXC2: hello Librarianprincess welcome
🔗 14:19
GreyGore: G'night chat, Heather o/
🔗 14:19
IndigoVitare: Triple Deluxe? Oh no! I haven't missed the final boss have I?
🔗 14:19
Mooriarty: gnight GreyGore
🔗 14:19
TXC2: so long Greygore have fun
🔗 14:19
EGreif: Heather: Xeodrifter is a good metroid-like if you want to try a fun game on vita with a tiny memory space footprint.
🔗 14:19
IndigoVitare: I know Heather was nearing the end last I saw
🔗 14:19
GDwarf: angelofdust337: Gritty? Prototype is a significantly less horrifying version of Kirby. Have you *seen* any of the Hidden True Final Bosses of Kirby games?
🔗 14:19
PhoenixMelior: not yet indigo
🔗 14:20
PhoenixMelior: someone said about three stages left
🔗 14:20
GDwarf: Angelofdust337: Also, I'm pretty sure Kirby is canonically the embodiment of consumption
🔗 14:20
Lord_Hosk: hi Txc2 thanks for the welcome!
🔗 14:20
Random_Robin: This is the last stage before the final boss, I was wrong before
🔗 14:20
PhoenixMelior: oh, well then you're just in time!
🔗 14:20
TXC2: Lord_hosk no problem, it's what I do :)
🔗 14:20
IndigoVitare: hooray, just in time for the best musics then
🔗 14:20
Rhynerd: Hi there Hosk!
🔗 14:20
Guttersnipper: Guess I'll have a shower since it's late, should be back for Alex. Night!
🔗 14:20
angelofdust337: Gdwarf Can't specifically remember, its been years since I consistently played kirby
🔗 14:20
PhoenixMelior: the only Kirbys I've played were Nightmare in Dreamland and Air Ride
🔗 14:20
PhoenixMelior: both hold fond memories for me
🔗 14:20
Lord_Hosk: Hello Rhynerd!
🔗 14:21
angelofdust337: Gdwarf So Kirby is capitalism? :D
🔗 14:21
kronopticon: Hows things hosk?
🔗 14:21
LibrarianPrincess: huh ,this is more interesting level design than I usually see out of kirby
🔗 14:21
Random_Robin: Anyone played Kirby's Dream Course?
🔗 14:21
GDwarf: angelofdust337: They tend towards eldritch shadows that possess/consume Dreamland inhabitants.
🔗 14:21
Lord_Hosk: Im having a good day
🔗 14:21
Lord_Hosk: thanks for asking Kronopticon
🔗 14:21
kronopticon: excellent :)
🔗 14:21
GDwarf: Librarianprincess: Kirby Triple Deluxe has very intricate level design
🔗 14:21
PhoenixMelior: yay, hosk! Good days are great :)
🔗 14:21
TXC2: kirby is conspicuous consumption Kappa
🔗 14:21
IndigoVitare: this game's boss isn't as "Eldritch Horror" as past games, but it does have some tragic backstory that makes it one of the sadder villains in the series
🔗 14:22
IndigoVitare: though you've got to do some reading between the lines to find it
🔗 14:22
kronopticon: By the looks of the levels I would say kirby swallowed something like acid and weed at the same time. and he's just running down the street eating people.
🔗 14:22
Dandinstorm12: Hellllllllooooo chat
🔗 14:22
TXC2: hello Dandinstorm12 welcome
🔗 14:22
Invisible_Queen: bath salts and PCP more like
🔗 14:23
Malcairad: KirbyMan?
🔗 14:23
hippitybobbity: Don't be silly kronopticon weed doesn't do that
🔗 14:23
Rhynerd: Hi Dandin!
🔗 14:23
kronopticon: Well, would those make him insatiabley hungry?
🔗 14:23
PhoenixMelior: kronopticon was saying weed gives Kirby the munchies
🔗 14:23
Dandinstorm12: hey @Rhynerd hey @Txc2
🔗 14:24
Dandinstorm12: lrrAWW
🔗 14:24
Rhynerd: Tricky doors
🔗 14:24
TXC2: anyone else yell when they saw kirby get squashed ?
🔗 14:24
Lord_Hosk: Funny thing. I went to a meeting today on campus about minority groups and inclusiveness. two of the three slides that listed minorities did not even list the group I am a part of, and the one that did, listed us as "Other groups comprising less than 1% of the minority student population* Other includes groups A B C and D (group d includes d1 d2 d3 and d4)
🔗 14:24
LibrarianPrincess: dang, REALLY interesting level design
🔗 14:24
Lord_Hosk: We are such a minority that at a meeting about minorities we get forgotten about.
🔗 14:24
Dandinstorm12: huh
🔗 14:24
GDwarf: Y'know what's hilarious? '80s action movies, in which a criminal would shrug off 473 shots to the face, only to have the police say "Well, of course, he was on [insert drug here]"
🔗 14:24
Sai_Maa: is this laggy or just my end?
🔗 14:24
Dandinstorm12: That
🔗 14:24
GDwarf: It's even more hilarious when the drug was LSD or weed
🔗 14:25
Dandinstorm12: sucks lord Hosk
🔗 14:25
GDwarf: Everyone knows LSD makes you bulletproof!
🔗 14:25
CaptainSpam: Pimp Archer Kirby.
🔗 14:25
EGreif: Gdwarf No man, that's angel dust. Stuff makes you fly too.
🔗 14:25
kronopticon: may I ask which minority?
🔗 14:25
Malcairad: Lord_hosk, what r u?
🔗 14:25
Rhynerd: I thought that was PCP
🔗 14:25
rikadyn: @Gdwarf that's pcp not lsd
🔗 14:25
TXC2: which group is that Lord_hosk If I may ask ?
🔗 14:25
Lord_Hosk: its fine, we aren't a disadvantaged minority, just underrepresented
🔗 14:25
GDwarf: Rikadyn: Depends on the movie. :P
🔗 14:25
Lord_Hosk: Veterans
🔗 14:25
groverfield2: Particle Cannon Projectile
🔗 14:25
angelofdust337: Egreif I make people what now? Kappa
🔗 14:25
TXC2: ah yes of course
🔗 14:25
Malcairad: But what color?
🔗 14:26
Dandinstorm12: I was going to guess non-traditional student, but sure veterans
🔗 14:26
kronopticon: Ahhh, fair enough. I would agree. Very underrepresented.
🔗 14:26
Malcairad: That's all that matters
🔗 14:26
PhoenixMelior: I didn't realise veterans got a minority disgnation
🔗 14:26
PhoenixMelior: *designation
🔗 14:26
Rhynerd: @angelofdust337 Demons?
🔗 14:26
LibrarianPrincess: in some ways disadvantaged, you could argue
🔗 14:26
Random_Robin: This is the boss rush I was thinking of
🔗 14:26
EGreif: Angelofdust337 bulletproof man.. don't you give indestructible to creatures "you" control?
🔗 14:26
Random_Robin: Thought it was a separate stage
🔗 14:26
PhoenixMelior: though I guess I knew they were a separate group which could make them a minority
🔗 14:26
Dandinstorm12: So Heather, how are the Handhelds treating you?
🔗 14:26
hippitybobbity: veterans are treated very badly
🔗 14:27
GDwarf: Hypernova Kirby should be terrifying on a very primal level. He is a black hole incarnate. A black hole *with intelligence*
🔗 14:27
PhoenixMelior: these flower girls are weird
🔗 14:27
EGreif: I love how heather's background is the second screen! I highly approve of this use of the green screen.
🔗 14:27
angelofdust337: Egreif Eh not really, it gets tricky even with creatures that are somewhat sentient
🔗 14:27
Lord_Hosk: We dont have nearly as many challenges as LGBTQ person or Transgender persons or most of the other groups, just funny how much of a footnote we were at THAT meeting in particular.
🔗 14:27
kronopticon: Sometimes a lot of veterans get slotted in with the "disabled minority" because of battle injuries, but that leaves out the mistreatment of things like pension and other rights
🔗 14:27
PhoenixMelior: oh good point
🔗 14:27
QuarterNote_: lord hosk married men? :p
🔗 14:27
Dandinstorm12: But Door. Has been called
🔗 14:28
PhoenixMelior: Kirby, devourer of dusk
🔗 14:28
LibrarianPrincess: he has strong
🔗 14:28
Rhynerd: What about four knights?
🔗 14:28
Rhynerd: Eat two cars and call your doctor in the morning.
🔗 14:28
TXC2: will it kirby?
🔗 14:28
kronopticon: Im sure Kirby is the infinite Hammerspace.
🔗 14:28
PhoenixMelior: Kirby just killed all of those bosses
🔗 14:28
PhoenixMelior: at once
🔗 14:28
Dandinstorm12: there are doctors that would talk to Kirby?
🔗 14:28
LibrarianPrincess: runner?
🔗 14:28
CaptainEnder7: Homestar ... Runner?
🔗 14:28
Malcairad: He is Kirby there are no sneezes
🔗 14:29
GDwarf: We get to *hypernova* through &boss fights*? Yesssssssss
🔗 14:29
PhoenixMelior: lol you ate the health bar
🔗 14:29
PhoenixMelior: cute
🔗 14:29
Invisible_Queen: couldn't Kirby just eat a doctor?
🔗 14:29
Lord_Hosk: Married men are absolutely a minority on our campus, and were recognized as such. our campus is about 61% women 38% men
🔗 14:29
Rhynerd: And the health bar
🔗 14:29
LibrarianPrincess: omg that's so clever!
🔗 14:29
Dandinstorm12: yeah that's....lrrAWW kward Heather
🔗 14:29
Dandinstorm12: damnit
🔗 14:29
Dandinstorm12: lrrAWW kward
🔗 14:29
TXC2: hypernova kirby sneezing was the big bang
🔗 14:29
TXC2: Kappa
🔗 14:29
LibrarianPrincess: I love creative fourth-wall breaking in animation/games
🔗 14:29
kronopticon: That was really meta... eating the health bar... kinda like that fighting game with deadpool in where his special move is that he grabs the health bar and beats his opponent with it
🔗 14:29
Rhynerd: It's it actually be more vomiting that would be the issue?
🔗 14:30
Lycodrake: cool spoopifer?
🔗 14:30
PhoenixMelior: ooh, Meta Knight!
🔗 14:30
Rhynerd: Cool lrrSPOOP
🔗 14:30
GDwarf: I never meta knight that wasn't cool. Kappa
🔗 14:30
Nekobun: Not to be confused with Meat Knight.
🔗 14:30
Dandinstorm12: mmmm Meta Knight is the most Meta
🔗 14:30
Malcairad: I like the meta knight
🔗 14:30
ProfessorPester: I'd love to see a Kirby game where Whispy Woods is the big bad.
🔗 14:30
EricTheOrange: @Lord_hosk wait they were talking statistcal minorities? So did they count left handed people?
🔗 14:30
Rhynerd: 1 stone short
🔗 14:30
flikerz1: dis music best music.
🔗 14:30
PhoenixMelior: wait we don't have enough stars to beat the final boss?
🔗 14:30
hippitybobbity: pink and eat things is like 90% of kirby
🔗 14:30
Random_Robin: nope
🔗 14:30
Dandinstorm12: is Meta Knight in this game?
🔗 14:31
angelofdust337: Lord_hosk Did you find any types that didn't even want you to count? Met some like those at those type of events
🔗 14:31
Random_Robin: Meta Knight is in one of the modes you unlock after the main story
🔗 14:31
TXC2: well this is a time stretching mechanic if there ever was one
🔗 14:31
GDwarf: I do wonder at the name, why "Meta Knight"? I mean, I get that "meta" means something like "above" or "outside", but it's still an odd choice
🔗 14:32
LibrarianPrincess: oh god, I'm playing Inquisition right now, don't even talk to me about time-stretching mechanics
🔗 14:32
Dandinstorm12: He's the breaker of the meta
🔗 14:32
Dandinstorm12: I dunno
🔗 14:32
EricTheOrange: @Lord_hosk what about bald people? People who don't like music? People with bad teeth? Point I'm getting at is where do you stop if anything can statisticlay be a minority.
🔗 14:32
GDwarf: Worst time stretching mechanic in a non-MMO I can think of is the Phazon hunt in Metroid Prime 3
🔗 14:32
Dandinstorm12: yeah
🔗 14:33
SquareDotCube: Remember to keep your hammer
🔗 14:33
kronopticon: behold! more health bar shenanigans! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RshrT9qoaow
🔗 14:33
Dandinstorm12: hunting for Nirnroot in Oblivion
🔗 14:33
Dandinstorm12: that *** took forever
🔗 14:33
Mowdownjoe: You probably just have to hold the hammer until that one part.
🔗 14:33
Lord_Hosk: Angelofdust337 this was voluntary self identification of demographic data on a campus climate and inclusiveness survey.
🔗 14:33
PhoenixMelior: that was a side quest though
🔗 14:33
PhoenixMelior: this is to be the main part of the game
🔗 14:33
LibrarianPrincess: yeah, I complain, but I pretty quickly had more power in Inquistion than I could ever need
🔗 14:33
angelofdust337: Lord_hosk ah ok
🔗 14:34
GDwarf: So what, from Kirby's PoV, is stopping him from rising higher than the top of the screen?
🔗 14:34
TXC2: Gdwarf self confidence?
🔗 14:34
Malcairad: Anti gravity restraints?
🔗 14:34
Rhynerd: @gdwarf air pressure?
🔗 14:34
LibrarianPrincess: the void
🔗 14:34
Dandinstorm12: oh alright fair enough @Phoenixmelior
🔗 14:35
Dandinstorm12: lrrGOAT
🔗 14:35
GDwarf: I'm pretty sure putting gunpowder in the coconuts violates the rules of any civilized coconut shy
🔗 14:35
kronopticon: Now try the fire thing?
🔗 14:35
ProkChopped: Would Kirby explode if he flew high enough? He's flown to space before
🔗 14:35
GDwarf: Also, Heather, can't you go to earlier worlds and star-hunt there, as well?
🔗 14:35
PhoenixMelior: It took me a while to realise Heather was looking for secrets and falling on purpose
🔗 14:35
The_Passerby: well. today is a bad day
🔗 14:35
GDwarf: I *really* doubt that Kirby's skin can't stand up to 1 atmosphere of pressure. :P
🔗 14:36
LibrarianPrincess: everything okay @The_passerby ?
🔗 14:36
Rhynerd: But Kirby has managed to float in space.
🔗 14:36
PhoenixMelior: you all right Passerby? Still sick?
🔗 14:36
The_Passerby: a bit but will be fine for tomorriw
🔗 14:36
Lord_Hosk: If bald people, people who didnt like must, or people who have bad teeth express that they are being mistreated treated or receiving unfair bias in the classroom or office because of that difference they absolutely would be a part of the discussion. EricTheOrange
🔗 14:37
The_Passerby: just heard what happened in Belgium
🔗 14:37
ProkChopped: How does he inhale while in space?
🔗 14:37
GDwarf: Boy, this sure is a fun mechanic here
🔗 14:37
Lord_Hosk: *didnt like music...
🔗 14:37
Rhynerd: By being Kirby
🔗 14:37
TXC2: Prokchopped MAGIC!
🔗 14:37
LibrarianPrincess: @The_passerby ah
🔗 14:37
Dandinstorm12: sounds reasonable to me @Lord_hosk
🔗 14:37
CapnRobert: pretty sure kirby does not need to breath right? he can become nearly perfectly flat for an indefinite amount of time can't he?
🔗 14:37
LathosTiran: nice puzzle, poor implementation
🔗 14:37
The_Passerby: @librarianprincess I am just feeling down plus my own probs are minor compared to all that.
🔗 14:37
ProkChopped: @TXC2, I don't think Magic Kirby is in this game Keepo
🔗 14:38
kronopticon: i think Kirby is more vacuous than space. either than or his infinite mass creates infinite gravity
🔗 14:38
SquareDotCube: Fuse puzzles have alway's been this difficult
🔗 14:38
PhoenixMelior: tilt controls! The bane of all games
🔗 14:38
LibrarianPrincess: oh god I just realized she's moving the blocks with tilt that must be exCRUciating!
🔗 14:38
GDwarf: The problem with this puzzle is the accelerometer controls
🔗 14:38
LibrarianPrincess: you go heather!
🔗 14:38
Dandinstorm12: we believe in you Heather
🔗 14:38
LibrarianPrincess: @The_passerby yeah I get that
🔗 14:38
EGreif: we believe in you, Heather!
🔗 14:38
GDwarf: Kronopticon: You can't be less dense than an absolute void. :P
🔗 14:38
ProkChopped: I hadn't considered the possibility that Kirby has a gravitational field. But wouldn't he be able to absorb things behind him?
🔗 14:39
Rhynerd: Or maybe kirbyverse space has air in it.
🔗 14:39
GDwarf: Woo!
🔗 14:39
Havok4: lrrGOAT
🔗 14:39
🔗 14:39
🔗 14:39
🔗 14:39
Dandinstorm12: lrrGOAT
🔗 14:39
ProkChopped: PogChamp
🔗 14:39
PhoenixMelior: BAM
🔗 14:39
Rhynerd: lrrGOAT
🔗 14:39
DarkMorford: lrrGOAT
🔗 14:39
PhoenixMelior: that looked painful
🔗 14:39
Mooriarty: why make tilt puzzles :O
🔗 14:39
LibrarianPrincess: WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
🔗 14:39
rf232: yes, Blame the controls, feel the anger at the game, let it flow through you, let it become you and win this game
🔗 14:39
LibrarianPrincess: Gratz!
🔗 14:39
Rhynerd: We can beat a boss now!
🔗 14:39
kronopticon: This is kirby we're talking about... but as i said. it may just be his infinitely growing dense mass creating a shittonne of gravity
🔗 14:39
Malcairad: Ti.t over tilt
🔗 14:40
CapnRobert: is kirbys ability to absorb things and gain their power limited to living things?
🔗 14:40
Rhynerd: It also works on robots.
🔗 14:40
SquareDotCube: woo, killer tetrominos again
🔗 14:40
Rhynerd: I think.
🔗 14:40
ProkChopped: @CapnRobert, he can eat parasols
🔗 14:40
GDwarf: Capnrobert: Nope
🔗 14:40
TXC2: he? does kirby have a gender?
🔗 14:40
ProkChopped: Kirby is a dude, I believe
🔗 14:41
GDwarf: TXC2: I believe Kirby is male
🔗 14:41
CapnRobert: ah well that opens up some potential possibilities
🔗 14:41
TXC2: ok then
🔗 14:41
GDwarf: Capnrobert: I believe everything Kirby can transform into is ambulatory, though
🔗 14:41
AdmiralMemo: !game
🔗 14:41
LRRbot: Currently playing: Kirby Triple Deluxe (rating 100%) (overridden)
🔗 14:42
kronopticon: yeah, its generally agreed he is male. and his species is listed as "Kirby's species". like they couldnt even bother naming it
🔗 14:42
DrWreckage: !next
🔗 14:42
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (17m from now).
🔗 14:42
AdmiralMemo: !game good
🔗 14:42
LRRbot: Rating for Kirby Triple Deluxe on Heather's Handhelds is now 100% (4/4)
🔗 14:42
SquareDotCube: You needed that for another star
🔗 14:42
AdmiralMemo: GDwarf: Well, there's the rock... and the sleepy thing.
🔗 14:42
SquareDotCube: that stump
🔗 14:42
GDwarf: Kronopticon: Kirby's design was originally just a placeholder
🔗 14:42
GDwarf: Admiralmemo: Ambulatory rock, though
🔗 14:42
Rhynerd: Or maybe they just haven't encountered enough of his kind to come up with a species name.
🔗 14:42
PhoenixMelior: how many stars do we need to beat the game now?
🔗 14:42
GDwarf: The parasol isn't really ambulatory, though
🔗 14:42
Tantusar: kanoHi Good day, all! lrrAWESOME
🔗 14:42
TXC2: hello Tantusar welcome
🔗 14:42
Random_Robin: We can go to the final boss now
🔗 14:42
AdmiralMemo: GDwarf: If it's ambulatory in this game, that's a change from the games I've played.
🔗 14:42
Random_Robin: We only needed 1
🔗 14:43
Zaghrog: good night, almost midnight where I am
🔗 14:43
EricTheOrange: @Lord_hosk that's fine but you don't have to be a minority to be mistreated for something about yourself.
🔗 14:43
ProkChopped: That doesn't take into account his ability to absorb abilities from pedestals
🔗 14:43
🔗 14:43
GDwarf: Admiralmemo: Really? I've only played Dreamland 2 and Triple Deluxe. I know the rocks walk in D2, not sure about Triple
🔗 14:43
Rhynerd: The yo-yo enemies were pretty clearly robots, right?
🔗 14:43
xaphon: When'll we next be getting some pokemon streams?
🔗 14:43
kronopticon: I think Kirby's powers are limited to kirby's imagination. If he cant come up with an idea. then its nothing.
🔗 14:43
GDwarf: CapnRobert: (almost) everything Kirby eats can move under its own power
🔗 14:44
CapnRobert: ah
🔗 14:44
Lord_Hosk: which is why women were on the list even though they make up more than 60% of the campus populations EricTheOrange
🔗 14:44
Random_Robin: When Kirby turns into a rock he can't move but changes at will
🔗 14:44
CapnRobert: but not everything
🔗 14:44
AdmiralMemo: GDwarf: I've played Dreamland, Dreamland 2, and Adventure. Kirby alone doesn't move as a Rock in D2, but if he's got his friends, he does.
🔗 14:44
ProkChopped: Kirby can get the same ability from many different objects and creatures
🔗 14:44
AdmiralMemo: GDwarf: Also, play Adventure if you can. :-)
🔗 14:44
GDwarf: Admiralmemo: Oh, *he* doesn't move as a rock, but the rocks he eats do move by themselves
🔗 14:45
TXC2: noooooooo
🔗 14:45
PhoenixMelior: kirby can also eat stars and nuts though?
🔗 14:45
kronopticon: As i said, im pretty sure Kirby is more or less a Ditto, but is still limited by his own terrible imagination
🔗 14:45
AdmiralMemo: GDwarf: Ah. That's what I thought you were referring to... his movement.
🔗 14:45
SquareDotCube: Gotta rememer that double-tap to run
🔗 14:45
rebellioususername: little nemo and kirby crossover, come on you know you want it
🔗 14:45
EricTheOrange: wait didn't we do this already?
🔗 14:45
Random_Robin: He doesn't get powers from nuts
🔗 14:45
PhoenixMelior: @Erictheorange we needed one more star to beat the boss
🔗 14:45
Rhynerd: Yes, we needed be extra stone to beat the boss
🔗 14:45
GDwarf: Erictheorange: It's Groundhog Day, and you're invited!
🔗 14:45
PhoenixMelior: I thought this was about everything Kirby eats moving on its own
🔗 14:46
kronopticon: @random_robin in that case he just busts a nut
🔗 14:46
Random_Robin: There is the stars with the powers in them he can eat
🔗 14:46
AdmiralMemo: GDwarf: Dreamland is weird if you've played other Kirby games first... Not being able to have powers... That's... that's Kirby's THING man... :-D
🔗 14:46
CapnRobert: so they don't have to be living for kirby to absorb power but they have to be able to move without aid?
🔗 14:46
GDwarf: My initial hypothesis was that everything Kirby gained powers from was something that could move under its own power. Alas, the umbrella defies that idea, though I don't think any of the others do
🔗 14:47
LibrarianPrincess: well, he does have a cute hat
🔗 14:47
GDwarf: Admiralmemo: So I'd imagine
🔗 14:47
Rhynerd: I thought the idea was that the umbrella enemies could move without aid as well if they landed.
🔗 14:47
Random_Robin: He kind of just touches the miracle fruit instead of eating it
🔗 14:47
GDwarf: I think Kirby bankrupting buffets has shown up in manga
🔗 14:47
TXC2: I think half the street would go Heather Kappa
🔗 14:48
ProkChopped: The umbrellas are not enemies. They are just plain old umbrellas
🔗 14:48
CapnRobert: can kirby eat stars
🔗 14:48
GDwarf: Rhynerd: Yeah, but you can, at least in some games, defeat the enemies but leave the umbrellas, then absorb the umbrellas
🔗 14:48
AdmiralMemo: Dear Dr. Chat: Kirby should be careful what he eats... http://brawlinthefamily.keenspot.com/2009/03/06/145-foodfight/
🔗 14:48
Rhynerd: Oh.
🔗 14:48
Lord_Hosk: in the cartoon series dilberts father was living in a 24 hour all you can eat buffet
🔗 14:48
Random_Robin: He can eat stars but doesn't get power from them
🔗 14:48
Lord_Hosk: He had been there for something like 5 years
🔗 14:48
Anubis169: helloooooo chat! lrrAWESOME
🔗 14:48
ProkChopped: It's a real shame that the Kirby anime is not canon.
🔗 14:48
Lord_Hosk: HELLO ANUBIS169!
🔗 14:48
Anubis169: as of 10 minutes ago
🔗 14:48
Random_Robin: hi Anubis169
🔗 14:48
TXC2: hello Anubis169 welcome
🔗 14:48
Anubis169: i am on a paid week off
🔗 14:48
PhoenixMelior: whee, time off!
🔗 14:49
AdmiralMemo: Lord_Hosk, I remember that
🔗 14:49
PhoenixMelior: That's like getting paid to watch LRR!
🔗 14:49
Lord_Hosk: SWEET! can I borrow a dollar?
🔗 14:49
GDwarf: Though yeah, if we allow that he just holds the normal umbrella, then I think he only gains powers from things he eats that can move under their own power. We've discovered something about Kirby's biology!
🔗 14:49
CapnRobert: so if he can survive in space he could potentially go around destroying solar systems? random_robin
🔗 14:49
kronopticon: @Admiralmemo that comic is brill.
🔗 14:49
Rhynerd: Hi Anubis!
🔗 14:49
Anubis169: it's mine, to do with what i want, and nothing's gonna get in the way of it
🔗 14:49
GDwarf: Capnrobert: That's roughly the plot of Kirby 64. :P
🔗 14:49
Random_Robin: CapnRobert Probably?
🔗 14:49
Anubis169 bounces around
🔗 14:49
CapnRobert: lol
🔗 14:49
Rhynerd: @Capnrobert he would need the means to eat a planet.
🔗 14:49
SquareDotCube: Eating all the cars can be tiring
🔗 14:49
Magnatek: Uh, you might have had to. There was a path to the left in the back.
🔗 14:49
Lord_Hosk steps back out of anubis169's way
🔗 14:49
DarkMorford: Anubis169, nice!
🔗 14:49
PhoenixMelior: so it's time to play video games and stay up late watching LRR and eat ice cream, anubis?
🔗 14:50
kronopticon: Kirby is essentially a walking black hole
🔗 14:50
Anubis169: actually PhoenixMelior... i'm gonna play dark souls 3 in japanese :D
🔗 14:50
not_the_batman: love how you even suck up part of the UI
🔗 14:50
TXC2: chat whats the RDA on lifebars? Kappa
🔗 14:50
PhoenixMelior: ooh
🔗 14:50
PhoenixMelior: that sounds sick
🔗 14:50
MousseFilledCat: I want a paid week off :(
🔗 14:50
SajuukSjet: so.... kirby is basically a walking portal to /dev/null?
🔗 14:50
Dandinstorm12: wow that's more mods than when I was last in chat
🔗 14:50
IndigoVitare: I get Easter Sundays off, paid
🔗 14:50
Dandinstorm12: hey Anubis
🔗 14:50
Rhynerd: So he's a pi- wait I should shut up.
🔗 14:50
Dandinstorm12: hey Memo
🔗 14:50
kronopticon: Yeah. but calling him a pink hole makes it kinda weird!
🔗 14:50
CapnRobert: kirby confirmed Nintendo most powerful character? Kappa
🔗 14:50
IndigoVitare: but that's all
🔗 14:50
AdmiralMemo: Hi
🔗 14:51
PhoenixMelior: I will settle for getting Good Friday off to do some relaxing
🔗 14:51
AdmiralMemo: I just got home...
🔗 14:51
GDwarf: "Pink Blackhole", is...is Kirby race-lifting astronomical phenomenon?
🔗 14:51
LathosTiran: set a phone alarm every couple of hours to remind yourself "someones paying me to do this, suckers :)"
🔗 14:51
IndigoVitare: Kirby confirmed most powerful DBZ characte
🔗 14:51
PhoenixMelior: I'm also gonna go and see Deadpool with a friend on Thursday lrrAWESOME
🔗 14:51
Anubis169: MousseFilledCat: it's actually 3 days off that expire at the end of march... but i managed to stack them with a weekend and good friday/easter monday
🔗 14:51
LibrarianPrincess: fight! win!
🔗 14:51
AdmiralMemo: I'm not feeling 100%, so if Alex isn't playing something I'm interested in, I think I'll step out and watch some pre-recorded LRR. :-)
🔗 14:51
GDwarf: Has DeDeDe been the *actual* villain in any of the Kirby titles?
🔗 14:51
Dandinstorm12: Kirby can't be the best, clearly Meta Knight is
🔗 14:51
Anubis169: s'ok AdmiralMemo
🔗 14:51
Anubis169: i've got ya covered :D
🔗 14:51
SquareDotCube: Emerging C vitamins? Where? :P
🔗 14:51
Rhynerd: @gdwarf yes.
🔗 14:51
Random_Robin: GDwarf I can only remember one
🔗 14:51
Lord_Hosk: 10 minute waring on end of stream hodor
🔗 14:52
ProkChopped: @GDwarf, he steals a bunch of food in Super Star
🔗 14:52
MousseFilledCat: Wait, easter is coming up?
🔗 14:52
LibrarianPrincess: what. are you?
🔗 14:52
MousseFilledCat: Wow, I really need to pay attention to this stuff.
🔗 14:52
PhoenixMelior: Dedede
🔗 14:52
TXC2: Admiralmemo the dante's inferno GPLP back up if you want to check that out
🔗 14:52
PhoenixMelior: what happened
🔗 14:52
CapnRobert: then again couldnt some fir emblem characters potentially rip through dimensions and alter time they might pose a threat to kirby
🔗 14:52
CaptainSpam: Wait, a mutant Rayman is behind this?!?
🔗 14:52
IndigoVitare: well Galacta Knight is supposedly the strongest warrior in all of history and it's been proposed that he is actually Adult Kirby. And Metaknight beats him
🔗 14:52
Tiber727: Even a black hole can't eat an opponent's life meter. Kirby is an all-consuming meta-existence.
🔗 14:52
AdmiralMemo: TXC2: Nah. I've got some Agatha Fisty and some LRRcasts to go through, thanks. :-)
🔗 14:52
PhoenixMelior: @Capnrobert they jumped through a rift that was opened by a great evil dragon
🔗 14:52
PhoenixMelior: so they couldn't do it by themselves
🔗 14:52
Havok4: No this is pretty norma;
🔗 14:52
TXC2: Admiralmemo fair enough :)
🔗 14:53
Rhynerd: Eh it's more like how they usually meet.
🔗 14:53
nattsan: This seems about right for DeeDee
🔗 14:53
GDwarf: DeDeDe needs to invest in, like, a tinfoil hat or something. he gets mind-controlled like three times a day
🔗 14:53
kronopticon: So... kirby is a Quantum Singularity?
🔗 14:53
Rhynerd: There's always a brawl when these two are in the same room.
🔗 14:53
CapnRobert: aqh
🔗 14:53
EricTheOrange: what no dedede music. boooo game, booooo
🔗 14:53
IndigoVitare: Erictheorange wait...
🔗 14:53
GDwarf: Kronopticon: He's certainly a singularity
🔗 14:53
LibrarianPrincess: well, dedede has always been a poser
🔗 14:54
Mooriarty: I wouldn't recommend storing explosives IN a hammer, dedede
🔗 14:54
TXC2: hammer-blowtorch: for kids Kappa
🔗 14:54
kronopticon: Well.. C4 is very stable. Nitroglycerin is a baaaad idea
🔗 14:54
CapnRobert: seems more like jet fuel
🔗 14:54
kronopticon: which is also remarkably stable
🔗 14:55
PhoenixMelior: Round 2, fight!
🔗 14:55
Magnatek: And now he has an axe.
🔗 14:55
TXC2: jet fuel can't melt steel kirbys
🔗 14:55
Anubis169: uhhhhh
🔗 14:55
EricTheOrange: YAY
🔗 14:55
GDwarf: I kinda love that DeDeDe was the hero of a not-seen previous game in this one
🔗 14:55
Rhynerd: Magic axe?
🔗 14:55
Anubis169: he turned into King DeDeDoorhees
🔗 14:55
CapnRobert: @Kronopticon makes sense considering the gs right?
🔗 14:55
Anubis169: lrrSPOOP
🔗 14:55
ForOhForError: Sweet remix though
🔗 14:55
TXC2: next it's masked Dedede's Revengance Kappa
🔗 14:55
kronopticon: probably.
🔗 14:55
LibrarianPrincess: man this music is sick
🔗 14:55
🔗 14:55
IndigoVitare: guys guys, wait till the next boss
🔗 14:55
IndigoVitare: omg that music
🔗 14:55
PhoenixMelior: mm, crabs
🔗 14:56
PhoenixMelior: I could go for some tasty crab legs
🔗 14:56
Lord_Hosk: Little Lady Hosk "Wow did you see that? The bad guy used spinjitsue... like the NinjaGo Ninjas"
🔗 14:56
PhoenixMelior: is Ninjago the little lego things?
🔗 14:56
Lycodrake: who gave DeDeDe an axe!?
🔗 14:56
Lord_Hosk: yeah
🔗 14:56
PhoenixMelior: I got one free when I bought my lego louvre, the dragon guy. Seems sweet
🔗 14:56
AdmiralMemo: PhoenixMelior: Pah... King crabs? Snow crabs? Pale in comparison to blue crabs. :-)
🔗 14:56
Rhynerd: @Lycodrake DeDeDe did.
🔗 14:57
GDwarf: Lord_Hosk: She's not wrong.
🔗 14:57
AdmiralMemo: (Though I do like Snow Crab legs. :-D )
🔗 14:57
TXC2: rule of 3?
🔗 14:57
Rhynerd: And now we beat up a spider?
🔗 14:57
Magnatek: Not a spider...
🔗 14:58
Magnatek: Her.
🔗 14:58
ProkChopped: I can hardly bee-lieve it
🔗 14:58
TXC2: here's a question, how old is kirby meant to be?
🔗 14:58
Lycodrake: BEES
🔗 14:58
Lycodrake: BEEJ
🔗 14:58
Lord_Hosk: Vote Hodor for real hero 2016
🔗 14:58
ProkChopped: BeUrself
🔗 14:58
GDwarf: Of course she's a wasp
🔗 14:58
Rhynerd: Looks more like a wasp to me
🔗 14:58
ForOhForError: BeejUrself
🔗 14:58
Rhynerd: Or a hornet
🔗 14:58
DennyMcG: hey folks
🔗 14:58
Lycodrake: WASP
🔗 14:58
kronopticon: She aint no bee. Wasp fo sho.
🔗 14:58
TXC2: hello Dennymcg welcome
🔗 14:58
Rhynerd: Probably more wasp
🔗 14:58
EricTheOrange: man she looks like shes gonna snap in half
🔗 14:58
🔗 14:59
kronopticon: But we're all beej though.
🔗 14:59
ProkChopped: How could Kirby even bow?
🔗 14:59
Mooriarty: not yet!
🔗 14:59
AdmiralMemo: No... No... No... I scrolled down a LITTLE too much and instead of clicking what I wanted to click on... I clicked on a Trump ad. lrrFRUMP
🔗 14:59
elah806: I'm sorry memo:(
🔗 14:59
Metric_Furlong: AdmiralMemo, Noooooo!
🔗 14:59
TXC2: Admiralmemo you poor soul
🔗 14:59
GDwarf: Prokchopped: You raise a valid point
🔗 14:59
kronopticon: unfortunate.
🔗 14:59
Metric_Furlong: also, hello again everyone
🔗 14:59
DennyMcG: Admiralmemo my condolences.
🔗 14:59
Theicyhandofdeath: i literally opened the stream to "this is where we die" then an ad came up
🔗 14:59
Anubis169: that's quite the final boss
🔗 14:59
AdmiralMemo: My face right now: http://i.imgur.com/udpT972.png
🔗 14:59
Anubis169: a telefragging sword wasp
🔗 15:00
Random_Robin: You get to skip Dedede if you have to restart
🔗 15:00
Rhynerd: @erictheorange that's how many stinger-armed insects look
🔗 15:00
PhoenixMelior: I just watched a video called "settlers of Catanada" and it's the best thing ever
🔗 15:00
TXC2: Anubis169 I thought you meant trump Kappa
🔗 15:00
IndigoVitare: drop incoming
🔗 15:00
IndigoVitare: sort of
🔗 15:00
PhoenixMelior: Kirby dubstep?
🔗 15:00
Theicyhandofdeath: knockoff doom music?
🔗 15:00
kronopticon: dont know where she comes from, dont know where she goes, where did she come from cotton eyed joe?
🔗 15:00
EricTheOrange: awww *** son. Game just got metal.
🔗 15:00
GDwarf: Sakurai: A wasp? That's not very scary, I say we give her dark magic! And swords! and saw blades! And mines! And teleportation! And...
🔗 15:00
TXC2: royal wax disc?
🔗 15:00
IndigoVitare: ok wasn't really a drop, more organ rock part starts
🔗 15:01
Anubis169: TXC2: tbh i'm tired of hearing about him, there hasn't been a single 24h period in the last 3 weeks where i haven't seen the name
🔗 15:01
ProkChopped: Sakurai stopped working on Kirby 14 years ago. That explains a lot Keepo
🔗 15:01
TXC2: Anubis169 sadly true
🔗 15:01
ProkChopped: 12, whoops
🔗 15:02
kronopticon: Time for a...... DISCo
🔗 15:02
Theicyhandofdeath: unsubscribe from her newsletter
🔗 15:02
DigitalSeahorse: looks like a tough boss to hit
🔗 15:02
Zaghrog: Gdwarf to be fair, what good is a Wizard that has no versatility?
🔗 15:02
AdmiralMemo: Your ideas do not intrigue me. I wish to unsubscribe from your newsletter. Please remove me from your mailing list.
🔗 15:02
Anubis169: !death
🔗 15:02
LRRbot: lrrAWW 2 deaths for Kirby Triple Deluxe on Heather's Handhelds
🔗 15:03
EricTheOrange: Hi Alex
🔗 15:03
Rhynerd: Hi Alec
🔗 15:03
TXC2: hello Alex!
🔗 15:03
Metric_Furlong: hey Headless alex
🔗 15:03
AdmiralMemo: DigitalSeahorse: You should see Nightmare from Kirby's Dreamland
🔗 15:03
Anubis169: haaaaai Alex :D
🔗 15:03
Sektor88: AREX
🔗 15:03
Lycodrake: Hello dr. alex! :D
🔗 15:03
DigitalSeahorse: hi Alex
🔗 15:03
Frylock72: Destructo Disc always wins.
🔗 15:03
D_Man_7733: Boss fights have sure come a long way since those guys with the trolleys.
🔗 15:03
LibrarianPrincess: hi alex!
🔗 15:03
Dandinstorm12: Hi Alex
🔗 15:03
Metric_Furlong: and no headed Alex
🔗 15:03
DigitalSeahorse: hehe
🔗 15:03
steven1913: Hey alex! Is it robot time?
🔗 15:03
Metric_Furlong: *now
🔗 15:03
Lycodrake: zinger pun?
🔗 15:03
TXC2: chain straight into IDDQderp?
🔗 15:03
AdmiralMemo: ROBBITS
🔗 15:03
Dandinstorm12: ooof
🔗 15:03
Vn497: It's the BEEEES
🔗 15:03
Sektor88: stream stinger? Kappa
🔗 15:03
kronopticon: Wasps confirmed for wanting to kill everything
🔗 15:03
Dandinstorm12: Rckd
🔗 15:03
Rhynerd: And so we end our story with the death of Kirby and the fall of the lower world?
🔗 15:03
DigitalSeahorse: doesn't look like one of Burt's Bees
🔗 15:03
IndigoVitare: but seriously that theme is my favourite Kirby final boss theme. Even better than 02
🔗 15:03
Dandinstorm12: Ya came to the wrong neighborhood
🔗 15:03
Zaghrog: that boss seemed cool
🔗 15:03
kronopticon: !findquote alex butt
🔗 15:03
LRRbot: Quote #2138: "Yes. There is a way to implement quote search so that you can look at Alex's butt." —qrpth [2016-03-22]
🔗 15:03
Rhynerd: Well that's two bad ends in one stream!
🔗 15:03
Random_Robin: Bye Heather
🔗 15:03
Metric_Furlong: Alex wanted to get away from puns, so he decided LRL was the place to go
🔗 15:03
Anubis169: \patreon
🔗 15:03
DigitalSeahorse: Alex loves it
🔗 15:03
AdmiralMemo: !addquote (Alex) [now] You know, I come here to get AWAY from Kim's puns...
🔗 15:03
LRRbot: New quote #2139: "You know, I come here to get AWAY from Kim's puns..." —Alex [2016-03-22]
🔗 15:03
Theicyhandofdeath: did wii u update? i havent used mine for a while
🔗 15:04
Rhynerd: Tune in next week for a good ending!
🔗 15:04
TXC2: thanks for streaming Heather !
🔗 15:04
FoodMonger7342: did someone say BEES!?!?
🔗 15:04
Metric_Furlong: moral: Alex sometimes makes poor decision Kappa
🔗 15:04
IndigoVitare: easter rhythms?
🔗 15:04
Lycodrake: alex yes
🔗 15:04
DigitalSeahorse: that's how he rolls
🔗 15:04
Dandinstorm12: "Quality content"
🔗 15:04
Theicyhandofdeath: !card shell of the last Kappa
🔗 15:04
LRRbot: Shell of the Last Kappa [3] | Legendary Artifact | {3}, {T}: Exile target instant or sorcery spell that targets you. / {3}, {T}, Sacrifice Shell of the Last Kappa: You may cast a card exiled with Shell of the Last Kappa without paying its mana cost.
🔗 15:04
Anubis169: Cality Quontent
🔗 15:04
Malcairad: Has Kim ever been in an LRR video?
🔗 15:05
Theicyhandofdeath: definitly a crapshot or 2
🔗 15:05
Havok4: Kwalitey Cohnteant
🔗 15:05
TXC2: Goodnight Everybody!
🔗 15:05
DigitalSeahorse: she's been in Crapshots
🔗 15:05
anntar12: hello
🔗 15:05
Riandisa: Thanks for streaming!
🔗 15:05
TStodden: Kim might have gotten in a Hot Tub Feed Dump once... but uncertain.
🔗 15:05
Rhynerd: Bye Heather!
🔗 15:05
DigitalSeahorse: Malcairad, crapshot with a kitty
🔗 15:05
anntar12: bye
🔗 15:05
anntar12: heather
🔗 15:05
qrpth: !game override off
🔗 15:05
LRRbot: Override disabled. Not currently playing any game
🔗 15:05
Metric_Furlong: TStodden, it could be anyone in those tub dumps
🔗 15:05
Metric_Furlong: the steam makes it hard to tell
🔗 15:05
PhoenixMelior: don't forget to show Alex the new quote, chat.
🔗 15:06
Metric_Furlong: ^
🔗 15:06
Tantusar: Which quote is that?
🔗 15:06
Metric_Furlong: I'd do it myself, but I am not a subsm'n
🔗 15:06
PhoenixMelior: !quote 2138
🔗 15:06
LRRbot: Quote #2138: "Yes. There is a way to implement quote search so that you can look at Alex's butt." —qrpth [2016-03-22]
🔗 15:06
Tantusar: Mmm... Classic qrpth.
🔗 15:06
Paranundrox: !findquote butt
🔗 15:06
LRRbot: Quote #747: "Catherine is lodged firmly in our robo-butt." —Alex [2015-09-25]
🔗 15:06
PhoenixMelior: !findquote alex butt
🔗 15:06
LRRbot: Quote #2138: "Yes. There is a way to implement quote search so that you can look at Alex's butt." —qrpth [2016-03-22]
🔗 15:07
LathosTiran: chat, FYI you can browse quotes over at:
🔗 15:07
qrpth: Mistakes have been made.
🔗 15:07
PhoenixMelior: good, it returns that
🔗 15:07
LathosTiran: !help
🔗 15:07
🔗 15:07
qrpth: !qdb
🔗 15:07
LRRbot: Quote database: https://lrrbot.mrphlip.com/quotes/
🔗 15:07
GSCeurope: !next
🔗 15:07
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (7m ago).
🔗 15:08
Theicyhandofdeath: i just had a thought involving how penelope's first words might feasibly wind up as a quote
🔗 15:08
kronopticon: oh dear god!
🔗 15:08
LoadingReadyRun: why is there a 2gb update]
🔗 15:08
DarkMorford: !quote penelope
🔗 15:08
LRRbot: Quote #1590: "Waaaaaaa..." —Penelope [2016-01-17]
🔗 15:08
kronopticon: !quote 2107
🔗 15:08
LRRbot: Quote #2107: "Butt Domination! That's also illegal in many places, but some people are into that." —Paul [2016-03-16]
🔗 15:08
qrpth: !quote penelope
🔗 15:08
LRRbot: Quote #1590: "Waaaaaaa..." —Penelope [2016-01-17]
🔗 15:08
LoadingReadyRun: !quote alex
🔗 15:08
LRRbot: Quote #835: "Shiv between the McRibs!" —Alex [2015-10-13]
🔗 15:08
Theicyhandofdeath: go figure
🔗 15:08
DigitalSeahorse: I cracked not one but TWO double yolk eggs today!
🔗 15:08
DigitalSeahorse: :P
🔗 15:08
LoadingReadyRun: lucky we have these lightning download speeds
🔗 15:09
DigitalSeahorse: talk about luckie
🔗 15:09
Tantusar: Remind me what you're playing at the moment...
🔗 15:09
anntar12: !bad advice
🔗 15:09
PhoenixMelior: it's like you stream out of the office or something Kappa
🔗 15:09
shurtal: Proposal for QWRPLine merch: A bag containing all of Derrick's Father's disappointment
🔗 15:09
MichaelD067: they're steam cleaning the office????
🔗 15:09
TheMooseTetrino: Hello everyone.
🔗 15:09
LoadingReadyRun: Derek?
🔗 15:09
TheM8: !next
🔗 15:09
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: IDDQDerp at Tue 03:00 PM PDT (9m ago).
🔗 15:10
TheM8: do you know whats on iDDQDerp today?
🔗 15:10
Metric_Furlong: The Division
🔗 15:10
LoadingReadyRun: a test pattern
🔗 15:10
TheM8: ok
🔗 15:10
Metric_Furlong: assuming the update downloads
🔗 15:10
PhoenixMelior: this is not the test pattern
🔗 15:10
LoadingReadyRun: it'll be one moar minute
🔗 15:10
TheM8: k
🔗 15:10
shurtal: derek, always spell that name wrong
🔗 15:10
steven1913: What i thought for sure it would the Fallout 4 the robopocalypse
🔗 15:10
Theicyhandofdeath: how long until we get something other than division? not that i dont like alex's streams im just curious
🔗 15:11
1 viewer resubscribed while you were away!
🔗 15:11
SquareDotCube: What about "I have a ghost inside me" T-shirts?
🔗 15:11
Zaghrog: we haven't even gotten all that much Division to be honest
🔗 15:11
qrpth: STREM?
🔗 15:11
Anubis169: come on twitch, lemme watch
🔗 15:11
napsterthegrey: signal
🔗 15:11
LoadingReadyRun: The robopocalypse looks pretty cool but I'm pretty broke till Friday
🔗 15:11
qrpth: STREM!
🔗 15:11
aesir_blade: !game
🔗 15:11
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 15:11
Anubis169: ahh there we go
🔗 15:11
NimrodXIV: sorgnal
🔗 15:11
DarkMorford: SIGNAL
🔗 15:11
shurtal: I know three different Derek, Derrick, Derrack
🔗 15:11
Rhynerd: We got sing song!
🔗 15:11
qrpth: !game refresh
🔗 15:11
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 15:11
LadyTL: I look forward to the STALKout IDDQDERP when the Survival Mode Patch drops
🔗 15:11
LibrarianPrincess: I'm actually here for live iddqderp for once!
🔗 15:11
steven1913: gotcha. this is why i got the season pass
🔗 15:11
anntar12: yea going online
🔗 15:11
Dandinstorm12: mmmph
🔗 15:11
Metric_Furlong: welcome LibrarianPrincess
🔗 15:12
DigitalSeahorse: why is signal not signalling
🔗 15:12
qrpth: !game refresh
🔗 15:12
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 15:12
Samph1re: Channel deleted? Wheeeelp. *refresh*
🔗 15:12
qrpth: Try refreshing.
🔗 15:12
LadyTL: Radionoise?
🔗 15:12
Metric_Furlong: sounds
🔗 15:12
AdmiralMemo: !game
🔗 15:12
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 15:12
qrpth: No the other way.
🔗 15:12
AdmiralMemo: !show
🔗 15:12
LRRbot: Currently live: IDDQDerp
🔗 15:12
Dandinstorm12: music
🔗 15:12
DigitalSeahorse poops twitch in the glitch
🔗 15:12
plummeting_sloth: wooo... here on a Tuesday for once!
🔗 15:12
LibrarianPrincess: @Metric_furlong hehe I was actually watching heather's handhelds before this :P
🔗 15:12
AdmiralMemo: !gameshow
🔗 15:12
Rhynerd: I hear what sounds like...
🔗 15:12
Mowdownjoe: !game
🔗 15:12
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 15:12
LibrarianPrincess: I just accidentaly signed out for asecond
🔗 15:12
Rhynerd: Division?
🔗 15:12
plummeting_sloth: I love spring break, I briefly get my Tuesday evenings back!
🔗 15:12
Metric_Furlong: LibrarianPrincess, well, welcome to IDDQDerp anyway
🔗 15:12
qrpth: !game refresh
🔗 15:12
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 15:12
🔗 15:12
AdmiralMemo: qrpth: !gameshow really should be a command, if only as a joke. Kappa
🔗 15:13
Laserbeaks_Fury: Oh yeah, I was about to say sounds Kinda Mass Effect, t
🔗 15:13
LibrarianPrincess: @Metric_furlong thanks!
🔗 15:13
JackWhoWanders: !quote
🔗 15:13
LRRbot: Quote #1129: "My hand is very wet now, Matt." —Ian [2015-11-17]
🔗 15:13
EGreif: Alex should play original doom
🔗 15:13
Theicyhandofdeath: is agatha fisty going to get the dlc?
🔗 15:13
anntar12: !quot
🔗 15:13
AdmiralMemo: !game refresh
🔗 15:13
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 15:13
AdmiralMemo: !quote game
🔗 15:13
LRRbot: Quote #1542: "Spud! stands head and shoulders above such games as Myst." —PC Gamer Magazine
🔗 15:13
anntar12: !quote
🔗 15:13
LRRbot: anntar12: That is a subscriber-only command
🔗 15:13
EGreif: Actually
🔗 15:13
LadyTL: Fisting robutts Kappa
🔗 15:13
AdmiralMemo: !findquote Game
🔗 15:13
LRRbot: Quote #1511: "I've played games that you play like this. I mean... I've heard about them." —Alex [2015-03-27]
🔗 15:13
Tantusar: !gameshow = Question 1: Why did you type this command?
🔗 15:13
EGreif: I have a game to recommend to alex
🔗 15:13
kronopticon: Nah, maybe Duke Nukem
🔗 15:13
LoadingReadyRun: lrrSPOOP
🔗 15:13
LoadingReadyRun: this sure is taking a while to load...
🔗 15:13
plummeting_sloth: ah, this is new age music simulator 2016! I was hoping he'd get to this!
🔗 15:13
EGreif: if he wants to get roguelikey
🔗 15:13
Metric_Furlong: !panic
🔗 15:13
🔗 15:13
Lycodrake: !advice
🔗 15:13
qrpth: !game
🔗 15:13
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 15:13
Laserbeaks_Fury: I alway sthink Division music sounds kinda Mass Effect
🔗 15:13
LadyTL: Also, do you need the Hacking Robots perk for anything in the Robo DLC?
🔗 15:13
EGreif: Loadingreadyrun What did you try to download now?
🔗 15:13
anntar12: !panic
🔗 15:13
🔗 15:13
DigitalSeahorse: doomdoomdoomdoomdoomdoomdoomydoomdoomdoom
🔗 15:14
qrpth: !game refresh
🔗 15:14
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 15:14
CapnRobert: @Plummeting_sloth lol
🔗 15:14
AdmiralMemo: !game refresh
🔗 15:14
LRRbot: Not currently playing any game
🔗 15:14
Samph1re: twitch is sure shitting the bed on me right now :/
🔗 15:14
qrpth: ffs
🔗 15:14
🔗 15:14
LoadingReadyRun: whoop
🔗 15:14
EGreif: Alex: Do you want a recommendation?
🔗 15:14
AdmiralMemo: !game override Tom Clancy's The Division
🔗 15:14
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Tom Clancy's The Division
🔗 15:14
AdmiralMemo: !game
🔗 15:14
LRRbot: Currently playing: Tom Clancy's The Division (rating 73%) (overridden)
🔗 15:14
DigitalSeahorse: forever buffer
🔗 15:14
DigitalSeahorse: >.<
🔗 15:14
EGreif: The problem is, the game will likely make chat and viewers motion sick
🔗 15:14
AdmiralMemo: qrpth: Meh... We use what we've got.
🔗 15:14
Lycodrake: how rogue we gonna go?
🔗 15:15
plummeting_sloth: I hear bleeps! And possibly even bloops!
🔗 15:15
Tantusar: !game bad
🔗 15:15
LRRbot: Rating for Tom Clancy's The Division on IDDQDerp is now 70% (16/23)
🔗 15:15
GSCeurope: moulin rogue
🔗 15:15
DigitalSeahorse kicks twitch
🔗 15:15
AdmiralMemo: !game bad
🔗 15:15
LoadingReadyRun: I mean if your promo is "everyone will hate it and be violently ill" I'm not sure I'm super stoked
🔗 15:15
Metric_Furlong: EGreif, clearly the solution is to solely focus your attention on Chat Kappa
🔗 15:15
theflanman5: Dear Dr. Alex, what system are you playing on?
🔗 15:15
plummeting_sloth: let's go find some bearded agents and gank them
🔗 15:15
DigitalSeahorse: uh
🔗 15:15
Dandinstorm12: uh
🔗 15:15
DigitalSeahorse: did twitch just go down?
🔗 15:15
AdmiralMemo: EGreif: Not I... I'm checking out since I'm not at my best today and this doesn't interest me.
🔗 15:15
CapnRobert: @Digitalseahorse seems fine to me
🔗 15:15
qrpth: Everything is fine.
🔗 15:15
AdmiralMemo: DigitalSeahorse: Not for me.
🔗 15:15
DigitalSeahorse: I refreshed to a twitch logo and nothing else
🔗 15:15
AdmiralMemo: lrrFINE
🔗 15:15
Anubis169 huggles everybody :)
🔗 15:15
qrpth: Don't even worry about it.
🔗 15:15
Tantusar: tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock
🔗 15:15
GDwarf: Am I supposed to be hearing crickets right now?
🔗 15:16
Nightvalien28: !game bad
🔗 15:16
LoadingReadyRun: hmm
🔗 15:16
Anubis169: DigitalSeahorse: twitch is conking out wholesale
🔗 15:16
LadyTL: Hrm.
🔗 15:16
Anubis169: but the stream's still going
🔗 15:16
LRRbot: Rating for Tom Clancy's The Division on IDDQDerp is now 67% (16/24)
🔗 15:16
ace2413: what is next streme?
🔗 15:16
qrpth: ace2413: now
🔗 15:16
BlueMechanic: i hear what sounds like an electronic cricket
🔗 15:16
AdmiralMemo: LoadingReadyRun: Everything's fine for some.
🔗 15:16
Anubis169: if you can't see the stream, ctrl-f5
🔗 15:16
LadyTL: Next Stream is I, Horner iirc
🔗 15:16
NickTheDM: #TheMysteriousTickingNoise
🔗 15:16
theflanman5: !game good
🔗 15:16
Invisible_Queen: are we gonna shoot some criminals, protesters and poor people?
🔗 15:16
Samph1re: I did a CTRL+F5 and it has fixed the problem
🔗 15:16
Metric_Furlong: are we trying to get the like/dislike ratio to 50%?
🔗 15:16
LadyTL: We get Billysign!
🔗 15:16
CapnRobert: @Digitalseahorse this may not be your problem, but if you have not restarted whatever browser you use in a while doing that may help
🔗 15:16
BlueMechanic: I hear an Alex
🔗 15:16
EGreif: Invisible_queen Mostly poor people.
🔗 15:16
Malcairad: Not playing new fallout 4 dlc?
🔗 15:16
NimrodXIV: fine here
🔗 15:16
DigitalSeahorse: ffffffffffffffffff
🔗 15:16
kronopticon: I got sound...
🔗 15:16
Lycodrake: rogue time?
🔗 15:16
theflanman5: hey Alex, what system are you playing on?
🔗 15:17
MousseFilledCat: Crickiets?
🔗 15:17
CoyoteSans: Today, in Tom Clacy's AmericaTM...
🔗 15:17
GDwarf: PS4 is the system
🔗 15:17
LRRbot: Rating for Tom Clancy's The Division on IDDQDerp is now 68% (17/25)
🔗 15:17
DigitalSeahorse: there it goes
🔗 15:17
io_Otter: Hai Alex et chat, it's my birthday
🔗 15:17
LadyTL: That first hour update bottleneck though...
🔗 15:17
Havok4: Go go 70%
🔗 15:17
shurtal: Yesh Loading Screen Simulator, my Favorite of the simulator series
🔗 15:17
theflanman5: thanks gdwarf
🔗 15:17
Dandinstorm12: hey Otter
🔗 15:17
RAICx: Hi Alex!
🔗 15:17
MilkInBag: smash cut to a bleached white loading screen
🔗 15:17
Dandinstorm12: Hey Alex
🔗 15:17
RAICx: Have an updoot
🔗 15:17
plummeting_sloth: this loading screens got a sick beat, and I can dance to it!
🔗 15:17
SpacePotato01: !game good
🔗 15:17
DigitalSeahorse: io_Otter, mine is on Saturday
🔗 15:17
Lycodrake: !panic
🔗 15:17
🔗 15:17
DigitalSeahorse: :D
🔗 15:17
RAICx subscribed for 15 months in a row!
🔗 15:17
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RAICx! (Today's storm count: 1)
🔗 15:17
Couraster: LoadingReadyLoad
🔗 15:17
Theicyhandofdeath: oh i reloaded and it was fine now
🔗 15:17
LadyTL: Running Ready Load?
🔗 15:17
Dandinstorm12: SUUUUUUUUUB
🔗 15:17
anntar12: sub HYPE
🔗 15:17
DigitalSeahorse: March BIRTHDAYS! :P
🔗 15:17
theflanman5: one of them is in Maine and that makes me super excited
🔗 15:17
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 15:17
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 15:17
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 15:17
Tantusar: audio delay? oh god not audio delay
🔗 15:18
LadyTL: It brings back one of my favorite side characters...
🔗 15:18
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT
🔗 15:18
LadyTL: The Mechanist
🔗 15:18
LRRbot: Rating for Tom Clancy's The Division on IDDQDerp is now 69% (18/26)
🔗 15:18
graffitie subscribed for 27 months in a row!
🔗 15:18
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, graffitie! (Today's storm count: 2)
🔗 15:18
Havok4: 99.9999999999%
🔗 15:18
GSCeurope: the classic 99% falter
🔗 15:18
Malcairad: Thought for sure you would've built your tenth automaton by now
🔗 15:18
qrpth: !game bad
🔗 15:18
DigitalSeahorse: Toonz Ghibli animation software is free on Saturday too
🔗 15:18
DigitalSeahorse: onward
🔗 15:18
anntar12: Grapeshot for 3
🔗 15:18
theflanman5: !game good
🔗 15:18
Lycodrake: only stormcount of 3? ow
🔗 15:18
EGreif: Digitalseahorse Don't they use that to make Futurama too?
🔗 15:18
SquareDotCube: Dear Steam: Instead of updating yourself in the background, why don't you make yourself present and in the queue and wait like every other game that needs to update/
🔗 15:18
LadyTL: Yup
🔗 15:18
DigitalSeahorse: I donno
🔗 15:19
kronopticon: Looking forward to trying out the Toonz software
🔗 15:19
LRRbot: Rating for Tom Clancy's The Division on IDDQDerp is now 67% (18/27)
🔗 15:19
Anubis169: i dunno, this games' kinda cool
🔗 15:19
LadyTL: Lolwut
🔗 15:19
io_Otter: DigitalSeahorse that's certainly a nice BDay incidental
🔗 15:19
CapnRobert: yeah the dlc looks good kinda figured it would be if they delivered on what they outlined but it appears to be even more than that
🔗 15:19
plummeting_sloth: and with that update, you can fight the invaders from the flying city of New Brooklyn, which is an airship made out of Williamsburg
🔗 15:19
Tantusar: Alex, wrong setting to kill regional chat.
🔗 15:19
TheMooseTetrino: The only thing keeping me from this game is the online only requirement.
🔗 15:19
Dandinstorm12: come on controller
🔗 15:19
LadyTL: People chatting about Trump on The Division? I can't possibly see the correlation Kappa
🔗 15:19
AdmiralMemo: THERE'S your problem: Uplay. :-P
🔗 15:19
rebellioususername: I was playing euchre last night and managed to just have all the trump
🔗 15:19
Anubis169: what i've seen at least
🔗 15:19
IndigoVitare: Trump? Did America do another election? European media has been busy with something else today
🔗 15:19
Anubis169: !game good
🔗 15:19
Tantusar: You want Yes, not No.
🔗 15:19
DigitalSeahorse: yeah no talking about Jacks in Eucher
🔗 15:19
Lycodrake: uplay!?
🔗 15:19
GDwarf: Huh, apparently the system is PC
🔗 15:19
anntar12: What broke in the controller
🔗 15:19
GDwarf: I thought it was PS4
🔗 15:19
Theicyhandofdeath: they divided by zero Kappa
🔗 15:19
GDwarf: I am mistakended
🔗 15:19
theflanman5: the US is going through all 50 primary elections
🔗 15:19
LadyTL: @Indigovitare - Something Something European Union?
🔗 15:19
Lycodrake: !shhh
🔗 15:19
AdmiralMemo: BLAME ADAM!
🔗 15:19
Compleatly: Adam breaks everything.
🔗 15:20
Rootpotato: it not perfect system
🔗 15:20
Metric_Furlong: IndigoVitare, I think they're still doing the same election they've been doing for the past year?
🔗 15:20
anntar12: ADAM
🔗 15:20
theflanman5: well, all 100
🔗 15:20
Lycodrake: #blamejamesturner
🔗 15:20
LRRbot: Rating for Tom Clancy's The Division on IDDQDerp is now 67% (18/27)
🔗 15:20
Lycodrake: #blameadam
🔗 15:20
Dandinstorm12: America is busy realizing the consequences of its own actions
🔗 15:20
Metric_Furlong: LadyTL, terrorist attack in Belgium
🔗 15:20
Zaghrog: as an European who hasn't seen European news today, what's the deal?
🔗 15:20
IndigoVitare: LadyTL Brussels attacks
🔗 15:20
AdmiralMemo: That png is TERRIFYING
🔗 15:20
LadyTL: I'm fine with our new Blame Adam timeline
🔗 15:20
Foxmar320: Division had a massive patch today that fixed so many bugs and end game problems.
🔗 15:20
anntar12: #blameadam
🔗 15:20
Zaghrog: oh, damn
🔗 15:20
Tantusar: lrrFINE The controller is absolutely perfect! lrrFINE
🔗 15:20
SquareDotCube: Wouldn't surprise me if your USB is going out
🔗 15:20
Lycodrake: #savealexsstream
🔗 15:20
kronopticon: lrrEFF lrrEFF lrrEFF lrrEFF lrrEFF
🔗 15:20
zarbit: #notallcontrollers
🔗 15:20
GDwarf: Ladytl: They've been doing a fair amount of bombing of ISIL
🔗 15:20
anntar12: PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt
🔗 15:20
DigitalSeahorse Trumps IndigoVitare with a birthday March
🔗 15:21
Theicyhandofdeath: doom?
🔗 15:21
AdmiralMemo: TUFMCJj.png: y u so creppy?
🔗 15:21
VoicedOtter: Hi Alex and Chat. How are you all?
🔗 15:21
zarbit: PS4 Division maybe?
🔗 15:21
SquareDotCube: Sometimes case manufacturers really cheap out on USB boards for their cases
🔗 15:21
Rootpotato: @digitalseahorse let's not bring trump into this Kappa
🔗 15:21
Vn497: Hi
🔗 15:21
Lycodrake: @Gdwarf ISIL? you mean ISIS?
🔗 15:21
LadyTL: @Gdwarf - ...Oh. Well, still. It's BELGIUM.
🔗 15:21
RAICx: I know a couple of people in Brussels, luckily they're all safe
🔗 15:21
AdmiralMemo: Lycodrake: ISIL is what ISIS wants to be called.
🔗 15:21
GDwarf: Lycodrake: Same thing, it turns out
🔗 15:21
mikstar890: Kingdom be good:D
🔗 15:21
Invisible_Queen: people who want the western world and the rest of the world to be separate worlds
🔗 15:21
LibrarianPrincess: @Alex it's cool, we can be patient )
🔗 15:22
kronopticon: Testing shall begin
🔗 15:22
DigitalSeahorse: I wasn't the one that brought him into it, Rootpoatato, I'm trying to pun him out
🔗 15:22
LibrarianPrincess: *:)
🔗 15:22
Tantusar: And now... Un- lrrEFF My Controller.
🔗 15:22
GDwarf: Admiralmemo: Oh, is that it? I thought they were simply different romanizations of the same name
🔗 15:22
LadyTL: @Tantusar - This week on G4TV - Unf__k ThIs Controller.
🔗 15:22
DigitalSeahorse: dis game is da bomb?
🔗 15:22
Anubis169: controller confirbed lrrSPOOP
🔗 15:22
Lycodrake: it's all Adam's fault
🔗 15:22
LadyTL: "We'll make it... fine."
🔗 15:22
DigitalSeahorse: kitty!
🔗 15:22
LibrarianPrincess: well whatever this game is it's beautiful
🔗 15:22
Foxmar320: Controller is lrrEFF ed
🔗 15:22
zarbit: @Tantusar They put hubcaps... ON my sticks. Hubcaps! On my sticks.
🔗 15:22
TheMooseTetrino: Possibly driver tbh
🔗 15:22
AdmiralMemo: Lycodrake: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant vs. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria... Essentially, their own name claims Israel as part of their territory.
🔗 15:22
anntar12: EFF
🔗 15:22
Theicyhandofdeath: live streaming IT troubleshooting woo
🔗 15:22
SajuukSjet: Computer Restart to refresh Driver cache
🔗 15:22
io_Otter: VoicedOtter Good, if one unit older
🔗 15:22
Metric_Furlong: oh, it's that generally cool metroidvania game (aside from that one recurring boss)
🔗 15:22
JackWhoWanders: !lrrFINE
🔗 15:22
DigitalSeahorse: yes, blow into the connector
🔗 15:22
Anubis169: glad that the NES techs haven't died
🔗 15:22
CapnRobert: the amount of content outlined in fallout dlc and the pricing seems counter to the trend of microtransactions and releasing content in ever smaller pieces I perceive, kinda suprising
🔗 15:22
Foxmar320: Did you see the Fallout 4 dlc came out today Alex?
🔗 15:23
Lycodrake: @Admiralmemo of course :/
🔗 15:23
RAICx: Zarbit I bet they said it was "Funky"
🔗 15:23
JackWhoWanders: lrrEFF lrrEFF lrrEFF lrrEFF
🔗 15:23
SirBiffaloEsq: !advice
🔗 15:23
Lycodrake: we are straight REKT
🔗 15:23
VoicedOtter: Io_otter oh hey another otter
🔗 15:23
SpacePotato01: it looks different from last time. Is this the patch?
🔗 15:23
Anubis169: downwell?
🔗 15:23
theflanman5: check hardware stuff in control panel?
🔗 15:23
DigitalSeahorse: does controller need calibration?
🔗 15:23
LadyTL 's PS4 is now IMPOSSIBLY racist.
🔗 15:23
SquareDotCube: Try other controllers?
🔗 15:23
DigitalSeahorse: does it have a power button?
🔗 15:23
kronopticon: Is the controller being recognised by the PC?
🔗 15:23
theflanman5: device manager?
🔗 15:23
Metric_Furlong: !controller bad
🔗 15:23
Theicyhandofdeath: quake?
🔗 15:23
Samph1re: I'm surprised there's not more than one controller in the office
🔗 15:23
SajuukSjet: >>> Attempt Computer Restart to cycle the USB Drivers <<<
🔗 15:23
CoyoteSans: It's a different, but I think better look for The Division. Kudos, devs. Kappa
🔗 15:23
Lycodrake: controll ga shinda
🔗 15:23
TStodden: USB checked? Tested on another system? -- Time to get another controller?
🔗 15:23
anntar12: #blameadam
🔗 15:23
io_Otter: VoicedOtter Indeed
🔗 15:23
SpacePotato01: Controller is an illusion. It was always an illusion.
🔗 15:23
Talin06: Mouse an keyboard?
🔗 15:23
DigitalSeahorse: button on the controller with a light?
🔗 15:23
SirBiffaloEsq: You could use KB/M, or is that not an option?
🔗 15:24
Dandinstorm12: ooo
🔗 15:24
SquareDotCube: Well, at least you can move the mouse on a PS4 controller. :P
🔗 15:24
DigitalSeahorse: hmmm
🔗 15:24
VoicedOtter: Io_otter how are you?
🔗 15:24
DigitalSeahorse: maybe game not mapped to it?
🔗 15:24
AdmiralMemo: Alex: The SNES one worked, last I saw. :-D
🔗 15:24
VoicedOtter: Io_otter wait I asked already
🔗 15:24
JackWhoWanders: greatest update
🔗 15:24
GSCeurope: !advice
🔗 15:24
Vn497: Have you tried turning it off and on again?
🔗 15:24
VoicedOtter: !badadvice
🔗 15:24
LRRbot: Boop its nose.
🔗 15:24
CoyoteSans: Somewhere, Cam feels the urge to laugh, and has no idea why.
🔗 15:24
theflanman5: !badadvice
🔗 15:24
LRRbot: DO NOT push those buttons.
🔗 15:24
SquareDotCube: Yeah, might want to check out your device manager.
🔗 15:24
mikstar890: Quick, get the paul!
🔗 15:24
Dandinstorm12: schade
🔗 15:24
anntar12: !badadvice
🔗 15:24
Lycodrake: Adam UREEEEEE
🔗 15:24
kronopticon: !paul
🔗 15:24
LRRbot: Paul currently unavailable, please try again later.
🔗 15:24
Bluemage76: Sounds like a USB failure. I would reboot.
🔗 15:24
Samph1re: we're not getting a usb boo-boop on this end, if that's relevant
🔗 15:24
SquareDotCube: Alternatively, plug in from the back of the case, where the motherboard's USB panel is.
🔗 15:24
SajuukSjet: >>> Attempt Computer Restart to cycle the USB Drivers, or check that drivers actually loaded in Device Manager <<<
🔗 15:25
Skeletons54: alex what cards in shadows over innistrad are you looking forward to most?
🔗 15:25
AdmiralMemo: Alex: I know. That was part of my joke. :-D
🔗 15:25
Malcairad: Hey, I had a dream, a wierd dream involving some of the LRR crew, you Alex, as A-Train was a psychotic cyborg.
🔗 15:25
LibrarianPrincess: I mean, technically you are :P
🔗 15:25
io_Otter: VoicedOtter conveniently whatever you asked disappeared when I popped out chat
🔗 15:25
Theicyhandofdeath: i would pay to see the divison with a snes controller
🔗 15:25
Mister_Blue_Sky: pony island installed SeemsGood
🔗 15:25
Riandisa: DDR pad Division?
🔗 15:25
rebellioususername: @Mikstar890 @Squaredotcube basically gave the same device. Paul is the device manger
🔗 15:25
Lycodrake: Time Rammiside update!?
🔗 15:25
Malcairad: Making it a story to post on forums when done
🔗 15:25
VoicedOtter: Io_otter fair enough.
🔗 15:25
zarbit: Same s***, different butt.
🔗 15:25
Tantusar: This week on Un- lrrEFF My Controller, popular internet streamer Alex Steacy talks to us about how The Division lrrEFF -ed his controller.
🔗 15:25
DigitalSeahorse: oh hai, Mister_Blue_Sky
🔗 15:25
Metric_Furlong: Lycodrake, oh god
🔗 15:25
Anubis169: Lycodrake: nooooooo
🔗 15:25
Anubis169: fantastic!
🔗 15:25
theflanman5: *lie on the ground, try not to cry, cry a lot*
🔗 15:25
Metric_Furlong: so... Geoguesser?
🔗 15:25
aesir_blade: Devil Daggers?
🔗 15:25
CoyoteSans: Gotta love it was basic drivers randomly stop working in Windows for no good or obvious reason. Kappa
🔗 15:25
kronopticon: Turn it off and on again?
🔗 15:25
anntar12: akward_fart.wav
🔗 15:25
Dandinstorm12: so play mouse and keyboard games
🔗 15:26
TStodden: Got a USB 360 receiver?
🔗 15:26
JackWhoWanders: sing a song?
🔗 15:26
LibrarianPrincess: we love you Alex, sorry for tech troubles
🔗 15:26
LadyTL: @Tantusar - Controller went Rogue. We had to put it down, for the good of New York.
🔗 15:26
kronopticon: the computer i mean
🔗 15:26
Anubis169: downwell with the keyboard?
🔗 15:26
SirBiffaloEsq: Make a pact with an elder god?
🔗 15:26
Zyme86: No dank souls, but then you have nothing to play My god
🔗 15:26
Theicyhandofdeath: half life?
🔗 15:26
Tantusar: @LadyTL ayy got there
🔗 15:26
Lycodrake: summon Dregs characters?
🔗 15:26
glovesaves4days: SWTOR?
🔗 15:26
SajuukSjet: >>> Check device manager to see if controller drivers installed, then if needed, restart computer <<<
🔗 15:26
Rootpotato: let's play room of 1000 snakes for an hour? Kappa
🔗 15:26
PandasAndPancakes: Beseiged? Haven't played that for a while
🔗 15:26
EricTheOrange: Peggle 2?
🔗 15:26
GDwarf: 360 controllers *should* work natively with Windows, if you have a spare wired one
🔗 15:26
Malcairad: Have you tried pushing the ON button?
🔗 15:26
Balrox: kbmod Kappa
🔗 15:26
theflanman5: HID is supposed to fix all this
🔗 15:26
Dandinstorm12: Does S mod still work?
🔗 15:26
Skeletons54: fashion souls or fashion fallout Kappa
🔗 15:26
release_the_squid: Play the 2D darksouls thingy Admam played maybe? :x
🔗 15:26
CapnRobert: @Coyotesans I 'd emphasize the obvious downplay the good
🔗 15:26
OessiMC: Darksouls in hardcore mode; otherways known as: with keyboard controls
🔗 15:26
zarbit: ooh ooh ooh XCom 2!
🔗 15:26
Foxmar320: Fallout 4 dlc?
🔗 15:26
Zyme86: !badadvice
🔗 15:26
LRRbot: Hug the tentacles.
🔗 15:26
BlueMechanic: geoguessr?
🔗 15:26
Theicyhandofdeath: stalker?
🔗 15:26
JujuBeans32088: typing of the dead
🔗 15:26
LadyTL: XCOM doesn't seem like Alex's jam...
🔗 15:26
DigitalSeahorse hugs the tentacles
🔗 15:26
Metric_Furlong: glovesaves4days, that came out of left field
🔗 15:26
AdmiralMemo: Boooo
🔗 15:26
Lycodrake: ;n;
🔗 15:26
kronopticon: ragequit. :)
🔗 15:27
theflanman5: xcom gon give it to ya?
🔗 15:27
jonlevir: aw, that sucks
🔗 15:27
Bluemage76: Reboot vote.
🔗 15:27
DigitalSeahorse: D:
🔗 15:27
TStodden: Microsoft made 360 controller drivers built into WIndows Update... You Need Windows 10 for XBone controllers.
🔗 15:27
Dandinstorm12: Play STALKER
🔗 15:27
rebellioususername: Alex stream minesweeper for 3 hours
🔗 15:27
kronopticon: reboooooooot
🔗 15:27
Capt_Sheep: Roll some dice
🔗 15:27
Dandinstorm12: :(
🔗 15:27
IndigoVitare: oh well, here come all the suggestions for games to play. Someone put up a Dark Souls counter
🔗 15:27
SajuukSjet: >>> Check device manager to see if controller drivers installed, then if needed, Restart Computer <<<
🔗 15:27
MousseFilledCat: Just one of those days? That sucks
🔗 15:27
Theicyhandofdeath: dino d day?
🔗 15:27
Anubis169: TStodden: uhh, no?
🔗 15:27
Skeletons54: its the skeleton i tell ya Kappa
🔗 15:27
Rootpotato: !advise
🔗 15:27
lokiliar: @Loadingreadyrun try different usb port? or restart the PC? had similar problems recently, restart helped
🔗 15:27
Anubis169: you can run them on anything
🔗 15:27
Dandinstorm12: Adam!
🔗 15:27
anntar12: Minesweeper Alex Minesweeper
🔗 15:27
Tantusar: This week on IDDQDammit...
🔗 15:27
Lord_Hosk: Hey alex, did you ever get that loonie unstuck from your back?
🔗 15:27
Dandinstorm12: AWWWW yessss
🔗 15:28
Metric_Furlong: Blowout soon, fellow Stalker
🔗 15:28
Theicyhandofdeath: grim fandango and just be racist to manny the whole time
🔗 15:28
Dandinstorm12 lends Alex strength
🔗 15:28
Lycodrake: SPIRIT BOMB
🔗 15:28
Elah806 subscribed for 27 months in a row!
🔗 15:28
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Elah806! (Today's storm count: 3)
🔗 15:28
AdmiralMemo: !game override off
🔗 15:28
LRRbot: Override disabled. Currently playing: Tom Clancy's The Division
🔗 15:28
Anubis169: lrrSPOT
🔗 15:28
🔗 15:28
Rootpotato: I vote minesweeper
🔗 15:28
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT
🔗 15:28
Cannons_are_an_instrument: Go the mouse & keys route?
🔗 15:28
LadyTL: Such is life in the Zone ;n;
🔗 15:28
CoyoteSans: I think that's a quote: "If we're gonna be miserable, let's be completely miserable. *loads Clear Sky*"
🔗 15:28
elah806: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
🔗 15:28
AdmiralMemo: !game override Controller
🔗 15:28
LRRbot: Override enabled. Currently playing: Controller
🔗 15:28
anntar12: same
🔗 15:28
TStodden: From what I've found online, Microsoft has refused to provide drivers for the XBox One controllers for non-Windows 10 systems.
🔗 15:28
AdmiralMemo: !game bad
🔗 15:28
LRRbot: Rating for Controller on IDDQDerp is now 0% (0/1)
🔗 15:28
LadyTL: lol Memo
🔗 15:28
theflanman5: play LoL and become salt
🔗 15:28
zarbit: !game bad
🔗 15:28
Xonlic: By sweet Christmas, I come backing from Physical Training to Alex's stream!?
🔗 15:28
zarbit: ty Memo
🔗 15:28
Zaghrog: !game bad
🔗 15:28
Irgendwasmitkiwi: Omg stalker time, I'm so excited
🔗 15:28
Xonlic: Huzzah and such
🔗 15:28
Skeletons54: think happy thoughts alex like shadows over innistrad cards
🔗 15:28
Malcairad: !game bad
🔗 15:28
anntar12: !game bad
🔗 15:28
Cannons_are_an_instrument: !game bad
🔗 15:28
io_Otter: !game bad
🔗 15:28
Theicyhandofdeath: !game bad
🔗 15:28
elah806: !game Unsupported Signal
🔗 15:29
Dandinstorm12: welocme back @Xonlic
🔗 15:29
LordZarano: !game bad
🔗 15:29
CoyoteSans: !game bad
🔗 15:29
Xonlic: @Dandinstorm12 :D
🔗 15:29
Metric_Furlong: !game
🔗 15:29
LRRbot: Currently playing: Controller (rating 0%) (overridden)
🔗 15:29
Tantusar: And so IDDQDerp transforms into Watch and Play.
🔗 15:29
AdmiralMemo: !addquote (Alex) [now] If we're gonna be miserable, let's be completely miserable. *opens STALKER: Clear Sky*
🔗 15:29
LRRbot: New quote #2140: "If we're gonna be miserable, let's be completely miserable. *opens STALKER: Clear Sky*" —Alex [2016-03-22]
🔗 15:29
LadyTL: So wait...
🔗 15:29
AdmiralMemo: !game override off
🔗 15:29
LRRbot: Override disabled. Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
🔗 15:29
LadyTL: Clear Sky is the crap STALKER?
🔗 15:29
Lycodrake: ohdear
🔗 15:29
AdmiralMemo: LadyTL: Yes.
🔗 15:29
LRRbot: Rating for Controller on IDDQDerp is now 0% (0/10)
🔗 15:29
MDK_Marshal: Evening all!
🔗 15:29
mikstar890: I don't recall Alex, have you played Kingdom? It seems like your kinda Jam
🔗 15:29
Mister_Blue_Sky: wouldn't we be playing the quivering if we wanted total abject misery?
🔗 15:29
rebellioususername: now people my phone was misplaced last night. I'm going to tear my room apart to find it. Before that however here's a poll asking where you think it might be http://strawpoll.me/7157304 mods !poll?
🔗 15:29
Anubis169: TStodden: you can use 3rd party ones, on the generic 360 ones from the MS website
🔗 15:29
LadyTL: Ohhh no...
🔗 15:29
AdmiralMemo: !game
🔗 15:29
LRRbot: Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
🔗 15:29
GDwarf: Not as good as STALKER: Opaque Ground
🔗 15:29
Irgendwasmitkiwi: Thank you Alex, I'm really needing this. I'm having to write my final exam for my degree tomorrow and need to relax somehow before I turn insane.
🔗 15:30
LadyTL: Oh no. Honey, n- well, I mean, our hand was forced here.
🔗 15:30
Xonlic: Remember kids, Fallout 4 DLC soon will be a remake of S.T.A.L.K.E.R
🔗 15:30
Anubis169: Such is life in The Zone
🔗 15:30
IndigoVitare: it was the worst of times, and the worst of times
🔗 15:30
Dandinstorm12: I....don't like shitty times
🔗 15:30
AdmiralMemo: !poll 300 http://strawpoll.me/7157304
🔗 15:30
LRRbot: New poll: Chat my phone is missing. Where do you think it is? (https://strawpoll.me/7157304): 5m from now
🔗 15:30
anntar12: why not run temple of the lava bears 2
🔗 15:30
CapnRobert: I feel like getting a controller working on a pc when you have access to the internet is not that monumental of a task. I'm sure you could get it working relatively quickly with a concentrated effort
🔗 15:30
io_Otter: I liked STALKER: Muddy Water
🔗 15:30
Lycodrake: STALKER: Dirty Water
🔗 15:30
19will97: Oh no. This is gonna be a thing. The one of the games the person currently playing it told me to avoid.
🔗 15:30
elah806: I just took my steroids. For allergies. They gave me steroids for seasonal allergies. #Atlanta
🔗 15:30
Skeletons54: master difficult because we hate ourselves and hate everyone else more Kappa
🔗 15:30
Lycodrake: what is that!?
🔗 15:30
TAOTheCrab: Microsoft claims they support Xbone controllers all the way back to Windows 7
🔗 15:30
LadyTL: I for one look forward to STALKER: Rusty Metal
🔗 15:30
monsieur_squirrel: 5 minutes in and we've overdosed on
🔗 15:30
Lycodrake: why is doge not like doge
🔗 15:30
GDwarf: Capnrobert: Eh, depends on the controller and the PC
🔗 15:30
Dandinstorm12: Alex "On ya bike" Steacy
🔗 15:30
monsieur_squirrel: PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt PJSalt
🔗 15:30
Xonlic: @Taothecrab Are you implying Microsoft lies or is wrong?
🔗 15:30
Lord_Hosk: Hello stalker... there is a blow out coming... you should shoot things
🔗 15:30
Skeletons54: !russel
🔗 15:31
GDwarf: So, what's so bad about Clear Sky, anywho?
🔗 15:31
DennyMcG: Elah806 I had to take some for allergies before, when they hit me really hard dur
🔗 15:31
DennyMcG: during exams*
🔗 15:31
CoyoteSans: TAOTheCrab "All the way back to Windows 7!" The fact they consider Win 7 "legacy" does not fill me with confidence.
🔗 15:31
LibrarianPrincess: when the animals run away you know it's bad
🔗 15:31
Anubis169: what makes mutated animals run like that...
🔗 15:31
TAOTheCrab: @Xonlic no, it's just what I found on their website
🔗 15:31
Dandinstorm12: Get out of Here STALKER
🔗 15:31
Xonlic: Everything is fine
🔗 15:31
Anubis169: oh CRAP
🔗 15:31
LadyTL: @Gdwarf - It was shoddily-made, iirc
🔗 15:31
theflanman5: what was that
🔗 15:31
Anubis169: Blowout now fellow stalker!!
🔗 15:31
Xonlic: @Taothecrab Well if you won't I will XD
🔗 15:31
elah806: Xonlic after @SwiftOnSecurity's meltdown today I don't know how to feel about Microsoft anymore
🔗 15:31
Anubis169: take cover!
🔗 15:31
Mister_Blue_Sky: that sky doesn't look particularly clear imho
🔗 15:31
Dandinstorm12: When Anubis?
🔗 15:31
anntar12: prayer warriors all out for god anyone
🔗 15:31
GDwarf: CoyoteSans: Apple considers versions of OSX that are more than, what, 3 years old to be legacy?
🔗 15:31
Metric_Furlong: Dandinstorm12, N O W
🔗 15:31
Skeletons54: it was only a dream
🔗 15:31
Dumori: mediocaer faction system
🔗 15:31
CapnRobert: Gdwarf I was speaking with knowledge of the pc in use and the controller a few more rare issues could make it take some time though I'd say 30 minutes is probably around the upper limit
🔗 15:31
Dandinstorm12: :)
🔗 15:31
Xonlic: @Elah806 I missed what this is. But i do fear
🔗 15:32
io_Otter: That computer is in BIOS for some reason
🔗 15:32
CapnRobert: totally dig stalker
🔗 15:32
Skeletons54: it was only a dream caused by your defective brain Kappa
🔗 15:32
Havok4: Blow out of soon fellow stalker
🔗 15:32
Dumori: eh it's an emission but it's a blowout
🔗 15:32
LadyTL: Sandstorm soon, fellow Stalker. duDudu
🔗 15:32
Xonlic: Some sort of Nuclear descent in a downward manner
🔗 15:32
Irgendwasmitkiwi: Yes, prayer warrior-bus for the children
🔗 15:32
CoyoteSans: @GDwarf *curls up in fetal position* mkae the bad corporations stop hurting the nice computers, mommy...
🔗 15:32
Molvanian: Stalker again? Is it modded?
🔗 15:32
Irgendwasmitkiwi: let them all turn insane
🔗 15:32
MDK_Marshal: We get it, main char vapes Kappa
🔗 15:32
RAICx: !game
🔗 15:32
LRRbot: Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
🔗 15:32
Anubis169: oh this is going to be so weird, the last 2 were played with russian language packs
🔗 15:32
Lycodrake: !game bad
🔗 15:32
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 0% (0/1)
🔗 15:32
anntar12: yes let the bad games rule
🔗 15:32
Lycodrake: ?
🔗 15:32
aesir_blade: Why are these russians speaking english?
🔗 15:32
Metric_Furlong: so what does S.T.A.L.K.E.R. stand for, anyway?
🔗 15:32
GDwarf: Coyotesans: The, uh, good news is that Win10 is supposed to be the last-ever version of Windows
🔗 15:33
AdmiralMemo: I remember vodka... Lots and lots of vodka...
🔗 15:33
TStodden: I'll BBL... A winter storm (few days into Spring) tomorrow is forcing me to do my running earlier than normal.
🔗 15:33
Xonlic: !Badadvice
🔗 15:33
LRRbot: It's just ahead.
🔗 15:33
Dandinstorm12: so chat replace emission with Blowout
🔗 15:33
LadyTL: Sneaking, Tresspassing, uhhh...
🔗 15:33
Xonlic: @Tstodden Have a good run <3
🔗 15:33
elah806: DennyMcG at this point I'm literally not functional if I'm not hopped up on various meds. My lungs decide they want to exit through my mouth.
🔗 15:33
LadyTL: I forgot the rest
🔗 15:33
MDK_Marshal: AdmiralMemo: Except, lots of vodka precludes memories, period...
🔗 15:33
Dandinstorm12: you survived a Blowout?
🔗 15:33
rebellioususername did not expect to find his phone that quickly. now has no excuse to clean room trying to find it.
🔗 15:33
anntar12: turn left alex turn left
🔗 15:33
zarbit: Watching this guy's mouth move while he talks is hilarious.
🔗 15:33
Dumori: let Clear Sky talk all sciency the other factions use blowout
🔗 15:33
Dandinstorm12: doge
🔗 15:33
io_Otter: You are heavily irradiated, you are actually glowing, why are you not dead?
🔗 15:33
Rhynerd: We survived a blowout!
🔗 15:33
AdmiralMemo: MDK_Marshal: Yes... that's the LAST thing you remember. :-D
🔗 15:33
Lycodrake: doge?
🔗 15:33
monsieur_squirrel: @gdwarf in the same way that Mac i s 10 is the last Mac os
🔗 15:33
Lycodrake: blowout?
🔗 15:33
Skeletons54: dogeman
🔗 15:33
Lycodrake: vhat is dis game
🔗 15:34
MDK_Marshal: AdmiralMemo: I remember.. ShotsShotsShotsShotsShotsShots
🔗 15:34
Samph1re: rebellioususername, I once lost my phone for ages. Eventually discovered I had *made it into my bed*, under the sheets
🔗 15:34
LadyTL: STALKER - Scavenging, Trespassing, Adventuring, Loners, Killers, Explorers, and Robbers
🔗 15:34
GDwarf: Metric_furlong: Suicidally Tactless Alternative Landmine Killing Exploded Remains
🔗 15:34
Theicyhandofdeath: hahaha im doing my online health class and i have to do a project on one item from a list of "contreversial topics" i chose fluoridated water
🔗 15:34
Mangledpixel: they're dog-adjacent
🔗 15:34
Xonlic: Take Animal Friend. Seems choice
🔗 15:34
TStodden: I'll try. It's pretty nice right now (low 60's)... I'll probably get back in time for the Horner Corner...
🔗 15:34
Dandinstorm12: lets make the game playable
🔗 15:34
elah806: How bad does pollen season get up there, Alex?
🔗 15:34
Havok4: It turns out today was just a sleep paralysis dream for Alex.
🔗 15:34
GDwarf: Theicyhandofdeath: Oh, that...that's...that saddens me
🔗 15:34
Xonlic: @Dandinstorm12 So...a drinking game then?
🔗 15:34
Skeletons54: subtitles?
🔗 15:34
anntar12: !quote alex
🔗 15:34
LRRbot: anntar12: That is a subscriber-only command
🔗 15:34
Irgendwasmitkiwi: maybe under advanced video options
🔗 15:34
EGreif: !game
🔗 15:34
LRRbot: Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky (rating 0%)
🔗 15:34
IndigoVitare: fluouridated dihydrogen monoxide?
🔗 15:34
Dandinstorm12: @Xonlic always
🔗 15:34
Toxxick: Alex, whats your relationship with this franchise? I hear you reference it all the time
🔗 15:34
Xonlic: !quote Alex
🔗 15:34
LRRbot: Quote #1901: "Sir... if you could just... be small..." —Alex [2016-02-19]
🔗 15:35
Coldhorn: oh boy, clear sky... so you didn't want to play the good stalkers?
🔗 15:35
Zaghrog: Theicyhandofdeath how large of a project? If it's just a short essay, I think yo could get away with just explaining what it is...
🔗 15:35
Samph1re: I mean, it's pretty
🔗 15:35
DigitalSeahorse: Mister_Blue_Sky, hope nobody offended in other chat...the majority certainly wouldn't intentionally
🔗 15:35
Xonlic: <3 for Anntar
🔗 15:35
Anubis169: desolate wastelands have never looked so amazing
🔗 15:35
LRRbot: Poll complete: Chat my phone is missing. Where do you think it is?: 1: The Subocean (11 votes); 2: in Alex's ear (6 votes); 3: hiding in my pile of googly eyes (3 votes); 4: the pickpockets backpack. (3 votes); 5: behind my bed (0 votes)
🔗 15:35
Skeletons54: no subtitles??!! 0 out of 10
🔗 15:35
GDwarf: Coldhorn: He's played the good ones on stream already, now it's time for this one
🔗 15:35
Dandinstorm12: Remember to drink whenever he goozles himself out of a Grenade
🔗 15:35
LadyTL: Alex loves Shadow of Chernobyl, and doesn't like this one...
🔗 15:35
LadyTL: I forget about the other one.
🔗 15:35
Coldhorn: oh, I missed them. bummer
🔗 15:35
Dandinstorm12: Hi Cold
🔗 15:35
Lycodrake: !panic
🔗 15:35
🔗 15:35
Xonlic: @Dandinstorm12 I would join..but work in 1 hour
🔗 15:35
not_the_batman: What falout 4 mod is this?
🔗 15:35
CoyoteSans: Sir? Sir, your jaw appearts to be partially dislocated...
🔗 15:35
GDwarf: Coldhorn: They're on YouTube! www.youtube.com/loadingreadylive
🔗 15:35
Xonlic: @Not_the_batman Russian DLC
🔗 15:35
Theicyhandofdeath: its a 5 minute speech or a 1000 word essay, not that hard but im tempted to reference dr strangelove
🔗 15:35
Dandinstorm12: @Xonlic I'm drinking mtn Dew Black Label
🔗 15:35
Skeletons54: liquid courage
🔗 15:35
rebellioususername: I thought Alex's ear would get first place on the poll
🔗 15:36
elah806: Dandinstorm12...is that...a thing?
🔗 15:36
LadyTL: So Blowout = Massive psychic backlash?
🔗 15:36
GDwarf: Theicyhandofdeath: The fact that that Bircher conspiracy nonsense is taking off again offends me
🔗 15:36
Dandinstorm12: @Elah806 Yeah man
🔗 15:36
Xonlic: @Elah806 If you clap your hands it is
🔗 15:36
elah806 is afraid
🔗 15:36
Metric_Furlong: is the player character's name really "Mercenary Scar"?
🔗 15:36
Coldhorn: wonderful, thank you @Gdwarf
🔗 15:36
Dandinstorm12: its, legit
🔗 15:36
zarbit: Oh this bass line.
🔗 15:36
Irgendwasmitkiwi: Anyone finished Misery Mod? That was some spoopy stuff :D
🔗 15:36
Anubis169: If Alex completes this... we can choose to rewatch them in airing order or chronological order... maybe even Machete order Kappa
🔗 15:37
Xonlic: @Dandinstorm12 I believe in you. I'll drown in Japanese Whiskey tonight in your honor
🔗 15:37
anntar12: turn left
🔗 15:37
GDwarf: Coldhorn: That's pretty much everything LRR has streamed to Twitch over the past couple of years
🔗 15:37
Skeletons54: moms machete Kappa
🔗 15:37
Dandinstorm12: To be fair, that accent is only slightly atrocious Alex
🔗 15:37
regularnormalperson just subscribed!
🔗 15:37
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, regularnormalperson! (Today's storm count: 4)
🔗 15:37
🔗 15:37
Anubis169: lrrSPOT
🔗 15:37
Bunglelow: But fps russia is only a slightly hansome man, rather than incredibly hansome
🔗 15:37
Dumori: Well Stalker Machete is Cear Sky, SoC, CoP
🔗 15:37
LadyTL: Knees weak, Mom's machete'd...
🔗 15:37
Bunglelow: thus we expect better
🔗 15:37
Theicyhandofdeath: i dont think the conspiracy is taking off its just discussing conterversial health topics throughout the ages
🔗 15:37
Metric_Furlong: LadyTL, nice
🔗 15:37
rebellioususername: Well Alex chat thinks the subocean is more likely but I remain suspicious of you. http://strawpoll.me/7157304/r
🔗 15:37
GDwarf: Coldhorn: Alex streams under the "IDDQDERP", "Let's Nope", and "Watch and Play" playlists
🔗 15:37
Lycodrake: muzzer's spaghetti
🔗 15:37
DigitalSeahorse: nice decorative potware
🔗 15:37
Lycodrake: baghett
🔗 15:37
GDwarf: Theicyhandofdeath: Oh no, flouridation is a bugbear once again
🔗 15:38
Theicyhandofdeath: oh gosh
🔗 15:38
Anubis169: Lycodrake: zz instead of th is German
🔗 15:38
rebellioususername: the funny thing is my phone was at the location with 0 votes so far
🔗 15:38
Theicyhandofdeath: where?
🔗 15:38
Metric_Furlong: so much exposition
🔗 15:38
LadyTL: You must always talk the accent, or else you get the confuse.
🔗 15:38
Xonlic: Wait, is he a rock or glue?
🔗 15:38
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 15:38
io_Otter: at least the walls of text have nice background music
🔗 15:38
Rhynerd: Sergei, what should I be of doings while in zone?
🔗 15:38
regularnormalperson: I just changed my username because noone ever prounced my old on correctly :((
🔗 15:38
Tantusar: Welcome back to Derp and Nope, the abomination created when Alex plays a terrible game on IDDQDerp.
🔗 15:38
Lord_Hosk: Clear sky is like a sky without blowout fellow stalker... is very dangerus stalker friend, giant ball of fire in sky, burn you very badly
🔗 15:38
Zyme86: he's an enclyopedia calaculator... so he's an iPhone?
🔗 15:38
sharktoothjack17: yaayy character profiles. Is what you get for talking to barkeep
🔗 15:38
Bunglelow: One of the effects of chronic radiation, damage to the speech centers
🔗 15:38
Anubis169: regularnormalperson: who were you before?
🔗 15:38
Skeletons54: wheres the button to kill one of us to end the conversation
🔗 15:38
Bunglelow: all these characters are actually from middle america
🔗 15:38
Molvanian: I didn't hear one dirty joke.
🔗 15:38
regularnormalperson: Graffite -- it's misspelled, I understand
🔗 15:38
Zyme86: He is chewing very well and talking as well
🔗 15:39
Xonlic: New card <3
🔗 15:39
Irgendwasmitkiwi: He's gnawed his teeth into tiny stumps
🔗 15:39
Anubis169: as in how you say the spray art on walls?
🔗 15:39
🔗 15:39
Malcairad: Is it just me, or did he have a large head?
🔗 15:39
Irgendwasmitkiwi: from all that jaw movement
🔗 15:39
monsieur_squirrel: that was more than 1 drinks worth of dialog, barman needs to pay better
🔗 15:39
Dandinstorm12: that is the worst toilet ever
🔗 15:39
Anubis169: and i bet people said kept on saying gra-fight
🔗 15:39
wildpeaks: ahh Clear Sky :)
🔗 15:39
Lycodrake: comhrade, mezhinks hyou nheed a toilet
🔗 15:39
Molvanian: At least there wasn't a floating, rotating minigun pick up in the bathroom.
🔗 15:39
CoyoteSans: Fake Toilets: The new fake doors.
🔗 15:39
Skeletons54: shitterz fake captain
🔗 15:39
LadyTL: This is either the worst outhouse ever, or the Zone's tiniest woodshed.
🔗 15:39
regularnormalperson: That's a weird division mod
🔗 15:39
charlofsweden: A fake toilet... to trick our enemies!
🔗 15:39
Anubis169: !game
🔗 15:39
LRRbot: Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky (rating 0%)
🔗 15:39
wildpeaks: !game good
🔗 15:39
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 50% (1/2)
🔗 15:39
Tantusar: !game bad
🔗 15:39
Lord_Hosk: The zone is... bad
🔗 15:40
Xonlic: !game decent
🔗 15:40
Dandinstorm12: Alright get all the "that's a weird X mod" out of your system.
🔗 15:40
Skeletons54: fake toilet to turn into toilet mimic monster
🔗 15:40
Dandinstorm12: What
🔗 15:40
io_Otter: We are titledrop faction, we exist because this game does
🔗 15:40
Dandinstorm12: Whattt
🔗 15:40
Anubis169: yeah i'm actually feeling this game now
🔗 15:40
LadyTL: The Scientists are the... least-bad faction, iirc
🔗 15:40
Anubis169: !game good
🔗 15:40
Dandinstorm12: Whaaat
🔗 15:40
Lord_Hosk: The Zone is... good
🔗 15:40
Dandinstorm12: That can't be right
🔗 15:40
Anubis169: might change it later but good so far :D
🔗 15:40
DigitalSeahorse: even if you don't think about it, it's still wonderous
🔗 15:40
CoyoteSans: !game bad
🔗 15:40
jonnykefka: way too much talking
🔗 15:40
Xonlic: @Dandinstorm12 But..but is good joke. Sold left kidney of girl I loved for "mod joke"
🔗 15:40
DigitalSeahorse: !science
🔗 15:40
Skeletons54: zone is state of mind
🔗 15:40
GDwarf: I'm kinda sad at how mundane the cause of the Zone turns out to be. i wish they'd gone full Roadside Picnic with it all, and just had it be utterly inexplicable.
🔗 15:40
Dumori: Io_otter clear Sky was in the fluff in SoC
🔗 15:40
Lord_Hosk: Dandinstorm... you see, there may or may not be good things, or bad things or magic things
🔗 15:40
LadyTL: Steal Artifacts Get Paid got it.
🔗 15:40
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 40% (2/5)
🔗 15:40
Metric_Furlong: "Why are you hiding?" "Well (proceeeds to spend three paragraphs not answering the question)
🔗 15:41
Skeletons54: thats it wheres my goddamn rifle
🔗 15:41
Irgendwasmitkiwi: Game is of science!
🔗 15:41
jonnykefka: I assume once you get out of the talkyzone it turns into a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game again, right?
🔗 15:41
Lycodrake: blowout?
🔗 15:41
Dandinstorm12: @Lord_hosk Not all that glisters is gold
🔗 15:41
wildpeaks: yes Jonnykefka
🔗 15:41
sharktoothjack17: don't blame them for wanting to stay away from faction wars
🔗 15:41
CoyoteSans: GDwarf It's Eastern European: they know full well total misery comes from utterly mundane sources. Why wouldn't their fiction reflect this outlook?
🔗 15:41
Dandinstorm12: @Xonlic Damn son
🔗 15:41
Dumori: Metric_furlong the other factiosn comptete over artifact feilds and they don't want the petty turf wars
🔗 15:41
io_Otter: Dumori I see, I haven't tried playing in a while so I probably missed that
🔗 15:41
Skeletons54: the real blowout is the conversation
🔗 15:41
zarbit: His accent keeps dropping out every so often.
🔗 15:41
jonnykefka: Ah, this is how they explain changing the map?
🔗 15:41
zarbit: This is GREAT.
🔗 15:41
Dandinstorm12: Lol Fragile balance
🔗 15:41
Anubis169: LOL
🔗 15:41
Dandinstorm12: damnit Alex
🔗 15:41
LadyTL: "Hcheppend"
🔗 15:42
Xonlic: ***
🔗 15:42
Lord_Hosk: Dandinstorm12 some of it is diamonds
🔗 15:42
Anubis169: !highlight Pulling attention
🔗 15:42
Metric_Furlong: Dumori, I know that now
🔗 15:42
DigitalSeahorse: haha Alex
🔗 15:42
Xonlic: @Dandinstorm12 Is this not how you get jokes in home country? I have being far away mainland
🔗 15:42
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 15:42
monsieur_squirrel: !audiobook good
🔗 15:42
Zaghrog: !audiobook good
🔗 15:42
GDwarf: Coyotesans: Roadside Picnic, the novel this is based on, is Russian. The name comes from one character comparing how humans see the zone to how ants would comprehend litter left after a picnic: Utterly inexplicable, dangerous in impossible ways, but hiding great rewards
🔗 15:42
Skeletons54: dude shut up and tell me where my rifle is Kappa
🔗 15:42
Irgendwasmitkiwi: !accent bad
🔗 15:42
LadyTL: This Russian podcast is pretty good...
🔗 15:42
zarbit: Well played, audiobooks.
🔗 15:42
Lord_Hosk: I want some presents
🔗 15:42
Lycodrake: zho hyou khill mhe
🔗 15:42
LadyTL: Roadside Picnic is pr. good...
🔗 15:42
Metric_Furlong: Roadside Picnic, incidentally, is also a good book that people should read
🔗 15:42
wildpeaks: ^
🔗 15:42
Dandinstorm12: @Xonlic Cousin Yuri ships all jokes from the rest of Europe
🔗 15:43
Xonlic: @Lord_hosk How about some interwebs fame? Good present, yes?
🔗 15:43
LadyTL: "Happiness, free for any and all... and let no-one be forgotten!"
🔗 15:43
Anubis169: CoyoteSans: if you can find a translation of Roadside Picnic, or if you natively read Russian
🔗 15:43
LadyTL: Surprisingly upbeat ending for East-Europe fiction
🔗 15:43
Anubis169: do read it, it's fantastic <3
🔗 15:43
Metric_Furlong: LadyTL, yeah...
🔗 15:43
Dandinstorm12: @Lord_hosk Diamonds may in fact, not be forver
🔗 15:43
GDwarf: Anubis169: It's been translated!
🔗 15:43
Xonlic: @Dandinstorm12 Cousin Yuri is scoundrel and fiend, ate local kitty I was rearing to fight Bears.
🔗 15:43
Dandinstorm12: *forever
🔗 15:43
io_Otter: this plot seems to enjoy talking over itself
🔗 15:43
Lord_Hosk: You cant put a bow on internet fame... Usesless
🔗 15:43
GDwarf: Anubis169: Like, an official, high-quality, translation!
🔗 15:43
Dandinstorm12 sings along
🔗 15:43
Dumori: it's nibble the lrrSACK of the zone
🔗 15:43
regularnormalperson: "Bit's and pieces" - "Great! You'll be just fine! GLHF!"
🔗 15:43
Anubis169: GDwarf: dunno where CoyoteSans is from
🔗 15:44
jonnykefka: боже мой ><
🔗 15:44
Dumori: *Nimmble
🔗 15:44
Rhynerd: Beats just having a pistol, right?
🔗 15:44
Mister_Blue_Sky: put it on a rope and throw it at people *shrugs*
🔗 15:44
CoyoteSans: right in the middle of flyover united states
🔗 15:44
Malcairad: If you could blend two games into one, which would you choose?
🔗 15:44
GDwarf: Anubis169: I'd imagine they can read English, at least. :B
🔗 15:44
LadyTL: AK... or AKA Paperweight?
🔗 15:44
Lord_Hosk: You see fellow stalker, AK's do not need ammo in the zone... bullets shoot you.
🔗 15:44
Skeletons54: JUST GUN!! Kappa Kappa
🔗 15:44
Kattalakis: Oh hey, let's go see Ceasar
🔗 15:44
unknowngamer88: I love alex's naming conventions
🔗 15:44
Anubis169: jonnykefka: LOL
🔗 15:44
Invisible_Queen: can you get like a homemade pipe gun in this game? what is the poopiest gun?
🔗 15:44
SkylerRingtail: Howdy all! Where does this game fall in the series?
🔗 15:44
Xonlic: So...cannibalism perk is inherient isn't it?
🔗 15:44
jonnykefka: :D
🔗 15:44
MDK_Marshal: Isn't "bad ideas" a redundant title for a stalker save?
🔗 15:44
Dandinstorm12: Bullets are a luxery, in the great war, we have 1 bullet per 6 men
🔗 15:44
LadyTL: Can you get an Obrez in STALKER?
🔗 15:44
Anubis169: i haven't seen the russian for "omg" in forever
🔗 15:45
io_Otter: I keep hearing him say 'Mark' instead of 'Merc' and just think of the Room .___.
🔗 15:45
SkylerRingtail: Wait, a Stalker game with a tutorial?!
🔗 15:45
Samph1re: This is very pretty
🔗 15:45
LadyTL: Ohai Merc. Kappa
🔗 15:45
GDwarf: The bolt throwing is taken explicitly from Roadside Picnic, where thrown bolts are used to locate pockets of weird gravity
🔗 15:45
Kattalakis: What's the premise of this game anyway?
🔗 15:45
jonnykefka: glad someone could read it anyways. Really I haven't done much with Russian in years, but I love it as a language and always want to go back to it
🔗 15:45
SquareDotCube: Yaay, Jellyfish
🔗 15:45
Xonlic: @Skylerringtail Assume it's due to invisble death walls.
🔗 15:45
Dandinstorm12: This is unmoded clear skies right
🔗 15:45
Zeke229: !game
🔗 15:45
LRRbot: Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky (rating 40%)
🔗 15:45
Dandinstorm12: Huie!
🔗 15:45
Anubis169: Kattalakis: this is a follow on from the first game
🔗 15:45
wildpeaks: walking directly in water ? I wouldn't advise it
🔗 15:45
Anubis169: which really can't be explained in anything less than a minor dissertation
🔗 15:46
GDwarf: Kattalakis: The area around Chernobyl has had physics break down. You play a scavenger who goes into the area to try and loot stuff to make it rich, essentially.
🔗 15:46
Dandinstorm12: yeah, the water should be radioactive
🔗 15:46
LadyTL: @Kattalakis - Chernobyl blew up, the radiation effed with physics in the Ukranian Exclusion Zone, you're a mercenary that makes money smuggling *** out of the Zone.
🔗 15:46
MrTulip: this'll be over tast
🔗 15:46
unknowngamer88: I've never really gotten an clear reason why this one was so panned, other than stability issues
🔗 15:46
Kattalakis: Fair enough
🔗 15:46
Anubis169: but GDwarf is a master at this
🔗 15:46
Samph1re: Kattalakis, the chernobyl explosion caused magical radioactive shizz to happen, you're a scavenger of magical radioactive stuff in the "zone" around the site
🔗 15:46
Anubis169: do your best sir :P
🔗 15:46
Dandinstorm12: Ladders mang
🔗 15:46
wildpeaks: ladders, our only weakness :D
🔗 15:46
Irgendwasmitkiwi: dying
🔗 15:46
AdmiralMemo: LoadingReadyRun: I love that... For everything that you rag on this game, you can still say things like "This is a cool thing they added." Criticism, positive and negative, in all things. :-)
🔗 15:46
MrTulip: 3, 2 ,1...
🔗 15:46
Anubis169: !death
🔗 15:46
LRRbot: lrrAWW 1 death for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 15:46
Lycodrake: "bro"?
🔗 15:46
Dandinstorm12: Dominated
🔗 15:46
SkylerRingtail: We were bleeding
🔗 15:46
DoodlestheGreat: DERP
🔗 15:46
bawkbawkboo1: HAHAHAHAHA
🔗 15:46
Xonlic: *Snerk*
🔗 15:46
sharktoothjack17: wut
🔗 15:46
Zyme86: lol
🔗 15:46
Lord_Hosk: you win!
🔗 15:46
Lycodrake: ???
🔗 15:46
Anubis169 dies laughing twice
🔗 15:46
Vn497: um
🔗 15:46
zarbit: !game bad
🔗 15:46
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 33% (2/6)
🔗 15:46
thepov42: wat
🔗 15:46
wildpeaks: radiation from walking in the water :)
🔗 15:46
io_Otter: XD
🔗 15:46
Coldhorn: IT'S STARTED
🔗 15:46
DarkMorford: !highlight Kill the boars?
🔗 15:46
Lycodrake: !game good
🔗 15:46
Xonlic: That was amazing!!!
🔗 15:46
napsterthegrey: lel
🔗 15:46
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 15:46
Dandinstorm12: You must have....been bleeding?
🔗 15:46
eostby: NYOUP
🔗 15:46
JackWhoWanders: died!
🔗 15:46
Xonlic: !game good
🔗 15:46
DigitalSeahorse: wat
🔗 15:46
Theicyhandofdeath: rest in spaghetti
🔗 15:46
LadyTL: Did we just shoot ourselves in the face?
🔗 15:46
Metric_Furlong: "Nyoup!"
🔗 15:47
Couraster: That's STALKER, baby
🔗 15:47
Invisible_Queen: ladders, the only true currency in this tricke-down world
🔗 15:47
Skeletons54: !pardonfuck
🔗 15:47
LRRbot: lrrEFF 1 pardon-fuck for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 15:47
unknowngamer88: Ded. Not beeg sooprize.
🔗 15:47
MDK_Marshal: Haha, love it =D
🔗 15:47
Alness49: Dark Souls ain't got nothin' on this
🔗 15:47
Malcairad: Did that monster have reflect damage?
🔗 15:47
Tartarga: Good ol' Stalker
🔗 15:47
Bronzefinger subscribed for 27 months in a row!
🔗 15:47
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Bronzefinger! (Today's storm count: 5)
🔗 15:47
DigitalSeahorse: did you shoot the railing and it backfired?
🔗 15:47
Rhynerd: And so begins our story.
🔗 15:47
Lycodrake: sick Dark Souls mod
🔗 15:47
Dandinstorm12: SUUUUB
🔗 15:47
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 15:47
Lycodrake: gg
🔗 15:47
BurntRiviera subscribed for 19 months in a row!
🔗 15:47
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BurntRiviera! (Today's storm count: 6)
🔗 15:47
Havok4: Alex seems a lot happier now.
🔗 15:47
Xonlic: DoTs! DoTs all around me!!
🔗 15:47
Anubis169: Alex: If you remember last time, i think you quickbound bandages and medkit
🔗 15:47
Invisible_Queen: a little radiation will clear the bleeding right up, surely
🔗 15:47
Dandinstorm12: the anomalys?
🔗 15:47
Metric_Furlong: "and that was the first time I died"
🔗 15:47
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 57% (4/7)
🔗 15:47
Dandinstorm12: oh
🔗 15:47
Couraster: That's a lot of radiation
🔗 15:47
regularnormalperson: The man with the SChmidas touch
🔗 15:47
Xonlic: @Dandinstorm12 Murder walls
🔗 15:47
Dandinstorm12: SUUUUUUUUUUB
🔗 15:47
zarbit: Still bleeding?
🔗 15:47
FarleyF: The new FO4 Dlc certainly went in a new direction
🔗 15:47
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 15:47
unknowngamer88: dying again
🔗 15:47
Couraster: Alex, Radiation
🔗 15:47
Dandinstorm12: @Xonlic yeah
🔗 15:47
MDK_Marshal: still bleeding to death?
🔗 15:47
Theicyhandofdeath: hemophiliac protaginist confirmed
🔗 15:47
jonnykefka: @Anubis169 I don't know if Clear Sky has that capability, though. I think that was a LURK feature
🔗 15:48
IndigoVitare: 7.8/10 Too much radiation
🔗 15:48
Anubis169: !death
🔗 15:48
LRRbot: lrrAWW 2 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 15:48
Dandinstorm12: I remember
🔗 15:48
Lycodrake: ve deaded
🔗 15:48
Anubis169: yes, yes you are
🔗 15:48
Dandinstorm12: Wow
🔗 15:48
jonnykefka: well bye
🔗 15:48
MDK_Marshal: splat
🔗 15:48
Kailvin: Radiation.
🔗 15:48
Xonlic: LRRbot got it
🔗 15:48
Anubis169: Kappa
🔗 15:48
wildpeaks: :D
🔗 15:48
MDK_Marshal: welp
🔗 15:48
Lycodrake: GG
🔗 15:48
Dandinstorm12: Goodbye forever
🔗 15:48
io_Otter: gbye
🔗 15:48
zarbit: !game badbadbadbad
🔗 15:48
Lycodrake: g-effing-g
🔗 15:48
jonnykefka: gg no re
🔗 15:48
Vn497: WELP
🔗 15:48
NimrodXIV: ded
🔗 15:48
LadyTL: What!?
🔗 15:48
Dumori: protip do not walk in to annomolies
🔗 15:48
Metric_Furlong: buckle up kids, we're in for a ride
🔗 15:48
Lycodrake: !game bad
🔗 15:48
Theicyhandofdeath: rest in spaghetti
🔗 15:48
CoyoteSans: We're in for some (good) bad times, eh?
🔗 15:48
regularnormalperson: Tutorial level
🔗 15:48
wildpeaks: Welcome home to stalker :D
🔗 15:48
Dandinstorm12: Get that death button reinfoced Anubis
🔗 15:48
Invisible_Queen: that feeling when you die with a health pack in your mouth
🔗 15:48
GDwarf: I begin to see why this game has issues
🔗 15:48
Octavia__ subscribed for 27 months in a row!
🔗 15:48
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Octavia__! (Today's storm count: 7)
🔗 15:48
Rhynerd: Do we already need a pave?
🔗 15:48
Couraster: protip do not walk into irradiated water
🔗 15:48
Anubis169: Dandinstorm12: already did so
🔗 15:48
Dandinstorm12: *reinforced
🔗 15:48
Dandinstorm12: SUUUUUB
🔗 15:48
LadyTL: Medkits = Death.
🔗 15:48
Malcairad: Is this the BEGINING.?
🔗 15:48
LoadingReadyRun: You still got it *clap clap clapclapclap* You still got it!
🔗 15:48
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 15:48
sharktoothjack17: and now we throw *all* of the bolts
🔗 15:48
Skeletons54: just put a band aid on that everything will be fine
🔗 15:48
Dandinstorm12: Graham?
🔗 15:48
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 43% (3/7)
🔗 15:48
LadyTL: Good Ol'fashioned Soviet Medicine.
🔗 15:48
Lord_Hosk: dont walk through broken glass with no shoes on alex
🔗 15:49
Zeke229: rob ford has gone to the giant crack den in the sky
🔗 15:49
Theicyhandofdeath: get straight bolted
🔗 15:49
zarbit: This is a very weird mechanic.
🔗 15:49
Kattalakis: Surely bolts are a valuable resource, throw kittens instead
🔗 15:49
Anubis169: oh man, missed stalker so much <3
🔗 15:49
LadyTL: Rob Ford's doing rails with Bowie in the Big Green Room in the Sky...
🔗 15:49
monsieur_squirrel: dear dr alex, can we see hard difficulty at some point?
🔗 15:49
Dandinstorm12: We're back baby
🔗 15:49
Anubis169: this is honestly the iddqderp stream where i had the most fun <3
🔗 15:49
Invisible_Queen: i have been wondering, where do all these bolts come from?
🔗 15:49
Couraster: And now we're boned
🔗 15:49
MrTulip: oh, it's the rads
🔗 15:49
Lycodrake: sutaakaa
🔗 15:49
Theicyhandofdeath: u cant see them.... their time is now
🔗 15:49
RAICx: Slowly dying again
🔗 15:49
jonnykefka: Now I do rather wonder, how much nastier would this game be if you had limited bolts?
🔗 15:49
Dumori: no you ar irradiate cause you went in the water
🔗 15:49
unknowngamer88: aaaaand dying
🔗 15:49
Metric_Furlong: eh, it's not really STALKER until we've been telekinetically beaten to death with our own gun :p
🔗 15:49
JackWhoWanders: the repeated bolt throwing is almost meditative
🔗 15:49
Xonlic: So, every computer game has Macho Man Randy Savage in it now....where is he in thiss?
🔗 15:49
NimrodXIV: are bolts unlimited?
🔗 15:49
Dandinstorm12: now we need bandits to hit us in the head at 10,000 yards
🔗 15:49
Lycodrake: thanks Rads
🔗 15:49
Lycodrake: #blameadam
🔗 15:49
Anubis169: the water's radioactive?
🔗 15:49
Kailvin: @LoadingReadyRun you are dieing again. Radiation. Watch out!
🔗 15:49
Irgendwasmitkiwi: I always wonder how big that sack of bolts must be that stalker dude carries around.
🔗 15:49
Anubis169: oh joy...
🔗 15:49
jonnykefka: and down goes the halthbar again
🔗 15:50
wildpeaks: yes anubis
🔗 15:50
jonnykefka: are you starving or some shit?
🔗 15:50
Irgendwasmitkiwi: DYING
🔗 15:50
MDK_Marshal: and were bleeding to death again XD
🔗 15:50
Skeletons54: bleeding
🔗 15:50
SketchyDetails: Bolt throwing simulator. I love this game.
🔗 15:50
Couraster: Alex, RADIATION
🔗 15:50
Coldhorn: radiation poisoning
🔗 15:50
Dandinstorm12: Rads?
🔗 15:50
Rhynerd: Can our hero avoid death by radiation poisoning?
🔗 15:50
regularnormalperson: how many bolts do you have?! you could build a whole othe tower with that much metal
🔗 15:50
Xonlic: Dead in 10
🔗 15:50
Lycodrake: rads?
🔗 15:50
GDwarf: Man, the zone has *impressive* mosquitoes, doesn't it? Kappa
🔗 15:50
🔗 15:50
DigitalSeahorse: o.o
🔗 15:50
MrTulip: yes it was
🔗 15:50
AdmiralMemo: !addquote (Alex) [now] It's really not... Jesus.
🔗 15:50
LRRbot: New quote #2141: "It's really not... Jesus." —Alex [2016-03-22]
🔗 15:50
LibrarianPrincess: "that's really not jesus"
🔗 15:50
LadyTL: You are being Irradiated To Death...?
🔗 15:50
SketchyDetails: is the The Division: Ukraine?
🔗 15:50
SachielOne: Leeches?
🔗 15:50
CommiePuddin: Is the water radioactive?
🔗 15:50
GDwarf: Regularnormalperson: Infinite. Such is life in the zone.
🔗 15:50
jonnykefka: still dropping like a stone
🔗 15:50
FarleyF: Maybe the bolts are being generated from your blood like the bullets in Bloodborne
🔗 15:50
Coldhorn: the water is radioactive
🔗 15:50
AdmiralMemo: !findquote Jesus
🔗 15:50
LRRbot: Quote #1980: "You can switch Jesus..." —James [2016-02-25]
🔗 15:50
Dumori: the rads warn on exposor the reb bar on the guage is rad in system
🔗 15:50
DoktorLoy: maybe its the mystery AK?
🔗 15:50
CoyoteSans: SketchyDetails Methinks that what edge a little too close to real life at the moment...
🔗 15:50
DigitalSeahorse: blood still
🔗 15:51
regularnormalperson: WEll, blood IS rich in iron... makes sense to me
🔗 15:51
AdmiralMemo: !findquote Jesus
🔗 15:51
LRRbot: Quote #1056: "I only saw clips of like JESUS!" —Alex [2015-11-06]
🔗 15:51
LibrarianPrincess: someone is saying poisoned water?
🔗 15:51
NickTheDM: Whats that middle dial which seems empty?
🔗 15:51
Xonlic: Maybe we're just annemic?
🔗 15:51
rebellioususername: Oh look at that @Admiralmemo found Jesus
🔗 15:51
AdmiralMemo: !findquote Jesus
🔗 15:51
LRRbot: Quote #896: "Jesus Christ on a cracker!" —Alex [2015-10-16]
🔗 15:51
Rhynerd: !findquote blow
🔗 15:51
LRRbot: Quote #2109: "Press F to blow up." —Graham [2016-03-16]
🔗 15:51
Dandinstorm12: That isn't cover
🔗 15:51
Anubis169: Blowout soon fellow STALKER!
🔗 15:51
SkylerRingtail: Friend is ded?
🔗 15:51
NapalmSideburns: Alex, you don't know what's killing you, and the suspense is killing you lrrSPOOP
🔗 15:51
JackWhoWanders: that's just how hard STALKER is, you're always dying?
🔗 15:51
AdmiralMemo: !findquote Jesus
🔗 15:51
LRRbot: Quote #1431: "This is your brain on Jesus." —Alex [2014-01-17]
🔗 15:51
Theicyhandofdeath: get zoned
🔗 15:51
DigitalSeahorse: blood
🔗 15:51
2Flower: I think the health drain is hunger.
🔗 15:51
Dandinstorm12: that counts as cover!
🔗 15:51
Invisible_Queen: we have secretly put a mod in Stalker that makes Alex begin the game with a sucking chest wound, let's see if he notices
🔗 15:51
Lord_Hosk: please stop spamming Lrrbot
🔗 15:51
wildpeaks: yay, we survived tutorial :D
🔗 15:51
AdmiralMemo: !findquote Jesus
🔗 15:51
LRRbot: Quote #2141: "It's really not... Jesus." —Alex [2016-03-22]
🔗 15:51
DigitalSeahorse: \o/
🔗 15:51
LadyTL: @Napalmsideburns - So by logical deduction, Suspense killed Alex.
🔗 15:51
Skeletons54: welcome to the bone zone
🔗 15:51
kimjappas subscribed for 3 months in a row!
🔗 15:51
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, kimjappas! (Today's storm count: 8)
🔗 15:51
kimjappas: Wow, The Division got weird.
🔗 15:51
Anubis169: at best, friend is dead... at worst, friend is an undead unthinking homicidal zombie
🔗 15:51
Dandinstorm12: sUUUUUUUUUUUb
🔗 15:51
AdmiralMemo: Lord_Hosk, ok.
🔗 15:51
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 15:52
DigitalSeahorse: blood still bleeds
🔗 15:52
Skeletons54: just get straight boned
🔗 15:52
io_Otter: I can't tell if still dying
🔗 15:52
Lycodrake: gib ploz
🔗 15:52
Coldhorn: do you see the gauge above the light blue bar on the lower right of the screen? If the gauge shows red at all you are irradiated and will take damage.
🔗 15:52
napsterthegrey: is the healths still dropping?
🔗 15:52
AdmiralMemo: Lord_Hosk, Brain not at 100% today
🔗 15:52
SketchyDetails: coyotesans huh?
🔗 15:52
SickViccc: Chinese stream?
🔗 15:52
Lycodrake: we dying still?
🔗 15:52
MrTulip: still dying :)
🔗 15:52
Irgendwasmitkiwi: you still bleeding?
🔗 15:52
Vn497: You're still dying
🔗 15:52
DigitalSeahorse: STALKER Bleeding Sky
🔗 15:52
LadyTL: Hurk-Burr-Badahp-Dahd-Gah
🔗 15:52
regularnormalperson: not THAT surprised
🔗 15:52
Rhynerd: Blowout.
🔗 15:52
Xonlic: Dying in 6
🔗 15:52
SkylerRingtail: Beanpole?
🔗 15:52
LadyTL: ~ Alex Steacy
🔗 15:52
Theicyhandofdeath: it not perfect system
🔗 15:52
io_Otter: I wonder if we can die in the conversation
🔗 15:52
Skeletons54: still alive and bleeding
🔗 15:52
kimjappas: I love the fact that the LRR crew always spoonerizes my username into Jim, since it itself is a spoonerism.
🔗 15:52
Mangledpixel: gonna bleed out listening to this guy
🔗 15:52
GDwarf: Un-oo-sual. got it.
🔗 15:52
Lord_Hosk: maybe go laydown and take a nap AdmiralMemo
🔗 15:52
sharktoothjack17: Beanpolev?
🔗 15:52
not_the_batman: and we're STILL losing health for no discernible reason!
🔗 15:52
JackWhoWanders: he just has a really bad nosebleed
🔗 15:52
Metric_Furlong: io_Otter, only one way to find out!
🔗 15:52
CoyoteSans: SketchyDetails Ukraine is currently in the middle of an actual civil war.
🔗 15:52
Theicyhandofdeath: but it kills u almost instantly
🔗 15:52
Dandinstorm12: Take that scientific explanation! I defy you!
🔗 15:53
Dandinstorm12: So, your a PC....
🔗 15:53
Bunglelow: Bit early for 'youre the one true hero speech aint it'
🔗 15:53
Bunglelow: :P
🔗 15:53
AdmiralMemo: Lord_Hosk: Was considering just that.
🔗 15:53
Metric_Furlong: Not_the_batman, Game Of The Year, 11/10
🔗 15:53
SketchyDetails: yes. and this game is actually set in the ukraine
🔗 15:53
Dandinstorm12: you're
🔗 15:53
zarbit: something something pleasing a woman
🔗 15:53
Theicyhandofdeath: nyop out
🔗 15:53
SickViccc: The stalker games are so god damn underrated
🔗 15:53
Xonlic: @Dandinstorm12 So..you're saying I'm a main character?
🔗 15:53
Anubis169: fast fooooooooorward!
🔗 15:53
Dandinstorm12: yes
🔗 15:53
AdmiralMemo: !addquote (Alex) [now] I kind of hope I bleed to death... in the middle of the conversation.
🔗 15:53
LRRbot: New quote #2142: "I kind of hope I bleed to death... in the middle of the conversation." —Alex [2016-03-22]
🔗 15:53
regularnormalperson: your droning is so boring, I leterally died
🔗 15:53
Dandinstorm12: Player character
🔗 15:53
Samph1re: it's not "the ukraine" any more, afaik, it's just "ukraine"
🔗 15:53
LadyTL: "So anyways, I say's to Mabel I says-" HURK "-are you listening?!"
🔗 15:53
GDwarf: I love that he just watches you bleed to death, expositing all the while
🔗 15:53
Theicyhandofdeath: sorcery
🔗 15:53
Dandinstorm12: ahem
🔗 15:53
Rhynerd: "Let me tell you what happe-nyuop"
🔗 15:53
Dandinstorm12: lrrFINE
🔗 15:53
Skeletons54: something something hostile enviroment
🔗 15:53
DigitalSeahorse: you are amazing at survival *dies*
🔗 15:53
Havok4: Alexdoes not like text
🔗 15:53
Irgendwasmitkiwi: he saved himself from bleeding through his ears, regains hp
🔗 15:54
FarleyF: So you're suffering the death by 1000 cuts
🔗 15:54
Anubis169: Samph1re: 'the ukraine' exists only in the english lexicon, nowhere else
🔗 15:54
regularnormalperson: Sell you bolts for infinite money
🔗 15:54
io_Otter: I like to believe your health coming back just means you're bleeding in reverse now
🔗 15:54
Dandinstorm12: 7.62 mm
🔗 15:54
Samph1re: Anubis169, fascinating
🔗 15:54
SickViccc: Oh is he American? I no read SMOrc
🔗 15:54
LordZarano: Loadingreadyrun red at bottom of Rad meter = slow death
🔗 15:54
Invisible_Queen: seems like a really Russian thing to do to time your death so a guy who annoys you will think he talked you to death
🔗 15:54
Theicyhandofdeath: somewhere a "russian" voice actor is crying
🔗 15:54
FarleyF: In zone blood flows into you
🔗 15:54
Rhynerd: @Io_otter so he's absorbing blood?
🔗 15:54
Theicyhandofdeath: thats so rad
🔗 15:54
Dandinstorm12: wait
🔗 15:55
Dumori: it's the middle one you have no red so you are now reginign HP
🔗 15:55
Dandinstorm12: like Dracula style?
🔗 15:55
FarleyF: Or maybe you have a reverse leech attached to you and is giving you blood instead of taking it
🔗 15:55
LordZarano: the red's not there now but it was when you were dying
🔗 15:55
Skeletons54: in soviet zone blood bleeds
🔗 15:55
LadyTL: @Farleyf - "Witness me, bloodbag" ?
🔗 15:55
yodamorfii: Hello from Russia , good game. Only translations in English are bad
🔗 15:55
io_Otter: Rhynerd it'd make about as much sense as anything
🔗 15:55
Invisible_Queen: maybe you mutated super blood generating bone marrow
🔗 15:55
regularnormalperson: Meh, they're not THAT great....
🔗 15:55
FarleyF: @ladytl something like that
🔗 15:55
Skeletons54: in Soviet zone blood bleeds you.
🔗 15:56
Irgendwasmitkiwi: Skwads?
🔗 15:56
Rhynerd: maybe we're playing a new breed of vampire.
🔗 15:56
Invisible_Queen: i heard of a guy with that superpower in real life. a legend down at the blood bank
🔗 15:56
Frylock72: What the hell are those?
🔗 15:56
Dandinstorm12: on ya bike!
🔗 15:56
GDwarf: Yodamorfii: Alex really likes the first and third STALKER games, this one much less so
🔗 15:56
Anubis169: Theicyhandofdeath: last time he played Call of Pripyat with the Misery Mod on, somebody mentioned the russian voice acting wasn't done by russians
🔗 15:56
LadyTL: "The Lets-Be-Honest,-They're-Only-Okay Swamps"
🔗 15:56
wildpeaks: soon-mutant-bacon Kappa
🔗 15:56
FarleyF: @rhynerd as long as we don't sparkle then that's a OK
🔗 15:56
cheetoJack: Rhynerd, like a hampire?
🔗 15:56
Anubis169: oh man the reload time on this, it's like a real shottie :D
🔗 15:56
Theicyhandofdeath: thats why russian was in quotes
🔗 15:56
Lycodrake: what the holy heck are those things
🔗 15:56
Dandinstorm12: that is suuuuper slow reload speed
🔗 15:56
SkylerRingtail: That shotgun does not seem to have much oomph behind it
🔗 15:56
Lycodrake: why what why what!?
🔗 15:56
MrTulip: also audio desync on the reload
🔗 15:56
Dandinstorm12: @Anubis169 ...I def reload faster than that
🔗 15:56
LadyTL: Reloading a shotgun's kind of tedious...
🔗 15:57
Rhynerd: @cheetojack not like there's any other new names yet for this new breed...
🔗 15:57
Lycodrake: what are those!?
🔗 15:57
GDwarf: Skylerringtail: Birdshot, maybe? I mean, that'd be *silly*, but...
🔗 15:57
regularnormalperson: They see me stalking, they hatin'
🔗 15:57
Skeletons54: this must urborg tomb of yawgmoth
🔗 15:57
Theicyhandofdeath: *stalking intensifies*
🔗 15:57
Anubis169: actually not too sure Lycodrake
🔗 15:57
Anubis169: gimme a sec
🔗 15:57
Dumori: fyi this system is why the game sucks
🔗 15:57
DigitalSeahorse: mutant doge
🔗 15:57
Lycodrake: i'm not sure i ever actually want to know
🔗 15:57
Invisible_Queen: you have to be careful in the zone so you don't hurt your fingers reloading and die of infection
🔗 15:57
Kattalakis: Were those ejected shells... full?
🔗 15:57
Lycodrake: those ain't no doges
🔗 15:57
Dumori: the faction/radian AI system is aweful
🔗 15:57
Dandinstorm12: those are the mutant pigs
🔗 15:57
Metric_Furlong: prepare the death counter
🔗 15:57
Rhynerd: Through the radiation!
🔗 15:57
LadyTL: We hecked up
🔗 15:57
DigitalSeahorse: or mutant bores
🔗 15:58
DoktorLoy: catch a grenade? I hate that game
🔗 15:58
wildpeaks: the unfortunate part of this game is that initially, it has a lot of such time-limited missions, which could have been done better, but at least they tried :)
🔗 15:58
rebellioususername: I CAUGHT IT I CAUGHT DID I WIN???
🔗 15:58
LadyTL: Let's Not o_O
🔗 15:58
unknowngamer88: hoo boy, this "acting" tho
🔗 15:58
Theicyhandofdeath: well this is a lets play
🔗 15:58
Rhynerd: Don't forget to drink some vodka after drinking!
🔗 15:58
Granitefish: I don't like playing that
🔗 15:58
Dandinstorm12: Lies
🔗 15:58
Lord_Hosk: loot the bodies?
🔗 15:58
DoktorLoy: the endgame content in Catch A Grenade is a real killer
🔗 15:58
Lycodrake: pls no not-doges
🔗 15:58
Rhynerd: *swimming
🔗 15:58
Granitefish: I always fail to catch it
🔗 15:58
Metric_Furlong: DoktorLoy, really? I heard it was a blast
🔗 15:58
Dumori: Wildpeaks it's timed allways on the rtadio hjelp the mooks quests
🔗 15:58
Irgendwasmitkiwi: 2 shots Mc'Steacy turned the fight around
🔗 15:58
Tartarga: "You really turned it around by killing those two guys."
🔗 15:58
GDwarf: Does real-world water accumulate fallout? I mean, I suppose it would, but water also blocks alpha and reduces beta emissions, right? So...hmmm...
🔗 15:58
FarleyF: Could you use your shotgun as a bat to swat it away
🔗 15:58
Zyme86: sell it all for 5 caps
🔗 15:58
Anubis169: does this game have weight management in vanilla?
🔗 15:58
wildpeaks: the many "mission started.. mission failed" indicators turned off a few people from that game unfortunately, which is too bad, it's a good game imho :)
🔗 15:58
LadyTL: Water is actually really GOOD at blocking radiation...
🔗 15:58
Durugai subscribed for 24 months in a row!
🔗 15:59
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Durugai! (Today's storm count: 9)
🔗 15:59
Lord_Hosk: is it bread, or "bread"?
🔗 15:59
Rhynerd: The grenade usually hits me instead of being caught by me. Jammed a finger that way once.
🔗 15:59
Zaghrog: Gdwarf water would carry radioactive waste around pretty effectively
🔗 15:59
LadyTL: It's why we put nuclear waste in concrete pools to deplete.
🔗 15:59
io_Otter: the ambient noise in this swamp really reminds me of Morrowind for some reason
🔗 15:59
Dandinstorm12: Alex after all the Fallout you've played recently, is ammo having weight weird?
🔗 15:59
Skeletons54: water does become radioactive from rain and runoff
🔗 15:59
Dandinstorm12: SUUUUUUB
🔗 15:59
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 15:59
Pandax0: Just got here is this fall out Diablo?
🔗 15:59
Anubis169: Durugai with the 2 years! lrrSPOT
🔗 15:59
Durugai: Really been two years. .Damn
🔗 15:59
CapnRobert: yeah dont they normally store fuel rods at the bottom of pools @Ladytl if i remember water at the surface of the pools is barely radioactive
🔗 15:59
GDwarf: Zaghrog: yeah, fallout probably would wash down into streams and puddles, and then settle at the bottom? I guess? Regardless, standing in water probably would irradiate you right quick
🔗 15:59
Lycodrake: vhat the heck are does things
🔗 15:59
CoyoteSans: The water ITSELF is not radioactive... but dirt and silt particles dissolved in it CAN be radioactive.
🔗 15:59
Rhynerd: Over and under and side y side double barrels. sweet
🔗 15:59
LadyTL: OOH a Citori! I love over-under shotguns >_>
🔗 15:59
Lycodrake: aaaaaaaaaa
🔗 15:59
Alchemistmerlin: Cabela's Irradiated Wasteland
🔗 16:00
wildpeaks: still bleeding o.O
🔗 16:00
Skeletons54: radioactive sediment accumulates in water and settles
🔗 16:00
Dandinstorm12: so we went from side-by-side to over-and-over?
🔗 16:00
CapnRobert: could be remembering incorrectly or misinformed
🔗 16:00
GDwarf: Capnrobert: Not "barely", utterly. It takes something like 1m of water to effectively block all the emissions from fuel rods
🔗 16:00
Rhynerd: Hobo boars
🔗 16:00
zarbit: What kind of MMO is this?
🔗 16:00
Skeletons54: peeding
🔗 16:00
DigitalSeahorse: money?
🔗 16:00
LadyTL: @Capnrobert - You'd get less radiation exposure swimming on the surface of a fuel-rod pool than you would walking around in sunlight...
🔗 16:00
Anubis169: Lycodrake: i remember, that enemy you saw first was called a Flesh
🔗 16:00
harbingerofmadness: there's a serious boar unemployment problem
🔗 16:00
wildpeaks: red first aid doesn't stop bleeding as far as I recall, only bandages or blue medkits
🔗 16:00
FarleyF: Time to stuff bread into your wounds
🔗 16:00
CoyoteSans: Still, I'd give a much wider berth to old rusty cars in a radioactive hellhole than the water.
🔗 16:00
Dumori: you need right bracket to stop the bleeding you just healed cause basic med kitds are crap
🔗 16:00
DigitalSeahorse: like dying with loonies stuck to their backs?
🔗 16:00
DigitalSeahorse: :P
🔗 16:00
Lycodrake: @Admiralmemo don't gib; plz noh
🔗 16:01
Dandinstorm12: uh
🔗 16:01
Ragnarakk: Stalker Beer Sky
🔗 16:01
Kattalakis: There's an idea. Would you play an MMO where all the mobs were players?
🔗 16:01
Lycodrake: we straight effed
🔗 16:01
Dandinstorm12: the flesh
🔗 16:01
IndigoVitare: water's really just a great thing
🔗 16:01
Rhynerd: The vassholes?
🔗 16:01
Dandinstorm12: @Kattalakis no
🔗 16:01
Mangledpixel: Kattalakis, so, like left4dead's versus mode?
🔗 16:01
regularnormalperson: i will worship like a mutated pig-dog-thing
🔗 16:01
aesir_blade: take me to church, i'll worship like a pseudodog
🔗 16:01
Zaghrog: As a What If -article said: if you went swimming in a fuel rod pool, you'd die from lead poisoning because of bullets fired into you by security
🔗 16:01
CapnRobert: gdwarf ah , does fukushima have a problem storing radioactive water is that because its used to cool or is it just unusable for another reason
🔗 16:01
Zaghrog: before you reached the pool
🔗 16:01
LadyThrimbletrimmer: Hey Alex, I haven't heard your thoughts on the upcoming Fallout 4 "Automatron" DLC. Care to share?
🔗 16:01
regularnormalperson: aesir-blade *high-five*
🔗 16:02
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:02
LRRbot: lrrAWW 3 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:02
DigitalSeahorse: lean
🔗 16:02
GDwarf: CapnRobert: No idea
🔗 16:02
Dandinstorm12: Wow
🔗 16:02
Dumori: shotgunenma
🔗 16:02
DigitalSeahorse: !game good
🔗 16:02
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 50% (4/8)
🔗 16:02
Dandinstorm12: they uh, went full aggro
🔗 16:02
Lycodrake: !game bad
🔗 16:02
MrTulip: shotgun up nose
🔗 16:02
LadyTL: @Ladythrimbletrimmer - He didn't care for it when it was announced, but he seems to think it has promise now...
🔗 16:02
🔗 16:02
IndigoVitare: this game is remarkably no-nonsense about you dying. No slowdown, or effects. No fancy font. Just "Game Over" and silence
🔗 16:02
wildpeaks: the dark souls of shooters :D
🔗 16:02
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:02
LRRbot: lrrAWW 4 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:02
Diamonddragon2002: ALLLEEEEXXXX
🔗 16:02
Dandinstorm12: all of this bread
🔗 16:03
Lycodrake: butts
🔗 16:03
Dumori: stuff bread into the wound!
🔗 16:03
RobertMerlow subscribed for 14 months in a row!
🔗 16:03
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, RobertMerlow! (Today's storm count: 10)
🔗 16:03
jadedcynic: First I see that Alex is playing a travesty of a game that we agree is better if we just forget it ever existed...and then I open the stream to Alex at a "Game over" screen. Seems legit Kappa
🔗 16:03
Dandinstorm12: So Alex, frag out?
🔗 16:03
Diamonddragon2002: hold on. ad
🔗 16:03
LadyTL: Cheeki Breek-NYOUP
🔗 16:03
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 50% (4/8)
🔗 16:03
wildpeaks: aw I love that game :)
🔗 16:03
aesir_blade: did we get cheeki breekid?
🔗 16:03
Dumori: nade is your friend
🔗 16:03
Jeremy2D: Nyoup! (Hi)
🔗 16:03
LadyTL: We got the breeki cheeki'd out of us
🔗 16:03
MrTulip: exploit shitty pathing?
🔗 16:03
SkylerRingtail: At least it's not perma-death
🔗 16:03
Diamonddragon2002: AAALLLLEEEEXXXX
🔗 16:03
LadyThrimbletrimmer: @Jadedcynic You'll have to be WAY more specific
🔗 16:03
Anubis169: Diamonddragon2002: easy there :)
🔗 16:03
zarbit: Why is there a 'drop gun' button?
🔗 16:03
Metric_Furlong: SkylerRingtail, permadeath STALKER would be a very short game
🔗 16:03
IndigoVitare: drop gun button? Why do we even HAVE that button Kappa
🔗 16:04
Anubis169: Lycodrake: this series is known for having good atmosphere, accurate weapon stats (i.e. the correct type of ammo for the correct gun), and relatively realistic weanding in combat
🔗 16:04
wildpeaks: I'd be amazed to see an ironman run of any of the stalker games o.O
🔗 16:04
Sleepyperson: Perma-death and stalker = I played for 3 minutes ***
🔗 16:04
Diamonddragon2002: sorry i drank coffee
🔗 16:04
Dandinstorm12: Alex, frag out?
🔗 16:04
Anubis169: wounding*
🔗 16:04
CoyoteSans: STALKER: I Wanna Be The Guy Kappa
🔗 16:04
Xonlic: So much dialog with Perma-death
🔗 16:04
Irgendwasmitkiwi: staggersaving is so important
🔗 16:04
LadyTL: That'd be like Permadeath Super Meat Boy...
🔗 16:04
LadyTL: Very brief.
🔗 16:04
Anubis169: realistic wounding*
🔗 16:04
Lycodrake: @Anubis169 i believe you, but why peegs
🔗 16:04
Dumori: not all water is letah watch that gauge
🔗 16:04
Xonlic: Our worst foe:water
🔗 16:04
Diamonddragon2002: anyone know if i should go mono red or mono black
🔗 16:04
Anubis169: you think those are bad.. wait until you see bloodsuckers
🔗 16:04
Dandinstorm12: both
🔗 16:04
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:04
LRRbot: lrrAWW 5 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:04
io_Otter: STALKER, where having a moat is actually a worthwhile investment again
🔗 16:05
Metric_Furlong: Diamonddragon2002, mono-bread
🔗 16:05
SkylerRingtail: JESUS
🔗 16:05
Xonlic: @Diamonddragon2002 Why go mono atm? Red/Blue looks like the second coming of storm
🔗 16:05
Dandinstorm12: That
🔗 16:05
Dandinstorm12: is a lot
🔗 16:05
SkylerRingtail: I counted...8?
🔗 16:05
Dumori: 10 there are 10
🔗 16:05
Diamonddragon2002: HAAAHAA
🔗 16:05
Lycodrake: @Anubis169 wry, dood, wry would you say that sort of thing ;w;
🔗 16:05
D_Man_7733: Is that a cult?
🔗 16:05
jadedcynic: I'm hearing at least five different voices
🔗 16:05
regularnormalperson: Bandit party
🔗 16:05
Zyme86: sleapover?
🔗 16:05
IndigoVitare: why are the bad guys speaking Russian, but the allies in your camp speak English?
🔗 16:05
not_the_batman: It's sunday, dummy!
🔗 16:05
Dumori: says so on your map
🔗 16:05
sharktoothjack17: it's a very comfy house. Maybe bigger on the inside
🔗 16:05
Jeremy2D: Russians. There's ALWAYS more.
🔗 16:05
LadyTL: N+1, where N = the amount you THINK there are.
🔗 16:05
Kattalakis: Catch grenade stalker
🔗 16:05
Lycodrake: 12 removals!?
🔗 16:05
ZeroArcana: how many are there? ALL OF THEM
🔗 16:05
regularnormalperson: bandit party is a good band name
🔗 16:05
Xonlic: @D_man_7733 I think we could as a cult atm
🔗 16:05
Dandinstorm12: frag out Alex
🔗 16:05
Anubis169: they have natural skin camouflage and fade out of sight when they run away from you
🔗 16:05
FarleyF: Maybe you found snow white and the 16 bandits house
🔗 16:05
wildpeaks: to be fair, you don't have to attack them alone
🔗 16:05
Lycodrake: 12 removals called
🔗 16:05
Dumori: 1 down
🔗 16:05
Anubis169: like octopi do
🔗 16:05
Theicyhandofdeath: ive seen that crapshot
🔗 16:05
LadyTL: Bless you Ambassador Pineapple...
🔗 16:05
jadedcynic: @Jeremy2d aye, just ask Napoleonic France, or Nazi Germany Kappa
🔗 16:05
Dumori: 2 down
🔗 16:05
DigitalSeahorse: it's the bandit club house
🔗 16:05
regularnormalperson: isn't it octopodes?
🔗 16:06
Jeremy2D: precisely, jadedcynic
🔗 16:06
Diamonddragon2002: alex. whats ur opinion on which i should go mono bread or mono kathleen
🔗 16:06
Dandinstorm12: until they flank you
🔗 16:06
Anubis169: i'm not actually sure regularnormalperson
🔗 16:06
Anubis169: to google!
🔗 16:06
Pale_Drake: You can't stop the cheeki breeki Alex!
🔗 16:06
Huxthetux: Do you have... Triskaidecaphopia?
🔗 16:06
sharktoothjack17: i like red, but black might have more flavor right now
🔗 16:06
regularnormalperson: I think both are correct, my version is nerdier
🔗 16:06
jadedcynic: anyways; good luck alex! Peace out.
🔗 16:06
Mangledpixel: Anubis169, regularnormalperson, octopodes, octopi and octopuses are all acceptable
🔗 16:06
Dandinstorm12: go pistol
🔗 16:06
Nightvalien28: today on the adventures of wasteland hobo
🔗 16:06
SkylerRingtail: Are we actualyl hitting? I just see debris
🔗 16:06
Dumori: 3 down
🔗 16:06
LadyTL: If black isn't super strong in Shadows over Innistrad, that's gonna be a major flavor fail
🔗 16:07
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:07
LRRbot: lrrAWW 6 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:07
wildpeaks: jamp on the gas :D
🔗 16:07
Dandinstorm12: Damnit
🔗 16:07
SkylerRingtail: Trololol
🔗 16:07
Metric_Furlong: octopuses = plural of octopus
🔗 16:07
Dumori: !RNG pls
🔗 16:07
Diamonddragon2002: HAHAHAHA
🔗 16:07
aesir_blade: I think the idiomatic translation of "anoo cheeki breeki iv damke" is roughly "one, two, three, king me"
🔗 16:07
Dandinstorm12: rckd
🔗 16:07
Couraster: Pfffhahahaha
🔗 16:07
NimrodXIV: eff
🔗 16:07
Chidorin: @indigovitare just standard sounds that doesn't have any useful information more like atmospheric sounds :D
🔗 16:07
Vn497: lolololololololol
🔗 16:07
zarbit: NOT the time, shotgun. Not the time.
🔗 16:07
MrTulip: i love stalöker
🔗 16:07
Anubis169: Alex: Remember from the first stalker? "My gun is full of marmalade!!"
🔗 16:07
Lycodrake: that's a mechanic? more like straight piped
🔗 16:07
Dumori: so Alex the mini map tells you have many NPCs are in range hostile or not
🔗 16:07
CapnRobert: looked like that guy shrugged off a point blank shotgun blast
🔗 16:07
amythist: wait isn't Clear Sky the "bad" stalker?
🔗 16:07
LadyTL: @Amythist - Yes.
🔗 16:07
Anubis169: amythist: supposedly
🔗 16:07
Anubis169: but diggin' it so far :D
🔗 16:07
Dandinstorm12: the shotgun COULD have blown up on you Alex be gratefull
🔗 16:07
Metric_Furlong: amythist, so we've been told
🔗 16:07
Dumori: you can use that to see if you are doing the lords work KappaHD
🔗 16:07
DigitalSeahorse: gun jammed is when you want the gun drop button
🔗 16:07
LadyTL: This is the 'least-good' STALKER.
🔗 16:08
wildpeaks: ^
🔗 16:08
Theicyhandofdeath: triskaedecawhatevericantspellaphobia has inspired me to look into the feasability of a alt win con/ mill deck
🔗 16:08
sharktoothjack17: The correct plural is octopuses, another technically correct plural is octopodes, and octopi is incorrect but gaining acceptance because language changes
🔗 16:08
Coldhorn: clear sky starts out very strong, but then...
🔗 16:08
Diamonddragon2002: @loadingreadyrun alex whats better mono bread or mono kathleen (black)
🔗 16:08
Dumori: Amythist it has flaws mostly with the faction system not with the core gameplay or story as much
🔗 16:08
Diamonddragon2002: dang ads
🔗 16:08
Diamonddragon2002: 3 ads in a row
🔗 16:08
LadyThrimbletrimmer: @Diamonddragon2002 Green-red looks strong, blue-black looks strong, mono-white looks strong
🔗 16:09
Diamonddragon2002: hmmm
🔗 16:09
bv310: so you know what's rad? Loose leaf tea.
🔗 16:09
Metric_Furlong: why does chat keep talking about triskaidekaphobia all of a sudden?
🔗 16:09
unknowngamer88: I like how white is actually the antagonist for this set
🔗 16:09
Theicyhandofdeath: im working on a edh colorless deck
🔗 16:09
LadyTL puts on her neoprene labcoat with the big black buttons, along with some welding goggles. Time to Build The Robots.
🔗 16:09
Diamonddragon2002: @metric_furlong its a card
🔗 16:09
LadyThrimbletrimmer: @Metric_furlong It's the LRR spoiler card
🔗 16:09
Dandinstorm12: whoa thats odd most ads don't play Come as you Are
🔗 16:09
Metric_Furlong: oh right, that thing
🔗 16:09
LadyThrimbletrimmer: @Theicyhandofdeath I want to see that
🔗 16:09
LadyTL: Also, that card...
🔗 16:09
LadyTL: Is it me, or does it seem... not very good?
🔗 16:09
LadyTL: I mean, its a flavor slam dunk, but mechanically...
🔗 16:09
Metric_Furlong: the old Herp Derp Derp, I'm Alex This Is How I Talk
🔗 16:09
LadyThrimbletrimmer: @Ladytl It's not super playable, but it looks fun
🔗 16:10
Theicyhandofdeath: @Ladythrimbletrimmer the edh colorless?
🔗 16:10
bv310: @theicyhandofdeath Karn, Kozilek, or Ulamog?
🔗 16:10
Malcairad: So we need a coop game, Alex and Kim....
🔗 16:10
unknowngamer88: well, yeah they only give goofball cards for LRR to spoil
🔗 16:10
bv310: I'm slowly piecing together Karn atm
🔗 16:10
Mangledpixel: it's like a lot of the alternate wincon cards, it's goofy, but probably bad
🔗 16:10
LadyThrimbletrimmer: @Theicyhandofdeath Yeah! I'm a big fan of design
🔗 16:10
Theicyhandofdeath: ulamog ceaseless hunger
🔗 16:10
FarleyF: We all suddenly came down with a fear of the bad number 13
🔗 16:10
Diamonddragon2002: what now
🔗 16:10
MrTulip: triskawhatever seems terible
🔗 16:10
Dandinstorm12: Also...that fuppin' card! It's scary as hell, why wizards why would you?
🔗 16:10
LadyTL: Wincon cards are usually pr. bad tbh...
🔗 16:10
sharktoothjack17: I can't wait to see a decklist where that's the win con. Sounds ridiculous
🔗 16:10
Bunglelow: <message deleted>Exotic12978
🔗 16:10
Bunglelow: <message deleted>Oh joy
🔗 16:11
Mangledpixel: I think it's more playable than Hedron Alignment
🔗 16:11
Bunglelow: <message deleted>mod can you delete that?
🔗 16:11
Theicyhandofdeath: im thinking running wastes as the basic land so other spells cant mess with them as easily
🔗 16:11
LadyThrimbletrimmer: Yes, wincon cards have to be bad or else they would be all that anyone plays
🔗 16:11
monsieur_squirrel: are there any ways to make an opponent gain life? that would be an interesting combo
🔗 16:11
Dandinstorm12: I do look forward to losing to it at prerelease
🔗 16:11
MrTulip: Mangledpixel: a buttered toast is more playable than hedrpn alignment
🔗 16:11
Mangledpixel: monsieur_squirrel, yes, there is, built into the card
🔗 16:11
Diamonddragon2002: anyone here live in hawaii
🔗 16:11
Dandinstorm12: @Monsieur_squirrel Grove of the Burnwillows
🔗 16:11
LadyThrimbletrimmer: If they were good, they'd dominate the format
🔗 16:11
FarleyF: That card is going to have people working out maths to get to the magical limit
🔗 16:12
LadyTL: "I tap two red, play a Buttered Toast..." ... "No response." ... "Buttered Toast... resolves?"
🔗 16:12
jondare: One thing that will REALLY hurt it's chance of being playable is that Pain lands are still legal, giving people an easy way to get themselves to 12 life in time
🔗 16:12
FarleyF: Watch people suddenly casting healing spells on their opponents to raise their life to the death limit
🔗 16:12
unknowngamer88: depending on how bad burn is it might be vaible in limited
🔗 16:12
Dandinstorm12: guys, just attack your opp down below 13 and wait
🔗 16:12
Mangledpixel: note that the 'every player loses 1 life' and 'every player gains 1 life' parts are not conditional on the first part (a player having 13 life) being true
🔗 16:12
Theicyhandofdeath: !card platinum angel
🔗 16:12
LRRbot: Platinum Angel [7] | Artifact Creature — Angel [4/4] | Flying / You can't lose the game and your opponents can't win the game.
🔗 16:12
LadyTL: @Mangledpixel ...an excellent point. Even still...
🔗 16:12
Theicyhandofdeath: !card platinum emperion
🔗 16:12
LRRbot: Platinum Emperion [8] | Artifact Creature — Golem [8/8] | Your life total can't change.
🔗 16:13
Diamonddragon2002: didnt they say friday nights is going to be in april?
🔗 16:13
unknowngamer88: yes
🔗 16:13
Diamonddragon2002: ok
🔗 16:13
SoldieroFortune: !uptime
🔗 16:13
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:02:27.
🔗 16:13
jondare: If anything, i imagine it will be used as sort of a Suicide-black version of Molten Vortex or whatever itøs name is
🔗 16:13
Zaghrog: Sulphuric Vortex
🔗 16:13
Dandinstorm12: Sulpheric
🔗 16:13
Malcairad: Where that link to the Friday nights question?
🔗 16:13
Dandinstorm12: however you spell it
🔗 16:14
Diamonddragon2002: look o utube
🔗 16:14
Mangledpixel: !card sulphuric vortex
🔗 16:14
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
🔗 16:14
jondare: Just sitting there constantly pining the opp for 1. Sure maybe you sometimes get them with the actual 13 life=death, but you really just use it to get a clock
🔗 16:14
Mangledpixel: hmm
🔗 16:14
LadyTL: !card Sulfuric Vortex
🔗 16:14
LRRbot: Sulfuric Vortex [1RR] | Enchantment | At the beginning of each player's upkeep, Sulfuric Vortex deals 2 damage to that player. / If a player would gain life, that player gains no life instead.
🔗 16:14
Zaghrog: !card sulruric vortex
🔗 16:14
LRRbot: Can't find any card by that name
🔗 16:14
🔗 16:14
Technic_AL: There are 13 occurences of the letter "T" in Triskadekaphobia
🔗 16:14
LadyThrimbletrimmer: Also, if anyone at the SOI Pre-Prerelease wins a game with triskaidekaphobia then I think they can claim the moral victory
🔗 16:14
jondare: That one yes
🔗 16:14
Mangledpixel: ty LadyTL
🔗 16:14
LadyTL: no problem
🔗 16:14
LadyTL: I figured that spelling thing might've been the issue
🔗 16:14
Bunglelow: <message deleted>@Anubis169 Just dm'd you if you have a second
🔗 16:14
LadyThrimbletrimmer: @Technic_al I believe you Kappa
🔗 16:14
Diamonddragon2002: !card Atarka's Command
🔗 16:14
wildpeaks: that website should have a link to friday nights to make it even better :D
🔗 16:15
Anubis169: what's a DM?
🔗 16:15
Bunglelow: <message deleted>whisper'd
🔗 16:15
FarleyF: Now this is where the armageddon clock comes in handy
🔗 16:15
Kattalakis: Ally colours will likely be strong in SOI limited, maybe in Standard
🔗 16:15
Mangledpixel: there are also 13 words, not counting the numbers, in each of the clauses you can choose
🔗 16:15
Anubis169: oh, pm :D
🔗 16:15
Bunglelow: <message deleted>twitter influence my apologies :P
🔗 16:15
Theicyhandofdeath: !card mindslaver
🔗 16:15
LRRbot: Mindslaver [6] | Legendary Artifact | {4}, {T}, Sacrifice Mindslaver: You control target player during that player's next turn.
🔗 16:15
Earthenone: direct message, used in other areas i guess
🔗 16:15
jondare: øSomeone figured out that there's exactly 13 things of which there are 13 off
🔗 16:15
jondare: Which is cool
🔗 16:15
Anubis169: 2sec, purging by request :)
🔗 16:15
Anubis169: there ya go Bunglelow
🔗 16:16
Bunglelow: Thank ye kindly
🔗 16:16
LadyTL: @Mangledpixel - ...I actually just checked that. :\
🔗 16:16
Technic_AL: there are 13 character spaces used in Willian Murai, including the space separating his first/last name
🔗 16:16
FarleyF: !card armageddon clock
🔗 16:16
LRRbot: Armageddon Clock [6] | Artifact | At the beginning of your upkeep, put a doom counter on Armageddon Clock. / At the beginning of your draw step, Armageddon Clock deals damage equal to the number of doom counters on it to each player. / {4}: Remove a doom counter from Armageddon Clock. Any player may activate this ability but only during any upkeep step.
🔗 16:16
wildpeaks: I hope Alex finds his water bottle back, can't have a stalker stream without the stoli bottle :D
🔗 16:16
Theicyhandofdeath: !card darksteel reactor
🔗 16:16
LRRbot: Darksteel Reactor [4] | Artifact | Indestructible / At the beginning of your upkeep, you may put a charge counter on Darksteel Reactor. / When Darksteel Reactor has twenty or more charge counters on it, you win the game.
🔗 16:16
LadyTL: He could just... buy more Stoli :/
🔗 16:17
wildpeaks: too easy :D
🔗 16:17
MrTulip: and pour it out like the OG he is
🔗 16:17
Dandinstorm12: So chat, how about that...uh...Thing in the Ice?
🔗 16:17
FarleyF: Yeah but that would mean wasting a bottle of Vodka
🔗 16:17
LadyTL: Thing In The Ice seems kinda rad, tbh
🔗 16:17
MrTulip: "wasting"
🔗 16:17
Zaghrog: Thing in the Ice is one of the many gorgeous art pieces of SOI
🔗 16:17
unknowngamer88: I actually want to make the thing in the ice control deck cams was talking about
🔗 16:17
Dandinstorm12: you're right, he should use it to start a fire
🔗 16:17
Theicyhandofdeath: well my user name loves that thing in the ice
🔗 16:17
LadyThrimbletrimmer: As an experiment I've been working on my own magic-inspired card game, and one of the things I want to do is have each set include at least one silly win con
🔗 16:17
Technic_AL: Thing in the Ice, really good with u/r burn
🔗 16:17
Dandinstorm12: Guys, spellskite is a horror
🔗 16:17
FarleyF: Well Alex doesn't drink so how do you empty the bottle
🔗 16:17
Dandinstorm12: just saying
🔗 16:18
Kattalakis: Triakaidekaphobia is also the 4th to make an opponent lose the game, compared with 19 making you win the game
🔗 16:18
Zoozle: Hoi folks; how's the stream flowing today? How are you peoples?
🔗 16:18
LadyTL: FarleyF - By pouring it out for your Homies? Kappa
🔗 16:18
Kattalakis: 4th card*
🔗 16:18
Mangledpixel: Kattalakis, yep, makes it more interesting for multiplayer that way
🔗 16:18
Dandinstorm12: spellskite + thing in the ice seems quite strong
🔗 16:18
jessey_freeman: heeeeeelllllllo
🔗 16:18
Lycodrake: spellskite is a bloated insect thing horror
🔗 16:18
Dandinstorm12: hey @Jessey_freeman
🔗 16:18
Lycodrake: it's actually not something i noticed at first
🔗 16:19
Anubis169: meow...
🔗 16:19
Dandinstorm12: it's a horror, that is the important part
🔗 16:19
Theicyhandofdeath: !card blacker lotus
🔗 16:19
LRRbot: Blacker Lotus [0] | Artifact | {T}: Tear Blacker Lotus into pieces. Add four mana of any one color to your mana pool. Play this ability as a mana source. Remove the pieces from the game afterwards.
🔗 16:19
wildpeaks: Did we lose Alex to an anomaly or my stream is frozen btw ?
🔗 16:19
LadyTL: Ooh I like the flavor text on Fevered Visions...
🔗 16:19
Zaghrog: what is the creature typeline of Perfected Form?
🔗 16:19
Lycodrake: @Anubis169 nya?
🔗 16:19
LadyTL: "The mind can only expand so much before it flies apart."
🔗 16:19
Lycodrake: @Zaghrog insect horror
🔗 16:19
Zaghrog: cool
🔗 16:20
Zaghrog: I thought so
🔗 16:20
Theicyhandofdeath: then theres just the wind
🔗 16:20
Kattalakis: If I understand the trigger correctly, you can respond and make a player's life total 13 after it triggers
🔗 16:20
FarleyF: Even the art on that card is so cool
🔗 16:20
Zaghrog: SOI is just chock full of awesome cards
🔗 16:20
Theicyhandofdeath: the cards for soi seem spoopy and i love it
🔗 16:20
unknowngamer88: I wonder how far back you'd have to go to make a mono-horror deck
🔗 16:20
Pale_Drake: Is it weird that when ever I play eldrazi: I only ever have colorless or devoid cards in my deck? I just seems weird to have cards other than devoid with eldrazi.
🔗 16:20
jonnykefka: long beak
🔗 16:20
Zaghrog: Kattalakis yes
🔗 16:20
jonnykefka: break*
🔗 16:20
LadyThrimbletrimmer: So guys, later tonight I have my Avatar RPG where my players are going into the Spirit World. Any suggestions on what I should make them do?
🔗 16:21
Kattalakis: Which seems like it'd be fun. "Bolt you." "In response, bolt myself too."
🔗 16:21
TrakoGamer: Nyoup!
🔗 16:21
Zoozle: To be honest, I was iffy about continuing to play Magic but HOT DIGGITY DANG SHADOWS OVER INNISTRAD IS TOO FULL OF VALUE.
🔗 16:21
Zaghrog: Gatherer says there are 156 cards with the Horror subtype
🔗 16:21
Theicyhandofdeath: @Ladythrimbletrimmer cut a chandelier to kill a enemy
🔗 16:21
Mangledpixel: yeh SoI is shaping up to be pretty damn awesomelike
🔗 16:21
Bunglelow: He may have just got booted for steam maintenance which may explain the break length?
🔗 16:21
Bunglelow: Or hes taking a dump who knows :S
🔗 16:22
LadyTL: Investigate is kind of a goofy mechanic though...
🔗 16:22
DigitalSeahorse: again I come back to a black ad screen
🔗 16:22
Mangledpixel: LadyTL, yeh, we've seen some more cards that interact with it now though
🔗 16:22
wildpeaks: welcome back
🔗 16:22
Kattalakis: Investigate is what they do already
🔗 16:22
Earthenone: still waiting on that 13 clues and you win the game card :P
🔗 16:22
bigigg: yay
🔗 16:22
unknowngamer88: LadyThrimbletrimmer Have them deal with giant stripey sand snakes
🔗 16:22
Theicyhandofdeath: WE HAVE BEEF
🔗 16:22
Kattalakis: But you can pay later
🔗 16:22
LadyTL: delayed-action cantrips that trigger other things
🔗 16:22
LadyThrimbletrimmer: @Ladytl I agree, but it's a case of how formatting has to work :P
🔗 16:22
Anubis169: wheeeeee
🔗 16:23
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:23
LRRbot: lrrAWW 7 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:23
Diamonddragon2002: alex. whats better. mono bread or mono kathleen
🔗 16:23
amythist: so is Alex running any mods in this like he was with the other stalker games
🔗 16:23
RobertMerlow: Cold as ice there
🔗 16:23
BlandSpice subscribed for 9 months in a row!
🔗 16:23
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, BlandSpice! (Today's storm count: 11)
🔗 16:23
Rocketman210: well, it worked?
🔗 16:23
Dandinstorm12: guys 8 clues + KCI and emrakul = win the game
🔗 16:23
shurtal: someone highlight that
🔗 16:23
Mangledpixel: yay, don't need to murder that poor bear each time any more
🔗 16:23
Dandinstorm12: SUUUUB
🔗 16:23
wildpeaks: on the positive side you didn't blow yourself with that grenade :)
🔗 16:23
bigigg: Alex when is your next art steam going to be?
🔗 16:23
Theicyhandofdeath: i want them to implement the efreet mechanic from unhinged eventually, maybe change it but its so good
🔗 16:23
Kailvin: So how long until Alex learns he needs to have clear sky forces help him in attacks? :P
🔗 16:23
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 16:23
Anubis169: !highlight please work
🔗 16:23
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 16:23
Kattalakis: Lots of spell+draw, as opposed to draw+minor effect (cantrips) are just existing spells costing 2 or U more
🔗 16:23
DigitalSeahorse: now Alex is back on and the word Advertisement is in the corner
🔗 16:23
Diamonddragon2002: red or black? alex
🔗 16:23
Dandinstorm12: hitting the wall alex
🔗 16:23
Xonlic: Ssssssssss....I am the black signal. Let me in
🔗 16:23
Theicyhandofdeath: !card cheatyface
🔗 16:23
LRRbot: Cheatyface [UUU] | Creature — Efreet [2/2] | You may sneak Cheatyface into play at any time without paying for it, but if an opponent catches you right away, that player may remove Cheatyface from the game. / Flying
🔗 16:23
zarbit: I think those bullets are hitting the door polygons.
🔗 16:23
wildpeaks: I think you're hitting thr tree hitbox
🔗 16:24
Dumori: 3 down
🔗 16:24
wildpeaks: or some hitbox at least
🔗 16:24
shurtal: @Anubis169 thank you anubis
🔗 16:24
wildpeaks: there we go, Alex got this :)
🔗 16:24
Dumori: 4 down
🔗 16:24
Dumori: 5
🔗 16:24
Dandinstorm12: Tree frand
🔗 16:24
Daemonflowers: \codefall 3
🔗 16:24
Anubis169: not much STOPPIN' POWAH!! here lrrAWW
🔗 16:24
SquareDotCube: Or just exploit the somewhat dumb AI, let them come to you, and kill them with your knife in one hit
🔗 16:24
Dandinstorm12: not yet Anubis
🔗 16:25
Dandinstorm12: soon though
🔗 16:25
Zoozle: This is perhaps an odd question, but Clear Sky is the "less good" STALKER game, yeah?
🔗 16:25
Theicyhandofdeath: wait i think tripaidecaphobiawhatever has 13 leters in it
🔗 16:25
Mangledpixel: Zoozle, yep
🔗 16:25
Dandinstorm12: @Zoozle traditionally yes
🔗 16:25
LadyThrimbletrimmer: If WotC were to make another Un set, what would they call it?
🔗 16:25
Mangledpixel: Theicyhandofdeath, no it doesn't
🔗 16:25
Theicyhandofdeath: Unreleased
🔗 16:25
wildpeaks: yes. but it's like having three kittens, noe is bad per se :)
🔗 16:25
FarleyF: I wonder can you actually play an Unhinged game
🔗 16:25
Dandinstorm12: unchained
🔗 16:25
Earthenone: Un-playable
🔗 16:25
wildpeaks: *none
🔗 16:25
Rocketman210: how does a double barreled shotgun jam? the hammer just stops functioning?
🔗 16:25
amythist: lotsa dudes in that cabin
🔗 16:25
LadyThrimbletrimmer: Unknowable
🔗 16:25
Zaghrog: treskaidekaphobia = 17 letters
🔗 16:25
sharktoothjack17: maybe Untamed or Unbalanced?
🔗 16:26
Dandinstorm12: wow
🔗 16:26
Dandinstorm12: were ded
🔗 16:26
NimrodXIV: dying
🔗 16:26
Rocketman210: cheeki breeki!
🔗 16:26
Michiavelli: Cheeki
🔗 16:26
Anubis169: yeah you basically have a gut wound at this point
🔗 16:26
FarleyF: Uncastable
🔗 16:26
Bunglelow: just breath it out stalker
🔗 16:26
Dandinstorm12: !death
🔗 16:26
LRRbot: lrrAWW 8 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:26
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:26
LRRbot: anubis169: A similar command has been registered recently
🔗 16:26
Theicyhandofdeath: rest in spaghetti
🔗 16:26
Dandinstorm12: yessss
🔗 16:26
wildpeaks: that was close
🔗 16:26
Dandinstorm12: haha
🔗 16:26
Anubis169: huh...
🔗 16:26
Mangledpixel: Untappable
🔗 16:26
RobertMerlow: That was super close
🔗 16:26
RobotHobbit: Just charge in with a live grenade
🔗 16:27
LadyTL: !nyoup
🔗 16:27
Dandinstorm12: some amount of lag Anubis
🔗 16:27
Anubis169: oh wow i'm behind
🔗 16:27
Earthenone: \codefall
🔗 16:27
RobertMerlow: I think you should switch between front and back
🔗 16:27
The_Passerby: Woooo! I got accepted into my university of choice!
🔗 16:27
Rocketman210: is this the stalker that i have been told not to play?
🔗 16:27
MrTulip: this, this is entertainment
🔗 16:27
Anubis169: Earthenone: pump19's down
🔗 16:27
Dandinstorm12: yes @Rocketman210
🔗 16:27
Earthenone: ahh
🔗 16:27
Zaghrog: The_passerby Congrats! lrrHORN
🔗 16:27
Theicyhandofdeath: @The_passerby congrats
🔗 16:27
MDK_Marshal: BLW
🔗 16:27
Michiavelli: Which one is clearsky in the stalker games' order?
🔗 16:27
Coldhorn: second
🔗 16:27
napsterthegrey: COME TO THE SCRUB SIDE ALEX!
🔗 16:27
Dandinstorm12: 2?
🔗 16:27
sharktoothjack17: The_passerby Yaayy!
🔗 16:27
Sleepyperson: @Rocketman210, It's pretty damn good if you mod it, base not so much
🔗 16:27
napsterthegrey: hue hue hue hue
🔗 16:27
jonnykefka: @The_passerby well done!
🔗 16:27
LadyThrimbletrimmer: [sarcasm] Everyone knows only scrubs play on a difficulty setting that I personally dissaprove of
🔗 16:27
TrakoGamer: Nyoup?
🔗 16:27
LadyTL: Lower Difficulty? DansGame Somewhere, Cam just dry-heaved and he doesn't know why Kappa
🔗 16:27
MDK_Marshal: BLASPH-yeah actually reasonable.
🔗 16:27
DigitalSeahorse: !game bad
🔗 16:27
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 38% (3/8)
🔗 16:27
Bunglelow: That should be the difficulty slider
🔗 16:27
Anubis169: what's "Hobo Phase"?
🔗 16:27
wildpeaks: I'll just mention it once, but you didn't have to attack alone, that church is part of the "help clear sky" route where reinforcements come to clear camps
🔗 16:28
TrakoGamer: !game nyoup
🔗 16:28
Anubis169: when you start off and have nothing?
🔗 16:28
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:28
LRRbot: lrrAWW 9 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:28
Bunglelow: Elite -> Ranger -> Soldier -> Civilian -> Hobo
🔗 16:28
Dandinstorm12: yes anubis
🔗 16:28
wildpeaks: that's why there are so many enemies so early
🔗 16:28
The_Passerby: Took me 5 years to get my AA, but finally, I am on track to my BA peoples!
🔗 16:28
Rocketman210: hobo phase is the point in a survival game where you have no ammo, no money, and must scavenge
🔗 16:28
Sleepyperson: The hobo phase is when you don't have anything and you need the good stuff
🔗 16:28
Pale_Drake: My motto...bite the whole *** thing!
🔗 16:28
LadyTL: @Anubis169 - The early part of the game where you have no good armor, weapons, or supplies
🔗 16:28
🔗 16:28
amythist: that's my guess Anubis169 where you are just scrounging for everything
🔗 16:28
GhassanPL: Alex is streaming Stalker!
🔗 16:28
regularnormalperson: I love the phrase "hobo-phase"
🔗 16:28
GhassanPL: Best day ever
🔗 16:28
shurtal: So, I have a goal tonight: Beat Artorias, Black Dragon Khalameet, and Manus. My goal is unobtainable, but I will still strive towards it.
🔗 16:28
wildpeaks: we're a hobo with a shotgun :D
🔗 16:28
SquareDotCube: I'd just hide, let them come to me, and knife them to death if it's just as OP as it can be in SoC
🔗 16:28
Dandinstorm12: Frag?
🔗 16:28
The_Passerby: Hmm...though, they did get me in on my second choice major, which is bad feels, but woo I am in anyway!
🔗 16:28
Mangledpixel: it goes untap, upkeep, draw, hobo...
🔗 16:29
Xonlic: God can't save you now!
🔗 16:29
Theicyhandofdeath: @Mangledpixel u forgot concede
🔗 16:29
Anubis169: drink!
🔗 16:29
BusTed: D'oh.
🔗 16:29
Coldhorn: oh boy
🔗 16:29
BusTed: lrrCOW
🔗 16:29
Dandinstorm12: !drink
🔗 16:29
LRRbot: The drinking game is: http://bit.ly/YRRLRLager
🔗 16:29
The_Passerby: You goozled yourself
🔗 16:29
🔗 16:29
The_Passerby: Also
🔗 16:29
MrTulip: as is tradition
🔗 16:29
Anubis169: was that a quickload?
🔗 16:29
The_Passerby: O/U shotguns for the win!
🔗 16:29
wildpeaks: as is tradition
🔗 16:29
LadyTL: The Hottest Potato!
🔗 16:29
CapnRobert: doesn't adjustable difficulty in games exist to allows players to adjust a part of the game to hopefully give them a more enjoyable play experience
🔗 16:29
sticks_abuser: !game
🔗 16:29
LRRbot: Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky (rating 38%)
🔗 16:29
jonnykefka: @The_passerby where are you applying that you have to predetermine your major? I assume not USA
🔗 16:30
amythist: so question for the MtG playing part of the chat, are there even any cards that have upkeep anymore in modern sets? I can't think of a single one
🔗 16:30
regularnormalperson: You're new here, aren't you?
🔗 16:30
The_Passerby: @Jonnykefka it is USA
🔗 16:30
Rocketman210: the evolutionary path is hobo, hobo cop, hobo soldier, Slav, Super slav, and finally slavic space marine
🔗 16:30
jonnykefka: @The_passerby dafuq? who does that?
🔗 16:30
LadyTL: @Capnrobert - That's supposedly the idea, but somewhere along the way, internet nerds started measuring their e-peens by how hard their vidyagames were
🔗 16:30
Zoozle: Did that man just... just take a shotgun blast to the face?
🔗 16:30
Rocketman210: hard is fun
🔗 16:30
Dumori: 2 left
🔗 16:30
jonnykefka: @Amythist upkeep costs? Not too many. Lots that do things with upkeep though.
🔗 16:30
Theicyhandofdeath: @Amythist i know ofg has some
🔗 16:30
Dandinstorm12: stayin' alive
🔗 16:30
The_Passerby: @Jonnykefka my major is impacted, psychology just has too many students getting in that they have a short list. Didn't make it, but I hope I can talk with the psych department when I get in
🔗 16:31
Dumori: and 5 more guys walk in
🔗 16:31
Zaghrog: Amythist if you mean cumulative upkeep, then no. Downside mechanics are not popular
🔗 16:31
The_Passerby: Also it is California
🔗 16:31
FarleyF: This may be super wrong but I'm picturing a Slavic Space marine with a thick handlebar mustache
🔗 16:31
Anubis169: lol
🔗 16:31
Dandinstorm12: what!
🔗 16:31
Rocketman210: SUKA
🔗 16:31
Dandinstorm12: !pardonfuck
🔗 16:31
LRRbot: lrrEFF 2 pardons-fuck for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:31
Xonlic: Well then
🔗 16:31
RobertMerlow: Horseshit
🔗 16:31
Anubis169: the timing
🔗 16:31
wildpeaks: :D
🔗 16:31
DigitalSeahorse: anyone with dropped frames?
🔗 16:31
CapnRobert: since skill at particular tasks in games can sometimes be affected by traits people are unable to change about them themselves
🔗 16:31
IndigoVitare: game is just trolling you now
🔗 16:31
The_Passerby: Counter charge Alex!
🔗 16:31
RobertMerlow: lrrEFF lrrEFF lrrHAM
🔗 16:31
ravingpenguin: *gives a kit kat*
🔗 16:31
wildpeaks: Game notice you had hope for a second and fixed that :D
🔗 16:31
jonnykefka: @The_passerby I see, interesting. Well, I advocate psychology, but then again I'm about to defend my Ph.D. in it :D
🔗 16:31
zarbit: I alt-tab for one minute. What'd I miss?
🔗 16:31
Theicyhandofdeath: @The_passerby wait which school?
🔗 16:31
The_Passerby: CalStateLA
🔗 16:31
Theicyhandofdeath: ah
🔗 16:31
jonnykefka: gotcha
🔗 16:31
regularnormalperson: A coat of PAIN!
🔗 16:31
amythist: nah Zaghrog not even cumualitve, just things like good Old Force of Nature, and such just some sort of upkeep cost and such
🔗 16:31
wildpeaks: their presence is strong in that map for now, so they get reinforcements
🔗 16:31
Seabats: Alex how mad are you scale 1-10
🔗 16:31
BusTed: We have the high ground!
🔗 16:32
Dandinstorm12: Hey Adam
🔗 16:32
wildpeaks: 11
🔗 16:32
Theicyhandofdeath: yeah the cal state system is a fun one
🔗 16:32
The_Passerby: @Jonnykefka I want to get in, but they accepted me as a Socialology major who has completed the Community college GE and units to transfer in.
🔗 16:32
Rocketman210: we all know, when you draw a macarov with an oversized slide you need a flourish
🔗 16:32
Anubis169: pistol sniping OP
🔗 16:32
unknowngamer88: what pistol are we currently rocking?
🔗 16:32
ElementalAlchemist: !game
🔗 16:32
LRRbot: Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky (rating 38%)
🔗 16:32
Rocketman210: @Anubis169, we know its sniping, because his eyes zoomed in
🔗 16:32
Zaghrog: Amythist nah, there are cards with downsides that occur on upkeep, but none come to mind that force you to pay mana
🔗 16:32
Dandinstorm12: a shitty one
🔗 16:32
wildpeaks: sweet bandages
🔗 16:33
Anubis169: !victory
🔗 16:33
LRRbot: lrrGOAT 1 victory for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:33
BusTed: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 16:33
regularnormalperson: that looks so much like he's stabbing himself
🔗 16:33
Dandinstorm12: lrrGOAT ?
🔗 16:33
wildpeaks: woohoo
🔗 16:33
RobertMerlow: Time to loot
🔗 16:33
Anubis169: LOL
🔗 16:33
BusTed: On your command!
🔗 16:33
Coldhorn: hahaha
🔗 16:33
Bunglelow: Lol
🔗 16:33
Bunglelow: best backup evs
🔗 16:33
DigitalSeahorse: \o/
🔗 16:33
wildpeaks: snifer riple
🔗 16:33
Dumori: yeah you are kind'o mnent to assult that church later with a sqaud of mooks
🔗 16:33
Dandinstorm12: sniper rifle, in about 15 years
🔗 16:33
NimrodXIV: backup has terrible lag. :D
🔗 16:33
The_Passerby: Alex, question, would you like Mag Retention in this or is it punishing enough as it is?
🔗 16:33
Anubis169: Nagant <3
🔗 16:34
Diamonddragon2002: i got my library's stock of magic and it was theros. innistrad. m14 and more
🔗 16:34
MrTulip: look for dead friends, they've got better gear
🔗 16:34
Dandinstorm12: Vodka eh!
🔗 16:34
Zaghrog: oh, is it an unlooted pile?
🔗 16:34
Dandinstorm12: ay
🔗 16:34
Dandinstorm12: w/e
🔗 16:34
CapnRobert: for example some people have more capacity to improve their hand eye coordination than other people do ,even if both people are working equally hard at improving
🔗 16:34
Anubis169: gettin' victory crunk
🔗 16:34
wildpeaks: drinking to forget I see ? :D
🔗 16:34
Carbonylcookie: Is no problem, only not enough vodka.
🔗 16:34
pokemonblast65: Alex are world championship cards legal in Canadian Highlander
🔗 16:34
Boiler_bot: YAY Stalker
🔗 16:34
regularnormalperson: I just started a new playthrough of FO4. I wanted to play a different style, but stealth+sniper is just SO GOOD
🔗 16:34
Zaghrog: Diamonddragon2002 is it all rarities, or has it been looted through?
🔗 16:34
Lycodrake: knife it?
🔗 16:35
Dandinstorm12: @Regularnormalperson try heavy weapons
🔗 16:35
Rocketman210: is that a pizza?
🔗 16:35
wildpeaks: medkit \o/
🔗 16:35
Anubis169: Alex "Five Shotguns" Steacy
🔗 16:35
Diamonddragon2002: no. its mostly all bulk
🔗 16:35
NimrodXIV: health pizza
🔗 16:35
Raubkater: is this vanilla?
🔗 16:35
Rocketman210: health pizza seems good in this format
🔗 16:35
Dandinstorm12: Health pizza, as opposed to skull pizza
🔗 16:35
zarbit: Pizza like TMNT.
🔗 16:35
regularnormalperson: Dandinstorm12 I'll give it a try
🔗 16:36
Dandinstorm12: time to find Stoppin' Powah Alex
🔗 16:36
DigitalSeahorse: mmmmm TMNT Pizza
🔗 16:36
Zaghrog: Diamonddragon2002 oh well, might still find some playable stuff like Ancient Grudge
🔗 16:36
Dandinstorm12: grudge is legit
🔗 16:36
unknowngamer88: so what's the likelyhood of encountering space nazis in this game?
🔗 16:36
Invisible_Queen: as long as you don't eat every other slice and turn it into a radiation warning symbol it should be healthy, right
🔗 16:36
wildpeaks: there is a commander in the church now that it's cleared btw, can give extra quests
🔗 16:36
Anubis169: there have to be texture mod and addon packs for this
🔗 16:36
DigitalSeahorse: makes me hungry for sauseless pizza
🔗 16:36
Dandinstorm12: Alex, how good is ancient Grudge?
🔗 16:36
Dandinstorm12: hide?
🔗 16:36
Lycodrake: RIP
🔗 16:36
Anubis169: we have rads in our nads :/
🔗 16:36
wildpeaks: isn't it great exploring parts of stalker you don't know well ? it's like having a new game :)
🔗 16:37
Dandinstorm12: I'm off to eat
🔗 16:37
asthanius: Vision turns greyscale, get out of there
🔗 16:37
regularnormalperson: Not many games where you can die of sudden cancer
🔗 16:37
Dandinstorm12: be back later
🔗 16:37
Anubis169: later Dandinstorm12 <3
🔗 16:37
Dandinstorm12: bye chat
🔗 16:37
amythist: was that this game's form of anomoly? or something else?
🔗 16:37
Dandinstorm12: bye Alex
🔗 16:37
pokemonblast65: what cards are illegal in Canadian Highlander
🔗 16:37
Zaghrog: sudden cancer is not what you get from radiation sickness
🔗 16:37
wildpeaks: if only they had continued stalker 2 :(
🔗 16:37
Dandinstorm12: I'll lag test you when I get back Anubis
🔗 16:37
Dandinstorm12: ;)
🔗 16:37
Anubis169: :P
🔗 16:37
Lycodrake: rest in pepperoni
🔗 16:37
MrTulip: breading it out will not healp
🔗 16:38
Anubis169: much like real radiation damage
🔗 16:38
wildpeaks: ^
🔗 16:38
asthanius: Radiation is like alcohol: Soak it up with bread
🔗 16:38
Sleepyperson: Nah radiation needs healing to drop
🔗 16:38
SquareDotCube: Did we get too close to the map's edge?
🔗 16:38
zarbit: What happened to the bolt-throwing minigame?
🔗 16:38
regularnormalperson: Wrap a bandage around your torso, eat some bread
🔗 16:38
amythist: time to Skyrim it, just keep crammming food in your mouth to keep you from dieing
🔗 16:38
sharktoothjack17: radiation is scary :P
🔗 16:38
regularnormalperson: Radiation: CURED
🔗 16:39
pokemonblast65: Whats the Canadian Highlander points list
🔗 16:39
Lycodrake: why is this game straight garbage and why is it because of rads?
🔗 16:39
Anubis169: if only real life people could get away with a quickload
🔗 16:39
Zaghrog: Pokemonblast65 I think you can find it at canadianhighlander.wordpress . com
🔗 16:39
FarleyF: Can't read my can't read my can't read my hobo phase
🔗 16:39
Havok4: At least this kills you quick. In fallout 1-2 rads took days to kill you without any warning
🔗 16:40
GDwarf: Y'know, radiation levels high enough to kill you in minutes are...kinda rare. You'd definitely not find any concentrations like that around Chernobyl.
🔗 16:40
unknowngamer88: shhh
🔗 16:40
regularnormalperson: Quicksave would be the best superpower
🔗 16:40
Rocketman210: this is super chernobyl
🔗 16:40
BusTed: It is a multi-tiered frying pan, you see.
🔗 16:40
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:40
LRRbot: lrrAWW 10 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:40
Theicyhandofdeath: the colorless edh deck im working on will actually also work with canhighlander
🔗 16:40
Invisible_Queen: it's magic radiation
🔗 16:40
Anubis169: unless it's like the underground section of Shadow of Chernobyl, when you chuggen so many antirads you were like "I can'p pheel my phongue."
🔗 16:40
Anubis169: Kappa
🔗 16:40
amythist: I hated radiation in fallout 1-2, just oh you have radiation sickness enjoy vomting all over yourself as you slowly die
🔗 16:40
Sleepyperson: @GDwarf, This isn't the same though as everything is a mess
🔗 16:40
Dumori: it's an issue with the startign area's water
🔗 16:40
pokemonblast65: Alex Im building a Canadian Highlander Deck
🔗 16:40
zarbit: When do we get to go back to base?
🔗 16:40
Zaghrog: if you found a source of heavy radiation, death would come in years, weeks, or days. Hours if you got plenty of doese
🔗 16:40
SquareDotCube: retreat to town?
🔗 16:41
Rocketman210: just imagine they are ducks, ducks die to shotgun in open ground right?
🔗 16:41
Rocketman210: big, angry, slavic ducks with guns
🔗 16:41
sharktoothjack17: yeah, only works if the ducks don't have guns
🔗 16:41
GDwarf: Zaghrog: Well, I mean, death in minutes to radiation is *possible*, but you generally have to be inside an explosion for that
🔗 16:41
MrTulip: that looks like a stash
🔗 16:41
wildpeaks: they kinda intend you to follow Clear SKy to retake camps from bandits whereas you're a lone wolf, that's also why it feels a bit harder than it's meant to
🔗 16:41
Rocketman210: PIZZA
🔗 16:41
Anubis169: medkit!
🔗 16:41
Zaghrog: Gdwarf true
🔗 16:41
wildpeaks: medkit \o/
🔗 16:41
Carbonylcookie: I mean, actual radiation sickness really does sneak up on you, like if you pass the bone marrow crisis you can die like three months later because your lung lining turned over but no dividing cells were left to replace it.
🔗 16:42
jonnykefka: new crapshot
🔗 16:42
Zaghrog: Gdwarf I was recalling what I read about early nuclear experiments going wrong
🔗 16:42
The_Passerby: it's a Khyber Pass copy of a MP5 Alex
🔗 16:42
EleventhOcean: D5K Deutsche
🔗 16:42
The_Passerby: It is a Chinese Knockoff
🔗 16:42
Dumori: pistol snipe
🔗 16:42
SquareDotCube: At least it's not a MP40 wit depleted uranium rounds
🔗 16:42
wildpeaks: welp, farmstead buddies died, guess we'll have to go alone then :D
🔗 16:42
The_Passerby: Though, why O/U shotgun Alex? Why no SxS?
🔗 16:42
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:42
LRRbot: lrrAWW 11 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:42
Coldhorn: oh my
🔗 16:42
wildpeaks: um
🔗 16:43
jonnykefka: woah there rambo
🔗 16:43
regularnormalperson: CLONES!
🔗 16:43
Anubis169: "Please form an orderly queue"
🔗 16:43
wildpeaks: so close :D
🔗 16:43
amythist: conga line there
🔗 16:43
RigJuice: So close XD
🔗 16:43
The_Quiet_Alestain: That was like a paradw!
🔗 16:43
Zaghrog: oh wow, attack of the clones
🔗 16:43
Anubis169: actual radiation sickness sucks balls on multiple levels, i mean chemotherapy is controlled irradiation and that's horrid
🔗 16:43
sharktoothjack17: haha anubis yes
🔗 16:43
unknowngamer88: jesus, they stacked up like cordwood
🔗 16:43
Punching_Bag: attack of the clones Kappa
🔗 16:43
Carbonylcookie: Wow, that's a lot of identical russian brothers
🔗 16:43
SquareDotCube: Conga line = knife time
🔗 16:43
cotp_dom: @Anubis169 Damn beat me to the punch
🔗 16:43
GDwarf: Exactly, radiation kills by destroying cells abilities to replicate, leading to death as cells die and aren't replaced, essentially. (It also outright kills some cells, especially ones that replicate rapidly). Death in minutes requires enough radiation to essentially nuke every brain cell, which is...lots of radiation
🔗 16:43
The_Passerby: You need to spray and pray
🔗 16:43
Dumori: over under is more accurate for the sights
🔗 16:43
FoodMonger7342: wrong neighborhood
🔗 16:43
The_Passerby: Why no AKM action?
🔗 16:43
Zaghrog: Gdwarf isn't really heavy radiation so much energy that you get cooked?
🔗 16:43
regularnormalperson: THAT entrance went undetected?!
🔗 16:44
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:44
LRRbot: lrrAWW 12 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:44
Bunglelow: Like, the guys who dove into the chernobyl reactor coolant had a lifespan of hours...
🔗 16:44
The_Passerby: Reposition Alex!
🔗 16:44
Havok4: You had an Akm for a bit?
🔗 16:44
Carbonylcookie: Yeah, with super heavy rads it's the cooking that gets you fast, the burns
🔗 16:44
GDwarf: Zaghrog: At that point you're talking about, well, being in an explosion.
🔗 16:44
Invisible_Queen: and if they're not ninjashttp://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/Radiation to the rescue!
🔗 16:44
Dumori: you have the ak-m just no rounds
🔗 16:44
Anubis169: we don't even have basic armour at this point :/
🔗 16:44
Havok4: But you had not bullets for the akm.
🔗 16:44
SquareDotCube: I don't think vanilla STALKER has AKMs
🔗 16:44
Theicyhandofdeath: twas a fine crapshot
🔗 16:44
Phothrism: Oh nice it's my second favourite lrrmans
🔗 16:44
Zaghrog: Gdwarf yeah, know
🔗 16:44
Invisible_Queen: and/or death of conversation
🔗 16:44
Dumori: we have a jacket
🔗 16:44
The_Passerby: You do have the AKM, it was in your INV, no?
🔗 16:44
The_Passerby: Oh
🔗 16:44
The_Passerby: Out of ammo
🔗 16:44
SquareDotCube: just AK74s and Akabans
🔗 16:44
sharktoothjack17: The story I hear is, sleep next to spent rods, start throwing up sometime the next morning, die in the hospital within a week. But that's just a story
🔗 16:45
Theicyhandofdeath: and the heebejeebees
🔗 16:45
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:45
LRRbot: lrrAWW 13 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:45
The_Passerby: No iron sights?
🔗 16:45
Zaghrog: Sharktoothjack17 sounds plausible
🔗 16:45
Bunglelow: Oh i lie, chernobyl divers lived for 2 weeks after the event
🔗 16:45
unknowngamer88: do we still have a grenade?
🔗 16:45
pokemonblast65: Alex just Dome Em
🔗 16:45
amythist: Bunglelow, "lived"
🔗 16:45
The_Passerby: Wat?
🔗 16:45
Phothrism: Worse aim than a stromtrooper weapons
🔗 16:45
The_Passerby: Why Pistol Iron sights like that?
🔗 16:45
Theicyhandofdeath: i just realized 2 different lrr shows have poop in the name, feed dump and crapshots
🔗 16:46
Bunglelow: Amythist a technical use of the word i guess :S
🔗 16:46
The_Passerby: What is that red text?
🔗 16:46
Sleepyperson: It's just how the pistol was made, you can change it with mods
🔗 16:46
Rocketman210: can someone make a gif of that man dancing to the side saying sheeki breeki
🔗 16:46
Abcxyq: Everyone knows the most accurate way to shoot a pistol is by holding it right up to your ear
🔗 16:46
The_Passerby: Check your rear!
🔗 16:47
Phothrism: That's the weirdest shotgun I've ever seen
🔗 16:47
Anubis169: our rear is a wall
🔗 16:47
Anubis169: we have brickbutt
🔗 16:47
Rocketman210: its an over under, not too weird
🔗 16:47
Bunglelow: The lesser known of the marvel avengers, brickbutt
🔗 16:47
Rocketman210: in fact, its a very common form of shotgun
🔗 16:47
Phothrism: Never seen that before
🔗 16:47
amythist: soak up just enough so you die and we can loot your corpse
🔗 16:48
kagaoni: there used for skeet shotting
🔗 16:48
sharktoothjack17: see, we're getting better! :)
🔗 16:48
Rocketman210: PIZZA! cirGasm
🔗 16:48
Anubis169: we picked up a kreygasm
🔗 16:48
Anubis169: lovely
🔗 16:48
Phothrism: So can all the lrr members speed read because of streaming?
🔗 16:48
Molvanian: Mmm. Corpse pizza.
🔗 16:48
wildpeaks: this environment is so pretty :)
🔗 16:49
wildpeaks: p-p-p-pizza
🔗 16:49
Abcxyq: Drowning in pizza
🔗 16:49
Invisible_Queen: pizza and vodka party alert!
🔗 16:49
The_Passerby: You just feel like a ahole though, you just about to bite into a slice, and some Alex shoots you in the face from a football field away with a shotgun
🔗 16:49
FlameAndAir: wait, like, actually pizza?
🔗 16:49
FlameAndAir: I just got here.
🔗 16:49
jonnykefka: medkits
🔗 16:49
amythist: yup you see over/under shotguns all the time shooting skeet, since loading/firing the lower barrel helps deal with teh way skeet fly in relation to aiming
🔗 16:49
wildpeaks: no it's medkits, but the box looks like a pizza box
🔗 16:49
jondare: Whats with these guys just carrying around entire boxes of pizza?
🔗 16:49
CapnRobert: rocketman210 common in reality rather rare in games you see the side by side horizontal a lot more
🔗 16:49
Theicyhandofdeath: plot twist, the pizza is made of people
🔗 16:49
FlameAndAir: Alright. I can accept this headcanon.
🔗 16:49
Phothrism: good luck getting some actually good pizza in Russia
🔗 16:50
The_Passerby: Actually, you used to be a Tramp, but now you are a Hobo
🔗 16:50
Sleepyperson: TMNT heals
🔗 16:50
Anubis169: пицца
🔗 16:50
The_Passerby: What is a Russian Pizza?
🔗 16:50
Rocketman210: soylent pizza! the cheese! its not cheese! ITS SOY BASED
🔗 16:50
wildpeaks: the voice acting in english still feels odd, so not used to it :D
🔗 16:50
The_Passerby: What toppings would you say that would be
🔗 16:50
FlameAndAir: Who is it that has the bright orange box? Little Caesar's? Because I agree that it looks like that box
🔗 16:50
Sleepyperson: PIzza made in russia with vokda
🔗 16:50
Zaghrog: the sky looks like it's copypasted from actual photography
🔗 16:50
Anubis169: heya G
🔗 16:50
Coldhorn: @The_passerby bread, cheese and vodka
🔗 16:51
wildpeaks: hai Graham
🔗 16:51
Rocketman210: hello grahamsman
🔗 16:51
azninsect: Hai G-Money
🔗 16:51
NimrodXIV: thank you Graham
🔗 16:51
PandasAndPancakes: Heya G, controller's dead :(
🔗 16:51
azninsect: morning chat
🔗 16:51
The_Passerby: Graham, how are you>
🔗 16:51
Bunglelow: I love that G's just in the next room watching the streams
🔗 16:51
jonnykefka: пица would be the direct transliteration I guess, but I have no idea if that's actually how russians spell pizza
🔗 16:51
Theicyhandofdeath: make a lrr stalker mod, the medkits are pizza and the voices are ian and heather saying rhythm tuesday stuff and its audio of alex or cam tilting whenever u died, weapon descriptions say STOPPIN POWAH
🔗 16:51
sharktoothjack17: straight transliteration might be funnier
🔗 16:52
The_Passerby: So why is this the bad one?
🔗 16:52
Bunglelow: STOPPIN POWAH is a direct weapon stat :P
🔗 16:52
angelofdust337: So what does make this the bad one particularly?
🔗 16:52
Anubis169: can we still nade out effectively?
🔗 16:52
kagaoni: aww slugs
🔗 16:52
Bunglelow: 2 SP's
🔗 16:52
The_Passerby: And what happened to the guy with the MP5?
🔗 16:52
wildpeaks: it's the least-great one, it's not actually "bad"
🔗 16:52
us3rop: Wtf stalker worked coop?
🔗 16:52
Molvanian: @The_passerby Yeah, I'm not sure. The guys are VERY repetitive looking, the AI is pretty bad, and it's super hard. But it doesn't look bad.
🔗 16:52
Phothrism: It's actually Пицца according to wikipedia
🔗 16:52
Havok4: How are things graham?
🔗 16:52
Rocketman210: stopin powah is an enchantment you can put on any weapon chambered in .45 acp
🔗 16:52
Questhere: time for diplomacy?
🔗 16:52
pokemonblast65: Graham go on camera plz with Paul for Beard Force minus Adam
🔗 16:52
jonnykefka: of course, to capture the double-z
🔗 16:52
Bunglelow: They clearly looked at the design doc for the original stalker and were like, you know what people really liked about the original... having hundreds of guys charge you
🔗 16:53
Molvanian: @Havok4 I often wonder that myself. How are things Grham? How is it that things came to be Graham? How is it that things are able to be Graham.
🔗 16:53
The_Passerby: Graham, how goes the dad transition?
🔗 16:53
Rocketman210: diplomacy is the name of the shotgun
🔗 16:53
Sleepyperson: Nah they tried to go for what people modded in Bunglelow
🔗 16:53
jonnykefka: Hey G, have an ETA on the next sWs?
🔗 16:53
wildpeaks: is "diplomacy" his gun ? :D
🔗 16:53
FlameAndAir: Phothrism, that does look like it would read pizza
🔗 16:53
Sleepyperson: Except mixing a bunch of mods into one game turned out to be a bad idea
🔗 16:53
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:53
LRRbot: lrrAWW 14 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:53
eostby: I saw that poke in, Graham. :P
🔗 16:53
BusTed: We hecked up.
🔗 16:53
The_Passerby: Alex, Graham is creeping on you
🔗 16:53
IndigoVitare: to quote Platinum Games, "diplomacy has failed"
🔗 16:53
DigitalSeahorse: Graham doesn't want to be seen today?
🔗 16:53
io_Otter: stuff pizza in your bleed holes
🔗 16:53
jonnykefka: woo! \o/
🔗 16:53
sharktoothjack17: yaayy sAS!
🔗 16:53
DGilbert6528: real action shotguns can jam?
🔗 16:53
kagaoni: diplomacy the art of saying good doggy tell u find a stick
🔗 16:53
sharktoothjack17: *sws
🔗 16:53
NotJustAFleshWound: sWs hype!
🔗 16:54
Anubis169: !death add
🔗 16:54
LRRbot: 15 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:54
DGilbert6528: break action I mean
🔗 16:54
The_Passerby: @Dgilbert6528 all guns can jam
🔗 16:54
Mister_Dee: screw cover, let's flunge
🔗 16:54
amythist: DGilbert6528, will with crappy shells and probably not enough maintinence sure
🔗 16:54
The_Passerby: I can explain to you break action jams
🔗 16:54
Aarek: Just go in all sneaky beaky like
🔗 16:54
Theicyhandofdeath: if theres a w+p this weekend/next week ill be annoyed cuz ill be out of the country for a missions trip with my church
🔗 16:54
Rocketman210: perhaps the primer on these bargain bin shells dont function 100%
🔗 16:54
CaptainSpam: Theicyhandofdeath: Well, there's the pre-prerelease...
🔗 16:54
Saulens181: A-Train, are you aware with the recent increase of W+P material from Jim Sterling that may be coming your way?
🔗 16:54
eostby: Theicyhandofdeath: That's what the LRL youTube channel is for.
🔗 16:54
DigitalSeahorse: I drank Mountain Dew Code Red yesterday, today I feel wiped
🔗 16:55
Theicyhandofdeath: yeah
🔗 16:55
kagaoni: ya I guess the Hamer could but never Sean it happen befor
🔗 16:55
DGilbert6528: misfire OK, jam... maybe the ejector tab I guess
🔗 16:55
Rocketman210: my headcannon is a primer fail
🔗 16:55
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:55
LRRbot: lrrAWW 16 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:55
MrTulip: guns just shit, I'm afraid
🔗 16:55
kagaoni: primer fail makes the most sence
🔗 16:55
SquareDotCube: I vote knife run
🔗 16:55
Dumori: Rocketman210 I'm thinking lighht hammer strike
🔗 16:55
wildpeaks: at least it's not a map full of chest-high walls :)
🔗 16:56
The_Passerby: Donwe
🔗 16:56
Anubis169: bleedereedin'
🔗 16:56
wildpeaks: sneaky flanky :)
🔗 16:56
Rocketman210: man am i glad you brought your soviet made adidas
🔗 16:56
sharktoothjack17: wildpeaks, true. I'm appreciating this cover
🔗 16:56
Anubis169: !death
🔗 16:56
LRRbot: lrrAWW 17 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 16:56
amythist: yeah I would say primer fail mostly due to the way you fix it being just reloading
🔗 16:56
io_Otter: !game bad
🔗 16:56
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 33% (3/9)
🔗 16:56
asthanius: Put a pizza on your wounds
🔗 16:56
The_Passerby: Perhaps you need the ability to drag bodies back into cover before you check inv
🔗 16:57
Nightvalien28: dear doctor alex, hyper light drifter march 31st
🔗 16:57
unknowngamer88: Nightvalien28 RIght?! I'm so stoked
🔗 16:57
FlameAndAir: This looks a little ham
🔗 16:57
Nightvalien28: Unknowngamer88, heck yeah
🔗 16:57
wildpeaks: lrrHAM
🔗 16:57
DoktorLoy: lrrHAM pizza?
🔗 16:57
azninsect: lrrHAM
🔗 16:57
asthanius: The hot cheese on the pizza will help suture any open wounds you may have. It's basically an edible poultice.
🔗 16:57
archangel3d: Nice
🔗 16:57
Herby_Dantastic: Is your church buckshot?
🔗 16:58
The_Passerby: aand then your empire
🔗 16:58
Havok4: The church of lrrHAM and lrrSPOOP
🔗 16:58
wildpeaks: thank you based barrel
🔗 16:58
sticks_abuser: lrrHAM Crouch
🔗 16:58
Coldhorn: Alex, you can set crouch to toggle so you don't have to hold down the extra button.
🔗 16:58
Rocketman210: the crust can be used to stuff wounds, hence the term "stuffed crust"
🔗 16:58
pokemonblast65: Now I just want Hawaiian pizza
🔗 16:58
The_Passerby: check your rear
🔗 16:58
asthanius: Good Soviet construction on the barrel.
🔗 16:58
goatprince2: ALEX: how are you enjoying your fanart?
🔗 16:58
Anubis169: !addquote (Alex) [now] This barrel is my rock, upon it I will build my church!
🔗 16:58
LRRbot: New quote #2143: "This barrel is my rock, upon it I will build my church!" —Alex [2016-03-22]
🔗 16:58
Anubis169: we're bleeding out
🔗 16:58
Anubis169: :(
🔗 16:58
amythist: odd that it looks like he's firing twice on many of these but only reloading 1 shell
🔗 16:58
The_Passerby: Failure to fire, in a o/u means if you need to recock the pins, you need to break open the gun anyway
🔗 16:58
Sleepyperson: About 8
🔗 16:58
DigitalSeahorse: crouch and belly crawl
🔗 16:59
Theicyhandofdeath: i kinda want to see a hidden tugger nuts in dregs, that would be awesome
🔗 16:59
napsterthegrey: The battle for pizza
🔗 16:59
asthanius: Why can't STALKER crawl?
🔗 16:59
CaptainSpam: Blood clotting on its own is for scrubs!
🔗 16:59
io_Otter: we're just an ambulatory blood dispensary
🔗 16:59
napsterthegrey: should this be a quote?
🔗 16:59
Herby_Dantastic: Moldy bread is an early form of antiseptic, it works.
🔗 17:00
unknowngamer88: aside from possible infections, wouldn't bread actually be pretty good for clotting wounds?
🔗 17:00
ShadeofHades: Make our blood so thick that the bleeding stops. gotha
🔗 17:00
wildpeaks: that doesn't seem very sanitary :D
🔗 17:00
ShadeofHades: gotcha*
🔗 17:00
Rocketman210: your heart
🔗 17:00
Theicyhandofdeath: its ur heart
🔗 17:00
CaptainSpam: None of these men expected to come back alive, so none of them packed bandages.
🔗 17:00
asthanius: Soviet track pants resist tearing for bandage-making
🔗 17:00
FlameAndAir: Perhaps an auditory hint that you're bleeding out?
🔗 17:00
Anubis169: heart skipped a beat?
🔗 17:00
Molvanian: The problem with bleeding systems in games. They trigger way too often, and are way too hard to deal with. Realism or not, it's not terribly fun.
🔗 17:00
Irgendwasmitkiwi: trade?
🔗 17:00
Dumori: at least you naturally clot
🔗 17:00
wildpeaks: it wears off after a while as far as I recall
🔗 17:00
Rocketman210: vodka stops bleeding right?
🔗 17:00
wildpeaks: vodka fights radiations
🔗 17:00
Anubis169: the bleeding effect's slowed
🔗 17:01
asthanius: Stick the neck of a bottle of vodka in that wound
🔗 17:01
pokemonblast65: Alex there is something in your blood that creates scabs
🔗 17:01
unknowngamer88: vodka should actually make it worse
🔗 17:01
Anubis169: platelettes
🔗 17:01
Sleepyperson: @Molvanian, Once you get farther in the game it gets better
🔗 17:01
asthanius: @Pokemonblast65 Platelets are for weaklings\
🔗 17:01
Zaghrog: I like how Riddle of Steel handles bleeding, it pretty accuratel represents the effectiveness of early first aid
🔗 17:01
sharktoothjack17: disinfects, maybe.
🔗 17:01
Irgendwasmitkiwi: Bleeding, however stops Vodka
🔗 17:01
Talin06: it would in fact make it worse
🔗 17:01
Anubis169: and vodka will actually keep you bleeding
🔗 17:01
goatprince2: doesn't alchohol this the blood?
🔗 17:01
Herby_Dantastic: I am certain vodka is the solution to most problems. I will not be dissuaded of this fact.
🔗 17:01
The_Passerby: YOu need to jam the hot berral of you gun into your wounds and caturize them
🔗 17:01
Anubis169: makes your blood thinner
🔗 17:01
Samph1re: the most frustrating system like this I've seen was in Ultima IV. Every chest has a chance of poisoning you.
🔗 17:02
lightspeeddash: have you tried feeding your blood pizza? i hear its great for clogging up blood Kappa
🔗 17:02
wildpeaks: the guy with a bandage is also a quick travel guy
🔗 17:02
Nightvalien28: thank you kind soul
🔗 17:02
Nightvalien28: RUINED
🔗 17:02
Molvanian: I've played Ultima 6. It still isn't this bad.
🔗 17:02
The_Passerby: medkit
🔗 17:02
Nightvalien28: kill him, thank his things
🔗 17:02
Molvanian: Oh, wait, that's 4. I'm blinde
🔗 17:02
wildpeaks: now you can get bandages :)
🔗 17:02
Laserbeaks_Fury: "I COULD sell you these bandages....or let you bleed out and take your stuff after"
🔗 17:02
jonnykefka: *dies en route*
🔗 17:02
DoktorLoy: something something sweet katana
🔗 17:02
Dumori: make sure you talke tot he trader for free gear
🔗 17:02
napsterthegrey: Kill him. He drops a sweet band aid
🔗 17:02
asthanius: *Poochy died on the way back to his home planet*
🔗 17:03
Anubis169: Such is life in the zone
🔗 17:03
angelofdust337: I still like Ultima 4 for what it tried to do above anything else
🔗 17:03
archangel3d: Wooo
🔗 17:03
FlameAndAir: wow, that's super rough
🔗 17:03
wildpeaks: should bandages be diamonds in this game ? :D
🔗 17:03
Theicyhandofdeath: save
🔗 17:03
LegionofLashes: lrrGOAT
🔗 17:03
archangel3d: Yeah save
🔗 17:03
napsterthegrey: safu
🔗 17:03
Herby_Dantastic: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 17:03
Zeromus_: all those guns for one bandage!?!?
🔗 17:03
Dumori: ask if he has thign for you you get free ammo and gear
🔗 17:03
Bunglelow: We have succesfully not died at our home base :P
🔗 17:03
Rhynerd: A new chapter has opened!
🔗 17:03
azninsect: Guns for bandaids should be a thing
🔗 17:03
Coldhorn: no, keep the ak
🔗 17:03
Rocketman210: you cant find ammo, why keep the AK
🔗 17:03
The_Passerby: You are the poorest of the poor hobos in the irradiated hell
🔗 17:03
azninsect: or...band aid, singular. as it were
🔗 17:03
The_Passerby: No
🔗 17:03
DigitalSeahorse: a single bandage?
🔗 17:03
CaptainSpam: You walked all the way and your bleeding STILL hasn't clotted up? Does your character have health issues he really should get checked out?
🔗 17:03
SquareDotCube: Nah, you just have to search every precarious nook and cranny of abandoned buildings to find things like bandages and whatnot
🔗 17:03
Rhynerd: A chapter without bleeding horribly!
🔗 17:03
The_Passerby: Don't sell AK Chan!
🔗 17:03
Dumori: Ask for the mission rewards off hiom PLS
🔗 17:03
Coldhorn: there is ammo for it in the barn you just took over from the bandits
🔗 17:04
Irgendwasmitkiwi: sell ammo
🔗 17:04
asthanius: Merc suffers from Sickle Cell. It's a real tragedy.
🔗 17:04
SquareDotCube: like balancing yourself on rather shoddy rafters searching
🔗 17:04
wildpeaks: you can sell vodka at the bar guy
🔗 17:04
pokemonblast65: Alex are you traumatized by FNAF
🔗 17:04
jondare: It's really kind of silly that you can't just tear up some clothing from the dead enemies and make a bandage yourself
🔗 17:04
Dumori: Alex ask the trader if he has anything for you he's the mission reward giver for clearsky
🔗 17:04
Anubis169: pokemonblast65: don't go there
🔗 17:04
wildpeaks: there is also a repair guy in this camp
🔗 17:04
Rocketman210: he had bandaids too
🔗 17:04
jondare: It's not like a bandage is some advanced medical implement, it's literally just a piece of cloth
🔗 17:04
wildpeaks: past the campire
🔗 17:04
blackwlf: Was that vodka worth. . . more than the guns?
🔗 17:05
archangel3d: See?! Vodka DOES stop bleeding
🔗 17:05
Spiltstars: wow, Clear Sky. so do we have a running tally of how many times the game crashes throughout the run?
🔗 17:05
Rocketman210: yes blackwif
🔗 17:05
wildpeaks: :D
🔗 17:05
pokemonblast65: Alex thats what I was wondering
🔗 17:05
Rocketman210: plenty of guns in the zone, never enough vodka
🔗 17:05
azninsect: priorities
🔗 17:05
HotPeppahs: I was surprised that you werent in the new MTG spoiler vid
🔗 17:05
FlameAndAir: Alex, chat is saying that the trader gives you the quest reward?
🔗 17:05
Herby_Dantastic: Can we just jam with the guy by the fire?
🔗 17:05
Nightvalien28: hahaha
🔗 17:05
wildpeaks: the flashlight was in you all along :D
🔗 17:05
Nightvalien28: flashlight get
🔗 17:05
Mister_Dee: Play Wonderwall dude
🔗 17:05
jondare: Not to mention the fact that your soldier buddies are apparently 100% fine with you just flat out BLEEDING TO DEATH IN FRONT OF THEM. Sounds like some really shitty "buddies"
🔗 17:05
archangel3d: L fir fLashlight
🔗 17:06
asthanius: I like the idea that there's still the one dude who noddles around on the guitar in the quad
🔗 17:06
Aarek: Hotpeppahs I was surprised too, considering I thought there was a feed dump a while ago where alex said he was afraid of the number 13, but I could be misremembering
🔗 17:06
napsterthegrey: Alex, why don't you play the good Stalker? I know you have finished it but still...
🔗 17:06
Anubis169: archangel3d: more like L for Lamp
🔗 17:06
Always_Armoured: wait isnt clear sky the bad one?
🔗 17:06
SquareDotCube: uh
🔗 17:06
Irgendwasmitkiwi: such is life in the zone Jondare
🔗 17:06
Dumori: Loadingreadyrun the games way of mission rewards is given via traders/set NPCs ion bases if you ask if the trade has anythign for you youll key gear and money form thew quyuests/helopung squads
🔗 17:06
SquareDotCube: radiation
🔗 17:06
wildpeaks: what a friendly place
🔗 17:06
Zeromus_: stalker what do you want?? -- for you to stop being a dick everytime i say hello SwiftRage
🔗 17:06
HotPeppahs: @Aarek Yup. I was thinking the same thing!
🔗 17:06
DigitalSeahorse: L for light
🔗 17:06
DigitalSeahorse: or Lamp
🔗 17:06
Dandinstorm12: that's no lamp
🔗 17:06
wildpeaks: that's a moon ?
🔗 17:06
DigitalSeahorse: or Less Lost in the dark
🔗 17:06
asthanius: L for illuminate, pLease
🔗 17:07
Samph1re: I was following Stalker's development for *years* before it came out. Ended up not playing more than... idk, 4 hours?
🔗 17:07
🔗 17:07
Rocketman210: tactical self leg stabbing
🔗 17:07
Dandinstorm12: unbreakable boxes?!?
🔗 17:07
Zeromus_: L for Look upon things in the dark
🔗 17:07
DigitalSeahorse: headLamp?
🔗 17:07
Molvanian: !time
🔗 17:07
LRRbot: Current moonbase time: 5:07 PM
🔗 17:07
SquareDotCube: No boar's feet? IIRC Scientists love getting various anamal parts
🔗 17:07
🔗 17:07
The_Passerby: The heroes of Chernobyl
🔗 17:07
Rocketman210: L is for Lumbidnum,
🔗 17:07
Molvanian: !uptime
🔗 17:07
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 1:56:53.
🔗 17:07
Garfman314: Haven't watched STALKER before. it seems fallout-esque?
🔗 17:08
NimrodXIV: grave pizza?
🔗 17:08
Dandinstorm12: yes but grittier
🔗 17:08
moth_king: its more grisly in mood
🔗 17:08
moth_king: ^
🔗 17:08
Invisible_Queen: at least it wasn't a box of death
🔗 17:08
The_Passerby: It is a story that deserves manly tears
🔗 17:08
KarnEvil: "road"
🔗 17:08
Dandinstorm12: less silly than Fallout
🔗 17:08
Dandinstorm12: I think so
🔗 17:08
pokemonblast65: Card Elspeth, Sun's Champion
🔗 17:08
wildpeaks: before, yes
🔗 17:08
Garfman314: that makes sense
🔗 17:08
Zaghrog: it would appear that the quest reward hints have been missed
🔗 17:08
angelofdust337: Yes I believe so
🔗 17:08
Dandinstorm12: it's more Wasteland than anything
🔗 17:08
Invisible_Queen: i wouldn't put it past Stalker to put the concept of death in a loot box to trick you
🔗 17:08
moth_king: yea fallout new vegas is my favorite fallout, love it more than stalker.
🔗 17:08
amythist: yeah Stalker was before fallout 3
🔗 17:08
DigitalSeahorse: yes
🔗 17:08
Garfman314: but the important question: giant mutant animals?
🔗 17:09
Sleepyperson: First stalker game I'm pretty sure was 06
🔗 17:09
ShadeofHades: @Garfman314, It's an unpolished gem, but there's something in the game that's really good
🔗 17:09
Havok4: It is actually really in line with the tone of fallout 1.
🔗 17:09
The_Passerby: That card sort of represents the purges of the Soviet times
🔗 17:09
Dandinstorm12: Turn the Page Alex
🔗 17:09
wildpeaks: i like the esthetics too, more estern european :)
🔗 17:09
moth_king: fallout 4 was lifeless. the gameplay was the only thing i kinda likes about it.
🔗 17:09
Samph1re: Stalker was in development around the time *Oblivion* came out. It took forever. Dunno if it actually *came out* before FO3 tho
🔗 17:09
pokemonblast65 looks for STALKER on steam
🔗 17:09
EleventhOcean: Now do a version of the littlest hobo theme
🔗 17:09
Herby_Dantastic: moth_king Fallout new vegas is best fallout.
🔗 17:09
DoodlestheGreat: Stalker was 07, Fallout 3 was 08.
🔗 17:09
moth_king: yep.
🔗 17:09
Dandinstorm12: 20 shells eh
🔗 17:09
TorvakMOS: I just tuned in, and got that singing. Great. Kappa
🔗 17:09
Meltalar: wait, no stalker New york? Kappa
🔗 17:09
wildpeaks: shoudl be pretty cheap on steam, it's often 75% off in sales
🔗 17:09
Dandinstorm12: shadow of chernobyl?
🔗 17:09
pokemonblast65: which is the third game
🔗 17:09
Anubis169: call of pripyat
🔗 17:09
Coldhorn: call of pripyat
🔗 17:09
Irgendwasmitkiwi: Call of Pripyat with Misery mod is a delight
🔗 17:10
Dandinstorm12: I thought Shadow of Chernobyl was the best
🔗 17:10
angelofdust337: Stalker is also more concise thematically and tonally than Fallout 3 from what I remember
🔗 17:10
moth_king: same..
🔗 17:10
The_Passerby: Alex, if you were a Stalker, what would be your goals? Like what would be your reasons for Stalking?
🔗 17:10
DigitalSeahorse: yeah I played Stalker with Alex in the Seneca hallways once upon a time
🔗 17:10
wildpeaks: Dandinstorm12 it is
🔗 17:10
wildpeaks: 5 bandages, we're rich :D
🔗 17:10
Dandinstorm12: Wow
🔗 17:10
Theicyhandofdeath: updating my steam controller to play the fo4 dlc
🔗 17:10
Dandinstorm12: Jackpot
🔗 17:10
FlameAndAir: It is definitely strange to see you playing a STALKER game without mods - there's so much UI
🔗 17:10
DigitalSeahorse: as if it were two player
🔗 17:10
FlameAndAir: ooh, 5 bandages, nice
🔗 17:10
JediTransmit: goat there?
🔗 17:10
Rhynerd: Glorious
🔗 17:10
napsterthegrey: goat
🔗 17:10
Dandinstorm12: NOT A TRACE
🔗 17:10
Anubis169: kaCHINGinginginginging
🔗 17:10
Zeromus_: this log gave ypu 5 bandage
🔗 17:10
wildpeaks: drop a hard save :D
🔗 17:10
Dandinstorm12: OF DOUBT IN MY MIND
🔗 17:10
archangel3d: Bandages. Glorious bandages
🔗 17:10
Dandinstorm12 sings
🔗 17:10
aesir_blade: I'm in love?
🔗 17:10
moth_king: i tried modding soc but it didnt work ;_;
🔗 17:10
Zeromus_: can we call it logjesus?
🔗 17:11
DigitalSeahorse: what made that log hole?
🔗 17:11
asthanius: Idiot left a bunch of bandages in a tree. What a loser Kappa
🔗 17:11
Zeromus_: similar to birdjesus it saves you pain
🔗 17:11
mortenw: wich year did the 3rd come out ?
🔗 17:11
moth_king: he wanted to heal the tree's hole
🔗 17:11
Dumori: Dear Dr. Allex when you are back in the camp collect your mission/factionrewards off the trader in cler sky her will provide weapons ammo even amrour form some of the ambiant quests ealry game
🔗 17:11
Dandinstorm12: oh dear
🔗 17:11
wildpeaks: welp
🔗 17:11
KarnEvil: is this a new Playthrough? or just continuing an old save?
🔗 17:11
unknowngamer88: slam a vodka?
🔗 17:11
archangel3d: Uh oh
🔗 17:11
Anubis169: irradiated
🔗 17:11
Dandinstorm12: you saved after the first log
🔗 17:11
Anubis169: :(
🔗 17:11
KarnEvil: you saved aver the bandages?
🔗 17:11
Laserbeaks_Fury: you saved after the bandage yeah
🔗 17:11
napsterthegrey: ded
🔗 17:11
ShadeofHades: You saved after getting the bandages
🔗 17:11
moth_king: pripyat came out in 2009
🔗 17:12
amythist: you just looted a bunch of vodka didn't you?
🔗 17:12
Kailvin: @LoadingReadyRun, hit O to bring out your geiger counter
🔗 17:12
Dandinstorm12: you're buddies are...strange
🔗 17:12
Grescheks: shouldn't that count as a death?
🔗 17:12
wildpeaks: you could hunt ofr artefacts too for making cheap money fast
🔗 17:12
Dandinstorm12: your dambit
🔗 17:12
mortenw: moth - so the game alex is playing is from 09 ?
🔗 17:12
SquareDotCube: It sounds like you have a Geiger counter earlier but whatever sound that controls it is absurdly low
🔗 17:12
Dandinstorm12: *damnit
🔗 17:12
moth_king: i think
🔗 17:12
Coldhorn: you do have a geiger counter in the bottom right, but there isn't any audio cue.
🔗 17:12
moth_king: should be
🔗 17:12
wildpeaks: I think it's key "6" ?
🔗 17:12
moth_king: stalker is a really good game though
🔗 17:12
JediTransmit: Bottom right of the screen?
🔗 17:12
Invisible_Queen: protip: if you want to make a fortune, find some way to make Geiger counters cheap enough for every household
🔗 17:13
amythist: what's the gauge thing on the bottom right?
🔗 17:13
Rocketman210: i think that is a dosometer, not a geiger counter
🔗 17:13
wildpeaks: survived \o/
🔗 17:13
Dumori: Amythist rad
🔗 17:13
Dandinstorm12: wow that sky though
🔗 17:13
Rocketman210: dosimeter*
🔗 17:13
wildpeaks: it's weird that there is no audio clue though, I don't recall it missing
🔗 17:13
Orastes: evening all
🔗 17:13
Saulens181: okay, someone explain how rushhian wodka helps against radiation?
🔗 17:13
DigitalSeahorse remembers getting STALKER drunk enough for the world to spin
🔗 17:13
Dandinstorm12: because reasons
🔗 17:13
Mister_Dee: We're still in the "die of cancer, but only after the end credits" stage of radiation poisonning
🔗 17:13
azninsect: Saulens181 - Dont ask, just accept
🔗 17:13
The_Passerby: It steels your nerves and makes you forget
🔗 17:14
unknowngamer88: maybe head back to base to see if you've got enough for better gear
🔗 17:14
Grescheks: Anubis169, does Alex reloading after lethal radiation but before his actual dying count as a death? Because it was not logged as one
🔗 17:14
unknowngamer88: ?
🔗 17:14
Anubis169: nope, it's a scoop
🔗 17:14
Dandinstorm12: we weren't technically dead
🔗 17:14
Anubis169: -unless-
🔗 17:14
Rhynerd: Apparently alcohol can actually help with radiation a bit in real life, as far as I've heard (grain of salt most likely needed)
🔗 17:14
wildpeaks: if you bring out your counter (the one you use also to hunt for artefacts) maybe then it has audio ? I don't recall
🔗 17:14
Boiler_bot: Maybe there's a mod for geiger sounds?
🔗 17:14
Dandinstorm12: fracas? Or rumpus?
🔗 17:14
Anubis169: he goozles himself into a situation where it's impossible to continue the game without a reload
🔗 17:14
Anubis169: like getting stuck in a wall etc
🔗 17:14
Havok4: Anubis169 the walking dead indeed do not count as a death!
🔗 17:14
Rocketman210: alcohol only helps in that it is a diuretic, you will piss out more of the radiation
🔗 17:14
Grescheks: Anubis169, k, wasn't sure about that situation. Thanks!
🔗 17:15
Anubis169: :)
🔗 17:15
Diamonddragon2002: what deck should i make
🔗 17:15
DigitalSeahorse: blue thingy is low
🔗 17:15
moth_king: the difference between dosimeter and geiger meter is that a dosi is the accumulated radiation and geiger is at the current time, right?
🔗 17:15
Diamonddragon2002: colorwise
🔗 17:15
Dandinstorm12: they're flanking you
🔗 17:15
Theicyhandofdeath: @diamonddragon2002 all of them
🔗 17:15
Anubis169: diamonddragon2002: pick what you're comfortable with
🔗 17:15
Dandinstorm12: @Diamonddragon2002 what format
🔗 17:15
Rhynerd: Maybe we're constantly pissing.
🔗 17:15
Diamonddragon2002: stansard
🔗 17:15
Rocketman210: coffee works a lot better than alcohol if you need a home radiation treatment though
🔗 17:15
Dandinstorm12: uh something in blue @Diamonddragon2002
🔗 17:15
Dandinstorm12: for the jaces
🔗 17:15
unknowngamer88: Jund em out
🔗 17:16
Diamonddragon2002: i dnt hve jace
🔗 17:16
Dandinstorm12: welp
🔗 17:16
Dandinstorm12: don't build blue then lol
🔗 17:16
miniwak: hey guys. only here for a few. need to take a break from editing a podcast. seriously brain numbing
🔗 17:16
DigitalSeahorse: coffee is better for memory than alcohol
🔗 17:16
wildpeaks: oh i wonder if the reason why there is no audio clue is because you don't have a geiger counter yet, I didn't see one in your inventory
🔗 17:16
Dandinstorm12: hey miniwak
🔗 17:16
The_Passerby: So Alex, if you were a Stalker, why would you stalk?
🔗 17:16
The_Passerby: Like what would be your call to adventure?
🔗 17:16
Diamonddragon2002: alex's famous quote. "jund em out "
🔗 17:16
wildpeaks: I would be very happy if you sticked with that game personally :)
🔗 17:16
Anubis169: Alex: If any HD texture mods are around
🔗 17:16
Anubis169: will you be using them?
🔗 17:16
Prepaid_Lenin: I'm probably not going to play this game but I'll watch it
🔗 17:17
Abvgdeika01: <message deleted>сука пидарас
🔗 17:17
miniwak: sods law i join when alex goes for break
🔗 17:17
Sleepyperson: Once you get past the the first chunk of the game it gets better
🔗 17:17
Zeromus_: same lenin
🔗 17:17
Saulens181: isnt the real exclusion zone practically a nature reserve at this point (with a significant, but not too much amount of radiation)
🔗 17:17
wildpeaks: and especially visiting known locations from the first game but one year earlier, funny feeling :)
🔗 17:17
Invisible_Queen: you know, "having beaten misery" sounds good on any resume
🔗 17:17
Bunglelow: Tea time yo
🔗 17:17
Invisible_Queen: especially without context
🔗 17:17
wildpeaks: pretty much Saulens yes
🔗 17:17
sharktoothjack17: ooh tea
🔗 17:17
Zaghrog: bed time yo
🔗 17:17
Samph1re: I wonder if a STALKER pen and paper RPG would be any good?
🔗 17:17
Anubis169: Abvgdeika01: none of that
🔗 17:17
unknowngamer88: the exclusion zone is very overgrown at this point, but there's still hazardous amounts of radiation
🔗 17:17
sharktoothjack17: Samph1re that sounds amazing
🔗 17:18
unknowngamer88: it's all in completely random areas though, which is the problem
🔗 17:18
distortedsignal: @Samph1re I can't imagine it being bad, so ya.
🔗 17:18
wildpeaks: Samph1re that would work I think :)
🔗 17:18
Samph1re: could probably just use the Apocalypse World engine set in the Zone?
🔗 17:18
Anubis169: Saulens181: the real Zone is almost livable now, though there are several REALLY interesting mutations in the plantlife
🔗 17:18
Zaghrog: pen and paper STALKER would probably want a very accurate system for firearms combat
🔗 17:18
Anubis169: but at the core it's still unsafe
🔗 17:19
Anubis169: i.e. if you drop a pen on the tour, it stays on the ground
🔗 17:19
Samph1re: Anubis169, and lots of really hardy, tough, iron-age-like mammals, like boar and short wooly horses
🔗 17:19
Anubis169: you leave it behind
🔗 17:19
Mister_Dee: Plus there's the whole "mystery box" aspect of the sarcophagus. Maybe it's still super hot radioactive lava... maybe not.
🔗 17:19
miniwak: well tbh i better get back to this editing. if you don;t hear from me i'll have numbed my brain to death
🔗 17:19
unknowngamer88: I know of a system that could work well with The Zone, I think it's called Sagas
🔗 17:19
Invisible_Queen: a Chernobyl success story. . .
🔗 17:19
Anubis169: oh not those ones
🔗 17:20
Anubis169: the real mutations, not the sensationalised ones
🔗 17:20
Garfman314: but! there are some interesting studies on beetle dots
🔗 17:20
distortedsignal: The really exciting mutations are where plants are eating radiation for nutrients.
🔗 17:20
Rocketman210: like the trees growing thicker bark and such
🔗 17:20
napsterthegrey: what?
🔗 17:20
sharktoothjack17: what elephant foot?
🔗 17:20
KarnEvil: if you licked the elephants foot you might have a bad day.
🔗 17:20
rebellioususername: ok chat I'm already sick of hearing people talking about BvS on twitter. is there a way to fitler tweets on twitter.com or only through clients?
🔗 17:20
Havok4: Although an urban fantasy story where the foot does contain an ancient forbidden evil would be cool.
🔗 17:20
🔗 17:20
Samph1re: "the elephant foot" is a pile of radioactive slag from the core
🔗 17:20
jonnykefka: You generally get more radiation walking outside than you do working at a (functional, healthy) reactor
🔗 17:20
Dandinstorm12: I like it how you shot one bandit and are the hero of the hour
🔗 17:20
Invisible_Queen: ooh the sea of curruption is real?
🔗 17:20
Dandinstorm12: Right!
🔗 17:20
AerialPosterior: You wouldnt die instantly. But you'd be fucked.
🔗 17:20
Dumori: Thank YOU
🔗 17:21
Dumori untenses
🔗 17:21
Dandinstorm12: lrrGOAT lrrAWESOME
🔗 17:21
RealGamerCow: Alex, have you seen the videos of the German scientist that takes videos of herself doing things like eating apples at Pripyat?
🔗 17:21
wildpeaks: it's christmas :D
🔗 17:21
FlameAndAir: Woah!
🔗 17:21
archangel3d: Make it rain!
🔗 17:21
FlameAndAir: Talk about rewards
🔗 17:21
Dandinstorm12: dumori can relax now
🔗 17:21
FlameAndAir: LRRGoat
🔗 17:21
Rocketman210: 7.62... millimeter... full METAL JACKET
🔗 17:21
jonnykefka: lrrGOAT
🔗 17:21
archangel3d: No it's not crazy
🔗 17:21
Dumori: Sorry I know the stalker games so well I was like pls do that whjen you where bleeding out
🔗 17:21
Anubis169: no, because you bleed a lot when shot Kappa
🔗 17:21
Dandinstorm12: buy ak bullasts
🔗 17:21
wildpeaks: you could sell your old armor now that you have a new one
🔗 17:21
KarnEvil: bandaids and body armor. all you ever need
🔗 17:21
archangel3d: It would be crazy to not buy bandaids
🔗 17:21
FlameAndAir: I think stocking up on bandages is a good plan
🔗 17:21
SquareDotCube: Bullet protection, but no radiation resistance
🔗 17:22
wildpeaks: I think the USB stick in your inventory is for the repair guy btw
🔗 17:22
Zaghrog: Un lrrEFF this STALKER
🔗 17:22
Dandinstorm12: Alex you should play some fashion STALKER Kappa
🔗 17:22
Dumori: He sells AK rounds a little l;ater in the story
🔗 17:22
Anubis169: +protection is better than no protection
🔗 17:22
wildpeaks: (in the building up the stairs, past the campire)
🔗 17:23
wildpeaks: time to play wonderwall :D
🔗 17:23
Diamonddragon2002: anyone wanna suggest a color so i can make a deck
🔗 17:23
wildpeaks: green
🔗 17:23
FlameAndAir: @Diamonddragon2002 White
🔗 17:23
Anubis169: Diamonddragon2002: they already did
🔗 17:23
Dandinstorm12: Blue/black
🔗 17:23
Invisible_Queen: if The Division has taught me anything, everyone covering their face/head has to die. . .this camp doesn't look good
🔗 17:23
Dumori: Diamonddragon2002 purple
🔗 17:23
Mister_Dee: You're my Wonder Waaa...aaaaaallll!
🔗 17:23
Dandinstorm12: today is gonna be the day.....
🔗 17:24
Diamonddragon2002: alex i need ur opinion @loadingreadyrun
🔗 17:24
Dandinstorm12: welp
🔗 17:24
Anubis169: Diamonddragon2002: don't do that
🔗 17:24
Dandinstorm12: a cheeki peeki has been called
🔗 17:24
Rhynerd: @Invisible_queen but by Soviet Russia joke logic they should be friendly, right?
🔗 17:24
Saulens181: uuhh redtext much
🔗 17:24
Diamonddragon2002: ok
🔗 17:24
Invisible_Queen: maybe?
🔗 17:25
Anubis169: !death
🔗 17:25
LRRbot: lrrAWW 18 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 17:25
Dandinstorm12: Wow
🔗 17:25
archangel3d: Capped
🔗 17:25
Dandinstorm12: ok Anubis
🔗 17:25
Diamonddragon2002: ill go.
🔗 17:25
Dandinstorm12: you aren't lagged
🔗 17:25
Irgendwasmitkiwi: rko outta nowhere!
🔗 17:25
Saulens181: but yeah X-17 is a thing now A-Train, prepare your clenching muscles
🔗 17:25
The_Passerby: What is going on?
🔗 17:25
Dandinstorm12: STALKER is
🔗 17:26
The_Passerby: Was busy checking my phone and I muted the stream
🔗 17:26
Diamonddragon2002: no i mean imma go black blue for my deck
🔗 17:26
The_Passerby: someone leaving?
🔗 17:26
Havok4: this is a real issue with dix or lsv in that their names are already as short as they get so nicknames that don't redtext are hard.
🔗 17:26
Dandinstorm12: legit
🔗 17:26
Compleatly: !live
🔗 17:26
Anubis169: Dimir, cool :D
🔗 17:26
LRRbot: Currently live fanstreamers: ReilaOda (https://secure.twitch.tv/reilaoda) is playing Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (Monster Hunter Any% Dual Swords (All materials Limited) Category Attempt #5), UPickVG (https://secure.twitch.tv/upickvg) is playing Dishonored (#WorldWaterDay 28-hour Marathon of the games YOU pick, for @charitywater! #charity)
🔗 17:26
Compleatly: !nextfan
🔗 17:26
LRRbot: Next scheduled fan stream: Omega Lairon's Games Cave (twitch.tv/omega_lairon) at Tue 10:00 PM PDT (4:33 from now).
🔗 17:26
The_Passerby: How come your shotgun can't hit them, but they can hit you?
🔗 17:26
Anubis169: Anomaly"
🔗 17:26
Dandinstorm12: nvm
🔗 17:27
Anubis169: X_X
🔗 17:27
wildpeaks: welp that was a good ose of radiations
🔗 17:27
Nightvalien28: oooh
🔗 17:27
FlameAndAir: That's some radioactive fun times
🔗 17:27
sharktoothjack17: oops
🔗 17:27
Anubis169: uhh...
🔗 17:27
Anubis169: happy irradiated funtimes?
🔗 17:27
Invisible_Queen: time to take an iodine tablet the size of a load of "bread"
🔗 17:27
Coldhorn: Alex, check your radiation levels.
🔗 17:27
Samph1re: oh wow, there was a geiger noise there
🔗 17:27
archangel3d: It is A Tree
🔗 17:27
RobotHobbit: How does that not start bush-fires?
🔗 17:27
Invisible_Queen: or loaf
🔗 17:27
DigitalSeahorse: has anyone made a rad meter for this that is more similar to the other STALKER games?
🔗 17:28
Diamonddragon2002: Kathleen deck ftw
🔗 17:28
FlameAndAir: RobotHobbit, it's basically magic?
🔗 17:28
Dumori: you just uneupied your bodyamour
🔗 17:28
Dandinstorm12: wait
🔗 17:28
Rocketman210: i guarantee you there is a mod for that
🔗 17:28
Dandinstorm12: did you?
🔗 17:28
SquareDotCube: General STALKER rule tends to be to avoid anything involving the power grid
🔗 17:28
archangel3d: :)
🔗 17:28
Diamonddragon2002: imma go blue black then
🔗 17:28
Anubis169: we'll cross that bridge when we come to-- oh there it is Kappa
🔗 17:28
Invisible_Queen: maybe if we slam a crate of vodka we can fly across. . .
🔗 17:28
Dandinstorm12: good
🔗 17:29
🔗 17:29
Dandinstorm12: and they see you
🔗 17:29
Dumori: ooops caps lock was on
🔗 17:29
Anubis169 pokes dumori
🔗 17:29
DigitalSeahorse: hmmm
🔗 17:29
FlameAndAir: grenade seems like a plan
🔗 17:29
Antitonic subscribed for 25 months in a row!
🔗 17:29
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Antitonic! (Today's storm count: 12)
🔗 17:29
Havok4: Welcome to internet chat. One of the few places where you can shout on accident.
🔗 17:29
Aarek: there is a guy up a tree in downtown Seattle today.
🔗 17:29
Dandinstorm12: SUUUUUUUUUUUB
🔗 17:29
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 17:30
Anubis169: Aarek sorrywat
🔗 17:30
unknowngamer88: the way they do ironsights with pistols in this game is weird and stupid
🔗 17:30
Dandinstorm12: Wooow
🔗 17:30
Antitonic: "Let's go 'Tonic!" "'Tonic sucks!"
🔗 17:30
archangel3d: Nice
🔗 17:30
FlameAndAir: Nice
🔗 17:30
Carbonylcookie: I like to imagine that the triple puppies are cuddling and welcoming subscribers
🔗 17:30
wildpeaks: niice :)
🔗 17:30
SketchyDetails: that bark looks like it would make my monitor feel like bark
🔗 17:31
Dandinstorm12: @Antitonic I always assumed you'd be more the Randy Orton type. And by always I just mean right now
🔗 17:31
Carbonylcookie: That bark looks like it SMELLS like bark
🔗 17:31
archangel3d: Sniper Shotgun
🔗 17:31
Dandinstorm12: is this Battlefield?
🔗 17:31
wildpeaks: Nice shooting Tex
🔗 17:31
FlameAndAir: You're having a really good time with that shotgun
🔗 17:31
Rocketman210: love these slugs
🔗 17:31
Aarek: Anubis169 let me see if I can find a news article, but it must be a slow day or something because its pretty much as it sounds
🔗 17:31
Antitonic: Dandinstorm12: But now you know the RKO's coming, so it's hardly "outta nowhere" :P
🔗 17:31
Samph1re: see, that feels quite realistic to me, who knows nothing about guns
🔗 17:31
Anubis169: Aarek: kinda makes me miss that announcement made in the 1930s here
🔗 17:32
Dandinstorm12: @Antitonic Vintage Tonic
🔗 17:32
🔗 17:32
Anubis169: "We apologise, there is no news today, here is some light music instead."
🔗 17:32
Dandinstorm12: Long time passing
🔗 17:32
archangel3d: I admit, I jumped a little when that guy came around the corner
🔗 17:32
Dandinstorm12: cutting the pie
🔗 17:32
Dumori: FYI alex you seem to have unequiped your bodyamrour
🔗 17:32
FlameAndAir: oooh
🔗 17:32
gfjungle: Alex returned to the zone?!?!?!?!
🔗 17:33
Dandinstorm12: wow that last shot was good
🔗 17:33
Dandinstorm12: hey @Gfjungle
🔗 17:33
Dandinstorm12: yes
🔗 17:33
Aarek: I think one of the bigger issues is them blocking off traffic to deal with him
🔗 17:33
VoicedOtter: hello chat and Alex.
🔗 17:33
Dandinstorm12: hey Votter
🔗 17:33
gfjungle: first stream of it?
🔗 17:33
Invisible_Queen: "I can hear him, man. He's close. Real close."
🔗 17:33
archangel3d: Nice use of the shadow
🔗 17:33
Dandinstorm12: of Clear Sky yes
🔗 17:33
VoicedOtter: hey Dandinstorm12
🔗 17:33
gfjungle: mods?
🔗 17:33
Anubis169: yes?
🔗 17:34
Anubis169: what's up
🔗 17:34
Dumori: requip amour pol0x
🔗 17:34
Dandinstorm12: You definetly unequipped the body armor
🔗 17:34
FlameAndAir: no mods currently on the game
🔗 17:34
Anubis169: oh, lol
🔗 17:34
Dandinstorm12: no mods in game at least one in chat
🔗 17:34
FlameAndAir: enthusiasm appreciated, anubis
🔗 17:34
Abcxyq: Anubis is a hardcore mod
🔗 17:34
Dandinstorm12: Alex, you 100% unequipped the body armor
🔗 17:34
Anubis169: Alex: Apparently you've unequipped your 1337 body armour
🔗 17:34
Anubis169: :/
🔗 17:34
Dandinstorm12: lol
🔗 17:34
ElementalAlchemist: "Please clarify 'moderator' vs. 'modification.'" --Anubis169
🔗 17:35
Dandinstorm12: you sure are friend
🔗 17:35
DarkMorford: We always play with our mods ;)
🔗 17:35
gfjungle: figured Alex would mod the game because he didn't like it
🔗 17:35
Invisible_Queen: or political moderates?
🔗 17:35
archangel3d: *sad trombone*
🔗 17:35
FlameAndAir: yaaay, we got there
🔗 17:35
wildpeaks: woopsie daisy :D
🔗 17:35
DoodlestheGreat: That moment when you realize you should have died.
🔗 17:35
Dandinstorm12: @Gfjungle he wanted to play the division, but it didn't work so we're improvising
🔗 17:35
Anubis169: not even a texture upscale mod?
🔗 17:36
CoyoteSans: Yeah, I don't really mod games I haven't beaten vanilla first.
🔗 17:36
Dandinstorm12: does it work without mods?
🔗 17:36
gfjungle: i hope he does a full run of the game i LOVE alex's streams of stalker games
🔗 17:36
Antitonic: Doodlesthegreat: "Death is like sex in high school: if you realise how many times you'd missed having it, you'd be paralysed."
🔗 17:36
Rocketman210: Cheeki energy drink: "energy, without breeki-ng the bank"
🔗 17:36
Dandinstorm12: @Coyotesans including like Skyrim?
🔗 17:36
pokemonblast65: the controller broke?
🔗 17:36
wildpeaks: better than the division imho :p
🔗 17:36
Meltalar: yeah, i was wondering why no stalker Manhattan
🔗 17:37
wildpeaks: at least stalker has flavor
🔗 17:37
Dandinstorm12: man this guy reloads his shotgun like it might actually hurt him, it's refreshing
🔗 17:37
RealGamerCow: this or the division would either be fine. :)
🔗 17:37
CoyoteSans: When I don't... that leads to things like me playing Morrowind with the Chocolate Pack, and one of the mods makes the economy a chore for newbies because almost everything is worthless to traders and fast travel is 10x the cost.
🔗 17:37
RealGamerCow: or whawtever you want to play!
🔗 17:37
Rocketman210: stalker always takes place in ukraine
🔗 17:37
Dandinstorm12: yes
🔗 17:37
archangel3d: What about the other rock?
🔗 17:37
archangel3d: You can't just keep choosing new rocks man
🔗 17:37
Invisible_Queen: of stones such as there i shall build my cathedral
🔗 17:37
FlameAndAir: I mean, it seems reasonable to audible to Stalker: Clear Skies when you can't play Stalker: Manhattan
🔗 17:37
lightspeeddash: this a rockin good time
🔗 17:37
Dandinstorm12: Goddamnit Alex, you need a rifle lol
🔗 17:37
Dandinstorm12: :(
🔗 17:38
lightspeeddash: we need just riffle
🔗 17:38
Invisible_Queen: a cathedral of shortgun
🔗 17:38
gfjungle: Alex is the sole reason i've played stalker and scared the *** out of myself with that game
🔗 17:38
Dandinstorm12: I understand you can't find a good one yet, but still
🔗 17:38
FlameAndAir: This seems unsafe
🔗 17:38
lightspeeddash: thats a rather tiresome idea
🔗 17:38
Rocketman210: are you using birdshot?
🔗 17:38
pokemonblast65: he just needs PIZZA
🔗 17:38
Carbonylcookie: I like this better than Apocalypse: Sarah Palin Takes New York, which really was what The Division felt like, flavor-wise.
🔗 17:38
unknowngamer88: he's loading slugs currently
🔗 17:38
Anubis169: !death
🔗 17:38
LRRbot: lrrAWW 19 deaths for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp
🔗 17:38
Dandinstorm12: !death
🔗 17:38
LRRbot: dandinstorm12: A similar command has been registered recently
🔗 17:38
Dandinstorm12: Damnit
🔗 17:38
Dark_Destra subscribed for 22 months in a row!
🔗 17:38
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, Dark_Destra! (Today's storm count: 13)
🔗 17:38
Dandinstorm12: fair play
🔗 17:38
Dandinstorm12: SUUUUUUB
🔗 17:38
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT'
🔗 17:38
Anubis169: Dandinstorm12: was in the middle of typing another line :P
🔗 17:38
Dandinstorm12: ooops
🔗 17:38
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT
🔗 17:39
Dandinstorm12: @Anubis169 me too
🔗 17:39
Dark_Destra: lrrFINE
🔗 17:39
wildpeaks: we should dark destra indeed :D
🔗 17:39
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT lrrSPOT lrrSPOT
🔗 17:39
Kailvin: Hey Alex. Your minimap has a proximity detector built into it. Thats the number on the bottom right.
🔗 17:39
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT
🔗 17:39
RealGamerCow: !game good
🔗 17:39
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 40% (4/10)
🔗 17:39
Dandinstorm12: !game good
🔗 17:39
Kailvin: So you can tell when you are outnumbered 12-1
🔗 17:39
CoyoteSans: You don't have to feel bad in STALKER, because your enemies chose to come here and be a-holes of their own free will.
🔗 17:39
Anubis169: Welcome to ZoneBurger, i'd like a McFlesh, a RadShake and a Rifle Cake with extra JAM Kappa
🔗 17:39
Dumori: I would recomend you check in back at base for some missions
🔗 17:39
Dumori: !game good
🔗 17:39
pokemonblast65: is game good a sub exclusive command
🔗 17:39
Dark_Destra: @wildpeaks so this means internet fame right
🔗 17:39
Invisible_Queen: !game bad
🔗 17:39
lightspeeddash: nope
🔗 17:39
gfjungle: but but but its stalker :(
🔗 17:39
wildpeaks: :D
🔗 17:39
DwarfMage328: !game bad
🔗 17:40
Dandinstorm12: don't think so
🔗 17:40
pokemonblast65: !game good
🔗 17:40
Rocketman210: i remember when the game good used to mean you liked watching, and not the overall quality of the game
🔗 17:40
lightspeeddash: lrrbot just doesn't pop up everytime its inputted
🔗 17:40
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 47% (7/15)
🔗 17:40
Dandinstorm12: !game
🔗 17:40
LRRbot: Currently playing: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky (rating 47%)
🔗 17:40
lightspeeddash: cuz good programing
🔗 17:40
Zyme86: dont you have crappy AK or do you mean a snipper
🔗 17:40
Meltalar: !Game meh
🔗 17:40
gfjungle: !game good
🔗 17:40
unknowngamer88: nah, everybody can offer their opinion, but it means next to nothing
🔗 17:40
lightspeeddash: !game tired
🔗 17:40
Dumori: Zyme86 he has a AKM but no ammo
🔗 17:41
Grescheks: Rocketman210, !game good or bad has never actually been determined to be about the game itself or the stream quality
🔗 17:41
SquareDotCube: Don't you have a personal stash at the camp like usual?
🔗 17:41
DoktorLoy: !help
🔗 17:41
🔗 17:41
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 50% (8/16)
🔗 17:41
Anubis169: originally it was meant to be a rating of the game as played on the broadcast, but everyone just uses it for the game itself
🔗 17:41
Rocketman210: maybe the ambiguity is what makes it fun
🔗 17:41
Invisible_Queen: most of the time we're just being funny
🔗 17:41
Samph1re: yeah, I'd *never* be so passive aggressive as to say the *STREAM* was bad with a !game bad.
🔗 17:41
pokemonblast65: has anyone else opened a foil Reality Smasher and a non-foil one in the same draft but in two different boosters
🔗 17:41
Dandinstorm12: gib 7.62x39 cartridges plox
🔗 17:42
Edgarware_exe: !totaldeath
🔗 17:42
LRRbot: 20206 total deaths
🔗 17:42
FlameAndAir: That's a tough one. I don't know if this is good yet? I like Alex playing games he's interested in, and I think it's a good move to play Clear Skies given that he hasn't completed it and STALKER is such a big part of his channel's legacy. I don't think it's my type of game, but it is still interesting.
🔗 17:42
Dandinstorm12: @Pokemonblast65 nope
🔗 17:42
Invisible_Queen: the game seems okay; the stream, as always, entertaining
🔗 17:42
aesir_blade: @Pokemonblast65 one time i opened a foil dack fayden does that count
🔗 17:42
Dandinstorm12: @Aesir_blade must be nice
🔗 17:43
rebellioususername: so chat anyone here play underrail? I'm trying to decide assault rifle vs sniper rifle. sniper does a lot more damage but assault has a cone of attack for multiple enemies
🔗 17:43
Dandinstorm12: I saw that happen in pack wars
🔗 17:43
FlameAndAir: @Aesir_blade the greatest foil thief in the multiverse?
🔗 17:43
gfjungle: ah pack wars i opened a foil goyf in packs wars
🔗 17:43
Coldhorn: I've played over 200 hours of underrail. I'm a bit obsessed with it.
🔗 17:43
Dandinstorm12: use the trees?
🔗 17:43
GreyFox0012: yeah this is by far the worst of the stalker games
🔗 17:43
GreyFox0012: still pretty good
🔗 17:43
Anubis169: then you get to a real life setting, where there is cover as you'd get out in the middle of nowhere
🔗 17:43
Dandinstorm12: @Gfjungle wow
🔗 17:43
Rocketman210: i wouldnt think goyf would be good in pack wars
🔗 17:43
GreyFox0012: with modz
🔗 17:43
pokemonblast65: @Aesir_blade yes
🔗 17:44
Havok4: Although in your day to day life how many chest high walls do you really see?
🔗 17:44
The_Passerby: zWell, to be fair, chest high walls are a thing in heavy urban enviroments
🔗 17:44
VoicedOtter: chest high walls the game?
🔗 17:44
FlameAndAir: Good ol
🔗 17:44
FoodMonger7342: that's a 6
🔗 17:44
gfjungle: it was promptly snatched from my possession
🔗 17:44
DigitalSeahorse: can you crawl?
🔗 17:44
FlameAndAir: ol' pistol snipers
🔗 17:44
Sleepyperson: Looooooootootott
🔗 17:44
pokemonblast65: !game good
🔗 17:44
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 50% (8/16)
🔗 17:44
Dandinstorm12: I occasionally see chest high walls, around highways
🔗 17:44
Rocketman210: are those cicadas or mutant frogs?
🔗 17:44
Dandinstorm12: both
🔗 17:44
unknowngamer88: yes
🔗 17:44
Rocketman210: cirPls
🔗 17:45
Invisible_Queen: when a cicada and a bull frog love each other very much. . .
🔗 17:45
Dandinstorm12: clench
🔗 17:45
The_Passerby: Hmm, Alex, what would happen if you were attacked by cicada frogs?
🔗 17:45
lightspeeddash: so the puerto rican couqui frogs that are driving the hawaiians insane?
🔗 17:45
Dandinstorm12: so many bandages
🔗 17:45
🔗 17:45
Anubis169: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 17:45
Grescheks: lrrHORN
🔗 17:45
wildpeaks: 7 bandages \o/
🔗 17:45
Invisible_Queen: (in Chernobyl)
🔗 17:45
Dandinstorm12: lrrHORN
🔗 17:45
FlameAndAir: lrrHORN lrrGOAT
🔗 17:45
🔗 17:45
JediTransmit: Mummy mode engaged!
🔗 17:45
jonnykefka: jackpot! let's go get shot a whole bunch to celebrate
🔗 17:45
Dumori: lrrSACK
🔗 17:45
FlameAndAir: That's really good for you
🔗 17:46
Dandinstorm12: pineapple grendades?
🔗 17:46
FlameAndAir: Did we save?
🔗 17:46
Dandinstorm12: Grenades
🔗 17:46
Anubis169: fair point...
🔗 17:46
Rocketman210: where will you be when the ukrainian mutant super frogs attack?
🔗 17:46
unknowngamer88: is fast-travel a thing in this game?
🔗 17:46
Dandinstorm12: nice sky though
🔗 17:46
KarnEvil: drop a save?
🔗 17:46
Anubis169: Alex, saved yet?
🔗 17:46
Grescheks: !save
🔗 17:46
wildpeaks: yes you can fast travel using guides
🔗 17:46
pokemonblast65: he saved
🔗 17:46
Dandinstorm12: !base
🔗 17:46
Dandinstorm12: damnit
🔗 17:46
wildpeaks: guides have slightly different icons
🔗 17:46
Dandinstorm12: we need powah and base back
🔗 17:46
Dumori: Alex, I'd recmomend are doing a few more missions causethey will progress the loot table as well as the playable area
🔗 17:46
FlameAndAir: !game good
🔗 17:46
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 53% (9/17)
🔗 17:46
GreyFox0012: also the laser accurate enemy fire
🔗 17:47
Rocketman210: how does a shotgun fit...
🔗 17:47
Sleepyperson: In a pipe?
🔗 17:47
Dandinstorm12: don't....don't worry baout it
🔗 17:47
Rocketman210: in a box
🔗 17:47
Dandinstorm12: about
🔗 17:47
wildpeaks: enemies more accurate than you is kinda of a trademark of this serie :D
🔗 17:47
Dandinstorm12: a wizard did it @Rocketman210
🔗 17:47
FlameAndAir: long ways
🔗 17:47
Carbonylcookie: Honestly I bet a pipe that size would be a good place to bunk down for the night
🔗 17:47
🔗 17:47
Sleepyperson: @wildpeaks, It's not more accurate it's just larger numbers
🔗 17:47
Dandinstorm12: can night ever just sit down?
🔗 17:47
Dumori: no night time swamps
🔗 17:47
Dumori: pls
🔗 17:47
JediTransmit: Does this game have to blowouts?
🔗 17:48
Dandinstorm12: yeah night time swamps seem...shitty
🔗 17:48
Dandinstorm12: yes @Jeditransmit
🔗 17:48
Dumori: Dandinstorm12 thew bklood suckers coem out at night
🔗 17:48
Rocketman210: does ukrain have swamps like this? im not very familiar with the ecology of ukraine
🔗 17:48
Dumori: TW bloodsuckers
🔗 17:48
Dandinstorm12: ohhhh joy
🔗 17:48
GreyFox0012: also all the factions in this game are terrible people for one reason or another
🔗 17:48
Dandinstorm12: jackpot
🔗 17:48
wildpeaks: in this game it's more guys yes, but there is the option to have squads with you, I think that's why they added more
🔗 17:48
FlameAndAir: That is a lot of loot
🔗 17:48
wildpeaks: all the loot :D
🔗 17:48
GreyFox0012: which isnt a bad thing its just something to nite
🔗 17:48
JediTransmit: Sweet german machinepistole!
🔗 17:48
Grescheks: lrrSACK
🔗 17:48
GreyFox0012: note
🔗 17:48
Dandinstorm12: mmm a viper 5
🔗 17:49
pokemonblast65: Alex find more Pizza plzz
🔗 17:49
OldBirth: is this game online or do you just face npc's
🔗 17:49
Rocketman210: 9x19 makarov DansGame
🔗 17:49
Rhynerd: Welcome to the house of lrrSACK
🔗 17:49
VoicedOtter: WOOO
🔗 17:49
Edgarware_exe: lrrGOAT
🔗 17:49
wildpeaks: hobo state: smashed
🔗 17:49
Invisible_Queen: i wish i was a real gun
🔗 17:49
Invisible_Queen: wait
🔗 17:49
JediTransmit: Para bellum fellow stalker!
🔗 17:49
Grescheks: mmm, bread and shit...
🔗 17:49
FoodMonger7342: is this a distillery?
🔗 17:49
gfjungle: no love for the shortgun BibleThump
🔗 17:49
RobertMerlow: Can someone say jackpot?
🔗 17:49
CoyoteSans: STALKER series is entirely single player, I believe.
🔗 17:49
unknowngamer88: can you rechamber guns in these games, or are you stuck with the default ammo type?
🔗 17:49
Mister_Dee: So, this is the secret stash for playtesters?
🔗 17:49
SquareDotCube: man, that one mm can really screw you over
🔗 17:49
UnhappyYak: is this the first one or the third one?
🔗 17:49
Dumori: unk
🔗 17:49
KarnEvil: "thanks for inviting me in, you don't mind if I take all your stuff, right?"
🔗 17:49
Rocketman210: 2nd
🔗 17:49
Carbonylcookie: Stab all boxes. Boxes are the true evil to be stabbed. They must give up the loot for the Glory Of Mother Russia.
🔗 17:49
Anubis169: unknowngamer88: that's a mod
🔗 17:49
Dandinstorm12: apparently viper 5 is a STALKER only weapon
🔗 17:49
wildpeaks: water is not our friend
🔗 17:49
GreyFox0012: there was a really crappy pasted on multiplayer in the stalker games but nobody ever played it
🔗 17:50
Invisible_Queen: the 100 gram vodka dash
🔗 17:50
Anubis169: Unknowngamer88: there's a mod that lets you retool weapons like that
🔗 17:50
VoicedOtter: water bad
🔗 17:50
unknowngamer88: neat
🔗 17:50
SquareDotCube: though if you still carry a Makarov you have terrible RNG
🔗 17:50
The_Passerby: Hmm, Alex, I challenge you to the Vodka Sprint Draft Challenge
🔗 17:50
Grescheks: UnhappyYak, second one
🔗 17:50
wildpeaks: wodka good, water bad :D
🔗 17:50
Carbonylcookie: Is no problem. Only not enough Vodka.
🔗 17:50
Dandinstorm12: we're extra ded
🔗 17:50
vrulg: The Vodka Sprint: Like shorter version of the "Beer Mile"
🔗 17:50
JediTransmit: Don't touch water, fish f*** in it.
🔗 17:50
unknowngamer88: eat some "bread?" while you're at it
🔗 17:51
The_Passerby: Hmm, you need more ammos?
🔗 17:51
Rocketman210: whats in it? "tourists!"
🔗 17:51
wildpeaks: made of real tourists
🔗 17:51
Dandinstorm12: like Turkish Delight? Except shitty?
🔗 17:51
Zyme86: Military grade spam. What's it made of? Dont ask dont tell
🔗 17:51
Himyul: Tugger Nuts and the Tourists Delight
🔗 17:51
Anubis169: Tugger Nuts and the Sudden Blowout
🔗 17:51
Anubis169: Kappa
🔗 17:51
Dumori: and a nock not apituree sight
🔗 17:51
Carbonylcookie: Tugger Nuts and "bread"
🔗 17:51
MrTulip: and three whole mags of ammo
🔗 17:51
The_Passerby: Hmm, them Chinese Counterfiets yo
🔗 17:51
Rocketman210: left handed HKs cirSmug
🔗 17:51
UnhappyYak: all the better to hit you in the face with
🔗 17:51
GreyFox0012: actually the ejection port is on the right thats just the charging handle
🔗 17:51
Zyme86: @Anubis169 great now I have coffee on my keyboard
🔗 17:51
The_Passerby: They built them off Counter Strike models
🔗 17:51
Invisible_Queen: maybe that's a left-handed gun for dual wielding
🔗 17:51
Dandinstorm12: ohhhh is it a knockoff MP5? I mean, most smgs are knockoff MP5s
🔗 17:51
The_Passerby: and wikipedia outlines
🔗 17:51
Anubis169: lol sorry Zyme86
🔗 17:51
Dumori: Tugger Nutts and the Tuorist's Delight
🔗 17:52
GreyFox0012: its made so you can charge it with your left hand
🔗 17:52
unknowngamer88: um
🔗 17:52
wildpeaks: Tugger nuts and the hot zone
🔗 17:52
Dandinstorm12: dead
🔗 17:52
SquareDotCube: yeah you've got a geiger counter, you can't hear it
🔗 17:52
slybovyu: what is this game?
🔗 17:52
Driosenth: They model ejection ports on the left so they can show off the ejection animation
🔗 17:52
Dandinstorm12: STALKER
🔗 17:52
Dandinstorm12: Clear Skies
🔗 17:52
DigitalSeahorse: borne and "bread"
🔗 17:52
lightspeeddash: have we tried being careful? Kappa
🔗 17:52
slybovyu: what do you do?
🔗 17:52
Dumori: it goes away slowly on its own
🔗 17:52
SquareDotCube: might want to mess with the sound so you can hear the Geiger counter, or at least look into a mod that fixes the sound
🔗 17:52
slybovyu: you be careful?
🔗 17:52
jonnykefka: @Slybovyu survive
🔗 17:53
Dandinstorm12: mostly
🔗 17:53
Invisible_Queen: !advice
🔗 17:53
LRRbot: Avoid hitting police cars.
🔗 17:53
Carbonylcookie: Is no problem, only not enough vodka. This is genuine advice from genuine russians.
🔗 17:53
slybovyu: @jonnykefka so yeah lol
🔗 17:53
UnhappyYak: why are you holding a spark plug?
🔗 17:53
blackwlf: I'm not an alcoholic, I'm just very concerned about radiation.
🔗 17:53
Rocketman210: to those not in the know, H&K is known for its hatred of left handed people and its lack of left handed or ambidextrous controls
🔗 17:53
gfjungle: Someone get Alex his giant bottle of vodka!
🔗 17:53
Invisible_Queen: that'll be easy
🔗 17:53
lightspeeddash: H&K?
🔗 17:53
Dandinstorm12: @Unhappyyak lol
🔗 17:53
Rocketman210: heckler and koch
🔗 17:53
Dandinstorm12: @Lightspeeddash yes
🔗 17:53
slybovyu: if vodka helps with radiation then bring on the nuclear war
🔗 17:53
lightspeeddash: and who are heckler and koch?
🔗 17:53
lightspeeddash: oh game devs
🔗 17:53
JosephDeath subscribed for 26 months in a row!
🔗 17:53
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, JosephDeath! (Today's storm count: 14)
🔗 17:53
unknowngamer88: gun manufacters
🔗 17:53
lightspeeddash: maybe?
🔗 17:54
Dandinstorm12: gun manufacturers @Lightspeeddash
🔗 17:54
lightspeeddash: oooh i c ty
🔗 17:54
GreyFox0012: a really good gun manufacture
🔗 17:54
Anubis169: lightspeeddash: H&K make weapons :)
🔗 17:54
Dandinstorm12: famous for making really good smgs and rifles
🔗 17:54
Zyme86: They just have a hard on for those forward charging handle. those are what is annoying
🔗 17:54
Irgendwasmitkiwi: german gun manufacturers
🔗 17:54
Dumori: left facing ejectipon port wiertd but the MP55 hads the charging handlkle on the left
🔗 17:54
UnhappyYak: pretty sure Heckler and Koch were those two guys in the balcony for the muppet show :P
🔗 17:54
Dandinstorm12: German gun smiths
🔗 17:54
Rocketman210: the HK G3 was issued with no left handed varients
🔗 17:54
Trippzen: Unhappyyak :p
🔗 17:54
unknowngamer88: No, that's Statler and Waldorf
🔗 17:54
SquareDotCube: yes, because as we know, it's cool to have hot brass flying towards your head
🔗 17:54
lightspeeddash: so does the word heckler have german origin? or am i stretching language too much there?
🔗 17:55
Irgendwasmitkiwi: just family names
🔗 17:55
Dandinstorm12: thats a false...whatever that word is
🔗 17:55
Irgendwasmitkiwi: like smith and wesson
🔗 17:55
GreyFox0012: its 2 peoples last names
🔗 17:55
Rocketman210: its a german last name
🔗 17:55
lightspeeddash: okee
🔗 17:55
CoyoteSans: unknowngamer88 Clearly, you're not aware of the right-wing knock-off muppets since the originals had too much of a liberal bias. Kappa
🔗 17:55
Carbonylcookie: cognate. false cognate
🔗 17:55
RobertMerlow: Quite german
🔗 17:55
unknowngamer88: CoyoteSans apparently
🔗 17:55
Dandinstorm12: yes Cognate thank you @Carbonylcookie
🔗 17:55
Irgendwasmitkiwi: wanna know any german words? <- actual german right here :P
🔗 17:55
Zyme86: H&K: Founded 1948Headquarters Oberndorf am Neckar, Germany
🔗 17:55
wildpeaks: could slam an energy drink
🔗 17:55
Irgendwasmitkiwi: now is your chance
🔗 17:55
Dandinstorm12: wirklich
🔗 17:55
UnhappyYak: who is moaning
🔗 17:56
lightspeeddash: carrying too much pizza, gotta put it in your arteries instead Kappa
🔗 17:56
wildpeaks: "stealth" Kappa
🔗 17:56
Dandinstorm12: wilkommen
🔗 17:56
Anubis169: !next
🔗 17:56
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (3m from now).
🔗 17:56
UnhappyYak: or is that Alex's stomach rumbling?
🔗 17:56
Anubis169: oh wow has it been 3h already??
🔗 17:56
Irgendwasmitkiwi: hey danke, du auch?
🔗 17:56
Anubis169: X_X
🔗 17:56
DigitalSeahorse: old McDonald had a STALKER
🔗 17:56
lightspeeddash: e i e i OH?!
🔗 17:56
sharktoothjack17: got started late
🔗 17:56
slybovyu: why is it called stalker?
🔗 17:56
wildpeaks: you have two USB sticks in your inventory btw, could turn them in at the base camp later :)
🔗 17:56
DigitalSeahorse: E I E I BWAAA!
🔗 17:56
slybovyu: oh its his name jk jk
🔗 17:57
Anubis169: LOL
🔗 17:57
Rocketman210: cirLewd
🔗 17:57
Invisible_Queen: the verb "heckle" seems to have come from the name of the hazel plant, popular for whippings in the 19th century
🔗 17:57
wildpeaks: um
🔗 17:57
UnhappyYak: aw yeah
🔗 17:57
Grescheks: !adult
🔗 17:57
LRRbot: Adult currently unavailable, please try again later.
🔗 17:57
JediTransmit: Geddan?
🔗 17:57
Carbonylcookie: Is that some kind of old country dance?
🔗 17:57
Trippzen: Slybovyu I think it does stand for something but I don't remember what.
🔗 17:57
RealGamerCow: turn down for WHAT
🔗 17:57
Irgendwasmitkiwi: Ich dachte nicht, dass es noch mehr deutsche gibt die um zwei uhr früh den stream schauen :D
🔗 17:57
unknowngamer88: wouldn't it be E I E I Nyoup!
🔗 17:57
lightspeeddash: no Oxycontin? for them Kappa
🔗 17:57
wildpeaks: such is love in the Zone :D
🔗 17:57
slybovyu: @trippzen oh interesting
🔗 17:57
SachielOne: Oooh, the dimensional compression case.
🔗 17:57
Dandinstorm12: Nein, ich hat deutsch gelernt in Hochschule
🔗 17:57
Dandinstorm12: wait
🔗 17:57
Anubis169: Irgendwasmitkiwi: there are lots of germans here :)
🔗 17:58
sharktoothjack17: who is Kim?
🔗 17:58
Dandinstorm12: anyway
🔗 17:58
Irgendwasmitkiwi: ah super nice, that's awesome :D
🔗 17:58
Anubis169: and even more people that can read german
🔗 17:58
Rocketman210: the women might be the ones wearing gas masks and armor, perhaps?
🔗 17:58
GreyFox0012: "nobodys that straight" -kim
🔗 17:58
Anubis169: sharktoothjack17: Alex's other half :)
🔗 17:58
Rocketman210: and have very manly voices
🔗 17:58
lightspeeddash: i can't FeelsBadMan
🔗 17:58
sharktoothjack17: d'awww :)
🔗 17:58
The_Quiet_Alestain: @Irgendwasmitkiwi: Ja, ein paar gibt es.
🔗 17:58
Dandinstorm12: Anyway, @Irgendwasmitkiwi your name mean something to do with kiwi?
🔗 17:58
Nightvalien28: Rocketman210, no the women are outside the zone, it is in the lore
🔗 17:58
Compleatly: sharktoothjack17: I think there's a quote in the bot about Kim if you're interested in exploring the dynamic of their relationship
🔗 17:58
Dandinstorm12: Was I close?
🔗 17:58
Nightvalien28: they are actually smart
🔗 17:58
DigitalSeahorse: on that STALKER he had a shotgun...E I E I BWAAA!
🔗 17:58
Irgendwasmitkiwi: yes it does @Dandinstorm12
🔗 17:58
lightspeeddash: time for the Horner Corner Kappa
🔗 17:59
Dandinstorm12: feels good man
🔗 17:59
Anubis169: to be honest, if you go into The Zone in the first place, you're not coming out with the ability to have kids at all
🔗 17:59
Saulens181: !next
🔗 17:59
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (51s from now).
🔗 17:59
jonnykefka: bad STALKER still STALKER
🔗 17:59
wildpeaks: it definitely has comedic potential as well :)
🔗 17:59
Trippzen: Slybovyu Found it: Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers, Robbers
🔗 17:59
Carbonylcookie: Maybe we ladies had the smarts to GTFO from a place that gets that cold in the winter after the fall of society. Who wants their tits frozen? Not me.
🔗 17:59
pokemonblast65: !game good
🔗 17:59
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 53% (9/17)
🔗 17:59
DigitalSeahorse: with a blam blam here and a blam blam there
🔗 17:59
Dandinstorm12: it's been years since I've studied any German, so I apologize.
🔗 17:59
Arclight_Dynamo waves at everyone
🔗 17:59
Trippzen: !game good
🔗 17:59
Dandinstorm12: hey @Arclight_dynamo
🔗 17:59
gfjungle: Alex must always answer the call of the zone
🔗 17:59
DigitalSeahorse waves
🔗 17:59
Dandinstorm12 waves back
🔗 17:59
SquareDotCube: Not like the 50 or so deaths you pinged while hiding behind a car wrck
🔗 17:59
Anubis169: yo
🔗 17:59
SquareDotCube: *wreck
🔗 17:59
DigitalSeahorse: o/
🔗 17:59
Anubis169 waves in return
🔗 17:59
wildpeaks: you could find the repair guy at the base
🔗 17:59
sharktoothjack17: !qdb
🔗 17:59
LRRbot: Quote database: https://lrrbot.mrphlip.com/quotes/
🔗 17:59
Irgendwasmitkiwi: anyways, I will have to hit the bed now. I have my final exam for my bachelors degree tomorrow and I should really catch some sleep.
🔗 17:59
DoodlestheGreat: Alex, did you hear that the Fallout 4 update to Survival mode is coming out next week?
🔗 18:00
TacitusVigil: Arclight_Dynamo: Hey there neighborino.
🔗 18:00
Coldhorn: !game ambivalent
🔗 18:00
VoicedOtter nets Arclight_dynamo
🔗 18:00
Arclight_Dynamo: Ooh! I wanted to see Alex play this. I'll need to catch the VOD.
🔗 18:00
Compleatly: Chat, you all need to listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b9AmWESIqI
🔗 18:00
Trippzen: Slybovyu It's worth noting it's contested whether or not that's correct.
🔗 18:00
Dandinstorm12: Tschuess @Irgendwasmitkiwi
🔗 18:00
Irgendwasmitkiwi: Have a good night. and your german is fine @Dandinstorm12
🔗 18:00
Dandinstorm12: Danke
🔗 18:00
Irgendwasmitkiwi: Gute nacht!
🔗 18:00
RealGamerCow: I'm that way with Fallout. All the "Sure, whatever"
🔗 18:00
Arclight_Dynamo pops open an umbrella to block the net
🔗 18:00
The_Quiet_Alestain: @Irgendwasmitkiwi, good luck!
🔗 18:00
Dandinstorm12: bis spaeter
🔗 18:00
Arclight_Dynamo: Ha!
🔗 18:00
Dandinstorm12: Hey Ian
🔗 18:00
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 56% (10/18)
🔗 18:00
Anubis169: night night Irgendwasmitkiwi :D
🔗 18:00
Irgendwasmitkiwi: thanks
🔗 18:00
unknowngamer88: Professor Beanpole?
🔗 18:00
wildpeaks: Science Man
🔗 18:00
VoicedOtter: dammit Arclight_dynamo you foiled my plan
🔗 18:00
Irgendwasmitkiwi: !game good
🔗 18:00
DarkMorford: Hello Ian!
🔗 18:00
Arclight_Dynamo: TacitusVigil:Hellokillidokilly!
🔗 18:00
Sektor88: Ian!
🔗 18:00
Saulens181: Why do all of these stalkers go to the zone anyway?
🔗 18:00
DigitalSeahorse: on that stalker he had some rad e i e i *dies*
🔗 18:00
Invisible_Queen: back in the village they don't call it "the zone", they just call it "the round-the-clock sausage party"
🔗 18:00
jonnykefka: I mean, genuine radiation safety rules state that women should not be exposed, not because of chauvinism, but because men regenerate their reproductive tools and women don't.
🔗 18:00
slybovyu: @trippzen still cool tho
🔗 18:00
Dandinstorm12: @Saulens181 for the artifacts
🔗 18:01
CaptainSpam: Uh oh. Alex is due for a Lucky Hit.
🔗 18:01
Anubis169: Saulens181: it's full of weirdass treasure
🔗 18:01
The_Passerby: Ian
🔗 18:01
RealGamerCow: sudo dog? :D
🔗 18:01
Arclight_Dynamo: VoicedOtter: It's only taken me this many months to come up with a countermeasure! :D
🔗 18:01
The_Passerby: if you are a Warboy, and Alex is a Stalker
🔗 18:01
jonnykefka: that's why radiation safety at reactors states that when *** gets bad you send in older men first
🔗 18:01
Dandinstorm12: psuedo
🔗 18:01
vrulg: maybe stalker exists in an alternate universe where there are no women anywhere. And people re-produce asexually.
🔗 18:01
Trippzen: "worst". I played it last year with mods and it was still pretty good.
🔗 18:01
Dandinstorm12: psuedo dog
🔗 18:01
The_Passerby: Who would win in a battle?
🔗 18:01
slybovyu: a wild ian appears?
🔗 18:01
VoicedOtter: Arclight_dynamo curse you :P
🔗 18:01
DigitalSeahorse: the dog got doggeared
🔗 18:01
Havok4: How about eunuchs jokes?
🔗 18:01
CaptainSpam: Wait, there was a UNIX joke and I wasn't paying attention? Awwww. :-(
🔗 18:01
The_Passerby: Like Wayboy Ian vs Stalker Alex, who is superior?
🔗 18:01
VoicedOtter: Sudden Ian
🔗 18:01
Trippzen: (with mods)
🔗 18:01
LRRbot: Rating for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky on IDDQDerp is now 58% (11/19)
🔗 18:01
wildpeaks: we've got enough pizza for a whole party
🔗 18:01
unknowngamer88: oh...right
🔗 18:01
Anubis169: thank you for the stream Alex :D
🔗 18:01
leebenningfield: priSure
🔗 18:01
RogueLink: oh man, just missed it!
🔗 18:01
wildpeaks: Time to find sailors
🔗 18:01
SquareDotCube: sell your crappy suit?
🔗 18:01
Anubis169: that was fantastic
🔗 18:01
Arclight_Dynamo: Bye Alex!
🔗 18:01
RobertMerlow: Bye Alex!
🔗 18:01
Mister_Dee: Lucky Hit?
🔗 18:01
sharktoothjack17: bye Alex! Was fun
🔗 18:01
VoicedOtter: !next
🔗 18:01
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (1m ago).
🔗 18:01
Invisible_Queen: thanks for having us
🔗 18:01
RogueLink: What is Ian playing tonight?
🔗 18:01
unknowngamer88: time for more Lucky Hit?
🔗 18:01
The_Quiet_Alestain: bye
🔗 18:01
Carbonylcookie: Bye Alex!
🔗 18:01
ProfessorSkippy: bye
🔗 18:01
Trippzen: Bye Alex! Thanks for streams.
🔗 18:01
VoicedOtter: Bye Alex
🔗 18:01
FlameAndAir: Thank you for the stream!
🔗 18:01
wildpeaks: bye Alex, thanks for the radiations
🔗 18:01
IndigoVitare: sudodog is when you get a 9x9 square full of dogs
🔗 18:01
Havok4: Probably more shenmu 2
🔗 18:02
Arclight_Dynamo: RogueLink: Shenmue 2
🔗 18:02
DarkMorford: RogueLink, Shenmue 2
🔗 18:02
CaptainSpam: Thanks for the stream, Alex!
🔗 18:02
Saulens181: what's Richter Hammockslam playing
🔗 18:02
Saulens181: oh
🔗 18:02
DigitalSeahorse: bbye Alex
🔗 18:02
RogueLink: Thanks everyone!
🔗 18:02
wildpeaks: sudo dog, when you don't have permission to just dog
🔗 18:02
SquareDotCube: Now I want to see Ian play Sim Copter. :P
🔗 18:02
Riandisa: thanks for the stream, Alex ^^
🔗 18:02
DarkMorford: SquareDotCube, that would be hilarious
🔗 18:03
Saulens181: hmm
🔗 18:03
Gekyouryuu: !next
🔗 18:03
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: I, Horner at Tue 06:00 PM PDT (3m ago).
🔗 18:04
Saulens181: you know, someone needs to draw a map of Nsburg, i would try to do it but dont have the time to put the proper effort in
🔗 18:05
Samph1re: nah, a map makes it too concrete. Nsburg is this strange shifting imagination land that only exists in audio form
🔗 18:05
RealGamerCow: I agree with Samph1re
🔗 18:05
Rocketman210: nsberg is a canadian enclave in siberia
🔗 18:05
Trippzen: I think of it as A map of Nsburg, not THE map.
🔗 18:06
SquareDotCube: nsburg works on a high-distaster map though
🔗 18:06
Saulens181: idk, i know that someone has a running map of Night Vale going
🔗 18:06
Samph1re: the worst thing Nightvale did was stick its head up its arse with canon and recurring storylines.
🔗 18:06
BaronVonRatsworth: The map of Ns'burg got eaten by raccoons
🔗 18:06
SquareDotCube: like flood one year, volcano another, alien invasion a third
🔗 18:06
Sektor88: the mue-est of shens
🔗 18:06
Trippzen: Ideally, A map of Nsburg would still be an M.C. Esher painting.
🔗 18:06
Saulens181: ah
🔗 18:07
1 viewer resubscribed while you were away!
🔗 18:07
Rhynerd: We now return to the quest for Wai-Chai.
🔗 18:07
angelofdust337: So I watched the BvS trailer to refresh and something really worried me
🔗 18:07
BaronVonRatsworth: I think you mean the Quest for Fork Lifts Rhynerd
🔗 18:08
Havok4: The quest for four cliffs
🔗 18:08
Rhynerd: @baronvonratsworth I'm pretty sure the forklifts will come in once Wai-Chai is found
🔗 18:08
BaronVonRatsworth: Is Wai-Chai actually a fork lift?
🔗 18:08
Rhynerd: It could be
🔗 18:08
Rhynerd: We don't know yet
🔗 18:08
BaronVonRatsworth: This is a question we need answered
🔗 18:08
Carbonylcookie: Spoon ascent?
🔗 18:08
lightspeeddash: WEEZING
🔗 18:09
lightspeeddash: KOFFING
🔗 18:09
DrMcGoodTimes: creepy
🔗 18:09
wildpeaks: Dramatic reveal
🔗 18:09
CaptainSpam: It is the Ian Times.
🔗 18:09
Diserasta: Oh jesus that was terrifying
🔗 18:09
CaptainSpam: There is no hope.
🔗 18:09
lightspeeddash: GASTLY
🔗 18:09
Samph1re: that started stange and ended very awesome
🔗 18:09
Rhynerd: All we know is that we can't win enough games of Lucky Hit
🔗 18:09
Dandinstorm12: what
🔗 18:09
angelofdust337: hey Ian and Cori
🔗 18:09
Rhynerd: Also hello
🔗 18:09
lightspeeddash: HAUNTER
🔗 18:09
CodeDogg91: Hello
🔗 18:09
🔗 18:09
lightspeeddash: Horner Corner HYPE
🔗 18:09
damullet14: got back JUST in time
🔗 18:09
Lancer873: So the real question is what's gonna be the next "Star in a reasonably priced forklift"?
🔗 18:09
The_Quiet_Alestain: Hell, that scared me. I was just playing Fallout and that wheezing... brrr.
🔗 18:09
BusTed: Good times. Good times.
🔗 18:09
Dandinstorm12: How many shots can you do has been called
🔗 18:09
leebenningfield: "I'm hungry"
🔗 18:09
🔗 18:10
Dandinstorm12: oops
🔗 18:10
Dandinstorm12: wrong...damnit
🔗 18:10
Rhynerd: He was a person, that's for sure
🔗 18:10
GDwarf: I wonder if you can send these shots to a company that will print them off and mail them to you...Kappa
🔗 18:10
Lancer873: How about a game of lucky shot?
🔗 18:10
Sektor88: And again with twitch not auto-loading on time
🔗 18:10
Saulens181: someone needs to do a Fallout 3+ / Elder Scrolls game that is fully set in an urban area. Like Highrises and Parking garages EVERYWHERE.
🔗 18:10
Lancer873: Would you like to try a game of lucky shot?
🔗 18:10
Havok4: That was shenmu 2 good night everyone. Time to move on.
🔗 18:10
Arclight_Dynamo: Ooh! Parks Canada shirt! I like it, Cori!
🔗 18:10
Dandinstorm12: @Saulens181 so like Fallout set in NY?
🔗 18:11
Lancer873: Sailors hang out at bars!
🔗 18:11
Saulens181: yeah i guess
🔗 18:11
Taveena: Meanwhile, at Kame House...
🔗 18:11
Lancer873: We've known this for almost a year now!
🔗 18:11
Dandinstorm12: and on boats @Lancer873
🔗 18:11
Arclight_Dynamo: Ian, you can sell your gachapon toys at a pawn shop, I hear.
🔗 18:11
CoyoteSans: Saulens181 That sounds like even more copy/paste hell than FO3 was.
🔗 18:11
Abcxyq: Time passed differently in 1987
🔗 18:11
Rhynerd: And so we awaken, still broke.
🔗 18:11
Gekyouryuu: Doctor Ian, you recall my mention last week of Larry the Spanish speaking gorilla man voiced by Old Joseph Joestar from the most recent episodes of the current Sentai? in this past weekend's episode, when the Red of the team uses his new Gorilla mech, he throws stuff at the bad guy saying "ora ora ora!"
🔗 18:12
Trippzen: What's Akira doing here?
🔗 18:12
Nightvalien28: YEEAAAAAH
🔗 18:12
Rhynerd: YEAAAAH
🔗 18:12
Havok4: 0
🔗 18:12
RobertMerlow: Ryu gon' get some
🔗 18:12
Samph1re: wait is this Dreamcast, or XBOX?
🔗 18:12
Arclight_Dynamo: The funny thing is that the pro-strat is to blow *all* your cash on gachapon at the beginning of the game to flip at a pawn shop after your bag gets stolen. That's... that's the "responsible" thing to do. :D
🔗 18:12
Sektor88: that's awesome
🔗 18:13
DrMcGoodTimes: What sort of hotel lets you pay after you spend the night?
🔗 18:13
Gekyouryuu: Doctor Ian: also the robot made with the Gorilla mech? it fires both its fists in a "Rocketo Panchi!" for its finisher. ....but it fires them 3 times each, for 6 rocketo panchi at once.
🔗 18:13
The_Quiet_Alestain: This looks very Dreamcasty
🔗 18:13
Carbonylcookie: Wow his voice sounds like a GPS
🔗 18:13
wildpeaks: A very trusty one
🔗 18:14
SketchyDetails: oh man, that was a tough boss. Camera-san is tough
🔗 18:14
Rocketman210: wut
🔗 18:14
CaptainSpam: She just placed a dark curse on you!
🔗 18:14
RobertMerlow: Gonna get laid
🔗 18:14
CaptainSpam: Ryo is now doomed to die in one week!
🔗 18:14
wildpeaks: dat soundtrack
🔗 18:14
Rocketman210: what language was that
🔗 18:14
Catcard: That's how to pick up guys.
🔗 18:14
RobertMerlow: Are we at the docks?
🔗 18:14
Baranastra: @Captainspam
🔗 18:14
Trippzen: She's preparing to fight giant baby flesh beasts.
🔗 18:15
RealGamerCow: I've never seen anyone sit up so straight on the back of a motorcycle
🔗 18:15
🔗 18:15
Baranastra: @Captainspam Ryo is doomed to die in a week unless he can place first in the local forklift race.
🔗 18:15
Rhynerd: It's time for day 2 of carrying crates
🔗 18:15
plummeting_sloth: so, what can we hopeless fritter away our cash on today?
🔗 18:15
The_Passerby: I can't wait for you to learn the BRAWLING UPPERCUT
🔗 18:15
wildpeaks: 10$ for carrying a single crate ? o.O sign me in
🔗 18:15
Dandinstorm12: @Realgamercow its generally discouraged
🔗 18:15
SquareDotCube: So are we starting from day 2 again?
🔗 18:15
shamblemyshark4: save fail?
🔗 18:15
Rocketman210: @wildpeaks, the crate contains plutonium
🔗 18:15
RealGamerCow: I think he also would have burned his feet on the muffler.
🔗 18:15
Lancer873: It's her theme song or something
🔗 18:16
Trippzen: Her bike is surround sound. It surrounds you...with sound.
🔗 18:16
Baranastra: @Wildpeaks Well, i is Hong Kong dollars... BUT, it is 1987 money...
🔗 18:16
Escherichia3: she emits music
🔗 18:16
Rhynerd: The bike is hiding.
🔗 18:16
SquareDotCube: I wonder if it doesn't save if you don't have the cash
🔗 18:16
Meltalar: near byke?
🔗 18:16
The_Passerby: Ian, do you know what happens when you learn the Delin's move?
🔗 18:16
Rhynerd: Plotting.
🔗 18:16
Rhynerd: Rocking out.
🔗 18:16
FITorion: wish I could say the same
🔗 18:16
The_Quiet_Alestain: The bike is always where she is. Always. ;)
🔗 18:16
wildpeaks: we'll totally drop it :D
🔗 18:16
BusTed: Oh boy.
🔗 18:16
Trippzen: It sounds like he's sneezing...
🔗 18:16
NeBZ417: so now its rhythm Tuesday?
🔗 18:16
BusTed: I didn't miss that sound.
🔗 18:17
Dandinstorm12: Cori is dying
🔗 18:17
Trippzen: Or maybe coughing up phlegm.
🔗 18:17
Catcard: R I V E T I N G .
🔗 18:17
The_Passerby: Delin's move was surprisingly powerful though, so learn that move Ian
🔗 18:17
RobertMerlow: What is with the sound emerging from his orafice
🔗 18:17
SquareDotCube: This man is surely suffering from a hernia due to poor work conditions
🔗 18:17
Samph1re: so, are you using an original XBOX Controller, aka "The DUKE"?
🔗 18:17
wildpeaks: sorry box, you have to be put down
🔗 18:17
Dandinstorm12: Get a job Cori, god
🔗 18:17
nevil0ck: Samph1re looks like the S
🔗 18:17
hgToribio: whats up everyone :)
🔗 18:17
The_Quiet_Alestain: The "Duke"? Really? Hilarious.
🔗 18:18
Sektor88: spaking of jobs, I got a call from a place recently and got pr-screned for a thing. I may be a Jr. Sysadmin soon if I'm lucky. :D
🔗 18:18
Trippzen: Wait, why is it "the duke"?
🔗 18:18
Lord_ZYRK: Catcard, no, they're moving. The riveting job is later in the game.
🔗 18:18
wildpeaks: your transparent what-now ? o.O
🔗 18:18
Samph1re: I mean, the S was a *much* better controller to be fair
🔗 18:18
Dandinstorm12: niice @Sektor88
🔗 18:18
Catcard: Lord_ZYRK, ***
🔗 18:18
Gekyouryuu: Doctor Ian, in case you missed it: the robot made with the Gorilla mech and others? it fires both its fists in a "Rocketo Panchi!" for its finisher. ....but it fires them 3 times each, for 6 rocketo panchi at once.
🔗 18:18
MrThirdParty: We are to be putting box down now.
🔗 18:18
Sektor88: dandinstorm12: thanks. :D
🔗 18:18
nevil0ck: i have big hands, the duke was great for me.
🔗 18:18
angelofdust337: Trippzen Because it was hilariously oversized, barely anybody had the hands to actually use it
🔗 18:18
Catcard: the damn grunting omg
🔗 18:18
Dandinstorm12: lrrGOAT
🔗 18:18
damullet14: is "the duke" the controller prompting the Penny Arcade regarding "We've replaced this man's X-Box controller with a live bear, let's see if he notices"?
🔗 18:18
Trippzen: And that makes it a duke?
🔗 18:18
hgToribio just subscribed!
🔗 18:18
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, hgToribio! (Today's storm count: 15)
🔗 18:18
🔗 18:18
harmlesspenguin: lrrHORN ?
🔗 18:18
Rhynerd: Round 3
🔗 18:18
Sektor88: Thanks Ian, Chat :3
🔗 18:18
Havok4: Now do hard labor for the rest of your career before retiring young and poor with chronic back issues.
🔗 18:19
hgToribio: <3
🔗 18:19
Trippzen: Does that make Dreamcast controllers Marquis?
🔗 18:19
Link07: the duke looks rediculous xD
🔗 18:19
FITorion: so you get 10 for each right
🔗 18:19
harmlesspenguin: nah, we're moving up in the chain, Havok, we're gonna be a forklift driver! =P
🔗 18:19
Trippzen: I guess the N64 controller was a Count
🔗 18:19
Rhynerd: Jam on the down?
🔗 18:19
hgToribio: this guys face EleGiggle
🔗 18:19
The_Quiet_Alestain: Please tell me that we only have this job only this once.
🔗 18:19
dougma: lifting with the back loke a BOSS
🔗 18:20
whatthebus: Listen, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but we seem to be moving right and left a lot more than is strictly necessary.
🔗 18:20
damullet14: Trippzen: The N64 controller fit normal people's hands fine if they held the middle spoke
🔗 18:20
The_Quiet_Alestain: nooooooooo
🔗 18:20
Trippzen: Damullet14 It did, but it still had 3 prongs.
🔗 18:20
Dandinstorm12: be prepared to put two in his forehead
🔗 18:20
4201738420: yuuleauughha
🔗 18:20
hgToribio: i thought you were always supposed to hold it with the middle. at least generally
🔗 18:20
Dandinstorm12: I don't think that's a thing you can do
🔗 18:20
thatguyinplaid: Drop that base
🔗 18:20
Lancer873: I mean I assume it tops out at 8
🔗 18:20
Dandinstorm12: but still
🔗 18:20
angelofdust337: But will you do any racing?
🔗 18:20
Trippzen: Damullet14 In terms of unusual controllers, I'd still put that above Dreamcast and Xbox
🔗 18:20
hgToribio: triURRP triURRP
🔗 18:20
damullet14: Hgtoribio: Freaks with monsterhands like me could very comfortably hold it on the outside edges
🔗 18:20
wildpeaks: only two pallets empty, so I assume only 4 boxes left
🔗 18:21
NeBZ417: lrrSPOOP
🔗 18:21
nevil0ck: i like that you're moving boxes from pallets to different pallets.. it would be much more efficient to just move the pallets.
🔗 18:21
The_Quiet_Alestain: wow, things get complicated
🔗 18:21
Arclight_Dynamo: This reminds me of something... http://i.imgur.com/COxYDQQ.png
🔗 18:21
Dandinstorm12: two boxes per pallet @Wildpeaks
🔗 18:21
Arclight_Dynamo: Kappa
🔗 18:21
hgToribio: @Damullet14 bahah have you held the original xbox controller? the gigantic one?
🔗 18:21
ChefStephen subscribed for 14 months in a row!
🔗 18:21
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ChefStephen! (Today's storm count: 16)
🔗 18:21
damullet14: Trippzen: I thought we were correlating royalty with size, not merely oddness - The Duke is perfectly controller SHAPED.
🔗 18:21
Trippzen: I guess Playstation controllers would have progressed from Squire to Knight in my nead head cannon
🔗 18:21
wildpeaks: yes, that's why I said 4 boxes :)
🔗 18:21
Dandinstorm12: SUUUUUUUUUUB
🔗 18:21
Dandinstorm12: lrrSPOT
🔗 18:21
Sektor88: arclight_dynamo, yesss
🔗 18:21
damullet14: Hgtoribio: I have, and if I recall it was only slightly too big for me
🔗 18:21
Baranastra: This isn't the racing portion. Lucky Hit is. Kappa
🔗 18:21
Catcard: God damn, Ryo could probably do this *** by himself, and faster.
🔗 18:21
SquareDotCube: Cori, whatever you do, do NOT hand the controller over to Ian until the room is paid
🔗 18:21
Sektor88: also speaking of space channel 5 I am so hype for Rez Infinite
🔗 18:22
Bunglelow: It seems oddly restrained that they dont show you walking back across the room each time youve succesfully delivered a crate
🔗 18:22
Dandinstorm12: so what are Gamecube controllers? Kings?
🔗 18:22
hgToribio: @Damullet14 oh so total opposite end of the spectrum. whats your favorite controller?
🔗 18:22
angelofdust337: Now he's just doing this on purpose
🔗 18:22
Trippzen: Damullet14 Ah, I was going with size and unusual shape, but I consider the xbox controller to be weirdly shaped because I'm also accustomed to playstation and s/nes controllers.
🔗 18:22
GDwarf: How much better would this sequence be if this fellow was the the guy who wanted to sell us patches from 1?
🔗 18:22
angelofdust337: Wow that's a short work day
🔗 18:22
Dandinstorm12: noooo
🔗 18:22
Rhynerd: more money then before!
🔗 18:22
Rhynerd: Oh no...
🔗 18:22
damullet14: Hgtoribio: I have a real fondness for the 64, actually, as it was the first console I owned; the dualshock is really well designed, though
🔗 18:22
Catcard: I want a work day like that.
🔗 18:22
Dandinstorm12: Cori's face when
🔗 18:22
MrThirdParty: Paid by the crate? What?
🔗 18:23
Trippzen: Sadly I don't know enough about medieval court ranks to figure out where the old flight joystick would fit...
🔗 18:23
nattsan: Ian you have a lucky drop problem.
🔗 18:23
Rhynerd: Ian you also need money for the guy who knows where he you seek is
🔗 18:23
Kapol42: This doesn't look like Lucky Hit. :(
🔗 18:23
SkylerRingtail: !uptime
🔗 18:23
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 16:20.
🔗 18:23
Trippzen: or medieval aristocracy, whatever.
🔗 18:23
Samph1re: I can't find a source explaining why it was called "The Duke" :(
🔗 18:23
Pariah164: Oh hey, the one RPG I never played back in the day.
🔗 18:23
hgToribio: @Damullet14 same actually!
🔗 18:23
Arclight_Dynamo: Ian is responsiblish. Kappa
🔗 18:23
GDwarf: Responsible spending? Who are you and what have you done with Ian and/or Ryo?
🔗 18:23
Molvanian: Ohhh! So this is Shenmue? I've heard a lot about this.
🔗 18:24
thatguyinplaid: Come on grab your friends
🔗 18:24
Baranastra: @Molvanian Shenmue 2.
🔗 18:24
Molvanian: Oooh.
🔗 18:24
whatthebus: Was Shenmue 3 the one where you're just a young man out looking for some sailors?
🔗 18:24
Samph1re: http://abload.de/img/dukeqlkcf.png oh my it looks even grander in human hands
🔗 18:24
Havok4: What is ian's turning radius cori?
🔗 18:24
Molvanian: You do Shenmue 2.
🔗 18:24
hgToribio: ooh the map as ian and cori's backdrop looks pretty amazing
🔗 18:24
hgToribio: triURRP
🔗 18:24
DarkMorford: Dat face
🔗 18:25
CaptainSpam: Wait, did you actually save last time?
🔗 18:25
thatguyinplaid: He looks like an evil tourist
🔗 18:25
Dandinstorm12: Wow
🔗 18:25
hgToribio: WELP
🔗 18:25
Kapol42: Dawn of the first day
🔗 18:25
Dandinstorm12: victim blaming?
🔗 18:25
MrThirdParty: Ryo spent all that effort and time searching for the kids who ripped him off, then just shrugged and moved on after they claimed to have spent it all already.
🔗 18:25
hgToribio: dis dih
🔗 18:25
dougma: I'd buy that for a dollar!
🔗 18:25
GDwarf: I'd buy that for a dollar!
🔗 18:25
Rocketman210: "id buy that for 10 dollars"
🔗 18:25
Molvanian: Threatening a guy that looks like he could throw you into the fountain and is half your age is a bad idea.
🔗 18:25
Dandinstorm12: I'd def buy that for a dollar
🔗 18:25
hgToribio: im sorry i had to EleGiggle
🔗 18:26
MrThirdParty: You'd think he'd demand recompense.
🔗 18:26
dougma high fives Gdwarf
🔗 18:26
Samph1re: The duke still not as goofy as the PS3 prototype controller: http://students.depaul.edu/~jcovell/PS3%20Controller.jpg
🔗 18:26
GDwarf high fives dougma
🔗 18:26
Dandinstorm12: uhhh
🔗 18:26
Saulens181: explain id buy that for a dollat
🔗 18:26
hgToribio: that was probably the most beautiful high five i've ever seen
🔗 18:26
damullet14: ah, I remember that old banana
🔗 18:26
Gekyouryuu: Saulens181 Robocop
🔗 18:26
Dandinstorm12: that's from Robocop @Saulens181
🔗 18:26
Trippzen: Samph1re It looks like a boomerang
🔗 18:26
NeBZ417: when the filters you use on potos bleed into real life
🔗 18:26
Rocketman210: its a quote from robocop
🔗 18:26
Samph1re: Trippzen, thats what everyone called it
🔗 18:26
angelofdust337: Trippzen It was pretty much called that
🔗 18:26
dougma: Saulens181 it is a line from the original Robo Cop (movie)
🔗 18:27
Trippzen: makes sense
🔗 18:27
Dandinstorm12: Cori is disappoint
🔗 18:27
Kapol42: If this is the past, are we going to Lucky Hit? :D
🔗 18:27
damullet14: The release of the PS3 was /right about/ when I stopped paying attention to video games until after college
🔗 18:27
Dandinstorm12: present arms
🔗 18:27
FITorion: ha ha ha
🔗 18:27
MrThirdParty: Did that photo make you see in sepia tones? Did it make you high?
🔗 18:27
Rhynerd: So for now we're on a quest for the future?
🔗 18:27
Dandinstorm12: well spotted Cori
🔗 18:27
Anubis169: Present time... present channel!!
🔗 18:27
hgToribio: ^ AHAHA
🔗 18:27
ElementalAlchemist: "Honest Pawnshop" --Pawn Shop
🔗 18:27
GDwarf: Present day, present time. Also known as your birthday!
🔗 18:27
Aarek: ooo a vcr
🔗 18:27
Baranastra: "Honest Pawnshop".
🔗 18:27
FITorion: mustn't forget the creepy laugh
🔗 18:27
hgToribio: *begins playing lain theme*
🔗 18:27
The_Quiet_Alestain: Video recorders... radios...
🔗 18:27
Anubis169: also hiiiii Ian and Cori! I'm on a week's holiday so I'm actually here for the broadcast at last :D
🔗 18:28
The_Quiet_Alestain: sweet
🔗 18:28
Anubis169 bounces
🔗 18:28
Rocketman210: that voice
🔗 18:28
FITorion: Present day Present time ha ha ha was my ring tone for a while
🔗 18:28
hgToribio: triURRP
🔗 18:28
NeBZ417: HI Anubis169
🔗 18:28
hgToribio: i always felt like that was a genius intro
🔗 18:28
GDwarf: This is clearly 20 noses in a human suit
🔗 18:28
kronopticon: Is someone holding that guys nostril as he talks?
🔗 18:28
Dandinstorm12 dodges Anubis' bouncing
🔗 18:28
GDwarf: hgtoribio: A shame, you seemed an honest man
🔗 18:29
MrThirdParty: Sounds like a voice actor was running out of different voices.
🔗 18:29
Anubis169: brings back so many good memories <3
🔗 18:29
hgToribio: @GDwarf triSugoi
🔗 18:29
GDwarf: Wait, why does a *pawn shop* have a standard flier with listed prices?
🔗 18:29
Gekyouryuu: what IS opa-opa?
🔗 18:29
Rocketman210: keep oppa oppa, he comes from a good game
🔗 18:29
hgToribio: tfw you finish lain and just cri evrytim
🔗 18:29
blackwlf: Not in some states!
🔗 18:29
Bunglelow: I have no idea what they are buying or selling
🔗 18:30
Dandinstorm12: Ian "Dolphins can get *** though" Horner
🔗 18:30
Bunglelow: as far as i can tell this is a drug deal
🔗 18:30
kronopticon: You heard it here first. "The do
🔗 18:30
SquareDotCube: old SEGA mascot, along with Alex Kidd
🔗 18:30
Kapol42: Cori knows a lot about what is and is not legal to do with dolphins. Kappa
🔗 18:30
Sektor88: But will he buy it for a high price? Kappa
🔗 18:30
plummeting_sloth: Best I can do is... 1 arm wrestling contest
🔗 18:30
DrWreckage: Hey I got here late, what was on Alex's show before this?
🔗 18:30
damullet14: Bunglelow: kid's toys from one of those random vending machines, I think
🔗 18:30
kronopticon: "Dolphins can get fucked"
🔗 18:30
Rocketman210: tackle the shop!
🔗 18:30
Trippzen: Drwreckage Stalker: Clear Sky
🔗 18:30
hgToribio: !advice
🔗 18:30
LRRbot: Touch the chicken, not the man.
🔗 18:30
Dandinstorm12: consume things sheeple
🔗 18:30
hgToribio: gold
🔗 18:30
Kapol42: How do mine for fish?
🔗 18:30
plummeting_sloth: "Well, I've got a guy that knows all about consumables, I'll give him a call"
🔗 18:30
tyloncorp: Fiiishiiiiies!!!
🔗 18:30
Rocketman210: fish for a living!
🔗 18:30
Rhynerd: Oh no?
🔗 18:30
Gekyouryuu: Ibadadvice
🔗 18:30
Bunglelow: Damullet14 : Ahh man, in my head i was making it some like shenmue, breaking bad crossover, back to normal then i guess
🔗 18:30
tyloncorp: Oh i hope you can has fishieees
🔗 18:30
Dandinstorm12: uuhhhhhhhhhh
🔗 18:30
Lancer873: Fishing minigame? Fi... FISHING MINIGAME!
🔗 18:30
SquareDotCube: Get tackled!
🔗 18:30
Dandinstorm12: Damnit Ian
🔗 18:30
dougma: That uuuuuuhhhhh.....
🔗 18:30
Rocketman210: every day until you like it
🔗 18:31
plummeting_sloth: give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll keep asking about Kings Road
🔗 18:31
goatprince2: ceci n'est pas une poisson
🔗 18:31
GDwarf: Ian referencing terrible subtitles
🔗 18:31
CaptainSpam: And Ryo discovers his true calling is fishing, promptly forgets his mission to avenge his murdered father, and lives happily ever after.
🔗 18:31
plummeting_sloth: he steals using the fishing pole. I feel terrible
🔗 18:31
plummeting_sloth: he's a nice kid, but he's killed a man with that ifsh
🔗 18:31
Dandinstorm12: damnit Ian
🔗 18:32
Kapol42: "Kid, fish man told me to tell you to stay in trouble."
🔗 18:32
Rhynerd: You got Wong!
🔗 18:32
damullet14: so why are we collecting photos of random kids?
🔗 18:32
Anubis169: !advice
🔗 18:32
LRRbot: Over there, next to the thing.
🔗 18:32
plummeting_sloth: and now can you picture spam that shop. Sell it at the pawn shop
🔗 18:32
Lancer873: No fishing minigame D:
🔗 18:32
Anubis169: lrrbot on point
🔗 18:32
Dandinstorm12: !better advice
🔗 18:32
Rhynerd: @damullet14 he took out bag and let his friends use all his money on gambling
🔗 18:32
Dandinstorm12: !badadvice
🔗 18:32
LRRbot: Crush a dew!
🔗 18:32
kronopticon: Don't kill me! You got the Wong guy!
🔗 18:32
plummeting_sloth: the Ryo-ship steers with a very wide turn
🔗 18:32
Lord_ZYRK: Ian, didn't your mother ever warn you about falling in with the Wong crowd? Kappa
🔗 18:32
SquareDotCube: They call him the Boatman from Japan, because he controls like a boat
🔗 18:32
NeBZ417: !quote
🔗 18:32
LRRbot: Quote #1863: "I get to see your dick on any of these cars." —Bengineering [2016-02-16]
🔗 18:33
🔗 18:33
Dandinstorm12: Cori "Street justice" ...
🔗 18:33
Dandinstorm12: uh Horner?
🔗 18:33
Kapol42: Obligatory '2 Wongs don't make a right'
🔗 18:33
GDwarf: Believe in your own Justice, Ian, because you're the president of the United States of America!
🔗 18:33
damullet14: Rhynerd: Sure, that logically follows
🔗 18:33
damullet14: no follow up questions at all
🔗 18:33
plummeting_sloth: if only you could pawn your pants, really get some cash
🔗 18:33
TStodden: I thought it was "2 Wongs don't make a Wright"
🔗 18:33
kronopticon: What... The hell bengineering
🔗 18:33
plummeting_sloth: those are jeans, fetch a fair price
🔗 18:33
Dandinstorm12: Ian "Geomiperson" Horner
🔗 18:33
xxxlonkxxx: @Kapol42 i think you meant "2 Wongs don't make a Wright"
🔗 18:33
CaptainSpam: Your house is clearly IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!!!
🔗 18:34
plummeting_sloth: Ian playing Ryo... a drunken walk simulator
🔗 18:34
SkylerRingtail: Ahh, Flatland....
🔗 18:34
Kapol42: I have made an error. I was not Wright
🔗 18:34
plummeting_sloth: Ryo knows "Markov Chain Strike!"
🔗 18:34
Lancer873: kronopticon: In case you were actually curious, it was Jet Set Radio, and they made their graffiti a dick.
🔗 18:34
kronopticon: Sorry guys
🔗 18:34
NeBZ417: Funny enough my name is Ben
🔗 18:34
Curufean: When will there be a LRR cooking show?
🔗 18:34
plummeting_sloth: Awwww here comes the hotstepper
🔗 18:34
kronopticon: Speaking of dick, my name is richard
🔗 18:34
GDwarf: "Binary Doorway Search" is my Radiohead cover band
🔗 18:34
Questhere: we be jam'n
🔗 18:34
tyloncorp: He's a synth.....
🔗 18:34
NeBZ417: So yes I am in the chat
🔗 18:34
elah806: syyyyyyynth
🔗 18:34
Rhynerd: Welcome to the chat
🔗 18:35
Kapol42: Sopa! No sugar!
🔗 18:35
Kapol42: Beeer beeeer beeeeer!
🔗 18:35
Dandinstorm12: Shake a leg is my Deathcab for cutie coverband
🔗 18:35
plummeting_sloth: I will visit the sushi shop, to put fish in my body like a human person that I am
🔗 18:35
SquareDotCube: Tore Store, the best place for cheap discount fabric
🔗 18:35
Kapol42: Sorry, was just having some Cook! Serve! Delicious! flashbacks.
🔗 18:35
Rocketman210: dont want none of that ukrainian soba
🔗 18:35
Featherweight_: good morning Ian Cori Chat
🔗 18:35
plummeting_sloth: that wall was Door adjacent. It's fine
🔗 18:35
damullet14: Wait, do they only tell the fortunes of hermits, or is it an establishment full of fortunetellers who live in isolation?
🔗 18:36
Rocketman210: yes
🔗 18:36
Rocketman210: they are heighly specialized
🔗 18:36
Rocketman210: cabbage
🔗 18:36
Baranastra: Lucky Hit! Lucky Hit!
🔗 18:36
kronopticon: "Come over guest" house? Sorry. I'm not into that
🔗 18:36
plummeting_sloth: "You're all paid up on your bill... please tell the man with a lead pipe in your room 'never mind' "
🔗 18:36
Rocketman210: it would be cabbage and boscht
🔗 18:36
xxxlonkxxx: is he casting a spell WutFace
🔗 18:36
plummeting_sloth: are... are you druink?
🔗 18:36
damullet14: he's playing with his new google glass
🔗 18:36
Karingan: Hello, people on the internet!
🔗 18:37
SquareDotCube: Ukraine's more rye though, right?
🔗 18:37
Rocketman210: ukrainians use buckweat to make dumplings
🔗 18:37
plummeting_sloth: in a time of pocket GPS, this game would be about 40 minutes long
🔗 18:37
Rocketman210: not many noodles, but lots of dumplings
🔗 18:37
xxxlonkxxx: potoodles
🔗 18:37
whatthebus: go left, then right, then straight
🔗 18:37
NeBZ417: what with this guys noodle arms
🔗 18:37
Rhynerd: Left and then right for a while
🔗 18:37
xxxlonkxxx: eating stream? eating stream Kreygasm
🔗 18:37
damullet14: Aberdeen? You're going to go from here to Scotland?
🔗 18:38
tyloncorp: Cori feed on ian's tears.
🔗 18:38
GDwarf: Dojo Casino? We've...we've stumbled into UmJammer Lammy? Run away!
🔗 18:38
ElementalAlchemist: Would you like to play a game of Lucky Hit?
🔗 18:38
ElementalAlchemist: How about some Lucky Hit?
🔗 18:38
sharktoothjack17: outside, to the left, right by sushi and follow the street, ask the gamblers once you get to the quarter
🔗 18:38
Rocketman210: thats like calling a casino "casino gymnasium"
🔗 18:38
Featherweight_: is a chip not a just a potato noodle?
🔗 18:38
Havok4: Well the time has come to begin the hunt for the fleash of lesser creatures to sate cori's hunger.
🔗 18:38
xxxlonkxxx: imagine a stream of ian staring at the camera slurping loudly on a bowl of ramen PogChamp
🔗 18:38
Karingan: @Featherweight_ Fried Potato Noodle
🔗 18:39
Rocketman210: it isnt
🔗 18:39
Rocketman210: good day sir
🔗 18:39
plummeting_sloth: and now we spend all day fixing this sign
🔗 18:39
plummeting_sloth: allright, it's straight
🔗 18:39
GDwarf: Oh, I thought he was asking if the sign was straight, so saying "yes" would be lying to him. But no. This game doesn't English well at times.
🔗 18:40
Karingan: Lower,lower, lower, HIGHER
🔗 18:40
Rhynerd: Just down one, right?
🔗 18:40
plummeting_sloth: and I gluded it in place!
🔗 18:40
Rocketman210: this man would be great at russian dancing
🔗 18:40
Abcxyq: If we help him will he tell us where King Street is?
🔗 18:40
Rhynerd: Robo-Ryu saved the day!
🔗 18:40
plummeting_sloth: Ryo, can't move boxes, can't walk,can't tell when things are level. How the hell are you the hero?
🔗 18:41
hgToribio: that enthusiasm
🔗 18:41
Havok4: The man who works at the sushi place has tentacles. That seems weird.
🔗 18:41
Baranastra: Past the butchers? Oh no!
🔗 18:41
whatthebus: Left at the lights...
🔗 18:41
sharktoothjack17: but we're great at finding doorways
🔗 18:41
damullet14: Plummeting_sloth: He has the illusion of agency granted by being tethered to Ian
🔗 18:41
SquareDotCube: Bar Man Mo?
🔗 18:41
nattsan: You have a problem Ian!
🔗 18:41
hgToribio: that voice triURRP
🔗 18:41
Theycallmejokke: I guess we're of to help two butchers now
🔗 18:41
plummeting_sloth: Punch the butchers, got it
🔗 18:41
NeBZ417: when did we stumble into Tristram
🔗 18:41
NeBZ417: ?
🔗 18:41
ElementalAlchemist: They... renamed Lucky Hit?
🔗 18:41
elah806: This entire game is Lucky Hit, honestly.
🔗 18:41
Sektor88: The world!
🔗 18:41
Rocketman210: why is this guy sicillian/chinese
🔗 18:42
Rocketman210: that accent
🔗 18:42
sigma88: pachinko
🔗 18:42
angelofdust337: Another reminder for why I love this game's voice acting :P
🔗 18:42
SquareDotCube: Totally not a crane
🔗 18:42
plummeting_sloth: uhhhh and we've gone broke again
🔗 18:42
Sektor88: YES
🔗 18:42
nattsan: WOW
🔗 18:42
hgToribio: lrrHORN
🔗 18:42
angelofdust337: WOO
🔗 18:42
Dandinstorm12: so this is the Spheda of Shenmue yes?
🔗 18:42
Escherichia3: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 18:42
Karingan: That win
🔗 18:42
Saulens181: highlight?
🔗 18:42
Rhynerd: lrrSACK
🔗 18:43
Sektor88: Rent money get!
🔗 18:43
Rocketman210: this is like pachinko, but really old
🔗 18:43
rainbowbatsuit: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 18:43
Karingan: lrrHORN
🔗 18:43
sharktoothjack17: no, right at the sushi place
🔗 18:43
Dandinstorm12: don't run into ghosts have been called
🔗 18:43
dougma: that neck
🔗 18:43
leebenningfield: priBobby
🔗 18:43
The_Quiet_Alestain: did he just turn left?
🔗 18:43
hgToribio: kid is tweakin
🔗 18:43
Dandinstorm12: has
🔗 18:43
Dandinstorm12: oops
🔗 18:43
plummeting_sloth: Hey... I can't remember instruction 4 people have given me. CAn you take my hand and WALK ME SOMEHWERE
🔗 18:44
Featherweight_: you've wandering in to a dr who ep. Run.
🔗 18:44
Rocketman210: ian is great at directions, he can accurately go the wrong direction every time
🔗 18:44
hgToribio: its for the chirren
🔗 18:44
NeBZ417: they are mutiplying
🔗 18:44
leebenningfield: have you talked to the guy at the sushi place?
🔗 18:44
plummeting_sloth: I don't know... this Progeria is missing with my memory
🔗 18:44
hgToribio: @Featherweight_ hi! <3
🔗 18:44
sharktoothjack17: straight past the butchers
🔗 18:44
Dandinstorm12: oh look featherweight
🔗 18:44
hgToribio: hope everything is well!
🔗 18:44
sharktoothjack17: then ask the gamblers about yan tin
🔗 18:45
shurtal: Step One of my mission for tonight: Kill Artorias: Mission Accomplished. Next up: Kill Khalameet. My prospects for this seem poor, but I shall endevour to persevere!
🔗 18:45
Anubis169: lol
🔗 18:45
Havok4: Ian may have a problem.
🔗 18:45
DarkMorford: !cori ded
🔗 18:45
The_Quiet_Alestain: :)
🔗 18:45
Dandinstorm12: ooo go get em tiger
🔗 18:45
hgToribio: triGiggle triGiggle
🔗 18:45
Anubis169: host dead, send portable defib unit
🔗 18:45
Arclight_Dynamo: So... who's going to make a lucky hit game for the Desert Bus Craftalong this year? Kappa
🔗 18:45
Sektor88: ooh, monks
🔗 18:45
Sarah_Serinde: hullo friends
🔗 18:45
DarkMorford: Kick, punch, it's all in the mind!
🔗 18:45
Dandinstorm12: hey sarah
🔗 18:45
Abcxyq: Hey monks! Where do sailors hang out?!
🔗 18:45
NeBZ417: I C
🔗 18:45
hgToribio: tri4
🔗 18:45
Havok4: We just walked into a different movie.
🔗 18:45
Rocketman210: was... was that the same voice actor?
🔗 18:45
damullet14: Wait, so if he belonged here they'd straight fight him?
🔗 18:46
RealGamerCow: Ian "Easily Distracted" Horner
🔗 18:46
The_Quiet_Alestain: hello sarah
🔗 18:46
plummeting_sloth: And Ryo dies penniless in the street, having a memory and attention span of a gnat
🔗 18:46
Rocketman210: horse stance
🔗 18:46
Sarah_Serinde: Arclight_dynamo if that were my type of crafting I'd be tempted :P
🔗 18:46
RvLeshrac: Augh, I've missed so much Shenmue.
🔗 18:46
hgToribio: one for the gram
🔗 18:46
RvLeshrac: Did Ian make some money?
🔗 18:46
Havok4: Why is this as funny as it is.
🔗 18:46
DrWreckage: Like a doll's eyes...
🔗 18:46
Anubis169: "Hi, do you know the way to the Sou--- OWW MY NUTS!!!"
🔗 18:46
hgToribio: ay lmao
🔗 18:46
angelofdust337: uuuuuuuuh Ian
🔗 18:46
sharktoothjack17: haha. they're just very focused
🔗 18:46
shamblemyshark4: weiiird image to start the stream on...
🔗 18:46
Arclight_Dynamo: Sarah_Serinde: I mean, I could make the baord, but painting a chicken on it would be hard for me. :D
🔗 18:46
Arclight_Dynamo: *board
🔗 18:46
shurtal: Ok, I tune in and Ian is taking pictures of children, and crotches........
🔗 18:47
blackorfan: is this a guy or a girl with the red t shirt??
🔗 18:47
Rocketman210: is this legal?
🔗 18:47
shurtal: Sure, ok, lets run with this
🔗 18:47
hgToribio: @shurtal normal enough Kappa
🔗 18:47
Sarah_Serinde: Arclight_dynamo Well that's more than I'm able to do haha
🔗 18:47
Dandinstorm12: Stairs
🔗 18:47
Saulens181: REALLY MAN
🔗 18:47
DrWreckage: Ancient wisdom
🔗 18:47
Baranastra: "I understand."
🔗 18:47
DrWreckage: Go up the stairs...
🔗 18:47
whatthebus: You say you understand, Ryo, but I don't think you do.
🔗 18:47
Abcxyq: Go. To. The. Left. Where. There. Are. Stairs.
🔗 18:47
plummeting_sloth: "Do any of you fighty mans wanna play lucky hit?A"
🔗 18:47
Dandinstorm12: Stairs man, stairs
🔗 18:47
Sektor88: I guess they're not hiring fo th 1v100 children thunderdome
🔗 18:48
DarkMorford: Dammit, Ryou.
🔗 18:48
hgToribio: voice triURRP
🔗 18:48
Sarah_Serinde: so basically, we shouldn't talk to anyone until we've actually advanced the plot? Kappa
🔗 18:48
Rocketman210: yes
🔗 18:48
Baranastra: Man, imagine all the voice acting...
🔗 18:48
Jiv_: do they critique every old game like this?
🔗 18:48
damullet14: I think that means that place is for rent
🔗 18:48
sharktoothjack17: gets told four times to go out and to the left. Goes out. Turns right
🔗 18:48
damullet14: it's to let
🔗 18:48
Samph1re: To Let.
🔗 18:48
Anubis169: is this still on dreamcast?
🔗 18:48
DarkMorford: Anubis169, original Xbox
🔗 18:48
SquareDotCube: Yes, please let toilet
🔗 18:48
Baranastra: All this voice acting, for only the South Carmain Quarter...
🔗 18:48
Catcard: MEHPS?
🔗 18:48
Rocketman210: no, xbox
🔗 18:49
Sektor88: catcard, MEHP
🔗 18:49
plummeting_sloth: The south quarter is ahead. Now, how do I get to the south Carmain quarter
🔗 18:49
Catcard: Sektor88, PogChamp
🔗 18:49
Rocketman210: 10 DOLLARS A MAP?
🔗 18:49
🔗 18:49
Dandinstorm12: went Xbox has been called
🔗 18:49
Anubis169: wait... as in "Bigger than PS3 and twice as heavy" Xbox?
🔗 18:49
Sektor88: :D
🔗 18:49
Catcard: Lord_ZYRK, D:
🔗 18:49
Anubis169: where'd ya find one of those?
🔗 18:49
Samph1re: how do the XBOX and the Dreamcast compare technically?
🔗 18:49
Dandinstorm12: yes anubis
🔗 18:49
Sektor88: Anubis169 there's no other :P
🔗 18:49
hgToribio: no dreamcast VGA sadly :c
🔗 18:49
Baranastra: @Rocketman210 Ten 1987 Honk Kong Dollars.
🔗 18:49
hgToribio: triURRP
🔗 18:49
hgToribio: WELP
🔗 18:49
plummeting_sloth: what... happened to that tiger
🔗 18:49
Theycallmejokke: Chicken tiger, don't fail us now
🔗 18:49
Rocketman210: is this just poorly translated yen or chinese yuan?
🔗 18:49
Dandinstorm12: winged tiger
🔗 18:50
RvLeshrac: Samph1re: they're about the same.
🔗 18:50
RvLeshrac: Samph1re: The XBox does some AA
🔗 18:50
Lord_ZYRK: Anubis169, they aren't hard to find if you have access to some decent satellite imagery Kappa
🔗 18:50
Anubis169: chimera
🔗 18:50
Dandinstorm12: bye cori
🔗 18:50
SquareDotCube: $20
🔗 18:50
damullet14: play one-shot, do not miss your chance to blow
🔗 18:50
Dandinstorm12: that isn't a chimera
🔗 18:50
Rocketman210: thats basically a bird on the left
🔗 18:50
plummeting_sloth: sir, this is utter trademark infringement of lucky hit! You'll be hearing from my lawyers
🔗 18:50
plummeting_sloth: providing I haven't spent all my money here
🔗 18:50
hgToribio: close!!!!
🔗 18:50
Dandinstorm12: ball pls
🔗 18:50
hgToribio: bol pls
🔗 18:50
Theycallmejokke: Chicken-Tiger you betryed us
🔗 18:51
CaptainSpam: Man, I was hoping Ian would get it and Cori wouldn't be there to see it and we'd all deny it ever happened. Kappa
🔗 18:51
Dandinstorm12: lol @Plummeting_sloth lawyers
🔗 18:51
Anubis169: mmmm
🔗 18:51
Catcard: It's Naruto PogChamp
🔗 18:51
Catcard: Kappa
🔗 18:51
Anubis169 slurps a gigantic mug of tea
🔗 18:51
Sektor88: lawl
🔗 18:51
kronopticon: The people were always there Ian. In your heart!
🔗 18:51
Theycallmejokke: That is some epic eyebrows
🔗 18:51
RvLeshrac: Anubis169: You see Yahtzee's tweet?
🔗 18:52
plummeting_sloth: Tai chi you say? Let's fight
🔗 18:52
Rocketman210: are you sure this is before the handover?
🔗 18:52
Anubis169: RvLeshrac: i avoid all social media like it's infectious :P
🔗 18:52
Anubis169: so no :P
🔗 18:52
RealGamerCow: Did we straight up not save last time?
🔗 18:52
🔗 18:52
Dandinstorm12 is jealous of Anubis' tea
🔗 18:52
CaptainSpam: RealGamerCow: I'm sort of convinced that's what happened.
🔗 18:52
ferretbadger84: This is interesting
🔗 18:53
Dandinstorm12: er
🔗 18:53
Abcxyq: Beat him until he tells you where the Yan Tin apartments are
🔗 18:53
Dandinstorm12: I mean
🔗 18:53
kronopticon: I'm not crane style. I'm crowbar style!
🔗 18:53
RvLeshrac: There are things you absolutely have to do.
🔗 18:53
Dandinstorm12: I'm jealous that you have tea
🔗 18:53
Dandinstorm12: ***
🔗 18:53
RvLeshrac: And there are things you absolutely have to do at certain times.
🔗 18:53
ElementalAlchemist: Yeah! Use Leg Move!
🔗 18:53
Sektor88: Elementalalchemist LOW KICK
🔗 18:53
DarkMorford: Ian's been training with Master Onion.
🔗 18:53
Sjlangenegger: Did Ryou forget how he found a guy who could attack with Tai Chi last time?
🔗 18:53
RvLeshrac: But yeah, you straight-up didn't save.
🔗 18:53
pokemonblast65: !game
🔗 18:53
LRRbot: Currently playing: Shenmue II (rating 75%)
🔗 18:53
kronopticon: Dick jokes.
🔗 18:54
vrulg: Get well hard.
🔗 18:54
Dandinstorm12: Cori, how do you stand it
🔗 18:54
ElementalAlchemist: sektor88: :D
🔗 18:54
Sektor88: :P
🔗 18:54
damullet14: !game weird
🔗 18:54
pokemonblast65: what is this
🔗 18:54
Anubis169: can confirm, tai chi is tantamount to game hacks when it comes to redirecting stuff
🔗 18:54
pokemonblast65: what is the point of that old guy
🔗 18:54
ferretbadger84: this is a thing
🔗 18:54
Anubis169: :/
🔗 18:55
pokemonblast65: in the game
🔗 18:55
RvLeshrac: Shenmue II is technically like... Shenmue 4-6, I think
🔗 18:55
Lancer873: "Never heard of it" Okay that was cute
🔗 18:55
Anubis169: it's very weird but works in a way i don't quite understand yet
🔗 18:55
Lancer873: !game good
🔗 18:55
LRRbot: Rating for Shenmue II on I, Horner is now 80% (8/10)
🔗 18:55
Anubis169: !game good
🔗 18:55
Dandinstorm12: that's why sometimes you just back away Anubis
🔗 18:55
Sektor88: !game good
🔗 18:55
Samph1re: Ian's a Wizard. He actualy remembers time in reverse, like Merlin.
🔗 18:55
plummeting_sloth: now, enter the apartments, so you can ask where they are
🔗 18:56
ferretbadger84: Ian is Nilrem the wizard
🔗 18:56
Anubis169: Dandinstorm12: lol i haven't fought seriously :P
🔗 18:56
Arclight_Dynamo: Street Sharks!
🔗 18:56
plummeting_sloth: WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR FACE
🔗 18:56
The_Quiet_Alestain: We got there, at long last! Victory!
🔗 18:56
Dandinstorm12: @Anubis169 I haven't in a while either, to be fair
🔗 18:56
whatthebus: Land shark? Honest, ma'am, i'm just a dolphin.
🔗 18:56
pokemonblast65: is that weird old guy from earlier Chinese or Japanese I recognize as on of the 2
🔗 18:56
Anubis169: saw a sparring session once, it was weird
🔗 18:56
tyloncorp: LADY BE MAAAAD
🔗 18:56
LRRbot: Rating for Shenmue II on I, Horner is now 82% (9/11)
🔗 18:56
Sjlangenegger: Did we forget to save last time or something? I just joined the stream, but I swear we saw these scenes last time...
🔗 18:56
sharktoothjack17: maybe she has dolphins
🔗 18:56
plummeting_sloth: she only meets with air sharks!
🔗 18:56
damullet14: Sjlangenegger: This is a rebroadcast
🔗 18:56
Nightvalien28: so we kill her
🔗 18:56
Arclight_Dynamo: Huh. Apparently "landshark" is a term of a German Shepherd. Who knew?
🔗 18:57
leebenningfield: this guy is awesome
🔗 18:57
Karingan: Dolphins?
🔗 18:57
Dandinstorm12: This is NOT a rebroadcast
🔗 18:57
The_Quiet_Alestain: she only meets space sharks
🔗 18:57
Arclight_Dynamo: *for a
🔗 18:57
Rocketman210: "bury me with my lucky strike"
🔗 18:57
kronopticon: Well. I guess that room gonna stink if she dies
🔗 18:57
ElementalAlchemist: "Well, up to floor 205." --Ian
🔗 18:57
Talin06: floor 205?
🔗 18:57
Lord_Hosk: Ian and Cori, did you know that you were my favorite unmarried LoadingReadyLive couple?
🔗 18:57
plummeting_sloth: Wait, isn't 'Land Sharks" an old SNL bit?
🔗 18:57
Lancer873: So we have the pictures but... welp
🔗 18:57
Anubis169: RvLeshrac: that post yahtzee made is 100% accurate
🔗 18:57
CaptainSpam: Candygram.
🔗 18:57
whatthebus: from who?
🔗 18:57
Lord_Hosk: Land sharks was a really bad cartoon in the 90's came out on the back of TMNT
🔗 18:58
plummeting_sloth: well, you eat a knuckle sandwich if you don't tell me
🔗 18:58
RealGamerCow: Mongo like candy!
🔗 18:58
leebenningfield: you *can* get the info without paying
🔗 18:58
NeBZ417: So I have a ups package that was supposed to show up today and it hasent. It 9 pm here should I wait still or will it come tomorrow
🔗 18:58
Featherweight_: Lord_Hosk My favorite is James and Adam.
🔗 18:58
NeBZ417: ?
🔗 18:58
whatthebus: really bad? Land Sharks was Jawesome! Kappa
🔗 18:58
Rhynerd: and so our quest for man-mo begins.
🔗 18:58
damullet14: Featherweight_: You can't be a couple without at least two people
🔗 18:58
Lancer873: Jawsoooome!
🔗 18:58
Arclight_Dynamo: Is that Room 101?!
🔗 18:58
Sjlangenegger: Qr is not a contraction of Quarter that I'm familiar with. It makes these subtitles a little jarring.
🔗 18:58
Dandinstorm12: Graham and Paul are mine, to be fair
🔗 18:58
Anubis169: yellow card
🔗 18:58
Catcard: 201. 201. 201. 201.
🔗 18:59
Catcard: (Please tell me someone gets the reference)
🔗 18:59
Herr_Entropy: Everyone in this game is an android replicant
🔗 18:59
Dandinstorm12: I second that yellow
🔗 18:59
Dandinstorm12: damn skinjobs @Herr_entropy
🔗 18:59
Anubis169: Catcard: the next bit i assume is *eyepoke* 202! 202! 202!
🔗 18:59
Catcard: Nope.
🔗 18:59
Featherweight_: bird is testing you. stay loyal
🔗 19:00
Anubis169: different joke then :)
🔗 19:00
Rocketman210: it wasnt a bird last time
🔗 19:00
Rocketman210: it was a tiger with wings
🔗 19:00
NeBZ417: nvm just showed up
🔗 19:00
Karingan: Achieve true bird through patience
🔗 19:00
Anubis169: what's the reference dudette?
🔗 19:00
Catcard: In Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, you can spam select on room 201 at a hotel, making Zoey read it out over and over again. It's the only room you can spam on.
🔗 19:00
SquareDotCube: Man mo? Mo man? So more sailors?
🔗 19:00
Anubis169: huh.. really
🔗 19:00
Anubis169: can't say that ever occurred to me to try it :D
🔗 19:01
angelofdust337: oh my god this guy's voice
🔗 19:01
Catcard: Room 201 is also like super useless
🔗 19:01
Arclight_Dynamo: Dude sounds like Mr. T.
🔗 19:01
Herr_Entropy: Head canon: game is set in the far far future where there are no more humans, all that is left are cities of androids programmed to the late 20th century. Living forever yet not living at all
🔗 19:02
Dandinstorm12: seems legit
🔗 19:02
Saulens181: sounds about right
🔗 19:02
SquareDotCube: I can see an AI trying to recreate humanity through terrible, terrible sources
🔗 19:02
KeiranCoon: The return of Shenmue? PogChamp
🔗 19:03
Saulens181: so, is the Enclave a thing anymore in the Falloutverse?
🔗 19:04
SquareDotCube: There's remnants of it, namely people who worked for them.
🔗 19:04
Saulens181: or is it just dead since the games when you dealt with them
🔗 19:04
Link07: lol the new crapshot
🔗 19:04
Lancer873: Saulens181: Pretty much just scattered remnants I think.
🔗 19:04
Dandinstorm12: @Saulens181 they sort of exist
🔗 19:04
Dandinstorm12: they mostly died
🔗 19:04
Saulens181: Ooh Irelands having a census soon
🔗 19:05
Lancer873: But since The Enclave is all underground secrety folks they could have tiny bits left that could actually be controlling far more than expected if the writers want them to.
🔗 19:05
Karingan: @Featherweight_ What art program do you use?
🔗 19:05
Saulens181: ysy for statistics
🔗 19:05
SquareDotCube: I'd think it'd be great to see some force coming out of secret shelters far in the Canadian tundras
🔗 19:05
Dandinstorm12: I want to back to Chicago in Fallout personally
🔗 19:06
SquareDotCube: Like the plan was some counter-annexation of the US to Canada
🔗 19:06
Saulens181: what happened to Europe?
🔗 19:06
ferretbadger84: Siri-when will the commercial break be over?
🔗 19:06
Dandinstorm12: about what happened tot he US
🔗 19:06
Dandinstorm12: *to
🔗 19:06
Saulens181: like is it just pure ghoul territory or something
🔗 19:06
Baranastra: Why not have a Fallout set in Anchorage? ;)
🔗 19:06
Lancer873: Europe may as well be like "Uh, we looked away for two seconds and now two of the world's superpowers are craters?"
🔗 19:06
Dandinstorm12: like the FO4 DLC
🔗 19:06
angelofdust337: It would actually be interesting to see Fallout set outside of America, but it feels like Bethesda won't do that for a long time
🔗 19:07
Dandinstorm12: I think Europe exploded along with the US
🔗 19:07
DarkMorford: Hi Beej!
🔗 19:07
BusTed: Thanks Bubs.
🔗 19:07
Rhynerd: It's time to experience Beej KappaRoss
🔗 19:07
Dandinstorm12: So Beej
🔗 19:07
Saulens181: I want a game set in Dublin because I will recognise everything
🔗 19:07
Dandinstorm12: Classic Beej
🔗 19:07
Sektor88: umm. sir.
🔗 19:07
Rocketman210: yep thats beej
🔗 19:07
Dandinstorm12: @Saulens181 well I want a game set in Milwaukee then
🔗 19:07
Theycallmejokke: Bet the farm Ian
🔗 19:07
Featherweight_: Karingan Clip studio formally know as manga studio
🔗 19:07
CaptainSpam: This man's voice acting is awesome.
🔗 19:07
ferretbadger84: This seems like a losing game
🔗 19:08
Lancer873: This is, by definition, a losing game.
🔗 19:08
Dandinstorm12: lrrGOAT
🔗 19:08
SquareDotCube: not stop
🔗 19:08
Sektor88: mother of god.
🔗 19:08
SquareDotCube: *now stop
🔗 19:08
r4v5: wow, I just came into something weird
🔗 19:08
RvLeshrac: It isn't a losing game.
🔗 19:08
Escherichia3: He sounds like Beej but also Torgue?
🔗 19:08
RvLeshrac: These are all pretty even games of chance.
🔗 19:08
Karingan: @Featherweight_ Ah, never used it. I'm a huge fan of your work, by the way
🔗 19:08
Dandinstorm12: almost snake eyes
🔗 19:08
jonnykefka: This VA needs to be hired for every game
🔗 19:08
Laserbeaks_Fury: It's a losing game because the house wins all ties
🔗 19:08
SquareDotCube: That rolling animation though
🔗 19:08
pokemonblast65: almost got snake eyes
🔗 19:09
jonnykefka: this is the next Nolan North
🔗 19:09
SquareDotCube: just.. no, Ryo
🔗 19:09
damullet14: Laserbeaks_fury: You say that, but we're 2 for 2 so far
🔗 19:09
Dandinstorm12: oooof a 9
🔗 19:09
Dandinstorm12: dominated
🔗 19:09
Laserbeaks_Fury: The house advantage isn't super high, but it's there
🔗 19:09
ForOhForError: 9 is great though
🔗 19:09
BusTed: MVP
🔗 19:09
Dandinstorm12: HAHA
🔗 19:09
Catcard: YOUNG MAN.
🔗 19:09
Sektor88: wonderful
🔗 19:09
SquareDotCube: now stop
🔗 19:09
Catcard: tough luck.
🔗 19:09
Herr_Entropy: TOUGH
🔗 19:09
Anubis169: LOL
🔗 19:09
RvLeshrac: Has Beej seen these?
🔗 19:09
Herr_Entropy: LUK
🔗 19:09
DarkMorford: !highlight AGAIN?!
🔗 19:09
Baranastra: That was worth 20 HK$.
🔗 19:09
SquareDotCube: we needs rent
🔗 19:09
Trippzen: We live here now.
🔗 19:09
Dandinstorm12: staaaaahp
🔗 19:09
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 19:09
Juliamon: I want all this man's sound clips as system sounds
🔗 19:09
Sektor88: catcard: something something YMCA?
🔗 19:09
angelofdust337: my god
🔗 19:09
negativeview: Beej needs to actually play this character in a crap shot
🔗 19:09
Dandinstorm12: oooooo rckd
🔗 19:10
RvLeshrac: OH MAN
🔗 19:10
CaptainSpam: Please tell me Beej is in the Moonbase and can jump in on this.
🔗 19:10
🔗 19:10
Trippzen: The sum is... [do math] TWO! [realization] That's no good!
🔗 19:10
RvLeshrac: Petition to ban Javascript, Java, and Ruby
🔗 19:10
SchalaKitty: hey chat, just got home. What did I miss?
🔗 19:10
Dandinstorm12: quit while you're ahead
🔗 19:10
Catcard: I love him
🔗 19:10
Dandinstorm12: Hey @Schalakitty we just met Beej
🔗 19:10
angelofdust337: Rvleshrac god
🔗 19:10
Juliamon: SchalaKitty you missed the best character
🔗 19:10
ferretbadger84: Roll it on bottom?
🔗 19:10
The_Quiet_Alestain: That guy is amazing
🔗 19:10
r4v5: Rvleshrac helluva troll
🔗 19:11
RvLeshrac: angelofdust337: This is the GREATEST PETITION.
🔗 19:11
Laserbeaks_Fury: "That's Our Beej" will be right back after these messages
🔗 19:11
BusTed: Look, it has a convenient lid for transport and everything.
🔗 19:11
jonnykefka: and ignoring the godawful shitshow that is PHP?
🔗 19:11
SchalaKitty: I caught the tail end of it Juliamon at least
🔗 19:11
Lord_ZYRK: Catcard, new favorite synth? Kappa
🔗 19:11
ElementalAlchemist: "That's my horse!" --Ian, on Beej
🔗 19:11
kronopticon: *cringe* ruby on rails
🔗 19:11
Baldrash: That was less Beej, and more Ball Hinkley.
🔗 19:11
Trippzen: !quote Beej
🔗 19:11
LRRbot: Quote #575: "I am the toilets." —Beej [2015-08-10]
🔗 19:11
Saulens181: you gotta be kidding me
🔗 19:11
angelofdust337: Rvleshrac whatever you say
🔗 19:11
Dandinstorm12: !quote beej
🔗 19:11
LRRbot: Quote #709: "Every morning, I get a beach episode." —Beej [2015-09-21]
🔗 19:11
SquareDotCube: Went to Liverpool, disappointed in lack of pools of liver 0/10
🔗 19:11
Trippzen: I can read Beej quotes in that voice now.
🔗 19:11
Rhynerd: !quote Beej
🔗 19:12
RvLeshrac: angelofdust337: I mean, you've *seen* Javascript, right? That's a terrorist language if ever I've seen one.
🔗 19:12
Saulens181: its like "Lets ban wooden fences, theyre too fragile"
🔗 19:12
Rhynerd: !quote Ian
🔗 19:12
KeiranCoon: !quote ian
🔗 19:12
Laserbeaks_Fury: What? Nooooooo
🔗 19:12
r4v5: Jonnykefka that's the joke, I assume
🔗 19:12
damullet14: the fact that they are using dollar signs and what are clearly not dollar-scaled values makes this game seem OUTRAGEOUS
🔗 19:12
Dandinstorm12: !quote Cori
🔗 19:12
LRRbot: Quote #517: "Graham is not really a heavy hitter." —Cori [2015-07-21]
🔗 19:12
Saulens181: "Weak fences threaten the American Suburban life"
🔗 19:13
r4v5: But...
🔗 19:13
RvLeshrac: Damullet14: They're HK$
🔗 19:13
angelofdust337: Rvleshrac Whatever jokes/problems with the language is outweighed by the aspect that a lot of people will take it at face value and sign it
🔗 19:13
Baranastra: "But..."
🔗 19:13
RvLeshrac: The US isn't the only country in the entire world that uses a Dollar.
🔗 19:13
kronopticon: But what!?
🔗 19:13
Arclight_Dynamo: Damullet14: Depends. What was the HK dollar worth in 1987?
🔗 19:13
Laserbeaks_Fury: Geeze, how many quarters are there? Kappa
🔗 19:13
r4v5: They're always after our lucky charm quarters
🔗 19:13
r4v5: Arclight_dynamo more than it is now Kappa
🔗 19:13
damullet14: Rvleshrac: I am aware of that, but I did not know A) Hong Kong used them or 2) that they were so far out of scale with the other several more recognizeable dollars
🔗 19:13
Baranastra: White Dynasty Quarter? Racist! Kappa
🔗 19:14
Dmc3628: doc
🔗 19:14
plummeting_sloth: I'm having some stream issues tonight. nothing too bad, just some in and outs. Every singe time I come back in, Ryo is asking someone for directions. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME
🔗 19:14
countz3r0: w000p
🔗 19:14
r4v5: "Calling all Jan Michael Vincents!"
🔗 19:14
Trippzen: Win! You found the fast travel!
🔗 19:14
Trippzen: Or the slow travel...
🔗 19:14
KeiranCoon: @Plummeting_sloth That's not a problem, that's a feature. RaccAttack
🔗 19:14
plummeting_sloth: oh thank GOD
🔗 19:14
The_Quiet_Alestain: "fast" travel :D
🔗 19:14
Herr_Entropy: outta the way
🔗 19:14
nattsan: It's like following a real old lady
🔗 19:14
Saulens181: plummeting sloth its an issue on their end nothing we can do about it
🔗 19:15
Rhynerd: Hot step to victory?
🔗 19:15
plummeting_sloth: as we slowly shove people aside
🔗 19:15
kronopticon: But at least you have a semblance of where you might be going
🔗 19:15
girlpainting: captain obvious....
🔗 19:15
RvLeshrac: Saulens181: Is it? I've had a perfect stream so far, though I've only been here 30 minutes.
🔗 19:15
Jensling: Or she suddenly steals your backpack
🔗 19:15
Catcard: I think she's gonna lead you into an alley and rob you.
🔗 19:15
The_Quiet_Alestain: yus! And another small step to victory.
🔗 19:15
plummeting_sloth: Thank you ma'am for leading me.. now, could you please not look at me
🔗 19:15
Catcard: She's actually a martial arts master.
🔗 19:15
whatthebus: only her head turns to look back at you. her body stays in place
🔗 19:15
Herr_Entropy: what's with the shift into first person lol
🔗 19:15
Baranastra: Wait! Filter to Sepia!
🔗 19:16
CaptainSpam: And now she takes you down a dark back alley and her lackeys jump you.
🔗 19:16
plummeting_sloth: "We're going to die on these streets, aren't we maam"
🔗 19:16
Saulens181: @rvleshrac its a joke about the direction asking
🔗 19:16
Baranastra: Use Filters, Ian!
🔗 19:16
kronopticon: Yup. That's poop-shadow
🔗 19:16
Trippzen: She's taking you to the Mahjong parlor and she's gonna kick your ass.
🔗 19:16
The_Quiet_Alestain: Halfway she forgot and takes you home with her
🔗 19:16
RvLeshrac: Saulens181: Oh, yeah, that's a problem with the Horner system.
🔗 19:16
damullet14: she's gonna push you in a sewer at the end of this
🔗 19:16
Herr_Entropy: now it looks like fatal frame
🔗 19:16
SquareDotCube: filter pukey
🔗 19:16
r4v5: It may not be a party but I am vomiting!
🔗 19:16
plummeting_sloth: she forgot she was leading you, takes you back to her dice game
🔗 19:17
Catcard: The filters make it really hard to look at the stream lol
🔗 19:17
BusTed: #NoFilter
🔗 19:17
vrulg: It would be great if she took you to completely the wrong place, and was like "Why are you following me? Please leave me along!"
🔗 19:17
Catcard: Oh.
🔗 19:17
Catcard: Well, it was just a nice old lady.
🔗 19:17
Catcard: Well.
🔗 19:17
Inkompetence: So she's the final boss, then?
🔗 19:17
The_Passerby: Regarding the exchange rate in 1987
🔗 19:17
plummeting_sloth: this is it... this is your GRAVE
🔗 19:17
The_Passerby: The earlist I found was 1994
🔗 19:17
KeiranCoon: Scarlet Hills Zone. Act 1.
🔗 19:17
The_Passerby: which was 1USD to 7HKD
🔗 19:17
SquareDotCube: To Man Mo's Tavern
🔗 19:18
🔗 19:18
plummeting_sloth: "If you go straight after going past that corner" *runs straight past corner*
🔗 19:18
RvLeshrac: The_Passerby: Oh, haha, that's Google being stupid, nevermind.
🔗 19:18
Abcxyq: Man Mo Bee Stro
🔗 19:18
whatthebus: men mo. *gasp*
🔗 19:18
r4v5: You're in the Men Mo district
🔗 19:18
CaptainSpam: Mo' Man Mo, mo' problems.
🔗 19:18
Naxochils: Now the real question. Can we Forklift race in this one?
🔗 19:18
Trippzen: Super helpful, thanks lady...
🔗 19:18
Arclight_Dynamo: RvLeshrac: That's 1987 HK Dollars. As in, the amount, not the year. :P
🔗 19:19
Baranastra: So, per crate, you got a $1.25 USD...
🔗 19:19
SkylerRingtail: HEY GUYS, I think we're looking for a china shop! Kappa
🔗 19:19
Arclight_Dynamo: RvLeshrac: As near as I can tell, the HKD has sat around 0.10 USD since the mid-80s.
🔗 19:19
SquareDotCube: Excuse me, do you know where man mos hang out
🔗 19:19
Laserbeaks_Fury: Manny, Moe, and Jack, the Pep Boys?
🔗 19:19
RobotHitchhiker: yeah, missed the corner..
🔗 19:20
RvLeshrac: Arclight_Dynamo: Yeah.
🔗 19:20
plummeting_sloth: Man no, man mo
🔗 19:20
r4v5: hahaha dumbass. Asking obvious questions
🔗 19:20
kronopticon facepalm
🔗 19:20
Herr_Entropy: He doesn't work here?
🔗 19:20
plummeting_sloth: Ryo, you are thick as a freaking brick
🔗 19:21
Herr_Entropy: monk is a verb?
🔗 19:21
leebenningfield: got there
🔗 19:21
Trippzen: lrrGOAT somewhere
🔗 19:21
Rhynerd: Progress?
🔗 19:21
KeiranCoon: @Herr_entropy Haven't you heard of monk-ing around?
🔗 19:21
Catcard: Ummm. Isn't it supposed to be in the Lucky Charm quarter?
🔗 19:21
Anubis169: aaand back
🔗 19:21
kronopticon: *sigh* I love spirited away
🔗 19:21
BusTed: Cori seems unconvinced.
🔗 19:21
Baranastra: It was before the South Carmain Quarter.
🔗 19:21
Sektor88: Kronopticon It's SO GOOD
🔗 19:22
girlpainting: ian is to 90% positive that he is to at least 60% sure....
🔗 19:22
SquareDotCube: I don't think Ian has a scope of how big Hong Kong is
🔗 19:22
r4v5: I would like to buy a ham radio
🔗 19:22
Sylenctone: buy a microwave
🔗 19:22
Trippzen: That might have been the best directions so far: buy a map.
🔗 19:22
Lord_Hosk: what is a map?
🔗 19:22
Juliamon: the 1987 equivalent of "just google it, asshole"
🔗 19:23
damullet14: Lord_hosk: It's a thing on mcell mphones these days
🔗 19:23
kronopticon: Wait. Was that man mo electrical goods?
🔗 19:23
RvLeshrac: We all saw Ian trying for the upskirts.
🔗 19:23
Laserbeaks_Fury: We're gonna buy some microwave ovens....custom kitchen deliveries
🔗 19:23
Lord_Hosk: Ian... Buttlooker 2016
🔗 19:24
Herr_Entropy: Fatal frame lol
🔗 19:24
LathosTiran: PnC adventure, you rub items together to move forward || Shenmu, you rub ideas on people
🔗 19:24
r4v5: I'm actually nauseous from that
🔗 19:24
tyloncorp: We never actually made it off the boat?
🔗 19:24
The_Quiet_Alestain: Welcome to another edition of Hong Kong fast travels.
🔗 19:24
Karingan: Sweet Jeezus
🔗 19:24
Lord_Hosk: LOL
🔗 19:24
The_Quiet_Alestain: :D
🔗 19:24
Sylenctone: oh dear
🔗 19:24
Twisted_Light: Good day, chat and Mr.Horner ! Oooh, Shenmue ! :D
🔗 19:24
Lancer873: Uhhh, wut
🔗 19:24
Anubis169: uhhhh
🔗 19:24
kronopticon: Y'all Gotta jinx it
🔗 19:24
Lord_Hosk: This is so bad
🔗 19:25
Lancer873: What did I come back to?
🔗 19:25
CaptainSpam: Did they do this on purpose?
🔗 19:25
KeiranCoon: Shenmue II: Still Shenmue-ing.
🔗 19:25
SkylerRingtail: Creepshot simulator 19xx
🔗 19:25
The_Quiet_Alestain: aaaand it´s closed?
🔗 19:25
SkylerRingtail: See each other again sometime...when you're of legal age
🔗 19:25
Arclight_Dynamo: There are smaller wicket gates along the sides of the wall, Ian. Maybe they're open?
🔗 19:25
tyloncorp: Break in?
🔗 19:25
Anubis169: o.O
🔗 19:25
Arclight_Dynamo: Or, maybe it's closed for the night?
🔗 19:26
Anubis169: xxxP xxxPLICIT
🔗 19:26
CaptainSpam: She led you all the way there despite knowing it's closed?
🔗 19:26
Rhynerd: Is that Dr. Shen?
🔗 19:26
EGreif: That door is so tiny!
🔗 19:26
Lord_Hosk: "look across the street... you moron"
🔗 19:26
Trippzen: Wait what IS the tiny door for?
🔗 19:26
kronopticon: I understand.
🔗 19:26
SquareDotCube: gnomes
🔗 19:26
Arclight_Dynamo: "Roll the bone, get on top" sounds like the *worst* sex advice, Ian.
🔗 19:26
Baranastra: @Captainspam Maybe she did not know it was closed, but he did assk where it was.
🔗 19:26
Rhynerd: Time for gambling or a gambling job?
🔗 19:26
Sektor88: yes
🔗 19:26
SquareDotCube: Rent, Ian, Rent!
🔗 19:26
Trippzen: !badadvice
🔗 19:26
LRRbot: Stand in the fire.
🔗 19:27
Anubis169: lord_hosk: "Do you know where I might find the LRR twitch channel?"
🔗 19:27
Baranastra: Gamble with Beej!
🔗 19:27
Pandax0: Ah yes. that sweet swwt hit of lucky hit.
🔗 19:27
Rhynerd: !quote Ian
🔗 19:27
LRRbot: Quote #1752: "I'm illiterate!" —Ian [2016-02-09]
🔗 19:27
r4v5: Just move to Kowloon
🔗 19:27
Laserbeaks_Fury: Bar-Bar-Bar
🔗 19:27
Jameson920 : Just got here, have we found sailors yet?
🔗 19:27
Lord_Hosk: You need to look to the left of the chat to see the Lrr twich channel (points left)
🔗 19:27
ferretbadger84: Barbara shop
🔗 19:27
Anubis169: bless you
🔗 19:27
Lord_Hosk mutters idiot under his breath
🔗 19:28
Anubis169: lord_hosk: "Ah, I understand."
🔗 19:28
nattsan: WEll who is as good as Beej?
🔗 19:28
Rhynerd: Aw, we didn't find the Beej roller
🔗 19:28
Anubis169: Rhynerd: "Do you know where I might find the LRR twitch channel?"
🔗 19:28
Trippzen: Why aren't we top-rolling with Beej?
🔗 19:28
Rhynerd: @anubis169 "Oh it
🔗 19:28
Lord_Hosk: play till you hit 1000
🔗 19:28
damullet14: Trippzen: We got lost on the way back
🔗 19:28
Sektor88: w're sooo losing our nt money
🔗 19:28
Trippzen: Damullet14 What? Unheard of.
🔗 19:28
Arclight_Dynamo glitches out and clips through Anubis169
🔗 19:29
Sektor88: This guy's not as good as other beej though
🔗 19:29
r4v5: These dice only go to 8
🔗 19:29
SquareDotCube: aaand quit
🔗 19:29
RvLeshrac: You can't lose, Ian
🔗 19:29
RvLeshrac: Keep going.
🔗 19:29
RvLeshrac: You're just getting warmed up!
🔗 19:29
Laserbeaks_Fury: Wow, this game really shames you for not gambling
🔗 19:29
RvLeshrac: Find an arcade!
🔗 19:29
r4v5: is that Brian Posehn?
🔗 19:29
Rhynerd: @anubis169 "Oh it's right over there" *points toward the screen*
🔗 19:29
nattsan: Admitting you have a problem is the first step Ian.
🔗 19:30
Anubis169: Rhynerd: "Ah, I understand."
🔗 19:30
Herr_Entropy: ooh the classy quarter
🔗 19:30
SquareDotCube: No no, it is *close*. As in it's right beside you.
🔗 19:30
Karingan: TO THE MOON!
🔗 19:30
Anubis169 gets about as far as looking at the left side of chat
🔗 19:30
Lord_Durin: Fly me to the Moon...
🔗 19:30
Anubis169: nattsan: "Do you know where I might find the LRR twitch channel?"
🔗 19:30
Anubis169: Kappa
🔗 19:30
CaptainSpam: You walk in and find... it's the Moonbase? The hell?
🔗 19:31
Trippzen: See if you can find this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va_Rmpd3PZI
🔗 19:31
r4v5: Liquor!
🔗 19:31
EGreif: MJQ
🔗 19:31
ThePrettiestFurry subscribed for 10 months in a row!
🔗 19:31
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, ThePrettiestFurry! (Today's storm count: 17)
🔗 19:31
Anubis169: lrrSPOT suuuuuub
🔗 19:31
Dmc3628: sgdoc
🔗 19:31
Rocketman210: im begining to think this is chinese new yuan, and not dollars
🔗 19:32
Anubis169: dmc3628: i think the doctor is out right now
🔗 19:32
Anubis169 opens his receptionist's notepad
🔗 19:32
Anubis169: can I take a message?
🔗 19:32
r4v5: This is an amazing translation
🔗 19:33
EGreif: Rocketman210 no no, it's post-awakening Seattle. We use Nuyen.
🔗 19:33
Karingan: Ian and Cori on tilt
🔗 19:33
Lord_Hosk: Is that Liquor by the completely nude ladies? liquor, my permanent accessoryliquor, a party-time necessityliquor, alternative to feeling like yourselfO liquor, I still drink to your health
🔗 19:33
Trippzen: Egreif Post-awakening Hong Kong would still work.
🔗 19:33
Rocketman210: @EGreif, cant be, we are out at night and the bug spirits are not eviscerating us
🔗 19:34
r4v5: he's really wasting that notebook paper, isn't he
🔗 19:34
Herr_Entropy: pachinko?
🔗 19:34
Karingan: Urban spirits, normally
🔗 19:34
Abcxyq: Physically enter the tomato
🔗 19:35
EGreif: Yay, you met someone japanese.
🔗 19:35
Lord_Hosk: she said she just finished high school
🔗 19:35
CaptainSpam: I like that camera angle. You look like you're towering over her, or that she is incredibly, incredibly short.
🔗 19:35
RvLeshrac: "Dear Tomato, I never thought it would happen to me, but today in your store..."
🔗 19:35
Anubis169: ya, so she's doing further studies here :)
🔗 19:35
r4v5: Cori walking down the street holding commercial microwaves on each shoulder like boomboxes
🔗 19:35
Baranastra: Sepia Filter, for Good Ol' Times.
🔗 19:35
Baranastra: Use the Sepia filter. :P
🔗 19:36
EGreif: I think some of that was Botan Ame
🔗 19:36
leebenningfield: she has an interesting side quest at some point in the game
🔗 19:36
ferretbadger84: Is Azumi related to Azami?
🔗 19:36
girlpainting: where are the tomatos?
🔗 19:36
Lord_Hosk: make a copy of your junk
🔗 19:36
damullet14: Try asking them how to get to Man Mo Temple
🔗 19:36
SquareDotCube: You know, for an Xbox game, the light on the display case is pretty nice
🔗 19:36
Herr_Entropy: wow that shirt
🔗 19:36
CaptainSpam: Curses! Thwarted by your cultural politeness!
🔗 19:36
Karingan: Usually ramming into women yelling "Let me in", doesn't work out
🔗 19:36
girlpainting: thats a door...able ^^
🔗 19:37
SquareDotCube: square watermelons, now flat bottles!
🔗 19:37
r4v5: You're saying the store is... a front?!
🔗 19:37
Sylenctone: Such textures
🔗 19:37
Arclight_Dynamo: But where is pyramid milk?!
🔗 19:37
Trippzen: JPGizza
🔗 19:37
RealGamerCow: Excuse me?
🔗 19:37
Catcard: Look, I prefer cold paper on my *** after a hot shit.
🔗 19:38
Anubis169: uhh...
🔗 19:38
Catcard: The refrigerated toilet paper, Anubis169?
🔗 19:38
Lord_ZYRK: H O T S H I T C A R D DansGame
🔗 19:38
Nightvalien28: or a cold douche shot
🔗 19:38
RvLeshrac: Ian: Gotta win them tapes from the Tomato lotteria
🔗 19:38
Herr_Entropy: it says "tasty mermaid" on the Fashion Boutique magazine
🔗 19:38
Herr_Entropy: in chinese
🔗 19:38
Anubis169: yeah i got that just...
🔗 19:38
Anubis169: didn't expect ya to say that :D
🔗 19:38
Catcard: lmfao
🔗 19:38
SquareDotCube: More box moving!
🔗 19:39
Catcard: shhhh
🔗 19:39
girlpainting: zzZZzZzzzZ
🔗 19:39
CaptainSpam: Mmm... tasty mermaid...
🔗 19:39
Magnatek: At least with this place, they don't have your mom scolding you for staying out.
🔗 19:39
Karingan: ZZzzzzZnah! I'm awake!
🔗 19:39
SquareDotCube: Shenmue III just ends up being a retelling of Groundhog Day
🔗 19:39
The_Quiet_Alestain: Time to move some boxes.
🔗 19:39
Karingan: Fine, dad, here's your money
🔗 19:40
r4v5: jack nicholson as innkeeper?
🔗 19:40
Magnatek: Do you still have a tab?
🔗 19:40
Baranastra: Do you lose if you can not pay?
🔗 19:40
angelofdust337: YAY
🔗 19:40
Lancer873: Why are you sorry this time?
🔗 19:40
Trippzen: So Ryo sleeps in his clothes and never changes his clothing?
🔗 19:40
CaptainSpam: Wait, you just warp to where you were?
🔗 19:40
Magnatek: Nah, Baranastra, he just opens up a tab...which I'm not sure you have to pay.
🔗 19:40
Rhynerd: Well Ryo I guess doesn't actually exume an odor so...
🔗 19:40
CaptainSpam: What manner of Shenmue game IS this where you don't have to walk the same streets every time you need to go somewhere?
🔗 19:41
Trippzen: Rhynerd So he's a synth?
🔗 19:41
SquareDotCube: No! Scarlet hills!
🔗 19:41
tyloncorp: temple was in scarlet hills
🔗 19:41
whatthebus: Scarlet hills
🔗 19:41
Catcard: No, that was Scarlet Hills lmao
🔗 19:41
Karingan: Noooooooo
🔗 19:41
Catcard: IAN PLS.
🔗 19:41
Rhynerd: @trippzen I was assuming more born with a lack of means to create Body Odor like my father.
🔗 19:41
Baranastra: Scarlet Hills
🔗 19:41
Karingan: Everything is fine
🔗 19:41
Herr_Entropy: @Trippzen all signs point to yes
🔗 19:42
Trippzen: Rhynerd Ah, malfunctioning sweat glands, sounds like a synth to me.
🔗 19:42
Catcard: CHAT PLS.
🔗 19:42
Catcard: Kappa
🔗 19:42
Rhynerd: @trippzen but synth also makes perfect sense
🔗 19:42
Karingan: Catcard, plox
🔗 19:42
ferretbadger84: Catcard pls yourself
🔗 19:42
girlpainting: PanicVis
🔗 19:42
CaptainSpam: Oh, please don't tell me this entire game is a wild goose chase...
🔗 19:43
Catcard: CaptainSpam, the entire last game was, so I don't see why this one wouldn't be
🔗 19:43
Nightvalien28: CaptainSpam, you know they are making another one of these right?
🔗 19:43
CaptainSpam: Catcard: But but but the last game had forklift racing!
🔗 19:43
Catcard: Why is it suddenly nighttime outside
🔗 19:43
Herr_Entropy: imagine if EM forces worked slightly differently in our universe and things DO clip into each other
🔗 19:43
SkylerRingtail: Ambushed by foul invention?
🔗 19:43
Baranastra: The door closed by itself... OH NO!
🔗 19:43
r4v5: oh right, there's a plot
🔗 19:44
Laserbeaks_Fury: I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee
🔗 19:44
CaptainSpam: "You don't? Oh, well. Time to head back to Japan as a failure."
🔗 19:44
Herr_Entropy: fight!
🔗 19:44
Baranastra: From his eyes and voice, THAT MAN IS EVIL!
🔗 19:44
Laserbeaks_Fury: The....Master...would not...approve.....
🔗 19:44
EGreif: How Wude.
🔗 19:44
damullet14: For some reason, I associate that guy's robe with chefs
🔗 19:45
leebenningfield: you need to collect all the kung fu
🔗 19:45
DarkMorford: !game wude
🔗 19:45
Herr_Entropy: voodoo?
🔗 19:45
Molvanian: My personal favorite martial art is battle finger painting.
🔗 19:45
The_Quiet_Alestain: who do?
🔗 19:45
Questhere: you do
🔗 19:45
Lord_ZYRK: Wude dude
🔗 19:45
Lancer873: Now do that Wudu that you do!
🔗 19:45
damullet14: Do what?
🔗 19:45
Abcxyq: Just show him your wude
🔗 19:45
Questhere: remind me of the bade
🔗 19:45
shurtal: Four-sudowoodo?
🔗 19:45
Catcard: Have you seen a little girl?
🔗 19:45
EGreif: Don't be wude
🔗 19:45
CaptainSpam: Man, Marshall sure has popular artwork.
🔗 19:45
Lancer873: Do... do wudu hang out in bars?
🔗 19:45
tyloncorp: Sudowoodo? So we're playing pokemans now?
🔗 19:45
Baranastra: @Catcard Have you seen my wife?
🔗 19:45
Arclight_Dynamo: So now we go to South Africa to learn about the Wude so we can come back to Hong Kong, right?
🔗 19:46
Lancer873: Also inb4 that gal was Lishaotao
🔗 19:46
Lord_Hosk: Pilots hang out on the airfeild
🔗 19:46
girlpainting: what? ian plays guild wars 2?
🔗 19:46
shurtal: And me without my watering can
🔗 19:46
The_Quiet_Alestain: don´t be wude
🔗 19:46
EGreif: The Four Wude? Belching, Swearing,Farting, and Interupting?
🔗 19:46
Trippzen: Who do da wude?
🔗 19:46
Lord_Hosk: Thats what im trying to do Ahole
🔗 19:46
Karingan: The wude wasw inside you all along
🔗 19:46
Karingan: was*
🔗 19:46
CaptainSpam: But the Master would not approve of you learning the Wude.
🔗 19:46
Lord_Hosk: Im trying to figure out on my own
🔗 19:46
SquareDotCube: What would Wude for a Klondike Bar?
🔗 19:47
Baranastra: Who was the man you fought in the park?
🔗 19:47
leebenningfield: tai chi guy has some wude
🔗 19:47
RvLeshrac: If Tom was here, he'd tell you that "Ya need ta stop messin wit' dat wude, mon."
🔗 19:47
Kthanid: who do Wude? you do Wude!
🔗 19:47
Arclight_Dynamo: Oh! Ian! Maybe go back to that *other* kung fu place? Where the guys had swords?
🔗 19:47
Laserbeaks_Fury: The Master....would not approve....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skmdmf_ER50
🔗 19:47
Pharmacistjudge: Ask old wise people that know kung fu....too bad we don't know anyone like that
🔗 19:48
Sektor88: lol
🔗 19:48
Trippzen: Maybe if you knew Wude you could use your journal to open doors.
🔗 19:48
girlpainting: the sanctaty of this place has been fould
🔗 19:48
Lord_Hosk: Open a door witha book sounds like a crapshot
🔗 19:48
shurtal: In my experiance, the bible has done a lot to open doors. Also close them.
🔗 19:48
ferretbadger84: Am I a baby?
🔗 19:48
SquareDotCube: Kung fu BabyRage
🔗 19:48
Baranastra: That Kung-Fu place was before the South Carcain Quarter.
🔗 19:48
Molvanian: Nice recovery there.
🔗 19:48
Karingan: OH!!!!!! REKT
🔗 19:48
shurtal: Forcefully, in faces
🔗 19:48
Abcxyq: The police have to tell you if they're babies?
🔗 19:48
CaptainSpam: "Harriet Wude, at your service."
🔗 19:48
Pharmacistjudge: and she can totally kick your ***
🔗 19:49
r4v5: "two guys at once"
🔗 19:49
Abcxyq: We finally found someone as emotional as Ryo
🔗 19:49
leebenningfield: Edith Slump
🔗 19:49
tyloncorp: Edith slump!
🔗 19:49
Sektor88: edith slump
🔗 19:49
CaptainSpam: Edith!
🔗 19:49
Karingan: Edith Slump!
🔗 19:49
The_Quiet_Alestain: oh yes!
🔗 19:49
tyloncorp: yaaasss
🔗 19:49
Sektor88: LOL
🔗 19:49
Catcard: I feel like Ryo brute-forces life.
🔗 19:49
Sektor88: Someone plz draw that
🔗 19:49
Lord_ZYRK: Tai Chi Yoda, scourge of the galaxy
🔗 19:50
Sektor88: ryo Hammockslam fanart plz
🔗 19:50
EGreif: DUDE
🔗 19:50
Herr_Entropy: Vitural On was the ***
🔗 19:50
Karingan: Love Kathleen's Harvest Festival Jam selling lady from Old Country
🔗 19:50
nattsan: She can review the new Tugger Nutts
🔗 19:50
🔗 19:50
Rocketman210: Edith is the sensei of the local Okinawan Karate Dojo, it is an artform, afterall
🔗 19:50
SquareDotCube: By the way, I don't know if you were reading but we came to the conclusion that Ian needs to play SimCopter sometime in the future
🔗 19:50
Sektor88: I have a copy of virtual-on sitting in my gaming cabinet. NOt fmy favorite mech sim but I see the appeal
🔗 19:50
Trippzen: Backalley gachapon?
🔗 19:50
EGreif: I have two large plush UFO CATCHER Virtual On Toys. They're great
🔗 19:50
plummeting_sloth: No... I guess not. I should have self-control
🔗 19:50
Trippzen: gashapon even
🔗 19:50
EGreif: Temjin has a Velcro Sword and Fey Yen Kn has a removable system pack
🔗 19:50
Pharmacistjudge: we don't have unlimited money due to massive cheating?
🔗 19:50
Arclight_Dynamo: Yep, we gotta get Ian into SimCopter, and have someone make an Nsburg map in Sim City 2000 for it.
🔗 19:51
Sektor88: karingan, ASH JAM
🔗 19:51
ferretbadger84: from old country
🔗 19:51
Sektor88: arclight_dynamo yeeeesssss
🔗 19:51
Herr_Entropy: @Egreif Nice, sounds cool
🔗 19:51
Trippzen: The import and export heads.
🔗 19:51
Trippzen: they*
🔗 19:51
Karingan: @Sektor88 Why do you call it blackberry jam!?
🔗 19:51
Lord_Hosk: ummmm
🔗 19:51
Saiyapimp: Ian, you kicked the addiction? Also I think you can pawn your gachapons if need be.
🔗 19:52
Trippzen: I hope this is where the embassy is.
🔗 19:52
The_Quiet_Alestain: uuuuhh... nooo
🔗 19:52
r4v5: "Yeah, I live at 1488 White Dynasty Qtr"
🔗 19:52
Pandax0: so garbage in the white dynasty quarter is considered white trash no?
🔗 19:52
DarkMorford: Beej!
🔗 19:52
Rhynerd: We found Beej!
🔗 19:52
Lord_Hosk: bet all your money
🔗 19:52
Lord_Hosk: $80
🔗 19:53
Baranastra: $100!
🔗 19:53
SquareDotCube: One eleventy billion
🔗 19:53
Catcard: This voice actor had so much fun
🔗 19:53
Saiyapimp: Little known fact, this is what Beej did for a living before being picked up by Synaptic Chaos Theatre.
🔗 19:53
The_Quiet_Alestain: tooo bad
🔗 19:53
Lord_Hosk: "the banker"
🔗 19:53
Lancer873: Game is rigged.
🔗 19:54
Arclight_Dynamo: Chicken hearts *are* delicious.
🔗 19:54
bawkbawkboo1: NOOOOO
🔗 19:54
Lancer873: Game is *actually* rigged.
🔗 19:54
Pharmacistjudge: south carmain quarter
🔗 19:54
The_Quiet_Alestain: 1987? Is that the year this is playing?
🔗 19:54
Arclight_Dynamo: 1987, yes.
🔗 19:54
spawnofhastur: Man, I loved Shenmue II. Such a great game.
🔗 19:54
Baranastra: @Lancer873 Rigged, where the dealer loses the $40 bet and wins the $20...
🔗 19:54
spawnofhastur: Ian, do you want to play a game of Lucky Hit?
🔗 19:54
girlpainting: this game is sooooo bad....but i can´t look away ^^
🔗 19:54
Baranastra: !game good
🔗 19:54
LRRbot: Rating for Shenmue II on I, Horner is now 83% (10/12)
🔗 19:54
Lancer873: I mean, statistically rigged. Then again it's gambling so of course it is.
🔗 19:54
Trippzen: !game good
🔗 19:54
ferretbadger84: !game bad
🔗 19:55
Arclight_Dynamo: !game bad
🔗 19:55
Catcard: !game good
🔗 19:55
spawnofhastur: !game good
🔗 19:55
shurtal: Wow, I didn't know Shenmue 2 was an acid-trip simulator.
🔗 19:55
Karingan: !game good
🔗 19:55
SkylerRingtail: !game good
🔗 19:55
Herr_Entropy: "medicine"
🔗 19:55
SkylerRingtail: G'night all!
🔗 19:55
Lord_ZYRK: !game good
🔗 19:55
Baranastra: DOGE!
🔗 19:55
tyloncorp: Kitttty!
🔗 19:55
Herr_Entropy: @Skylerringtail Night!
🔗 19:55
elah806: !quote
🔗 19:55
LRRbot: Quote #1406: ""Who is taking drugs out of a test tube?" "Especially if they're carrying a MAC-10."" —Alex and Cameron [2014-01-17]
🔗 19:55
Pharmacistjudge: Small girl...you aren't a licensed pharmacist
🔗 19:55
sigma88: i guess she can't say: "i'm xiaqin and i sell drugs"
🔗 19:55
SquareDotCube: !game ratings war
🔗 19:55
Saiyapimp: !game good
🔗 19:55
LRRbot: Rating for Shenmue II on I, Horner is now 84% (16/19)
🔗 19:55
Trippzen: Lrrbot spot on
🔗 19:55
Arclight_Dynamo: Ian. You have a MAP.
🔗 19:55
sigma88: !game good
🔗 19:56
Herr_Entropy: !game good
🔗 19:56
Karingan: !quote Ian
🔗 19:56
LRRbot: Quote #2093: "I don't think those pants are McDonald regulation." —Ian [2016-03-13]
🔗 19:56
Pharmacistjudge: now to catch the leaf game
🔗 19:56
elah806: tmp tmp tmp tmp tmp tmp tmp tmp
🔗 19:56
elah806: !quote Cori
🔗 19:56
LRRbot: Quote #2004: "Looks like you just have to get your little thing in there. Oh, no..." —Cori [2016-03-01]
🔗 19:56
Karingan: Oh, that moment when you know what McDonald regulation pants are
🔗 19:56
LRRbot: Rating for Shenmue II on I, Horner is now 86% (18/21)
🔗 19:56
Trippzen: Old man, are you a jedi master?
🔗 19:56
countz3r0: gung fu
🔗 19:57
SquareDotCube: Wude Fu
🔗 19:57
SchalaKitty: Do we need to queue up Megalovania for this?
🔗 19:57
Saiyapimp: So, did Ian and Cori ever finish Shenmue I? I never caught it on Twitch, and the YouTube archive didn't have an ending.
🔗 19:57
ferretbadger84: That, that stance
🔗 19:57
Arclight_Dynamo: Yep, they finished it.
🔗 19:57
Trippzen: I'm pretty sure that was a sidewalk slam.
🔗 19:57
countz3r0: its the power glove
🔗 19:58
elah806: Definitely some sort of sidewalk slam.
🔗 19:58
Arclight_Dynamo: "It's called 'Super-cool very-rad punch-kick-headbutt!"
🔗 19:58
Saiyapimp: Cool, I regret missing it. 'Tis lost to the ages by now.
🔗 19:58
Herr_Entropy: is this old man Yoda?
🔗 19:58
Herr_Entropy: talking about force and stuff
🔗 19:59
Rhynerd: That tree has done much more than you think.
🔗 19:59
Trippzen: Herr_entropy Yude* He teaches Wude, apparently
🔗 19:59
Trippzen: Yode* rather
🔗 19:59
Pharmacistjudge: oh yeah...this thing....this is annoying
🔗 19:59
Herr_Entropy: LOL
🔗 19:59
SquareDotCube: Just press all the buttons at once
🔗 19:59
CoyoteSans: qwop tai-chi?
🔗 19:59
Saiyapimp: Hopefully not as much latency as what you had to deal with on the Dreamcast with Shenmue I.
🔗 19:59
CaptainSpam: Stay a while, and strike!
🔗 19:59
Abcxyq: 1. Stay; 2. Strike
🔗 19:59
Paranundrox: is that man having a stroke?
🔗 20:00
Catcard: R I V E T I N G
🔗 20:00
Baranastra: "Stay And Strike".
🔗 20:00
Trippzen: "Don't skip leg day" - Old man, 1987
🔗 20:00
Pandax0: first you stay, then you strike.
🔗 20:00
ferretbadger84: Stay a while, strike with us, come on to the Tai Chi bus
🔗 20:00
Baranastra: "Stay and strike" is prefer advice...
🔗 20:00
Trippzen: Stay awhile and strike...
🔗 20:00
Baranastra: perfect* advice
🔗 20:00
nevil0ck: Strike and stay
🔗 20:00
r4v5: !advice
🔗 20:00
LRRbot: Don't override your sphincter.
🔗 20:00
Paranundrox: !advice
🔗 20:00
LRRbot: Shoot it until it dies.
🔗 20:00
Juliamon: Stay and strike against the devil
🔗 20:00
Fortunaerota: !badadvice
🔗 20:00
LRRbot: Flunge!
🔗 20:00
CaptainSpam: Hold on, this guy isn't a Tai Chi master. He's advertising for his bowling alley!
🔗 20:00
Theycallmejokke: and some say that Ryu still to this day is staying and stricking
🔗 20:00
SquareDotCube: I think it's asking you to use strong punch & kick and then forward
🔗 20:00
Karingan: !advice
🔗 20:00
girlpainting: maybe a kamehameha?
🔗 20:00
Saiyapimp: I keep hearing "Stand strike" with a very stereotypical southern accent.
🔗 20:00
CoyoteSans: This is an excellently made tutorial, and I defy anyone to say otherwise. Kappa
🔗 20:01
Anubis169: Iron Palm of Dickinson!
🔗 20:01
Anubis169: :D
🔗 20:01
Sektor88: girlpainting, if only
🔗 20:01
Trippzen: The Wude is strong with Cori.
🔗 20:01
Magnatek: You press X and A at the same time, yes.
🔗 20:01
shurtal: x+a at same time
🔗 20:01
Sektor88: how wude Kappa
🔗 20:01
Theycallmejokke: Cori three murder
🔗 20:01
nevil0ck: Wude.
🔗 20:01
Lancer873: Welp.
🔗 20:01
Arclight_Dynamo: Stay a while and glisten.
🔗 20:01
Trippzen: Queue the montage! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhUkGIsKvn0
🔗 20:01
CoyoteSans: Oh has it now, game!
🔗 20:02
ferretbadger84: I feel like completing the move once does not count as mastering it
🔗 20:02
r4v5: Eat farts, tree!
🔗 20:02
CoyoteSans: The park authority is not going to care for you assualting that tree, Ryo.
🔗 20:02
Karingan: Nah, I did that move once in '67, fricken master at it now
🔗 20:02
Trippzen: What's the button to ease your shoulder?
🔗 20:02
Lancer873: Breaking news: Man arrested for attacking tree.
🔗 20:03
Arclight_Dynamo: Ian "Agent Orange" Horner
🔗 20:03
Karingan: Breaking news: Tree arrested for breaking arm
🔗 20:03
Rhynerd: Breaking news: Man and tree get in a fight, both are arrested.
🔗 20:04
SchalaKitty: This Minecraft mod looks great!
🔗 20:04
Saiyapimp: I see what you did there, Karingan.
🔗 20:04
Karingan: Ohhhh!
🔗 20:04
Trippzen: Schalakitty :p
🔗 20:04
girlpainting: focus ian, focus!
🔗 20:04
CaptainSpam: No! Don't centralize it! That gives you a single point of failure! Distribute your strength!
🔗 20:04
r4v5: Git but for punching!
🔗 20:04
Karingan: @Saiyapimp I did what you see there!
🔗 20:04
Theycallmejokke: hardcore shoftness
🔗 20:04
Trippzen: Tai chi guy needs to twirl his beard and hit you with his cane. That'll teach you proper kung fu.
🔗 20:05
Baranastra: Never Skip Punch Day.
🔗 20:05
Arclight_Dynamo: So... which taco is more tai chi? Soft shell or hard shell? Kappa
🔗 20:05
leebenningfield: RIP tree
🔗 20:05
Karingan: Why not both?
🔗 20:05
Trippzen: Arclight_dynamo No shell, let the taco meat flow like a river.
🔗 20:05
tyloncorp: And then we broke the tree.
🔗 20:05
Arclight_Dynamo: :D
🔗 20:05
Arclight_Dynamo: Trippzen: If you go to Taco Bell, *something* will flow like a river...
🔗 20:05
tyloncorp: and were fined 1000$ for damage to city property.
🔗 20:06
Karingan: You can't get it back, Ian, it's GON
🔗 20:06
r4v5: gon with the wudu
🔗 20:06
angelofdust337: Cori comes in with the almost predictable Hunter x Hunter reference
🔗 20:06
Anubis169: breakytime!
🔗 20:07
eatenbyagrue1988: hey chat
🔗 20:08
ferretbadger84: Hello eatenbyagru1988
🔗 20:08
Rhynerd: Hello Eatenbyagrue1988!
🔗 20:08
The_Quiet_Alestain: hey, eatenbyagrue
🔗 20:08
Anubis169 waves to eatenbyagrue1988
🔗 20:09
Karingan: *offers chat some Guiness Brownies
🔗 20:10
damullet14: Karingan: Irish spirits?
🔗 20:10
Karingan: With Guinness cream cheese frosting
🔗 20:10
plummeting_sloth: doh! Finally get back to the stream and it's a commerical
🔗 20:10
plummeting_sloth: ah well, at least Ryo isn't asking someone for directions
🔗 20:11
Karingan: Welcome back, @Plummeting_sloth!
🔗 20:11
damullet14: Plummeting_sloth: Do YOU know how to get to the Man Mo Temple?
🔗 20:11
plummeting_sloth: At this point, I don't even know the way to San Jose
🔗 20:11
r4v5: Damullet14 What can you tell me about the wudu
🔗 20:11
Karingan: Who do?
🔗 20:11
r4v5: you do
🔗 20:12
Paranundrox: now go do that Wudu that you do so well? Kappa
🔗 20:12
r4v5: remind me of Ryo
🔗 20:12
plummeting_sloth: also, I just discovered the most wonderful thing. There is 1 pole -driven ferry left in America, and it's only a few miles from a conference I'm going to in the Summer. Definitely gonna hit it up!
🔗 20:12
plummeting_sloth: http://thehattonferry.org/
🔗 20:12
damullet14: R4v5: Tell me about vampires
🔗 20:13
SquareDotCube: And thus Ian sent Ryo to Guam.
🔗 20:13
Karingan: @Damullet14 Real ones, right? Not Meyer-pires?
🔗 20:13
plummeting_sloth: I hope in Shenmue III, Ryo loses his memory and the entire game is just asking people who he is, and how he got there
🔗 20:13
plummeting_sloth: certainly not hampires, that's for sure
🔗 20:13
damullet14: Karingan: It's a reference to The Dark, one of the first streamed GPLPs
🔗 20:14
MichaelD067: what can you tell me about voodoo?
🔗 20:14
angelofdust337: O__O
🔗 20:14
leebenningfield: RUINED
🔗 20:14
Karingan: @Damullet14 Ah, I never saw it, maybe I can find it later
🔗 20:14
plummeting_sloth: you punched a busker, didn't you old man?
🔗 20:14
plummeting_sloth: could... you point me to a BOOK perhaps?
🔗 20:14
damullet14: Karingan: The gist of the reference is, the dialogue tree was about as subtle as it is in this game
🔗 20:15
SquareDotCube: I bet it was that place that looked more like discount kung fu
🔗 20:15
Karingan: @Damullet14 Ah, so, not at all
🔗 20:15
plummeting_sloth: well, there is only one street performer in all Hong Kong, so this won't take long
🔗 20:15
Karingan: Dude, that guy is hard af
🔗 20:15
SquareDotCube: Discount used cheap fabric
🔗 20:16
Saiyapimp: Not sure since I never beat Shenmue II, but I think III also takes place in Hong Kong? At least from what I could glean from the Kickstarter.
🔗 20:16
damullet14: Karingan: Every single topic you chose was given a voiceover of knock-off Bale batman saying "Tell me about <x>"
🔗 20:16
plummeting_sloth: you ever get so swole your muscles just start to encase your wifebeater
🔗 20:16
r4v5: Transparently-Tor-proxying home routers are bad, you should smash that store
🔗 20:16
Karingan: Must use Dave Insertable Carcinomash Supplements
🔗 20:16
Lord_Hosk: I am so tired of twitch freezing every time an ad runs
🔗 20:16
CoyoteSans: Considering Shenmue 1 was supposed to be a prolouge to a huge epic story, I imagine most of the plot is meant to take place in Hong Kong.
🔗 20:17
SquareDotCube: why not Metal Gear?
🔗 20:17
plummeting_sloth: Ryo needs a helper dog at this point
🔗 20:17
Saiyapimp: Karingan: Or the Chinese bootleg version of such.
🔗 20:17
Karingan: @Damullet14 You merely adopted the run about questions, I was born in them, molded by them
🔗 20:17
Lord_Hosk: That guy just took you to a jewelry store? He must want to marry you
🔗 20:17
damullet14: That's Bane, the character, I mean Bale, the actor doing a really bad 'cave of wonders' impression
🔗 20:18
Theycallmejokke: But first gambling :D
🔗 20:18
r4v5: Never been happier to see an O instead of a U
🔗 20:18
leebenningfield: there's only one street performer i all of Hong Kong
🔗 20:18
Karingan: @Damullet14 Ah, well, here I am, looking like a fool
🔗 20:18
Saiyapimp: It begins..
🔗 20:18
SchalaKitty: I'm digging the music here.
🔗 20:18
Lord_Hosk: Loser!
🔗 20:18
Theycallmejokke: Yeeess
🔗 20:18
damullet14: bet your last nine and then go
🔗 20:19
Saiyapimp: I think I remember seeing something like this in God Hand..
🔗 20:19
r4v5: I'm confused, how is there literally nothing in the middle
🔗 20:19
damullet14: Saiyapimp: The God Hand casino DESTROYS time
🔗 20:19
MichaelD067: >.<
🔗 20:19
Karingan: Ah, yes, God Hand, sensual slapping of the heavens
🔗 20:19
Sektor88: godhand is awesome
🔗 20:19
Sektor88: dragon kick yo *** into the milky way
🔗 20:19
Karingan: Agreed
🔗 20:20
Lord_Hosk: wait, you cant get money back for your tokens?
🔗 20:20
plummeting_sloth: wait... hold your tokens? Shouldn't they cash them back in for you?
🔗 20:20
damullet14: I would love to see LRR stream more god hand, but I don't think anyone with a regular show can handle it
🔗 20:20
r4v5: 'hold your tokens'?
🔗 20:20
r4v5: Wallet inspector!
🔗 20:20
Saiyapimp: Yeah, I'd seen a stream where half of the session was one slot machine.
🔗 20:20
nevil0ck: something about the way the camera was moving slowly around the token holder NPC, i thought he was about to fight you
🔗 20:20
Sektor88: damullet14, I feel like Adam would be into it
🔗 20:20
plummeting_sloth: did we just turn all our money in to unredeemable coupons?
🔗 20:20
damullet14: Sektor88: It's been suggested to him, he hasn't bitten yet
🔗 20:20
Sektor88: damn
🔗 20:20
Lord_Hosk: are these shops ever open?
🔗 20:21
SquareDotCube: Of course they're close, you're right beside them Kappa
🔗 20:21
r4v5: it's 2 in the afternoon, yo
🔗 20:21
r4v5: Open your damn shop so we can buy some pants
🔗 20:21
Karingan: Or some patsu
🔗 20:21
plummeting_sloth: Ryo... Master of Doors
🔗 20:21
Karingan: pantsu*
🔗 20:21
nevil0ck: plywood entry way. fancy.
🔗 20:21
Karingan: I accidentally a word
🔗 20:21
Saiyapimp: It has a bit of a Fist of the North Star vibe to it. I'd think that'd be up Alex's alley, if anything.
🔗 20:21
Questhere: !uptime
🔗 20:21
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:14:52.
🔗 20:22
Lord_Hosk: In the middle of the mall is a man getting the crap beat out of him
🔗 20:22
negativeview: Note: This street performer is NOT on the street.
🔗 20:22
plummeting_sloth: The only Street Performer, not even actually on a street
🔗 20:22
plummeting_sloth: Hong Kong is a terrible place
🔗 20:22
Pharmacistjudge: he's the lazy one on the ground
🔗 20:22
damullet14: Saiyapimp: He dropped in during Jer's stream of it a few years back and seemed intrigued, but I feel like he would get sick of its themes fast
🔗 20:22
SquareDotCube: Flame shirt might now
🔗 20:22
SquareDotCube: *know
🔗 20:22
plummeting_sloth: No... but seriously IS THIS the Golden Shopping Mall
🔗 20:23
Pharmacistjudge: he's one the side
🔗 20:23
Lord_Hosk: Talk to the man in the brightly colored shirt
🔗 20:23
Saiyapimp: I suppose. Looks fun, but it does seem kind of one-note from what I've seen.
🔗 20:23
Pharmacistjudge: he's the one lying down in the corner
🔗 20:24
Sektor88: I played and beat god hand Even normal mode's pretty tough
🔗 20:24
Lord_Hosk: Talk to the musician and ask him about martial arts
🔗 20:24
CaptainSpam: All these shops closed up before 3pm?
🔗 20:24
damullet14: God Hand has never lied about what it is, "a ball-bustingly hard game"
🔗 20:24
Lord_Hosk: His head has GOTTA GO FAST
🔗 20:24
plummeting_sloth: I have never seen you either TrashPanda man
🔗 20:25
plummeting_sloth: Sir, that is racist
🔗 20:25
plummeting_sloth: I mean, I do know karate, but that is racist
🔗 20:25
SquareDotCube: welp, time to iron fist
🔗 20:25
Theycallmejokke: Ah new punch time
🔗 20:25
Karingan: Aaw, trash pandas
🔗 20:25
MichaelD067: you can do it!
🔗 20:25
Rocketman210: better be Mica
🔗 20:25
eatenbyagrue1988: wow, this game is super racist
🔗 20:25
Trippzen: Did...did you break your hand?
🔗 20:26
leebenningfield: double tap
🔗 20:26
Saiyapimp: You hear a crunch.. It wasn't the rock..
🔗 20:26
bawkbawkboo1: NotLikeThis
🔗 20:26
RvLeshrac: eatenbyagrue1988: How is it racist?
🔗 20:26
Lord_Hosk: Wait.... is he just assuming that because you are from Japan you know how to do Karate and you know how to break rocks?
🔗 20:26
Anubis169: !death
🔗 20:26
LRRbot: lrrAWW 2 deaths for Shenmue II on I, Horner
🔗 20:26
damullet14: pave save
🔗 20:26
eatenbyagrue1988: @Rvleshrac it's liike "He's from Japan, he must know karate!"
🔗 20:27
SquareDotCube: Don't worry, this guy dies in Fire Emblem Fates. :P
🔗 20:27
Pharmacistjudge: the question is...how the hell do I remember this when I last played this game like 10 years ago.
🔗 20:27
elah806: Isn't this whole game a continuation of Shemue I's offensive portrayal of China?
🔗 20:27
Lord_Hosk: Their entire interaction was "hey are you from japan? you must know karate and can break this rock for the crowd
🔗 20:28
plummeting_sloth: "Hello sir, can you tell me where the hospital is" the next 30 minutes of these game
🔗 20:28
Rhynerd: Open the letter! DON'T OPEN THE LETTER!
🔗 20:28
r4v5: rub the letter on your face!
🔗 20:28
plummeting_sloth: ah, Karate Jesus. That was my favorite Bowie album
🔗 20:28
Pharmacistjudge: it's just like Paper Mario...if you open the letter...you game over!
🔗 20:28
Karingan: It's not surprising how much Kanji looks like chinese writing, considering...
🔗 20:29
BubbaRad: This game has a... disturbing lack of Tom.
🔗 20:29
eatenbyagrue1988: he opens the letter, it says "I knew you'd open the letter."
🔗 20:29
elah806: I'm pretty sure I heard this exact piece in Civilization III
🔗 20:29
Rhynerd: More fitting background, with less screaming.
🔗 20:30
Trippzen: They traded Tom for Beej
🔗 20:30
paulienohands: Failfish right way
🔗 20:30
tyloncorp: Suddenly teddie!
🔗 20:30
plummeting_sloth: whenever someone leads us to a new place, there is Tom
🔗 20:30
Saiyapimp: Maybe he'll return for III.. In that "shoehorn all the characters into Mass Effect 3" kind of way.
🔗 20:31
plummeting_sloth: the guy that sounded like Ed Sullivan
🔗 20:31
Lord_Hosk: I miss Grand Nagus Gotfried.
🔗 20:31
r4v5: what
🔗 20:31
plummeting_sloth: the T-shirt guy
🔗 20:31
r4v5: Drs. Ian and Cori, have you seen M?
🔗 20:31
QuarterNote_: Ian why
🔗 20:32
CaptainSpam: I am now more terrified of McDonald's than I was before. Good job, Ian.
🔗 20:32
elah806: Wait, is it a Qwerpline week?
🔗 20:32
SquareDotCube: #teamspicebelt
🔗 20:32
r4v5: a drive-through boob window?
🔗 20:32
QuarterNote_: r4v5 the really old noir film?
🔗 20:32
MichaelD067: yay ian didn't gamble!
🔗 20:32
CaptainSpam: r4v5: I don't think the cleavage was big enough to drive through. Kappa
🔗 20:32
r4v5: Quarternote_ yep, with Peter Lorre as creepy child predator
🔗 20:32
damullet14: Is that... Ocarina of Time meeting the princess music?
🔗 20:32
plummeting_sloth: no, I just received a letter from him out of the aether OF COURSE I MET HIM
🔗 20:33
eatenbyagrue1988: !uptime
🔗 20:33
LRRbot: The stream has been live for 2:26:11.
🔗 20:33
r4v5: 'You can tune a piano, but you can't get rid of tune or fist.'
🔗 20:33
eatenbyagrue1988: !quote Ian
🔗 20:33
LRRbot: Quote #916: "He excretes guacamole." —Ian [2015-10-20]
🔗 20:33
eatenbyagrue1988: oh JUDGE yourself. I thought I heard him say "TOUCH yourself"
🔗 20:33
Gsyhiap: I do love a tune or fish sandwich
🔗 20:33
plummeting_sloth: you misread the letter... it's "I can't get rid of this Tuna fish" He has a sandwich he doesn't want
🔗 20:34
Lord_Hosk: OK, let me get this straight, You met a racist man in the mall, broke a rock, and he gave you a letter that told this master to teach you wudo?
🔗 20:34
CaptainSpam: So GON is training all the time, and JIE is... um... never stopping training?
🔗 20:34
Sektor88: and now I sleep
🔗 20:34
CaptainSpam: Are all of these going to be about just an endless cycle of doing nothing with your life but training?
🔗 20:34
Herr_Entropy: JIE means taboo in Chinese,
🔗 20:34
r4v5: In all seriousness, I recommend catching a copy of M from somewhere. It's one of the first round of talkies, and some of the decisions Fritz Lang made are still visible in film today. Plus it has Crazy-Ass Peter Lorre and the word 'Kindermord'
🔗 20:34
Herr_Entropy: lines to not be crossed
🔗 20:34
Diserasta: How do you not murder him, Cori?
🔗 20:34
Pharmacistjudge: you can ask the teacher dude where to go next I think
🔗 20:34
damullet14: Captainspam: JIE is don't be such a showoff while training constantly
🔗 20:34
QuarterNote_: Oh god the USB lighter commercial
🔗 20:34
Gsyhiap: iceprimeGg
🔗 20:35
damullet14: Quarternote_: What Wude is USB?
🔗 20:35
Rhynerd: @damullet14 the 5th wude
🔗 20:35
QuarterNote_: you put it in a late night dub fight ian
🔗 20:35
SquareDotCube: Jammin?
🔗 20:35
Rhynerd: I kinda remember the Late Night Dub Fight of that.
🔗 20:35
SquareDotCube: Does that mean Tom is here?
🔗 20:35
plummeting_sloth: man, I hope your students eventually sleep at some point, master. They've been here seemingly for ever
🔗 20:36
plummeting_sloth: ahh, the Three Blades!
🔗 20:36
Theycallmejokke: Kung fu Barber
🔗 20:36
plummeting_sloth: that chesnut comes back
🔗 20:36
Pharmacistjudge: *shh, chat, who bets Ian will mess the barber up
🔗 20:37
QuarterNote_: I still don't know if that's a USB drive that is also a lighter. or just a USB powered lighter
🔗 20:37
Lord_Hosk: wait... I found a marshall artist http://marshalters.blogspot.com/
🔗 20:37
eatenbyagrue1988: @Quarternote_ a USB powered lighter seems like it could go wrong very quickly
🔗 20:38
Rhynerd: There is hope within the hard left
🔗 20:38
r4v5: Eatenbyagrue1988 THEN WATCH AND BE EDUCATED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8CeP15EAS8
🔗 20:38
Karingan: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 20:38
aWabbajack: If you build it..they will come
🔗 20:38
Rocketman210: maltese falcon is so good!
🔗 20:38
eatenbyagrue1988: lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN lrrHORN
🔗 20:38
CaptainSpam: You played it for her, you can play it for me! PLAY IT!
🔗 20:39
plummeting_sloth: yeah, I actually just saw Casablanca last month. It was incredible
🔗 20:39
RvLeshrac: Spoilers?! In THIS establishment? I'm shocked. SHOCKED.
🔗 20:39
damullet14: "You want to play again?" "I dunno, what are the rules?"
🔗 20:39
plummeting_sloth: for the first time, that is
🔗 20:39
eatenbyagrue1988: @R4v5 WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN
🔗 20:39
exvoxmachina: "The Black Bird"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
🔗 20:40
eatenbyagrue1988: Spoiler: the Titanic sinks
🔗 20:40
Rocketman210: i dont think it should ever be remade, it is uniquely of its time
🔗 20:40
Rhynerd: I'd recommend the style at least.
🔗 20:40
Rocketman210: and you should see it
🔗 20:40
RealGamerCow: The closest movie made recently that reminds me of the old Noirs is Brick. Very good movie
🔗 20:40
r4v5: Eatenbyagrue1988 it is the USB G G G
🔗 20:40
KidSpanner subscribed for 27 months in a row!
🔗 20:40
LRRbot: lrrSPOT Thanks for subscribing, KidSpanner! (Today's storm count: 18)
🔗 20:40
plummeting_sloth: Huh, A Map... I definitely haven't seen this before
🔗 20:41
tyloncorp: O.O
🔗 20:41
Rhynerd: Then again I do listen to about two old time radio detective shows three times a week
🔗 20:41
plummeting_sloth: if only I knew how to read one
🔗 20:41
SquareDotCube: gusendheit
🔗 20:41
Rhynerd: Also bless you
🔗 20:41
damullet14: Rhynerd: Is that two shows spread out over three sessions weekly or six shows a week
🔗 20:41
Rhynerd: Six shows a week
🔗 20:41
bawkbawkboo1: Ian...
🔗 20:41
plummeting_sloth: oh yeah, I love listening to old time dective stories on the Big Broadcast on Sundays
🔗 20:41
Lord_Hosk: Antiques? maybe they will buy your older gachupans.
🔗 20:41
Rhynerd: Plus or minus a few in certain situations.
🔗 20:42
SquareDotCube: So tree sex, Ian?
🔗 20:42
r4v5: oh, migraining, not migrating
🔗 20:42
bawkbawkboo1: I haven't seen motion blur like this since SotC on PS2
🔗 20:42
Karingan: I heard Migrating
🔗 20:42
Rhynerd: Johnny dollar on my way to college and maybe some Phillip Marlowe or Michael Shayne on the way home.
🔗 20:43
plummeting_sloth: excuse me, how much to buy the tree
🔗 20:43
Rhynerd: So to speak.
🔗 20:43
ElementalAlchemist: Yay! Another slow mosey!
🔗 20:43
r4v5: Is Ian intentionally asking the slowest people in the game
🔗 20:43
plummeting_sloth: ah! Johnny dollar! Or to say more formally, Johnathon Currency
🔗 20:43
SchalaKitty: Secrets!
🔗 20:43
r4v5: or do they all move like they pay per step
🔗 20:43
Theycallmejokke: Secrets
🔗 20:44
eatenbyagrue1988: you know, I think the people who made this game overestimated the appeal of first-person slow walking
🔗 20:44
r4v5: "you had some in your stache"?
🔗 20:44
Rhynerd: @plummeting_sloth possibly once meant to be named Lloyd London.
🔗 20:44
plummeting_sloth: I love the conceit of the episode presented as expense account
🔗 20:44
Karingan: Dr. Ian, are you happy that the beard has returned since your war boy days?
🔗 20:44
firehazard_k: Did someone gif him petting his stache?
🔗 20:44
Rhynerd: Me too!
🔗 20:45
SquareDotCube: Sand, the driest of alcohols
🔗 20:45
Diserasta: Just sand
🔗 20:45
plummeting_sloth: maybe find a Sabbaro for your Sapparo
🔗 20:45
plummeting_sloth: a seriously dry martini
🔗 20:45
r4v5: god, I forgot about that 'so dry' video
🔗 20:45
eatenbyagrue1988: DRIER
🔗 20:45
Lord_Hosk: Ian "two bathroom destroyer" horner
🔗 20:45
plummeting_sloth: A martini so Dry that it's sand with biting British humor
🔗 20:46
Arclight_Dynamo: I actually have stress dreams about accidentally screwing up my beard shaving, and having to shave it all off. I'm never happy about it.
🔗 20:46
r4v5: that was "I'm gonna use so much teeth"
🔗 20:46
Theycallmejokke: Yes!
🔗 20:46
Karingan: Cori-senpai said my name, my life is complete
🔗 20:46
eatenbyagrue1988: also, to whoever posted that Japanese USB lighter commercial: I hate you, and I wish you would step on a rake. That song is stuck in my head now.
🔗 20:46
negativeview: the kid is so fast compared to everyone else!
🔗 20:46
r4v5: "We learned to live with the white powder bathroom"
🔗 20:46
plummeting_sloth: I had to shave my beard down to muttonchops for a reenactment this weekend. I'm desperately trying to grow it back as fast as possible
🔗 20:46
r4v5: Eatenbyagrue1988 you're welcome; I was just helping spread the love
🔗 20:46
ForOhForError: Got an NPC to follow AND he has high move speed
🔗 20:47
plummeting_sloth: I think that child has wobbly-itus
🔗 20:47
r4v5: BB-Child
🔗 20:47
Pharmacistjudge: kung fu barber
🔗 20:47
eatenbyagrue1988: @R4v5 I wish you would get soda bukkake'd
🔗 20:47
Lord_Hosk: This is a creepy barber shop
🔗 20:47
plummeting_sloth: uhhh... is this actually a barber shop?
🔗 20:47
plummeting_sloth: I have my doubts
🔗 20:47
Karingan: Holy crud, this is where we die
🔗 20:48
Lord_Hosk: You are dead
🔗 20:48
plummeting_sloth: have a seat in my only seat
🔗 20:48
CaptainSpam: Please tell me there's a QTE to having a haircut.
🔗 20:48
Lord_Hosk: Dead D E D Dead
🔗 20:48
SaxWorks: there two pictures that look alike
🔗 20:48
eatenbyagrue1988: we gon' die
🔗 20:48
Rhynerd: Take 2
🔗 20:48
Lord_Hosk: ZING!
🔗 20:49
Nightvalien28: ruined
🔗 20:49
Karingan: Git reked
🔗 20:49
🔗 20:49
Diserasta: RUINED
🔗 20:49
MichaelD067: what?
🔗 20:49
🔗 20:49
negativeview: there's a button to stand in place for three hours?
🔗 20:49
plummeting_sloth: wait, was that a QTE to NOT respond?
🔗 20:49
aWabbajack: false death state?
🔗 20:49
MichaelD067: what just happend XD
🔗 20:49
SaxWorks: To be fair, Skyrim did a similar thing
🔗 20:49
Pharmacistjudge: lol
🔗 20:49
shurtal: What just happened?
🔗 20:49
Lancer873: Cray have we done...
🔗 20:49
Arclight_Dynamo: What happened? Bad game design.
🔗 20:49
Karingan: Just so you know you have to waste your time
🔗 20:49
aWabbajack: I hope Shenmue 3 does not have this, be sure to tell the devs!
🔗 20:49
Pharmacistjudge: Ian...Don't move
🔗 20:49
SquareDotCube: Yeah, now we can save scum
🔗 20:50
Pharmacistjudge: you're supposed to fail
🔗 20:50
CaptainSpam: After this, reload your save so you don't waste $38 every shot.
🔗 20:50
plummeting_sloth: well, there's another 38 bucks flushed down the hole
🔗 20:50
Mikemccool: Remember what he said.
🔗 20:50
Karingan: When you see a BLUE ATTACK don't move!
🔗 20:50
Lord_Hosk: We dont save scum
🔗 20:50
Mikemccool: No matter what, don't Move.
🔗 20:50
ForOhForError: And now here's this
🔗 20:50
Lancer873: You're blue now!
🔗 20:50
Karingan: YES
🔗 20:51
Karingan: No, you need to play undertale on stream
🔗 20:51
ForOhForError: If you play undertale on stream, you WILL have things spoiled
🔗 20:51
Rhynerd: Take 2!
🔗 20:51
Karingan: I'm sad that Alex didn't finish it for us, his reactions were the best
🔗 20:51
r4v5: Wudu is the joke that keeps on giving
🔗 20:51
Theycallmejokke: You can Undertale, wrong?
🔗 20:51
Lancer873: Undertale on stream = a bad time.
🔗 20:51
Lancer873: (for mods at least)
🔗 20:51
SquareDotCube: You can play Undertale on stream, but I recommend closing off chat while you do so.
🔗 20:52
Lord_Hosk: Learning wudo
🔗 20:52
Karingan: I did it, but no one saw, so I was fine :P
🔗 20:52
RvLeshrac: Man, Ian failed at doing nothing. Kappa
🔗 20:52
Theycallmejokke: Ah, fair enough, got it
🔗 20:52
Magnatek: Dan Hibiki, no!
🔗 20:52
Escherichia3: Emmons?
🔗 20:52
Rhynerd: Be brave Dan
🔗 20:52
r4v5: Lieutenant Dan!
🔗 20:53
eatenbyagrue1988: Detective Dan
🔗 20:53
plummeting_sloth: well, I know Dan?
🔗 20:53
Lord_Hosk: Taylor Bloom?
🔗 20:53
SquareDotCube: just down the street I think
🔗 20:53
plummeting_sloth: he's next to the butcher and the baker and the candlestick maker
🔗 20:53
plummeting_sloth: all of them named Dan
🔗 20:53
Diserasta: !left
🔗 20:53
Lord_Hosk: Is Taylor Bloom Judys brother?
🔗 20:53
CaptainSpam: But I want to find Bloom County!
🔗 20:53
ForOhForError: !game left
🔗 20:53
CaptainSpam: Ack! Thpppppt!
🔗 20:53
negativeview: wow, that place was quite close.
🔗 20:54
plummeting_sloth: sorry, I am only a fiber artist
🔗 20:54
Abcxyq: But who can tell us how to get to the Yan Tin apartments???
🔗 20:54
ForOhForError: Not even gonna buy anything jeez
🔗 20:55
Magnatek: Well, you know about the South Carmain Qr., at least.
🔗 20:55
Lord_Hosk: 50
🔗 20:55
SquareDotCube: -100, he'll never see it coming
🔗 20:55
ForOhForError: DOuble snake eyes
🔗 20:55
Lancer873: Let's not go to Bloom County, tis a silly place.
🔗 20:56
Karingan: Snek
🔗 20:56
negativeview: that guy's face creases made no sense.
🔗 20:56
plummeting_sloth: TURN AROUND, SNAKE EYES
🔗 20:56
eatenbyagrue1988: AND I BEEJ YOU NOW TONIGHT
🔗 20:56
Karingan: Oh lord
🔗 20:57
plummeting_sloth: and we see a brief window on to the madness
🔗 20:57
Herr_Entropy: WOOOOOOO
🔗 20:57
Herr_Entropy: AWWW YEAH
🔗 20:57
Diserasta: !highlight Total Eclipse of the Ian
🔗 20:57
SchalaKitty: Cor's face is always the best
🔗 20:57
Escherichia3: Cori knows the true meaning of suffering
🔗 20:57
LRRbot: Highlight added.
🔗 20:57
angelofdust337: Cori's face :D
🔗 20:57
Rocketman210: hell of a catch
🔗 20:57
shurtal: Cori is such a tolerant soul
🔗 20:57
QuarterNote_: Oh god is it desertbus
🔗 20:57
TacitusVigil: This is my jam. :D
🔗 20:57
negativeview: My wife: "really, dude bro?"
🔗 20:57
leebenningfield: the Protomen do a great cover of that song
🔗 20:57
Lord_Hosk: hehehe
🔗 20:57
RvLeshrac: Total Beejclipse
🔗 20:57
SquareDotCube: then Beej drop
🔗 20:57
Mikemccool: GG
🔗 20:57
Diserasta: Cori is in physical pain
🔗 20:57
Lord_Hosk: commitment!
🔗 20:58
Rhynerd: If only we knew.
🔗 20:58
Karingan: Encore!
🔗 20:58
eatenbyagrue1988: so is Beej like Beetlejuice, where saying his name three times summons him?
🔗 20:58
damullet14: Ian, you remember FAR more words of that song than I did when you started
🔗 20:58
plummeting_sloth: welp, I can die happy, and also unhappy
🔗 20:58
shurtal: highlight that, please
🔗 20:58
Rhynerd: The grand finale, the final Beej hunt.
🔗 20:58
Lord_Hosk: As in, I think you may want to consider committing Ian to a facilty
🔗 20:58
shurtal: somone please.
🔗 20:58
Rhynerd: It was already highlighted
🔗 20:58
plummeting_sloth: annnnnd mugged
🔗 20:58
shurtal: Good. We need to preserve for posterity
🔗 20:58
Abcxyq: Hey kid, you wanna buy a Beej?
🔗 20:59
Lord_Hosk: Also anyone can highlight things
🔗 20:59
r4v5: that may have been the most LRR thing I've ever seen
🔗 20:59
Rhynerd: The cat is a beej
🔗 20:59
justwhatever_idk: Tax Evasion
🔗 20:59
sharktoothjack17: that cat's not talking
🔗 20:59
eatenbyagrue1988: what does highlighting something do?
🔗 20:59
SquareDotCube: Burglary, obviously
🔗 20:59
shurtal: I thought highlighting was a mod only action.
🔗 20:59
ElementalAlchemist: Gotcha: New best game
🔗 20:59
Lord_Hosk: To highlight something type !highlight "description"
🔗 20:59
RvLeshrac: You bet for number of drops.
🔗 21:00
angelofdust337: I prefer Tusk
🔗 21:00
RvLeshrac: Well, Bid is more like it.
🔗 21:00
shurtal: Well, now I know.
🔗 21:00
RvLeshrac: You "win" no matter what.
🔗 21:00
Rhynerd: You are a detective sergeant
🔗 21:00
Lord_Hosk: I cant actually create the highlights right now though because of twitch issues
🔗 21:00
rebellioususername: good night chat ian and cori
🔗 21:00
plummeting_sloth: I can do it,I can do it 9 times
🔗 21:00
elah806: How many times? Almost time to go.
🔗 21:00
Rhynerd: You are assigned to robbery detail.
🔗 21:00
SquareDotCube: You can sell these as you've already got the set
🔗 21:00
Mikemccool: Has anyone played the ring for Dreamcast?
🔗 21:01
leebenningfield: priSure
🔗 21:01
Arclight_Dynamo: Bye folks!
🔗 21:01
Theycallmejokke: Thanks for happy fun kung fu streaming times Ian & Cori
🔗 21:01
Rhynerd: We all saw it
🔗 21:01
RvLeshrac: R-360 was a wacky SEGA cabinet.
🔗 21:01
Mikemccool: I actually bought it back in the day and It's the worst game i've ever played
🔗 21:01
angelofdust337: Mikemccool That weird game that felt like someone's Ring/Matrix fanfiction?
🔗 21:01
eatenbyagrue1988: !next
🔗 21:01
LRRbot: Next scheduled stream: Graham & Paul Let's Play at Wed 03:00 PM PDT (17:58 from now).
🔗 21:01
Rhynerd: Until then!
🔗 21:01
eatenbyagrue1988: MORE SINGING
🔗 21:01
angelofdust337: Thanks for the stream Ian and Cori!
🔗 21:01
Diserasta: PaRappa!
🔗 21:01
plummeting_sloth: don't you also have something of an event Saturday
🔗 21:02
Lord_Hosk: Should I comehere on saturday?
🔗 21:02
🔗 21:02
Rhynerd: Thanks for the stream you two!
🔗 21:02
TacitusVigil: Goodnight Cori, Goodnight Ian "Bonnie Tyler" Horner! :D
🔗 21:02
BubbaRad: elantris
🔗 21:02
Diserasta: Elantris
🔗 21:02
leebenningfield: Athena a.k.a. Elantris
🔗 21:02
Mikemccool: @angelofdust337 yes
🔗 21:02
TyrantTaco: Elantris
🔗 21:02
Riandisa: Thanks for streaming!
🔗 21:02
Rhynerd: Have a good one folks!
🔗 21:02
🔗 21:02
Karingan: Good night, people!
🔗 21:02
🔗 21:02
Theycallmejokke: bye!
🔗 21:02
sharktoothjack17: bue!
🔗 21:03
🔗 21:03
shurtal: Night all!
🔗 21:03
CaptainSpam: We had a lot of fun on I, Horner, but sometimes we learn something. Tonight, clearly, we did not. :-)
🔗 21:03
SquareDotCube: we learned three of the four wudes though
🔗 21:04
CaptainSpam: Elsewhere, Seabats is taking on all comers in SFV!
🔗 21:06
RvLeshrac: Oh man, LoadingReadyRun has just started streaming!
🔗 21:06
RvLeshrac: Thanks, Twitch!
🔗 21:13
mtvcdm: !live
🔗 21:13
LRRbot: Currently live fanstreamers: Seabats (https://secure.twitch.tv/seabats) is playing Street Fighter V (Bad player plays SFV badly. Seabadly. Day 345 of 365 ), UPickVG (https://secure.twitch.tv/upickvg) is playing Zombies Ate My Neighbors (#WorldWaterDay 28-hour Marathon of the games YOU pick, for @charitywater! #charity)
🔗 21:34
Nightvalien28: welp everyone is offline
🔗 21:34
CaptainSpam: The streaming night is over, apparently.
🔗 21:34
Nightvalien28: so it seems
🔗 21:35
CaptainSpam: Time to catch up on all the streams you've missed, then!
🔗 23:28
eatenbyagrue1988: !quote Kathleen
🔗 23:28
LRRbot: Quote #753: "I've never had a beard. I've been trying for years." —Kathleen [2015-09-28]
🔗 23:29
eatenbyagrue1988: !quote Cam
🔗 23:29
LRRbot: Quote #1157: "Cube is not Commander Draft. Cube is Momir Constructed." —Cameron [2015-11-26]